Improve get_roster command to return groups in a list instead of newlines

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Badlop 2023-09-21 12:45:27 +02:00
parent 426fd14b11
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@ -574,7 +574,10 @@ get_commands_spec() ->
#ejabberd_commands{name = get_roster, tags = [roster],
desc = "Get roster of a local user",
desc = "Get list of contacts in a local user roster",
longdesc =
"Subscription can be: \"none\", \"from\", \"to\", \"both\". "
"Pending can be: \"in\", \"out\", \"none\".",
policy = user,
module = ?MODULE, function = get_roster,
args = [],
@ -583,8 +586,8 @@ get_commands_spec() ->
{jid, string},
{nick, string},
{subscription, string},
{ask, string},
{group, string}
{pending, string},
{groups, {list, {group, string}}}
#ejabberd_commands{name = push_roster, tags = [roster],
desc = "Push template roster from file to a user",
@ -1334,25 +1337,16 @@ get_roster(User, Server) ->
%% Note: if a contact is in several groups, the contact is returned
%% several times, each one in a different group.
make_roster_xmlrpc(Roster) ->
fun(#roster_item{jid = JID, name = Nick, subscription = Sub, ask = Ask} = Item, Res) ->
fun(#roster_item{jid = JID, name = Nick, subscription = Sub, ask = Ask, groups = Groups} = Item) ->
JIDS = jid:encode(JID),
Subs = atom_to_list(Sub),
Asks = atom_to_list(Ask),
Groups = case Item#roster_item.groups of
[] -> [<<>>];
Gs -> Gs
ItemsX = [{JIDS, Nick, Subs, Asks, Group} || Group <- Groups],
ItemsX ++ Res
{JIDS, Nick, Subs, Asks, Groups}
%% Push Roster from file