Get rid of compile warnings in test suite

This commit is contained in:
Evgeniy Khramtsov 2016-09-25 08:38:41 +03:00
parent fa31e3ef23
commit 7100c67be6
1 changed files with 35 additions and 31 deletions

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@ -769,7 +769,6 @@ test_legacy_auth(Config) ->
disconnect(auth_legacy(Config, _Digest = false)).
test_legacy_auth_digest(Config) ->
ServerJID = server_jid(Config),
disconnect(auth_legacy(Config, _Digest = true)).
test_legacy_auth_no_resource(Config0) ->
@ -818,7 +817,7 @@ roster_ver(Config) ->
%% Attempting to subscribe to server's JID
send(Config, #presence{type = subscribe, to = server_jid(Config)}),
%% Receive a single roster push with the new "ver"
?recv1(#iq{type = set, sub_els = [#roster_query{ver = Ver2}]}),
#iq{type = set, sub_els = [#roster_query{ver = Ver2}]} = recv(Config),
%% Requesting roster with the previous "ver". Should receive Ver2 again
#iq{type = result, sub_els = [#roster_query{ver = Ver2}]} =
send_recv(Config, #iq{type = get,
@ -952,7 +951,7 @@ sm(Config) ->
true = ?config(sm, Config),
%% Enable the session management with resumption enabled
send(Config, #sm_enable{resume = true, xmlns = ?NS_STREAM_MGMT_3}),
?recv1(#sm_enabled{id = ID, resume = true}),
#sm_enabled{id = ID, resume = true} = recv(Config),
%% Initial request; 'h' should be 0.
send(Config, #sm_r{xmlns = ?NS_STREAM_MGMT_3}),
?recv1(#sm_a{h = 0}),
@ -1564,6 +1563,7 @@ retrieve_messages_from_room_via_mam(Config, Range) ->
MyNick = ?config(master_nick, Config),
Room = muc_room_jid(Config),
MyNickJID = jid:replace_resource(Room, MyNick),
MyJID = my_jid(Config),
QID = randoms:get_string(),
Count = length(Range),
I = send(Config, #iq{type = set, to = Room,
@ -1592,7 +1592,6 @@ retrieve_messages_from_room_via_mam(Config, Range) ->
complete = true}]}).
muc_mam_master(Config) ->
MyJID = my_jid(Config),
MyNick = ?config(master_nick, Config),
Room = muc_room_jid(Config),
MyNickJID = jid:replace_resource(Room, MyNick),
@ -1735,10 +1734,10 @@ muc_master(Config) ->
affiliation = none}]} =
xmpp:get_subtag(?recv1(#presence{from = PeerNickJID}), #muc_user{}),
%% Receiving a voice request
?recv1(#message{from = Room,
#message{from = Room,
sub_els = [#xdata{type = form,
instructions = [_],
fields = VoiceReqFs}]}),
fields = VoiceReqFs}]} = recv(Config),
%% Approving the voice request
ReplyVoiceReqFs =
@ -1801,7 +1800,7 @@ muc_master(Config) ->
[#muc_item{affiliation = member,
jid = Localhost},
#muc_item{affiliation = member,
jid = MyBareJID}] = lists:keysort(#muc_item.jid, MemberList),
jid = PeerBareJID}] = lists:keysort(#muc_item.jid, MemberList),
%% Kick the peer
I2 = send(Config,
#iq{type = set, to = Room,
@ -1833,8 +1832,6 @@ muc_master(Config) ->
muc_slave(Config) ->
MyJID = my_jid(Config),
MyBareJID = jid:remove_resource(MyJID),
PeerJID = ?config(master, Config),
MUC = muc_jid(Config),
Room = muc_room_jid(Config),
@ -1843,7 +1840,6 @@ muc_slave(Config) ->
PeerNick = ?config(master_nick, Config),
PeerNickJID = jid:replace_resource(Room, PeerNick),
Subject = ?config(room_subject, Config),
Localhost = jid:make(<<"">>, <<"localhost">>, <<"">>),
%% Receive an invite from the peer
#muc_user{invites = [#muc_invite{from = PeerJID}]} =
xmpp:get_subtag(?recv1(#message{from = Room, type = normal}),
@ -2075,7 +2071,7 @@ flex_offline_slave(Config) ->
fun({I, N}) ->
Text = integer_to_binary(I),
?recv1(#message{body = Body, sub_els = SubEls}),
#message{body = Body, sub_els = SubEls} = recv(Config),
[#text{data = Text}] = Body,
#offline{items = [#offline_item{node = N}]} =
lists:keyfind(offline, 1, SubEls),
@ -2095,7 +2091,8 @@ flex_offline_slave(Config) ->
fun({I, N}) ->
Text = integer_to_binary(I),
?recv1(#message{body = [#text{data = Text}], sub_els = SubEls}),
#message{body = [#text{data = Text}],
sub_els = SubEls} = recv(Config),
#offline{items = [#offline_item{node = N}]} =
lists:keyfind(offline, 1, SubEls)
end, lists:zip([2, 4], [lists:nth(2, Nodes), lists:nth(4, Nodes)])),
@ -2335,10 +2332,11 @@ mam_new_slave(Config) ->
mam_slave(Config, NS) ->
Peer = ?config(master, Config),
MyJID = my_jid(Config),
ServerJID = server_jid(Config),
send(Config, #presence{}),
?recv2(#presence{}, #presence{from = Peer}),
?recv2(#presence{from = MyJID}, #presence{from = Peer}),
#iq{type = result, sub_els = [#mam_prefs{xmlns = NS, default = always}]} =
#iq{type = set,
@ -2463,13 +2461,17 @@ mam_query_rsm(Config, NS) ->
body = [Text]}]}]}]})
end, lists:seq(1, 3)),
if NS == ?NS_MAM_TMP ->
?recv1(#iq{type = result, id = I1,
sub_els = [#mam_query{xmlns = NS,
rsm = #rsm_set{last = Last, count = 5}}]});
#iq{type = result, id = I1,
sub_els = [#mam_query{xmlns = NS,
rsm = #rsm_set{last = Last,
count = 5}}]} =
true ->
?recv1(#message{sub_els = [#mam_fin{
complete = false,
rsm = #rsm_set{last = Last, count = 10}}]})
#message{sub_els = [#mam_fin{
complete = false,
rsm = #rsm_set{last = Last,
count = 10}}]} =
%% Get the next items starting from the `Last`.
%% Limit the response to 2 items.
@ -2495,19 +2497,21 @@ mam_query_rsm(Config, NS) ->
body = [Text]}]}]}]})
end, lists:seq(4, 5)),
if NS == ?NS_MAM_TMP ->
?recv1(#iq{type = result, id = I2,
sub_els = [#mam_query{
xmlns = NS,
rsm = #rsm_set{
count = 5,
first = #rsm_first{data = First}}}]});
#iq{type = result, id = I2,
sub_els = [#mam_query{
xmlns = NS,
rsm = #rsm_set{
count = 5,
first = #rsm_first{data = First}}}]} =
true ->
sub_els = [#mam_fin{
complete = false,
rsm = #rsm_set{
count = 10,
first = #rsm_first{data = First}}}]})
sub_els = [#mam_fin{
complete = false,
rsm = #rsm_set{
count = 10,
first = #rsm_first{data = First}}}]} =
%% Paging back. Should receive 3 elements: 1, 2, 3.
I3 = send(Config,