From 6f026ca26d4015f62d0d5ed639e79d320ece43a1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Holger Weiss Date: Wed, 6 Jan 2021 00:20:12 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] Integrate nicely with systemd Support systemd's watchdog feature and enable it by default in the unit file, so that ejabberd is auto-restarted if the VM becomes unresponsive. Also, set the systemd startup type to 'notify', so that startup of followup units is delayed until ejabberd signals readiness. While at it, also notify systemd of configuration reload and shutdown states. Note: "NotifyAccess=all" is required as long as "ejabberdctl foreground" runs the VM as a new child process, rather than "exec"ing it. This way, systemd views the ejabberdctl process itself as the main service process, and would discard notifications from other processes by default. --- ejabberd.service.template | 3 + src/ejabberd_app.erl | 2 + src/ejabberd_config.erl | 45 +++++---- src/ejabberd_sup.erl | 3 +- src/ejabberd_systemd.erl | 196 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 5 files changed, 227 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-) create mode 100644 src/ejabberd_systemd.erl diff --git a/ejabberd.service.template b/ejabberd.service.template index 526abe360..df205dfcf 100644 --- a/ejabberd.service.template +++ b/ejabberd.service.template @@ -3,14 +3,17 @@ Description=XMPP Server [Service] +Type=notify User=ejabberd Group=ejabberd LimitNOFILE=65536 Restart=on-failure RestartSec=5 +WatchdogSec=30 ExecStart=@ctlscriptpath@/ejabberdctl foreground ExecStop=/bin/sh -c '@ctlscriptpath@/ejabberdctl stop && @ctlscriptpath@/ejabberdctl stopped' ExecReload=@ctlscriptpath@/ejabberdctl reload_config +NotifyAccess=all PrivateDevices=true TimeoutSec=300 diff --git a/src/ejabberd_app.erl b/src/ejabberd_app.erl index 1473a09c2..bdb5e8a50 100644 --- a/src/ejabberd_app.erl +++ b/src/ejabberd_app.erl @@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ start(normal, _Args) -> ejabberd_cluster:wait_for_sync(infinity), ejabberd_hooks:run(ejabberd_started, []), ejabberd:check_apps(), + ejabberd_systemd:ready(), {T2, _} = statistics(wall_clock), ?INFO_MSG("ejabberd ~ts is started in the node ~p in ~.2fs", [ejabberd_option:version(), @@ -96,6 +97,7 @@ start_included_apps() -> %% This function is called when an application is about to be stopped, %% before shutting down the processes of the application. prep_stop(State) -> + ejabberd_systemd:stopping(), ejabberd_hooks:run(ejabberd_stopping, []), ejabberd_listener:stop(), ejabberd_sm:stop(), diff --git a/src/ejabberd_config.erl b/src/ejabberd_config.erl index 98edd9a48..8b1b2cfbc 100644 --- a/src/ejabberd_config.erl +++ b/src/ejabberd_config.erl @@ -93,30 +93,33 @@ load(Path) -> -spec reload() -> ok | error_return(). reload() -> + ejabberd_systemd:reloading(), ConfigFile = path(), ?INFO_MSG("Reloading configuration from ~ts", [ConfigFile]), OldHosts = get_myhosts(), - case load_file(ConfigFile) of - ok -> - NewHosts = get_myhosts(), - AddHosts = NewHosts -- OldHosts, - DelHosts = OldHosts -- NewHosts, - lists:foreach( - fun(Host) -> - ejabberd_hooks:run(host_up, [Host]) - end, AddHosts), - lists:foreach( - fun(Host) -> - ejabberd_hooks:run(host_down, [Host]) - end, DelHosts), - ejabberd_hooks:run(config_reloaded, []), - delete_host_options(DelHosts), - ?INFO_MSG("Configuration reloaded successfully", []); - Err -> - ?ERROR_MSG("Configuration reload aborted: ~ts", - [format_error(Err)]), - Err - end. + Res = case load_file(ConfigFile) of + ok -> + NewHosts = get_myhosts(), + AddHosts = NewHosts -- OldHosts, + DelHosts = OldHosts -- NewHosts, + lists:foreach( + fun(Host) -> + ejabberd_hooks:run(host_up, [Host]) + end, AddHosts), + lists:foreach( + fun(Host) -> + ejabberd_hooks:run(host_down, [Host]) + end, DelHosts), + ejabberd_hooks:run(config_reloaded, []), + delete_host_options(DelHosts), + ?INFO_MSG("Configuration reloaded successfully", []); + Err -> + ?ERROR_MSG("Configuration reload aborted: ~ts", + [format_error(Err)]), + Err + end, + ejabberd_systemd:ready(), + Res. -spec dump() -> ok | error_return(). dump() -> diff --git a/src/ejabberd_sup.erl b/src/ejabberd_sup.erl index a0c3e2305..572bad083 100644 --- a/src/ejabberd_sup.erl +++ b/src/ejabberd_sup.erl @@ -37,7 +37,8 @@ start_link() -> init([]) -> {ok, {{one_for_one, 10, 1}, - [worker(ejabberd_hooks), + [worker(ejabberd_systemd), + worker(ejabberd_hooks), worker(ejabberd_cluster), worker(translate), worker(ejabberd_access_permissions), diff --git a/src/ejabberd_systemd.erl b/src/ejabberd_systemd.erl new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5d4c63a55 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/ejabberd_systemd.erl @@ -0,0 +1,196 @@ +%%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- +%%% File : ejabberd_systemd.erl +%%% Author : Holger Weiss +%%% Purpose : Integrate with systemd +%%% Created : 5 Jan 2021 by Holger Weiss +%%% +%%% +%%% ejabberd, Copyright (C) 2021 ProcessOne +%%% +%%% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or +%%% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as +%%% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the +%%% License, or (at your option) any later version. +%%% +%%% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +%%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +%%% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU +%%% General Public License for more details. +%%% +%%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along +%%% with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., +%%% 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. +%%% +%%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +-module(ejabberd_systemd). +-author(''). +-behaviour(gen_server). + +-export([start_link/0, + ready/0, + reloading/0, + stopping/0]). +-export([init/1, + handle_call/3, + handle_cast/2, + handle_info/2, + terminate/2, + code_change/3]). + +-include("logger.hrl"). + +-record(state, + {socket :: gen_udp:socket() | undefined, + destination :: inet:local_address() | undefined, + interval :: pos_integer() | undefined, + last_ping :: integer() | undefined}). + +-type watchdog_timeout() :: pos_integer() | hibernate. +-type state() :: #state{}. + +%%-------------------------------------------------------------------- +%% API. +%%-------------------------------------------------------------------- +-spec start_link() -> {ok, pid()} | ignore | {error, term()}. +start_link() -> + gen_server:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, [], []). + +-spec ready() -> ok. +ready() -> + cast_notification(<<"READY=1">>). + +-spec reloading() -> ok. +reloading() -> + cast_notification(<<"RELOADING=1">>). + +-spec stopping() -> ok. +stopping() -> + cast_notification(<<"STOPPING=1">>). + +%%-------------------------------------------------------------------- +%% gen_mod callbacks. +%%-------------------------------------------------------------------- +-spec init(any()) + -> {ok, state()} | {ok, state(), watchdog_timeout()} | {stop, term()}. +init(_Opts) -> + process_flag(trap_exit, true), + case os:getenv("NOTIFY_SOCKET") of + [$@ | _Abstract] -> + ?CRITICAL_MSG("Abstract NOTIFY_SOCKET not supported", []), + {stop, esocktnosupport}; + Path when is_list(Path), length(Path) > 0 -> + ?DEBUG("Got NOTIFY_SOCKET: ~s", [Path]), + Destination = {local, Path}, + case gen_udp:open(0, [local]) of + {ok, Socket} -> + Interval = get_watchdog_interval(), + State = #state{socket = Socket, + destination = Destination, + interval = Interval}, + if is_integer(Interval), Interval > 0 -> + ?INFO_MSG("Watchdog notifications enabled", []), + {ok, set_last_ping(State), Interval}; + true -> + ?INFO_MSG("Watchdog notifications disabled", []), + {ok, State} + end; + {error, Reason} -> + ?CRITICAL_MSG("Cannot open IPC socket: ~p", [Reason]), + {stop, Reason} + end; + _ -> + ?INFO_MSG("Got no NOTIFY_SOCKET, notifications disabled", []), + {ok, #state{}} + end. + +-spec handle_call(term(), {pid(), term()}, state()) + -> {reply, {error, badarg}, state(), watchdog_timeout()}. +handle_call(Request, From, State) -> + ?ERROR_MSG("Got unexpected request from ~p: ~p", [From, Request]), + {reply, {error, badarg}, State, get_timeout(State)}. + +-spec handle_cast({notify, binary()} | term(), state()) + -> {noreply, state(), watchdog_timeout()}. +handle_cast({notify, Notification}, + #state{destination = undefined} = State) -> + ?DEBUG("No NOTIFY_SOCKET, dropping ~s notification", [Notification]), + {noreply, State, get_timeout(State)}; +handle_cast({notify, Notification}, State) -> + try notify(State, Notification) + catch _:Err -> + ?ERROR_MSG("Cannot send ~s notification: ~p", [Notification, Err]) + end, + {noreply, State, get_timeout(State)}; +handle_cast(Msg, State) -> + ?ERROR_MSG("Got unexpected message: ~p", [Msg]), + {noreply, State, get_timeout(State)}. + +-spec handle_info(timeout | term(), state()) + -> {noreply, state(), watchdog_timeout()}. +handle_info(timeout, #state{interval = Interval} = State) + when is_integer(Interval), Interval > 0 -> + try notify(State, <<"WATCHDOG=1">>) + catch _:Err -> + ?ERROR_MSG("Cannot ping watchdog: ~p", [Err]) + end, + {noreply, set_last_ping(State), Interval}; +handle_info(Info, State) -> + ?ERROR_MSG("Got unexpected info: ~p", [Info]), + {noreply, State, get_timeout(State)}. + +-spec terminate(normal | shutdown | {shutdown, term()} | term(), state()) -> ok. +terminate(Reason, #state{socket = undefined}) -> + ?DEBUG("Terminating ~s (~p)", [?MODULE, Reason]), + ok; +terminate(Reason, #state{socket = Socket}) -> + ?DEBUG("Closing socket and terminating ~s (~p)", [?MODULE, Reason]), + ok = gen_udp:close(Socket). + +-spec code_change({down, term()} | term(), state(), term()) -> {ok, state()}. +code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) -> + ?INFO_MSG("Got code change request", []), + {ok, State}. + +%%-------------------------------------------------------------------- +%% Internal functions. +%%-------------------------------------------------------------------- +-spec get_watchdog_interval() -> integer() | undefined. +get_watchdog_interval() -> + case os:getenv("WATCHDOG_USEC") of + WatchdogUSec when is_list(WatchdogUSec), length(WatchdogUSec) > 0 -> + Interval = round(0.5 * list_to_integer(WatchdogUSec)), + ?DEBUG("Watchdog interval: ~B microseconds", [Interval]), + erlang:convert_time_unit(Interval, microsecond, millisecond); + _ -> + undefined + end. + +-spec get_timeout(state()) -> watchdog_timeout(). +get_timeout(#state{interval = undefined}) -> + ?DEBUG("Watchdog interval is undefined, hibernating", []), + hibernate; +get_timeout(#state{interval = Interval, last_ping = LastPing}) -> + case Interval - (erlang:monotonic_time(millisecond) - LastPing) of + Timeout when Timeout > 0 -> + ?DEBUG("Calculated new timeout value: ~B", [Timeout]), + Timeout; + _ -> + ?DEBUG("Calculated new timeout value: 1", []), + 1 + end. + +-spec set_last_ping(state()) -> state(). +set_last_ping(State) -> + LastPing = erlang:monotonic_time(millisecond), + State#state{last_ping = LastPing}. + +-spec notify(state(), binary()) -> ok. +notify(#state{socket = Socket, destination = Destination}, + Notification) -> + ?DEBUG("Notifying systemd: ~s", [Notification]), + ok = gen_udp:send(Socket, Destination, 0, Notification). + +-spec cast_notification(binary()) -> ok. +cast_notification(Notification) -> + gen_server:cast(?MODULE, {notify, Notification}).