mirror of https://github.com/processone/ejabberd.git synced 2024-09-25 14:24:55 +02:00

* src/mod_disco.erl: Functions register_sm_feature and

register_sm_node replaced with hooks (thanks to Sergei Golovan)
* src/mod_vcard.erl: 
* src/mod_vcard_ldap.erl: 

* src/mod_disco.erl: Now mod_disco doesn't depend on mod_configure
(thanks to Sergei Golovan)
* src/mod_configure.erl: Likewise

SVN Revision: 408
This commit is contained in:
Alexey Shchepin 2005-09-04 01:58:47 +00:00
parent 06a0e1df14
commit 83191198a1
5 changed files with 663 additions and 512 deletions

View File

@ -1,3 +1,14 @@
2005-09-04 Alexey Shchepin <alexey@sevcom.net>
* src/mod_disco.erl: Functions register_sm_feature and
register_sm_node replaced with hooks (thanks to Sergei Golovan)
* src/mod_vcard.erl:
* src/mod_vcard_ldap.erl:
* src/mod_disco.erl: Now mod_disco doesn't depend on mod_configure
(thanks to Sergei Golovan)
* src/mod_configure.erl: Likewise
2005-08-29 Alexey Shchepin <alexey@sevcom.net> 2005-08-29 Alexey Shchepin <alexey@sevcom.net>
* src/ejd2odbc.erl: Converter from mnesia to ODBC * src/ejd2odbc.erl: Converter from mnesia to ODBC

View File

@ -14,6 +14,11 @@
-export([start/2, -export([start/2,
stop/1, stop/1,
process_local_iq/3, process_local_iq/3,
process_sm_iq/3]). process_sm_iq/3]).
@ -27,14 +32,399 @@ start(Host, Opts) ->
?MODULE, process_local_iq, IQDisc), ?MODULE, process_local_iq, IQDisc),
gen_iq_handler:add_iq_handler(ejabberd_sm, Host, ?NS_EJABBERD_CONFIG, gen_iq_handler:add_iq_handler(ejabberd_sm, Host, ?NS_EJABBERD_CONFIG,
?MODULE, process_sm_iq, IQDisc), ?MODULE, process_sm_iq, IQDisc),
ejabberd_hooks:add(disco_local_items, Host, ?MODULE, get_local_items, 50),
ejabberd_hooks:add(disco_local_features, Host, ?MODULE, get_local_features, 50),
ejabberd_hooks:add(disco_local_identity, Host, ?MODULE, get_local_identity, 50),
ejabberd_hooks:add(disco_sm_items, Host, ?MODULE, get_sm_items, 50),
ejabberd_hooks:add(disco_sm_features, Host, ?MODULE, get_sm_features, 50),
ok. ok.
stop(Host) -> stop(Host) ->
ejabberd_hooks:delete(disco_sm_features, Host, ?MODULE, get_sm_features, 50),
ejabberd_hooks:delete(disco_sm_items, Host, ?MODULE, get_sm_items, 50),
ejabberd_hooks:delete(disco_local_identity, Host, ?MODULE, get_local_identity, 50),
ejabberd_hooks:delete(disco_local_features, Host, ?MODULE, get_local_features, 50),
ejabberd_hooks:delete(disco_local_items, Host, ?MODULE, get_local_items, 50),
gen_iq_handler:remove_iq_handler(ejabberd_local, Host, ?NS_EJABBERD_CONFIG), gen_iq_handler:remove_iq_handler(ejabberd_local, Host, ?NS_EJABBERD_CONFIG),
gen_iq_handler:remove_iq_handler(ejabberd_sm, Host, ?NS_EJABBERD_CONFIG). gen_iq_handler:remove_iq_handler(ejabberd_sm, Host, ?NS_EJABBERD_CONFIG).
process_local_iq(From, To, #iq{id = ID, type = Type, xmlns = XMLNS, -define(EMPTY_INFO_RESULT, {result, Feats}).
get_sm_features({error, _Error} = Acc, _From, _To, _Node, _Lang) ->
get_sm_features(Acc, From, #jid{lserver = LServer} = _To, Node, _Lang) ->
case {acl:match_rule(LServer, configure, From), Node} of
{allow, []} ->
case Acc of
{result, Features} ->
{result, [?NS_EJABBERD_CONFIG | Features]};
empty ->
_ ->
get_local_identity(Acc, _From, _To, Node, _Lang) ->
case Node of
["running nodes", ENode] ->
[{xmlelement, "identity",
[{"category", "ejabberd"},
{"type", "node"},
{"name", ENode}], []}];
_ ->
get_local_features({error, _Error} = Acc, _From, _To, _Node, _Lang) ->
get_local_features(Acc, _From, _To, [], _Lang) ->
get_local_features(Acc, From, #jid{lserver = LServer} = _To, Node, _Lang) ->
Feats = case Acc of
{result, Features} -> Features;
empty -> []
case {acl:match_rule(LServer, configure, From), Node} of
{deny, _} ->
{error, ?ERR_NOT_ALLOWED};
{allow, ["config"]} ->
{allow, ["online users"]} ->
{allow, ["all users"]} ->
{allow, ["all users", [$@ | _]]} ->
{allow, ["outgoing s2s" | _]} ->
{allow, ["running nodes"]} ->
{allow, ["stopped nodes"]} ->
{allow, ["running nodes", _ENode]} ->
{result, [?NS_STATS | Feats]};
{allow, ["running nodes", _ENode, "DB"]} ->
{result, [?NS_EJABBERD_CONFIG | Feats]};
{allow, ["running nodes", _ENode, "modules"]} ->
{allow, ["running nodes", _ENode, "modules", _]} ->
{result, [?NS_EJABBERD_CONFIG | Feats]};
{allow, ["running nodes", _ENode, "backup"]} ->
{allow, ["running nodes", _ENode, "backup", _]} ->
{result, [?NS_EJABBERD_CONFIG | Feats]};
{allow, ["running nodes", _ENode, "import"]} ->
{allow, ["running nodes", _ENode, "import", _]} ->
{result, [?NS_EJABBERD_CONFIG | Feats]};
{allow, ["config", _]} ->
{result, [?NS_EJABBERD_CONFIG | Feats]};
_ ->
get_sm_items({error, _Error} = Acc, _From, _To, _Node, _Lang) ->
get_sm_items(Acc, From,
#jid{user = User, server = Server, lserver = LServer} = _To,
Node, _Lang) ->
case {acl:match_rule(LServer, configure, From), Node} of
{allow, []} ->
Items = case Acc of
{result, Its} ->
empty ->
{result, Items ++ get_user_resources(User, Server)};
_ ->
get_user_resources(User, Server) ->
Rs = ejabberd_sm:get_user_resources(User, Server),
lists:map(fun(R) ->
{xmlelement, "item",
[{"jid", User ++ "@" ++ Server ++ "/" ++ R},
{"name", User}], []}
end, lists:sort(Rs)).
get_local_items({error, _Error} = Acc, _From, _To, _Node, _Lang) ->
get_local_items(Acc, From, #jid{lserver = LServer} = To, Node, Lang) ->
Items = case Acc of
{result, Its} ->
empty ->
case acl:match_rule(LServer, configure, From) of
deny when Node /= [] ->
{error, ?ERR_NOT_ALLOWED};
deny ->
{result, Items};
_ ->
case get_local_items(To#jid.lserver, Node,
jlib:jid_to_string(To), Lang) of
{result, Res} ->
{result, Items ++ Res};
{error, Error} ->
{error, Error}
-define(NODE(Name, Node),
{xmlelement, "item",
[{"jid", Server},
{"name", translate:translate(Lang, Name)},
{"node", Node}], []}).
get_local_items(_Host, [], Server, Lang) ->
[?NODE("Configuration", "config"),
?NODE("Online Users", "online users"),
?NODE("All Users", "all users"),
?NODE("Outgoing S2S connections", "outgoing s2s"),
?NODE("Running Nodes", "running nodes"),
?NODE("Stopped Nodes", "stopped nodes")
get_local_items(_Host, ["config"], Server, Lang) ->
[?NODE("Host Name", "config/hostname"),
?NODE("Access Control Lists", "config/acls"),
?NODE("Access Rules", "config/access")
% Too expensive on big hosts
%?NODE("Remove Users", "config/remusers")
get_local_items(_Host, ["config", _], _Server, _Lang) ->
{result, []};
get_local_items(Host, ["online users"], _Server, _Lang) ->
{result, get_online_vh_users(Host)};
get_local_items(Host, ["all users"], _Server, _Lang) ->
{result, get_all_vh_users(Host)};
get_local_items(_Host, ["all users", [$@ | Diap]], _Server, _Lang) ->
case catch ejabberd_auth:dirty_get_registered_users() of
{'EXIT', _Reason} ->
Users ->
SUsers = lists:sort([{S, U} || {U, S} <- Users]),
case catch begin
{ok, [S1, S2]} = regexp:split(Diap, "-"),
N1 = list_to_integer(S1),
N2 = list_to_integer(S2),
Sub = lists:sublist(SUsers, N1, N2 - N1 + 1),
lists:map(fun({S, U}) ->
{xmlelement, "item",
[{"jid", U ++ "@" ++ S},
{"name", U ++ "@" ++ S}], []}
end, Sub)
end of
{'EXIT', _Reason} ->
Res ->
{result, Res}
get_local_items(Host, ["outgoing s2s"], _Server, Lang) ->
{result, get_outgoing_s2s(Host, Lang)};
get_local_items(Host, ["outgoing s2s", To], _Server, Lang) ->
{result, get_outgoing_s2s(Host, Lang, To)};
get_local_items(_Host, ["running nodes"], _Server, Lang) ->
{result, get_running_nodes(Lang)};
get_local_items(_Host, ["stopped nodes"], _Server, Lang) ->
{result, get_stopped_nodes(Lang)};
get_local_items(_Host, ["running nodes", ENode], Server, Lang) ->
[?NODE("DB", "running nodes/" ++ ENode ++ "/DB"),
?NODE("Modules", "running nodes/" ++ ENode ++ "/modules"),
?NODE("Backup Management", "running nodes/" ++ ENode ++ "/backup"),
?NODE("Import users from jabberd1.4 spool files",
"running nodes/" ++ ENode ++ "/import")
get_local_items(_Host, ["running nodes", _ENode, "DB"], _Server, _Lang) ->
{result, []};
get_local_items(_Host, ["running nodes", ENode, "modules"], Server, Lang) ->
[?NODE("Start Modules", "running nodes/" ++ ENode ++ "/modules/start"),
?NODE("Stop Modules", "running nodes/" ++ ENode ++ "/modules/stop")
get_local_items(_Host, ["running nodes", _ENode, "modules", _], _Server, _Lang) ->
{result, []};
get_local_items(_Host, ["running nodes", ENode, "backup"], Server, Lang) ->
[?NODE("Backup", "running nodes/" ++ ENode ++ "/backup/backup"),
?NODE("Restore", "running nodes/" ++ ENode ++ "/backup/restore"),
?NODE("Dump to Text File",
"running nodes/" ++ ENode ++ "/backup/textfile")
get_local_items(_Host, ["running nodes", _ENode, "backup", _], _Server, _Lang) ->
{result, []};
get_local_items(_Host, ["running nodes", ENode, "import"], Server, Lang) ->
[?NODE("Import File", "running nodes/" ++ ENode ++ "/import/file"),
?NODE("Import Directory", "running nodes/" ++ ENode ++ "/import/dir")
get_local_items(_Host, ["running nodes", _ENode, "import", _], _Server, _Lang) ->
{result, []};
get_local_items(_Host, _, _Server, _Lang) ->
get_online_vh_users(Host) ->
case catch ejabberd_sm:get_vh_session_list(Host) of
{'EXIT', _Reason} ->
USRs ->
SURs = lists:sort([{S, U, R} || {U, S, R} <- USRs]),
lists:map(fun({S, U, R}) ->
{xmlelement, "item",
[{"jid", U ++ "@" ++ S ++ "/" ++ R},
{"name", U ++ "@" ++ S}], []}
end, SURs)
get_all_vh_users(Host) ->
case catch ejabberd_auth:get_vh_registered_users(Host) of
{'EXIT', _Reason} ->
Users ->
SUsers = lists:sort([{S, U} || {U, S} <- Users]),
case length(SUsers) of
N when N =< 100 ->
lists:map(fun({S, U}) ->
{xmlelement, "item",
[{"jid", U ++ "@" ++ S},
{"name", U ++ "@" ++ S}], []}
end, SUsers);
N ->
NParts = trunc(math:sqrt(N * 0.618)) + 1,
M = trunc(N / NParts) + 1,
lists:map(fun(K) ->
L = K + M - 1,
Node =
"@" ++ integer_to_list(K) ++
"-" ++ integer_to_list(L),
{FS, FU} = lists:nth(K, SUsers),
{LS, LU} =
if L < N -> lists:nth(L, SUsers);
true -> lists:last(SUsers)
Name =
FU ++ "@" ++ FS ++
" -- " ++
LU ++ "@" ++ LS,
{xmlelement, "item",
[{"jid", Host},
{"node", "all users/" ++ Node},
{"name", Name}], []}
end, lists:seq(1, N, M))
get_outgoing_s2s(Host, Lang) ->
case catch ejabberd_s2s:dirty_get_connections() of
{'EXIT', _Reason} ->
Connections ->
DotHost = "." ++ Host,
TConns = [TH || {FH, TH} <- Connections,
Host == FH orelse lists:suffix(DotHost, FH)],
fun(T) ->
{xmlelement, "item",
[{"jid", Host},
{"node", "outgoing s2s/" ++ T},
translate:translate(Lang, "To ~s"), [T]))}],
end, lists:usort(TConns))
get_outgoing_s2s(Host, Lang, To) ->
case catch ejabberd_s2s:dirty_get_connections() of
{'EXIT', _Reason} ->
Connections ->
fun({F, _T}) ->
{xmlelement, "item",
[{"jid", Host},
{"node", "outgoing s2s/" ++ To ++ "/" ++ F},
translate:translate(Lang, "From ~s"), [F]))}],
end, lists:keysort(1, lists:filter(fun(E) ->
element(2, E) == To
end, Connections)))
get_running_nodes(_Lang) ->
case catch mnesia:system_info(running_db_nodes) of
{'EXIT', _Reason} ->
DBNodes ->
fun(N) ->
S = atom_to_list(N),
{xmlelement, "item",
[{"jid", ?MYNAME},
{"node", "running nodes/" ++ S},
{"name", S}],
end, lists:sort(DBNodes))
get_stopped_nodes(_Lang) ->
case catch (lists:usort(mnesia:system_info(db_nodes) ++
mnesia:system_info(extra_db_nodes)) --
mnesia:system_info(running_db_nodes)) of
{'EXIT', _Reason} ->
DBNodes ->
fun(N) ->
S = atom_to_list(N),
{xmlelement, "item",
[{"jid", ?MYNAME},
{"node", "stopped nodes/" ++ S},
{"name", S}],
end, lists:sort(DBNodes))
process_local_iq(From, To, #iq{type = Type, xmlns = XMLNS,
lang = Lang, sub_el = SubEl} = IQ) -> lang = Lang, sub_el = SubEl} = IQ) ->
case acl:match_rule(To#jid.lserver, configure, From) of case acl:match_rule(To#jid.lserver, configure, From) of
deny -> deny ->
@ -46,7 +436,7 @@ process_local_iq(From, To, #iq{id = ID, type = Type, xmlns = XMLNS,
case XDataEl of case XDataEl of
false -> false ->
IQ#iq{type = error, sub_el = [SubEl, ?ERR_NOT_ACCEPTABLE]}; IQ#iq{type = error, sub_el = [SubEl, ?ERR_NOT_ACCEPTABLE]};
{xmlelement, _Name, Attrs, SubEls} -> {xmlelement, _Name, Attrs, _SubEls} ->
case xml:get_attr_s("type", Attrs) of case xml:get_attr_s("type", Attrs) of
"cancel" -> "cancel" ->
IQ#iq{type = result, IQ#iq{type = result,
@ -394,7 +784,7 @@ get_form(["config", "remusers"], Lang) ->
translate:translate( translate:translate(
Lang, "Choose users to remove")}]}] ++ Lang, "Choose users to remove")}]}] ++
case catch ejabberd_auth:dirty_get_registered_users() of case catch ejabberd_auth:dirty_get_registered_users() of
{'EXIT', Reason} -> {'EXIT', _Reason} ->
[]; [];
Users -> Users ->
lists:map(fun(U) -> lists:map(fun(U) ->
@ -403,12 +793,12 @@ get_form(["config", "remusers"], Lang) ->
end end
}]}; }]};
get_form(_, Lang) -> get_form(_, _Lang) ->
set_form(["running nodes", ENode, "DB"], Lang, XData) -> set_form(["running nodes", ENode, "DB"], _Lang, XData) ->
case search_running_node(ENode) of case search_running_node(ENode) of
false -> false ->
@ -442,7 +832,7 @@ set_form(["running nodes", ENode, "DB"], Lang, XData) ->
{result, []} {result, []}
end; end;
set_form(["running nodes", ENode, "modules", "stop"], Lang, XData) -> set_form(["running nodes", ENode, "modules", "stop"], _Lang, XData) ->
case search_running_node(ENode) of case search_running_node(ENode) of
false -> false ->
@ -460,7 +850,7 @@ set_form(["running nodes", ENode, "modules", "stop"], Lang, XData) ->
{result, []} {result, []}
end; end;
set_form(["running nodes", ENode, "modules", "start"], Lang, XData) -> set_form(["running nodes", ENode, "modules", "start"], _Lang, XData) ->
case search_running_node(ENode) of case search_running_node(ENode) of
false -> false ->
@ -496,7 +886,7 @@ set_form(["running nodes", ENode, "modules", "start"], Lang, XData) ->
end; end;
set_form(["running nodes", ENode, "backup", "backup"], Lang, XData) -> set_form(["running nodes", ENode, "backup", "backup"], _Lang, XData) ->
case search_running_node(ENode) of case search_running_node(ENode) of
false -> false ->
@ -506,9 +896,9 @@ set_form(["running nodes", ENode, "backup", "backup"], Lang, XData) ->
{error, ?ERR_BAD_REQUEST}; {error, ?ERR_BAD_REQUEST};
{value, {_, [String]}} -> {value, {_, [String]}} ->
case rpc:call(Node, mnesia, backup, [String]) of case rpc:call(Node, mnesia, backup, [String]) of
{badrpc, Reason} -> {badrpc, _Reason} ->
{error, Reason} -> {error, _Reason} ->
_ -> _ ->
{result, []} {result, []}
@ -519,7 +909,7 @@ set_form(["running nodes", ENode, "backup", "backup"], Lang, XData) ->
end; end;
set_form(["running nodes", ENode, "backup", "restore"], Lang, XData) -> set_form(["running nodes", ENode, "backup", "restore"], _Lang, XData) ->
case search_running_node(ENode) of case search_running_node(ENode) of
false -> false ->
@ -530,9 +920,9 @@ set_form(["running nodes", ENode, "backup", "restore"], Lang, XData) ->
{value, {_, [String]}} -> {value, {_, [String]}} ->
case rpc:call(Node, mnesia, restore, case rpc:call(Node, mnesia, restore,
[String, [{default_op, keep_tables}]]) of [String, [{default_op, keep_tables}]]) of
{badrpc, Reason} -> {badrpc, _Reason} ->
{error, Reason} -> {error, _Reason} ->
_ -> _ ->
{result, []} {result, []}
@ -543,7 +933,7 @@ set_form(["running nodes", ENode, "backup", "restore"], Lang, XData) ->
end; end;
set_form(["running nodes", ENode, "backup", "textfile"], Lang, XData) -> set_form(["running nodes", ENode, "backup", "textfile"], _Lang, XData) ->
case search_running_node(ENode) of case search_running_node(ENode) of
false -> false ->
@ -553,9 +943,9 @@ set_form(["running nodes", ENode, "backup", "textfile"], Lang, XData) ->
{error, ?ERR_BAD_REQUEST}; {error, ?ERR_BAD_REQUEST};
{value, {_, [String]}} -> {value, {_, [String]}} ->
case rpc:call(Node, mnesia, dump_to_textfile, [String]) of case rpc:call(Node, mnesia, dump_to_textfile, [String]) of
{badrpc, Reason} -> {badrpc, _Reason} ->
{error, Reason} -> {error, _Reason} ->
_ -> _ ->
{result, []} {result, []}
@ -566,7 +956,7 @@ set_form(["running nodes", ENode, "backup", "textfile"], Lang, XData) ->
end; end;
set_form(["running nodes", ENode, "import", "file"], Lang, XData) -> set_form(["running nodes", ENode, "import", "file"], _Lang, XData) ->
case search_running_node(ENode) of case search_running_node(ENode) of
false -> false ->
@ -583,7 +973,7 @@ set_form(["running nodes", ENode, "import", "file"], Lang, XData) ->
end; end;
set_form(["running nodes", ENode, "import", "dir"], Lang, XData) -> set_form(["running nodes", ENode, "import", "dir"], _Lang, XData) ->
case search_running_node(ENode) of case search_running_node(ENode) of
false -> false ->
@ -600,7 +990,7 @@ set_form(["running nodes", ENode, "import", "dir"], Lang, XData) ->
end; end;
set_form(["config", "hostname"], Lang, XData) -> set_form(["config", "hostname"], _Lang, XData) ->
case lists:keysearch("hostname", 1, XData) of case lists:keysearch("hostname", 1, XData) of
false -> false ->
{error, ?ERR_BAD_REQUEST}; {error, ?ERR_BAD_REQUEST};
@ -613,7 +1003,7 @@ set_form(["config", "hostname"], Lang, XData) ->
end; end;
set_form(["config", "acls"], Lang, XData) -> set_form(["config", "acls"], _Lang, XData) ->
case lists:keysearch("acls", 1, XData) of case lists:keysearch("acls", 1, XData) of
{value, {_, Strings}} -> {value, {_, Strings}} ->
String = lists:foldl(fun(S, Res) -> String = lists:foldl(fun(S, Res) ->
@ -639,7 +1029,7 @@ set_form(["config", "acls"], Lang, XData) ->
end; end;
set_form(["config", "access"], Lang, XData) -> set_form(["config", "access"], _Lang, XData) ->
SetAccess = SetAccess =
fun(Rs) -> fun(Rs) ->
mnesia:transaction( mnesia:transaction(
@ -685,7 +1075,7 @@ set_form(["config", "access"], Lang, XData) ->
end; end;
set_form(["config", "remusers"], Lang, XData) -> set_form(["config", "remusers"], _Lang, XData) ->
lists:foreach( lists:foreach(
fun({Var, Vals}) -> fun({Var, Vals}) ->
case Vals of case Vals of
@ -697,7 +1087,7 @@ set_form(["config", "remusers"], Lang, XData) ->
end, XData), end, XData),
{result, []}; {result, []};
set_form(_, Lang, XData) -> set_form(_, _Lang, _XData) ->
@ -730,7 +1120,7 @@ process_sm_iq(From, To,
case XDataEl of case XDataEl of
false -> false ->
IQ#iq{type = error, sub_el = [SubEl, ?ERR_NOT_ACCEPTABLE]}; IQ#iq{type = error, sub_el = [SubEl, ?ERR_NOT_ACCEPTABLE]};
{xmlelement, _Name, Attrs, SubEls} -> {xmlelement, _Name, Attrs, _SubEls} ->
case xml:get_attr_s("type", Attrs) of case xml:get_attr_s("type", Attrs) of
"cancel" -> "cancel" ->
IQ#iq{type = result, IQ#iq{type = result,
@ -815,11 +1205,11 @@ get_sm_form(User, Server, [], Lang) ->
% [{xmlelement, "value", [], [{xmlcdata, ?MYNAME}]}]} % [{xmlelement, "value", [], [{xmlcdata, ?MYNAME}]}]}
]}]}; ]}]};
get_sm_form(_User, _Server, _Node, Lang) -> get_sm_form(_User, _Server, _Node, _Lang) ->
set_sm_form(User, Server, [], Lang, XData) -> set_sm_form(User, Server, [], _Lang, XData) ->
case lists:keysearch("action", 1, XData) of case lists:keysearch("action", 1, XData) of
{value, {_, ["edit"]}} -> {value, {_, ["edit"]}} ->
case lists:keysearch("password", 1, XData) of case lists:keysearch("password", 1, XData) of
@ -835,7 +1225,7 @@ set_sm_form(User, Server, [], Lang, XData) ->
_ -> _ ->
end; end;
set_sm_form(_User, _Server, _Node, Lang, XData) -> set_sm_form(_User, _Server, _Node, _Lang, _XData) ->
find_xdata_el({xmlelement, _Name, _Attrs, SubEls}) -> find_xdata_el({xmlelement, _Name, _Attrs, SubEls}) ->

View File

@ -16,26 +16,22 @@
stop/1, stop/1,
process_local_iq_items/3, process_local_iq_items/3,
process_local_iq_info/3, process_local_iq_info/3,
process_sm_iq_items/3, process_sm_iq_items/3,
process_sm_iq_info/3, process_sm_iq_info/3,
register_feature/2, register_feature/2,
unregister_feature/2, unregister_feature/2,
register_extra_domain/2, register_extra_domain/2,
unregister_extra_domain/2, unregister_extra_domain/2]).
-include("ejabberd.hrl"). -include("ejabberd.hrl").
-include("jlib.hrl"). -include("jlib.hrl").
IQ#iq{type = result,
sub_el = [{xmlelement, "query",
[{"xmlns", ?NS_DISCO_INFO},
{"node", SNode}], []}]}).
start(Host, Opts) -> start(Host, Opts) ->
ejabberd_local:refresh_iq_handlers(), ejabberd_local:refresh_iq_handlers(),
@ -60,9 +56,21 @@ start(Host, Opts) ->
ExtraDomains), ExtraDomains),
catch ets:new(disco_sm_features, [named_table, ordered_set, public]), catch ets:new(disco_sm_features, [named_table, ordered_set, public]),
catch ets:new(disco_sm_nodes, [named_table, ordered_set, public]), catch ets:new(disco_sm_nodes, [named_table, ordered_set, public]),
ejabberd_hooks:add(disco_local_items, Host, ?MODULE, get_local_services, 100),
ejabberd_hooks:add(disco_local_features, Host, ?MODULE, get_local_features, 100),
ejabberd_hooks:add(disco_local_identity, Host, ?MODULE, get_local_identity, 100),
ejabberd_hooks:add(disco_sm_items, Host, ?MODULE, get_sm_items, 100),
ejabberd_hooks:add(disco_sm_features, Host, ?MODULE, get_sm_features, 100),
ejabberd_hooks:add(disco_sm_identity, Host, ?MODULE, get_sm_identity, 100),
ok. ok.
stop(Host) -> stop(Host) ->
ejabberd_hooks:delete(disco_sm_identity, Host, ?MODULE, get_sm_identity, 100),
ejabberd_hooks:delete(disco_sm_features, Host, ?MODULE, get_sm_features, 100),
ejabberd_hooks:delete(disco_sm_items, Host, ?MODULE, get_sm_items, 100),
ejabberd_hooks:delete(disco_local_identity, Host, ?MODULE, get_local_identity, 100),
ejabberd_hooks:delete(disco_local_features, Host, ?MODULE, get_local_features, 100),
ejabberd_hooks:delete(disco_local_items, Host, ?MODULE, get_local_services, 100),
gen_iq_handler:remove_iq_handler(ejabberd_local, Host, ?NS_DISCO_ITEMS), gen_iq_handler:remove_iq_handler(ejabberd_local, Host, ?NS_DISCO_ITEMS),
gen_iq_handler:remove_iq_handler(ejabberd_local, Host, ?NS_DISCO_INFO), gen_iq_handler:remove_iq_handler(ejabberd_local, Host, ?NS_DISCO_INFO),
gen_iq_handler:remove_iq_handler(ejabberd_sm, Host, ?NS_DISCO_ITEMS), gen_iq_handler:remove_iq_handler(ejabberd_sm, Host, ?NS_DISCO_ITEMS),
@ -97,121 +105,84 @@ process_local_iq_items(From, To, #iq{type = Type, lang = Lang, sub_el = SubEl} =
Node = string:tokens(SNode, "/"), Node = string:tokens(SNode, "/"),
Host = To#jid.lserver, Host = To#jid.lserver,
case acl:match_rule(Host, configure, From) of case ejabberd_hooks:run_fold(disco_local_items,
deny when Node /= [] -> Host,
IQ#iq{type = error, sub_el = [SubEl, ?ERR_NOT_ALLOWED]}; empty,
deny -> [From, To, Node, Lang]) of
{result, Items} ->
ANode = case Node of
[] -> [];
_ -> [{"node", SNode}]
IQ#iq{type = result, IQ#iq{type = result,
sub_el = [{xmlelement, "query", sub_el = [{xmlelement, "query",
[{"xmlns", ?NS_DISCO_ITEMS}], [{"xmlns", ?NS_DISCO_ITEMS} | ANode],
get_services_only(Host) Items
_ ->
case get_local_items(Host, Node,
jlib:jid_to_string(To), Lang) of
{result, Res} ->
IQ#iq{type = result,
sub_el = [{xmlelement, "query",
[{"xmlns", ?NS_DISCO_ITEMS},
{"node", SNode}],
}]}; }]};
{error, Error} -> {error, Error} ->
IQ#iq{type = error, sub_el = [SubEl, Error]} IQ#iq{type = error, sub_el = [SubEl, Error]}
end end
end. end.
process_local_iq_info(From, To, #iq{type = Type, xmlns = XMLNS, process_local_iq_info(From, To, #iq{type = Type, lang = Lang,
sub_el = SubEl} = IQ) -> sub_el = SubEl} = IQ) ->
case Type of case Type of
set -> set ->
IQ#iq{type = error, sub_el = [SubEl, ?ERR_NOT_ALLOWED]}; IQ#iq{type = error, sub_el = [SubEl, ?ERR_NOT_ALLOWED]};
get -> get ->
LServer = To#jid.lserver, Host = To#jid.lserver,
SNode = xml:get_tag_attr_s("node", SubEl), SNode = xml:get_tag_attr_s("node", SubEl),
Node = string:tokens(SNode, "/"), Node = string:tokens(SNode, "/"),
case {acl:match_rule(LServer, configure, From), Node} of Identity = ejabberd_hooks:run_fold(disco_local_identity,
{_, []} -> Host,
Features = lists:map(
fun feature_to_xml/1,
[{{{'$1', LServer}},
[], [],
['$1']}])), [From, To, Node, Lang]),
case ejabberd_hooks:run_fold(disco_local_features,
[From, To, Node, Lang]) of
{result, Features} ->
ANode = case Node of
[] -> [];
_ -> [{"node", SNode}]
IQ#iq{type = result, IQ#iq{type = result,
sub_el = [{xmlelement, sub_el = [{xmlelement, "query",
"query", [{"xmlns", ?NS_DISCO_INFO} | ANode],
[{"xmlns", ?NS_DISCO_INFO}], Identity ++
lists:map(fun feature_to_xml/1, Features)
{error, Error} ->
IQ#iq{type = error, sub_el = [SubEl, Error]}
get_local_identity(_Acc, _From, _To, [], _Lang) ->
[{xmlelement, "identity", [{xmlelement, "identity",
[{"category", "server"}, [{"category", "server"},
{"type", "im"}, {"type", "im"},
{"name", "ejabberd"}], []}] ++ {"name", "ejabberd"}], []}];
}]}; get_local_identity(Acc, _From, _To, _Node, _Lang) ->
{deny, _} -> Acc.
IQ#iq{type = error, sub_el = [SubEl, ?ERR_NOT_ALLOWED]};
{allow, ["config"]} -> ?EMPTY_INFO_RESULT; get_local_features({error, _Error} = Acc, _From, _To, _Node, _Lang) ->
{allow, ["online users"]} -> ?EMPTY_INFO_RESULT; Acc;
{allow, ["all users"]} -> ?EMPTY_INFO_RESULT;
{allow, ["all users", [$@ | _]]} -> ?EMPTY_INFO_RESULT; get_local_features(Acc, _From, _To, [], _Lang) ->
{allow, ["outgoing s2s" | _]} -> ?EMPTY_INFO_RESULT; Feats = case Acc of
{allow, ["running nodes"]} -> ?EMPTY_INFO_RESULT; {result, Features} -> Features;
{allow, ["stopped nodes"]} -> ?EMPTY_INFO_RESULT; empty -> []
{allow, ["running nodes", ENode]} -> end,
IQ#iq{type = result, {result, ets:tab2list(disco_features) ++ Feats};
sub_el = [{xmlelement,
"query", get_local_features(Acc, _From, _To, _Node, _Lang) ->
[{"xmlns", XMLNS}, case Acc of
{"node", SNode}], {result, _Features} ->
[{xmlelement, "identity", Acc;
[{"category", "ejabberd"}, empty ->
{"type", "node"}, {error, ?ERR_ITEM_NOT_FOUND}
{"name", ENode}], []},
{allow, ["running nodes", ENode, "DB"]} ->
IQ#iq{type = result,
sub_el = [{xmlelement,
[{"xmlns", XMLNS},
{"node", SNode}],
{allow, ["running nodes", ENode, "modules"]} ->
{allow, ["running nodes", ENode, "modules", _]} ->
IQ#iq{type = result,
sub_el = [{xmlelement, "query",
[{"xmlns", XMLNS},
{"node", SNode}],
{allow, ["running nodes", ENode, "backup"]} ->
{allow, ["running nodes", ENode, "backup", _]} ->
IQ#iq{type = result,
sub_el = [{xmlelement, "query",
[{"xmlns", XMLNS},
{"node", SNode}],
{allow, ["running nodes", ENode, "import"]} ->
{allow, ["running nodes", ENode, "import", _]} ->
IQ#iq{type = result,
sub_el = [{xmlelement, "query",
[{"xmlns", XMLNS},
{"node", SNode}],
{allow, ["config", _]} ->
IQ#iq{type = result,
sub_el = [{xmlelement, "query",
[{"xmlns", XMLNS},
{"node", SNode}],
_ ->
IQ#iq{type = error, sub_el = [SubEl, ?ERR_ITEM_NOT_FOUND]}
end. end.
@ -225,140 +196,27 @@ domain_to_xml({Domain}) ->
domain_to_xml(Domain) -> domain_to_xml(Domain) ->
{xmlelement, "item", [{"jid", Domain}], []}. {xmlelement, "item", [{"jid", Domain}], []}.
-define(NODE(Name, Node), get_local_services({error, _Error} = Acc, _From, _To, _Node, _Lang) ->
{xmlelement, "item", Acc;
[{"jid", Server},
{"name", translate:translate(Lang, Name)},
{"node", Node}], []}).
get_local_services(Acc, _From, To, [], _Lang) ->
get_services_only(Host) -> Items = case Acc of
{result, Its} -> Its;
empty -> []
Host = To#jid.lserver,
lists:map(fun domain_to_xml/1, lists:map(fun domain_to_xml/1,
get_vh_services(Host)) ++ get_vh_services(Host) ++
lists:map(fun domain_to_xml/1, ets:tab2list(disco_extra_domains))
ets:select(disco_extra_domains, ) ++ Items};
[{{{'$1', Host}},
get_local_items(Host, [], Server, Lang) ->
Domains =
lists:map(fun domain_to_xml/1,
get_vh_services(Host)) ++
lists:map(fun domain_to_xml/1,
[{{{'$1', Host}},
Domains ++
[?NODE("Configuration", "config"),
?NODE("Online Users", "online users"),
?NODE("All Users", "all users"),
?NODE("Outgoing S2S connections", "outgoing s2s"),
?NODE("Running Nodes", "running nodes"),
?NODE("Stopped Nodes", "stopped nodes")
get_local_items(Host, ["config"], Server, Lang) ->
[?NODE("Host Name", "config/hostname"),
?NODE("Access Control Lists", "config/acls"),
?NODE("Access Rules", "config/access")
% Too expensive on big hosts
%?NODE("Remove Users", "config/remusers")
get_local_items(Host, ["config", _], Server, Lang) ->
{result, []};
get_local_items(Host, ["online users"], Server, Lang) ->
{result, get_online_vh_users(Host)};
get_local_items(Host, ["all users"], Server, Lang) ->
{result, get_all_vh_users(Host)};
get_local_items(Host, ["all users", [$@ | Diap]], Server, Lang) ->
case catch ejabberd_auth:dirty_get_registered_users() of
{'EXIT', Reason} ->
Users ->
SUsers = lists:sort([{S, U} || {U, S} <- Users]),
case catch begin
{ok, [S1, S2]} = regexp:split(Diap, "-"),
N1 = list_to_integer(S1),
N2 = list_to_integer(S2),
Sub = lists:sublist(SUsers, N1, N2 - N1 + 1),
lists:map(fun({S, U}) ->
{xmlelement, "item",
[{"jid", U ++ "@" ++ S},
{"name", U ++ "@" ++ S}], []}
end, Sub)
end of
{'EXIT', Reason} ->
Res ->
{result, Res}
get_local_items(Host, ["outgoing s2s"], Server, Lang) ->
{result, get_outgoing_s2s(Host, Lang)};
get_local_items(Host, ["outgoing s2s", To], Server, Lang) ->
{result, get_outgoing_s2s(Host, Lang, To)};
get_local_items(Host, ["running nodes"], Server, Lang) ->
{result, get_running_nodes(Lang)};
get_local_items(Host, ["stopped nodes"], Server, Lang) ->
{result, get_stopped_nodes(Lang)};
get_local_items(Host, ["running nodes", ENode], Server, Lang) ->
[?NODE("DB", "running nodes/" ++ ENode ++ "/DB"),
?NODE("Modules", "running nodes/" ++ ENode ++ "/modules"),
?NODE("Backup Management", "running nodes/" ++ ENode ++ "/backup"),
?NODE("Import users from jabberd1.4 spool files",
"running nodes/" ++ ENode ++ "/import")
get_local_items(Host, ["running nodes", ENode, "DB"], Server, Lang) ->
{result, []};
get_local_items(Host, ["running nodes", ENode, "modules"], Server, Lang) ->
[?NODE("Start Modules", "running nodes/" ++ ENode ++ "/modules/start"),
?NODE("Stop Modules", "running nodes/" ++ ENode ++ "/modules/stop")
get_local_items(Host, ["running nodes", ENode, "modules", _], Server, Lang) ->
{result, []};
get_local_items(Host, ["running nodes", ENode, "backup"], Server, Lang) ->
[?NODE("Backup", "running nodes/" ++ ENode ++ "/backup/backup"),
?NODE("Restore", "running nodes/" ++ ENode ++ "/backup/restore"),
?NODE("Dump to Text File",
"running nodes/" ++ ENode ++ "/backup/textfile")
get_local_items(Host, ["running nodes", ENode, "backup", _], Server, Lang) ->
{result, []};
get_local_items(Host, ["running nodes", ENode, "import"], Server, Lang) ->
[?NODE("Import File", "running nodes/" ++ ENode ++ "/import/file"),
?NODE("Import Directory", "running nodes/" ++ ENode ++ "/import/dir")
get_local_items(Host, ["running nodes", ENode, "import", _], Server, Lang) ->
{result, []};
get_local_items(_Host, _, _, _) ->
get_local_services({result, _} = Acc, _From, _To, _Node, _Lang) ->
get_local_services(empty, _From, _To, _Node, _Lang) ->
get_vh_services(Host) -> get_vh_services(Host) ->
Hosts = lists:sort(fun(H1, H2) -> length(H1) >= length(H2) end, ?MYHOSTS), Hosts = lists:sort(fun(H1, H2) -> length(H1) >= length(H2) end, ?MYHOSTS),
@ -374,253 +232,120 @@ get_vh_services(Host) ->
end end
end, ejabberd_router:dirty_get_all_routes()). end, ejabberd_router:dirty_get_all_routes()).
get_online_vh_users(Host) ->
case catch ejabberd_sm:get_vh_session_list(Host) of
{'EXIT', Reason} ->
USRs ->
SURs = lists:sort([{S, U, R} || {U, S, R} <- USRs]),
lists:map(fun({S, U, R}) ->
{xmlelement, "item",
[{"jid", U ++ "@" ++ S ++ "/" ++ R},
{"name", U ++ "@" ++ S}], []}
end, SURs)
get_all_vh_users(Host) ->
case catch ejabberd_auth:get_vh_registered_users(Host) of
{'EXIT', Reason} ->
Users ->
SUsers = lists:sort([{S, U} || {U, S} <- Users]),
case length(SUsers) of
N when N =< 100 ->
lists:map(fun({S, U}) ->
{xmlelement, "item",
[{"jid", U ++ "@" ++ S},
{"name", U ++ "@" ++ S}], []}
end, SUsers);
N ->
NParts = trunc(math:sqrt(N * 0.618)) + 1,
M = trunc(N / NParts) + 1,
lists:map(fun(K) ->
L = K + M - 1,
Node =
"@" ++ integer_to_list(K) ++
"-" ++ integer_to_list(L),
{FS, FU} = lists:nth(K, SUsers),
{LS, LU} =
if L < N -> lists:nth(L, SUsers);
true -> lists:last(SUsers)
Name =
FU ++ "@" ++ FS ++
" -- " ++
LU ++ "@" ++ LS,
{xmlelement, "item",
[{"jid", Host},
{"node", "all users/" ++ Node},
{"name", Name}], []}
end, lists:seq(1, N, M))
get_outgoing_s2s(Host, Lang) ->
case catch ejabberd_s2s:dirty_get_connections() of
{'EXIT', Reason} ->
Connections ->
DotHost = "." ++ Host,
TConns = [TH || {FH, TH} <- Connections,
Host == FH orelse lists:suffix(DotHost, FH)],
fun(T) ->
{xmlelement, "item",
[{"jid", Host},
{"node", "outgoing s2s/" ++ T},
translate:translate(Lang, "To ~s"), [T]))}],
end, lists:usort(TConns))
get_outgoing_s2s(Host, Lang, To) ->
case catch ejabberd_s2s:dirty_get_connections() of
{'EXIT', Reason} ->
Connections ->
fun({F, T}) ->
{xmlelement, "item",
[{"jid", Host},
{"node", "outgoing s2s/" ++ To ++ "/" ++ F},
translate:translate(Lang, "From ~s"), [F]))}],
end, lists:keysort(1, lists:filter(fun(E) ->
element(2, E) == To
end, Connections)))
get_running_nodes(Lang) ->
case catch mnesia:system_info(running_db_nodes) of
{'EXIT', Reason} ->
DBNodes ->
fun(N) ->
S = atom_to_list(N),
{xmlelement, "item",
[{"jid", ?MYNAME},
{"node", "running nodes/" ++ S},
{"name", S}],
end, lists:sort(DBNodes))
get_stopped_nodes(Lang) ->
case catch (lists:usort(mnesia:system_info(db_nodes) ++
mnesia:system_info(extra_db_nodes)) --
mnesia:system_info(running_db_nodes)) of
{'EXIT', Reason} ->
DBNodes ->
fun(N) ->
S = atom_to_list(N),
{xmlelement, "item",
[{"jid", ?MYNAME},
{"node", "stopped nodes/" ++ S},
{"name", S}],
end, lists:sort(DBNodes))
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
register_sm_feature(Host, Feature) ->
catch ets:new(disco_sm_features, [named_table, ordered_set, public]),
ets:insert(disco_sm_features, {{Feature, Host}}).
unregister_sm_feature(Host, Feature) ->
catch ets:new(disco_sm_features, [named_table, ordered_set, public]),
ets:delete(disco_sm_features, {Feature, Host}).
register_sm_node(Node, Name, Module, Function) ->
catch ets:new(disco_sm_nodes, [named_table, ordered_set, public]),
ets:insert(disco_sm_nodes, {Node, Name, Module, Function}).
unregister_sm_node(Node) ->
catch ets:new(disco_sm_nodes, [named_table, ordered_set, public]),
ets:delete(disco_sm_nodes, Node).
process_sm_iq_items(From, To, #iq{type = Type, lang = Lang, sub_el = SubEl} = IQ) -> process_sm_iq_items(From, To, #iq{type = Type, lang = Lang, sub_el = SubEl} = IQ) ->
#jid{user = User, luser = LTo} = To, case Type of
#jid{luser = LFrom, lserver = LServer} = From, set ->
Self = (LTo == LFrom) andalso (LServer == ?MYNAME),
Node = xml:get_tag_attr_s("node", SubEl),
case {acl:match_rule(To#jid.lserver, configure, From), Type, Self, Node} of
{_, set, _, _} ->
IQ#iq{type = error, sub_el = [SubEl, ?ERR_NOT_ALLOWED]}; IQ#iq{type = error, sub_el = [SubEl, ?ERR_NOT_ALLOWED]};
{_, get, true, []} -> get ->
Nodes = lists:map(fun({Nod, Name, _, _}) -> Host = To#jid.lserver,
node_to_xml(User, SNode = xml:get_tag_attr_s("node", SubEl),
Nod, Node = string:tokens(SNode, "/"),
translate:translate(Lang, Name)) case ejabberd_hooks:run_fold(disco_sm_items,
end, ets:tab2list(disco_sm_nodes)), Host,
[From, To, Node, Lang]) of
{result, Items} ->
ANode = case Node of
[] -> [];
_ -> [{"node", SNode}]
IQ#iq{type = result, IQ#iq{type = result,
sub_el = [{xmlelement, "query", sub_el = [{xmlelement, "query",
[{"xmlns", ?NS_DISCO_ITEMS}], [{"xmlns", ?NS_DISCO_ITEMS} | ANode],
get_user_resources(User) ++ Nodes}]}; Items
{allow, get, _, []} -> }]};
Nodes = lists:map(fun({Nod, Name, _, _}) -> {error, Error} ->
node_to_xml(User, IQ#iq{type = error, sub_el = [SubEl, Error]}
translate:translate(Lang, Name))
end, ets:tab2list(disco_sm_nodes)),
IQ#iq{type = result,
sub_el = [{xmlelement, "query",
[{"xmlns", ?NS_DISCO_ITEMS}],
get_user_resources(User) ++ Nodes}]};
{A, get, S, _} when (A == allow) or (S == true) ->
case ets:lookup(disco_sm_nodes, Node) of
[] ->
IQ#iq{type = error, sub_el = [SubEl, ?ERR_ITEM_NOT_FOUND]};
[{Node, _Name, Module, Function}] ->
case Module:Function(From, To, IQ) of
{error, Err} ->
IQ#iq{type = error, sub_el = [SubEl, Err]};
{result, Res} ->
IQ#iq{type = result,
sub_el = [{xmlelement, "query",
[{"xmlns", ?NS_DISCO_ITEMS},
{"node", Node}],
end end
{_, get, _, _} ->
IQ#iq{type = error, sub_el = [SubEl, ?ERR_FORBIDDEN]};
_ ->
IQ#iq{type = error, sub_el = [SubEl, ?ERR_NOT_ALLOWED]}
end. end.
get_sm_items({error, _Error} = Acc, _From, _To, _Node, _Lang) ->
process_sm_iq_info(From, To, #iq{type = Type, xmlns = XMLNS, get_sm_items(Acc,
sub_el = SubEl} = IQ) -> #jid{luser = LFrom, lserver = LSFrom} = _From,
#jid{luser = LTo} = To, #jid{user = User, server = Server, luser = LTo, lserver = LSTo} = _To,
#jid{luser = LFrom, lserver = LServer} = From, [], _Lang) ->
Self = (LTo == LFrom) andalso (LServer == ?MYNAME), Items = case Acc of
Node = xml:get_tag_attr_s("node", SubEl), {result, Its} -> Its;
case {acl:match_rule(To#jid.lserver, configure, From), Type, Self, Node} of empty -> []
{_, set, _, _} -> end,
Items1 = case {LFrom, LSFrom} of
{LTo, LSTo} -> get_user_resources(User, Server);
_ -> []
{result, Items ++ Items1};
get_sm_items({result, _} = Acc, _From, _To, _Node, _Lang) ->
get_sm_items(empty, From, To, _Node, _Lang) ->
#jid{luser = LFrom, lserver = LSFrom} = From,
#jid{luser = LTo, lserver = LSTo} = To,
case {LFrom, LSFrom} of
{LTo, LSTo} ->
_ ->
process_sm_iq_info(From, To, #iq{type = Type, lang = Lang, sub_el = SubEl} = IQ) ->
case Type of
set ->
IQ#iq{type = error, sub_el = [SubEl, ?ERR_NOT_ALLOWED]}; IQ#iq{type = error, sub_el = [SubEl, ?ERR_NOT_ALLOWED]};
{allow, get, _, []} -> get ->
Features = lists:map(fun feature_to_xml/1, Host = To#jid.lserver,
ets:tab2list(disco_sm_features)), SNode = xml:get_tag_attr_s("node", SubEl),
Node = string:tokens(SNode, "/"),
Identity = ejabberd_hooks:run_fold(disco_sm_identity,
[From, To, Node, Lang]),
case ejabberd_hooks:run_fold(disco_sm_features,
[From, To, Node, Lang]) of
{result, Features} ->
ANode = case Node of
[] -> [];
_ -> [{"node", SNode}]
IQ#iq{type = result, IQ#iq{type = result,
sub_el = [{xmlelement, "query", [{"xmlns", XMLNS}], sub_el = [{xmlelement, "query",
[feature_to_xml(?NS_EJABBERD_CONFIG)] ++ [{"xmlns", ?NS_DISCO_INFO} | ANode],
Features}]}; Identity ++
{_, get, _, []} -> lists:map(fun feature_to_xml/1, Features)
Features = lists:map(fun feature_to_xml/1, }]};
ets:tab2list(disco_sm_features)), {error, Error} ->
IQ#iq{type = result, IQ#iq{type = error, sub_el = [SubEl, Error]}
sub_el = [{xmlelement, "query", [{"xmlns", XMLNS}], end
{A, get, S, _} when (A == allow) or (S == true) ->
case ets:lookup(disco_sm_nodes, Node) of
[] ->
IQ#iq{type = error, sub_el = [SubEl, ?ERR_ITEM_NOT_FOUND]};
_ ->
IQ#iq{type = result, sub_el = [{xmlelement, "query",
[{"xmlns", XMLNS},
{"node", Node}], []}]}
{_, get, _, _} ->
IQ#iq{type = error, sub_el = [SubEl, ?ERR_FORBIDDEN]};
_ ->
IQ#iq{type = error, sub_el = [SubEl, ?ERR_NOT_ALLOWED]}
end. end.
get_sm_identity(Acc, _From, _To, _Node, _Lang) ->
get_sm_features(empty, From, To, _Node, _Lang) ->
#jid{luser = LFrom, lserver = LSFrom} = From,
#jid{luser = LTo, lserver = LSTo} = To,
case {LFrom, LSFrom} of
{LTo, LSTo} ->
_ ->
get_sm_features(Acc, _From, _To, _Node, _Lang) ->
get_user_resources(User) ->
Rs = ejabberd_sm:get_user_resources(User, 'TODO'), get_user_resources(User, Server) ->
Rs = ejabberd_sm:get_user_resources(User, Server),
lists:map(fun(R) -> lists:map(fun(R) ->
{xmlelement, "item", {xmlelement, "item",
[{"jid", User ++ "@" ++ ?MYNAME ++ "/" ++ R}, [{"jid", User ++ "@" ++ Server ++ "/" ++ R},
{"name", User}], []} {"name", User}], []}
end, lists:sort(Rs)). end, lists:sort(Rs)).
node_to_xml(User, Node, Name) ->
{xmlelement, "item", [{"jid", User ++ "@" ++ ?MYNAME},
{"node", Node},
{"name", Name}], []}.

View File

@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
-behaviour(gen_mod). -behaviour(gen_mod).
-export([start/2, init/3, stop/1, -export([start/2, init/3, stop/1,
process_local_iq/3, process_local_iq/3,
process_sm_iq/3, process_sm_iq/3,
reindex_vcards/0, reindex_vcards/0,
@ -69,7 +70,7 @@ start(Host, Opts) ->
?MODULE, process_local_iq, IQDisc), ?MODULE, process_local_iq, IQDisc),
gen_iq_handler:add_iq_handler(ejabberd_sm, Host, ?NS_VCARD, gen_iq_handler:add_iq_handler(ejabberd_sm, Host, ?NS_VCARD,
?MODULE, process_sm_iq, IQDisc), ?MODULE, process_sm_iq, IQDisc),
catch mod_disco:register_sm_feature(Host, ?NS_VCARD), ejabberd_hooks:add(disco_sm_features, Host, ?MODULE, get_sm_features, 50),
MyHost = gen_mod:get_opt(host, Opts, "vjud." ++ Host), MyHost = gen_mod:get_opt(host, Opts, "vjud." ++ Host),
Search = gen_mod:get_opt(search, Opts, true), Search = gen_mod:get_opt(search, Opts, true),
register(gen_mod:get_module_proc(Host, ?PROCNAME), register(gen_mod:get_module_proc(Host, ?PROCNAME),
@ -107,11 +108,27 @@ stop(Host) ->
?MODULE, remove_user, 50), ?MODULE, remove_user, 50),
gen_iq_handler:remove_iq_handler(ejabberd_local, Host, ?NS_VCARD), gen_iq_handler:remove_iq_handler(ejabberd_local, Host, ?NS_VCARD),
gen_iq_handler:remove_iq_handler(ejabberd_sm, Host, ?NS_VCARD), gen_iq_handler:remove_iq_handler(ejabberd_sm, Host, ?NS_VCARD),
catch mod_disco:unregister_sm_feature(Host, ?NS_VCARD), ejabberd_hooks:delete(disco_sm_features, Host, ?MODULE, get_sm_features, 50),
Proc = gen_mod:get_module_proc(Host, ?PROCNAME), Proc = gen_mod:get_module_proc(Host, ?PROCNAME),
Proc ! stop, Proc ! stop,
{wait, Proc}. {wait, Proc}.
get_sm_features({error, _Error} = Acc, _From, _To, _Node, _Lang) ->
get_sm_features(Acc, _From, _To, Node, _Lang) ->
case Node of
[] ->
case Acc of
{result, Features} ->
{result, [?NS_VCARD | Features]};
empty ->
{result, [?NS_VCARD]}
_ ->
process_local_iq(_From, _To, #iq{type = Type, lang = Lang, sub_el = SubEl} = IQ) -> process_local_iq(_From, _To, #iq{type = Type, lang = Lang, sub_el = SubEl} = IQ) ->
case Type of case Type of
set -> set ->
@ -140,7 +157,7 @@ process_local_iq(_From, _To, #iq{type = Type, lang = Lang, sub_el = SubEl} = IQ)
process_sm_iq(From, To, #iq{type = Type, sub_el = SubEl} = IQ) -> process_sm_iq(From, To, #iq{type = Type, sub_el = SubEl} = IQ) ->
case Type of case Type of
set -> set ->
#jid{user = User, lserver = LServer, luser = LUser} = From, #jid{user = User, lserver = LServer} = From,
case lists:member(LServer, ?MYHOSTS) of case lists:member(LServer, ?MYHOSTS) of
true -> true ->
set_vcard(User, LServer, SubEl), set_vcard(User, LServer, SubEl),
@ -327,7 +344,7 @@ do_route(ServerHost, From, To, Packet) ->
From, From,
jlib:iq_to_xml(ResIQ)) jlib:iq_to_xml(ResIQ))
end; end;
#iq{type = Type, xmlns = ?NS_DISCO_INFO, sub_el = SubEl} -> #iq{type = Type, xmlns = ?NS_DISCO_INFO} ->
case Type of case Type of
set -> set ->
Err = jlib:make_error_reply( Err = jlib:make_error_reply(
@ -355,7 +372,7 @@ do_route(ServerHost, From, To, Packet) ->
From, From,
jlib:iq_to_xml(ResIQ)) jlib:iq_to_xml(ResIQ))
end; end;
#iq{type = Type, xmlns = ?NS_DISCO_ITEMS, sub_el = SubEl} -> #iq{type = Type, xmlns = ?NS_DISCO_ITEMS} ->
case Type of case Type of
set -> set ->
Err = jlib:make_error_reply( Err = jlib:make_error_reply(

View File

@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
-behaviour(gen_mod). -behaviour(gen_mod).
-export([start/2, init/3, stop/1, -export([start/2, init/3, stop/1,
process_local_iq/3, process_local_iq/3,
process_sm_iq/3, process_sm_iq/3,
remove_user/1]). remove_user/1]).
@ -29,6 +30,7 @@ start(Host, Opts) ->
?MODULE, process_local_iq, IQDisc), ?MODULE, process_local_iq, IQDisc),
gen_iq_handler:add_iq_handler(ejabberd_sm, Host, ?NS_VCARD, gen_iq_handler:add_iq_handler(ejabberd_sm, Host, ?NS_VCARD,
?MODULE, process_sm_iq, IQDisc), ?MODULE, process_sm_iq, IQDisc),
ejabberd_hooks:add(disco_sm_features, Host, ?MODULE, get_sm_features, 50),
LDAPServers = ejabberd_config:get_local_option({ldap_servers, Host}), LDAPServers = ejabberd_config:get_local_option({ldap_servers, Host}),
RootDN = ejabberd_config:get_local_option({ldap_rootdn, Host}), RootDN = ejabberd_config:get_local_option({ldap_rootdn, Host}),
Password = ejabberd_config:get_local_option({ldap_password, Host}), Password = ejabberd_config:get_local_option({ldap_password, Host}),
@ -67,10 +69,26 @@ loop(Host, ServerHost) ->
stop(Host) -> stop(Host) ->
gen_iq_handler:remove_iq_handler(ejabberd_local, Host, ?NS_VCARD), gen_iq_handler:remove_iq_handler(ejabberd_local, Host, ?NS_VCARD),
gen_iq_handler:remove_iq_handler(ejabberd_sm, Host, ?NS_VCARD), gen_iq_handler:remove_iq_handler(ejabberd_sm, Host, ?NS_VCARD),
ejabberd_hooks:delete(disco_sm_features, Host, ?MODULE, get_sm_features, 50),
Proc = gen_mod:get_module_proc(Host, ?PROCNAME), Proc = gen_mod:get_module_proc(Host, ?PROCNAME),
Proc ! stop, Proc ! stop,
{wait, Proc}. {wait, Proc}.
get_sm_features({error, _Error} = Acc, _From, _To, _Node, _Lang) ->
get_sm_features(Acc, _From, _To, Node, _Lang) ->
case Node of
[] ->
case Acc of
{result, Features} ->
{result, [?NS_VCARD | Features]};
empty ->
{result, [?NS_VCARD]}
_ ->
process_local_iq(_From, _To, #iq{type = Type, lang = Lang, sub_el = SubEl} = IQ) -> process_local_iq(_From, _To, #iq{type = Type, lang = Lang, sub_el = SubEl} = IQ) ->
case Type of case Type of
set -> set ->
@ -180,16 +198,6 @@ ldap_attributes_to_vcard(Attributes,From,To) ->
{xmlelement,"ORG",[],FOElts}]) {xmlelement,"ORG",[],FOElts}])
}]. }].
is_self_request(From,To) ->
#jid{luser = RUser, lserver = RServer } = From,
#jid{luser = LUser} = To,
case RServer == ?MYNAME of
true ->
LUser == RUser;
_ ->
process_sm_iq(From, To, #iq{type = Type, sub_el = SubEl} = IQ) -> process_sm_iq(From, To, #iq{type = Type, sub_el = SubEl} = IQ) ->
case Type of case Type of
set -> set ->