Update translation files

This commit is contained in:
Badlop 2019-12-09 16:30:51 +01:00
parent 6e68ca2211
commit 86742ee528
53 changed files with 18105 additions and 18509 deletions

View File

@ -39,7 +39,6 @@
{"Bytestream already activated","El Bytestream ja està activat"}. {"Bytestream already activated","El Bytestream ja està activat"}.
{"Cannot remove active list","No es pot eliminar la llista activa"}. {"Cannot remove active list","No es pot eliminar la llista activa"}.
{"Cannot remove default list","No es pot eliminar la llista per defecte"}. {"Cannot remove default list","No es pot eliminar la llista per defecte"}.
{"CAPTCHA web page","Pàgina web del CAPTCHA"}.
{"Change Password","Canviar Contrasenya"}. {"Change Password","Canviar Contrasenya"}.
{"Change User Password","Canviar Contrasenya d'Usuari"}. {"Change User Password","Canviar Contrasenya d'Usuari"}.
{"Changing password is not allowed","No està permès canviar la contrasenya"}. {"Changing password is not allowed","No està permès canviar la contrasenya"}.
@ -55,14 +54,12 @@
{"Chatroom is stopped","La sala s'ha aturat"}. {"Chatroom is stopped","La sala s'ha aturat"}.
{"Chatrooms","Sales de xat"}. {"Chatrooms","Sales de xat"}.
{"Choose a username and password to register with this server","Tria nom d'usuari i contrasenya per a registrar-te en aquest servidor"}. {"Choose a username and password to register with this server","Tria nom d'usuari i contrasenya per a registrar-te en aquest servidor"}.
{"Choose modules to stop","Selecciona mòduls a detindre"}.
{"Choose storage type of tables","Selecciona el tipus d'almacenament de les taules"}. {"Choose storage type of tables","Selecciona el tipus d'almacenament de les taules"}.
{"Choose whether to approve this entity's subscription.","Tria si aproves aquesta entitat de subscripció."}. {"Choose whether to approve this entity's subscription.","Tria si aproves aquesta entitat de subscripció."}.
{"City","Ciutat"}. {"City","Ciutat"}.
{"Client acknowledged more stanzas than sent by server","El client ha reconegut més paquets dels que ha enviat el servidor"}. {"Client acknowledged more stanzas than sent by server","El client ha reconegut més paquets dels que ha enviat el servidor"}.
{"Commands","Comandaments"}. {"Commands","Comandaments"}.
{"Conference room does not exist","La sala de conferències no existeix"}. {"Conference room does not exist","La sala de conferències no existeix"}.
{"Configuration of room ~s","Configuració de la sala ~s"}.
{"Configuration","Configuració"}. {"Configuration","Configuració"}.
{"Connected Resources:","Recursos connectats:"}. {"Connected Resources:","Recursos connectats:"}.
{"Country","Pais"}. {"Country","Pais"}.
@ -97,11 +94,9 @@
{"ejabberd","ejabberd"}. {"ejabberd","ejabberd"}.
{"Elements","Elements"}. {"Elements","Elements"}.
{"Email","Email"}. {"Email","Email"}.
{"Empty password","Contrasenya buida"}.
{"Enable logging","Habilitar el registre de la conversa"}. {"Enable logging","Habilitar el registre de la conversa"}.
{"Enabling push without 'node' attribute is not supported","No està suportat activar Push sense l'atribut 'node'"}. {"Enabling push without 'node' attribute is not supported","No està suportat activar Push sense l'atribut 'node'"}.
{"End User Session","Finalitzar Sesió d'Usuari"}. {"End User Session","Finalitzar Sesió d'Usuari"}.
{"Enter list of {Module, [Options]}","Introdueix llista de {mòdul, [opcions]}"}.
{"Enter nickname you want to register","Introdueix el sobrenom que vols registrar"}. {"Enter nickname you want to register","Introdueix el sobrenom que vols registrar"}.
{"Enter path to backup file","Introdueix ruta al fitxer de còpia de seguretat"}. {"Enter path to backup file","Introdueix ruta al fitxer de còpia de seguretat"}.
{"Enter path to jabberd14 spool dir","Introdueix la ruta al directori de jabberd14 spools"}. {"Enter path to jabberd14 spool dir","Introdueix la ruta al directori de jabberd14 spools"}.
@ -119,13 +114,11 @@
{"Failed to extract JID from your voice request approval","No s'ha pogut extraure el JID de la teva aprovació de petició de veu"}. {"Failed to extract JID from your voice request approval","No s'ha pogut extraure el JID de la teva aprovació de petició de veu"}.
{"Failed to map delegated namespace to external component","Ha fallat mapejar la delegació de l'espai de noms al component extern"}. {"Failed to map delegated namespace to external component","Ha fallat mapejar la delegació de l'espai de noms al component extern"}.
{"Failed to parse HTTP response","Ha fallat el processat de la resposta HTTP"}. {"Failed to parse HTTP response","Ha fallat el processat de la resposta HTTP"}.
{"Failed to process option '~s'","H fallat el processat de la opció '~s'"}.
{"Family Name","Cognom"}. {"Family Name","Cognom"}.
{"February","Febrer"}. {"February","Febrer"}.
{"File larger than ~w bytes","El fitxer es més gran que ~w bytes"}. {"File larger than ~w bytes","El fitxer es més gran que ~w bytes"}.
{"Fill in the form to search for any matching Jabber User","Emplena camps per a buscar usuaris Jabber que concorden"}. {"Fill in the form to search for any matching Jabber User","Emplena camps per a buscar usuaris Jabber que concorden"}.
{"Friday","Divendres"}. {"Friday","Divendres"}.
{"From ~s","De ~s"}.
{"From","De"}. {"From","De"}.
{"Full Name","Nom complet"}. {"Full Name","Nom complet"}.
{"Get Number of Online Users","Obtenir Número d'Usuaris Connectats"}. {"Get Number of Online Users","Obtenir Número d'Usuaris Connectats"}.
@ -172,7 +165,6 @@
{"Invitations are not allowed in this conference","Les invitacions no estan permeses en aquesta sala de conferència"}. {"Invitations are not allowed in this conference","Les invitacions no estan permeses en aquesta sala de conferència"}.
{"IP addresses","Adreça IP"}. {"IP addresses","Adreça IP"}.
{"is now known as","ara es conegut com"}. {"is now known as","ara es conegut com"}.
{"It is not allowed to send error messages to the room. The participant (~s) has sent an error message (~s) and got kicked from the room","No està permés enviar missatges d'error a la sala. El participant (~s) ha enviat un missatge d'error (~s) i ha sigut expulsat de la sala"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","No està permés enviar missatges del tipus \"groupchat\""}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","No està permés enviar missatges del tipus \"groupchat\""}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","No està permès l'enviament de missatges privats a la sala"}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","No està permès l'enviament de missatges privats a la sala"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages","No està permés enviar missatges privats"}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages","No està permés enviar missatges privats"}.
@ -187,7 +179,6 @@
{"Last month","Últim mes"}. {"Last month","Últim mes"}.
{"Last year","Últim any"}. {"Last year","Últim any"}.
{"leaves the room","surt de la sala"}. {"leaves the room","surt de la sala"}.
{"List of modules to start","Llista de mòduls a iniciar"}.
{"List of rooms","Llista de sales"}. {"List of rooms","Llista de sales"}.
{"Low level update script","Script d'actualització de baix nivell"}. {"Low level update script","Script d'actualització de baix nivell"}.
{"Make participants list public","Crear una llista de participants pública"}. {"Make participants list public","Crear una llista de participants pública"}.
@ -213,7 +204,6 @@
{"Moderator privileges required","Es necessita tenir privilegis de moderador"}. {"Moderator privileges required","Es necessita tenir privilegis de moderador"}.
{"Modified modules","Mòduls modificats"}. {"Modified modules","Mòduls modificats"}.
{"Module failed to handle the query","El modul ha fallat al gestionar la petició"}. {"Module failed to handle the query","El modul ha fallat al gestionar la petició"}.
{"Monday","Dilluns"}. {"Monday","Dilluns"}.
{"Multicast","Multicast"}. {"Multicast","Multicast"}.
{"Multiple <item/> elements are not allowed by RFC6121","No estan permesos múltiples elements <item/> per RFC6121"}. {"Multiple <item/> elements are not allowed by RFC6121","No estan permesos múltiples elements <item/> per RFC6121"}.
@ -226,7 +216,6 @@
{"New Password:","Nova Contrasenya:"}. {"New Password:","Nova Contrasenya:"}.
{"Nickname can't be empty","El sobrenom no pot estar buit"}. {"Nickname can't be empty","El sobrenom no pot estar buit"}.
{"Nickname Registration at ","Registre del sobrenom en "}. {"Nickname Registration at ","Registre del sobrenom en "}.
{"Nickname ~s does not exist in the room","El sobrenom ~s no existeix a la sala"}.
{"Nickname","Sobrenom"}. {"Nickname","Sobrenom"}.
{"No address elements found","No s'han trobat elements d'adreces ('address')"}. {"No address elements found","No s'han trobat elements d'adreces ('address')"}.
{"No addresses element found","No s'ha trobat l'element d'adreces ('addresses')"}. {"No addresses element found","No s'ha trobat l'element d'adreces ('addresses')"}.
@ -244,7 +233,6 @@
{"No items found in this query","En aquesta petició no s'ha trobat cap element"}. {"No items found in this query","En aquesta petició no s'ha trobat cap element"}.
{"No limit","Sense Llímit"}. {"No limit","Sense Llímit"}.
{"No module is handling this query","Cap element està manegant esta petició"}. {"No module is handling this query","Cap element està manegant esta petició"}.
{"No 'modules' found in data form","No s'ha trobat 'modules' al formulari de dades"}.
{"No node specified","No s'ha especificat node"}. {"No node specified","No s'ha especificat node"}.
{"No 'password' found in data form","No s'ha trobat 'password' al formulari de dades"}. {"No 'password' found in data form","No s'ha trobat 'password' al formulari de dades"}.
{"No 'password' found in this query","No s'ha trobat 'password' en esta petició"}. {"No 'password' found in this query","No s'ha trobat 'password' en esta petició"}.
@ -293,7 +281,6 @@
{"Owner privileges required","Es requerixen privilegis de propietari de la sala"}. {"Owner privileges required","Es requerixen privilegis de propietari de la sala"}.
{"Packet relay is denied by service policy","S'ha denegat el reenviament del paquet per política del servei"}. {"Packet relay is denied by service policy","S'ha denegat el reenviament del paquet per política del servei"}.
{"Packet","Paquet"}. {"Packet","Paquet"}.
{"Parse failed","El processat ha fallat"}.
{"Password Verification","Verificació de la Contrasenya"}. {"Password Verification","Verificació de la Contrasenya"}.
{"Password Verification:","Verificació de la Contrasenya:"}. {"Password Verification:","Verificació de la Contrasenya:"}.
{"Password","Contrasenya"}. {"Password","Contrasenya"}.
@ -347,15 +334,11 @@
{"Room Occupants","Nombre d'ocupants"}. {"Room Occupants","Nombre d'ocupants"}.
{"Room terminates","La sala està terminant"}. {"Room terminates","La sala està terminant"}.
{"Room title","Títol de la sala"}. {"Room title","Títol de la sala"}.
{"Roster module has failed","El modul de Roster ha fallat"}.
{"Roster of ","Llista de contactes de "}.
{"Roster size","Tamany de la llista"}. {"Roster size","Tamany de la llista"}.
{"Roster","Llista de contactes"}. {"Roster","Llista de contactes"}.
{"RPC Call Error","Error de cridada RPC"}. {"RPC Call Error","Error de cridada RPC"}.
{"Running Nodes","Nodes funcionant"}. {"Running Nodes","Nodes funcionant"}.
{"~s invites you to the room ~s","~s et convida a la sala ~s"}.
{"Saturday","Dissabte"}. {"Saturday","Dissabte"}.
{"Scan failed","L'escanejat ha fallat"}.
{"Script check","Comprovar script"}. {"Script check","Comprovar script"}.
{"Search Results for ","Resultats de la búsqueda "}. {"Search Results for ","Resultats de la búsqueda "}.
{"Search users in ","Cerca usuaris en "}. {"Search users in ","Cerca usuaris en "}.
@ -375,13 +358,8 @@
{"Shut Down Service","Apager el Servei"}. {"Shut Down Service","Apager el Servei"}.
{"SOCKS5 Bytestreams","SOCKS5 Bytestreams"}. {"SOCKS5 Bytestreams","SOCKS5 Bytestreams"}.
{"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons.","Alguns clients Jabber poden emmagatzemar la teva contrasenya al teu ordinador. Fes servir aquesta característica només si saps que el teu ordinador és segur."}. {"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons.","Alguns clients Jabber poden emmagatzemar la teva contrasenya al teu ordinador. Fes servir aquesta característica només si saps que el teu ordinador és segur."}.
{"~s's Offline Messages Queue","~s's cua de missatges offline"}.
{"Start Modules at ","Iniciar mòduls en "}.
{"Start Modules","Iniciar mòduls"}.
{"Statistics of ~p","Estadístiques de ~p"}. {"Statistics of ~p","Estadístiques de ~p"}.
{"Statistics","Estadístiques"}. {"Statistics","Estadístiques"}.
{"Stop Modules at ","Detindre mòduls en "}.
{"Stop Modules","Parar mòduls"}.
{"Stop","Detindre"}. {"Stop","Detindre"}.
{"Stopped Nodes","Nodes parats"}. {"Stopped Nodes","Nodes parats"}.
{"Storage Type","Tipus d'emmagatzematge"}. {"Storage Type","Tipus d'emmagatzematge"}.
@ -420,20 +398,16 @@
{"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID (Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields.","Aquesta pàgina permet crear un compte Jabber en aquest servidor Jabber. El teu JID (Jabber IDentifier; Identificador Jabber) tindrà aquesta forma: usuari@servidor. Si us plau, llegeix amb cura les instruccions per emplenar correctament els camps."}. {"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID (Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields.","Aquesta pàgina permet crear un compte Jabber en aquest servidor Jabber. El teu JID (Jabber IDentifier; Identificador Jabber) tindrà aquesta forma: usuari@servidor. Si us plau, llegeix amb cura les instruccions per emplenar correctament els camps."}.
{"This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server.","Aquesta pàgina permet anul·lar el registre d'un compte Jabber en aquest servidor Jabber."}. {"This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server.","Aquesta pàgina permet anul·lar el registre d'un compte Jabber en aquest servidor Jabber."}.
{"This room is not anonymous","Aquesta sala no és anònima"}. {"This room is not anonymous","Aquesta sala no és anònima"}.
{"This service can not process the address: ~s","Este servei no pot processar la direcció: ~s"}.
{"Thursday","Dijous"}. {"Thursday","Dijous"}.
{"Time delay","Temps de retard"}. {"Time delay","Temps de retard"}.
{"Timed out waiting for stream resumption","Massa temps esperant que es resumisca la connexió"}. {"Timed out waiting for stream resumption","Massa temps esperant que es resumisca la connexió"}.
{"Time","Data"}. {"Time","Data"}.
{"To register, visit ~s","Per a registrar-te, visita ~s"}.
{"To ~s","A ~s"}.
{"Token TTL","Token TTL"}. {"Token TTL","Token TTL"}.
{"Too many active bytestreams","N'hi ha massa Bytestreams actius"}. {"Too many active bytestreams","N'hi ha massa Bytestreams actius"}.
{"Too many CAPTCHA requests","Massa peticions de CAPTCHA"}. {"Too many CAPTCHA requests","Massa peticions de CAPTCHA"}.
{"Too many child elements","N'hi ha massa subelements"}. {"Too many child elements","N'hi ha massa subelements"}.
{"Too many <item/> elements","N'hi ha massa elements <item/>"}. {"Too many <item/> elements","N'hi ha massa elements <item/>"}.
{"Too many <list/> elements","N'hi ha massa elements <list/>"}. {"Too many <list/> elements","N'hi ha massa elements <list/>"}.
{"Too many (~p) failed authentications from this IP address (~s). The address will be unblocked at ~s UTC","Massa autenticacions (~p) han fallat des d'aquesta adreça IP (~s). L'adreça serà desbloquejada en ~s UTC"}.
{"Too many receiver fields were specified","S'han especificat massa camps de receptors"}. {"Too many receiver fields were specified","S'han especificat massa camps de receptors"}.
{"Too many unacked stanzas","Massa missatges sense haver reconegut la seva recepció"}. {"Too many unacked stanzas","Massa missatges sense haver reconegut la seva recepció"}.
{"Too many users in this conference","N'hi ha massa usuaris en esta sala de conferència"}. {"Too many users in this conference","N'hi ha massa usuaris en esta sala de conferència"}.
@ -468,7 +442,6 @@
{"User removed","Usuari borrat"}. {"User removed","Usuari borrat"}.
{"User session not found","Sessió d'usuari no trobada"}. {"User session not found","Sessió d'usuari no trobada"}.
{"User session terminated","Sessió d'usuari terminada"}. {"User session terminated","Sessió d'usuari terminada"}.
{"User ~s","Usuari ~s"}.
{"Username:","Nom d'usuari:"}. {"Username:","Nom d'usuari:"}.
{"Users are not allowed to register accounts so quickly","Els usuaris no tenen permís per a crear comptes tan depresa"}. {"Users are not allowed to register accounts so quickly","Els usuaris no tenen permís per a crear comptes tan depresa"}.
{"Users Last Activity","Última activitat d'usuari"}. {"Users Last Activity","Última activitat d'usuari"}.
@ -476,9 +449,6 @@
{"User","Usuari"}. {"User","Usuari"}.
{"Validate","Validar"}. {"Validate","Validar"}.
{"Value 'get' of 'type' attribute is not allowed","El valor 'get' a l'atribut 'type' no és permès"}. {"Value 'get' of 'type' attribute is not allowed","El valor 'get' a l'atribut 'type' no és permès"}.
{"Value of '~s' should be boolean","El valor de '~s' deuria ser booleà"}.
{"Value of '~s' should be datetime string","El valor de '~s' deuria ser una data"}.
{"Value of '~s' should be integer","El valor de '~s' deuria ser un numero enter"}.
{"Value 'set' of 'type' attribute is not allowed","El valor 'set' a l'atribut 'type' no és permès"}. {"Value 'set' of 'type' attribute is not allowed","El valor 'set' a l'atribut 'type' no és permès"}.
{"vCard User Search","vCard recerca d'usuari"}. {"vCard User Search","vCard recerca d'usuari"}.
{"Virtual Hosting","Hosts virtuals"}. {"Virtual Hosting","Hosts virtuals"}.
@ -503,5 +473,4 @@
{"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","La teua cua de missatges offline és plena. El missatge ha sigut descartat."}. {"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","La teua cua de missatges offline és plena. El missatge ha sigut descartat."}.
{"Your Jabber account was successfully created.","El teu compte Jabber ha sigut creat correctament."}. {"Your Jabber account was successfully created.","El teu compte Jabber ha sigut creat correctament."}.
{"Your Jabber account was successfully deleted.","El teu compte Jabber ha sigut esborrat correctament."}. {"Your Jabber account was successfully deleted.","El teu compte Jabber ha sigut esborrat correctament."}.
{"Your subscription request and/or messages to ~s have been blocked. To unblock your subscription request, visit ~s","La teua petició de subscripció i/o missatges a ~s han sigut bloquejats. Per a desbloquejar-los, visita ~s"}.
{"You're not allowed to create nodes","No tens permís per a crear nodes"}. {"You're not allowed to create nodes","No tens permís per a crear nodes"}.

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,14 +1,17 @@
%% -*- coding: utf-8 -*- %% -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
{" has set the subject to: "," změnil(a) téma na: "}.
{"A password is required to enter this room","Pro vstup do místnosti musíte zadat heslo"}.
{"Accept","Přijmout"}. {"Accept","Přijmout"}.
{"Access denied by service policy","Přístup byl zamítnut nastavením služby"}. {"Access denied by service policy","Přístup byl zamítnut nastavením služby"}.
{"Action on user","Akce aplikovaná na uživatele"}. {"Action on user","Akce aplikovaná na uživatele"}.
{"Add Jabber ID","Přidat Jabber ID"}. {"Add Jabber ID","Přidat Jabber ID"}.
{"Add New","Přidat nový"}. {"Add New","Přidat nový"}.
{"Add User","Přidat uživatele"}. {"Add User","Přidat uživatele"}.
{"Administration of ","Administrace "}. {"Administration of ","Administrace "}.
{"Administrator privileges required","Potřebujete práva administrátora"}. {"Administrator privileges required","Potřebujete práva administrátora"}.
{"All activity","Všechny aktivity"}. {"All activity","Všechny aktivity"}.
{"All Users","Všichni uživatelé"}.
{"Allow users to change the subject","Povolit uživatelům měnit téma místnosti"}. {"Allow users to change the subject","Povolit uživatelům měnit téma místnosti"}.
{"Allow users to query other users","Povolit uživatelům odesílat požadavky (query) ostatním uživatelům"}. {"Allow users to query other users","Povolit uživatelům odesílat požadavky (query) ostatním uživatelům"}.
{"Allow users to send invites","Povolit uživatelům posílání pozvánek"}. {"Allow users to send invites","Povolit uživatelům posílání pozvánek"}.
@ -16,9 +19,7 @@
{"Allow visitors to change nickname","Povolit návštěvníkům měnit přezdívku"}. {"Allow visitors to change nickname","Povolit návštěvníkům měnit přezdívku"}.
{"Allow visitors to send private messages to","Povolit návštěvníkům odesílat soukromé zprávy"}. {"Allow visitors to send private messages to","Povolit návštěvníkům odesílat soukromé zprávy"}.
{"Allow visitors to send status text in presence updates","Povolit návštěvníkům posílat stavové zprávy ve statusu"}. {"Allow visitors to send status text in presence updates","Povolit návštěvníkům posílat stavové zprávy ve statusu"}.
{"All Users","Všichni uživatelé"}.
{"Announcements","Oznámení"}. {"Announcements","Oznámení"}.
{"A password is required to enter this room","Pro vstup do místnosti musíte zadat heslo"}.
{"April",". dubna"}. {"April",". dubna"}.
{"August",". srpna"}. {"August",". srpna"}.
{"Automatic node creation is not enabled","Automatické vytváření uzlů není povoleno"}. {"Automatic node creation is not enabled","Automatické vytváření uzlů není povoleno"}.
@ -32,7 +33,6 @@
{"Bytestream already activated","Bytestream již byl aktivován"}. {"Bytestream already activated","Bytestream již byl aktivován"}.
{"Cannot remove active list","Aktivní seznam nelze odebrat"}. {"Cannot remove active list","Aktivní seznam nelze odebrat"}.
{"Cannot remove default list","Výchozí seznam nelze odebrat"}. {"Cannot remove default list","Výchozí seznam nelze odebrat"}.
{"CAPTCHA web page","Webová stránka CAPTCHA"}.
{"Change Password","Změnit heslo"}. {"Change Password","Změnit heslo"}.
{"Change User Password","Změnit heslo uživatele"}. {"Change User Password","Změnit heslo uživatele"}.
{"Changing password is not allowed","Změna hesla není povolena"}. {"Changing password is not allowed","Změna hesla není povolena"}.
@ -45,21 +45,19 @@
{"Chatroom is stopped","Místnost zastavena"}. {"Chatroom is stopped","Místnost zastavena"}.
{"Chatrooms","Místnosti"}. {"Chatrooms","Místnosti"}.
{"Choose a username and password to register with this server","Zadejte jméno uživatele a heslo pro registraci na tomto serveru"}. {"Choose a username and password to register with this server","Zadejte jméno uživatele a heslo pro registraci na tomto serveru"}.
{"Choose modules to stop","Vyberte moduly, které mají být zastaveny"}.
{"Choose storage type of tables","Vyberte typ úložiště pro tabulky"}. {"Choose storage type of tables","Vyberte typ úložiště pro tabulky"}.
{"Choose whether to approve this entity's subscription.","Zvolte, zda chcete schválit odebírání touto entitou."}. {"Choose whether to approve this entity's subscription.","Zvolte, zda chcete schválit odebírání touto entitou."}.
{"City","Město"}. {"City","Město"}.
{"Commands","Příkazy"}. {"Commands","Příkazy"}.
{"Conference room does not exist","Místnost neexistuje"}. {"Conference room does not exist","Místnost neexistuje"}.
{"Configuration","Konfigurace"}. {"Configuration","Konfigurace"}.
{"Configuration of room ~s","Konfigurace místnosti ~s"}.
{"Connected Resources:","Připojené zdroje:"}. {"Connected Resources:","Připojené zdroje:"}.
{"Country","Země"}. {"Country","Země"}.
{"CPU Time:","Čas procesoru:"}. {"CPU Time:","Čas procesoru:"}.
{"Database failure","Chyba databáze"}. {"Database failure","Chyba databáze"}.
{"Database Tables at ~p","Databázové tabulky na ~p"}. {"Database Tables at ~p","Databázové tabulky na ~p"}.
{"Database Tables Configuration at ","Konfigurace databázových tabulek "}. {"Database Tables Configuration at ","Konfigurace databázových tabulek "}.
{"December",". prosince"}. {"December",". prosince"}.
{"Default users as participants","Uživatelé jsou implicitně členy"}. {"Default users as participants","Uživatelé jsou implicitně členy"}.
{"Delete message of the day on all hosts","Smazat zprávu dne na všech hostitelích"}. {"Delete message of the day on all hosts","Smazat zprávu dne na všech hostitelích"}.
@ -83,11 +81,9 @@
{"ejabberd Web Admin","Webová administrace ejabberd"}. {"ejabberd Web Admin","Webová administrace ejabberd"}.
{"Elements","Položek"}. {"Elements","Položek"}.
{"Email","E-mail"}. {"Email","E-mail"}.
{"Empty password","Prázdné heslo"}.
{"Enable logging","Zaznamenávat konverzace"}. {"Enable logging","Zaznamenávat konverzace"}.
{"Enabling push without 'node' attribute is not supported","Aktivováno push bez atributu 'node' není podporováno"}. {"Enabling push without 'node' attribute is not supported","Aktivováno push bez atributu 'node' není podporováno"}.
{"End User Session","Ukončit sezení uživatele"}. {"End User Session","Ukončit sezení uživatele"}.
{"Enter list of {Module, [Options]}","Vložte seznam modulů {Modul, [Parametry]}"}.
{"Enter nickname you want to register","Zadejte přezdívku, kterou chcete zaregistrovat"}. {"Enter nickname you want to register","Zadejte přezdívku, kterou chcete zaregistrovat"}.
{"Enter path to backup file","Zadajte cestu k souboru se zálohou"}. {"Enter path to backup file","Zadajte cestu k souboru se zálohou"}.
{"Enter path to jabberd14 spool dir","Zadejte cestu k jabberd14 spool adresáři"}. {"Enter path to jabberd14 spool dir","Zadejte cestu k jabberd14 spool adresáři"}.
@ -105,13 +101,11 @@
{"Failed to extract JID from your voice request approval","Došlo k chybě při získávání Jabber ID z vaší žádosti o voice práva"}. {"Failed to extract JID from your voice request approval","Došlo k chybě při získávání Jabber ID z vaší žádosti o voice práva"}.
{"Failed to map delegated namespace to external component","Chyba při mapování namespace pro externí komponentu"}. {"Failed to map delegated namespace to external component","Chyba při mapování namespace pro externí komponentu"}.
{"Failed to parse HTTP response","Chyba parsování HTTP odpovědi"}. {"Failed to parse HTTP response","Chyba parsování HTTP odpovědi"}.
{"Failed to process option '~s'","Chyba při zpracování možnosti '~s'"}.
{"Family Name","Příjmení"}. {"Family Name","Příjmení"}.
{"February",". února"}. {"February",". února"}.
{"File larger than ~w bytes","Soubor větší než ~w bytů"}. {"File larger than ~w bytes","Soubor větší než ~w bytů"}.
{"Friday","Pátek"}. {"Friday","Pátek"}.
{"From","Od"}. {"From","Od"}.
{"From ~s","Od ~s"}.
{"Full Name","Celé jméno"}. {"Full Name","Celé jméno"}.
{"Get Number of Online Users","Získat počet online uživatelů"}. {"Get Number of Online Users","Získat počet online uživatelů"}.
{"Get Number of Registered Users","Získat počet registrovaných uživatelů"}. {"Get Number of Registered Users","Získat počet registrovaných uživatelů"}.
@ -122,13 +116,12 @@
{"Group ","Skupina "}. {"Group ","Skupina "}.
{"Groups","Skupiny"}. {"Groups","Skupiny"}.
{"has been banned","byl(a) zablokován(a)"}. {"has been banned","byl(a) zablokován(a)"}.
{"has been kicked because of an affiliation change","byl(a) vyhozen(a) kvůli změně přiřazení"}.
{"has been kicked because of a system shutdown","byl(a) vyhozen(a), protože dojde k vypnutí systému"}. {"has been kicked because of a system shutdown","byl(a) vyhozen(a), protože dojde k vypnutí systému"}.
{"has been kicked because of an affiliation change","byl(a) vyhozen(a) kvůli změně přiřazení"}.
{"has been kicked because the room has been changed to members-only","byl(a) vyhozen(a), protože mísnost je nyní pouze pro členy"}. {"has been kicked because the room has been changed to members-only","byl(a) vyhozen(a), protože mísnost je nyní pouze pro členy"}.
{"has been kicked","byl(a) vyhozen(a) z místnosti"}. {"has been kicked","byl(a) vyhozen(a) z místnosti"}.
{" has set the subject to: "," změnil(a) téma na: "}.
{"Host unknown","Neznámý hostitel"}. {"Host unknown","Neznámý hostitel"}.
{"If you don't see the CAPTCHA image here, visit the web page.","Pokud zde nevidíte obrázek CAPTCHA, přejděte na webovou stránku."}. {"If you don't see the CAPTCHA image here, visit the web page.","Pokud zde nevidíte obrázek CAPTCHA, přejděte na webovou stránku."}.
{"Import Directory","Import adresáře"}. {"Import Directory","Import adresáře"}.
{"Import File","Import souboru"}. {"Import File","Import souboru"}.
@ -152,10 +145,9 @@
{"Invitations are not allowed in this conference","Pozvánky nejsou povoleny v této místnosti"}. {"Invitations are not allowed in this conference","Pozvánky nejsou povoleny v této místnosti"}.
{"IP addresses","IP adresy"}. {"IP addresses","IP adresy"}.
{"is now known as","se přejmenoval(a) na"}. {"is now known as","se přejmenoval(a) na"}.
{"It is not allowed to send error messages to the room. The participant (~s) has sent an error message (~s) and got kicked from the room","Není povoleno posílat chybové zprávy do místnosti. Účastník (~s) odeslal chybovou zprávu (~s) a byl vyhozen z místnosti"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages","Je zakázáno posílat soukromé zprávy"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","Není dovoleno odeslání soukromé zprávy typu \"skupinová zpráva\" "}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","Není dovoleno odeslání soukromé zprávy typu \"skupinová zpráva\" "}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","Není povoleno odesílat soukromé zprávy v této místnosti"}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","Není povoleno odesílat soukromé zprávy v této místnosti"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages","Je zakázáno posílat soukromé zprávy"}.
{"Jabber Account Registration","Registrace účtu Jabberu"}. {"Jabber Account Registration","Registrace účtu Jabberu"}.
{"Jabber ID","Jabber ID"}. {"Jabber ID","Jabber ID"}.
{"January",". ledna"}. {"January",". ledna"}.
@ -167,7 +159,6 @@
{"Last month","Poslední měsíc"}. {"Last month","Poslední měsíc"}.
{"Last year","Poslední rok"}. {"Last year","Poslední rok"}.
{"leaves the room","opustil(a) místnost"}. {"leaves the room","opustil(a) místnost"}.
{"List of modules to start","Seznam modulů, které mají být spuštěné"}.
{"List of rooms","Seznam místností"}. {"List of rooms","Seznam místností"}.
{"Low level update script","Nízkoúrovňový aktualizační skript"}. {"Low level update script","Nízkoúrovňový aktualizační skript"}.
{"Make participants list public","Nastavit seznam účastníků jako veřejný"}. {"Make participants list public","Nastavit seznam účastníků jako veřejný"}.
@ -191,7 +182,6 @@
{"Moderator privileges required","Potřebujete práva moderátora"}. {"Moderator privileges required","Potřebujete práva moderátora"}.
{"Modified modules","Aktualizované moduly"}. {"Modified modules","Aktualizované moduly"}.
{"Module failed to handle the query","Modul chyboval při zpracování dotazu"}. {"Module failed to handle the query","Modul chyboval při zpracování dotazu"}.
{"Monday","Pondělí"}. {"Monday","Pondělí"}.
{"Multicast","Multicast"}. {"Multicast","Multicast"}.
{"Multiple <item/> elements are not allowed by RFC6121","Vícenásobný element <item/> není povolen dle RFC6121"}. {"Multiple <item/> elements are not allowed by RFC6121","Vícenásobný element <item/> není povolen dle RFC6121"}.
@ -202,20 +192,13 @@
{"Neither 'role' nor 'affiliation' attribute found","Nebyl nalezen atribut 'role' ani 'affiliation'"}. {"Neither 'role' nor 'affiliation' attribute found","Nebyl nalezen atribut 'role' ani 'affiliation'"}.
{"Never","Nikdy"}. {"Never","Nikdy"}.
{"New Password:","Nové heslo:"}. {"New Password:","Nové heslo:"}.
{"Nickname Registration at ","Registrace přezdívky na "}. {"Nickname Registration at ","Registrace přezdívky na "}.
{"Nickname ~s does not exist in the room","Přezdívka ~s v místnosti neexistuje"}. {"Nickname","Přezdívka"}.
{"No 'affiliation' attribute found","Chybějící atribut 'affiliation'"}. {"No 'affiliation' attribute found","Chybějící atribut 'affiliation'"}.
{"No available resource found","Nebyl nalezen žádný dostupný zdroj"}. {"No available resource found","Nebyl nalezen žádný dostupný zdroj"}.
{"No body provided for announce message","Zpráva neobsahuje text"}. {"No body provided for announce message","Zpráva neobsahuje text"}.
{"No data form found","Nebyl nalezen datový formulář"}. {"No data form found","Nebyl nalezen datový formulář"}.
{"No Data","Žádná data"}. {"No Data","Žádná data"}.
{"Node already exists","Uzel již existuje"}.
{"Node index not found","Index uzlu nebyl nalezen"}.
{"Node not found","Uzel nenalezen"}.
{"Nodeprep has failed","Nodeprep chyboval"}.
{"Node ~p","Uzel ~p"}.
{"No features available","Žádné funce nejsou dostupné"}. {"No features available","Žádné funce nejsou dostupné"}.
{"No hook has processed this command","Žádný hook nebyl zpracován tímto příkazem"}. {"No hook has processed this command","Žádný hook nebyl zpracován tímto příkazem"}.
{"No info about last activity found","Nebyla žádná informace o poslední aktivitě"}. {"No info about last activity found","Nebyla žádná informace o poslední aktivitě"}.
@ -223,8 +206,6 @@
{"No items found in this query","Žádné položky nebyly nalezeny v tomto dotazu"}. {"No items found in this query","Žádné položky nebyly nalezeny v tomto dotazu"}.
{"No limit","Bez limitu"}. {"No limit","Bez limitu"}.
{"No module is handling this query","Žádný modul neobsluhuje tento dotaz"}. {"No module is handling this query","Žádný modul neobsluhuje tento dotaz"}.
{"No 'modules' found in data form","Chybějící atribut 'modules' v datovém formuláři"}.
{"No node specified","Žádný uzel nebyl specifikován"}. {"No node specified","Žádný uzel nebyl specifikován"}.
{"No 'password' found in data form","Chybějící atribut 'password' v datovém formuláři"}. {"No 'password' found in data form","Chybějící atribut 'password' v datovém formuláři"}.
{"No 'password' found in this query","Chybějící atribut 'password' v tomto dotazu"}. {"No 'password' found in this query","Chybějící atribut 'password' v tomto dotazu"}.
@ -235,8 +216,15 @@
{"No running node found","Nebyl nalezen žádný běžící uzel"}. {"No running node found","Nebyl nalezen žádný běžící uzel"}.
{"No services available","Žádné služby nejsou dostupné"}. {"No services available","Žádné služby nejsou dostupné"}.
{"No statistics found for this item","Nebyly nalezeny statistiky pro uvedenou položku"}. {"No statistics found for this item","Nebyly nalezeny statistiky pro uvedenou položku"}.
{"Not Found","Nenalezeno"}.
{"No 'to' attribute found in the invitation","Chybějící atribut 'to' v pozvánce"}. {"No 'to' attribute found in the invitation","Chybějící atribut 'to' v pozvánce"}.
{"Node already exists","Uzel již existuje"}.
{"Node index not found","Index uzlu nebyl nalezen"}.
{"Node not found","Uzel nenalezen"}.
{"Node ~p","Uzel ~p"}.
{"Nodeprep has failed","Nodeprep chyboval"}.
{"Not Found","Nenalezeno"}.
{"Not subscribed","Není odebíráno"}. {"Not subscribed","Není odebíráno"}.
{"November",". listopadu"}. {"November",". listopadu"}.
{"Number of online users","Počet online uživatelů"}. {"Number of online users","Počet online uživatelů"}.
@ -246,9 +234,9 @@
{"Offline Messages:","Offline zprávy:"}. {"Offline Messages:","Offline zprávy:"}.
{"OK","OK"}. {"OK","OK"}.
{"Old Password:","Současné heslo:"}. {"Old Password:","Současné heslo:"}.
{"Online Users","Připojení uživatelé"}. {"Online Users","Připojení uživatelé"}.
{"Online Users:","Připojení uživatelé:"}. {"Online Users:","Připojení uživatelé:"}.
{"Only <enable/> or <disable/> tags are allowed","Pouze značky <enable/> nebo <disable/>jsou povoleny"}. {"Only <enable/> or <disable/> tags are allowed","Pouze značky <enable/> nebo <disable/>jsou povoleny"}.
{"Only <list/> element is allowed in this query","Pouze element <list/> je povolen v tomto dotazu"}. {"Only <list/> element is allowed in this query","Pouze element <list/> je povolen v tomto dotazu"}.
{"Only members may query archives of this room","Pouze moderátoři mají povoleno měnit téma místnosti"}. {"Only members may query archives of this room","Pouze moderátoři mají povoleno měnit téma místnosti"}.
@ -264,17 +252,16 @@
{"Outgoing s2s Connections:","Odchozí s2s spojení:"}. {"Outgoing s2s Connections:","Odchozí s2s spojení:"}.
{"Owner privileges required","Jsou vyžadována práva vlastníka"}. {"Owner privileges required","Jsou vyžadována práva vlastníka"}.
{"Packet","Paket"}. {"Packet","Paket"}.
{"Parse failed","Došlo k chybě při parsování"}.
{"Password Verification","Ověření hesla"}. {"Password Verification","Ověření hesla"}.
{"Password Verification:","Ověření hesla:"}. {"Password Verification:","Ověření hesla:"}.
{"Path to Dir","Cesta k adresáři"}. {"Path to Dir","Cesta k adresáři"}.
{"Path to File","Cesta k souboru"}. {"Path to File","Cesta k souboru"}.
{"Pending","Čekající"}. {"Pending","Čekající"}.
{"Period: ","Čas: "}. {"Period: ","Čas: "}.
{"Ping query is incorrect","Ping dotaz je nesprávný"}. {"Ping query is incorrect","Ping dotaz je nesprávný"}.
{"Please note that these options will only backup the builtin Mnesia database. If you are using the ODBC module, you also need to backup your SQL database separately.","Podotýkáme, že tato nastavení budou zálohována do zabudované databáze Mnesia. Pokud používáte ODBC modul, musíte zálohovat svoji SQL databázi samostatně."}. {"Please note that these options will only backup the builtin Mnesia database. If you are using the ODBC module, you also need to backup your SQL database separately.","Podotýkáme, že tato nastavení budou zálohována do zabudované databáze Mnesia. Pokud používáte ODBC modul, musíte zálohovat svoji SQL databázi samostatně."}.
{"Please, wait for a while before sending new voice request","Prosím, počkejte chvíli před posláním nové žádosti o voice práva"}. {"Please, wait for a while before sending new voice request","Prosím, počkejte chvíli před posláním nové žádosti o voice práva"}.
{"Pong","Pong"}. {"Pong","Pong"}.
@ -294,39 +281,35 @@
{"Register","Zaregistrovat se"}. {"Register","Zaregistrovat se"}.
{"Remote copy","Vzdálená kopie"}. {"Remote copy","Vzdálená kopie"}.
{"Remove All Offline Messages","Odstranit všechny offline zprávy"}. {"Remove All Offline Messages","Odstranit všechny offline zprávy"}.
{"Remove User","Odstranit uživatele"}. {"Remove User","Odstranit uživatele"}.
{"Replaced by new connection","Nahrazeno novým spojením"}. {"Replaced by new connection","Nahrazeno novým spojením"}.
{"Resources","Zdroje"}. {"Resources","Zdroje"}.
{"Restart Service","Restartovat službu"}. {"Restart Service","Restartovat službu"}.
{"Restore Backup from File at ","Obnovit zálohu ze souboru na "}. {"Restore Backup from File at ","Obnovit zálohu ze souboru na "}.
{"Restore binary backup after next ejabberd restart (requires less memory):","Obnovit binární zálohu při následujícím restartu ejabberd (vyžaduje méně paměti):"}. {"Restore binary backup after next ejabberd restart (requires less memory):","Obnovit binární zálohu při následujícím restartu ejabberd (vyžaduje méně paměti):"}.
{"Restore binary backup immediately:","Okamžitě obnovit binární zálohu:"}. {"Restore binary backup immediately:","Okamžitě obnovit binární zálohu:"}.
{"Restore plain text backup immediately:","Okamžitě obnovit zálohu z textového souboru:"}. {"Restore plain text backup immediately:","Okamžitě obnovit zálohu z textového souboru:"}.
{"Room Configuration","Nastavení místnosti"}. {"Room Configuration","Nastavení místnosti"}.
{"Room creation is denied by service policy","Pravidla služby nepovolují vytvořit místnost"}. {"Room creation is denied by service policy","Pravidla služby nepovolují vytvořit místnost"}.
{"Room description","Popis místnosti"}. {"Room description","Popis místnosti"}.
{"Room Occupants","Počet účastníků"}. {"Room Occupants","Počet účastníků"}.
{"Room title","Název místnosti"}. {"Room title","Název místnosti"}.
{"Roster module has failed","Modul Roster chyboval"}.
{"Roster of ","Seznam kontaktů "}.
{"Roster","Seznam kontaktů"}.
{"Roster size","Velikost seznamu kontaktů"}. {"Roster size","Velikost seznamu kontaktů"}.
{"Roster","Seznam kontaktů"}.
{"RPC Call Error","Chyba RPC volání"}. {"RPC Call Error","Chyba RPC volání"}.
{"Running Nodes","Běžící uzly"}. {"Running Nodes","Běžící uzly"}.
{"Saturday","Sobota"}. {"Saturday","Sobota"}.
{"Scan failed","Při skenování došlo k chybě"}.
{"Script check","Kontrola skriptu"}. {"Script check","Kontrola skriptu"}.
{"Search Results for ","Výsledky hledání pro "}. {"Search Results for ","Výsledky hledání pro "}.
{"Search users in ","Hledat uživatele v "}. {"Search users in ","Hledat uživatele v "}.
{"Send announcement to all online users","Odeslat oznámení všem online uživatelům"}.
{"Send announcement to all online users on all hosts","Odeslat oznámení všem online uživatelům na všech hostitelích"}. {"Send announcement to all online users on all hosts","Odeslat oznámení všem online uživatelům na všech hostitelích"}.
{"Send announcement to all users","Odeslat oznámení všem uživatelům"}. {"Send announcement to all online users","Odeslat oznámení všem online uživatelům"}.
{"Send announcement to all users on all hosts","Odeslat oznámení všem uživatelům na všech hostitelích"}. {"Send announcement to all users on all hosts","Odeslat oznámení všem uživatelům na všech hostitelích"}.
{"Send announcement to all users","Odeslat oznámení všem uživatelům"}.
{"September",". září"}. {"September",". září"}.
{"Server connections to local subdomains are forbidden","Serverová spojení k lokálním subdoménám je zakázáno"}.
{"Server:","Server:"}. {"Server:","Server:"}.
{"Set message of the day and send to online users","Nastavit zprávu dne a odeslat ji online uživatelům"}. {"Set message of the day and send to online users","Nastavit zprávu dne a odeslat ji online uživatelům"}.
{"Set message of the day on all hosts and send to online users","Nastavit zprávu dne a odeslat ji online uživatelům"}. {"Set message of the day on all hosts and send to online users","Nastavit zprávu dne a odeslat ji online uživatelům"}.
@ -334,15 +317,9 @@
{"Show Integral Table","Zobrazit kompletní tabulku"}. {"Show Integral Table","Zobrazit kompletní tabulku"}.
{"Show Ordinary Table","Zobrazit běžnou tabulku"}. {"Show Ordinary Table","Zobrazit běžnou tabulku"}.
{"Shut Down Service","Vypnout službu"}. {"Shut Down Service","Vypnout službu"}.
{"~s invites you to the room ~s","~s vás zve do místnosti ~s"}.
{"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons.","Někteří klienti umí uložit vaše heslo na disk počítače. Tuto funkci používejte, pouze pokud věříte zabezpečení svého počítače."}. {"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons.","Někteří klienti umí uložit vaše heslo na disk počítače. Tuto funkci používejte, pouze pokud věříte zabezpečení svého počítače."}.
{"~s's Offline Messages Queue","Fronta offline zpráv uživatele ~s"}.
{"Start Modules at ","Spustit moduly na "}.
{"Start Modules","Spustit moduly"}.
{"Statistics of ~p","Statistiky ~p"}. {"Statistics of ~p","Statistiky ~p"}.
{"Statistics","Statistiky"}. {"Statistics","Statistiky"}.
{"Stop Modules at ","Zastavit moduly na "}.
{"Stop Modules","Zastavit moduly"}.
{"Stopped Nodes","Zastavené uzly"}. {"Stopped Nodes","Zastavené uzly"}.
{"Stop","Stop"}. {"Stop","Stop"}.
{"Storage Type","Typ úložiště"}. {"Storage Type","Typ úložiště"}.
@ -360,33 +337,30 @@
{"The CAPTCHA verification has failed","Ověření CAPTCHA se nezdařilo"}. {"The CAPTCHA verification has failed","Ověření CAPTCHA se nezdařilo"}.
{"The feature requested is not supported by the conference","Požadovaná vlastnost není podporována touto místností"}. {"The feature requested is not supported by the conference","Požadovaná vlastnost není podporována touto místností"}.
{"The password contains unacceptable characters","Heslo obsahuje nepovolené znaky"}. {"The password contains unacceptable characters","Heslo obsahuje nepovolené znaky"}.
{"the password is","heslo je"}.
{"The password is too weak","Heslo je příliš slabé"}. {"The password is too weak","Heslo je příliš slabé"}.
{"the password is","heslo je"}.
{"The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed.","Heslo vašeho účtu Jabberu bylo úspěšně změněno."}. {"The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed.","Heslo vašeho účtu Jabberu bylo úspěšně změněno."}.
{"The query is only allowed from local users","Dotaz je povolen pouze pro místní uživatele"}. {"The query is only allowed from local users","Dotaz je povolen pouze pro místní uživatele"}.
{"The query must not contain <item/> elements","Dotaz nesmí obsahovat elementy <item/>"}. {"The query must not contain <item/> elements","Dotaz nesmí obsahovat elementy <item/>"}.
{"The stanza MUST contain only one <active/> element, one <default/> element, or one <list/> element","Stanza MUSÍ obsahovat pouze jeden element <active/>, jeden element <default/> nebo jeden element <list/>"}.
{"There was an error changing the password: ","Při změně hesla došlo k chybě: "}. {"There was an error changing the password: ","Při změně hesla došlo k chybě: "}.
{"There was an error creating the account: ","Při vytváření účtu došlo k chybě:"}. {"There was an error creating the account: ","Při vytváření účtu došlo k chybě:"}.
{"There was an error deleting the account: ","Při mazání účtu došlo k chybě: "}. {"There was an error deleting the account: ","Při mazání účtu došlo k chybě: "}.
{"The stanza MUST contain only one <active/> element, one <default/> element, or one <list/> element","Stanza MUSÍ obsahovat pouze jeden element <active/>, jeden element <default/> nebo jeden element <list/>"}.
{"This is case insensitive: macbeth is the same that MacBeth and Macbeth.","Zde nezáleží na velikosti písmen: macbeth je stejný jako MacBeth a Macbeth."}. {"This is case insensitive: macbeth is the same that MacBeth and Macbeth.","Zde nezáleží na velikosti písmen: macbeth je stejný jako MacBeth a Macbeth."}.
{"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID (Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields.","Na této stránce si můžete vytvořit účet na tomto serveru Jabberu. Vaše JID (Jabber IDentifikátor) bude mít tvar: uživatelskéjméno@server. Přečtěte si prosím pozorně instrukce pro vyplnění údajů."}. {"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID (Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields.","Na této stránce si můžete vytvořit účet na tomto serveru Jabberu. Vaše JID (Jabber IDentifikátor) bude mít tvar: uživatelskéjméno@server. Přečtěte si prosím pozorně instrukce pro vyplnění údajů."}.
{"This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server.","Zde můžete zrušit registraci účtu na tomto serveru Jabberu."}. {"This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server.","Zde můžete zrušit registraci účtu na tomto serveru Jabberu."}.
{"This room is not anonymous","Tato místnost není anonymní"}. {"This room is not anonymous","Tato místnost není anonymní"}.
{"Thursday","Čtvrtek"}. {"Thursday","Čtvrtek"}.
{"Time delay","Časový posun"}. {"Time delay","Časový posun"}.
{"Token TTL","Token TTL"}. {"Token TTL","Token TTL"}.
{"Too many active bytestreams","Příliš mnoho aktivních bytestreamů"}. {"Too many active bytestreams","Příliš mnoho aktivních bytestreamů"}.
{"Too many CAPTCHA requests","Přiliš mnoho CAPTCHA žádostí"}. {"Too many CAPTCHA requests","Přiliš mnoho CAPTCHA žádostí"}.
{"Too many <item/> elements","Příliš mnoho elementů <item/>"}. {"Too many <item/> elements","Příliš mnoho elementů <item/>"}.
{"Too many <list/> elements","Přilíš mnoho elementů <list/>"}. {"Too many <list/> elements","Přilíš mnoho elementů <list/>"}.
{"Too many (~p) failed authentications from this IP address (~s). The address will be unblocked at ~s UTC","Příliš mnoho (~p) chybných pokusů o přihlášení z této IP adresy (~s). Adresa bude zablokována do ~s UTC"}.
{"Too many unacked stanzas","Příliš mnoho nepotvrzených stanz"}. {"Too many unacked stanzas","Příliš mnoho nepotvrzených stanz"}.
{"Too many users in this conference","Přiliš mnoho uživatelů v této místnosti"}. {"Too many users in this conference","Přiliš mnoho uživatelů v této místnosti"}.
{"To","Pro"}. {"To","Pro"}.
{"To register, visit ~s","Pokud se chcete zaregistrovat, navštivte ~s"}.
{"To ~s","Pro ~s"}.
{"Total rooms","Celkem místností"}. {"Total rooms","Celkem místností"}.
{"Traffic rate limit is exceeded","Byl překročen limit"}. {"Traffic rate limit is exceeded","Byl překročen limit"}.
{"Transactions Aborted:","Transakcí zrušených:"}. {"Transactions Aborted:","Transakcí zrušených:"}.
@ -401,29 +375,25 @@
{"Unregister a Jabber account","Zrušte registraci účtu Jabberu"}. {"Unregister a Jabber account","Zrušte registraci účtu Jabberu"}.
{"Unregister","Zrušit registraci"}. {"Unregister","Zrušit registraci"}.
{"Unsupported <index/> element","Nepodporovaný <index/> element"}. {"Unsupported <index/> element","Nepodporovaný <index/> element"}.
{"Update message of the day (don't send)","Aktualizovat zprávu dne (neodesílat)"}. {"Update message of the day (don't send)","Aktualizovat zprávu dne (neodesílat)"}.
{"Update message of the day on all hosts (don't send)","Aktualizovat zprávu dne pro všechny hostitele (neodesílat)"}. {"Update message of the day on all hosts (don't send)","Aktualizovat zprávu dne pro všechny hostitele (neodesílat)"}.
{"Update ~p","Aktualizovat ~p"}. {"Update ~p","Aktualizovat ~p"}.
{"Update plan","Aktualizovat plán"}. {"Update plan","Aktualizovat plán"}.
{"Update script","Aktualizované skripty"}. {"Update script","Aktualizované skripty"}.
{"Uptime:","Čas běhu:"}. {"Uptime:","Čas běhu:"}.
{"User already exists","Uživatel již existuje"}. {"User already exists","Uživatel již existuje"}.
{"User (jid)","Uživatel (JID)"}. {"User (jid)","Uživatel (JID)"}.
{"User Management","Správa uživatelů"}. {"User Management","Správa uživatelů"}.
{"Username:","Uživatelské jméno:"}.
{"Users are not allowed to register accounts so quickly","Je zakázáno registrovat účty v tak rychlém sledu"}.
{"User session not found","Sezení uživatele nebylo nalezeno"}. {"User session not found","Sezení uživatele nebylo nalezeno"}.
{"User session terminated","Sezení uživatele bylo ukončeno"}. {"User session terminated","Sezení uživatele bylo ukončeno"}.
{"Username:","Uživatelské jméno:"}.
{"Users are not allowed to register accounts so quickly","Je zakázáno registrovat účty v tak rychlém sledu"}.
{"Users Last Activity","Poslední aktivita uživatele"}. {"Users Last Activity","Poslední aktivita uživatele"}.
{"Users","Uživatelé"}. {"Users","Uživatelé"}.
{"User ~s","Uživatel ~s"}.
{"User","Uživatel"}. {"User","Uživatel"}.
{"Validate","Ověřit"}. {"Validate","Ověřit"}.
{"Value 'get' of 'type' attribute is not allowed","Hodnota 'get' atrubutu 'type' není povolena"}. {"Value 'get' of 'type' attribute is not allowed","Hodnota 'get' atrubutu 'type' není povolena"}.
{"Value of '~s' should be boolean","Hodnota '~s' by měla být boolean"}.
{"Value of '~s' should be datetime string","Hodnota '~s' by měla být datetime řetězec"}.
{"Value of '~s' should be integer","Hodnota '~s' by měla být celé číslo"}.
{"Value 'set' of 'type' attribute is not allowed","Hodnota 'set' atrubutu 'type' není povolena"}. {"Value 'set' of 'type' attribute is not allowed","Hodnota 'set' atrubutu 'type' není povolena"}.
{"vCard User Search","Hledání uživatelů ve vizitkách"}. {"vCard User Search","Hledání uživatelů ve vizitkách"}.
{"Virtual Hosts","Virtuální hostitelé"}. {"Virtual Hosts","Virtuální hostitelé"}.
@ -441,6 +411,6 @@
{"You need an x:data capable client to search","K vyhledávání potřebujete klienta podporujícího x:data"}. {"You need an x:data capable client to search","K vyhledávání potřebujete klienta podporujícího x:data"}.
{"Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza.","Vaše nastavení soukromí znemožnilo směrování této stance."}. {"Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza.","Vaše nastavení soukromí znemožnilo směrování této stance."}.
{"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","Fronta offline zpráv pro váš kontakt je plná. Zpráva byla zahozena."}. {"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","Fronta offline zpráv pro váš kontakt je plná. Zpráva byla zahozena."}.
{"You're not allowed to create nodes","Nemáte povoleno vytvářet uzly"}.
{"Your Jabber account was successfully created.","Váš účet Jabberu byl úspěšně vytvořen."}. {"Your Jabber account was successfully created.","Váš účet Jabberu byl úspěšně vytvořen."}.
{"Your Jabber account was successfully deleted.","Váš účet Jabberu byl úspěšně smazán."}. {"Your Jabber account was successfully deleted.","Váš účet Jabberu byl úspěšně smazán."}.
{"You're not allowed to create nodes","Nemáte povoleno vytvářet uzly"}.

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
%% -*- coding: utf-8 -*- %% -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
{" has set the subject to: "," hat das Thema geändert auf: "}.
{"A password is required to enter this room","Sie brauchen ein Passwort um diesen Raum zu betreten"}.
{"Accept","Akzeptieren"}. {"Accept","Akzeptieren"}.
{"Access denied by service policy","Zugang aufgrund der Dienstrichtlinien verweigert"}. {"Access denied by service policy","Zugang aufgrund der Dienstrichtlinien verweigert"}.
{"Action on user","Aktion auf Benutzer"}. {"Action on user","Aktion auf Benutzer"}.
@ -9,6 +11,7 @@
{"Administration","Verwaltung"}. {"Administration","Verwaltung"}.
{"Administrator privileges required","Administratorenrechte benötigt"}. {"Administrator privileges required","Administratorenrechte benötigt"}.
{"All activity","Alle Aktivitäten"}. {"All activity","Alle Aktivitäten"}.
{"All Users","Alle Benutzer"}.
{"Allow users to change the subject","Erlaube Benutzern das Thema zu ändern"}. {"Allow users to change the subject","Erlaube Benutzern das Thema zu ändern"}.
{"Allow users to query other users","Erlaube Benutzern Informationen über andere Benutzer abzufragen"}. {"Allow users to query other users","Erlaube Benutzern Informationen über andere Benutzer abzufragen"}.
{"Allow users to send invites","Erlaube Benutzern Einladungen zu senden"}. {"Allow users to send invites","Erlaube Benutzern Einladungen zu senden"}.
@ -16,23 +19,20 @@
{"Allow visitors to change nickname","Erlaube Besuchern ihren Benutzernamen zu ändern"}. {"Allow visitors to change nickname","Erlaube Besuchern ihren Benutzernamen zu ändern"}.
{"Allow visitors to send private messages to","Erlaube Besuchern das Senden von privaten Nachrichten an"}. {"Allow visitors to send private messages to","Erlaube Besuchern das Senden von privaten Nachrichten an"}.
{"Allow visitors to send status text in presence updates","Erlaube Besuchern einen Text bei Statusänderung zu senden"}. {"Allow visitors to send status text in presence updates","Erlaube Besuchern einen Text bei Statusänderung zu senden"}.
{"All Users","Alle Benutzer"}.
{"Announcements","Ankündigungen"}. {"Announcements","Ankündigungen"}.
{"A password is required to enter this room","Sie brauchen ein Passwort um diesen Raum zu betreten"}.
{"April","April"}. {"April","April"}.
{"August","August"}. {"August","August"}.
{"Automatic node creation is not enabled","Automatische Knoten-Erstellung ist nicht aktiviert"}. {"Automatic node creation is not enabled","Automatische Knoten-Erstellung ist nicht aktiviert"}.
{"Backup Management","Datensicherungsverwaltung"}. {"Backup Management","Datensicherungsverwaltung"}.
{"Backup of ~p","Sicherung von ~p"}. {"Backup of ~p","Sicherung von ~p"}.
{"Backup to File at ","Datensicherung in die Datei "}. {"Backup to File at ","Datensicherung in die Datei "}.
{"Bad format","Ungültiges Format"}. {"Bad format","Ungültiges Format"}.
{"Birthday","Geburtsdatum"}. {"Birthday","Geburtsdatum"}.
{"Both the username and the resource are required","Sowohl der Benutzername als auch die Ressource werden benötigt"}. {"Both the username and the resource are required","Sowohl der Benutzername als auch die Ressource werden benötigt"}.
{"Bytestream already activated","Bytestream bereits aktiviert"}. {"Bytestream already activated","Bytestream bereits aktiviert"}.
{"Cannot remove active list","Kann aktive Liste nicht entfernen"}. {"Cannot remove active list","Kann aktive Liste nicht entfernen"}.
{"Cannot remove default list","Kann Standardliste nicht entfernen"}. {"Cannot remove default list","Kann Standardliste nicht entfernen"}.
{"CAPTCHA web page","CAPTCHA -Webseite"}.
{"Change Password","Passwort ändern"}. {"Change Password","Passwort ändern"}.
{"Change User Password","Benutzer-Passwort ändern"}. {"Change User Password","Benutzer-Passwort ändern"}.
{"Changing password is not allowed","Ändern des Passwortes ist nicht erlaubt"}. {"Changing password is not allowed","Ändern des Passwortes ist nicht erlaubt"}.
@ -45,25 +45,23 @@
{"Chatroom is stopped","Chatraum wurde beendet"}. {"Chatroom is stopped","Chatraum wurde beendet"}.
{"Chatrooms","Chaträume"}. {"Chatrooms","Chaträume"}.
{"Choose a username and password to register with this server","Wählen sie zum Registrieren auf diesem Server einen Benutzernamen und ein Passwort"}. {"Choose a username and password to register with this server","Wählen sie zum Registrieren auf diesem Server einen Benutzernamen und ein Passwort"}.
{"Choose modules to stop","Wähle zu stoppende Module"}.
{"Choose storage type of tables","Wähle Speichertyp der Tabellen"}. {"Choose storage type of tables","Wähle Speichertyp der Tabellen"}.
{"Choose whether to approve this entity's subscription.","Wählen Sie, ob dieses Abonnement akzeptiert werden soll."}. {"Choose whether to approve this entity's subscription.","Wählen Sie, ob dieses Abonnement akzeptiert werden soll."}.
{"City","Stadt"}. {"City","Stadt"}.
{"Commands","Befehle"}. {"Commands","Befehle"}.
{"Conference room does not exist","Konferenzraum existiert nicht"}. {"Conference room does not exist","Konferenzraum existiert nicht"}.
{"Configuration","Konfiguration"}. {"Configuration","Konfiguration"}.
{"Configuration of room ~s","Konfiguration für Raum ~s"}.
{"Connected Resources:","Verbundene Ressourcen:"}. {"Connected Resources:","Verbundene Ressourcen:"}.
{"Country","Land"}. {"Country","Land"}.
{"CPU Time:","CPU-Zeit:"}. {"CPU Time:","CPU-Zeit:"}.
{"Database failure","Datenbankfehler"}. {"Database failure","Datenbankfehler"}.
{"Database Tables at ~p","Datenbanktabellen auf ~p"}. {"Database Tables at ~p","Datenbanktabellen auf ~p"}.
{"Database Tables Configuration at ","Datenbanktabellen-Konfiguration auf "}. {"Database Tables Configuration at ","Datenbanktabellen-Konfiguration auf "}.
{"December","Dezember"}. {"December","Dezember"}.
{"Default users as participants","Benutzer werden standardmäßig vollwertige Teilnehmer"}. {"Default users as participants","Benutzer werden standardmäßig vollwertige Teilnehmer"}.
{"Delete message of the day","Lösche Nachricht des Tages"}.
{"Delete message of the day on all hosts","Lösche Nachricht des Tages auf allen Hosts"}. {"Delete message of the day on all hosts","Lösche Nachricht des Tages auf allen Hosts"}.
{"Delete message of the day","Lösche Nachricht des Tages"}.
{"Delete Selected","Markierte löschen"}. {"Delete Selected","Markierte löschen"}.
{"Delete User","Benutzer löschen"}. {"Delete User","Benutzer löschen"}.
{"Description:","Beschreibung:"}. {"Description:","Beschreibung:"}.
@ -83,11 +81,9 @@
{"ejabberd Web Admin","ejabberd Web-Admin"}. {"ejabberd Web Admin","ejabberd Web-Admin"}.
{"Elements","Elemente"}. {"Elements","Elemente"}.
{"Email","E-Mail"}. {"Email","E-Mail"}.
{"Empty password","Leeres Passwort"}.
{"Enable logging","Protokollierung aktivieren"}. {"Enable logging","Protokollierung aktivieren"}.
{"Enabling push without 'node' attribute is not supported","push ohne 'node'-Attribut zu aktivieren wird nicht unterstützt"}. {"Enabling push without 'node' attribute is not supported","push ohne 'node'-Attribut zu aktivieren wird nicht unterstützt"}.
{"End User Session","Benutzer-Sitzung beenden"}. {"End User Session","Benutzer-Sitzung beenden"}.
{"Enter list of {Module, [Options]}","Geben Sie eine Liste bestehend aus {Modul, [Optionen]} ein"}.
{"Enter nickname you want to register","Geben Sie den zu registrierenden Benutzernamen ein"}. {"Enter nickname you want to register","Geben Sie den zu registrierenden Benutzernamen ein"}.
{"Enter path to backup file","Geben Sie den Pfad zur Datensicherungsdatei ein"}. {"Enter path to backup file","Geben Sie den Pfad zur Datensicherungsdatei ein"}.
{"Enter path to jabberd14 spool dir","Geben Sie den Pfad zum jabberd14-Spool-Verzeichnis ein"}. {"Enter path to jabberd14 spool dir","Geben Sie den Pfad zum jabberd14-Spool-Verzeichnis ein"}.
@ -105,12 +101,10 @@
{"Failed to extract JID from your voice request approval","Fehler beim Auslesen der JID aus der Anfragenbestätigung für Sprachrechte"}. {"Failed to extract JID from your voice request approval","Fehler beim Auslesen der JID aus der Anfragenbestätigung für Sprachrechte"}.
{"Failed to map delegated namespace to external component","Konnte delegierten Namensraum nicht externer Komponente zuordnen"}. {"Failed to map delegated namespace to external component","Konnte delegierten Namensraum nicht externer Komponente zuordnen"}.
{"Failed to parse HTTP response","Konnte HTTP-Antwort nicht parsen"}. {"Failed to parse HTTP response","Konnte HTTP-Antwort nicht parsen"}.
{"Failed to process option '~s'","Konnte Option '~s' nicht verarbeiten"}.
{"Family Name","Nachname"}. {"Family Name","Nachname"}.
{"February","Februar"}. {"February","Februar"}.
{"File larger than ~w bytes","Datei größer als ~w Bytes"}. {"File larger than ~w bytes","Datei größer als ~w Bytes"}.
{"Friday","Freitag"}. {"Friday","Freitag"}.
{"From ~s","Von ~s"}.
{"From","Von"}. {"From","Von"}.
{"Full Name","Vollständiger Name"}. {"Full Name","Vollständiger Name"}.
{"Get Number of Online Users","Anzahl der angemeldeten Benutzer abrufen"}. {"Get Number of Online Users","Anzahl der angemeldeten Benutzer abrufen"}.
@ -122,13 +116,12 @@
{"Group ","Gruppe "}. {"Group ","Gruppe "}.
{"Groups","Gruppen"}. {"Groups","Gruppen"}.
{"has been banned","wurde gebannt"}. {"has been banned","wurde gebannt"}.
{"has been kicked because of an affiliation change","wurde wegen Änderung des Mitgliederstatus gekickt"}.
{"has been kicked because of a system shutdown","wurde wegen einer Systemabschaltung gekickt"}. {"has been kicked because of a system shutdown","wurde wegen einer Systemabschaltung gekickt"}.
{"has been kicked because of an affiliation change","wurde wegen Änderung des Mitgliederstatus gekickt"}.
{"has been kicked because the room has been changed to members-only","wurde gekickt weil der Raum auf Nur-Mitglieder umgestellt wurde"}. {"has been kicked because the room has been changed to members-only","wurde gekickt weil der Raum auf Nur-Mitglieder umgestellt wurde"}.
{"has been kicked","wurde gekickt"}. {"has been kicked","wurde gekickt"}.
{" has set the subject to: "," hat das Thema geändert auf: "}.
{"Host unknown","Host unbekannt"}. {"Host unknown","Host unbekannt"}.
{"If you don't see the CAPTCHA image here, visit the web page.","Wenn Sie das CAPTCHA-Bild nicht sehen, besuchen Sie bitte die Webseite."}. {"If you don't see the CAPTCHA image here, visit the web page.","Wenn Sie das CAPTCHA-Bild nicht sehen, besuchen Sie bitte die Webseite."}.
{"Import Directory","Verzeichnis importieren"}. {"Import Directory","Verzeichnis importieren"}.
{"Import File","Datei importieren"}. {"Import File","Datei importieren"}.
@ -152,10 +145,9 @@
{"Invitations are not allowed in this conference","Einladungen sind in dieser Konferenz nicht erlaubt"}. {"Invitations are not allowed in this conference","Einladungen sind in dieser Konferenz nicht erlaubt"}.
{"IP addresses","IP-Adressen"}. {"IP addresses","IP-Adressen"}.
{"is now known as","ist nun bekannt als"}. {"is now known as","ist nun bekannt als"}.
{"It is not allowed to send error messages to the room. The participant (~s) has sent an error message (~s) and got kicked from the room","Es ist nicht erlaubt Fehlermeldungen an den Raum zu senden. Der Teilnehmer (~s) hat eine Fehlermeldung (~s) gesendet und wurde aus dem Raum gekickt"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages","Es ist nicht erlaubt private Nachrichten zu senden"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","Es ist nicht erlaubt private Nachrichten des Typs \"Gruppenchat\" zu senden"}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","Es ist nicht erlaubt private Nachrichten des Typs \"Gruppenchat\" zu senden"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","Es ist nicht erlaubt private Nachrichten an den Raum zu schicken"}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","Es ist nicht erlaubt private Nachrichten an den Raum zu schicken"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages","Es ist nicht erlaubt private Nachrichten zu senden"}.
{"Jabber Account Registration","Jabber-Konto-Anmeldung"}. {"Jabber Account Registration","Jabber-Konto-Anmeldung"}.
{"Jabber ID","Jabber-ID"}. {"Jabber ID","Jabber-ID"}.
{"January","Januar"}. {"January","Januar"}.
@ -167,7 +159,6 @@
{"Last month","Letzter Monat"}. {"Last month","Letzter Monat"}.
{"Last year","Letztes Jahr"}. {"Last year","Letztes Jahr"}.
{"leaves the room","verlässt den Raum"}. {"leaves the room","verlässt den Raum"}.
{"List of modules to start","Liste der zu startenden Module"}.
{"List of rooms","Liste von Chaträumen"}. {"List of rooms","Liste von Chaträumen"}.
{"Low level update script","Low-Level-Aktualisierungsscript"}. {"Low level update script","Low-Level-Aktualisierungsscript"}.
{"Make participants list public","Teilnehmerliste öffentlich machen"}. {"Make participants list public","Teilnehmerliste öffentlich machen"}.
@ -191,7 +182,6 @@
{"Moderator privileges required","Moderatorrechte benötigt"}. {"Moderator privileges required","Moderatorrechte benötigt"}.
{"Modified modules","Geänderte Module"}. {"Modified modules","Geänderte Module"}.
{"Module failed to handle the query","Modul konnte die Anfrage nicht verarbeiten"}. {"Module failed to handle the query","Modul konnte die Anfrage nicht verarbeiten"}.
{"Monday","Montag"}. {"Monday","Montag"}.
{"Multicast","Multicast"}. {"Multicast","Multicast"}.
{"Multiple <item/> elements are not allowed by RFC6121","Mehrere <item/>-Elemente sind laut RFC6121 nicht erlaubt"}. {"Multiple <item/> elements are not allowed by RFC6121","Mehrere <item/>-Elemente sind laut RFC6121 nicht erlaubt"}.
@ -202,20 +192,13 @@
{"Neither 'role' nor 'affiliation' attribute found","Weder 'role'- noch 'affiliation'-Attribut gefunden"}. {"Neither 'role' nor 'affiliation' attribute found","Weder 'role'- noch 'affiliation'-Attribut gefunden"}.
{"Never","Nie"}. {"Never","Nie"}.
{"New Password:","Neues Passwort:"}. {"New Password:","Neues Passwort:"}.
{"Nickname Registration at ","Registrieren des Benutzernames auf "}. {"Nickname Registration at ","Registrieren des Benutzernames auf "}.
{"Nickname ~s does not exist in the room","Der Benutzername ~s existiert im Raum nicht"}. {"Nickname","Benutzername"}.
{"No 'affiliation' attribute found","Kein 'affiliation'-Attribut gefunden"}. {"No 'affiliation' attribute found","Kein 'affiliation'-Attribut gefunden"}.
{"No available resource found","Keine verfügbare Ressource gefunden"}. {"No available resource found","Keine verfügbare Ressource gefunden"}.
{"No body provided for announce message","Kein Text für die Ankündigungsnachricht angegeben"}. {"No body provided for announce message","Kein Text für die Ankündigungsnachricht angegeben"}.
{"No data form found","Kein Datenformular gefunden"}. {"No data form found","Kein Datenformular gefunden"}.
{"No Data","Keine Daten"}. {"No Data","Keine Daten"}.
{"Node already exists","Knoten existiert bereits"}.
{"Node index not found","Knotenindex nicht gefunden"}.
{"Node not found","Knoten nicht gefunden"}.
{"Node ~p","Knoten ~p"}.
{"Nodeprep has failed","Nodeprep schlug fehl"}.
{"No features available","Keine Eigenschaften verfügbar"}. {"No features available","Keine Eigenschaften verfügbar"}.
{"No hook has processed this command","Kein Hook hat diesen Befehl verarbeitet"}. {"No hook has processed this command","Kein Hook hat diesen Befehl verarbeitet"}.
{"No info about last activity found","Keine Informationen über letzte Aktivität gefunden"}. {"No info about last activity found","Keine Informationen über letzte Aktivität gefunden"}.
@ -223,8 +206,6 @@
{"No items found in this query","Keine Elemente in dieser Anfrage gefunden"}. {"No items found in this query","Keine Elemente in dieser Anfrage gefunden"}.
{"No limit","Keine Begrenzung"}. {"No limit","Keine Begrenzung"}.
{"No module is handling this query","Kein Modul verarbeitet diese Anfrage"}. {"No module is handling this query","Kein Modul verarbeitet diese Anfrage"}.
{"No 'modules' found in data form","Kein 'modules' in Datenformular gefunden"}.
{"No node specified","Kein Knoten angegeben"}. {"No node specified","Kein Knoten angegeben"}.
{"No 'password' found in data form","Kein 'password' in Datenformular gefunden"}. {"No 'password' found in data form","Kein 'password' in Datenformular gefunden"}.
{"No 'password' found in this query","Kein 'password' in dieser Anfrage gefunden"}. {"No 'password' found in this query","Kein 'password' in dieser Anfrage gefunden"}.
@ -235,8 +216,15 @@
{"No running node found","Kein laufender Knoten gefunden"}. {"No running node found","Kein laufender Knoten gefunden"}.
{"No services available","Keine Dienste verfügbar"}. {"No services available","Keine Dienste verfügbar"}.
{"No statistics found for this item","Keine Statistiken für dieses Element gefunden"}. {"No statistics found for this item","Keine Statistiken für dieses Element gefunden"}.
{"Not Found","Nicht gefunden"}.
{"No 'to' attribute found in the invitation","Kein 'to'-Attribut in der Einladung gefunden"}. {"No 'to' attribute found in the invitation","Kein 'to'-Attribut in der Einladung gefunden"}.
{"Node already exists","Knoten existiert bereits"}.
{"Node index not found","Knotenindex nicht gefunden"}.
{"Node not found","Knoten nicht gefunden"}.
{"Node ~p","Knoten ~p"}.
{"Nodeprep has failed","Nodeprep schlug fehl"}.
{"Not Found","Nicht gefunden"}.
{"Not subscribed","Nicht abonniert"}. {"Not subscribed","Nicht abonniert"}.
{"November","November"}. {"November","November"}.
{"Number of online users","Anzahl der angemeldeten Benutzer"}. {"Number of online users","Anzahl der angemeldeten Benutzer"}.
@ -246,9 +234,9 @@
{"Offline Messages:","Offline-Nachrichten:"}. {"Offline Messages:","Offline-Nachrichten:"}.
{"OK","OK"}. {"OK","OK"}.
{"Old Password:","Altes Passwort:"}. {"Old Password:","Altes Passwort:"}.
{"Online Users","Angemeldete Benutzer"}. {"Online Users","Angemeldete Benutzer"}.
{"Online Users:","Angemeldete Benutzer:"}. {"Online Users:","Angemeldete Benutzer:"}.
{"Only <enable/> or <disable/> tags are allowed","Nur <enable/>- oder <disable/>-Tags sind erlaubt"}. {"Only <enable/> or <disable/> tags are allowed","Nur <enable/>- oder <disable/>-Tags sind erlaubt"}.
{"Only <list/> element is allowed in this query","Nur <list/>-Elemente sind in dieser Anfrage erlaubt"}. {"Only <list/> element is allowed in this query","Nur <list/>-Elemente sind in dieser Anfrage erlaubt"}.
{"Only members may query archives of this room","Nur Mitglieder dürfen den Verlauf dieses Raumes abrufen"}. {"Only members may query archives of this room","Nur Mitglieder dürfen den Verlauf dieses Raumes abrufen"}.
@ -264,17 +252,16 @@
{"Outgoing s2s Connections:","Ausgehende s2s-Verbindungen:"}. {"Outgoing s2s Connections:","Ausgehende s2s-Verbindungen:"}.
{"Owner privileges required","Besitzerrechte benötigt"}. {"Owner privileges required","Besitzerrechte benötigt"}.
{"Packet","Paket"}. {"Packet","Paket"}.
{"Parse failed","Parsen fehlgeschlagen"}.
{"Password Verification","Passwort bestätigen"}. {"Password Verification","Passwort bestätigen"}.
{"Password Verification:","Passwort bestätigen:"}. {"Password Verification:","Passwort bestätigen:"}.
{"Path to Dir","Pfad zum Verzeichnis"}. {"Path to Dir","Pfad zum Verzeichnis"}.
{"Path to File","Pfad zur Datei"}. {"Path to File","Pfad zur Datei"}.
{"Pending","Ausstehend"}. {"Pending","Ausstehend"}.
{"Period: ","Zeitraum: "}. {"Period: ","Zeitraum: "}.
{"Ping query is incorrect","Ping-Anfrage ist falsch"}. {"Ping query is incorrect","Ping-Anfrage ist falsch"}.
{"Please note that these options will only backup the builtin Mnesia database. If you are using the ODBC module, you also need to backup your SQL database separately.","Beachten Sie, dass diese Optionen nur die eingebaute Mnesia-Datenbank sichern. Wenn sie das ODBC-Modul verwenden, müssen Sie auch die SQL-Datenbank separat sichern."}. {"Please note that these options will only backup the builtin Mnesia database. If you are using the ODBC module, you also need to backup your SQL database separately.","Beachten Sie, dass diese Optionen nur die eingebaute Mnesia-Datenbank sichern. Wenn sie das ODBC-Modul verwenden, müssen Sie auch die SQL-Datenbank separat sichern."}.
{"Please, wait for a while before sending new voice request","Bitte warten Sie ein wenig, bevor Sie eine weitere Anfrage für Sprachrechte senden"}. {"Please, wait for a while before sending new voice request","Bitte warten Sie ein wenig, bevor Sie eine weitere Anfrage für Sprachrechte senden"}.
{"Pong","Pong"}. {"Pong","Pong"}.
@ -294,12 +281,12 @@
{"Registered Users:","Registrierte Benutzer:"}. {"Registered Users:","Registrierte Benutzer:"}.
{"Remote copy","Fernkopie"}. {"Remote copy","Fernkopie"}.
{"Remove All Offline Messages","Alle Offline-Nachrichten löschen"}. {"Remove All Offline Messages","Alle Offline-Nachrichten löschen"}.
{"Remove User","Benutzer löschen"}. {"Remove User","Benutzer löschen"}.
{"Replaced by new connection","Durch neue Verbindung ersetzt"}. {"Replaced by new connection","Durch neue Verbindung ersetzt"}.
{"Resources","Ressourcen"}. {"Resources","Ressourcen"}.
{"Restart Service","Dienst neustarten"}. {"Restart Service","Dienst neustarten"}.
{"Restore Backup from File at ","Datenwiederherstellung aus der Datei "}. {"Restore Backup from File at ","Datenwiederherstellung aus der Datei "}.
{"Restore binary backup after next ejabberd restart (requires less memory):","Stelle binäre Sicherung beim nächsten ejabberd-Neustart wieder her (benötigt weniger Speicher):"}. {"Restore binary backup after next ejabberd restart (requires less memory):","Stelle binäre Sicherung beim nächsten ejabberd-Neustart wieder her (benötigt weniger Speicher):"}.
{"Restore binary backup immediately:","Stelle binäre Sicherung sofort wieder her:"}. {"Restore binary backup immediately:","Stelle binäre Sicherung sofort wieder her:"}.
@ -310,14 +297,11 @@
{"Room description","Raumbeschreibung"}. {"Room description","Raumbeschreibung"}.
{"Room Occupants","Teilnehmer in diesem Raum"}. {"Room Occupants","Teilnehmer in diesem Raum"}.
{"Room title","Raumname"}. {"Room title","Raumname"}.
{"Roster module has failed","Roster-Modul schlug fehl"}.
{"Roster of ","Kontaktliste von "}.
{"Roster size","Kontaktlistengröße"}. {"Roster size","Kontaktlistengröße"}.
{"RPC Call Error","Fehler bei RPC-Aufruf"}. {"RPC Call Error","Fehler bei RPC-Aufruf"}.
{"Running Nodes","Aktive Knoten"}. {"Running Nodes","Aktive Knoten"}.
{"Saturday","Samstag"}. {"Saturday","Samstag"}.
{"Scan failed","Scan fehlgeschlagen"}.
{"Script check","Script-Überprüfung"}. {"Script check","Script-Überprüfung"}.
{"Search Results for ","Suchergebnisse für "}. {"Search Results for ","Suchergebnisse für "}.
{"Search users in ","Benutzer suchen in "}. {"Search users in ","Benutzer suchen in "}.
@ -326,7 +310,6 @@
{"Send announcement to all users on all hosts","Sende Ankündigung an alle Benutzer auf allen Hosts"}. {"Send announcement to all users on all hosts","Sende Ankündigung an alle Benutzer auf allen Hosts"}.
{"Send announcement to all users","Sende Ankündigung an alle Benutzer"}. {"Send announcement to all users","Sende Ankündigung an alle Benutzer"}.
{"September","September"}. {"September","September"}.
{"Server connections to local subdomains are forbidden","Serververbindungen zu lokalen Subdomains sind verboten"}.
{"Server:","Server:"}. {"Server:","Server:"}.
{"Set message of the day and send to online users","Setze Nachricht des Tages und sende sie an alle angemeldeten Benutzer"}. {"Set message of the day and send to online users","Setze Nachricht des Tages und sende sie an alle angemeldeten Benutzer"}.
{"Set message of the day on all hosts and send to online users","Setze Nachricht des Tages auf allen Hosts und sende sie an alle angemeldeten Benutzer"}. {"Set message of the day on all hosts and send to online users","Setze Nachricht des Tages auf allen Hosts und sende sie an alle angemeldeten Benutzer"}.
@ -334,15 +317,9 @@
{"Show Integral Table","Integral-Tabelle anzeigen"}. {"Show Integral Table","Integral-Tabelle anzeigen"}.
{"Show Ordinary Table","Gewöhnliche Tabelle anzeigen"}. {"Show Ordinary Table","Gewöhnliche Tabelle anzeigen"}.
{"Shut Down Service","Dienst herunterfahren"}. {"Shut Down Service","Dienst herunterfahren"}.
{"~s invites you to the room ~s","~s lädt Sie in den Raum ~s ein"}.
{"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons.","Einige Jabber-Clients speichern Ihr Passwort auf dem Computer. Aus Sicherheitsgründen sollten Sie das nur auf Ihrem persönlichen Computer tun."}. {"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons.","Einige Jabber-Clients speichern Ihr Passwort auf dem Computer. Aus Sicherheitsgründen sollten Sie das nur auf Ihrem persönlichen Computer tun."}.
{"~s's Offline Messages Queue","~ss Offline-Nachrichten-Warteschlange"}.
{"Start Modules at ","Starte Module auf "}.
{"Start Modules","Module starten"}.
{"Statistics of ~p","Statistiken von ~p"}. {"Statistics of ~p","Statistiken von ~p"}.
{"Statistics","Statistiken"}. {"Statistics","Statistiken"}.
{"Stop Modules at ","Stoppe Module auf "}.
{"Stop Modules","Module stoppen"}.
{"Stopped Nodes","Angehaltene Knoten"}. {"Stopped Nodes","Angehaltene Knoten"}.
{"Stop","Stoppen"}. {"Stop","Stoppen"}.
{"Storage Type","Speichertyp"}. {"Storage Type","Speichertyp"}.
@ -360,15 +337,15 @@
{"The CAPTCHA verification has failed","Die CAPTCHA-Verifizierung schlug fehl"}. {"The CAPTCHA verification has failed","Die CAPTCHA-Verifizierung schlug fehl"}.
{"The feature requested is not supported by the conference","Die gewünschte Eigenschaft wird von der Konferenz nicht unterstützt"}. {"The feature requested is not supported by the conference","Die gewünschte Eigenschaft wird von der Konferenz nicht unterstützt"}.
{"The password contains unacceptable characters","Das Passwort enthält ungültige Zeichen"}. {"The password contains unacceptable characters","Das Passwort enthält ungültige Zeichen"}.
{"the password is","das Passwort lautet"}.
{"The password is too weak","Das Passwort ist zu schwach"}. {"The password is too weak","Das Passwort ist zu schwach"}.
{"the password is","das Passwort lautet"}.
{"The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed.","Das Passwort von Ihrem Jabber-Konto wurde geändert."}. {"The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed.","Das Passwort von Ihrem Jabber-Konto wurde geändert."}.
{"The query is only allowed from local users","Die Anfrage ist nur von lokalen Benutzern erlaubt"}. {"The query is only allowed from local users","Die Anfrage ist nur von lokalen Benutzern erlaubt"}.
{"The query must not contain <item/> elements","Die Anfrage darf keine <item/>-Elemente enthalten"}. {"The query must not contain <item/> elements","Die Anfrage darf keine <item/>-Elemente enthalten"}.
{"The stanza MUST contain only one <active/> element, one <default/> element, or one <list/> element","Das Stanza darf nur ein <active/>-Element, ein <default/>-Element oder ein <list/>-Element enthalten."}.
{"There was an error changing the password: ","Es trat ein Fehler beim Ändern des Passworts auf: "}. {"There was an error changing the password: ","Es trat ein Fehler beim Ändern des Passworts auf: "}.
{"There was an error creating the account: ","Es trat ein Fehler beim Erstellen des Kontos auf: "}. {"There was an error creating the account: ","Es trat ein Fehler beim Erstellen des Kontos auf: "}.
{"There was an error deleting the account: ","Es trat ein Fehler beim Löschen des Kontos auf: "}. {"There was an error deleting the account: ","Es trat ein Fehler beim Löschen des Kontos auf: "}.
{"The stanza MUST contain only one <active/> element, one <default/> element, or one <list/> element","Das Stanza darf nur ein <active/>-Element, ein <default/>-Element oder ein <list/>-Element enthalten."}.
{"This is case insensitive: macbeth is the same that MacBeth and Macbeth.","Groß-/Kleinschreibung spielt hierbei keine Rolle: macbeth ist gleich MacBeth und Macbeth."}. {"This is case insensitive: macbeth is the same that MacBeth and Macbeth.","Groß-/Kleinschreibung spielt hierbei keine Rolle: macbeth ist gleich MacBeth und Macbeth."}.
{"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID (Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields.","Diese Seite erlaubt das Anlegen eines Jabber-Kontos auf diesem Jabber-Server. Ihre JID (Jabber IDentifier) setzt sich folgend zusammen: benutzername@server. Bitte lesen sie die Hinweise genau durch, um die Felder korrekt auszufüllen."}. {"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID (Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields.","Diese Seite erlaubt das Anlegen eines Jabber-Kontos auf diesem Jabber-Server. Ihre JID (Jabber IDentifier) setzt sich folgend zusammen: benutzername@server. Bitte lesen sie die Hinweise genau durch, um die Felder korrekt auszufüllen."}.
{"This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server.","Diese Seite erlaubt es, ein Jabber-Konto von diesem Server zu entfernen."}. {"This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server.","Diese Seite erlaubt es, ein Jabber-Konto von diesem Server zu entfernen."}.
@ -382,11 +359,8 @@
{"Too many CAPTCHA requests","Zu viele CAPTCHA-Anfragen"}. {"Too many CAPTCHA requests","Zu viele CAPTCHA-Anfragen"}.
{"Too many <item/> elements","Zu viele <item/>-Elemente"}. {"Too many <item/> elements","Zu viele <item/>-Elemente"}.
{"Too many <list/> elements","Zu viele <list/>-Elemente"}. {"Too many <list/> elements","Zu viele <list/>-Elemente"}.
{"Too many (~p) failed authentications from this IP address (~s). The address will be unblocked at ~s UTC","Zu viele (~p) fehlgeschlagene Anmeldeversuche von dieser IP Adresse (~s). Die Adresse wird bis ~s UTC blockiert."}.
{"Too many unacked stanzas","Zu viele unbestätigte Stanzas"}. {"Too many unacked stanzas","Zu viele unbestätigte Stanzas"}.
{"Too many users in this conference","Zu viele Benutzer in dieser Konferenz"}. {"Too many users in this conference","Zu viele Benutzer in dieser Konferenz"}.
{"To register, visit ~s","Um sich anzumelden, besuchen Sie ~s"}.
{"To ~s","An ~s"}.
{"Total rooms","Alle Chaträume"}. {"Total rooms","Alle Chaträume"}.
{"Traffic rate limit is exceeded","Datenratenlimit wurde überschritten"}. {"Traffic rate limit is exceeded","Datenratenlimit wurde überschritten"}.
{"Transactions Aborted:","Abgebrochene Transaktionen:"}. {"Transactions Aborted:","Abgebrochene Transaktionen:"}.
@ -398,32 +372,28 @@
{"Unable to register route on existing local domain","Konnte Route auf existierender lokaler Domain nicht registrieren"}. {"Unable to register route on existing local domain","Konnte Route auf existierender lokaler Domain nicht registrieren"}.
{"Unauthorized","Nicht berechtigt"}. {"Unauthorized","Nicht berechtigt"}.
{"Unexpected action","Unerwartete Aktion"}. {"Unexpected action","Unerwartete Aktion"}.
{"Unregister a Jabber account","Jabber-Konto entfernen"}. {"Unregister a Jabber account","Jabber-Konto entfernen"}.
{"Unsupported <index/> element","Nicht unterstütztes <index/>-Element"}. {"Unsupported <index/> element","Nicht unterstütztes <index/>-Element"}.
{"Update message of the day (don't send)","Aktualisiere Nachricht des Tages (nicht senden)"}. {"Update message of the day (don't send)","Aktualisiere Nachricht des Tages (nicht senden)"}.
{"Update message of the day on all hosts (don't send)","Aktualisiere Nachricht des Tages auf allen Hosts (nicht senden)"}. {"Update message of the day on all hosts (don't send)","Aktualisiere Nachricht des Tages auf allen Hosts (nicht senden)"}.
{"Update ~p","Aktualisierung ~p"}. {"Update ~p","Aktualisierung ~p"}.
{"Update plan","Aktualisierungsplan"}. {"Update plan","Aktualisierungsplan"}.
{"Update script","Aktualisierungsscript"}. {"Update script","Aktualisierungsscript"}.
{"Uptime:","Betriebszeit:"}. {"Uptime:","Betriebszeit:"}.
{"User already exists","Benutzer existiert bereits"}. {"User already exists","Benutzer existiert bereits"}.
{"User (jid)","Benutzer (JID)"}. {"User (jid)","Benutzer (JID)"}.
{"User Management","Benutzerverwaltung"}. {"User Management","Benutzerverwaltung"}.
{"Users are not allowed to register accounts so quickly","Benutzer dürfen Konten nicht so schnell registrieren"}.
{"User ~s","Benutzer ~s"}.
{"User session not found","Benutzersitzung nicht gefunden"}. {"User session not found","Benutzersitzung nicht gefunden"}.
{"User session terminated","Benutzersitzung beendet"}. {"User session terminated","Benutzersitzung beendet"}.
{"Users are not allowed to register accounts so quickly","Benutzer dürfen Konten nicht so schnell registrieren"}.
{"Users Last Activity","Letzte Benutzeraktivität"}. {"Users Last Activity","Letzte Benutzeraktivität"}.
{"Validate","Validieren"}. {"Validate","Validieren"}.
{"Value 'get' of 'type' attribute is not allowed","Wert 'get' des 'type'-Attributs ist nicht erlaubt"}. {"Value 'get' of 'type' attribute is not allowed","Wert 'get' des 'type'-Attributs ist nicht erlaubt"}.
{"Value of '~s' should be boolean","Wert von '~s' sollte boolesch sein"}.
{"Value of '~s' should be datetime string","Wert von '~s' sollte datetime-String sein"}.
{"Value of '~s' should be integer","Wert von '~s' sollte eine Ganzzahl sein"}.
{"Value 'set' of 'type' attribute is not allowed","Wert 'set' des 'type'-Attributs ist nicht erlaubt"}. {"Value 'set' of 'type' attribute is not allowed","Wert 'set' des 'type'-Attributs ist nicht erlaubt"}.
{"vCard User Search","vCard-Benutzer-Suche"}. {"vCard User Search","vCard-Benutzer-Suche"}.
{"Virtual Hosts","Virtuelle Hosts"}. {"Virtual Hosts","Virtuelle Hosts"}.
@ -441,6 +411,6 @@
{"You need an x:data capable client to search","Sie benötigen einen Client, der x:data unterstützt, um die Suche verwenden zu können"}. {"You need an x:data capable client to search","Sie benötigen einen Client, der x:data unterstützt, um die Suche verwenden zu können"}.
{"Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza.","Ihre aktive Privacy-Liste hat die Weiterleitung des Stanzas unterbunden."}. {"Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza.","Ihre aktive Privacy-Liste hat die Weiterleitung des Stanzas unterbunden."}.
{"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","Ihre Offline-Nachrichten-Warteschlange ist voll. Die Nachricht wurde verworfen."}. {"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","Ihre Offline-Nachrichten-Warteschlange ist voll. Die Nachricht wurde verworfen."}.
{"You're not allowed to create nodes","Es ist Ihnen nicht erlaubt Knoten zu erstellen"}.
{"Your Jabber account was successfully created.","Ihr Jabber Konto wurde erfolgreich erstellt."}. {"Your Jabber account was successfully created.","Ihr Jabber Konto wurde erfolgreich erstellt."}.
{"Your Jabber account was successfully deleted.","Ihr Jabber Konto wurde erfolgreich gelöscht."}. {"Your Jabber account was successfully deleted.","Ihr Jabber Konto wurde erfolgreich gelöscht."}.
{"You're not allowed to create nodes","Es ist Ihnen nicht erlaubt Knoten zu erstellen"}.

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
%% -*- coding: utf-8 -*- %% -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
{" has set the subject to: "," έχει θέσει το θέμα σε: "}.
{"A password is required to enter this room","Απαιτείται κωδικός πρόσβασης για είσοδο σε αυτή την αίθουσα"}.
{"Accept","Αποδοχή"}. {"Accept","Αποδοχή"}.
{"Access denied by service policy","Άρνηση πρόσβασης, λόγω τακτικής παροχής υπηρεσιών"}. {"Access denied by service policy","Άρνηση πρόσβασης, λόγω τακτικής παροχής υπηρεσιών"}.
{"Action on user","Eνέργεια για το χρήστη"}. {"Action on user","Eνέργεια για το χρήστη"}.
@ -9,6 +11,7 @@
{"Administration","Διαχείριση"}. {"Administration","Διαχείριση"}.
{"Administrator privileges required","Aπαιτούνται προνόμια διαχειριστή"}. {"Administrator privileges required","Aπαιτούνται προνόμια διαχειριστή"}.
{"All activity","Όλες οι δραστηριότητες"}. {"All activity","Όλες οι δραστηριότητες"}.
{"All Users","Όλοι οι χρήστες"}.
{"Allow users to change the subject","Επιτρέψετε στους χρήστες να αλλάζουν το θέμα"}. {"Allow users to change the subject","Επιτρέψετε στους χρήστες να αλλάζουν το θέμα"}.
{"Allow users to query other users","Επιτρέπστε στους χρήστες να ερωτούν άλλους χρήστες"}. {"Allow users to query other users","Επιτρέπστε στους χρήστες να ερωτούν άλλους χρήστες"}.
{"Allow users to send invites","Επιτρέψετε στους χρήστες να αποστέλλουν προσκλήσεις"}. {"Allow users to send invites","Επιτρέψετε στους χρήστες να αποστέλλουν προσκλήσεις"}.
@ -16,9 +19,7 @@
{"Allow visitors to change nickname","Επιτρέψετε στους επισκέπτες να αλλάζου ψευδώνυμο"}. {"Allow visitors to change nickname","Επιτρέψετε στους επισκέπτες να αλλάζου ψευδώνυμο"}.
{"Allow visitors to send private messages to","Επιτρέψετε στους χρήστες να αποστέλλουν ιδιωτικά μηνύματα σε"}. {"Allow visitors to send private messages to","Επιτρέψετε στους χρήστες να αποστέλλουν ιδιωτικά μηνύματα σε"}.
{"Allow visitors to send status text in presence updates","Επιτρέψτε στους επισκέπτες να αποστέλλουν κατάσταση στις ενημερώσεις παρουσίας"}. {"Allow visitors to send status text in presence updates","Επιτρέψτε στους επισκέπτες να αποστέλλουν κατάσταση στις ενημερώσεις παρουσίας"}.
{"All Users","Όλοι οι χρήστες"}.
{"Announcements","Ανακοινώσεις"}. {"Announcements","Ανακοινώσεις"}.
{"A password is required to enter this room","Απαιτείται κωδικός πρόσβασης για είσοδο σε αυτή την αίθουσα"}.
{"April","Απρίλιος"}. {"April","Απρίλιος"}.
{"August","Αύγουστος"}. {"August","Αύγουστος"}.
{"Automatic node creation is not enabled","Η αυτόματη δημιουργία κόμβων δεν είναι ενεργοποιημένη"}. {"Automatic node creation is not enabled","Η αυτόματη δημιουργία κόμβων δεν είναι ενεργοποιημένη"}.
@ -32,7 +33,6 @@
{"Bytestream already activated","Το Bytestream έχει ήδη ενεργοποιηθε"}. {"Bytestream already activated","Το Bytestream έχει ήδη ενεργοποιηθε"}.
{"Cannot remove active list","Δεν είναι δυνατή η κατάργηση της ενεργής λίστας"}. {"Cannot remove active list","Δεν είναι δυνατή η κατάργηση της ενεργής λίστας"}.
{"Cannot remove default list","Δεν μπορείτε να καταργήσετε την προεπιλεγμένη λίστα"}. {"Cannot remove default list","Δεν μπορείτε να καταργήσετε την προεπιλεγμένη λίστα"}.
{"CAPTCHA web page","Ιστοσελίδα CAPTCHA"}.
{"Change Password","Αλλαγή κωδικού"}. {"Change Password","Αλλαγή κωδικού"}.
{"Change User Password","Αλλαγή Κωδικού Πρόσβασης Χρήστη"}. {"Change User Password","Αλλαγή Κωδικού Πρόσβασης Χρήστη"}.
{"Changing password is not allowed","Η αλλαγή του κωδικού πρόσβασης δεν επιτρέπεται"}. {"Changing password is not allowed","Η αλλαγή του κωδικού πρόσβασης δεν επιτρέπεται"}.
@ -45,13 +45,11 @@
{"Chatroom is stopped","Η αίθουσα σύνεδριασης έχει σταματήσει"}. {"Chatroom is stopped","Η αίθουσα σύνεδριασης έχει σταματήσει"}.
{"Chatrooms","Αίθουσες σύνεδριασης"}. {"Chatrooms","Αίθουσες σύνεδριασης"}.
{"Choose a username and password to register with this server","Επιλέξτε ένα όνομα χρήστη και κωδικό πρόσβασης για να εγγραφείτε σε αυτό τον διακομιστή"}. {"Choose a username and password to register with this server","Επιλέξτε ένα όνομα χρήστη και κωδικό πρόσβασης για να εγγραφείτε σε αυτό τον διακομιστή"}.
{"Choose modules to stop","Επιλέξτε modules για να σταματήσουν"}.
{"Choose storage type of tables","Επιλέξτε τύπο αποθήκευσης των πινάκων"}. {"Choose storage type of tables","Επιλέξτε τύπο αποθήκευσης των πινάκων"}.
{"Choose whether to approve this entity's subscription.","Επιλέξτε αν θα εγκρίθεί η εγγραφή αυτής της οντότητας."}. {"Choose whether to approve this entity's subscription.","Επιλέξτε αν θα εγκρίθεί η εγγραφή αυτής της οντότητας."}.
{"City","Πόλη"}. {"City","Πόλη"}.
{"Commands","Εντολές"}. {"Commands","Εντολές"}.
{"Conference room does not exist","Αίθουσα σύνεδριασης δεν υπάρχει"}. {"Conference room does not exist","Αίθουσα σύνεδριασης δεν υπάρχει"}.
{"Configuration of room ~s","Διαμόρφωση Αίθουσας σύνεδριασης ~s"}.
{"Configuration","Διαμόρφωση"}. {"Configuration","Διαμόρφωση"}.
{"Connected Resources:","Συνδεδεμένοι Πόροι:"}. {"Connected Resources:","Συνδεδεμένοι Πόροι:"}.
{"Country","Χώρα"}. {"Country","Χώρα"}.
@ -83,11 +81,9 @@
{"ejabberd Web Admin","ejabberd Web Admin"}. {"ejabberd Web Admin","ejabberd Web Admin"}.
{"Elements","Στοιχεία"}. {"Elements","Στοιχεία"}.
{"Email","Email"}. {"Email","Email"}.
{"Empty password","Ο κωδικός πρόσβασης είναι κενός"}.
{"Enable logging","Ενεργοποίηση καταγραφής"}. {"Enable logging","Ενεργοποίηση καταγραφής"}.
{"Enabling push without 'node' attribute is not supported","Η ενεργοποίηση της ώθησης χωρίς το χαρακτηριστικό 'κόμβος' δεν υποστηρίζεται"}. {"Enabling push without 'node' attribute is not supported","Η ενεργοποίηση της ώθησης χωρίς το χαρακτηριστικό 'κόμβος' δεν υποστηρίζεται"}.
{"End User Session","Τερματισμός Συνεδρίας Χρήστη"}. {"End User Session","Τερματισμός Συνεδρίας Χρήστη"}.
{"Enter list of {Module, [Options]}","Εισάγετε κατάλογο των (Module, [Options])"}.
{"Enter nickname you want to register","Πληκτρολογήστε το ψευδώνυμο που θέλετε να εγγραφείτε"}. {"Enter nickname you want to register","Πληκτρολογήστε το ψευδώνυμο που θέλετε να εγγραφείτε"}.
{"Enter path to backup file","Εισάγετε τοποθεσία αρχείου αντιγράφου ασφαλείας"}. {"Enter path to backup file","Εισάγετε τοποθεσία αρχείου αντιγράφου ασφαλείας"}.
{"Enter path to jabberd14 spool dir","Εισάγετε κατάλογο αρχείων σειράς jabberd14"}. {"Enter path to jabberd14 spool dir","Εισάγετε κατάλογο αρχείων σειράς jabberd14"}.
@ -105,12 +101,10 @@
{"Failed to extract JID from your voice request approval","Απέτυχε η εξαγωγή JID από την έγκριση του αιτήματος φωνής σας"}. {"Failed to extract JID from your voice request approval","Απέτυχε η εξαγωγή JID από την έγκριση του αιτήματος φωνής σας"}.
{"Failed to map delegated namespace to external component","Αποτυχία ταξιθέτησης μεταγεγραμμένου χώρου ονομάτων σε εξωτερικό στοιχείο"}. {"Failed to map delegated namespace to external component","Αποτυχία ταξιθέτησης μεταγεγραμμένου χώρου ονομάτων σε εξωτερικό στοιχείο"}.
{"Failed to parse HTTP response","Αποτυχία ανάλυσης της απόκρισης HTTP"}. {"Failed to parse HTTP response","Αποτυχία ανάλυσης της απόκρισης HTTP"}.
{"Failed to process option '~s'","Αποτυχία επεξεργασίας της επιλογής '~ s'"}.
{"Family Name","Επώνυμο"}. {"Family Name","Επώνυμο"}.
{"February","Φεβρουάριος"}. {"February","Φεβρουάριος"}.
{"File larger than ~w bytes","Αρχείο μεγαλύτερο από ~w bytes"}. {"File larger than ~w bytes","Αρχείο μεγαλύτερο από ~w bytes"}.
{"Friday","Παρασκευή"}. {"Friday","Παρασκευή"}.
{"From ~s","Από ~s"}.
{"From","Από"}. {"From","Από"}.
{"Full Name","Ονοματεπώνυμο"}. {"Full Name","Ονοματεπώνυμο"}.
{"Get Number of Online Users","Έκθεση αριθμού συνδεδεμένων χρηστών"}. {"Get Number of Online Users","Έκθεση αριθμού συνδεδεμένων χρηστών"}.
@ -119,14 +113,13 @@
{"Get User Password","Έκθεση Κωδικού Πρόσβασης Χρήστη"}. {"Get User Password","Έκθεση Κωδικού Πρόσβασης Χρήστη"}.
{"Get User Statistics","Έκθεση Στατιστικών Χρήστη"}. {"Get User Statistics","Έκθεση Στατιστικών Χρήστη"}.
{"Given Name","Ονομα"}. {"Given Name","Ονομα"}.
{"Group ","Ομάδα "}. {"Group ","Ομάδα "}.
{"has been banned","έχει απαγορευθεί"}. {"has been banned","έχει απαγορευθεί"}.
{"has been kicked because of an affiliation change","έχει αποβληθεί λόγω αλλαγής υπαγωγής"}.
{"has been kicked because of a system shutdown","αποβλήθηκε λόγω τερματισμού συστήματος"}. {"has been kicked because of a system shutdown","αποβλήθηκε λόγω τερματισμού συστήματος"}.
{"has been kicked because of an affiliation change","έχει αποβληθεί λόγω αλλαγής υπαγωγής"}.
{"has been kicked because the room has been changed to members-only","αποβλήθηκε επειδή η αίθουσα αλλάξε γιά μέλη μόνο"}. {"has been kicked because the room has been changed to members-only","αποβλήθηκε επειδή η αίθουσα αλλάξε γιά μέλη μόνο"}.
{"has been kicked","αποβλήθηκε"}. {"has been kicked","αποβλήθηκε"}.
{" has set the subject to: "," έχει θέσει το θέμα σε: "}.
{"Host unknown","Ο κεντρικός διακομιστής είναι άγνωστος"}. {"Host unknown","Ο κεντρικός διακομιστής είναι άγνωστος"}.
{"Host","Κεντρικός Υπολογιστής"}. {"Host","Κεντρικός Υπολογιστής"}.
{"If you don't see the CAPTCHA image here, visit the web page.","Εάν δεν βλέπετε την εικόνα CAPTCHA εδώ, επισκεφθείτε την ιστοσελίδα."}. {"If you don't see the CAPTCHA image here, visit the web page.","Εάν δεν βλέπετε την εικόνα CAPTCHA εδώ, επισκεφθείτε την ιστοσελίδα."}.
@ -152,7 +145,6 @@
{"Invitations are not allowed in this conference","Οι προσκλήσεις δεν επιτρέπονται σε αυτή τη διάσκεψη"}. {"Invitations are not allowed in this conference","Οι προσκλήσεις δεν επιτρέπονται σε αυτή τη διάσκεψη"}.
{"IP addresses","Διευθύνσεις IP"}. {"IP addresses","Διευθύνσεις IP"}.
{"is now known as","είναι τώρα γνωστή ως"}. {"is now known as","είναι τώρα γνωστή ως"}.
{"It is not allowed to send error messages to the room. The participant (~s) has sent an error message (~s) and got kicked from the room","Δεν επιτρέπεται η αποστολή μηνυμάτων σφάλματος στο δωμάτιο. Ο συμμετέχων (~ s) έχει στείλει ένα μήνυμα σφάλματος (~ s) και έχει πέταχτεί έξω από την αίθουσα"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","Δεν επιτρέπεται να στείλει προσωπικά μηνύματα του τύπου \"groupchat\""}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","Δεν επιτρέπεται να στείλει προσωπικά μηνύματα του τύπου \"groupchat\""}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","Δεν επιτρέπεται να στείλει προσωπικά μηνύματα για τη διάσκεψη"}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","Δεν επιτρέπεται να στείλει προσωπικά μηνύματα για τη διάσκεψη"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages","Δεν επιτρέπεται η αποστολή προσωπικών μηνυμάτων"}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages","Δεν επιτρέπεται η αποστολή προσωπικών μηνυμάτων"}.
@ -167,7 +159,6 @@
{"Last month","Περασμένο μήνα"}. {"Last month","Περασμένο μήνα"}.
{"Last year","Πέρυσι"}. {"Last year","Πέρυσι"}.
{"leaves the room","εγκαταλείπει την αίθουσα"}. {"leaves the room","εγκαταλείπει την αίθουσα"}.
{"List of modules to start","Λίστα των Module για Εκκίνηση"}.
{"List of rooms","Κατάλογος αιθουσών"}. {"List of rooms","Κατάλογος αιθουσών"}.
{"Low level update script","Προγράμα ενημέρωσης χαμηλού επίπεδου"}. {"Low level update script","Προγράμα ενημέρωσης χαμηλού επίπεδου"}.
{"Make participants list public","Κάντε κοινό τον κατάλογο συμμετεχόντων"}. {"Make participants list public","Κάντε κοινό τον κατάλογο συμμετεχόντων"}.
@ -191,7 +182,6 @@
{"Moderator privileges required","Aπαιτούνται προνόμια συντονιστή"}. {"Moderator privileges required","Aπαιτούνται προνόμια συντονιστή"}.
{"Modified modules","Τροποποιημένα modules"}. {"Modified modules","Τροποποιημένα modules"}.
{"Module failed to handle the query","Το μodule απέτυχε να χειριστεί το ερώτημα"}. {"Module failed to handle the query","Το μodule απέτυχε να χειριστεί το ερώτημα"}.
{"Monday","Δευτέρα"}. {"Monday","Δευτέρα"}.
{"Multicast","Multicast"}. {"Multicast","Multicast"}.
{"Multiple <item/> elements are not allowed by RFC6121","Πολλαπλά στοιχεία <item/> δεν επιτρέπονται από το RFC6121"}. {"Multiple <item/> elements are not allowed by RFC6121","Πολλαπλά στοιχεία <item/> δεν επιτρέπονται από το RFC6121"}.
@ -203,19 +193,12 @@
{"Never","Ποτέ"}. {"Never","Ποτέ"}.
{"New Password:","Νέος κωδικός πρόσβασης:"}. {"New Password:","Νέος κωδικός πρόσβασης:"}.
{"Nickname Registration at ","Εγγραφή με Ψευδώνυμο στο "}. {"Nickname Registration at ","Εγγραφή με Ψευδώνυμο στο "}.
{"Nickname ~s does not exist in the room","Ψευδώνυμο ~s δεν υπάρχει σε αυτή την αίθουσα"}.
{"Nickname","Ψευδώνυμο"}. {"Nickname","Ψευδώνυμο"}.
{"No 'affiliation' attribute found","Δεν βρέθηκε χαρακτηριστικό 'affiliation'"}. {"No 'affiliation' attribute found","Δεν βρέθηκε χαρακτηριστικό 'affiliation'"}.
{"No available resource found","Δεν βρέθηκε διαθέσιμος πόρος"}. {"No available resource found","Δεν βρέθηκε διαθέσιμος πόρος"}.
{"No body provided for announce message","Δεν προμηθεύτικε περιεχόμενο ανακοινώσης"}. {"No body provided for announce message","Δεν προμηθεύτικε περιεχόμενο ανακοινώσης"}.
{"No data form found","Δεν βρέθηκε φόρμα δεδομένων"}. {"No data form found","Δεν βρέθηκε φόρμα δεδομένων"}.
{"No Data","Κανένα στοιχείο"}. {"No Data","Κανένα στοιχείο"}.
{"Node already exists","Ο κόμβος υπάρχει ήδη"}.
{"Node index not found","Ο δείκτης κόμβου δεν βρέθηκε"}.
{"Node not found","Κόμβος δεν βρέθηκε"}.
{"Nodeprep has failed","Το Nodeprep απέτυχε"}.
{"Node ~p","Κόμβος ~p"}.
{"No features available","Δεν υπάρχουν διαθέσιμες λειτουργίες"}. {"No features available","Δεν υπάρχουν διαθέσιμες λειτουργίες"}.
{"No hook has processed this command","Κανένα άγκιστρο δεν έχει επεξεργαστεί αυτήν την εντολή"}. {"No hook has processed this command","Κανένα άγκιστρο δεν έχει επεξεργαστεί αυτήν την εντολή"}.
{"No info about last activity found","Δεν βρέθηκαν πληροφορίες για την τελευταία δραστηριότητα"}. {"No info about last activity found","Δεν βρέθηκαν πληροφορίες για την τελευταία δραστηριότητα"}.
@ -223,8 +206,6 @@
{"No items found in this query","Δεν βρέθηκαν στοιχεία σε αυτό το ερώτημα"}. {"No items found in this query","Δεν βρέθηκαν στοιχεία σε αυτό το ερώτημα"}.
{"No limit","Χωρίς όριο"}. {"No limit","Χωρίς όριο"}.
{"No module is handling this query","Καμνένα module δεν χειρίζεται αυτό το ερώτημα"}. {"No module is handling this query","Καμνένα module δεν χειρίζεται αυτό το ερώτημα"}.
{"No 'modules' found in data form","Δεν υπάρχει 'modules' στη φόρμα δεδομένων"}.
{"No node specified","Δεν καθορίστηκε κόμβος"}. {"No node specified","Δεν καθορίστηκε κόμβος"}.
{"No 'password' found in data form","Δεν υπάρχει 'password' στη φόρμα δεδομένων"}. {"No 'password' found in data form","Δεν υπάρχει 'password' στη φόρμα δεδομένων"}.
{"No 'password' found in this query","Δεν βρέθηκε \"password\" σε αυτό το ερώτημα"}. {"No 'password' found in this query","Δεν βρέθηκε \"password\" σε αυτό το ερώτημα"}.
@ -235,8 +216,15 @@
{"No running node found","Δεν βρέθηκε ενεργός κόμβος"}. {"No running node found","Δεν βρέθηκε ενεργός κόμβος"}.
{"No services available","Δεν υπάρχουν διαθέσιμες υπηρεσίες"}. {"No services available","Δεν υπάρχουν διαθέσιμες υπηρεσίες"}.
{"No statistics found for this item","Δεν βρέθηκαν στατιστικά στοιχεία για αυτό το στοιχείο"}. {"No statistics found for this item","Δεν βρέθηκαν στατιστικά στοιχεία για αυτό το στοιχείο"}.
{"Not Found","Δεν Βρέθηκε"}.
{"No 'to' attribute found in the invitation","Δεν υπάρχει χαρακτηριστικό 'to' που βρέθηκε στην πρόσκληση"}. {"No 'to' attribute found in the invitation","Δεν υπάρχει χαρακτηριστικό 'to' που βρέθηκε στην πρόσκληση"}.
{"Node already exists","Ο κόμβος υπάρχει ήδη"}.
{"Node index not found","Ο δείκτης κόμβου δεν βρέθηκε"}.
{"Node not found","Κόμβος δεν βρέθηκε"}.
{"Node ~p","Κόμβος ~p"}.
{"Nodeprep has failed","Το Nodeprep απέτυχε"}.
{"Not Found","Δεν Βρέθηκε"}.
{"Not subscribed","Δεν έχετε εγγραφεί"}. {"Not subscribed","Δεν έχετε εγγραφεί"}.
{"November","Νοέμβριος"}. {"November","Νοέμβριος"}.
{"Number of online users","Αριθμός συνδεδεμένων χρηστών"}. {"Number of online users","Αριθμός συνδεδεμένων χρηστών"}.
@ -264,7 +252,6 @@
{"Outgoing s2s Connections:","Εξερχόμενες S2S Συνδέσεις:"}. {"Outgoing s2s Connections:","Εξερχόμενες S2S Συνδέσεις:"}.
{"Owner privileges required","Aπαιτούνται προνόμια ιδιοκτήτη"}. {"Owner privileges required","Aπαιτούνται προνόμια ιδιοκτήτη"}.
{"Packet","Πακέτο"}. {"Packet","Πακέτο"}.
{"Parse failed","Η ανάλυση απέτυχε"}.
{"Password Verification","Επαλήθευση κωδικού πρόσβασης"}. {"Password Verification","Επαλήθευση κωδικού πρόσβασης"}.
{"Password Verification:","Επαλήθευση κωδικού πρόσβασης:"}. {"Password Verification:","Επαλήθευση κωδικού πρόσβασης:"}.
{"Password:","Κωδικός πρόσβασης:"}. {"Password:","Κωδικός πρόσβασης:"}.
@ -310,14 +297,11 @@
{"Room description","Περιγραφή Αίθουσας"}. {"Room description","Περιγραφή Αίθουσας"}.
{"Room Occupants","Συμετεχόντες Αίθουσας σύνεδριασης"}. {"Room Occupants","Συμετεχόντες Αίθουσας σύνεδριασης"}.
{"Room title","Τίτλος Αίθουσας"}. {"Room title","Τίτλος Αίθουσας"}.
{"Roster module has failed","Το Roster module απέτυχε"}.
{"Roster of ","Καταλόγος Επαφών τού "}.
{"Roster size","Μέγεθος Καταλόγου Επαφών"}. {"Roster size","Μέγεθος Καταλόγου Επαφών"}.
{"Roster","Καταλόγος Επαφών"}. {"Roster","Καταλόγος Επαφών"}.
{"RPC Call Error","Σφάλμα RPC Κλήσης"}. {"RPC Call Error","Σφάλμα RPC Κλήσης"}.
{"Running Nodes","Ενεργοί Κόμβοι"}. {"Running Nodes","Ενεργοί Κόμβοι"}.
{"Saturday","Σάββατο"}. {"Saturday","Σάββατο"}.
{"Scan failed","Η σάρωση απέτυχε"}.
{"Script check","Script ελέγχου"}. {"Script check","Script ελέγχου"}.
{"Search Results for ","Αποτελέσματα αναζήτησης για "}. {"Search Results for ","Αποτελέσματα αναζήτησης για "}.
{"Search users in ","Αναζήτηση χρηστών στο "}. {"Search users in ","Αναζήτηση χρηστών στο "}.
@ -326,7 +310,6 @@
{"Send announcement to all users on all hosts","Αποστολή ανακοίνωσης σε όλους τους χρήστες σε όλους τους κεντρικούς υπολογιστές"}. {"Send announcement to all users on all hosts","Αποστολή ανακοίνωσης σε όλους τους χρήστες σε όλους τους κεντρικούς υπολογιστές"}.
{"Send announcement to all users","Αποστολή ανακοίνωσης σε όλους τους χρήστες"}. {"Send announcement to all users","Αποστολή ανακοίνωσης σε όλους τους χρήστες"}.
{"September","Σεπτέμβριος"}. {"September","Σεπτέμβριος"}.
{"Server connections to local subdomains are forbidden","Οι συνδέσεις διακομιστή με τοπικούς υποτομείς απαγορεύονται"}.
{"Server:","Διακομιστής:"}. {"Server:","Διακομιστής:"}.
{"Set message of the day and send to online users","Ορίστε μήνυμα ημέρας και αποστολή στους συνδεδεμένους χρήστες"}. {"Set message of the day and send to online users","Ορίστε μήνυμα ημέρας και αποστολή στους συνδεδεμένους χρήστες"}.
{"Set message of the day on all hosts and send to online users","Ορίστε μήνυμα ημέρας και άμεση αποστολή στους συνδεδεμένους χρήστες σε όλους τους κεντρικούς υπολογιστές"}. {"Set message of the day on all hosts and send to online users","Ορίστε μήνυμα ημέρας και άμεση αποστολή στους συνδεδεμένους χρήστες σε όλους τους κεντρικούς υπολογιστές"}.
@ -334,15 +317,9 @@
{"Show Integral Table","Δείτε Ολοκληρωτικό Πίνακα"}. {"Show Integral Table","Δείτε Ολοκληρωτικό Πίνακα"}.
{"Show Ordinary Table","Δείτε Κοινό Πίνακα"}. {"Show Ordinary Table","Δείτε Κοινό Πίνακα"}.
{"Shut Down Service","Κλείσιμο Υπηρεσίας"}. {"Shut Down Service","Κλείσιμο Υπηρεσίας"}.
{"~s invites you to the room ~s","~s σας προσκαλεί στην αίθουσα ~s"}.
{"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons.","Μερικοί πελάτες Jabber μπορεί να αποθηκεύσουν τον κωδικό πρόσβασής σας στον υπολογιστή σας. Χρησιμοποιήστε αυτό το χαρακτηριστικό μόνο εάν εμπιστεύεστε την ασφάλεια του υπολογιστή σας."}. {"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons.","Μερικοί πελάτες Jabber μπορεί να αποθηκεύσουν τον κωδικό πρόσβασής σας στον υπολογιστή σας. Χρησιμοποιήστε αυτό το χαρακτηριστικό μόνο εάν εμπιστεύεστε την ασφάλεια του υπολογιστή σας."}.
{"~s's Offline Messages Queue","Η Σειρά Χωρίς Σύνδεση Μηνύματων τού ~s"}.
{"Start Modules at ","Εκκίνηση Modules στο "}.
{"Start Modules","Εκκίνηση Modules"}.
{"Statistics of ~p","Στατιστικές του ~p"}. {"Statistics of ~p","Στατιστικές του ~p"}.
{"Statistics","Στατιστικές"}. {"Statistics","Στατιστικές"}.
{"Stop Modules at ","Παύση Modules στο "}.
{"Stop Modules","ΠαύσηModules"}.
{"Stopped Nodes","Σταματημένοι Κόμβοι"}. {"Stopped Nodes","Σταματημένοι Κόμβοι"}.
{"Stop","Σταμάτημα"}. {"Stop","Σταμάτημα"}.
{"Storage Type","Τύπος Αποθήκευσης"}. {"Storage Type","Τύπος Αποθήκευσης"}.
@ -365,10 +342,10 @@
{"The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed.","Ο κωδικός πρόσβασης του Jabber λογαριασμού σας έχει αλλάξει επιτυχώς."}. {"The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed.","Ο κωδικός πρόσβασης του Jabber λογαριασμού σας έχει αλλάξει επιτυχώς."}.
{"The query is only allowed from local users","Το ερώτημα επιτρέπεται μόνο από τοπικούς χρήστες"}. {"The query is only allowed from local users","Το ερώτημα επιτρέπεται μόνο από τοπικούς χρήστες"}.
{"The query must not contain <item/> elements","Το ερώτημα δεν πρέπει να περιέχει στοιχείο <item/>"}. {"The query must not contain <item/> elements","Το ερώτημα δεν πρέπει να περιέχει στοιχείο <item/>"}.
{"The stanza MUST contain only one <active/> element, one <default/> element, or one <list/> element","Η stanza ΠΡΕΠΕΙ να περιέχει μόνο ένα στοιχείο <active />, ένα στοιχείο <default /> ή ένα στοιχείο <list />"}.
{"There was an error changing the password: ","Υπήρξε ένα σφάλμα κατά την αλλαγή του κωδικού πρόσβασης: "}. {"There was an error changing the password: ","Υπήρξε ένα σφάλμα κατά την αλλαγή του κωδικού πρόσβασης: "}.
{"There was an error creating the account: ","Υπήρξε ένα σφάλμα κατά τη δημιουργία του λογαριασμού: "}. {"There was an error creating the account: ","Υπήρξε ένα σφάλμα κατά τη δημιουργία του λογαριασμού: "}.
{"There was an error deleting the account: ","Υπήρξε ένα σφάλμα κατά τη διαγραφή του λογαριασμού: "}. {"There was an error deleting the account: ","Υπήρξε ένα σφάλμα κατά τη διαγραφή του λογαριασμού: "}.
{"The stanza MUST contain only one <active/> element, one <default/> element, or one <list/> element","Η stanza ΠΡΕΠΕΙ να περιέχει μόνο ένα στοιχείο <active />, ένα στοιχείο <default /> ή ένα στοιχείο <list />"}.
{"This is case insensitive: macbeth is the same that MacBeth and Macbeth.","Ανεξαρτήτως με πεζά ή κεφαλαία: 'μιαλεξη' είναι το ίδιο με 'ΜιαΛέξη' και 'Μιαλέξη'."}. {"This is case insensitive: macbeth is the same that MacBeth and Macbeth.","Ανεξαρτήτως με πεζά ή κεφαλαία: 'μιαλεξη' είναι το ίδιο με 'ΜιαΛέξη' και 'Μιαλέξη'."}.
{"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID (Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields.","Αυτή η σελίδα σας επιτρέπει να δημιουργήσετε ένα λογαριασμό Jabber σε αυτόν το διακομιστή Jabber. JID σας (Jabber Identifier) θα είναι της μορφής: όνομαρήστη@διακομιστής_Jabber. Παρακαλώ διαβάστε προσεκτικά τις οδηγίες για να συμπληρώσετε σωστά τα πεδία."}. {"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID (Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields.","Αυτή η σελίδα σας επιτρέπει να δημιουργήσετε ένα λογαριασμό Jabber σε αυτόν το διακομιστή Jabber. JID σας (Jabber Identifier) θα είναι της μορφής: όνομαρήστη@διακομιστής_Jabber. Παρακαλώ διαβάστε προσεκτικά τις οδηγίες για να συμπληρώσετε σωστά τα πεδία."}.
{"This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server.","Η σελίδα αυτή δίνει τη δυνατότητα να καταργήσετε την καταχώρηση ενός λογαριασμό Jabber σε αυτόν το διακομιστή Jabber."}. {"This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server.","Η σελίδα αυτή δίνει τη δυνατότητα να καταργήσετε την καταχώρηση ενός λογαριασμό Jabber σε αυτόν το διακομιστή Jabber."}.
@ -383,8 +360,6 @@
{"Too many <list/> elements","Πάρα πολλά στοιχεία <list/>"}. {"Too many <list/> elements","Πάρα πολλά στοιχεία <list/>"}.
{"Too many unacked stanzas","Πάρα πολλές μη αναγνωρισμένες stanzas"}. {"Too many unacked stanzas","Πάρα πολλές μη αναγνωρισμένες stanzas"}.
{"Too many users in this conference","Πάρα πολλοί χρήστες σε αυτή τη διάσκεψη"}. {"Too many users in this conference","Πάρα πολλοί χρήστες σε αυτή τη διάσκεψη"}.
{"To register, visit ~s","Για να εγγραφείτε, επισκεφθείτε το ~ s"}.
{"To ~s","Πρώς ~s"}.
{"Total rooms","Συνολικές Αίθουσες σύνεδριασης"}. {"Total rooms","Συνολικές Αίθουσες σύνεδριασης"}.
{"To","Πρώς"}. {"To","Πρώς"}.
{"Traffic rate limit is exceeded","Υπέρφορτωση"}. {"Traffic rate limit is exceeded","Υπέρφορτωση"}.
@ -410,19 +385,15 @@
{"User already exists","Ο χρήστης υπάρχει ήδη"}. {"User already exists","Ο χρήστης υπάρχει ήδη"}.
{"User (jid)","Χρήστη (jid)"}. {"User (jid)","Χρήστη (jid)"}.
{"User Management","Διαχείριση χρηστών"}. {"User Management","Διαχείριση χρηστών"}.
{"Username:","Όνομα χρήστη:"}.
{"Users are not allowed to register accounts so quickly","Οι χρήστες δεν επιτρέπεται να εγγραφούν λογαριασμούς τόσο γρήγορα"}.
{"User session not found","Η συνάντηση χρήστη δεν βρέθηκε"}. {"User session not found","Η συνάντηση χρήστη δεν βρέθηκε"}.
{"User session terminated","Η σύνδεση χρήστη τερματίστηκε"}. {"User session terminated","Η σύνδεση χρήστη τερματίστηκε"}.
{"Username:","Όνομα χρήστη:"}.
{"Users are not allowed to register accounts so quickly","Οι χρήστες δεν επιτρέπεται να εγγραφούν λογαριασμούς τόσο γρήγορα"}.
{"Users Last Activity","Τελευταία Δραστηριότητα Χρήστη"}. {"Users Last Activity","Τελευταία Δραστηριότητα Χρήστη"}.
{"User ~s","Ο Χρήστης ~s"}.
{"Users","Χρήστες"}. {"Users","Χρήστες"}.
{"User","Χρήστης"}. {"User","Χρήστης"}.
{"Validate","Επαληθεύστε"}. {"Validate","Επαληθεύστε"}.
{"Value 'get' of 'type' attribute is not allowed","Η τιμή 'get' του 'type' δεν επιτρέπεται"}. {"Value 'get' of 'type' attribute is not allowed","Η τιμή 'get' του 'type' δεν επιτρέπεται"}.
{"Value of '~s' should be boolean","Η τιμή του '~ s' πρέπει να είναι boolean"}.
{"Value of '~s' should be datetime string","Η τιμή του '~ s' θα πρέπει να είναι χρονοσειρά"}.
{"Value of '~s' should be integer","Η τιμή του '~ s' θα πρέπει να είναι ακέραιος"}.
{"Value 'set' of 'type' attribute is not allowed","Δεν επιτρέπεται η παράμετρος 'set' του 'type'"}. {"Value 'set' of 'type' attribute is not allowed","Δεν επιτρέπεται η παράμετρος 'set' του 'type'"}.
{"vCard User Search","vCard Αναζήτηση χρηστών"}. {"vCard User Search","vCard Αναζήτηση χρηστών"}.
{"Virtual Hosts","Eεικονικοί κεντρικοί υπολογιστές"}. {"Virtual Hosts","Eεικονικοί κεντρικοί υπολογιστές"}.
@ -440,6 +411,6 @@
{"You need an x:data capable client to search","Χρειάζεστε ένα x:data ικανό πελάτη για αναζήτηση"}. {"You need an x:data capable client to search","Χρειάζεστε ένα x:data ικανό πελάτη για αναζήτηση"}.
{"Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza.","Ο ενεργός κατάλογος απορρήτου, έχει αρνηθεί τη δρομολόγηση αυτής της στροφής (stanza)."}. {"Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza.","Ο ενεργός κατάλογος απορρήτου, έχει αρνηθεί τη δρομολόγηση αυτής της στροφής (stanza)."}.
{"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","Η μνήμη χωρίς σύνδεση μήνυματών είναι πλήρης. Το μήνυμα έχει απορριφθεί."}. {"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","Η μνήμη χωρίς σύνδεση μήνυματών είναι πλήρης. Το μήνυμα έχει απορριφθεί."}.
{"You're not allowed to create nodes","Δεν σου επιτρέπεται η δημιουργία κόμβων"}.
{"Your Jabber account was successfully created.","Ο Jabber λογαριασμός σας δημιουργήθηκε με επιτυχία."}. {"Your Jabber account was successfully created.","Ο Jabber λογαριασμός σας δημιουργήθηκε με επιτυχία."}.
{"Your Jabber account was successfully deleted.","Ο Jabber λογαριασμός σας διαγράφηκε με επιτυχία."}. {"Your Jabber account was successfully deleted.","Ο Jabber λογαριασμός σας διαγράφηκε με επιτυχία."}.
{"You're not allowed to create nodes","Δεν σου επιτρέπεται η δημιουργία κόμβων"}.

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,13 +1,16 @@
%% -*- coding: utf-8 -*- %% -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
{" has set the subject to: "," ŝanĝis la temon al: "}.
{"A password is required to enter this room","Pasvorto estas bezonata por eniri ĉi tiun babilejon"}.
{"Access denied by service policy","Atingo rifuzita de serv-politiko"}. {"Access denied by service policy","Atingo rifuzita de serv-politiko"}.
{"Action on user","Ago je uzanto"}. {"Action on user","Ago je uzanto"}.
{"Add Jabber ID","Aldonu Jabber ID"}. {"Add Jabber ID","Aldonu Jabber ID"}.
{"Add New","Aldonu novan"}. {"Add New","Aldonu novan"}.
{"Add User","Aldonu Uzanton"}. {"Add User","Aldonu Uzanton"}.
{"Administration of ","Mastrumado de "}. {"Administration of ","Mastrumado de "}.
{"Administrator privileges required","Administrantaj rajtoj bezonata"}. {"Administrator privileges required","Administrantaj rajtoj bezonata"}.
{"All activity","Ĉiu aktiveco"}. {"All activity","Ĉiu aktiveco"}.
{"All Users","Ĉiuj Uzantoj"}.
{"Allow users to change the subject","Permesu uzantojn ŝanĝi la temon"}. {"Allow users to change the subject","Permesu uzantojn ŝanĝi la temon"}.
{"Allow users to query other users","Permesu uzantojn informpeti aliajn uzantojn"}. {"Allow users to query other users","Permesu uzantojn informpeti aliajn uzantojn"}.
{"Allow users to send invites","Permesu uzantojn sendi invitojn"}. {"Allow users to send invites","Permesu uzantojn sendi invitojn"}.
@ -15,18 +18,15 @@
{"Allow visitors to change nickname","Permesu al vizitantoj ŝanĝi siajn kaŝnomojn"}. {"Allow visitors to change nickname","Permesu al vizitantoj ŝanĝi siajn kaŝnomojn"}.
{"Allow visitors to send private messages to","Permesu uzantojn sendi privatajn mesaĝojn al"}. {"Allow visitors to send private messages to","Permesu uzantojn sendi privatajn mesaĝojn al"}.
{"Allow visitors to send status text in presence updates","Permesu al vizitantoj sendi statmesaĝon en ĉeest-sciigoj"}. {"Allow visitors to send status text in presence updates","Permesu al vizitantoj sendi statmesaĝon en ĉeest-sciigoj"}.
{"All Users","Ĉiuj Uzantoj"}.
{"Announcements","Anoncoj"}. {"Announcements","Anoncoj"}.
{"A password is required to enter this room","Pasvorto estas bezonata por eniri ĉi tiun babilejon"}.
{"April","Aprilo"}. {"April","Aprilo"}.
{"August","Aŭgusto"}. {"August","Aŭgusto"}.
{"Backup","Faru Sekurkopion"}.
{"Backup Management","Mastrumado de sekurkopioj"}. {"Backup Management","Mastrumado de sekurkopioj"}.
{"Backup of ~p","Sekurkopio de ~p"}. {"Backup of ~p","Sekurkopio de ~p"}.
{"Backup to File at ","Faru sekurkopion je "}. {"Backup to File at ","Faru sekurkopion je "}.
{"Backup","Faru Sekurkopion"}.
{"Bad format","Malĝusta formo"}. {"Bad format","Malĝusta formo"}.
{"Birthday","Naskiĝtago"}. {"Birthday","Naskiĝtago"}.
{"CAPTCHA web page","CAPTCHA teksaĵ-paĝo"}.
{"Change Password","Ŝanĝu pasvorton"}. {"Change Password","Ŝanĝu pasvorton"}.
{"Change User Password","Ŝanĝu pasvorton de uzanto"}. {"Change User Password","Ŝanĝu pasvorton de uzanto"}.
{"Characters not allowed:","Karaktroj ne permesata:"}. {"Characters not allowed:","Karaktroj ne permesata:"}.
@ -37,24 +37,22 @@
{"Chatroom is stopped","Babilejo haltita"}. {"Chatroom is stopped","Babilejo haltita"}.
{"Chatrooms","Babilejoj"}. {"Chatrooms","Babilejoj"}.
{"Choose a username and password to register with this server","Elektu uzantnomon kaj pasvorton por registri je ĉi tiu servilo"}. {"Choose a username and password to register with this server","Elektu uzantnomon kaj pasvorton por registri je ĉi tiu servilo"}.
{"Choose modules to stop","Elektu modulojn por fini"}.
{"Choose storage type of tables","Elektu konserv-tipon de tabeloj"}. {"Choose storage type of tables","Elektu konserv-tipon de tabeloj"}.
{"Choose whether to approve this entity's subscription.","Elektu ĉu permesi la abonon de ĉi tiu ento"}. {"Choose whether to approve this entity's subscription.","Elektu ĉu permesi la abonon de ĉi tiu ento"}.
{"City","Urbo"}. {"City","Urbo"}.
{"Commands","Ordonoj"}. {"Commands","Ordonoj"}.
{"Conference room does not exist","Babilejo ne ekzistas"}. {"Conference room does not exist","Babilejo ne ekzistas"}.
{"Configuration","Agordo"}. {"Configuration","Agordo"}.
{"Configuration of room ~s","Agordo de babilejo ~s"}.
{"Connected Resources:","Konektataj risurcoj:"}. {"Connected Resources:","Konektataj risurcoj:"}.
{"Country","Lando"}. {"Country","Lando"}.
{"CPU Time:","CPU-tempo"}. {"CPU Time:","CPU-tempo"}.
{"Database Tables at ~p","Datumbaz-tabeloj je ~p"}. {"Database Tables at ~p","Datumbaz-tabeloj je ~p"}.
{"Database Tables Configuration at ","Agordo de datumbaz-tabeloj je "}. {"Database Tables Configuration at ","Agordo de datumbaz-tabeloj je "}.
{"December","Decembro"}. {"December","Decembro"}.
{"Default users as participants","Kutime farigu uzantojn kiel partpoprenantoj"}. {"Default users as participants","Kutime farigu uzantojn kiel partpoprenantoj"}.
{"Delete message of the day","Forigu mesaĝo de la tago"}.
{"Delete message of the day on all hosts","Forigu mesaĝo de la tago je ĉiu gastigo"}. {"Delete message of the day on all hosts","Forigu mesaĝo de la tago je ĉiu gastigo"}.
{"Delete message of the day","Forigu mesaĝo de la tago"}.
{"Delete Selected","Forigu elektata(j)n"}. {"Delete Selected","Forigu elektata(j)n"}.
{"Delete User","Forigu Uzanton"}. {"Delete User","Forigu Uzanton"}.
{"Description:","Priskribo:"}. {"Description:","Priskribo:"}.
@ -75,7 +73,6 @@
{"Email","Retpoŝto"}. {"Email","Retpoŝto"}.
{"Enable logging","Ŝaltu protokoladon"}. {"Enable logging","Ŝaltu protokoladon"}.
{"End User Session","Haltigu Uzant-seancon"}. {"End User Session","Haltigu Uzant-seancon"}.
{"Enter list of {Module, [Options]}","Enmetu liston de {Modulo, [Elektebloj]}"}.
{"Enter nickname you want to register","Enmetu kaŝnomon kiun vi volas registri"}. {"Enter nickname you want to register","Enmetu kaŝnomon kiun vi volas registri"}.
{"Enter path to backup file","Enmetu vojon por sekurkopio"}. {"Enter path to backup file","Enmetu vojon por sekurkopio"}.
{"Enter path to jabberd14 spool dir","Enmetu vojon al jabberd14-uzantdosierujo"}. {"Enter path to jabberd14 spool dir","Enmetu vojon al jabberd14-uzantdosierujo"}.
@ -92,7 +89,6 @@
{"February","Februaro"}. {"February","Februaro"}.
{"Friday","Vendredo"}. {"Friday","Vendredo"}.
{"From","De"}. {"From","De"}.
{"From ~s","De ~s"}.
{"Full Name","Plena Nomo"}. {"Full Name","Plena Nomo"}.
{"Get Number of Online Users","Montru nombron de konektataj uzantoj"}. {"Get Number of Online Users","Montru nombron de konektataj uzantoj"}.
{"Get Number of Registered Users","Montru nombron de registritaj uzantoj"}. {"Get Number of Registered Users","Montru nombron de registritaj uzantoj"}.
@ -102,11 +98,10 @@
{"Group ","Grupo "}. {"Group ","Grupo "}.
{"Groups","Grupoj"}. {"Groups","Grupoj"}.
{"has been banned","estas forbarita"}. {"has been banned","estas forbarita"}.
{"has been kicked because of an affiliation change","estas forpelita pro aparteneca ŝanĝo"}.
{"has been kicked because of a system shutdown","estas forpelita pro sistem-haltigo"}. {"has been kicked because of a system shutdown","estas forpelita pro sistem-haltigo"}.
{"has been kicked because of an affiliation change","estas forpelita pro aparteneca ŝanĝo"}.
{"has been kicked because the room has been changed to members-only","estas forpelita ĉar la babilejo fariĝis sole por membroj"}. {"has been kicked because the room has been changed to members-only","estas forpelita ĉar la babilejo fariĝis sole por membroj"}.
{"has been kicked","estas forpelita"}. {"has been kicked","estas forpelita"}.
{" has set the subject to: "," ŝanĝis la temon al: "}.
{"Host","Gastigo"}. {"Host","Gastigo"}.
{"If you don't see the CAPTCHA image here, visit the web page.","Se vi ne vidas la CAPTCHA-imagon jene, vizitu la teksaĵ-paĝon."}. {"If you don't see the CAPTCHA image here, visit the web page.","Se vi ne vidas la CAPTCHA-imagon jene, vizitu la teksaĵ-paĝon."}.
{"Import Directory","Importu dosierujo"}. {"Import Directory","Importu dosierujo"}.
@ -121,9 +116,9 @@
{"Incorrect password","Nekorekta pasvorto"}. {"Incorrect password","Nekorekta pasvorto"}.
{"IP addresses","IP-adresoj"}. {"IP addresses","IP-adresoj"}.
{"is now known as","nun nomiĝas"}. {"is now known as","nun nomiĝas"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages","Ne estas permesata sendi privatajn mesaĝojn"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","Malpermesas sendi mesaĝojn de tipo \"groupchat\""}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","Malpermesas sendi mesaĝojn de tipo \"groupchat\""}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","Nur partoprenantoj rajtas sendi privatajn mesaĝojn al la babilejo"}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","Nur partoprenantoj rajtas sendi privatajn mesaĝojn al la babilejo"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages","Ne estas permesata sendi privatajn mesaĝojn"}.
{"Jabber Account Registration","Ĵabber-konto registrado"}. {"Jabber Account Registration","Ĵabber-konto registrado"}.
{"Jabber ID","Jabber ID"}. {"Jabber ID","Jabber ID"}.
{"January","Januaro"}. {"January","Januaro"}.
@ -135,7 +130,6 @@
{"Last month","Lasta monato"}. {"Last month","Lasta monato"}.
{"Last year","Lasta jaro"}. {"Last year","Lasta jaro"}.
{"leaves the room","eliras la babilejo"}. {"leaves the room","eliras la babilejo"}.
{"List of modules to start","Listo de moduloj por starti"}.
{"List of rooms","Listo de babilejoj"}. {"List of rooms","Listo de babilejoj"}.
{"Low level update script","Bazanivela ĝisdatigo-skripto"}. {"Low level update script","Bazanivela ĝisdatigo-skripto"}.
{"Make participants list public","Farigu partoprento-liston publika"}. {"Make participants list public","Farigu partoprento-liston publika"}.
@ -156,7 +150,6 @@
{"Middle Name","Meza Nomo"}. {"Middle Name","Meza Nomo"}.
{"Moderator privileges required","Moderantaj rajtoj bezonata"}. {"Moderator privileges required","Moderantaj rajtoj bezonata"}.
{"Modified modules","Ĝisdatigitaj moduloj"}. {"Modified modules","Ĝisdatigitaj moduloj"}.
{"Monday","Lundo"}. {"Monday","Lundo"}.
{"Multicast","Multicast"}. {"Multicast","Multicast"}.
{"Multi-User Chat","Grupbabilado"}. {"Multi-User Chat","Grupbabilado"}.
@ -164,15 +157,14 @@
{"Name:","Nomo:"}. {"Name:","Nomo:"}.
{"Never","Neniam"}. {"Never","Neniam"}.
{"New Password:","Nova Pasvorto:"}. {"New Password:","Nova Pasvorto:"}.
{"Nickname Registration at ","Kaŝnomo-registrado je "}. {"Nickname Registration at ","Kaŝnomo-registrado je "}.
{"Nickname ~s does not exist in the room","Kaŝnomo ~s ne ekzistas en la babilejo"}. {"Nickname","Kaŝnomo"}.
{"No body provided for announce message","Neniu teksto donita por anonc-mesaĝo"}. {"No body provided for announce message","Neniu teksto donita por anonc-mesaĝo"}.
{"No Data","Neniu datumo"}. {"No Data","Neniu datumo"}.
{"No limit","Neniu limigo"}.
{"Node not found","Nodo ne trovita"}. {"Node not found","Nodo ne trovita"}.
{"Node ~p","Nodo ~p"}. {"Node ~p","Nodo ~p"}.
{"Nodes","Nodoj"}. {"Nodes","Nodoj"}.
{"No limit","Neniu limigo"}.
{"None","Nenio"}. {"None","Nenio"}.
{"Not Found","Ne trovita"}. {"Not Found","Ne trovita"}.
{"November","Novembro"}. {"November","Novembro"}.
@ -183,9 +175,9 @@
{"Offline Messages:","Liverontaj mesaĝoj"}. {"Offline Messages:","Liverontaj mesaĝoj"}.
{"OK","Bone"}. {"OK","Bone"}.
{"Old Password:","Malnova Pasvorto:"}. {"Old Password:","Malnova Pasvorto:"}.
{"Online Users:","Konektataj uzantoj:"}. {"Online Users:","Konektataj uzantoj:"}.
{"Online Users","Konektataj Uzantoj"}. {"Online Users","Konektataj Uzantoj"}.
{"Only moderators and participants are allowed to change the subject in this room","Nur moderigantoj kaj partoprenantoj rajtas ŝanĝi la temon en ĉi tiu babilejo"}. {"Only moderators and participants are allowed to change the subject in this room","Nur moderigantoj kaj partoprenantoj rajtas ŝanĝi la temon en ĉi tiu babilejo"}.
{"Only moderators are allowed to change the subject in this room","Nur moderigantoj rajtas ŝanĝi la temon en ĉi tiu babilejo"}. {"Only moderators are allowed to change the subject in this room","Nur moderigantoj rajtas ŝanĝi la temon en ĉi tiu babilejo"}.
{"Only moderators can approve voice requests","Nur moderigantoj povas aprobi voĉ-petojn"}. {"Only moderators can approve voice requests","Nur moderigantoj povas aprobi voĉ-petojn"}.
@ -198,10 +190,10 @@
{"Outgoing s2s Connections:","Elirantaj s-al-s-konektoj:"}. {"Outgoing s2s Connections:","Elirantaj s-al-s-konektoj:"}.
{"Owner privileges required","Mastraj rajtoj bezonata"}. {"Owner privileges required","Mastraj rajtoj bezonata"}.
{"Packet","Pakaĵo"}. {"Packet","Pakaĵo"}.
{"Password Verification","Pasvortkontrolo"}. {"Password Verification","Pasvortkontrolo"}.
{"Password Verification:","Pasvortkontrolo:"}. {"Password Verification:","Pasvortkontrolo:"}.
{"Path to Dir","Vojo al dosierujo"}. {"Path to Dir","Vojo al dosierujo"}.
{"Path to File","Voje de dosiero"}. {"Path to File","Voje de dosiero"}.
{"Pending","Atendanta"}. {"Pending","Atendanta"}.
@ -224,12 +216,12 @@
{"Register","Registru"}. {"Register","Registru"}.
{"Remote copy","Fora kopio"}. {"Remote copy","Fora kopio"}.
{"Remove All Offline Messages","Forigu ĉiujn liverontajn mesaĝojn"}. {"Remove All Offline Messages","Forigu ĉiujn liverontajn mesaĝojn"}.
{"Remove User","Forigu uzanton"}. {"Remove User","Forigu uzanton"}.
{"Replaced by new connection","Anstataŭigita je nova konekto"}. {"Replaced by new connection","Anstataŭigita je nova konekto"}.
{"Resources","Risurcoj"}. {"Resources","Risurcoj"}.
{"Restart Service","Restartu Servon"}. {"Restart Service","Restartu Servon"}.
{"Restore Backup from File at ","Restaŭrigu de dosiero el "}. {"Restore Backup from File at ","Restaŭrigu de dosiero el "}.
{"Restore binary backup after next ejabberd restart (requires less memory):","Restaŭrigu duuman sekurkopion post sekvonta ejabberd-restarto"}. {"Restore binary backup after next ejabberd restart (requires less memory):","Restaŭrigu duuman sekurkopion post sekvonta ejabberd-restarto"}.
{"Restore binary backup immediately:","Restaŭrigu duuman sekurkopion tuj:"}. {"Restore binary backup immediately:","Restaŭrigu duuman sekurkopion tuj:"}.
@ -240,9 +232,8 @@
{"Room description","Babilejo-priskribo"}. {"Room description","Babilejo-priskribo"}.
{"Room Occupants","Nombro de ĉeestantoj"}. {"Room Occupants","Nombro de ĉeestantoj"}.
{"Room title","Babilejo-nomo"}. {"Room title","Babilejo-nomo"}.
{"Roster of ","Kontaktlisto de "}.
{"Roster size","Kontaktlist-grando"}. {"Roster size","Kontaktlist-grando"}.
{"RPC Call Error","Eraro de RPC-alvoko"}. {"RPC Call Error","Eraro de RPC-alvoko"}.
{"Running Nodes","Funkciantaj Nodoj"}. {"Running Nodes","Funkciantaj Nodoj"}.
{"Saturday","Sabato"}. {"Saturday","Sabato"}.
@ -261,16 +252,10 @@
{"Show Integral Table","Montru integran tabelon"}. {"Show Integral Table","Montru integran tabelon"}.
{"Show Ordinary Table","Montru ordinaran tabelon"}. {"Show Ordinary Table","Montru ordinaran tabelon"}.
{"Shut Down Service","Haltigu Servon"}. {"Shut Down Service","Haltigu Servon"}.
{"~s invites you to the room ~s","~s invitas vin al la babilejo ~s"}.
{"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons.","Kelkaj Ĵabber-klientoj povas memori vian pasvorton je via komputilo. Nur uzu tiun eblon se vi fidas ke via komputilo estas sekura."}. {"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons.","Kelkaj Ĵabber-klientoj povas memori vian pasvorton je via komputilo. Nur uzu tiun eblon se vi fidas ke via komputilo estas sekura."}.
{"~s's Offline Messages Queue","Mesaĝo-atendovico de ~s"}.
{"Start Modules at ","Startu modulojn je "}.
{"Start Modules","Startu Modulojn"}.
{"Statistics of ~p","Statistikoj de ~p"}. {"Statistics of ~p","Statistikoj de ~p"}.
{"Statistics","Statistikoj"}. {"Statistics","Statistikoj"}.
{"Stop","Haltigu"}. {"Stop","Haltigu"}.
{"Stop Modules at ","Haltigu modulojn je "}.
{"Stop Modules","Haltigu Modulojn"}.
{"Stopped Nodes","Neaktivaj Nodoj"}. {"Stopped Nodes","Neaktivaj Nodoj"}.
{"Storage Type","Konserv-tipo"}. {"Storage Type","Konserv-tipo"}.
{"Store binary backup:","Konservu duuman sekurkopion:"}. {"Store binary backup:","Konservu duuman sekurkopion:"}.
@ -284,8 +269,8 @@
{"That nickname is registered by another person","Kaŝnomo estas registrita de alia persono"}. {"That nickname is registered by another person","Kaŝnomo estas registrita de alia persono"}.
{"The CAPTCHA is valid.","La CAPTCHA ĝustas"}. {"The CAPTCHA is valid.","La CAPTCHA ĝustas"}.
{"The CAPTCHA verification has failed","La CAPTCHA-kontrolado malsukcesis"}. {"The CAPTCHA verification has failed","La CAPTCHA-kontrolado malsukcesis"}.
{"the password is","la pasvorto estas"}.
{"The password is too weak","La pasvorto estas ne sufiĉe forta"}. {"The password is too weak","La pasvorto estas ne sufiĉe forta"}.
{"the password is","la pasvorto estas"}.
{"The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed.","La pasvorto de via Ĵabber-konto estas sukcese ŝanĝata."}. {"The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed.","La pasvorto de via Ĵabber-konto estas sukcese ŝanĝata."}.
{"There was an error changing the password: ","Estis eraro dum ŝanĝi de la pasvortro:"}. {"There was an error changing the password: ","Estis eraro dum ŝanĝi de la pasvortro:"}.
{"There was an error creating the account: ","Estis eraro dum kreado de la konto:"}. {"There was an error creating the account: ","Estis eraro dum kreado de la konto:"}.
@ -299,9 +284,7 @@
{"Time","Tempo"}. {"Time","Tempo"}.
{"To","Ĝis"}. {"To","Ĝis"}.
{"Too many CAPTCHA requests","Tro multaj CAPTCHA-petoj"}. {"Too many CAPTCHA requests","Tro multaj CAPTCHA-petoj"}.
{"Too many (~p) failed authentications from this IP address (~s). The address will be unblocked at ~s UTC","Tro da malsukcesaj aŭtentprovoj (~p) de ĉi tiu IP-adreso (~s). La adreso estos malbarata je ~s UTC."}.
{"Too many unacked stanzas","Tro da neagnoskitaj stancoj"}. {"Too many unacked stanzas","Tro da neagnoskitaj stancoj"}.
{"To ~s","Al ~s"}.
{"Total rooms","Babilejoj"}. {"Total rooms","Babilejoj"}.
{"Traffic rate limit is exceeded","Trafikrapida limigo superita"}. {"Traffic rate limit is exceeded","Trafikrapida limigo superita"}.
{"Transactions Aborted:","Transakcioj nuligitaj"}. {"Transactions Aborted:","Transakcioj nuligitaj"}.
@ -313,19 +296,18 @@
{"Unauthorized","Nepermesita"}. {"Unauthorized","Nepermesita"}.
{"Unregister a Jabber account","Malregistru Ĵabber-konton"}. {"Unregister a Jabber account","Malregistru Ĵabber-konton"}.
{"Unregister","Malregistru"}. {"Unregister","Malregistru"}.
{"Update message of the day (don't send)","Ŝanĝu mesaĝon de la tago (ne sendu)"}. {"Update message of the day (don't send)","Ŝanĝu mesaĝon de la tago (ne sendu)"}.
{"Update message of the day on all hosts (don't send)","Ŝanĝu mesaĝon de la tago je ĉiu gastigo (ne sendu)"}. {"Update message of the day on all hosts (don't send)","Ŝanĝu mesaĝon de la tago je ĉiu gastigo (ne sendu)"}.
{"Update ~p","Ĝisdatigu ~p-n"}. {"Update ~p","Ĝisdatigu ~p-n"}.
{"Update plan","Ĝisdatigo-plano"}. {"Update plan","Ĝisdatigo-plano"}.
{"Update script","Ĝisdatigo-skripto"}. {"Update script","Ĝisdatigo-skripto"}.
{"Uptime:","Daŭro de funkciado"}. {"Uptime:","Daŭro de funkciado"}.
{"User Management","Uzanto-administrado"}. {"User Management","Uzanto-administrado"}.
{"Username:","Uzantnomo"}. {"Username:","Uzantnomo"}.
{"Users are not allowed to register accounts so quickly","Ne estas permesata al uzantoj registri tiel rapide"}. {"Users are not allowed to register accounts so quickly","Ne estas permesata al uzantoj registri tiel rapide"}.
{"Users Last Activity","Lasta aktiveco de uzanto"}. {"Users Last Activity","Lasta aktiveco de uzanto"}.
{"Users","Uzantoj"}. {"Users","Uzantoj"}.
{"User ~s","Uzanto ~s"}.
{"User","Uzanto"}. {"User","Uzanto"}.
{"Validate","Validigu"}. {"Validate","Validigu"}.
{"vCard User Search","Serĉado de vizitkartoj"}. {"vCard User Search","Serĉado de vizitkartoj"}.

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -39,7 +39,6 @@
{"Bytestream already activated","Bytestream ya está activado"}. {"Bytestream already activated","Bytestream ya está activado"}.
{"Cannot remove active list","No se puede borrar la lista activa"}. {"Cannot remove active list","No se puede borrar la lista activa"}.
{"Cannot remove default list","No se puede borrar la lista por defecto"}. {"Cannot remove default list","No se puede borrar la lista por defecto"}.
{"CAPTCHA web page","Página web de CAPTCHA"}.
{"Change Password","Cambiar contraseña"}. {"Change Password","Cambiar contraseña"}.
{"Change User Password","Cambiar contraseña de usuario"}. {"Change User Password","Cambiar contraseña de usuario"}.
{"Changing password is not allowed","No está permitido cambiar la contraseña"}. {"Changing password is not allowed","No está permitido cambiar la contraseña"}.
@ -55,14 +54,12 @@
{"Chatroom is stopped","Se ha detenido la sala"}. {"Chatroom is stopped","Se ha detenido la sala"}.
{"Chatrooms","Salas de charla"}. {"Chatrooms","Salas de charla"}.
{"Choose a username and password to register with this server","Escoge un nombre de usuario y contraseña para registrarte en este servidor"}. {"Choose a username and password to register with this server","Escoge un nombre de usuario y contraseña para registrarte en este servidor"}.
{"Choose modules to stop","Selecciona módulos a detener"}.
{"Choose storage type of tables","Selecciona tipo de almacenamiento de las tablas"}. {"Choose storage type of tables","Selecciona tipo de almacenamiento de las tablas"}.
{"Choose whether to approve this entity's subscription.","Decidir si aprobar la subscripción de esta entidad."}. {"Choose whether to approve this entity's subscription.","Decidir si aprobar la subscripción de esta entidad."}.
{"City","Ciudad"}. {"City","Ciudad"}.
{"Client acknowledged more stanzas than sent by server","El cliente ha reconocido más paquetes de los que el servidor ha enviado"}. {"Client acknowledged more stanzas than sent by server","El cliente ha reconocido más paquetes de los que el servidor ha enviado"}.
{"Commands","Comandos"}. {"Commands","Comandos"}.
{"Conference room does not exist","La sala de conferencias no existe"}. {"Conference room does not exist","La sala de conferencias no existe"}.
{"Configuration of room ~s","Configuración para la sala ~s"}.
{"Configuration","Configuración"}. {"Configuration","Configuración"}.
{"Connected Resources:","Recursos conectados:"}. {"Connected Resources:","Recursos conectados:"}.
{"Country","País"}. {"Country","País"}.
@ -97,11 +94,9 @@
{"ejabberd","ejabberd"}. {"ejabberd","ejabberd"}.
{"Elements","Elementos"}. {"Elements","Elementos"}.
{"Email","correo"}. {"Email","correo"}.
{"Empty password","Contraseña vacía"}.
{"Enable logging","Guardar históricos"}. {"Enable logging","Guardar históricos"}.
{"Enabling push without 'node' attribute is not supported","No está soportado activar Push sin el atributo 'node'"}. {"Enabling push without 'node' attribute is not supported","No está soportado activar Push sin el atributo 'node'"}.
{"End User Session","Cerrar sesión de usuario"}. {"End User Session","Cerrar sesión de usuario"}.
{"Enter list of {Module, [Options]}","Introduce lista de {módulo, [opciones]}"}.
{"Enter nickname you want to register","Introduce el apodo que quieras registrar"}. {"Enter nickname you want to register","Introduce el apodo que quieras registrar"}.
{"Enter path to backup file","Introduce ruta al fichero de copia de seguridad"}. {"Enter path to backup file","Introduce ruta al fichero de copia de seguridad"}.
{"Enter path to jabberd14 spool dir","Introduce la ruta al directorio de jabberd14 spools"}. {"Enter path to jabberd14 spool dir","Introduce la ruta al directorio de jabberd14 spools"}.
@ -119,13 +114,11 @@
{"Failed to extract JID from your voice request approval","Fallo al extraer el Jabber ID de tu aprobación de petición de voz"}. {"Failed to extract JID from your voice request approval","Fallo al extraer el Jabber ID de tu aprobación de petición de voz"}.
{"Failed to map delegated namespace to external component","Falló el mapeo de espacio de nombres delegado al componente externo"}. {"Failed to map delegated namespace to external component","Falló el mapeo de espacio de nombres delegado al componente externo"}.
{"Failed to parse HTTP response","Falló la comprensión de la respuesta HTTP"}. {"Failed to parse HTTP response","Falló la comprensión de la respuesta HTTP"}.
{"Failed to process option '~s'","Falló el procesado de la opción '~s'"}.
{"Family Name","Apellido"}. {"Family Name","Apellido"}.
{"February","febrero"}. {"February","febrero"}.
{"File larger than ~w bytes","El fichero es más grande que ~w bytes"}. {"File larger than ~w bytes","El fichero es más grande que ~w bytes"}.
{"Fill in the form to search for any matching Jabber User","Rellena campos para buscar usuarios Jabber que concuerden"}. {"Fill in the form to search for any matching Jabber User","Rellena campos para buscar usuarios Jabber que concuerden"}.
{"Friday","viernes"}. {"Friday","viernes"}.
{"From ~s","De ~s"}.
{"From","De"}. {"From","De"}.
{"Full Name","Nombre completo"}. {"Full Name","Nombre completo"}.
{"Get Number of Online Users","Ver número de usuarios conectados"}. {"Get Number of Online Users","Ver número de usuarios conectados"}.
@ -172,7 +165,6 @@
{"Invitations are not allowed in this conference","Las invitaciones no están permitidas en esta sala"}. {"Invitations are not allowed in this conference","Las invitaciones no están permitidas en esta sala"}.
{"IP addresses","Direcciones IP"}. {"IP addresses","Direcciones IP"}.
{"is now known as","se cambia el nombre a"}. {"is now known as","se cambia el nombre a"}.
{"It is not allowed to send error messages to the room. The participant (~s) has sent an error message (~s) and got kicked from the room","No está permitido enviar mensajes de error a la sala. Este participante (~s) ha enviado un mensaje de error (~s) y fue expulsado de la sala"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","No está permitido enviar mensajes privados del tipo \"groupchat\""}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","No está permitido enviar mensajes privados del tipo \"groupchat\""}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","Impedir el envio de mensajes privados a la sala"}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","Impedir el envio de mensajes privados a la sala"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages","No está permitido enviar mensajes privados"}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages","No está permitido enviar mensajes privados"}.
@ -187,7 +179,6 @@
{"Last month","Último mes"}. {"Last month","Último mes"}.
{"Last year","Último año"}. {"Last year","Último año"}.
{"leaves the room","sale de la sala"}. {"leaves the room","sale de la sala"}.
{"List of modules to start","Lista de módulos a iniciar"}.
{"List of rooms","Lista de salas"}. {"List of rooms","Lista de salas"}.
{"Low level update script","Script de actualización a bajo nivel"}. {"Low level update script","Script de actualización a bajo nivel"}.
{"Make participants list public","La lista de participantes es pública"}. {"Make participants list public","La lista de participantes es pública"}.
@ -213,7 +204,6 @@
{"Moderator privileges required","Se necesita privilegios de moderador"}. {"Moderator privileges required","Se necesita privilegios de moderador"}.
{"Modified modules","Módulos modificados"}. {"Modified modules","Módulos modificados"}.
{"Module failed to handle the query","El módulo falló al gestionar la petición"}. {"Module failed to handle the query","El módulo falló al gestionar la petición"}.
{"Monday","lunes"}. {"Monday","lunes"}.
{"Multicast","Multicast"}. {"Multicast","Multicast"}.
{"Multiple <item/> elements are not allowed by RFC6121","No se permiten múltiples elementos <item/> en RFC6121"}. {"Multiple <item/> elements are not allowed by RFC6121","No se permiten múltiples elementos <item/> en RFC6121"}.
@ -226,7 +216,6 @@
{"New Password:","Nueva contraseña:"}. {"New Password:","Nueva contraseña:"}.
{"Nickname can't be empty","El apodo no puede estar vacío"}. {"Nickname can't be empty","El apodo no puede estar vacío"}.
{"Nickname Registration at ","Registro del apodo en "}. {"Nickname Registration at ","Registro del apodo en "}.
{"Nickname ~s does not exist in the room","El apodo ~s no existe en la sala"}.
{"Nickname","Apodo"}. {"Nickname","Apodo"}.
{"No address elements found","No se encontraron elementos de dirección ('address')"}. {"No address elements found","No se encontraron elementos de dirección ('address')"}.
{"No addresses element found","No se encontró elemento de direcciones ('addresses')"}. {"No addresses element found","No se encontró elemento de direcciones ('addresses')"}.
@ -244,7 +233,6 @@
{"No items found in this query","No se han encontrado elementos en esta petición"}. {"No items found in this query","No se han encontrado elementos en esta petición"}.
{"No limit","Sin límite"}. {"No limit","Sin límite"}.
{"No module is handling this query","Ningún modulo está gestionando esta petición"}. {"No module is handling this query","Ningún modulo está gestionando esta petición"}.
{"No 'modules' found in data form","No se encontró 'modules' en el formulario de datos"}.
{"No node specified","No se ha especificado ningún nodo"}. {"No node specified","No se ha especificado ningún nodo"}.
{"No 'password' found in data form","No se encontró 'password' en el formulario de datos"}. {"No 'password' found in data form","No se encontró 'password' en el formulario de datos"}.
{"No 'password' found in this query","No se encontró 'password' en esta petición"}. {"No 'password' found in this query","No se encontró 'password' en esta petición"}.
@ -293,7 +281,6 @@
{"Owner privileges required","Se requieren privilegios de propietario de la sala"}. {"Owner privileges required","Se requieren privilegios de propietario de la sala"}.
{"Packet relay is denied by service policy","Se ha denegado el reenvío del paquete por política del servicio"}. {"Packet relay is denied by service policy","Se ha denegado el reenvío del paquete por política del servicio"}.
{"Packet","Paquete"}. {"Packet","Paquete"}.
{"Parse failed","El procesado falló"}.
{"Password Verification","Verificación de la contraseña"}. {"Password Verification","Verificación de la contraseña"}.
{"Password Verification:","Verificación de la contraseña:"}. {"Password Verification:","Verificación de la contraseña:"}.
{"Password","Contraseña"}. {"Password","Contraseña"}.
@ -347,15 +334,11 @@
{"Room Occupants","Ocupantes de la sala"}. {"Room Occupants","Ocupantes de la sala"}.
{"Room terminates","Cerrando la sala"}. {"Room terminates","Cerrando la sala"}.
{"Room title","Título de la sala"}. {"Room title","Título de la sala"}.
{"Roster module has failed","El módulo Roster ha fallado"}.
{"Roster of ","Lista de contactos de "}.
{"Roster size","Tamaño de la lista de contactos"}. {"Roster size","Tamaño de la lista de contactos"}.
{"Roster","Lista de contactos"}. {"Roster","Lista de contactos"}.
{"RPC Call Error","Error en la llamada RPC"}. {"RPC Call Error","Error en la llamada RPC"}.
{"Running Nodes","Nodos funcionando"}. {"Running Nodes","Nodos funcionando"}.
{"~s invites you to the room ~s","~s te invita a la sala ~s"}.
{"Saturday","sábado"}. {"Saturday","sábado"}.
{"Scan failed","El escaneo ha fallado"}.
{"Script check","Comprobación de script"}. {"Script check","Comprobación de script"}.
{"Search Results for ","Buscar resultados por "}. {"Search Results for ","Buscar resultados por "}.
{"Search users in ","Buscar usuarios en "}. {"Search users in ","Buscar usuarios en "}.
@ -375,13 +358,8 @@
{"Shut Down Service","Detener el servicio"}. {"Shut Down Service","Detener el servicio"}.
{"SOCKS5 Bytestreams","SOCKS5 Bytestreams"}. {"SOCKS5 Bytestreams","SOCKS5 Bytestreams"}.
{"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons.","Algunos clientes Jabber pueden recordar tu contraseña en la máquina. Usa esa opción solo si confías en que la máquina que usas es segura."}. {"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons.","Algunos clientes Jabber pueden recordar tu contraseña en la máquina. Usa esa opción solo si confías en que la máquina que usas es segura."}.
{"~s's Offline Messages Queue","Cola de mensajes diferidos de ~s"}.
{"Start Modules at ","Iniciar módulos en "}.
{"Start Modules","Iniciar módulos"}.
{"Statistics of ~p","Estadísticas de ~p"}. {"Statistics of ~p","Estadísticas de ~p"}.
{"Statistics","Estadísticas"}. {"Statistics","Estadísticas"}.
{"Stop Modules at ","Detener módulos en "}.
{"Stop Modules","Detener módulos"}.
{"Stop","Detener"}. {"Stop","Detener"}.
{"Stopped Nodes","Nodos detenidos"}. {"Stopped Nodes","Nodos detenidos"}.
{"Storage Type","Tipo de almacenamiento"}. {"Storage Type","Tipo de almacenamiento"}.
@ -420,20 +398,16 @@
{"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID (Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields.","Esta página te permite crear una cuenta Jabber este servidor Jabber. Tu JID (Jabber IDentificador) será de la forma: nombredeusuario@servidor. Por favor lee detenidamente las instrucciones para rellenar correctamente los campos."}. {"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID (Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields.","Esta página te permite crear una cuenta Jabber este servidor Jabber. Tu JID (Jabber IDentificador) será de la forma: nombredeusuario@servidor. Por favor lee detenidamente las instrucciones para rellenar correctamente los campos."}.
{"This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server.","Esta página te permite borrar tu cuenta Jabber en este servidor Jabber."}. {"This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server.","Esta página te permite borrar tu cuenta Jabber en este servidor Jabber."}.
{"This room is not anonymous","Sala no anónima"}. {"This room is not anonymous","Sala no anónima"}.
{"This service can not process the address: ~s","Este servicio no puede procesar la dirección: ~s"}.
{"Thursday","jueves"}. {"Thursday","jueves"}.
{"Time delay","Retraso temporal"}. {"Time delay","Retraso temporal"}.
{"Timed out waiting for stream resumption","Ha pasado demasiado tiempo esperando que la conexión se restablezca"}. {"Timed out waiting for stream resumption","Ha pasado demasiado tiempo esperando que la conexión se restablezca"}.
{"Time","Fecha"}. {"Time","Fecha"}.
{"To register, visit ~s","Para registrarte, visita ~s"}.
{"To ~s","A ~s"}.
{"Token TTL","Token TTL"}. {"Token TTL","Token TTL"}.
{"Too many active bytestreams","Demasiados bytestreams activos"}. {"Too many active bytestreams","Demasiados bytestreams activos"}.
{"Too many CAPTCHA requests","Demasiadas peticiones de CAPTCHA"}. {"Too many CAPTCHA requests","Demasiadas peticiones de CAPTCHA"}.
{"Too many child elements","Demasiados subelementos"}. {"Too many child elements","Demasiados subelementos"}.
{"Too many <item/> elements","Demasiados elementos <item/>"}. {"Too many <item/> elements","Demasiados elementos <item/>"}.
{"Too many <list/> elements","Demasiados elementos <list/>"}. {"Too many <list/> elements","Demasiados elementos <list/>"}.
{"Too many (~p) failed authentications from this IP address (~s). The address will be unblocked at ~s UTC","Demasiadas (~p) autenticaciones fallidas de esta dirección IP (~s). La dirección será desbloqueada en ~s UTC"}.
{"Too many receiver fields were specified","Se han especificado demasiados campos de destinatario"}. {"Too many receiver fields were specified","Se han especificado demasiados campos de destinatario"}.
{"Too many unacked stanzas","Demasiados mensajes sin haber reconocido recibirlos"}. {"Too many unacked stanzas","Demasiados mensajes sin haber reconocido recibirlos"}.
{"Too many users in this conference","Demasiados usuarios en esta sala"}. {"Too many users in this conference","Demasiados usuarios en esta sala"}.
@ -468,7 +442,6 @@
{"User removed","Usuario eliminado"}. {"User removed","Usuario eliminado"}.
{"User session not found","Sesión de usuario no encontrada"}. {"User session not found","Sesión de usuario no encontrada"}.
{"User session terminated","Sesión de usuario terminada"}. {"User session terminated","Sesión de usuario terminada"}.
{"User ~s","Usuario ~s"}.
{"Username:","Nombre de usuario:"}. {"Username:","Nombre de usuario:"}.
{"Users are not allowed to register accounts so quickly","Los usuarios no tienen permitido crear cuentas con tanta rapidez"}. {"Users are not allowed to register accounts so quickly","Los usuarios no tienen permitido crear cuentas con tanta rapidez"}.
{"Users Last Activity","Última actividad de los usuarios"}. {"Users Last Activity","Última actividad de los usuarios"}.
@ -476,9 +449,6 @@
{"User","Usuario"}. {"User","Usuario"}.
{"Validate","Validar"}. {"Validate","Validar"}.
{"Value 'get' of 'type' attribute is not allowed","El valor 'get' del atributo 'type' no está permitido"}. {"Value 'get' of 'type' attribute is not allowed","El valor 'get' del atributo 'type' no está permitido"}.
{"Value of '~s' should be boolean","El valor de '~s' debería ser booleano"}.
{"Value of '~s' should be datetime string","El valor de '~s' debería ser una fecha"}.
{"Value of '~s' should be integer","El valor de '~s' debería ser un entero"}.
{"Value 'set' of 'type' attribute is not allowed","El valor 'set' del atributo 'type' no está permitido"}. {"Value 'set' of 'type' attribute is not allowed","El valor 'set' del atributo 'type' no está permitido"}.
{"vCard User Search","Buscar vCard de usuario"}. {"vCard User Search","Buscar vCard de usuario"}.
{"Virtual Hosting","Dominios Virtuales"}. {"Virtual Hosting","Dominios Virtuales"}.
@ -503,5 +473,4 @@
{"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","Tu cola de mensajes diferidos de contactos está llena. El mensaje se ha descartado."}. {"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","Tu cola de mensajes diferidos de contactos está llena. El mensaje se ha descartado."}.
{"Your Jabber account was successfully created.","Tu cuenta Jabber se ha creado correctamente."}. {"Your Jabber account was successfully created.","Tu cuenta Jabber se ha creado correctamente."}.
{"Your Jabber account was successfully deleted.","Tu cuenta Jabber se ha borrado correctamente."}. {"Your Jabber account was successfully deleted.","Tu cuenta Jabber se ha borrado correctamente."}.
{"Your subscription request and/or messages to ~s have been blocked. To unblock your subscription request, visit ~s","Tu petición de suscripción y/o mensajes a ~s están siendo bloqueados. Para desbloquearlos, visita ~s"}.
{"You're not allowed to create nodes","No tienes permitido crear nodos"}. {"You're not allowed to create nodes","No tienes permitido crear nodos"}.

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,14 +1,17 @@
%% -*- coding: utf-8 -*- %% -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
{" has set the subject to: "," a changé le sujet: "}.
{"A password is required to enter this room","Un mot de passe est nécessaire pour accéder à ce salon"}.
{"Accept","Accepter"}. {"Accept","Accepter"}.
{"Access denied by service policy","L'accès au service est refusé"}. {"Access denied by service policy","L'accès au service est refusé"}.
{"Action on user","Action sur l'utilisateur"}. {"Action on user","Action sur l'utilisateur"}.
{"Add Jabber ID","Ajouter un Jabber ID"}. {"Add Jabber ID","Ajouter un Jabber ID"}.
{"Add New","Ajouter"}. {"Add New","Ajouter"}.
{"Add User","Ajouter un utilisateur"}. {"Add User","Ajouter un utilisateur"}.
{"Administration of ","Administration de "}. {"Administration of ","Administration de "}.
{"Administrator privileges required","Les droits d'administrateur sont nécessaires"}. {"Administrator privileges required","Les droits d'administrateur sont nécessaires"}.
{"All activity","Toute activité"}. {"All activity","Toute activité"}.
{"All Users","Tous les utilisateurs"}.
{"Allow users to change the subject","Autoriser les utilisateurs à changer le sujet"}. {"Allow users to change the subject","Autoriser les utilisateurs à changer le sujet"}.
{"Allow users to query other users","Autoriser les utilisateurs à envoyer des requêtes aux autres utilisateurs"}. {"Allow users to query other users","Autoriser les utilisateurs à envoyer des requêtes aux autres utilisateurs"}.
{"Allow users to send invites","Autoriser les utilisateurs à envoyer des invitations"}. {"Allow users to send invites","Autoriser les utilisateurs à envoyer des invitations"}.
@ -16,23 +19,20 @@
{"Allow visitors to change nickname","Autoriser les visiteurs à changer de pseudo"}. {"Allow visitors to change nickname","Autoriser les visiteurs à changer de pseudo"}.
{"Allow visitors to send private messages to","Autoriser les visiteurs à envoyer des messages privés"}. {"Allow visitors to send private messages to","Autoriser les visiteurs à envoyer des messages privés"}.
{"Allow visitors to send status text in presence updates","Autoriser les visiteurs à envoyer un message d'état avec leur présence"}. {"Allow visitors to send status text in presence updates","Autoriser les visiteurs à envoyer un message d'état avec leur présence"}.
{"All Users","Tous les utilisateurs"}.
{"Announcements","Annonces"}. {"Announcements","Annonces"}.
{"A password is required to enter this room","Un mot de passe est nécessaire pour accéder à ce salon"}.
{"April","Avril"}. {"April","Avril"}.
{"August","Août"}. {"August","Août"}.
{"Automatic node creation is not enabled","La creation implicite de nœud n'est pas disponible"}. {"Automatic node creation is not enabled","La creation implicite de nœud n'est pas disponible"}.
{"Backup Management","Gestion des sauvegardes"}. {"Backup Management","Gestion des sauvegardes"}.
{"Backup of ~p","Sauvegarde de ~p"}. {"Backup of ~p","Sauvegarde de ~p"}.
{"Backup to File at ","Sauvegarde fichier sur "}. {"Backup to File at ","Sauvegarde fichier sur "}.
{"Bad format","Mauvais format"}. {"Bad format","Mauvais format"}.
{"Birthday","Date d'anniversaire"}. {"Birthday","Date d'anniversaire"}.
{"Both the username and the resource are required","Le nom d'utilisateur et sa ressource sont nécessaires"}. {"Both the username and the resource are required","Le nom d'utilisateur et sa ressource sont nécessaires"}.
{"Bytestream already activated","Le flux SOCKS5 est déjà activé"}. {"Bytestream already activated","Le flux SOCKS5 est déjà activé"}.
{"Cannot remove active list","La liste active ne peut être supprimée"}. {"Cannot remove active list","La liste active ne peut être supprimée"}.
{"Cannot remove default list","La liste par défaut ne peut être supprimée"}. {"Cannot remove default list","La liste par défaut ne peut être supprimée"}.
{"CAPTCHA web page","Page web de CAPTCHA"}.
{"Change Password","Modifier le mot de passe"}. {"Change Password","Modifier le mot de passe"}.
{"Change User Password","Changer le mot de passe de l'utilisateur"}. {"Change User Password","Changer le mot de passe de l'utilisateur"}.
{"Changing password is not allowed","La modification du mot de passe n'est pas autorisée"}. {"Changing password is not allowed","La modification du mot de passe n'est pas autorisée"}.
@ -45,21 +45,19 @@
{"Chatroom is stopped","Le salon de discussion est stoppé"}. {"Chatroom is stopped","Le salon de discussion est stoppé"}.
{"Chatrooms","Salons de discussion"}. {"Chatrooms","Salons de discussion"}.
{"Choose a username and password to register with this server","Choisissez un nom d'utilisateur et un mot de passe pour ce serveur"}. {"Choose a username and password to register with this server","Choisissez un nom d'utilisateur et un mot de passe pour ce serveur"}.
{"Choose modules to stop","Sélectionnez les modules à arrêter"}.
{"Choose storage type of tables","Choisissez un type de stockage pour les tables"}. {"Choose storage type of tables","Choisissez un type de stockage pour les tables"}.
{"Choose whether to approve this entity's subscription.","Accepter cet abonnement ?"}. {"Choose whether to approve this entity's subscription.","Accepter cet abonnement ?"}.
{"City","Ville"}. {"City","Ville"}.
{"Commands","Commandes"}. {"Commands","Commandes"}.
{"Conference room does not exist","Le salon de discussion n'existe pas"}. {"Conference room does not exist","Le salon de discussion n'existe pas"}.
{"Configuration","Configuration"}. {"Configuration","Configuration"}.
{"Configuration of room ~s","Configuration pour le salon ~s"}.
{"Connected Resources:","Ressources connectées:"}. {"Connected Resources:","Ressources connectées:"}.
{"Country","Pays"}. {"Country","Pays"}.
{"CPU Time:","Temps CPU:"}. {"CPU Time:","Temps CPU:"}.
{"Database","Base de données"}.
{"Database failure","Echec sur la base de données"}. {"Database failure","Echec sur la base de données"}.
{"Database Tables at ~p","Tables de base de données sur ~p"}. {"Database Tables at ~p","Tables de base de données sur ~p"}.
{"Database Tables Configuration at ","Configuration des tables de base de données sur "}. {"Database Tables Configuration at ","Configuration des tables de base de données sur "}.
{"Database","Base de données"}.
{"December","Décembre"}. {"December","Décembre"}.
{"Default users as participants","Les utilisateurs sont participant par défaut"}. {"Default users as participants","Les utilisateurs sont participant par défaut"}.
{"Delete message of the day on all hosts","Supprimer le message du jour sur tous les domaines"}. {"Delete message of the day on all hosts","Supprimer le message du jour sur tous les domaines"}.
@ -83,11 +81,9 @@
{"ejabberd Web Admin","Console Web d'administration de ejabberd"}. {"ejabberd Web Admin","Console Web d'administration de ejabberd"}.
{"Elements","Éléments"}. {"Elements","Éléments"}.
{"Email","Email"}. {"Email","Email"}.
{"Empty password","Le mot de passe est vide"}.
{"Enable logging","Activer l'archivage"}. {"Enable logging","Activer l'archivage"}.
{"Enabling push without 'node' attribute is not supported","L'activation push ne peut se faire sans l'attribut 'node'"}. {"Enabling push without 'node' attribute is not supported","L'activation push ne peut se faire sans l'attribut 'node'"}.
{"End User Session","Terminer la session de l'utilisateur"}. {"End User Session","Terminer la session de l'utilisateur"}.
{"Enter list of {Module, [Options]}","Entrez une liste de {Module, [Options]}"}.
{"Enter nickname you want to register","Entrez le pseudo que vous souhaitez enregistrer"}. {"Enter nickname you want to register","Entrez le pseudo que vous souhaitez enregistrer"}.
{"Enter path to backup file","Entrez le chemin vers le fichier de sauvegarde"}. {"Enter path to backup file","Entrez le chemin vers le fichier de sauvegarde"}.
{"Enter path to jabberd14 spool dir","Entrez le chemin vers le répertoire spool de Jabberd 1.4"}. {"Enter path to jabberd14 spool dir","Entrez le chemin vers le répertoire spool de Jabberd 1.4"}.
@ -105,13 +101,11 @@
{"Failed to extract JID from your voice request approval","Echec d'extraction du JID dans la requête de voix"}. {"Failed to extract JID from your voice request approval","Echec d'extraction du JID dans la requête de voix"}.
{"Failed to map delegated namespace to external component","Echec d'association d'espace de nom vers un composant externe"}. {"Failed to map delegated namespace to external component","Echec d'association d'espace de nom vers un composant externe"}.
{"Failed to parse HTTP response","Echec de lecture de la réponse HTTP"}. {"Failed to parse HTTP response","Echec de lecture de la réponse HTTP"}.
{"Failed to process option '~s'","Echec de traitement de l'option '~s'"}.
{"Family Name","Nom de famille"}. {"Family Name","Nom de famille"}.
{"February","Février"}. {"February","Février"}.
{"File larger than ~w bytes","Taille de fichier suppérieur à ~w octets"}. {"File larger than ~w bytes","Taille de fichier suppérieur à ~w octets"}.
{"Friday","Vendredi"}. {"Friday","Vendredi"}.
{"From","De"}. {"From","De"}.
{"From ~s","De ~s"}.
{"Full Name","Nom complet"}. {"Full Name","Nom complet"}.
{"Get Number of Online Users","Récupérer le nombre d'utilisateurs en ligne"}. {"Get Number of Online Users","Récupérer le nombre d'utilisateurs en ligne"}.
{"Get Number of Registered Users","Récupérer le nombre d'utilisateurs enregistrés"}. {"Get Number of Registered Users","Récupérer le nombre d'utilisateurs enregistrés"}.
@ -122,13 +116,12 @@
{"Group ","Groupe "}. {"Group ","Groupe "}.
{"Groups","Groupes"}. {"Groups","Groupes"}.
{"has been banned","a été banni"}. {"has been banned","a été banni"}.
{"has been kicked","a été expulsé"}.
{"has been kicked because of an affiliation change","a été éjecté à cause d'un changement d'autorisation"}.
{"has been kicked because of a system shutdown","a été éjecté en raison de l'arrêt du système"}. {"has been kicked because of a system shutdown","a été éjecté en raison de l'arrêt du système"}.
{"has been kicked because of an affiliation change","a été éjecté à cause d'un changement d'autorisation"}.
{"has been kicked because the room has been changed to members-only","a été éjecté car la salle est désormais réservée aux membres"}. {"has been kicked because the room has been changed to members-only","a été éjecté car la salle est désormais réservée aux membres"}.
{" has set the subject to: "," a changé le sujet: "}. {"has been kicked","a été expulsé"}.
{"Host unknown","Serveur inconnu"}. {"Host unknown","Serveur inconnu"}.
{"If you don't see the CAPTCHA image here, visit the web page.","SI vous ne voyez pas l'image CAPTCHA ici, visitez la page web."}. {"If you don't see the CAPTCHA image here, visit the web page.","SI vous ne voyez pas l'image CAPTCHA ici, visitez la page web."}.
{"Import Directory","Importer un répertoire"}. {"Import Directory","Importer un répertoire"}.
{"Import File","Importer un fichier"}. {"Import File","Importer un fichier"}.
@ -152,10 +145,9 @@
{"Invitations are not allowed in this conference","Les invitations ne sont pas autorisées dans ce salon"}. {"Invitations are not allowed in this conference","Les invitations ne sont pas autorisées dans ce salon"}.
{"IP addresses","Adresses IP"}. {"IP addresses","Adresses IP"}.
{"is now known as","est maintenant connu comme"}. {"is now known as","est maintenant connu comme"}.
{"It is not allowed to send error messages to the room. The participant (~s) has sent an error message (~s) and got kicked from the room","L'envoyer de messages d'erreur au salon n'est pas autorisé. Le participant (~s) à envoyé un message d'erreur (~s) et à été expulsé du salon"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages","L'envoi de messages privés n'est pas autorisé"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","Il n'est pas permis d'envoyer des messages privés de type \"groupchat\""}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","Il n'est pas permis d'envoyer des messages privés de type \"groupchat\""}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","Il n'est pas permis d'envoyer des messages \"normaux\" au salon"}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","Il n'est pas permis d'envoyer des messages \"normaux\" au salon"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages","L'envoi de messages privés n'est pas autorisé"}.
{"Jabber Account Registration","Enregistrement du Compte Jabber"}. {"Jabber Account Registration","Enregistrement du Compte Jabber"}.
{"Jabber ID","Jabber ID"}. {"Jabber ID","Jabber ID"}.
{"January","Janvier"}. {"January","Janvier"}.
@ -167,7 +159,6 @@
{"Last month","Dernier mois"}. {"Last month","Dernier mois"}.
{"Last year","Dernière année"}. {"Last year","Dernière année"}.
{"leaves the room","quitte le salon"}. {"leaves the room","quitte le salon"}.
{"List of modules to start","Liste des modules à démarrer"}.
{"List of rooms","Liste des salons"}. {"List of rooms","Liste des salons"}.
{"Low level update script","Script de mise à jour de bas-niveau"}. {"Low level update script","Script de mise à jour de bas-niveau"}.
{"Make participants list public","Rendre la liste des participants publique"}. {"Make participants list public","Rendre la liste des participants publique"}.
@ -191,7 +182,6 @@
{"Moderator privileges required","Les droits de modérateur sont nécessaires"}. {"Moderator privileges required","Les droits de modérateur sont nécessaires"}.
{"Modified modules","Modules mis à jour"}. {"Modified modules","Modules mis à jour"}.
{"Module failed to handle the query","Echec de traitement de la demande"}. {"Module failed to handle the query","Echec de traitement de la demande"}.
{"Monday","Lundi"}. {"Monday","Lundi"}.
{"Multicast","Multidiffusion"}. {"Multicast","Multidiffusion"}.
{"Multiple <item/> elements are not allowed by RFC6121","Les elements <item/> multiples ne sont pas autorisés (rfc6121)"}. {"Multiple <item/> elements are not allowed by RFC6121","Les elements <item/> multiples ne sont pas autorisés (rfc6121)"}.
@ -202,20 +192,13 @@
{"Neither 'role' nor 'affiliation' attribute found","Attribut 'role' ou 'affiliation' absent"}. {"Neither 'role' nor 'affiliation' attribute found","Attribut 'role' ou 'affiliation' absent"}.
{"Never","Jamais"}. {"Never","Jamais"}.
{"New Password:","Nouveau mot de passe:"}. {"New Password:","Nouveau mot de passe:"}.
{"Nickname Registration at ","Enregistrement d'un pseudo sur "}. {"Nickname Registration at ","Enregistrement d'un pseudo sur "}.
{"Nickname ~s does not exist in the room","Le pseudo ~s n'existe pas dans ce salon"}. {"Nickname","Pseudo"}.
{"No 'affiliation' attribute found","Attribut 'affiliation' absent"}. {"No 'affiliation' attribute found","Attribut 'affiliation' absent"}.
{"No available resource found","Aucune ressource disponible"}. {"No available resource found","Aucune ressource disponible"}.
{"No body provided for announce message","Pas de corps de message pour l'annonce"}. {"No body provided for announce message","Pas de corps de message pour l'annonce"}.
{"No Data","Aucune information disponible"}.
{"No data form found","Formulaire non trouvé"}. {"No data form found","Formulaire non trouvé"}.
{"Node already exists","Ce nœud existe déjà"}. {"No Data","Aucune information disponible"}.
{"Node index not found","Index de nœud non trouvé"}.
{"Node not found","Nœud non trouvé"}.
{"Node ~p","Nœud ~p"}.
{"Nodeprep has failed","Echec de formattage"}.
{"No features available","Aucune fonctionalité disponible"}. {"No features available","Aucune fonctionalité disponible"}.
{"No hook has processed this command","Aucun gestionnaire n'a pris en charge cette commande"}. {"No hook has processed this command","Aucun gestionnaire n'a pris en charge cette commande"}.
{"No info about last activity found","Aucune activité précédente trouvée"}. {"No info about last activity found","Aucune activité précédente trouvée"}.
@ -223,8 +206,6 @@
{"No items found in this query","Aucun item trouvé dans cette requête"}. {"No items found in this query","Aucun item trouvé dans cette requête"}.
{"No limit","Pas de limite"}. {"No limit","Pas de limite"}.
{"No module is handling this query","Aucun module ne supporte cette requête"}. {"No module is handling this query","Aucun module ne supporte cette requête"}.
{"No 'modules' found in data form","Entrée 'modules' absente du formulaire"}.
{"No node specified","Nœud non spécifié"}. {"No node specified","Nœud non spécifié"}.
{"No 'password' found in data form","Entrée 'password' absente du formulaire"}. {"No 'password' found in data form","Entrée 'password' absente du formulaire"}.
{"No 'password' found in this query","L'élément 'password' est absent de la requête"}. {"No 'password' found in this query","L'élément 'password' est absent de la requête"}.
@ -235,8 +216,15 @@
{"No running node found","Nœud non trouvé"}. {"No running node found","Nœud non trouvé"}.
{"No services available","Aucun service disponible"}. {"No services available","Aucun service disponible"}.
{"No statistics found for this item","Pas de statistiques"}. {"No statistics found for this item","Pas de statistiques"}.
{"Not Found","Nœud non trouvé"}.
{"No 'to' attribute found in the invitation","L'élément 'to' est absent de l'invitation"}. {"No 'to' attribute found in the invitation","L'élément 'to' est absent de l'invitation"}.
{"Node already exists","Ce nœud existe déjà"}.
{"Node index not found","Index de nœud non trouvé"}.
{"Node not found","Nœud non trouvé"}.
{"Node ~p","Nœud ~p"}.
{"Nodeprep has failed","Echec de formattage"}.
{"Not Found","Nœud non trouvé"}.
{"Not subscribed","Pas abonné"}. {"Not subscribed","Pas abonné"}.
{"November","Novembre"}. {"November","Novembre"}.
{"Number of online users","Nombre d'utilisateurs en ligne"}. {"Number of online users","Nombre d'utilisateurs en ligne"}.
@ -246,9 +234,9 @@
{"Offline Messages:","Messages en attente:"}. {"Offline Messages:","Messages en attente:"}.
{"OK","OK"}. {"OK","OK"}.
{"Old Password:","Ancien mot de passe:"}. {"Old Password:","Ancien mot de passe:"}.
{"Online","En ligne"}.
{"Online Users:","Utilisateurs connectés:"}. {"Online Users:","Utilisateurs connectés:"}.
{"Online Users","Utilisateurs en ligne"}. {"Online Users","Utilisateurs en ligne"}.
{"Online","En ligne"}.
{"Only <enable/> or <disable/> tags are allowed","Seul le tag <enable/> ou <disable/> est autorisé"}. {"Only <enable/> or <disable/> tags are allowed","Seul le tag <enable/> ou <disable/> est autorisé"}.
{"Only <list/> element is allowed in this query","Seul l'élément <list/> est autorisé dans cette requête"}. {"Only <list/> element is allowed in this query","Seul l'élément <list/> est autorisé dans cette requête"}.
{"Only members may query archives of this room","Seuls les membres peuvent accéder aux archives de ce salon"}. {"Only members may query archives of this room","Seuls les membres peuvent accéder aux archives de ce salon"}.
@ -264,17 +252,16 @@
{"Outgoing s2s Connections:","Connexions s2s sortantes:"}. {"Outgoing s2s Connections:","Connexions s2s sortantes:"}.
{"Owner privileges required","Les droits de propriétaire sont nécessaires"}. {"Owner privileges required","Les droits de propriétaire sont nécessaires"}.
{"Packet","Paquet"}. {"Packet","Paquet"}.
{"Parse failed","Echec d'interprétation"}.
{"Password","Mot de passe"}.
{"Password:","Mot de passe:"}.
{"Password Verification","Vérification du mot de passe"}. {"Password Verification","Vérification du mot de passe"}.
{"Password Verification:","Vérification du mot de passe:"}. {"Password Verification:","Vérification du mot de passe:"}.
{"Password","Mot de passe"}.
{"Password:","Mot de passe:"}.
{"Path to Dir","Chemin vers le répertoire"}. {"Path to Dir","Chemin vers le répertoire"}.
{"Path to File","Chemin vers le fichier"}. {"Path to File","Chemin vers le fichier"}.
{"Pending","En suspens"}. {"Pending","En suspens"}.
{"Period: ","Période: "}. {"Period: ","Période: "}.
{"Ping query is incorrect","Requête ping incorrecte"}. {"Ping query is incorrect","Requête ping incorrecte"}.
{"Please note that these options will only backup the builtin Mnesia database. If you are using the ODBC module, you also need to backup your SQL database separately.","Ces options sauvegardent uniquement la base de données interne Mnesia. Si vous utilisez le module ODBC vous devez sauvegarde votre base SQL séparément."}. {"Please note that these options will only backup the builtin Mnesia database. If you are using the ODBC module, you also need to backup your SQL database separately.","Ces options sauvegardent uniquement la base de données interne Mnesia. Si vous utilisez le module ODBC vous devez sauvegarde votre base SQL séparément."}.
{"Please, wait for a while before sending new voice request","Attendez un moment avant de re-lancer une requête de voix"}. {"Please, wait for a while before sending new voice request","Attendez un moment avant de re-lancer une requête de voix"}.
{"Pong","Pong"}. {"Pong","Pong"}.
@ -294,12 +281,12 @@
{"Register","Enregistrer"}. {"Register","Enregistrer"}.
{"Remote copy","Copie distante"}. {"Remote copy","Copie distante"}.
{"Remove All Offline Messages","Effacer tous les messages hors ligne"}. {"Remove All Offline Messages","Effacer tous les messages hors ligne"}.
{"Remove User","Supprimer l'utilisateur"}. {"Remove User","Supprimer l'utilisateur"}.
{"Replaced by new connection","Remplacé par une nouvelle connexion"}. {"Replaced by new connection","Remplacé par une nouvelle connexion"}.
{"Resources","Ressources"}. {"Resources","Ressources"}.
{"Restart Service","Redémarrer le service"}. {"Restart Service","Redémarrer le service"}.
{"Restore Backup from File at ","Restaurer la sauvegarde depuis le fichier sur "}. {"Restore Backup from File at ","Restaurer la sauvegarde depuis le fichier sur "}.
{"Restore binary backup after next ejabberd restart (requires less memory):","Restauration de la sauvegarde binaire après redémarrage (nécessite moins de mémoire):"}. {"Restore binary backup after next ejabberd restart (requires less memory):","Restauration de la sauvegarde binaire après redémarrage (nécessite moins de mémoire):"}.
{"Restore binary backup immediately:","Restauration immédiate d'une sauvegarde binaire:"}. {"Restore binary backup immediately:","Restauration immédiate d'une sauvegarde binaire:"}.
@ -310,23 +297,19 @@
{"Room description","Description du salon"}. {"Room description","Description du salon"}.
{"Room Occupants","Occupants du salon"}. {"Room Occupants","Occupants du salon"}.
{"Room title","Titre du salon"}. {"Room title","Titre du salon"}.
{"Roster","Liste de contacts"}.
{"Roster module has failed","Echec du module roster"}.
{"Roster of ","Liste de contact de "}.
{"Roster size","Taille de la liste de contacts"}. {"Roster size","Taille de la liste de contacts"}.
{"Roster","Liste de contacts"}.
{"RPC Call Error","Erreur d'appel RPC"}. {"RPC Call Error","Erreur d'appel RPC"}.
{"Running Nodes","Noeuds actifs"}. {"Running Nodes","Noeuds actifs"}.
{"Saturday","Samedi"}. {"Saturday","Samedi"}.
{"Scan failed","Echec d'interprétation"}.
{"Script check","Validation du script"}. {"Script check","Validation du script"}.
{"Search Results for ","Résultats de recherche pour "}. {"Search Results for ","Résultats de recherche pour "}.
{"Search users in ","Rechercher des utilisateurs "}. {"Search users in ","Rechercher des utilisateurs "}.
{"Send announcement to all online users","Envoyer l'annonce à tous les utilisateurs en ligne"}.
{"Send announcement to all online users on all hosts","Envoyer l'annonce à tous les utilisateurs en ligne sur tous les serveurs"}. {"Send announcement to all online users on all hosts","Envoyer l'annonce à tous les utilisateurs en ligne sur tous les serveurs"}.
{"Send announcement to all users","Envoyer l'annonce à tous les utilisateurs"}. {"Send announcement to all online users","Envoyer l'annonce à tous les utilisateurs en ligne"}.
{"Send announcement to all users on all hosts","Envoyer une annonce à tous les utilisateurs de tous les domaines"}. {"Send announcement to all users on all hosts","Envoyer une annonce à tous les utilisateurs de tous les domaines"}.
{"Send announcement to all users","Envoyer l'annonce à tous les utilisateurs"}.
{"September","Septembre"}. {"September","Septembre"}.
{"Server connections to local subdomains are forbidden","La connection aux sous-domaines locaux est interdite"}.
{"Server:","Serveur:"}. {"Server:","Serveur:"}.
{"Set message of the day and send to online users","Définir le message du jour et l'envoyer aux utilisateurs en ligne"}. {"Set message of the day and send to online users","Définir le message du jour et l'envoyer aux utilisateurs en ligne"}.
{"Set message of the day on all hosts and send to online users","Définir le message du jour pour tous domaines et l'envoyer aux utilisateurs en ligne"}. {"Set message of the day on all hosts and send to online users","Définir le message du jour pour tous domaines et l'envoyer aux utilisateurs en ligne"}.
@ -334,16 +317,10 @@
{"Show Integral Table","Montrer la table intégralement"}. {"Show Integral Table","Montrer la table intégralement"}.
{"Show Ordinary Table","Montrer la table ordinaire"}. {"Show Ordinary Table","Montrer la table ordinaire"}.
{"Shut Down Service","Arrêter le service"}. {"Shut Down Service","Arrêter le service"}.
{"~s invites you to the room ~s","~s vous a invité dans la salle de discussion ~s"}.
{"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons.","Certains clients Jabber peuvent stocker votre mot de passe sur votre ordinateur. N'utilisez cette fonctionnalité que si vous avez confiance en la sécurité de votre ordinateur."}. {"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons.","Certains clients Jabber peuvent stocker votre mot de passe sur votre ordinateur. N'utilisez cette fonctionnalité que si vous avez confiance en la sécurité de votre ordinateur."}.
{"~s's Offline Messages Queue","~s messages en file d'attente"}.
{"Start Modules at ","Démarrer les modules sur "}.
{"Start Modules","Modules de démarrage"}.
{"Statistics of ~p","Statistiques de ~p"}. {"Statistics of ~p","Statistiques de ~p"}.
{"Statistics","Statistiques"}. {"Statistics","Statistiques"}.
{"Stop","Arrêter"}. {"Stop","Arrêter"}.
{"Stop Modules at ","Arrêter les modules sur "}.
{"Stop Modules","Modules d'arrêt"}.
{"Stopped Nodes","Nœuds arrêtés"}. {"Stopped Nodes","Nœuds arrêtés"}.
{"Storage Type","Type de stockage"}. {"Storage Type","Type de stockage"}.
{"Store binary backup:","Sauvegarde binaire:"}. {"Store binary backup:","Sauvegarde binaire:"}.
@ -360,8 +337,8 @@
{"The CAPTCHA verification has failed","La vérification du CAPTCHA a échoué"}. {"The CAPTCHA verification has failed","La vérification du CAPTCHA a échoué"}.
{"The feature requested is not supported by the conference","La demande de fonctionalité n'est pas supportée par la conférence"}. {"The feature requested is not supported by the conference","La demande de fonctionalité n'est pas supportée par la conférence"}.
{"The password contains unacceptable characters","Le mot de passe contient des caractères non-acceptables"}. {"The password contains unacceptable characters","Le mot de passe contient des caractères non-acceptables"}.
{"the password is","le mot de passe est"}.
{"The password is too weak","Le mot de passe est trop faible"}. {"The password is too weak","Le mot de passe est trop faible"}.
{"the password is","le mot de passe est"}.
{"The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed.","Le mot de passe de votre compte Jabber a été changé avec succès."}. {"The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed.","Le mot de passe de votre compte Jabber a été changé avec succès."}.
{"The query is only allowed from local users","La requête n'est autorisé qu'aux utilisateurs locaux"}. {"The query is only allowed from local users","La requête n'est autorisé qu'aux utilisateurs locaux"}.
{"The query must not contain <item/> elements","La requête ne doit pas contenir d'élément <item/>"}. {"The query must not contain <item/> elements","La requête ne doit pas contenir d'élément <item/>"}.
@ -381,11 +358,8 @@
{"Too many CAPTCHA requests","Trop de requêtes CAPTCHA"}. {"Too many CAPTCHA requests","Trop de requêtes CAPTCHA"}.
{"Too many <item/> elements","Trop d'éléments <item/>"}. {"Too many <item/> elements","Trop d'éléments <item/>"}.
{"Too many <list/> elements","Trop d'éléments <list/>"}. {"Too many <list/> elements","Trop d'éléments <list/>"}.
{"Too many (~p) failed authentications from this IP address (~s). The address will be unblocked at ~s UTC","Trop (~p) d'authentification ont échoué pour cette adresse IP (~s). L'adresse sera débloquée à ~s UTC"}.
{"Too many unacked stanzas","Trop de stanzas sans accusé de réception (ack)"}. {"Too many unacked stanzas","Trop de stanzas sans accusé de réception (ack)"}.
{"Too many users in this conference","Trop d'utilisateurs dans cette conférence"}. {"Too many users in this conference","Trop d'utilisateurs dans cette conférence"}.
{"To register, visit ~s","Pour vous enregistrer, visitez ~s"}.
{"To ~s","A ~s"}.
{"Total rooms","Nombre de salons"}. {"Total rooms","Nombre de salons"}.
{"Traffic rate limit is exceeded","La limite de trafic a été dépassée"}. {"Traffic rate limit is exceeded","La limite de trafic a été dépassée"}.
{"Transactions Aborted:","Transactions annulées:"}. {"Transactions Aborted:","Transactions annulées:"}.
@ -402,27 +376,23 @@
{"Unsupported <index/> element","Elément <index/> non supporté"}. {"Unsupported <index/> element","Elément <index/> non supporté"}.
{"Update message of the day (don't send)","Mise à jour du message du jour (pas d'envoi)"}. {"Update message of the day (don't send)","Mise à jour du message du jour (pas d'envoi)"}.
{"Update message of the day on all hosts (don't send)","Mettre à jour le message du jour sur tous les domaines (ne pas envoyer)"}. {"Update message of the day on all hosts (don't send)","Mettre à jour le message du jour sur tous les domaines (ne pas envoyer)"}.
{"Update","Mettre à jour"}.
{"Update plan","Plan de mise à jour"}. {"Update plan","Plan de mise à jour"}.
{"Update ~p","Mise à jour de ~p"}. {"Update ~p","Mise à jour de ~p"}.
{"Update script","Script de mise à jour"}. {"Update script","Script de mise à jour"}.
{"Update","Mettre à jour"}.
{"Uptime:","Temps depuis le démarrage :"}. {"Uptime:","Temps depuis le démarrage :"}.
{"User already exists","L'utilisateur existe déjà"}. {"User already exists","L'utilisateur existe déjà"}.
{"User (jid)","Utilisateur (jid)"}. {"User (jid)","Utilisateur (jid)"}.
{"User Management","Gestion des utilisateurs"}. {"User Management","Gestion des utilisateurs"}.
{"Username:","Nom d'utilisateur:"}.
{"Users are not allowed to register accounts so quickly","Les utilisateurs ne sont pas autorisés à enregistrer des comptes si rapidement"}.
{"User session not found","Session utilisateur non trouvée"}. {"User session not found","Session utilisateur non trouvée"}.
{"User session terminated","Session utilisateur terminée"}. {"User session terminated","Session utilisateur terminée"}.
{"Username:","Nom d'utilisateur:"}.
{"Users are not allowed to register accounts so quickly","Les utilisateurs ne sont pas autorisés à enregistrer des comptes si rapidement"}.
{"Users Last Activity","Dernière activité des utilisateurs"}. {"Users Last Activity","Dernière activité des utilisateurs"}.
{"User ~s","Utilisateur ~s"}.
{"Users","Utilisateurs"}. {"Users","Utilisateurs"}.
{"User","Utilisateur"}. {"User","Utilisateur"}.
{"Validate","Valider"}. {"Validate","Valider"}.
{"Value 'get' of 'type' attribute is not allowed","La valeur de l'attribut 'type' ne peut être 'get'"}. {"Value 'get' of 'type' attribute is not allowed","La valeur de l'attribut 'type' ne peut être 'get'"}.
{"Value of '~s' should be boolean","La valeur de '~s' ne peut être booléen"}.
{"Value of '~s' should be datetime string","La valeur de '~s' doit être une chaine datetime"}.
{"Value of '~s' should be integer","La valeur de '~s' doit être un entier"}.
{"Value 'set' of 'type' attribute is not allowed","La valeur de l'attribut 'type' ne peut être 'set'"}. {"Value 'set' of 'type' attribute is not allowed","La valeur de l'attribut 'type' ne peut être 'set'"}.
{"vCard User Search","Recherche dans l'annnuaire"}. {"vCard User Search","Recherche dans l'annnuaire"}.
{"Virtual Hosts","Serveurs virtuels"}. {"Virtual Hosts","Serveurs virtuels"}.
@ -440,6 +410,6 @@
{"You need an x:data capable client to search","Vous avez besoin d'un client supportant x:data pour faire une recherche"}. {"You need an x:data capable client to search","Vous avez besoin d'un client supportant x:data pour faire une recherche"}.
{"Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza.","Votre règle de flitrage active a empêché le routage de ce stanza."}. {"Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza.","Votre règle de flitrage active a empêché le routage de ce stanza."}.
{"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","La file d'attente de message de votre contact est pleine. Votre message a été détruit."}. {"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","La file d'attente de message de votre contact est pleine. Votre message a été détruit."}.
{"You're not allowed to create nodes","Vous n'êtes pas autorisé à créer des nœuds"}.
{"Your Jabber account was successfully created.","Votre compte Jabber a été créé avec succès."}. {"Your Jabber account was successfully created.","Votre compte Jabber a été créé avec succès."}.
{"Your Jabber account was successfully deleted.","Votre compte Jabber a été effacé avec succès."}. {"Your Jabber account was successfully deleted.","Votre compte Jabber a été effacé avec succès."}.
{"You're not allowed to create nodes","Vous n'êtes pas autorisé à créer des nœuds"}.

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,14 +1,17 @@
%% -*- coding: utf-8 -*- %% -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
{" has set the subject to: "," puxo o asunto: "}.
{"A password is required to enter this room","Necesítase contrasinal para entrar nesta sala"}.
{"Accept","Aceptar"}. {"Accept","Aceptar"}.
{"Access denied by service policy","Acceso denegado pola política do servizo"}. {"Access denied by service policy","Acceso denegado pola política do servizo"}.
{"Action on user","Acción no usuario"}. {"Action on user","Acción no usuario"}.
{"Add Jabber ID","Engadir ID Jabber"}. {"Add Jabber ID","Engadir ID Jabber"}.
{"Add New","Engadir novo"}. {"Add New","Engadir novo"}.
{"Add User","Engadir usuario"}. {"Add User","Engadir usuario"}.
{"Administration of ","Administración de "}. {"Administration of ","Administración de "}.
{"Administrator privileges required","Necesítase privilexios de administrador"}. {"Administrator privileges required","Necesítase privilexios de administrador"}.
{"All activity","Toda a actividade"}. {"All activity","Toda a actividade"}.
{"All Users","Todos os usuarios"}.
{"Allow users to change the subject","Permitir aos usuarios cambiar o asunto"}. {"Allow users to change the subject","Permitir aos usuarios cambiar o asunto"}.
{"Allow users to query other users","Permitir aos usuarios consultar a outros usuarios"}. {"Allow users to query other users","Permitir aos usuarios consultar a outros usuarios"}.
{"Allow users to send invites","Permitir aos usuarios enviar invitacións"}. {"Allow users to send invites","Permitir aos usuarios enviar invitacións"}.
@ -16,23 +19,20 @@
{"Allow visitors to change nickname","Permitir aos visitantes cambiarse o alcume"}. {"Allow visitors to change nickname","Permitir aos visitantes cambiarse o alcume"}.
{"Allow visitors to send private messages to","Permitir aos visitantes enviar mensaxes privadas a"}. {"Allow visitors to send private messages to","Permitir aos visitantes enviar mensaxes privadas a"}.
{"Allow visitors to send status text in presence updates","Permitir aos visitantes enviar texto de estado nas actualizacións depresenza"}. {"Allow visitors to send status text in presence updates","Permitir aos visitantes enviar texto de estado nas actualizacións depresenza"}.
{"All Users","Todos os usuarios"}.
{"Announcements","Anuncios"}. {"Announcements","Anuncios"}.
{"A password is required to enter this room","Necesítase contrasinal para entrar nesta sala"}.
{"April","Abril"}. {"April","Abril"}.
{"August","Agosto"}. {"August","Agosto"}.
{"Automatic node creation is not enabled","A creación automática de nodos non está habilitada"}. {"Automatic node creation is not enabled","A creación automática de nodos non está habilitada"}.
{"Backup","Copia de seguridade"}.
{"Backup Management","Xestión de copia de seguridade"}. {"Backup Management","Xestión de copia de seguridade"}.
{"Backup of ~p","Copia de seguridade de ~p"}. {"Backup of ~p","Copia de seguridade de ~p"}.
{"Backup to File at ","Copia de seguridade de arquivos en "}. {"Backup to File at ","Copia de seguridade de arquivos en "}.
{"Backup","Copia de seguridade"}.
{"Bad format","Mal formato"}. {"Bad format","Mal formato"}.
{"Birthday","Aniversario"}. {"Birthday","Aniversario"}.
{"Both the username and the resource are required","Tanto o nome de usuario como o recurso son necesarios"}. {"Both the username and the resource are required","Tanto o nome de usuario como o recurso son necesarios"}.
{"Bytestream already activated","Bytestream xa está activado"}. {"Bytestream already activated","Bytestream xa está activado"}.
{"Cannot remove active list","Non se pode eliminar a lista activa"}. {"Cannot remove active list","Non se pode eliminar a lista activa"}.
{"Cannot remove default list","Non se pode eliminar a lista predeterminada"}. {"Cannot remove default list","Non se pode eliminar a lista predeterminada"}.
{"CAPTCHA web page","CAPTCHA páxina Web"}.
{"Change Password","Cambiar contrasinal"}. {"Change Password","Cambiar contrasinal"}.
{"Change User Password","Cambiar contrasinal de usuario"}. {"Change User Password","Cambiar contrasinal de usuario"}.
{"Changing password is not allowed","Non se permite cambiar o contrasinal"}. {"Changing password is not allowed","Non se permite cambiar o contrasinal"}.
@ -45,25 +45,23 @@
{"Chatroom is stopped","Detívose a sala"}. {"Chatroom is stopped","Detívose a sala"}.
{"Chatrooms","Salas de charla"}. {"Chatrooms","Salas de charla"}.
{"Choose a username and password to register with this server","Escolle un nome de usuario e contrasinal para rexistrarche neste servidor"}. {"Choose a username and password to register with this server","Escolle un nome de usuario e contrasinal para rexistrarche neste servidor"}.
{"Choose modules to stop","Selecciona módulos a deter"}.
{"Choose storage type of tables","Selecciona tipo de almacenamento das táboas"}. {"Choose storage type of tables","Selecciona tipo de almacenamento das táboas"}.
{"Choose whether to approve this entity's subscription.","Decidir se aprobar a subscripción desta entidade."}. {"Choose whether to approve this entity's subscription.","Decidir se aprobar a subscripción desta entidade."}.
{"City","Cidade"}. {"City","Cidade"}.
{"Commands","Comandos"}. {"Commands","Comandos"}.
{"Conference room does not exist","A sala de conferencias non existe"}. {"Conference room does not exist","A sala de conferencias non existe"}.
{"Configuration","Configuración"}. {"Configuration","Configuración"}.
{"Configuration of room ~s","Configuración para a sala ~s"}.
{"Connected Resources:","Recursos conectados:"}. {"Connected Resources:","Recursos conectados:"}.
{"Country","País"}. {"Country","País"}.
{"CPU Time:","Tempo da CPU:"}. {"CPU Time:","Tempo da CPU:"}.
{"Database","Base de datos"}.
{"Database failure","Erro na base de datos"}. {"Database failure","Erro na base de datos"}.
{"Database Tables at ~p","Táboas da base de datos en ~p"}. {"Database Tables at ~p","Táboas da base de datos en ~p"}.
{"Database Tables Configuration at ","Configuración de táboas da base de datos en "}. {"Database Tables Configuration at ","Configuración de táboas da base de datos en "}.
{"Database","Base de datos"}.
{"December","Decembro"}. {"December","Decembro"}.
{"Default users as participants","Os usuarios son participantes por defecto"}. {"Default users as participants","Os usuarios son participantes por defecto"}.
{"Delete message of the day","Borrar mensaxe do dia"}.
{"Delete message of the day on all hosts","Borrar a mensaxe do día en todos os dominios"}. {"Delete message of the day on all hosts","Borrar a mensaxe do día en todos os dominios"}.
{"Delete message of the day","Borrar mensaxe do dia"}.
{"Delete Selected","Eliminar os seleccionados"}. {"Delete Selected","Eliminar os seleccionados"}.
{"Delete User","Borrar usuario"}. {"Delete User","Borrar usuario"}.
{"Description:","Descrición:"}. {"Description:","Descrición:"}.
@ -83,11 +81,9 @@
{"ejabberd Web Admin","ejabberd Administrador Web"}. {"ejabberd Web Admin","ejabberd Administrador Web"}.
{"Elements","Elementos"}. {"Elements","Elementos"}.
{"Email","Email"}. {"Email","Email"}.
{"Empty password","Contrasinal baleiro"}.
{"Enable logging","Gardar históricos"}. {"Enable logging","Gardar históricos"}.
{"Enabling push without 'node' attribute is not supported","Non se admite a activación do empuxe sen o atributo 'nodo'"}. {"Enabling push without 'node' attribute is not supported","Non se admite a activación do empuxe sen o atributo 'nodo'"}.
{"End User Session","Pechar sesión de usuario"}. {"End User Session","Pechar sesión de usuario"}.
{"Enter list of {Module, [Options]}","Introduce lista de {Módulo, [Opcións]}"}.
{"Enter nickname you want to register","Introduce o alcume que queiras rexistrar"}. {"Enter nickname you want to register","Introduce o alcume que queiras rexistrar"}.
{"Enter path to backup file","Introduce ruta ao ficheiro de copia de seguridade"}. {"Enter path to backup file","Introduce ruta ao ficheiro de copia de seguridade"}.
{"Enter path to jabberd14 spool dir","Introduce a ruta ao directorio de jabberd14 spools"}. {"Enter path to jabberd14 spool dir","Introduce a ruta ao directorio de jabberd14 spools"}.
@ -105,13 +101,11 @@
{"Failed to extract JID from your voice request approval","Fallo ao extraer o Jabber ID da túa aprobación de petición de voz"}. {"Failed to extract JID from your voice request approval","Fallo ao extraer o Jabber ID da túa aprobación de petición de voz"}.
{"Failed to map delegated namespace to external component","O mapeo de espazo de nomes delegado fallou ao compoñente externo"}. {"Failed to map delegated namespace to external component","O mapeo de espazo de nomes delegado fallou ao compoñente externo"}.
{"Failed to parse HTTP response","Non se puido analizar a resposta HTTP"}. {"Failed to parse HTTP response","Non se puido analizar a resposta HTTP"}.
{"Failed to process option '~s'","Fallo ao procesar a opción '~s'"}.
{"Family Name","Apelido"}. {"Family Name","Apelido"}.
{"February","Febreiro"}. {"February","Febreiro"}.
{"File larger than ~w bytes","O ficheiro é maior que ~w bytes"}. {"File larger than ~w bytes","O ficheiro é maior que ~w bytes"}.
{"Friday","Venres"}. {"Friday","Venres"}.
{"From","De"}. {"From","De"}.
{"From ~s","De ~s"}.
{"Full Name","Nome completo"}. {"Full Name","Nome completo"}.
{"Get Number of Online Users","Ver número de usuarios conectados"}. {"Get Number of Online Users","Ver número de usuarios conectados"}.
{"Get Number of Registered Users","Ver número de usuarios rexistrados"}. {"Get Number of Registered Users","Ver número de usuarios rexistrados"}.
@ -122,13 +116,12 @@
{"Group ","Grupo "}. {"Group ","Grupo "}.
{"Groups","Grupos"}. {"Groups","Grupos"}.
{"has been banned","foi bloqueado"}. {"has been banned","foi bloqueado"}.
{"has been kicked because of an affiliation change","foi expulsado debido a un cambio de afiliación"}.
{"has been kicked because of a system shutdown","foi expulsado porque o sistema vaise a deter"}. {"has been kicked because of a system shutdown","foi expulsado porque o sistema vaise a deter"}.
{"has been kicked because of an affiliation change","foi expulsado debido a un cambio de afiliación"}.
{"has been kicked because the room has been changed to members-only","foi expulsado, porque a sala cambiouse a só-membros"}. {"has been kicked because the room has been changed to members-only","foi expulsado, porque a sala cambiouse a só-membros"}.
{"has been kicked","foi expulsado"}. {"has been kicked","foi expulsado"}.
{" has set the subject to: "," puxo o asunto: "}.
{"Host unknown","Dominio descoñecido"}. {"Host unknown","Dominio descoñecido"}.
{"If you don't see the CAPTCHA image here, visit the web page.","Si non ves a imaxe CAPTCHA aquí, visita a páxina web."}. {"If you don't see the CAPTCHA image here, visit the web page.","Si non ves a imaxe CAPTCHA aquí, visita a páxina web."}.
{"Import Directory","Importar directorio"}. {"Import Directory","Importar directorio"}.
{"Import File","Importar ficheiro"}. {"Import File","Importar ficheiro"}.
@ -152,10 +145,9 @@
{"Invitations are not allowed in this conference","As invitacións non están permitidas nesta sala"}. {"Invitations are not allowed in this conference","As invitacións non están permitidas nesta sala"}.
{"IP addresses","Direccións IP"}. {"IP addresses","Direccións IP"}.
{"is now known as","agora coñécese como"}. {"is now known as","agora coñécese como"}.
{"It is not allowed to send error messages to the room. The participant (~s) has sent an error message (~s) and got kicked from the room","Non está permitido enviar mensaxes de erro á sala. Este participante (~s) enviou unha mensaxe de erro (~s) e foi expulsado da sala"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages","Non está permitido enviar mensaxes privadas"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","Non está permitido enviar mensaxes privadas do tipo \"groupchat\""}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","Non está permitido enviar mensaxes privadas do tipo \"groupchat\""}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","Impedir o envio de mensaxes privadas á sala"}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","Impedir o envio de mensaxes privadas á sala"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages","Non está permitido enviar mensaxes privadas"}.
{"Jabber Account Registration","Rexistro de conta Jabber"}. {"Jabber Account Registration","Rexistro de conta Jabber"}.
{"Jabber ID","Jabber ID"}. {"Jabber ID","Jabber ID"}.
{"January","Xaneiro"}. {"January","Xaneiro"}.
@ -167,7 +159,6 @@
{"Last month","Último mes"}. {"Last month","Último mes"}.
{"Last year","Último ano"}. {"Last year","Último ano"}.
{"leaves the room","sae da sala"}. {"leaves the room","sae da sala"}.
{"List of modules to start","Lista de módulos a iniciar"}.
{"List of rooms","Lista de salas"}. {"List of rooms","Lista de salas"}.
{"Low level update script","Script de actualización a baixo nivel"}. {"Low level update script","Script de actualización a baixo nivel"}.
{"Make participants list public","A lista de participantes é pública"}. {"Make participants list public","A lista de participantes é pública"}.
@ -191,7 +182,6 @@
{"Moderator privileges required","Necesítase privilexios de moderador"}. {"Moderator privileges required","Necesítase privilexios de moderador"}.
{"Modified modules","Módulos Modificados"}. {"Modified modules","Módulos Modificados"}.
{"Module failed to handle the query","O módulo non puido xestionar a consulta"}. {"Module failed to handle the query","O módulo non puido xestionar a consulta"}.
{"Monday","Luns"}. {"Monday","Luns"}.
{"Multicast","Multicast"}. {"Multicast","Multicast"}.
{"Multiple <item/> elements are not allowed by RFC6121","Múltiples elementos <item/> non están permitidos por RFC6121"}. {"Multiple <item/> elements are not allowed by RFC6121","Múltiples elementos <item/> non están permitidos por RFC6121"}.
@ -202,20 +192,13 @@
{"Neither 'role' nor 'affiliation' attribute found","Non se atopou o atributo 'role' nin 'affiliation'"}. {"Neither 'role' nor 'affiliation' attribute found","Non se atopou o atributo 'role' nin 'affiliation'"}.
{"Never","Nunca"}. {"Never","Nunca"}.
{"New Password:","Novo contrasinal:"}. {"New Password:","Novo contrasinal:"}.
{"Nickname Registration at ","Rexistro do alcume en "}. {"Nickname Registration at ","Rexistro do alcume en "}.
{"Nickname ~s does not exist in the room","O alcume ~s non existe na sala"}. {"Nickname","Alcume"}.
{"No 'affiliation' attribute found","Non se atopou o atributo de 'affiliation'"}. {"No 'affiliation' attribute found","Non se atopou o atributo de 'affiliation'"}.
{"No available resource found","Non se atopou ningún recurso"}. {"No available resource found","Non se atopou ningún recurso"}.
{"No body provided for announce message","Non se proporcionou corpo de mensaxe para o anuncio"}. {"No body provided for announce message","Non se proporcionou corpo de mensaxe para o anuncio"}.
{"No data form found","Non se atopou formulario de datos"}. {"No data form found","Non se atopou formulario de datos"}.
{"No Data","Sen datos"}. {"No Data","Sen datos"}.
{"Node already exists","O nodo xa existe"}.
{"Node index not found","Non se atopou índice de nodo"}.
{"Node not found","Nodo non atopado"}.
{"Node ~p","Nodo ~p"}.
{"Nodeprep has failed","Nodeprep fallou"}.
{"No features available","Non hai características dispoñibles"}. {"No features available","Non hai características dispoñibles"}.
{"No hook has processed this command","Ningún evento procesou este comando"}. {"No hook has processed this command","Ningún evento procesou este comando"}.
{"No info about last activity found","Non se atopou información sobre a última actividade"}. {"No info about last activity found","Non se atopou información sobre a última actividade"}.
@ -223,8 +206,6 @@
{"No items found in this query","Non se atoparon elementos nesta consulta"}. {"No items found in this query","Non se atoparon elementos nesta consulta"}.
{"No limit","Sen límite"}. {"No limit","Sen límite"}.
{"No module is handling this query","Ningún módulo manexa esta consulta"}. {"No module is handling this query","Ningún módulo manexa esta consulta"}.
{"No 'modules' found in data form","Non se atopan 'modules' no formulario de datos"}.
{"No node specified","Non se especificou nodo"}. {"No node specified","Non se especificou nodo"}.
{"No 'password' found in data form","Non se atopou 'password' no formulario de datos"}. {"No 'password' found in data form","Non se atopou 'password' no formulario de datos"}.
{"No 'password' found in this query","Non se atopou 'password' nesta solicitude"}. {"No 'password' found in this query","Non se atopou 'password' nesta solicitude"}.
@ -235,8 +216,15 @@
{"No running node found","Non se atoparon nodos activos"}. {"No running node found","Non se atoparon nodos activos"}.
{"No services available","Non hai servizos dispoñibles"}. {"No services available","Non hai servizos dispoñibles"}.
{"No statistics found for this item","Non se atopou ningunha estatística para este elemento"}. {"No statistics found for this item","Non se atopou ningunha estatística para este elemento"}.
{"Not Found","Non atopado"}.
{"No 'to' attribute found in the invitation","O atributo 'to' non se atopou na invitación"}. {"No 'to' attribute found in the invitation","O atributo 'to' non se atopou na invitación"}.
{"Node already exists","O nodo xa existe"}.
{"Node index not found","Non se atopou índice de nodo"}.
{"Node not found","Nodo non atopado"}.
{"Node ~p","Nodo ~p"}.
{"Nodeprep has failed","Nodeprep fallou"}.
{"Not Found","Non atopado"}.
{"Not subscribed","Non subscrito"}. {"Not subscribed","Non subscrito"}.
{"November","Novembro"}. {"November","Novembro"}.
{"Number of online users","Número de usuarios conectados"}. {"Number of online users","Número de usuarios conectados"}.
@ -246,9 +234,9 @@
{"Offline Messages:","Mensaxes sen conexión:"}. {"Offline Messages:","Mensaxes sen conexión:"}.
{"OK","Aceptar"}. {"OK","Aceptar"}.
{"Old Password:","Contrasinal anterior:"}. {"Old Password:","Contrasinal anterior:"}.
{"Online Users","Usuarios conectados"}. {"Online Users","Usuarios conectados"}.
{"Online Users:","Usuarios conectados:"}. {"Online Users:","Usuarios conectados:"}.
{"Only <enable/> or <disable/> tags are allowed","Só se permiten etiquetas <enable/> ou <disable/>"}. {"Only <enable/> or <disable/> tags are allowed","Só se permiten etiquetas <enable/> ou <disable/>"}.
{"Only <list/> element is allowed in this query","Só se admite o elemento <list/> nesta consulta"}. {"Only <list/> element is allowed in this query","Só se admite o elemento <list/> nesta consulta"}.
{"Only members may query archives of this room","Só membros poden consultar o arquivo de mensaxes da sala"}. {"Only members may query archives of this room","Só membros poden consultar o arquivo de mensaxes da sala"}.
@ -264,17 +252,16 @@
{"Outgoing s2s Connections:","Conexións S2S saíntes:"}. {"Outgoing s2s Connections:","Conexións S2S saíntes:"}.
{"Owner privileges required","Requírense privilexios de propietario da sala"}. {"Owner privileges required","Requírense privilexios de propietario da sala"}.
{"Packet","Paquete"}. {"Packet","Paquete"}.
{"Parse failed","Fallou o procesamento"}.
{"Password Verification","Verificación da contrasinal"}. {"Password Verification","Verificación da contrasinal"}.
{"Password Verification:","Verificación da Contrasinal:"}. {"Password Verification:","Verificación da Contrasinal:"}.
{"Path to Dir","Ruta ao directorio"}. {"Path to Dir","Ruta ao directorio"}.
{"Path to File","Ruta ao ficheiro"}. {"Path to File","Ruta ao ficheiro"}.
{"Pending","Pendente"}. {"Pending","Pendente"}.
{"Period: ","Periodo: "}. {"Period: ","Periodo: "}.
{"Ping query is incorrect","A solicitude de Ping é incorrecta"}. {"Ping query is incorrect","A solicitude de Ping é incorrecta"}.
{"Please note that these options will only backup the builtin Mnesia database. If you are using the ODBC module, you also need to backup your SQL database separately.","Ten en conta que estas opcións só farán copia de seguridade da base de datos Mnesia. Se está a utilizar o módulo de ODBC, tamén necesita unha copia de seguridade da súa base de datos SQL por separado."}. {"Please note that these options will only backup the builtin Mnesia database. If you are using the ODBC module, you also need to backup your SQL database separately.","Ten en conta que estas opcións só farán copia de seguridade da base de datos Mnesia. Se está a utilizar o módulo de ODBC, tamén necesita unha copia de seguridade da súa base de datos SQL por separado."}.
{"Please, wait for a while before sending new voice request","Por favor, espera un pouco antes de enviar outra petición de voz"}. {"Please, wait for a while before sending new voice request","Por favor, espera un pouco antes de enviar outra petición de voz"}.
{"Pong","Pong"}. {"Pong","Pong"}.
@ -294,12 +281,12 @@
{"Register","Rexistrar"}. {"Register","Rexistrar"}.
{"Remote copy","Copia remota"}. {"Remote copy","Copia remota"}.
{"Remove All Offline Messages","Borrar Todas as Mensaxes Sen conexión"}. {"Remove All Offline Messages","Borrar Todas as Mensaxes Sen conexión"}.
{"Remove User","Eliminar usuario"}. {"Remove User","Eliminar usuario"}.
{"Replaced by new connection","Substituído por unha nova conexión"}. {"Replaced by new connection","Substituído por unha nova conexión"}.
{"Resources","Recursos"}. {"Resources","Recursos"}.
{"Restart Service","Reiniciar o servizo"}. {"Restart Service","Reiniciar o servizo"}.
{"Restore Backup from File at ","Restaura copia de seguridade desde o ficheiro en "}. {"Restore Backup from File at ","Restaura copia de seguridade desde o ficheiro en "}.
{"Restore binary backup after next ejabberd restart (requires less memory):","Restaurar copia de seguridade binaria no seguinte reinicio de ejabberd (require menos memoria):"}. {"Restore binary backup after next ejabberd restart (requires less memory):","Restaurar copia de seguridade binaria no seguinte reinicio de ejabberd (require menos memoria):"}.
{"Restore binary backup immediately:","Restaurar inmediatamente copia de seguridade binaria:"}. {"Restore binary backup immediately:","Restaurar inmediatamente copia de seguridade binaria:"}.
@ -310,23 +297,19 @@
{"Room description","Descrición da sala"}. {"Room description","Descrición da sala"}.
{"Room Occupants","Ocupantes da sala"}. {"Room Occupants","Ocupantes da sala"}.
{"Room title","Título da sala"}. {"Room title","Título da sala"}.
{"Roster","Lista de contactos"}.
{"Roster module has failed","O módulo de Roster fallou"}.
{"Roster of ","Lista de contactos de "}.
{"Roster size","Tamaño da lista de contactos"}. {"Roster size","Tamaño da lista de contactos"}.
{"Roster","Lista de contactos"}.
{"RPC Call Error","Erro na chamada RPC"}. {"RPC Call Error","Erro na chamada RPC"}.
{"Running Nodes","Nodos funcionando"}. {"Running Nodes","Nodos funcionando"}.
{"Saturday","Sábado"}. {"Saturday","Sábado"}.
{"Scan failed","O escaneo Fallou"}.
{"Script check","Comprobación de script"}. {"Script check","Comprobación de script"}.
{"Search Results for ","Buscar resultados por "}. {"Search Results for ","Buscar resultados por "}.
{"Search users in ","Buscar usuarios en "}. {"Search users in ","Buscar usuarios en "}.
{"Send announcement to all online users","Enviar anuncio a todos os usuarios conectados"}.
{"Send announcement to all online users on all hosts","Enviar anuncio a todos os usuarios conectados en todos os dominios"}. {"Send announcement to all online users on all hosts","Enviar anuncio a todos os usuarios conectados en todos os dominios"}.
{"Send announcement to all users","Enviar anuncio a todos os usuarios"}. {"Send announcement to all online users","Enviar anuncio a todos os usuarios conectados"}.
{"Send announcement to all users on all hosts","Enviar anuncio a todos os usuarios en todos os dominios"}. {"Send announcement to all users on all hosts","Enviar anuncio a todos os usuarios en todos os dominios"}.
{"Send announcement to all users","Enviar anuncio a todos os usuarios"}.
{"September","Setembro"}. {"September","Setembro"}.
{"Server connections to local subdomains are forbidden","Non se permiten conexións de servidor a subdominios locais"}.
{"Server:","Servidor:"}. {"Server:","Servidor:"}.
{"Set message of the day and send to online users","Pór mensaxe do dia e enviar a todos os usuarios conectados"}. {"Set message of the day and send to online users","Pór mensaxe do dia e enviar a todos os usuarios conectados"}.
{"Set message of the day on all hosts and send to online users","Pór mensaxe do día en todos os dominios e enviar aos usuarios conectados"}. {"Set message of the day on all hosts and send to online users","Pór mensaxe do día en todos os dominios e enviar aos usuarios conectados"}.
@ -334,16 +317,10 @@
{"Show Integral Table","Mostrar Táboa Integral"}. {"Show Integral Table","Mostrar Táboa Integral"}.
{"Show Ordinary Table","Mostrar Táboa Ordinaria"}. {"Show Ordinary Table","Mostrar Táboa Ordinaria"}.
{"Shut Down Service","Deter o servizo"}. {"Shut Down Service","Deter o servizo"}.
{"~s invites you to the room ~s","~s invítache á sala ~s"}.
{"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons.","Algúns clientes Jabber pode almacenar o contrasinal no computador, pero debe facer isto só no seu computador persoal por razóns de seguridade."}. {"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons.","Algúns clientes Jabber pode almacenar o contrasinal no computador, pero debe facer isto só no seu computador persoal por razóns de seguridade."}.
{"~s's Offline Messages Queue","Cola de mensaxes diferidas de ~s"}.
{"Start Modules at ","Iniciar módulos en "}.
{"Start Modules","Iniciar módulos"}.
{"Statistics of ~p","Estatísticas de ~p"}. {"Statistics of ~p","Estatísticas de ~p"}.
{"Stop","Deter"}. {"Stop","Deter"}.
{"Stop Modules at ","Deter módulos en "}.
{"Stop Modules","Deter módulos"}.
{"Stopped Nodes","Nodos detidos"}. {"Stopped Nodes","Nodos detidos"}.
{"Storage Type","Tipo de almacenamento"}. {"Storage Type","Tipo de almacenamento"}.
{"Store binary backup:","Gardar copia de seguridade binaria:"}. {"Store binary backup:","Gardar copia de seguridade binaria:"}.
@ -360,33 +337,30 @@
{"The CAPTCHA verification has failed","A verificación de CAPTCHA fallou"}. {"The CAPTCHA verification has failed","A verificación de CAPTCHA fallou"}.
{"The feature requested is not supported by the conference","A sala de conferencias non admite a función solicitada"}. {"The feature requested is not supported by the conference","A sala de conferencias non admite a función solicitada"}.
{"The password contains unacceptable characters","O contrasinal contén caracteres inaceptables"}. {"The password contains unacceptable characters","O contrasinal contén caracteres inaceptables"}.
{"the password is","a contrasinal é"}.
{"The password is too weak","O contrasinal é demasiado débil"}. {"The password is too weak","O contrasinal é demasiado débil"}.
{"the password is","a contrasinal é"}.
{"The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed.","O contrasinal da súa conta Jabber cambiouse correctamente."}. {"The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed.","O contrasinal da súa conta Jabber cambiouse correctamente."}.
{"The query is only allowed from local users","A solicitude só se permite para usuarios locais"}. {"The query is only allowed from local users","A solicitude só se permite para usuarios locais"}.
{"The query must not contain <item/> elements","A solicitude non debe conter elementos <item/>"}. {"The query must not contain <item/> elements","A solicitude non debe conter elementos <item/>"}.
{"The stanza MUST contain only one <active/> element, one <default/> element, or one <list/> element","A estroa DEBEN conter un elemento <active/>, un elemento <default/> ou un elemento <list/>"}.
{"There was an error changing the password: ","Produciuse un erro ao cambiar o contrasinal: "}. {"There was an error changing the password: ","Produciuse un erro ao cambiar o contrasinal: "}.
{"There was an error creating the account: ","Produciuse un erro ao crear a conta: "}. {"There was an error creating the account: ","Produciuse un erro ao crear a conta: "}.
{"There was an error deleting the account: ","Produciuse un erro ao eliminar a conta: "}. {"There was an error deleting the account: ","Produciuse un erro ao eliminar a conta: "}.
{"The stanza MUST contain only one <active/> element, one <default/> element, or one <list/> element","A estroa DEBEN conter un elemento <active/>, un elemento <default/> ou un elemento <list/>"}.
{"This is case insensitive: macbeth is the same that MacBeth and Macbeth.","Esta é insensible: Macbeth é o mesmo que MacBeth e Macbeth."}. {"This is case insensitive: macbeth is the same that MacBeth and Macbeth.","Esta é insensible: Macbeth é o mesmo que MacBeth e Macbeth."}.
{"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID (Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields.","Esta páxina permite crear unha conta Jabber neste servidor Jabber. o seu JID (Jabber IDentificador) será da forma: nomeusuario@servidor. Por favor le coidadosamente as instrucións para encher correctamente os campos."}. {"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID (Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields.","Esta páxina permite crear unha conta Jabber neste servidor Jabber. o seu JID (Jabber IDentificador) será da forma: nomeusuario@servidor. Por favor le coidadosamente as instrucións para encher correctamente os campos."}.
{"This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server.","Esta páxina permite anular o rexistro dunha conta Jabber neste servidor Jabber."}. {"This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server.","Esta páxina permite anular o rexistro dunha conta Jabber neste servidor Jabber."}.
{"This room is not anonymous","Sala non anónima"}. {"This room is not anonymous","Sala non anónima"}.
{"Thursday","Xoves"}. {"Thursday","Xoves"}.
{"Time delay","Atraso temporal"}. {"Time delay","Atraso temporal"}.
{"Token TTL","Token TTL"}. {"Token TTL","Token TTL"}.
{"Too many active bytestreams","Demasiados bytestreams activos"}. {"Too many active bytestreams","Demasiados bytestreams activos"}.
{"Too many CAPTCHA requests","Demasiadas solicitudes CAPTCHA"}. {"Too many CAPTCHA requests","Demasiadas solicitudes CAPTCHA"}.
{"Too many <item/> elements","Demasiados elementos <item/>"}. {"Too many <item/> elements","Demasiados elementos <item/>"}.
{"Too many <list/> elements","Demasiados elementos <list/>"}. {"Too many <list/> elements","Demasiados elementos <list/>"}.
{"Too many (~p) failed authentications from this IP address (~s). The address will be unblocked at ~s UTC","Demasiados (~p) fallou autenticaciones desde esta dirección IP (~s). A dirección será desbloqueada as ~s UTC"}.
{"Too many unacked stanzas","Demasiadas mensaxes sen recoñecer recibilos"}. {"Too many unacked stanzas","Demasiadas mensaxes sen recoñecer recibilos"}.
{"Too many users in this conference","Demasiados usuarios nesta sala"}. {"Too many users in this conference","Demasiados usuarios nesta sala"}.
{"To","Para"}. {"To","Para"}.
{"To register, visit ~s","Para rexistrarse, visita ~s"}.
{"To ~s","A ~s"}.
{"Total rooms","Salas totais"}. {"Total rooms","Salas totais"}.
{"Traffic rate limit is exceeded","Hase exedido o límite de tráfico"}. {"Traffic rate limit is exceeded","Hase exedido o límite de tráfico"}.
{"Transactions Aborted:","Transaccións abortadas:"}. {"Transactions Aborted:","Transaccións abortadas:"}.
@ -401,29 +375,25 @@
{"Unregister a Jabber account","Eliminar o rexistro dunha conta Jabber"}. {"Unregister a Jabber account","Eliminar o rexistro dunha conta Jabber"}.
{"Unregister","Eliminar rexistro"}. {"Unregister","Eliminar rexistro"}.
{"Unsupported <index/> element","Elemento <index/> non soportado"}. {"Unsupported <index/> element","Elemento <index/> non soportado"}.
{"Update message of the day (don't send)","Actualizar mensaxe do dia, pero non envialo"}. {"Update message of the day (don't send)","Actualizar mensaxe do dia, pero non envialo"}.
{"Update message of the day on all hosts (don't send)","Actualizar a mensaxe do día en todos os dominos (pero non envialo)"}. {"Update message of the day on all hosts (don't send)","Actualizar a mensaxe do día en todos os dominos (pero non envialo)"}.
{"Update ~p","Actualizar ~p"}. {"Update ~p","Actualizar ~p"}.
{"Update plan","Plan de actualización"}. {"Update plan","Plan de actualización"}.
{"Update script","Script de actualización"}. {"Update script","Script de actualización"}.
{"Uptime:","Tempo desde o inicio:"}. {"Uptime:","Tempo desde o inicio:"}.
{"User already exists","O usuario xa existe"}. {"User already exists","O usuario xa existe"}.
{"User (jid)","Usuario (jid)"}. {"User (jid)","Usuario (jid)"}.
{"User Management","Administración de usuarios"}. {"User Management","Administración de usuarios"}.
{"Username:","Nome de usuario:"}.
{"Users are not allowed to register accounts so quickly","Os usuarios non están autorizados a rexistrar contas con tanta rapidez"}.
{"User session not found","Sesión de usuario non atopada"}. {"User session not found","Sesión de usuario non atopada"}.
{"User session terminated","Sesión de usuario completada"}. {"User session terminated","Sesión de usuario completada"}.
{"Username:","Nome de usuario:"}.
{"Users are not allowed to register accounts so quickly","Os usuarios non están autorizados a rexistrar contas con tanta rapidez"}.
{"Users Last Activity","Última actividade dos usuarios"}. {"Users Last Activity","Última actividade dos usuarios"}.
{"User ~s","Usuario ~s"}.
{"Users","Usuarios"}. {"Users","Usuarios"}.
{"User","Usuario"}. {"User","Usuario"}.
{"Validate","Validar"}. {"Validate","Validar"}.
{"Value 'get' of 'type' attribute is not allowed","O valor \"get\" do atributo 'type' non está permitido"}. {"Value 'get' of 'type' attribute is not allowed","O valor \"get\" do atributo 'type' non está permitido"}.
{"Value of '~s' should be boolean","O valor de '~s' debería ser booleano"}.
{"Value of '~s' should be datetime string","O valor de '~s' debería ser unha data"}.
{"Value of '~s' should be integer","O valor de '~s' debería ser un enteiro"}.
{"Value 'set' of 'type' attribute is not allowed","O valor \"set\" do atributo 'type' non está permitido"}. {"Value 'set' of 'type' attribute is not allowed","O valor \"set\" do atributo 'type' non está permitido"}.
{"vCard User Search","vCard busqueda de usuario"}. {"vCard User Search","vCard busqueda de usuario"}.
{"Virtual Hosts","Hosts Virtuais"}. {"Virtual Hosts","Hosts Virtuais"}.
@ -441,6 +411,6 @@
{"You need an x:data capable client to search","Necesitas un cliente con soporte de x:data para poder buscar"}. {"You need an x:data capable client to search","Necesitas un cliente con soporte de x:data para poder buscar"}.
{"Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza.","A súa lista de privacidade activa negou o encaminamiento desta estrofa."}. {"Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza.","A súa lista de privacidade activa negou o encaminamiento desta estrofa."}.
{"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","A túa cola de mensaxes diferidas de contactos está chea. A mensaxe descartouse."}. {"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","A túa cola de mensaxes diferidas de contactos está chea. A mensaxe descartouse."}.
{"You're not allowed to create nodes","Non tes permiso para crear nodos"}.
{"Your Jabber account was successfully created.","A súa conta Jabber creouse correctamente."}. {"Your Jabber account was successfully created.","A súa conta Jabber creouse correctamente."}.
{"Your Jabber account was successfully deleted.","A súa conta Jabber eliminouse correctamente."}. {"Your Jabber account was successfully deleted.","A súa conta Jabber eliminouse correctamente."}.
{"You're not allowed to create nodes","Non tes permiso para crear nodos"}.

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
%% -*- coding: utf-8 -*- %% -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
{" has set the subject to: "," הגדיר/ה את הנושא אל: "}.
{"A password is required to enter this room","נדרשת סיסמה כדי להיכנס אל חדר זה"}.
{"Accept","קבל"}. {"Accept","קבל"}.
{"Access denied by service policy","גישה נדחתה על ידי פוליסת שירות"}. {"Access denied by service policy","גישה נדחתה על ידי פוליסת שירות"}.
{"Action on user","פעולה על משתמש"}. {"Action on user","פעולה על משתמש"}.
@ -9,6 +11,7 @@
{"Administration","הנהלה"}. {"Administration","הנהלה"}.
{"Administrator privileges required","נדרשות הרשאות מנהל"}. {"Administrator privileges required","נדרשות הרשאות מנהל"}.
{"All activity","כל פעילות"}. {"All activity","כל פעילות"}.
{"All Users","כל המשתמשים"}.
{"Allow users to change the subject","התר למשתמשים לשנות את הנושא"}. {"Allow users to change the subject","התר למשתמשים לשנות את הנושא"}.
{"Allow users to query other users","התר למשתמשים לתשאל משתמשים אחרים"}. {"Allow users to query other users","התר למשתמשים לתשאל משתמשים אחרים"}.
{"Allow users to send invites","התר למשתמשים לשלוח הזמנות"}. {"Allow users to send invites","התר למשתמשים לשלוח הזמנות"}.
@ -16,9 +19,7 @@
{"Allow visitors to change nickname","התר למבקרים לשנות שם כינוי"}. {"Allow visitors to change nickname","התר למבקרים לשנות שם כינוי"}.
{"Allow visitors to send private messages to","התר למבקרים לשלוח הודעות פרטיות אל"}. {"Allow visitors to send private messages to","התר למבקרים לשלוח הודעות פרטיות אל"}.
{"Allow visitors to send status text in presence updates","התר למבקרים לשלוח טקסט מצב בתוך עדכוני נוכחות"}. {"Allow visitors to send status text in presence updates","התר למבקרים לשלוח טקסט מצב בתוך עדכוני נוכחות"}.
{"All Users","כל המשתמשים"}.
{"Announcements","בשורות"}. {"Announcements","בשורות"}.
{"A password is required to enter this room","נדרשת סיסמה כדי להיכנס אל חדר זה"}.
{"April","אפריל"}. {"April","אפריל"}.
{"August","אוגוסט"}. {"August","אוגוסט"}.
{"Automatic node creation is not enabled","יצירה אוטומטית של צומת אינה מאופשרת"}. {"Automatic node creation is not enabled","יצירה אוטומטית של צומת אינה מאופשרת"}.
@ -30,7 +31,6 @@
{"Birthday","יום הולדת"}. {"Birthday","יום הולדת"}.
{"Cannot remove active list","לא ניתן להסיר רשימה פעילה"}. {"Cannot remove active list","לא ניתן להסיר רשימה פעילה"}.
{"Cannot remove default list","לא ניתן להסיר רשימה שגרתית"}. {"Cannot remove default list","לא ניתן להסיר רשימה שגרתית"}.
{"CAPTCHA web page","עמוד רשת CAPTCHA"}.
{"Change Password","שנה סיסמה"}. {"Change Password","שנה סיסמה"}.
{"Change User Password","שנה סיסמת משתמש"}. {"Change User Password","שנה סיסמת משתמש"}.
{"Changing password is not allowed","שינוי סיסמה אינו מותר"}. {"Changing password is not allowed","שינוי סיסמה אינו מותר"}.
@ -43,13 +43,11 @@
{"Chatroom is stopped","חדר שיחה הינו מופסק"}. {"Chatroom is stopped","חדר שיחה הינו מופסק"}.
{"Chatrooms","חדרי שיחה"}. {"Chatrooms","חדרי שיחה"}.
{"Choose a username and password to register with this server","בחר שם משתמש וסיסמה כדי להירשם בעזרת שרת זה"}. {"Choose a username and password to register with this server","בחר שם משתמש וסיסמה כדי להירשם בעזרת שרת זה"}.
{"Choose modules to stop","בחר מודולים להפסקה"}.
{"Choose storage type of tables","בחר טיפוס אחסון של טבלאות"}. {"Choose storage type of tables","בחר טיפוס אחסון של טבלאות"}.
{"Choose whether to approve this entity's subscription.","בחר האם לאשר את ההרשמה של ישות זו."}. {"Choose whether to approve this entity's subscription.","בחר האם לאשר את ההרשמה של ישות זו."}.
{"City","עיר"}. {"City","עיר"}.
{"Commands","פקודות"}. {"Commands","פקודות"}.
{"Conference room does not exist","חדר ועידה לא קיים"}. {"Conference room does not exist","חדר ועידה לא קיים"}.
{"Configuration of room ~s","תצורת חדר ~s"}.
{"Configuration","תצורה"}. {"Configuration","תצורה"}.
{"Connected Resources:","משאבים מחוברים:"}. {"Connected Resources:","משאבים מחוברים:"}.
{"Country","ארץ"}. {"Country","ארץ"}.
@ -80,10 +78,8 @@
{"ejabberd Web Admin","מנהל רשת ejabberd"}. {"ejabberd Web Admin","מנהל רשת ejabberd"}.
{"Elements","אלמנטים"}. {"Elements","אלמנטים"}.
{"Email","דוא״ל"}. {"Email","דוא״ל"}.
{"Empty password","סיסמה ריקה"}.
{"Enable logging","אפשר רישום פעילות"}. {"Enable logging","אפשר רישום פעילות"}.
{"End User Session","סיים סשן משתמש"}. {"End User Session","סיים סשן משתמש"}.
{"Enter list of {Module, [Options]}","הזן רשימה של {מודול, [אפשרויות]}"}.
{"Enter nickname you want to register","הזן שם כינוי אשר ברצונך לרשום"}. {"Enter nickname you want to register","הזן שם כינוי אשר ברצונך לרשום"}.
{"Enter path to backup file","הזן נתיב לקובץ גיבוי"}. {"Enter path to backup file","הזן נתיב לקובץ גיבוי"}.
{"Enter path to jabberd14 spool dir","הזן נתיב למדור סליל (spool dir) של jabberd14"}. {"Enter path to jabberd14 spool dir","הזן נתיב למדור סליל (spool dir) של jabberd14"}.
@ -98,12 +94,10 @@
{"Failed to activate bytestream","נכשל להפעיל bytestream"}. {"Failed to activate bytestream","נכשל להפעיל bytestream"}.
{"Failed to extract JID from your voice request approval","נכשל לחלץ JID מתוך אישור בקשת הביטוי שלך"}. {"Failed to extract JID from your voice request approval","נכשל לחלץ JID מתוך אישור בקשת הביטוי שלך"}.
{"Failed to parse HTTP response","נכשל לפענח תגובת HTTP"}. {"Failed to parse HTTP response","נכשל לפענח תגובת HTTP"}.
{"Failed to process option '~s'","נכשל לעבד אפשרות '~s'"}.
{"Family Name","שם משפחה"}. {"Family Name","שם משפחה"}.
{"February","פברואר"}. {"February","פברואר"}.
{"File larger than ~w bytes","קובץ גדול יותר משיעור של ~w בייטים"}. {"File larger than ~w bytes","קובץ גדול יותר משיעור של ~w בייטים"}.
{"Friday","יום שישי"}. {"Friday","יום שישי"}.
{"From ~s","מאת ~s"}.
{"From","מאת"}. {"From","מאת"}.
{"Full Name","שם מלא"}. {"Full Name","שם מלא"}.
{"Get Number of Online Users","השג מספר של משתמשים מקוונים"}. {"Get Number of Online Users","השג מספר של משתמשים מקוונים"}.
@ -112,14 +106,13 @@
{"Get User Password","השג סיסמת משתמש"}. {"Get User Password","השג סיסמת משתמש"}.
{"Get User Statistics","השג סטטיסטיקת משתמש"}. {"Get User Statistics","השג סטטיסטיקת משתמש"}.
{"Given Name","שם פרטי"}. {"Given Name","שם פרטי"}.
{"Group ","קבוצה "}. {"Group ","קבוצה "}.
{"has been banned","נאסר/ה"}. {"has been banned","נאסר/ה"}.
{"has been kicked because of an affiliation change","נבעט/ה משום שינוי סינוף"}.
{"has been kicked because of a system shutdown","נבעט/ה משום כיבוי מערכת"}. {"has been kicked because of a system shutdown","נבעט/ה משום כיבוי מערכת"}.
{"has been kicked because of an affiliation change","נבעט/ה משום שינוי סינוף"}.
{"has been kicked because the room has been changed to members-only","נבעט/ה משום שהחדר שונה אל חברים-בלבד"}. {"has been kicked because the room has been changed to members-only","נבעט/ה משום שהחדר שונה אל חברים-בלבד"}.
{"has been kicked","נבעט/ה"}. {"has been kicked","נבעט/ה"}.
{" has set the subject to: "," הגדיר/ה את הנושא אל: "}.
{"Host unknown","מארח לא ידוע"}. {"Host unknown","מארח לא ידוע"}.
{"Host","מארח"}. {"Host","מארח"}.
{"If you don't see the CAPTCHA image here, visit the web page.","אם אינך רואה תמונת CAPTCHA כאן, בקר בעמוד רשת."}. {"If you don't see the CAPTCHA image here, visit the web page.","אם אינך רואה תמונת CAPTCHA כאן, בקר בעמוד רשת."}.
@ -140,7 +133,6 @@
{"Invitations are not allowed in this conference","הזמנות אינן מותרות בועידה זו"}. {"Invitations are not allowed in this conference","הזמנות אינן מותרות בועידה זו"}.
{"IP addresses","כתובות IP"}. {"IP addresses","כתובות IP"}.
{"is now known as","ידועה כעת בכינוי"}. {"is now known as","ידועה כעת בכינוי"}.
{"It is not allowed to send error messages to the room. The participant (~s) has sent an error message (~s) and got kicked from the room","אין זה מותר לשלוח הודעות שגיאה לחדר. משתתף זה (~s) שלח הודעת שגיאה (~s) ונבעט מתוך החדר"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","אין זה מותר לשלוח הודעות פרטיות מן טיפוס \"groupchat\""}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","אין זה מותר לשלוח הודעות פרטיות מן טיפוס \"groupchat\""}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","אין זה מותר לשלוח הודעות פרטיות לועידה"}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","אין זה מותר לשלוח הודעות פרטיות לועידה"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages","אין זה מותר לשלוח הודעות פרטיות"}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages","אין זה מותר לשלוח הודעות פרטיות"}.
@ -155,7 +147,6 @@
{"Last month","חודש אחרון"}. {"Last month","חודש אחרון"}.
{"Last year","שנה אחרונה"}. {"Last year","שנה אחרונה"}.
{"leaves the room","עוזב/ת את החדר"}. {"leaves the room","עוזב/ת את החדר"}.
{"List of modules to start","רשימה של מודולים להפעלה"}.
{"List of rooms","רשימה של חדרים"}. {"List of rooms","רשימה של חדרים"}.
{"Low level update script","תסריט עדכון Low level"}. {"Low level update script","תסריט עדכון Low level"}.
{"Make participants list public","הפוך רשימת משתתפים לפומבית"}. {"Make participants list public","הפוך רשימת משתתפים לפומבית"}.
@ -178,7 +169,6 @@
{"Moderator privileges required","נדרשות הרשאות אחראי"}. {"Moderator privileges required","נדרשות הרשאות אחראי"}.
{"Modified modules","מודולים שהותאמו"}. {"Modified modules","מודולים שהותאמו"}.
{"Module failed to handle the query","מודול נכשל לטפל בשאילתא"}. {"Module failed to handle the query","מודול נכשל לטפל בשאילתא"}.
{"Monday","יום שני"}. {"Monday","יום שני"}.
{"Multicast","שידור מרובב"}. {"Multicast","שידור מרובב"}.
{"Multi-User Chat","שיחה מרובת משתמשים"}. {"Multi-User Chat","שיחה מרובת משתמשים"}.
@ -187,22 +177,14 @@
{"Never","אף פעם"}. {"Never","אף פעם"}.
{"New Password:","סיסמה חדשה:"}. {"New Password:","סיסמה חדשה:"}.
{"Nickname Registration at ","רישום שם כינוי אצל "}. {"Nickname Registration at ","רישום שם כינוי אצל "}.
{"Nickname ~s does not exist in the room","שם כינוי ~s לא קיים בחדר"}.
{"Nickname","שם כינוי"}. {"Nickname","שם כינוי"}.
{"No available resource found","לא נמצא משאב זמין"}. {"No available resource found","לא נמצא משאב זמין"}.
{"No body provided for announce message","לא סופק גוף עבור הודעת בשורה"}. {"No body provided for announce message","לא סופק גוף עבור הודעת בשורה"}.
{"No Data","אין מידע"}. {"No Data","אין מידע"}.
{"Node already exists","צומת כבר קיים"}.
{"Node index not found","מפתח צומת לא נמצא"}.
{"Node not found","צומת לא נמצא"}.
{"Nodeprep has failed","Nodeprep נכשל"}.
{"Node ~p","צומת ~p"}.
{"No features available","אין תכונות זמינות"}. {"No features available","אין תכונות זמינות"}.
{"No items found in this query","לא נמצאו פריטים בתוך שאילתא זו"}. {"No items found in this query","לא נמצאו פריטים בתוך שאילתא זו"}.
{"No limit","ללא הגבלה"}. {"No limit","ללא הגבלה"}.
{"No module is handling this query","אין מודול אשר מטפל בשאילתא זו"}. {"No module is handling this query","אין מודול אשר מטפל בשאילתא זו"}.
{"No node specified","לא צויין צומת"}. {"No node specified","לא צויין צומת"}.
{"No pending subscriptions found","לא נמצאו הרשמות ממתינות"}. {"No pending subscriptions found","לא נמצאו הרשמות ממתינות"}.
{"No privacy list with this name found","לא נמצאה רשימת פרטיות בשם זה"}. {"No privacy list with this name found","לא נמצאה רשימת פרטיות בשם זה"}.
@ -210,6 +192,13 @@
{"No running node found","לא נמצא צומת מורץ"}. {"No running node found","לא נמצא צומת מורץ"}.
{"No services available","אין שירות זמין"}. {"No services available","אין שירות זמין"}.
{"No statistics found for this item","לא נמצאה סטטיסטיקה לגבי פריט זה"}. {"No statistics found for this item","לא נמצאה סטטיסטיקה לגבי פריט זה"}.
{"Node already exists","צומת כבר קיים"}.
{"Node index not found","מפתח צומת לא נמצא"}.
{"Node not found","צומת לא נמצא"}.
{"Node ~p","צומת ~p"}.
{"Nodeprep has failed","Nodeprep נכשל"}.
{"Not Found","לא נמצא"}. {"Not Found","לא נמצא"}.
{"Not subscribed","לא רשום"}. {"Not subscribed","לא רשום"}.
{"November","נובמבר"}. {"November","נובמבר"}.
@ -237,7 +226,6 @@
{"Outgoing s2s Connections:","חיבורי s2s יוצאים:"}. {"Outgoing s2s Connections:","חיבורי s2s יוצאים:"}.
{"Owner privileges required","נדרשות הרשאות בעלים"}. {"Owner privileges required","נדרשות הרשאות בעלים"}.
{"Packet","חבילת מידע"}. {"Packet","חבילת מידע"}.
{"Parse failed","פענוח הכשל"}.
{"Password Verification","אימות סיסמה"}. {"Password Verification","אימות סיסמה"}.
{"Password Verification:","אימות סיסמה:"}. {"Password Verification:","אימות סיסמה:"}.
{"Password","סיסמה"}. {"Password","סיסמה"}.
@ -281,14 +269,11 @@
{"Room description","תיאור חדר"}. {"Room description","תיאור חדר"}.
{"Room Occupants","נוכחי חדר"}. {"Room Occupants","נוכחי חדר"}.
{"Room title","כותרת חדר"}. {"Room title","כותרת חדר"}.
{"Roster module has failed","מודול רשימה נכשל"}.
{"Roster of ","רשימה של "}.
{"Roster size","גודל רשימה"}. {"Roster size","גודל רשימה"}.
{"Roster","רשימה"}. {"Roster","רשימה"}.
{"RPC Call Error","שגיאת קריאת RPC"}. {"RPC Call Error","שגיאת קריאת RPC"}.
{"Running Nodes","צמתים מורצים"}. {"Running Nodes","צמתים מורצים"}.
{"Saturday","יום שבת"}. {"Saturday","יום שבת"}.
{"Scan failed","סריקה נכשלה"}.
{"Script check","בדיקת תסריט"}. {"Script check","בדיקת תסריט"}.
{"Search Results for ","תוצאות חיפוש עבור "}. {"Search Results for ","תוצאות חיפוש עבור "}.
{"Search users in ","חיפוש משתמשים אצל "}. {"Search users in ","חיפוש משתמשים אצל "}.
@ -304,15 +289,9 @@
{"Show Integral Table","הצג טבלה אינטגרלית"}. {"Show Integral Table","הצג טבלה אינטגרלית"}.
{"Show Ordinary Table","הצג טבלה רגילה"}. {"Show Ordinary Table","הצג טבלה רגילה"}.
{"Shut Down Service","כבה שירות"}. {"Shut Down Service","כבה שירות"}.
{"~s invites you to the room ~s","~s מזמינך לחדר ~s"}.
{"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons.","ישנם לקוחות Jabber אשר מסוגלים לאחסן את הסיסמה שלך בתוך המחשב, אולם עליך לעשות זאת רק בתוך המחשב האישי שלך מסיבות ביטחוניות."}. {"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons.","ישנם לקוחות Jabber אשר מסוגלים לאחסן את הסיסמה שלך בתוך המחשב, אולם עליך לעשות זאת רק בתוך המחשב האישי שלך מסיבות ביטחוניות."}.
{"~s's Offline Messages Queue","תור הודעות לא מקוונות של ~s"}.
{"Start Modules at ","התחל מודולים אצל "}.
{"Start Modules","התחל מודולים"}.
{"Statistics of ~p","סטטיסטיקות של ~p"}. {"Statistics of ~p","סטטיסטיקות של ~p"}.
{"Statistics","סטטיסטיקה"}. {"Statistics","סטטיסטיקה"}.
{"Stop Modules at ","הפסק מודולים אצל "}.
{"Stop Modules","הפסק מודולים"}.
{"Stopped Nodes","צמתים שנפסקו"}. {"Stopped Nodes","צמתים שנפסקו"}.
{"Stop","הפסק"}. {"Stop","הפסק"}.
{"Storage Type","טיפוס אחסון"}. {"Storage Type","טיפוס אחסון"}.
@ -344,11 +323,8 @@
{"Token TTL","סימן TTL"}. {"Token TTL","סימן TTL"}.
{"Too many active bytestreams","יותר מדי יחידות bytestream פעילות"}. {"Too many active bytestreams","יותר מדי יחידות bytestream פעילות"}.
{"Too many CAPTCHA requests","יותר מדי בקשות CAPTCHA"}. {"Too many CAPTCHA requests","יותר מדי בקשות CAPTCHA"}.
{"Too many (~p) failed authentications from this IP address (~s). The address will be unblocked at ~s UTC","יותר מדי (~p) אימותים כושלים מתוך כתובת IP זו (~s). הכתובת תורשה לקבל גישה בשעה ~s UTC"}.
{"Too many unacked stanzas","יותר מדי סטנזות בלי אישורי קבלה"}. {"Too many unacked stanzas","יותר מדי סטנזות בלי אישורי קבלה"}.
{"Too many users in this conference","יותר מדי משתמשים בועידה זו"}. {"Too many users in this conference","יותר מדי משתמשים בועידה זו"}.
{"To register, visit ~s","כדי להירשם, בקרו ~s"}.
{"To ~s","אל ~s"}.
{"Total rooms","חדרים סה״כ"}. {"Total rooms","חדרים סה״כ"}.
{"To","לכבוד"}. {"To","לכבוד"}.
{"Traffic rate limit is exceeded","מגבלת שיעור תעבורה נחצתה"}. {"Traffic rate limit is exceeded","מגבלת שיעור תעבורה נחצתה"}.
@ -372,18 +348,14 @@
{"User already exists","משתמש כבר קיים"}. {"User already exists","משתמש כבר קיים"}.
{"User (jid)","משתמש (jid)"}. {"User (jid)","משתמש (jid)"}.
{"User Management","ניהול משתמשים"}. {"User Management","ניהול משתמשים"}.
{"Username:","שם משתמש:"}.
{"Users are not allowed to register accounts so quickly","משתמשים אינם מורשים לרשום חשבונות כל כך במהירות"}.
{"User session not found","סשן משתמש לא נמצא"}. {"User session not found","סשן משתמש לא נמצא"}.
{"User session terminated","סשן משתמש הסתיים"}. {"User session terminated","סשן משתמש הסתיים"}.
{"Username:","שם משתמש:"}.
{"Users are not allowed to register accounts so quickly","משתמשים אינם מורשים לרשום חשבונות כל כך במהירות"}.
{"Users Last Activity","פעילות משתמשים אחרונה"}. {"Users Last Activity","פעילות משתמשים אחרונה"}.
{"User ~s","משתמש ~s"}.
{"Users","משתמשים"}. {"Users","משתמשים"}.
{"User","משתמש"}. {"User","משתמש"}.
{"Validate","הענק תוקף"}. {"Validate","הענק תוקף"}.
{"Value of '~s' should be boolean","ערך של '~s' צריך להיות boolean"}.
{"Value of '~s' should be datetime string","ערך של '~s' צריך להיות מחרוזת datetime"}.
{"Value of '~s' should be integer","ערך של '~s' צריך להיות integer"}.
{"vCard User Search","חיפוש משתמש vCard"}. {"vCard User Search","חיפוש משתמש vCard"}.
{"Virtual Hosts","מארחים מדומים"}. {"Virtual Hosts","מארחים מדומים"}.
{"Visitors are not allowed to change their nicknames in this room","מבקרים אינם מורשים לשנות את שמות הכינויים שלהם בחדר זה"}. {"Visitors are not allowed to change their nicknames in this room","מבקרים אינם מורשים לשנות את שמות הכינויים שלהם בחדר זה"}.
@ -400,6 +372,6 @@
{"You need an x:data capable client to search","עליך להשתמש בלקוח אשר מסוגל להבין x:data כדי לחפש"}. {"You need an x:data capable client to search","עליך להשתמש בלקוח אשר מסוגל להבין x:data כדי לחפש"}.
{"Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza.","רשימת הפרטיות הפעילה שלך אסרה את הניתוב של סטנזה זו."}. {"Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza.","רשימת הפרטיות הפעילה שלך אסרה את הניתוב של סטנזה זו."}.
{"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","תור הודעות קשר לא מקוונות הינו מלא. ההודעה סולקה."}. {"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","תור הודעות קשר לא מקוונות הינו מלא. ההודעה סולקה."}.
{"You're not allowed to create nodes","אינך מורשה ליצור צמתים"}.
{"Your Jabber account was successfully created.","חשבון Jabber נוצר בהצלחה."}. {"Your Jabber account was successfully created.","חשבון Jabber נוצר בהצלחה."}.
{"Your Jabber account was successfully deleted.","חשבון Jabber נמחק בהצלחה."}. {"Your Jabber account was successfully deleted.","חשבון Jabber נמחק בהצלחה."}.
{"You're not allowed to create nodes","אינך מורשה ליצור צמתים"}.

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,30 +1,30 @@
%% -*- coding: utf-8 -*- %% -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
{" has set the subject to: ","telah menetapkan topik yaitu:"}.
{"A password is required to enter this room","Diperlukan kata sandi untuk masuk ruangan ini"}.
{"Access denied by service policy","Akses ditolak oleh kebijakan layanan"}. {"Access denied by service policy","Akses ditolak oleh kebijakan layanan"}.
{"Action on user","Tindakan pada pengguna"}. {"Action on user","Tindakan pada pengguna"}.
{"Add Jabber ID","Tambah Jabber ID"}. {"Add Jabber ID","Tambah Jabber ID"}.
{"Add New","Tambah Baru"}. {"Add New","Tambah Baru"}.
{"Add User","Tambah Pengguna"}. {"Add User","Tambah Pengguna"}.
{"Administration of ","Administrasi"}. {"Administration of ","Administrasi"}.
{"Administrator privileges required","Hak istimewa Administrator dibutuhkan"}. {"Administrator privileges required","Hak istimewa Administrator dibutuhkan"}.
{"All activity","Semua aktifitas"}. {"All activity","Semua aktifitas"}.
{"All Users","Semua Pengguna"}.
{"Allow users to change the subject","Perbolehkan pengguna untuk mengganti topik"}. {"Allow users to change the subject","Perbolehkan pengguna untuk mengganti topik"}.
{"Allow users to query other users","Perbolehkan pengguna untuk mengetahui pengguna lain"}. {"Allow users to query other users","Perbolehkan pengguna untuk mengetahui pengguna lain"}.
{"Allow users to send invites","Perbolehkan pengguna mengirimkan undangan"}. {"Allow users to send invites","Perbolehkan pengguna mengirimkan undangan"}.
{"Allow users to send private messages","perbolehkan pengguna mengirimkan pesan ke pengguna lain secara pribadi"}. {"Allow users to send private messages","perbolehkan pengguna mengirimkan pesan ke pengguna lain secara pribadi"}.
{"Allow visitors to change nickname","Perbolehkan visitor mengganti nama julukan"}. {"Allow visitors to change nickname","Perbolehkan visitor mengganti nama julukan"}.
{"Allow visitors to send status text in presence updates","Izinkan pengunjung untuk mengirim teks status terbaru"}. {"Allow visitors to send status text in presence updates","Izinkan pengunjung untuk mengirim teks status terbaru"}.
{"All Users","Semua Pengguna"}.
{"Announcements","Pengumuman"}. {"Announcements","Pengumuman"}.
{"A password is required to enter this room","Diperlukan kata sandi untuk masuk ruangan ini"}.
{"April","April"}. {"April","April"}.
{"August","Agustus"}. {"August","Agustus"}.
{"Backup Management","Manajemen Backup"}. {"Backup Management","Manajemen Backup"}.
{"Backup to File at ","Backup ke File pada"}. {"Backup to File at ","Backup ke File pada"}.
{"Bad format","Format yang buruk"}. {"Bad format","Format yang buruk"}.
{"Birthday","Hari Lahir"}. {"Birthday","Hari Lahir"}.
{"CAPTCHA web page","CAPTCHA laman web"}.
{"Change Password","Ubah Kata Sandi"}. {"Change Password","Ubah Kata Sandi"}.
{"Change User Password","Ubah User Password"}. {"Change User Password","Ubah User Password"}.
{"Characters not allowed:","Karakter tidak diperbolehkan:"}. {"Characters not allowed:","Karakter tidak diperbolehkan:"}.
@ -35,23 +35,21 @@
{"Chatroom is stopped","Ruang chat dihentikan"}. {"Chatroom is stopped","Ruang chat dihentikan"}.
{"Chatrooms","Ruangan Chat"}. {"Chatrooms","Ruangan Chat"}.
{"Choose a username and password to register with this server","Pilih nama pengguna dan kata sandi untuk mendaftar dengan layanan ini"}. {"Choose a username and password to register with this server","Pilih nama pengguna dan kata sandi untuk mendaftar dengan layanan ini"}.
{"Choose modules to stop","Pilih Modul untuk berhenti"}.
{"Choose storage type of tables","Pilih jenis penyimpanan tabel"}. {"Choose storage type of tables","Pilih jenis penyimpanan tabel"}.
{"Choose whether to approve this entity's subscription.","Pilih apakah akan menyetujui hubungan pertemanan ini."}. {"Choose whether to approve this entity's subscription.","Pilih apakah akan menyetujui hubungan pertemanan ini."}.
{"City","Kota"}. {"City","Kota"}.
{"Commands","Perintah"}. {"Commands","Perintah"}.
{"Conference room does not exist","Ruang Konferensi tidak ada"}. {"Conference room does not exist","Ruang Konferensi tidak ada"}.
{"Configuration of room ~s","Pengaturan ruangan ~s"}.
{"Configuration","Pengaturan"}. {"Configuration","Pengaturan"}.
{"Connected Resources:","Sumber Daya Terhubung:"}. {"Connected Resources:","Sumber Daya Terhubung:"}.
{"Country","Negara"}. {"Country","Negara"}.
{"CPU Time:","Waktu CPU:"}. {"CPU Time:","Waktu CPU:"}.
{"Database Tables Configuration at ","Database Tabel Konfigurasi pada"}. {"Database Tables Configuration at ","Database Tabel Konfigurasi pada"}.
{"December","Desember"}. {"December","Desember"}.
{"Default users as participants","pengguna pertama kali masuk sebagai participant"}. {"Default users as participants","pengguna pertama kali masuk sebagai participant"}.
{"Delete message of the day","Hapus pesan harian"}.
{"Delete message of the day on all hosts","Hapus pesan harian pada semua host"}. {"Delete message of the day on all hosts","Hapus pesan harian pada semua host"}.
{"Delete message of the day","Hapus pesan harian"}.
{"Delete Selected","Hapus Yang Terpilih"}. {"Delete Selected","Hapus Yang Terpilih"}.
{"Delete User","Hapus Pengguna"}. {"Delete User","Hapus Pengguna"}.
{"Description:","Keterangan:"}. {"Description:","Keterangan:"}.
@ -70,7 +68,6 @@
{"Email","Email"}. {"Email","Email"}.
{"Enable logging","Aktifkan catatan"}. {"Enable logging","Aktifkan catatan"}.
{"End User Session","Akhir Sesi Pengguna"}. {"End User Session","Akhir Sesi Pengguna"}.
{"Enter list of {Module, [Options]}","Masukkan daftar {Modul, [Options]}"}.
{"Enter nickname you want to register","Masukkan nama julukan Anda jika ingin mendaftar"}. {"Enter nickname you want to register","Masukkan nama julukan Anda jika ingin mendaftar"}.
{"Enter path to backup file","Masukkan path untuk file cadangan"}. {"Enter path to backup file","Masukkan path untuk file cadangan"}.
{"Enter path to jabberd14 spool dir","Masukkan path ke direktori spool jabberd14"}. {"Enter path to jabberd14 spool dir","Masukkan path ke direktori spool jabberd14"}.
@ -85,7 +82,6 @@
{"February","Februari"}. {"February","Februari"}.
{"Friday","Jumat"}. {"Friday","Jumat"}.
{"From","Dari"}. {"From","Dari"}.
{"From ~s","Dari ~s"}.
{"Full Name","Nama Lengkap"}. {"Full Name","Nama Lengkap"}.
{"Get Number of Online Users","Dapatkan Jumlah User Yang Online"}. {"Get Number of Online Users","Dapatkan Jumlah User Yang Online"}.
{"Get Number of Registered Users","Dapatkan Jumlah Pengguna Yang Terdaftar"}. {"Get Number of Registered Users","Dapatkan Jumlah Pengguna Yang Terdaftar"}.
@ -95,11 +91,10 @@
{"Group ","Grup"}. {"Group ","Grup"}.
{"Groups","Grup"}. {"Groups","Grup"}.
{"has been banned","telah dibanned"}. {"has been banned","telah dibanned"}.
{"has been kicked because of an affiliation change","telah dikick karena perubahan afiliasi"}.
{"has been kicked because of a system shutdown","telah dikick karena sistem shutdown"}. {"has been kicked because of a system shutdown","telah dikick karena sistem shutdown"}.
{"has been kicked because of an affiliation change","telah dikick karena perubahan afiliasi"}.
{"has been kicked because the room has been changed to members-only","telah dikick karena ruangan telah diubah menjadi hanya untuk member"}. {"has been kicked because the room has been changed to members-only","telah dikick karena ruangan telah diubah menjadi hanya untuk member"}.
{"has been kicked","telah dikick"}. {"has been kicked","telah dikick"}.
{" has set the subject to: ","telah menetapkan topik yaitu:"}.
{"Host","Host"}. {"Host","Host"}.
{"If you don't see the CAPTCHA image here, visit the web page.","Jika Anda tidak melihat gambar CAPTCHA disini, silahkan kunjungi halaman web."}. {"If you don't see the CAPTCHA image here, visit the web page.","Jika Anda tidak melihat gambar CAPTCHA disini, silahkan kunjungi halaman web."}.
{"Import Directory","Impor Direktori"}. {"Import Directory","Impor Direktori"}.
@ -114,9 +109,9 @@
{"Incorrect password","Kata sandi salah"}. {"Incorrect password","Kata sandi salah"}.
{"IP addresses","Alamat IP"}. {"IP addresses","Alamat IP"}.
{"is now known as","sekarang dikenal sebagai"}. {"is now known as","sekarang dikenal sebagai"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages","Hal ini tidak diperbolehkan untuk mengirim pesan pribadi"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","Hal ini tidak diperbolehkan untuk mengirim pesan pribadi jenis \"groupchat \""}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","Hal ini tidak diperbolehkan untuk mengirim pesan pribadi jenis \"groupchat \""}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","Hal ini tidak diperbolehkan untuk mengirim pesan pribadi ke konferensi"}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","Hal ini tidak diperbolehkan untuk mengirim pesan pribadi ke konferensi"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages","Hal ini tidak diperbolehkan untuk mengirim pesan pribadi"}.
{"Jabber Account Registration","Pendaftaran Akun Jabber"}. {"Jabber Account Registration","Pendaftaran Akun Jabber"}.
{"Jabber ID","Jabber ID"}. {"Jabber ID","Jabber ID"}.
{"January","Januari"}. {"January","Januari"}.
@ -128,7 +123,6 @@
{"Last month","Akhir bulan"}. {"Last month","Akhir bulan"}.
{"Last year","Akhir tahun"}. {"Last year","Akhir tahun"}.
{"leaves the room","meninggalkan ruangan"}. {"leaves the room","meninggalkan ruangan"}.
{"List of modules to start","Daftar modul untuk memulai"}.
{"Low level update script","Perbaruan naskah tingkat rendah"}. {"Low level update script","Perbaruan naskah tingkat rendah"}.
{"Make participants list public","Buat daftar participant diketahui oleh public"}. {"Make participants list public","Buat daftar participant diketahui oleh public"}.
{"Make room CAPTCHA protected","Buat ruangan dilindungi dengan CAPTCHA"}. {"Make room CAPTCHA protected","Buat ruangan dilindungi dengan CAPTCHA"}.
@ -148,20 +142,18 @@
{"Middle Name","Nama Tengah"}. {"Middle Name","Nama Tengah"}.
{"Moderator privileges required","Hak istimewa moderator dibutuhkan"}. {"Moderator privileges required","Hak istimewa moderator dibutuhkan"}.
{"Modified modules","Modifikasi modul-modul"}. {"Modified modules","Modifikasi modul-modul"}.
{"Monday","Senin"}. {"Monday","Senin"}.
{"Name","Nama"}. {"Name","Nama"}.
{"Name:","Nama:"}. {"Name:","Nama:"}.
{"Never","Tidak Pernah"}. {"Never","Tidak Pernah"}.
{"New Password:","Password Baru:"}. {"New Password:","Password Baru:"}.
{"Nickname","Nama Julukan"}.
{"Nickname Registration at ","Pendaftaran Julukan pada"}. {"Nickname Registration at ","Pendaftaran Julukan pada"}.
{"Nickname ~s does not exist in the room","Nama Julukan ~s tidak berada di dalam ruangan"}. {"Nickname","Nama Julukan"}.
{"No body provided for announce message","Tidak ada isi pesan yang disediakan untuk mengirimkan pesan"}. {"No body provided for announce message","Tidak ada isi pesan yang disediakan untuk mengirimkan pesan"}.
{"No Data","Tidak Ada Data"}. {"No Data","Tidak Ada Data"}.
{"No limit","Tidak terbatas"}.
{"Node not found","Node tidak ditemukan"}. {"Node not found","Node tidak ditemukan"}.
{"Nodes","Node-node"}. {"Nodes","Node-node"}.
{"No limit","Tidak terbatas"}.
{"None","Tak satupun"}. {"None","Tak satupun"}.
{"Not Found","Tidak Ditemukan"}. {"Not Found","Tidak Ditemukan"}.
{"November","Nopember"}. {"November","Nopember"}.
@ -172,9 +164,9 @@
{"Offline Messages:","Pesan Offline:"}. {"Offline Messages:","Pesan Offline:"}.
{"OK","YA"}. {"OK","YA"}.
{"Old Password:","Password Lama:"}. {"Old Password:","Password Lama:"}.
{"Online Users:","Pengguna Online:"}. {"Online Users:","Pengguna Online:"}.
{"Online Users","Pengguna Yang Online"}. {"Online Users","Pengguna Yang Online"}.
{"Only moderators and participants are allowed to change the subject in this room","Hanya moderator dan peserta yang diizinkan untuk mengganti topik pembicaraan di ruangan ini"}. {"Only moderators and participants are allowed to change the subject in this room","Hanya moderator dan peserta yang diizinkan untuk mengganti topik pembicaraan di ruangan ini"}.
{"Only moderators are allowed to change the subject in this room","Hanya moderator yang diperbolehkan untuk mengubah topik dalam ruangan ini"}. {"Only moderators are allowed to change the subject in this room","Hanya moderator yang diperbolehkan untuk mengubah topik dalam ruangan ini"}.
{"Only occupants are allowed to send messages to the conference","Hanya penghuni yang diizinkan untuk mengirim pesan ke konferensi"}. {"Only occupants are allowed to send messages to the conference","Hanya penghuni yang diizinkan untuk mengirim pesan ke konferensi"}.
@ -186,10 +178,10 @@
{"Outgoing s2s Connections:","Koneksi s2s yang keluar:"}. {"Outgoing s2s Connections:","Koneksi s2s yang keluar:"}.
{"Owner privileges required","Hak istimewa owner dibutuhkan"}. {"Owner privileges required","Hak istimewa owner dibutuhkan"}.
{"Packet","Paket"}. {"Packet","Paket"}.
{"Password:","Kata Sandi:"}.
{"Password Verification:","Verifikasi Kata Sandi:"}. {"Password Verification:","Verifikasi Kata Sandi:"}.
{"Password Verification","Verifikasi Sandi"}. {"Password Verification","Verifikasi Sandi"}.
{"Password:","Kata Sandi:"}.
{"Path to Dir","Jalur ke Dir"}. {"Path to Dir","Jalur ke Dir"}.
{"Path to File","Jalur ke File"}. {"Path to File","Jalur ke File"}.
{"Pending","Tertunda"}. {"Pending","Tertunda"}.
@ -211,35 +203,34 @@
{"Register","Mendaftar"}. {"Register","Mendaftar"}.
{"Remote copy","Salinan Remote"}. {"Remote copy","Salinan Remote"}.
{"Remove All Offline Messages","Hapus Semua Pesan Offline"}. {"Remove All Offline Messages","Hapus Semua Pesan Offline"}.
{"Remove User","Hapus Pengguna"}. {"Remove User","Hapus Pengguna"}.
{"Replaced by new connection","Diganti dengan koneksi baru"}. {"Replaced by new connection","Diganti dengan koneksi baru"}.
{"Resources","Sumber daya"}. {"Resources","Sumber daya"}.
{"Restart","Jalankan Ulang"}.
{"Restart Service","Restart Layanan"}. {"Restart Service","Restart Layanan"}.
{"Restart","Jalankan Ulang"}.
{"Restore Backup from File at ","Kembalikan Backup dari File pada"}. {"Restore Backup from File at ","Kembalikan Backup dari File pada"}.
{"Restore binary backup after next ejabberd restart (requires less memory):","Mengembalikan cadangan yang berpasanagn setelah ejabberd berikutnya dijalankan ulang (memerlukan memori lebih sedikit):"}. {"Restore binary backup after next ejabberd restart (requires less memory):","Mengembalikan cadangan yang berpasanagn setelah ejabberd berikutnya dijalankan ulang (memerlukan memori lebih sedikit):"}.
{"Restore binary backup immediately:","Segera mengembalikan cadangan yang berpasangan:"}. {"Restore binary backup immediately:","Segera mengembalikan cadangan yang berpasangan:"}.
{"Restore plain text backup immediately:","Segera mengembalikan cadangan teks biasa:"}. {"Restore plain text backup immediately:","Segera mengembalikan cadangan teks biasa:"}.
{"Room Configuration","Konfigurasi Ruangan"}. {"Room Configuration","Konfigurasi Ruangan"}.
{"Room creation is denied by service policy","Pembuatan Ruangan ditolak oleh kebijakan layanan"}. {"Room creation is denied by service policy","Pembuatan Ruangan ditolak oleh kebijakan layanan"}.
{"Room description","Keterangan ruangan"}. {"Room description","Keterangan ruangan"}.
{"Room Occupants","Penghuni Ruangan"}. {"Room Occupants","Penghuni Ruangan"}.
{"Room title","Nama Ruangan"}. {"Room title","Nama Ruangan"}.
{"Roster of ","Kontak dari"}.
{"Roster size","Ukuran Daftar Kontak"}. {"Roster size","Ukuran Daftar Kontak"}.
{"RPC Call Error","Panggilan Kesalahan RPC"}. {"RPC Call Error","Panggilan Kesalahan RPC"}.
{"Running Nodes","Menjalankan Node"}. {"Running Nodes","Menjalankan Node"}.
{"Saturday","Sabtu"}. {"Saturday","Sabtu"}.
{"Script check","Periksa naskah"}. {"Script check","Periksa naskah"}.
{"Search Results for ","Hasil Pencarian untuk"}. {"Search Results for ","Hasil Pencarian untuk"}.
{"Search users in ","Pencarian pengguna dalam"}. {"Search users in ","Pencarian pengguna dalam"}.
{"Send announcement to all online users","Kirim pengumuman untuk semua pengguna yang online"}.
{"Send announcement to all online users on all hosts","Kirim pengumuman untuk semua pengguna yang online pada semua host"}. {"Send announcement to all online users on all hosts","Kirim pengumuman untuk semua pengguna yang online pada semua host"}.
{"Send announcement to all users","Kirim pengumuman untuk semua pengguna"}. {"Send announcement to all online users","Kirim pengumuman untuk semua pengguna yang online"}.
{"Send announcement to all users on all hosts","Kirim pengumuman untuk semua pengguna pada semua host"}. {"Send announcement to all users on all hosts","Kirim pengumuman untuk semua pengguna pada semua host"}.
{"Send announcement to all users","Kirim pengumuman untuk semua pengguna"}.
{"September","September"}. {"September","September"}.
{"Server:","Layanan:"}. {"Server:","Layanan:"}.
{"Set message of the day and send to online users","Mengatur pesan harian dan mengirimkan ke pengguna yang online"}. {"Set message of the day and send to online users","Mengatur pesan harian dan mengirimkan ke pengguna yang online"}.
@ -248,16 +239,10 @@
{"Show Integral Table","Tampilkan Tabel Terpisah"}. {"Show Integral Table","Tampilkan Tabel Terpisah"}.
{"Show Ordinary Table","Tampilkan Tabel Normal"}. {"Show Ordinary Table","Tampilkan Tabel Normal"}.
{"Shut Down Service","Shut Down Layanan"}. {"Shut Down Service","Shut Down Layanan"}.
{"~s invites you to the room ~s","~s mengundang anda ke ruangan ~s"}.
{"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons.","Beberapa klien Jabber dapat menyimpan password di komputer Anda. Gunakan fitur itu hanya jika Anda mempercayai komputer Anda aman."}. {"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons.","Beberapa klien Jabber dapat menyimpan password di komputer Anda. Gunakan fitur itu hanya jika Anda mempercayai komputer Anda aman."}.
{"~s's Offline Messages Queue","Antrian Pesan Offline ~s"}.
{"Start Modules at ","Mulai Modul pada"}.
{"Start Modules","Memulai Modul"}.
{"Statistics of ~p","statistik dari ~p"}. {"Statistics of ~p","statistik dari ~p"}.
{"Statistics","Statistik"}. {"Statistics","Statistik"}.
{"Stop","Hentikan"}. {"Stop","Hentikan"}.
{"Stop Modules at ","Hentikan Modul pada"}.
{"Stop Modules","Hentikan Modul"}.
{"Stopped Nodes","Menghentikan node"}. {"Stopped Nodes","Menghentikan node"}.
{"Storage Type","Jenis Penyimpanan"}. {"Storage Type","Jenis Penyimpanan"}.
{"Store binary backup:","Penyimpanan cadangan yang berpasangan:"}. {"Store binary backup:","Penyimpanan cadangan yang berpasangan:"}.
@ -271,8 +256,8 @@
{"That nickname is registered by another person","Julukan tersebut telah didaftarkan oleh orang lain"}. {"That nickname is registered by another person","Julukan tersebut telah didaftarkan oleh orang lain"}.
{"The CAPTCHA is valid.","Captcha ini benar."}. {"The CAPTCHA is valid.","Captcha ini benar."}.
{"The CAPTCHA verification has failed","Verifikasi CAPTCHA telah gagal"}. {"The CAPTCHA verification has failed","Verifikasi CAPTCHA telah gagal"}.
{"the password is","kata sandi yaitu:"}.
{"The password is too weak","Kata sandi terlalu lemah"}. {"The password is too weak","Kata sandi terlalu lemah"}.
{"the password is","kata sandi yaitu:"}.
{"The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed.","Kata sandi pada akun Jabber Anda telah berhasil diubah."}. {"The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed.","Kata sandi pada akun Jabber Anda telah berhasil diubah."}.
{"There was an error changing the password: ","Ada kesalahan dalam mengubah password:"}. {"There was an error changing the password: ","Ada kesalahan dalam mengubah password:"}.
{"There was an error creating the account: ","Ada kesalahan saat membuat akun:"}. {"There was an error creating the account: ","Ada kesalahan saat membuat akun:"}.
@ -285,7 +270,6 @@
{"Time delay","Waktu tunda"}. {"Time delay","Waktu tunda"}.
{"Time","Waktu"}. {"Time","Waktu"}.
{"To","Kepada"}. {"To","Kepada"}.
{"To ~s","Kepada ~s"}.
{"Traffic rate limit is exceeded","Lalu lintas melebihi batas"}. {"Traffic rate limit is exceeded","Lalu lintas melebihi batas"}.
{"Transactions Aborted:","Transaksi yang dibatalkan:"}. {"Transactions Aborted:","Transaksi yang dibatalkan:"}.
{"Transactions Committed:","Transaksi yang dilakukan:"}. {"Transactions Committed:","Transaksi yang dilakukan:"}.
@ -296,11 +280,11 @@
{"Unauthorized","Ditolak"}. {"Unauthorized","Ditolak"}.
{"Unregister a Jabber account","Nonaktifkan akun jabber"}. {"Unregister a Jabber account","Nonaktifkan akun jabber"}.
{"Unregister","Nonaktifkan"}. {"Unregister","Nonaktifkan"}.
{"Update message of the day (don't send)","Rubah pesan harian (tidak dikirim)"}. {"Update message of the day (don't send)","Rubah pesan harian (tidak dikirim)"}.
{"Update message of the day on all hosts (don't send)","Rubah pesan harian pada semua host (tidak dikirim)"}. {"Update message of the day on all hosts (don't send)","Rubah pesan harian pada semua host (tidak dikirim)"}.
{"Update plan","Rencana Perubahan"}. {"Update plan","Rencana Perubahan"}.
{"Update script","Perbarui naskah"}. {"Update script","Perbarui naskah"}.
{"Uptime:","Sampai saat:"}. {"Uptime:","Sampai saat:"}.
{"User Management","Manajemen Pengguna"}. {"User Management","Manajemen Pengguna"}.
{"Username:","Nama Pengguna:"}. {"Username:","Nama Pengguna:"}.

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,13 +1,16 @@
%% -*- coding: utf-8 -*- %% -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
{" has set the subject to: "," ha modificato l'oggetto in: "}.
{"A password is required to enter this room","Per entrare in questa stanza è prevista una password"}.
{"Access denied by service policy","Accesso impedito dalle politiche del servizio"}. {"Access denied by service policy","Accesso impedito dalle politiche del servizio"}.
{"Action on user","Azione sull'utente"}. {"Action on user","Azione sull'utente"}.
{"Add Jabber ID","Aggiungere un Jabber ID (Jabber ID)"}. {"Add Jabber ID","Aggiungere un Jabber ID (Jabber ID)"}.
{"Add New","Aggiungere nuovo"}. {"Add New","Aggiungere nuovo"}.
{"Add User","Aggiungere un utente"}. {"Add User","Aggiungere un utente"}.
{"Administration of ","Amministrazione di "}. {"Administration of ","Amministrazione di "}.
{"Administrator privileges required","Necessari i privilegi di amministratore"}. {"Administrator privileges required","Necessari i privilegi di amministratore"}.
{"All activity","Tutta l'attività"}. {"All activity","Tutta l'attività"}.
{"All Users","Tutti gli utenti"}.
{"Allow users to change the subject","Consentire agli utenti di cambiare l'oggetto"}. {"Allow users to change the subject","Consentire agli utenti di cambiare l'oggetto"}.
{"Allow users to query other users","Consentire agli utenti query verso altri utenti"}. {"Allow users to query other users","Consentire agli utenti query verso altri utenti"}.
{"Allow users to send invites","Consentire agli utenti l'invio di inviti"}. {"Allow users to send invites","Consentire agli utenti l'invio di inviti"}.
@ -15,17 +18,14 @@
{"Allow visitors to change nickname","Consentire ai visitatori di cambiare il nickname"}. {"Allow visitors to change nickname","Consentire ai visitatori di cambiare il nickname"}.
{"Allow visitors to send private messages to","Consentire agli ospiti l'invio di messaggi privati a"}. {"Allow visitors to send private messages to","Consentire agli ospiti l'invio di messaggi privati a"}.
{"Allow visitors to send status text in presence updates","Consentire ai visitatori l'invio di testo sullo stato in aggiornamenti sulla presenza"}. {"Allow visitors to send status text in presence updates","Consentire ai visitatori l'invio di testo sullo stato in aggiornamenti sulla presenza"}.
{"All Users","Tutti gli utenti"}.
{"Announcements","Annunci"}. {"Announcements","Annunci"}.
{"A password is required to enter this room","Per entrare in questa stanza è prevista una password"}.
{"April","Aprile"}. {"April","Aprile"}.
{"August","Agosto"}. {"August","Agosto"}.
{"Backup Management","Gestione dei salvataggi"}. {"Backup Management","Gestione dei salvataggi"}.
{"Backup to File at ","Salvataggio sul file "}. {"Backup to File at ","Salvataggio sul file "}.
{"Bad format","Formato non valido"}. {"Bad format","Formato non valido"}.
{"Birthday","Compleanno"}. {"Birthday","Compleanno"}.
{"CAPTCHA web page","Pagina web CAPTCHA"}.
{"Change Password","Modificare la password"}. {"Change Password","Modificare la password"}.
{"Change User Password","Cambiare la password dell'utente"}. {"Change User Password","Cambiare la password dell'utente"}.
{"Characters not allowed:","Caratteri non consentiti:"}. {"Characters not allowed:","Caratteri non consentiti:"}.
@ -36,23 +36,21 @@
{"Chatroom is stopped","La stanza è arrestata"}. {"Chatroom is stopped","La stanza è arrestata"}.
{"Chatrooms","Stanze"}. {"Chatrooms","Stanze"}.
{"Choose a username and password to register with this server","Scegliere un nome utente e una password per la registrazione con questo server"}. {"Choose a username and password to register with this server","Scegliere un nome utente e una password per la registrazione con questo server"}.
{"Choose modules to stop","Selezionare i moduli da arrestare"}.
{"Choose storage type of tables","Selezionare una modalità di conservazione delle tabelle"}. {"Choose storage type of tables","Selezionare una modalità di conservazione delle tabelle"}.
{"Choose whether to approve this entity's subscription.","Scegliere se approvare l'iscrizione per questa entità"}. {"Choose whether to approve this entity's subscription.","Scegliere se approvare l'iscrizione per questa entità"}.
{"City","Città"}. {"City","Città"}.
{"Commands","Comandi"}. {"Commands","Comandi"}.
{"Conference room does not exist","La stanza per conferenze non esiste"}. {"Conference room does not exist","La stanza per conferenze non esiste"}.
{"Configuration","Configurazione"}. {"Configuration","Configurazione"}.
{"Configuration of room ~s","Configurazione per la stanza ~s"}.
{"Connected Resources:","Risorse connesse:"}. {"Connected Resources:","Risorse connesse:"}.
{"Country","Paese"}. {"Country","Paese"}.
{"CPU Time:","Tempo CPU:"}. {"CPU Time:","Tempo CPU:"}.
{"Database Tables Configuration at ","Configurazione delle tabelle del database su "}. {"Database Tables Configuration at ","Configurazione delle tabelle del database su "}.
{"December","Dicembre"}. {"December","Dicembre"}.
{"Default users as participants","Definire per default gli utenti come partecipanti"}. {"Default users as participants","Definire per default gli utenti come partecipanti"}.
{"Delete message of the day","Eliminare il messaggio del giorno (MOTD)"}.
{"Delete message of the day on all hosts","Eliminare il messaggio del giorno (MOTD) su tutti gli host"}. {"Delete message of the day on all hosts","Eliminare il messaggio del giorno (MOTD) su tutti gli host"}.
{"Delete message of the day","Eliminare il messaggio del giorno (MOTD)"}.
{"Delete Selected","Eliminare gli elementi selezionati"}. {"Delete Selected","Eliminare gli elementi selezionati"}.
{"Delete User","Eliminare l'utente"}. {"Delete User","Eliminare l'utente"}.
{"Description:","Descrizione:"}. {"Description:","Descrizione:"}.
@ -72,7 +70,6 @@
{"Email","E-mail"}. {"Email","E-mail"}.
{"Enable logging","Abilitare i log"}. {"Enable logging","Abilitare i log"}.
{"End User Session","Terminare la sessione dell'utente"}. {"End User Session","Terminare la sessione dell'utente"}.
{"Enter list of {Module, [Options]}","Immettere un elenco di {Modulo, [Opzioni]}"}.
{"Enter nickname you want to register","Immettere il nickname che si vuole registrare"}. {"Enter nickname you want to register","Immettere il nickname che si vuole registrare"}.
{"Enter path to backup file","Immettere il percorso del file di salvataggio"}. {"Enter path to backup file","Immettere il percorso del file di salvataggio"}.
{"Enter path to jabberd14 spool dir","Immettere il percorso della directory di spool di jabberd14"}. {"Enter path to jabberd14 spool dir","Immettere il percorso della directory di spool di jabberd14"}.
@ -88,7 +85,6 @@
{"February","Febbraio"}. {"February","Febbraio"}.
{"Friday","Venerdì"}. {"Friday","Venerdì"}.
{"From","Da"}. {"From","Da"}.
{"From ~s","Da ~s"}.
{"Full Name","Nome completo"}. {"Full Name","Nome completo"}.
{"Get Number of Online Users","Ottenere il numero di utenti online"}. {"Get Number of Online Users","Ottenere il numero di utenti online"}.
{"Get Number of Registered Users","Ottenere il numero di utenti registrati"}. {"Get Number of Registered Users","Ottenere il numero di utenti registrati"}.
@ -98,11 +94,10 @@
{"Group ","Gruppo "}. {"Group ","Gruppo "}.
{"Groups","Gruppi"}. {"Groups","Gruppi"}.
{"has been banned","è stata/o bandita/o"}. {"has been banned","è stata/o bandita/o"}.
{"has been kicked because of an affiliation change","è stato espulso a causa di un cambiamento di appartenenza"}.
{"has been kicked because of a system shutdown","è stato espulso a causa dello spegnimento del sistema"}. {"has been kicked because of a system shutdown","è stato espulso a causa dello spegnimento del sistema"}.
{"has been kicked because of an affiliation change","è stato espulso a causa di un cambiamento di appartenenza"}.
{"has been kicked because the room has been changed to members-only","è stato espulso per la limitazione della stanza ai soli membri"}. {"has been kicked because the room has been changed to members-only","è stato espulso per la limitazione della stanza ai soli membri"}.
{"has been kicked","è stata/o espulsa/o"}. {"has been kicked","è stata/o espulsa/o"}.
{" has set the subject to: "," ha modificato l'oggetto in: "}.
{"Host","Host"}. {"Host","Host"}.
{"If you don't see the CAPTCHA image here, visit the web page.","Se qui non vedi l'immagine CAPTCHA, visita la pagina web."}. {"If you don't see the CAPTCHA image here, visit the web page.","Se qui non vedi l'immagine CAPTCHA, visita la pagina web."}.
{"Import Directory","Importare una directory"}. {"Import Directory","Importare una directory"}.
@ -117,9 +112,9 @@
{"Incorrect password","Password non esatta"}. {"Incorrect password","Password non esatta"}.
{"IP addresses","Indirizzi IP"}. {"IP addresses","Indirizzi IP"}.
{"is now known as","è ora conosciuta/o come"}. {"is now known as","è ora conosciuta/o come"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages","Non è consentito l'invio di messaggi privati"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","Non è consentito l'invio di messaggi privati di tipo \"groupchat\""}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","Non è consentito l'invio di messaggi privati di tipo \"groupchat\""}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","Non è consentito l'invio di messaggi privati alla conferenza"}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","Non è consentito l'invio di messaggi privati alla conferenza"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages","Non è consentito l'invio di messaggi privati"}.
{"Jabber Account Registration","Registrazione account Jabber"}. {"Jabber Account Registration","Registrazione account Jabber"}.
{"Jabber ID","Jabber ID (Jabber ID)"}. {"Jabber ID","Jabber ID (Jabber ID)"}.
{"January","Gennaio"}. {"January","Gennaio"}.
@ -131,7 +126,6 @@
{"Last month","Ultimo mese"}. {"Last month","Ultimo mese"}.
{"Last year","Ultimo anno"}. {"Last year","Ultimo anno"}.
{"leaves the room","esce dalla stanza"}. {"leaves the room","esce dalla stanza"}.
{"List of modules to start","Elenco dei moduli da avviare"}.
{"Low level update script","Script di aggiornamento di basso livello"}. {"Low level update script","Script di aggiornamento di basso livello"}.
{"Make participants list public","Rendere pubblica la lista dei partecipanti"}. {"Make participants list public","Rendere pubblica la lista dei partecipanti"}.
{"Make room CAPTCHA protected","Rendere la stanza protetta da CAPTCHA"}. {"Make room CAPTCHA protected","Rendere la stanza protetta da CAPTCHA"}.
@ -151,20 +145,18 @@
{"Middle Name","Altro nome"}. {"Middle Name","Altro nome"}.
{"Moderator privileges required","Necessari i privilegi di moderatore"}. {"Moderator privileges required","Necessari i privilegi di moderatore"}.
{"Modified modules","Moduli modificati"}. {"Modified modules","Moduli modificati"}.
{"Monday","Lunedì"}. {"Monday","Lunedì"}.
{"Name","Nome"}. {"Name","Nome"}.
{"Name:","Nome:"}. {"Name:","Nome:"}.
{"Never","Mai"}. {"Never","Mai"}.
{"New Password:","Nuova password:"}. {"New Password:","Nuova password:"}.
{"Nickname Registration at ","Registrazione di un nickname su "}. {"Nickname Registration at ","Registrazione di un nickname su "}.
{"Nickname ~s does not exist in the room","Il nickname ~s non esiste nella stanza"}. {"Nickname","Nickname"}.
{"No body provided for announce message","Nessun corpo fornito per il messaggio di annuncio"}. {"No body provided for announce message","Nessun corpo fornito per il messaggio di annuncio"}.
{"No Data","Nessuna informazione"}. {"No Data","Nessuna informazione"}.
{"No limit","Nessun limite"}.
{"Node not found","Nodo non trovato"}. {"Node not found","Nodo non trovato"}.
{"Nodes","Nodi"}. {"Nodes","Nodi"}.
{"No limit","Nessun limite"}.
{"None","Nessuno"}. {"None","Nessuno"}.
{"Not Found","Non trovato"}. {"Not Found","Non trovato"}.
{"November","Novembre"}. {"November","Novembre"}.
@ -175,9 +167,9 @@
{"Offline Messages:","Messaggi offline:"}. {"Offline Messages:","Messaggi offline:"}.
{"OK","OK"}. {"OK","OK"}.
{"Old Password:","Vecchia password:"}. {"Old Password:","Vecchia password:"}.
{"Online Users:","Utenti connessi:"}. {"Online Users:","Utenti connessi:"}.
{"Online Users","Utenti online"}. {"Online Users","Utenti online"}.
{"Only moderators and participants are allowed to change the subject in this room","La modifica dell'oggetto di questa stanza è consentita soltanto ai moderatori e ai partecipanti"}. {"Only moderators and participants are allowed to change the subject in this room","La modifica dell'oggetto di questa stanza è consentita soltanto ai moderatori e ai partecipanti"}.
{"Only moderators are allowed to change the subject in this room","La modifica dell'oggetto di questa stanza è consentita soltanto ai moderatori"}. {"Only moderators are allowed to change the subject in this room","La modifica dell'oggetto di questa stanza è consentita soltanto ai moderatori"}.
{"Only moderators can approve voice requests","Soltanto i moderatori possono approvare richieste di parola"}. {"Only moderators can approve voice requests","Soltanto i moderatori possono approvare richieste di parola"}.
@ -190,10 +182,10 @@
{"Outgoing s2s Connections:","Connessioni s2s in uscita:"}. {"Outgoing s2s Connections:","Connessioni s2s in uscita:"}.
{"Owner privileges required","Necessari i privilegi di proprietario"}. {"Owner privileges required","Necessari i privilegi di proprietario"}.
{"Packet","Pacchetto"}. {"Packet","Pacchetto"}.
{"Password Verification","Verifica della password"}. {"Password Verification","Verifica della password"}.
{"Password Verification:","Verifica della password:"}. {"Password Verification:","Verifica della password:"}.
{"Path to Dir","Percorso della directory"}. {"Path to Dir","Percorso della directory"}.
{"Path to File","Percorso del file"}. {"Path to File","Percorso del file"}.
{"Pending","Pendente"}. {"Pending","Pendente"}.
@ -216,12 +208,12 @@
{"Register","Registra"}. {"Register","Registra"}.
{"Remote copy","Copia remota"}. {"Remote copy","Copia remota"}.
{"Remove All Offline Messages","Eliminare tutti i messaggi offline"}. {"Remove All Offline Messages","Eliminare tutti i messaggi offline"}.
{"Remove User","Eliminare l'utente"}. {"Remove User","Eliminare l'utente"}.
{"Replaced by new connection","Sostituito da una nuova connessione"}. {"Replaced by new connection","Sostituito da una nuova connessione"}.
{"Resources","Risorse"}. {"Resources","Risorse"}.
{"Restart Service","Riavviare il servizio"}. {"Restart Service","Riavviare il servizio"}.
{"Restore Backup from File at ","Recuperare il salvataggio dal file "}. {"Restore Backup from File at ","Recuperare il salvataggio dal file "}.
{"Restore binary backup after next ejabberd restart (requires less memory):","Recuperare un salvataggio binario dopo il prossimo riavvio di ejabberd (necessita di meno memoria):"}. {"Restore binary backup after next ejabberd restart (requires less memory):","Recuperare un salvataggio binario dopo il prossimo riavvio di ejabberd (necessita di meno memoria):"}.
{"Restore binary backup immediately:","Recuperare un salvataggio binario adesso:"}. {"Restore binary backup immediately:","Recuperare un salvataggio binario adesso:"}.
@ -232,19 +224,18 @@
{"Room description","Descrizione della stanza"}. {"Room description","Descrizione della stanza"}.
{"Room Occupants","Presenti nella stanza"}. {"Room Occupants","Presenti nella stanza"}.
{"Room title","Titolo della stanza"}. {"Room title","Titolo della stanza"}.
{"Roster","Lista dei contatti"}.
{"Roster of ","Lista dei contatti di "}.
{"Roster size","Dimensione della lista dei contatti"}. {"Roster size","Dimensione della lista dei contatti"}.
{"Roster","Lista dei contatti"}.
{"RPC Call Error","Errore di chiamata RPC"}. {"RPC Call Error","Errore di chiamata RPC"}.
{"Running Nodes","Nodi attivi"}. {"Running Nodes","Nodi attivi"}.
{"Saturday","Sabato"}. {"Saturday","Sabato"}.
{"Script check","Verifica dello script"}. {"Script check","Verifica dello script"}.
{"Search Results for ","Risultati della ricerca per "}. {"Search Results for ","Risultati della ricerca per "}.
{"Search users in ","Cercare utenti in "}. {"Search users in ","Cercare utenti in "}.
{"Send announcement to all online users","Inviare l'annuncio a tutti gli utenti online"}.
{"Send announcement to all online users on all hosts","Inviare l'annuncio a tutti gli utenti online su tutti gli host"}. {"Send announcement to all online users on all hosts","Inviare l'annuncio a tutti gli utenti online su tutti gli host"}.
{"Send announcement to all users","Inviare l'annuncio a tutti gli utenti"}. {"Send announcement to all online users","Inviare l'annuncio a tutti gli utenti online"}.
{"Send announcement to all users on all hosts","Inviare l'annuncio a tutti gli utenti su tutti gli host"}. {"Send announcement to all users on all hosts","Inviare l'annuncio a tutti gli utenti su tutti gli host"}.
{"Send announcement to all users","Inviare l'annuncio a tutti gli utenti"}.
{"September","Settembre"}. {"September","Settembre"}.
{"Server:","Server:"}. {"Server:","Server:"}.
{"Set message of the day and send to online users","Impostare il messaggio del giorno (MOTD) ed inviarlo agli utenti online"}. {"Set message of the day and send to online users","Impostare il messaggio del giorno (MOTD) ed inviarlo agli utenti online"}.
@ -253,16 +244,10 @@
{"Show Integral Table","Mostrare la tabella integrale"}. {"Show Integral Table","Mostrare la tabella integrale"}.
{"Show Ordinary Table","Mostrare la tabella normale"}. {"Show Ordinary Table","Mostrare la tabella normale"}.
{"Shut Down Service","Terminare il servizio"}. {"Shut Down Service","Terminare il servizio"}.
{"~s invites you to the room ~s","~s ti invita nella stanza ~s"}.
{"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons.","Alcuni client Jabber possono conservare la password nel tuo computer. Utilizza tale funzione soltanto se ritieni che il tuo computer sia sicuro."}. {"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons.","Alcuni client Jabber possono conservare la password nel tuo computer. Utilizza tale funzione soltanto se ritieni che il tuo computer sia sicuro."}.
{"~s's Offline Messages Queue","Coda di ~s messaggi offline"}.
{"Start Modules at ","Avviare moduli su "}.
{"Start Modules","Avviare moduli"}.
{"Statistics of ~p","Statistiche di ~p"}. {"Statistics of ~p","Statistiche di ~p"}.
{"Statistics","Statistiche"}. {"Statistics","Statistiche"}.
{"Stop","Arrestare"}. {"Stop","Arrestare"}.
{"Stop Modules","Arrestare moduli"}.
{"Stop Modules at ","Arrestare moduli su "}.
{"Stopped Nodes","Nodi arrestati"}. {"Stopped Nodes","Nodi arrestati"}.
{"Storage Type","Tipo di conservazione"}. {"Storage Type","Tipo di conservazione"}.
{"Store binary backup:","Conservare un salvataggio binario:"}. {"Store binary backup:","Conservare un salvataggio binario:"}.
@ -276,8 +261,8 @@
{"That nickname is registered by another person","Questo nickname è registrato da un'altra persona"}. {"That nickname is registered by another person","Questo nickname è registrato da un'altra persona"}.
{"The CAPTCHA is valid.","Il CAPTCHA è valido."}. {"The CAPTCHA is valid.","Il CAPTCHA è valido."}.
{"The CAPTCHA verification has failed","La verifica del CAPTCHA ha avuto esito negativo"}. {"The CAPTCHA verification has failed","La verifica del CAPTCHA ha avuto esito negativo"}.
{"the password is","la password è"}.
{"The password is too weak","La password è troppo debole"}. {"The password is too weak","La password è troppo debole"}.
{"the password is","la password è"}.
{"The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed.","Il cambio di password del tuo account Jabber è andato a buon fine."}. {"The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed.","Il cambio di password del tuo account Jabber è andato a buon fine."}.
{"There was an error changing the password: ","Si è verificato un errore nel cambio di password: "}. {"There was an error changing the password: ","Si è verificato un errore nel cambio di password: "}.
{"There was an error creating the account: ","Si è verificato un errore nella creazione dell'account: "}. {"There was an error creating the account: ","Si è verificato un errore nella creazione dell'account: "}.
@ -291,7 +276,6 @@
{"Time","Ora"}. {"Time","Ora"}.
{"To","A"}. {"To","A"}.
{"Too many CAPTCHA requests","Troppe richieste CAPTCHA"}. {"Too many CAPTCHA requests","Troppe richieste CAPTCHA"}.
{"To ~s","A ~s"}.
{"Traffic rate limit is exceeded","Limite di traffico superato"}. {"Traffic rate limit is exceeded","Limite di traffico superato"}.
{"Transactions Aborted:","Transazioni abortite:"}. {"Transactions Aborted:","Transazioni abortite:"}.
{"Transactions Committed:","Transazioni avvenute:"}. {"Transactions Committed:","Transazioni avvenute:"}.
@ -302,11 +286,11 @@
{"Unauthorized","Non autorizzato"}. {"Unauthorized","Non autorizzato"}.
{"Unregister a Jabber account","Elimina un account Jabber"}. {"Unregister a Jabber account","Elimina un account Jabber"}.
{"Unregister","Elimina"}. {"Unregister","Elimina"}.
{"Update message of the day (don't send)","Aggiornare il messaggio del giorno (MOTD) (non inviarlo)"}. {"Update message of the day (don't send)","Aggiornare il messaggio del giorno (MOTD) (non inviarlo)"}.
{"Update message of the day on all hosts (don't send)","Aggiornare il messaggio del giorno (MOTD) su tutti gli host (non inviarlo)"}. {"Update message of the day on all hosts (don't send)","Aggiornare il messaggio del giorno (MOTD) su tutti gli host (non inviarlo)"}.
{"Update plan","Piano di aggiornamento"}. {"Update plan","Piano di aggiornamento"}.
{"Update script","Script di aggiornamento"}. {"Update script","Script di aggiornamento"}.
{"Uptime:","Tempo dall'avvio:"}. {"Uptime:","Tempo dall'avvio:"}.
{"User Management","Gestione degli utenti"}. {"User Management","Gestione degli utenti"}.
{"Username:","Nome utente:"}. {"Username:","Nome utente:"}.

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
%% -*- coding: utf-8 -*- %% -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
{" has set the subject to: "," は件名を設定しました: "}.
{"A password is required to enter this room","このチャットルームに入るにはパスワードが必要です"}.
{"Accept","許可"}. {"Accept","許可"}.
{"Access denied by service policy","サービスポリシーによってアクセスが禁止されました"}. {"Access denied by service policy","サービスポリシーによってアクセスが禁止されました"}.
{"Action on user","ユーザー操作"}. {"Action on user","ユーザー操作"}.
@ -9,6 +11,7 @@
{"Administration","管理"}. {"Administration","管理"}.
{"Administrator privileges required","管理者権限が必要です"}. {"Administrator privileges required","管理者権限が必要です"}.
{"All activity","すべて"}. {"All activity","すべて"}.
{"All Users","全ユーザー"}.
{"Allow users to change the subject","ユーザーによる件名の変更を許可"}. {"Allow users to change the subject","ユーザーによる件名の変更を許可"}.
{"Allow users to query other users","ユーザーによる他のユーザーへのクエリーを許可"}. {"Allow users to query other users","ユーザーによる他のユーザーへのクエリーを許可"}.
{"Allow users to send invites","ユーザーによる招待を許可"}. {"Allow users to send invites","ユーザーによる招待を許可"}.
@ -16,9 +19,7 @@
{"Allow visitors to change nickname","傍聴者のニックネームの変更を許可"}. {"Allow visitors to change nickname","傍聴者のニックネームの変更を許可"}.
{"Allow visitors to send private messages to","傍聴者によるプライベートメッセージの送信を次の相手に許可"}. {"Allow visitors to send private messages to","傍聴者によるプライベートメッセージの送信を次の相手に許可"}.
{"Allow visitors to send status text in presence updates","傍聴者によるプレゼンス更新のステータス文の送信を許可"}. {"Allow visitors to send status text in presence updates","傍聴者によるプレゼンス更新のステータス文の送信を許可"}.
{"All Users","全ユーザー"}.
{"Announcements","アナウンス"}. {"Announcements","アナウンス"}.
{"A password is required to enter this room","このチャットルームに入るにはパスワードが必要です"}.
{"April","4月"}. {"April","4月"}.
{"August","8月"}. {"August","8月"}.
{"Backup Management","バックアップ管理"}. {"Backup Management","バックアップ管理"}.
@ -27,7 +28,6 @@
{"Backup","バックアップ"}. {"Backup","バックアップ"}.
{"Bad format","不正なフォーマット"}. {"Bad format","不正なフォーマット"}.
{"Birthday","誕生日"}. {"Birthday","誕生日"}.
{"CAPTCHA web page","CAPTCHA ウェブページ"}.
{"Change Password","パスワードを変更"}. {"Change Password","パスワードを変更"}.
{"Change User Password","パスワードを変更"}. {"Change User Password","パスワードを変更"}.
{"Characters not allowed:","使用できない文字:"}. {"Characters not allowed:","使用できない文字:"}.
@ -38,13 +38,11 @@
{"Chatroom is stopped","チャットルームを停止しました"}. {"Chatroom is stopped","チャットルームを停止しました"}.
{"Chatrooms","チャットルーム"}. {"Chatrooms","チャットルーム"}.
{"Choose a username and password to register with this server","サーバーに登録するユーザー名とパスワードを選択してください"}. {"Choose a username and password to register with this server","サーバーに登録するユーザー名とパスワードを選択してください"}.
{"Choose modules to stop","停止するモジュールを選択"}.
{"Choose storage type of tables","テーブルのストレージタイプを選択"}. {"Choose storage type of tables","テーブルのストレージタイプを選択"}.
{"Choose whether to approve this entity's subscription.","このエントリを承認するかどうかを選択してください"}. {"Choose whether to approve this entity's subscription.","このエントリを承認するかどうかを選択してください"}.
{"City","都道府県"}. {"City","都道府県"}.
{"Commands","コマンド"}. {"Commands","コマンド"}.
{"Conference room does not exist","会議室は存在しません"}. {"Conference room does not exist","会議室は存在しません"}.
{"Configuration of room ~s","チャットルーム ~s の設定"}.
{"Configuration","設定"}. {"Configuration","設定"}.
{"Connected Resources:","接続リソース:"}. {"Connected Resources:","接続リソース:"}.
{"Country","国"}. {"Country","国"}.
@ -76,7 +74,6 @@
{"Email","メールアドレス"}. {"Email","メールアドレス"}.
{"Enable logging","ロギングを有効"}. {"Enable logging","ロギングを有効"}.
{"End User Session","エンドユーザーセッション"}. {"End User Session","エンドユーザーセッション"}.
{"Enter list of {Module, [Options]}","{モジュール, [オプション]}のリストを入力してください"}.
{"Enter nickname you want to register","登録するニックネームを入力してください"}. {"Enter nickname you want to register","登録するニックネームを入力してください"}.
{"Enter path to backup file","バックアップファイルのパスを入力してください"}. {"Enter path to backup file","バックアップファイルのパスを入力してください"}.
{"Enter path to jabberd14 spool dir","jabberd14 spool ディレクトリのディレクトリを入力してください"}. {"Enter path to jabberd14 spool dir","jabberd14 spool ディレクトリのディレクトリを入力してください"}.
@ -92,7 +89,6 @@
{"Family Name","姓"}. {"Family Name","姓"}.
{"February","2月"}. {"February","2月"}.
{"Friday","金曜日"}. {"Friday","金曜日"}.
{"From ~s","From ~s"}.
{"From","差出人"}. {"From","差出人"}.
{"Full Name","氏名"}. {"Full Name","氏名"}.
{"Get Number of Online Users","オンラインユーザー数を取得"}. {"Get Number of Online Users","オンラインユーザー数を取得"}.
@ -100,14 +96,13 @@
{"Get User Last Login Time","最終ログイン時間を取得"}. {"Get User Last Login Time","最終ログイン時間を取得"}.
{"Get User Password","パスワードを取得"}. {"Get User Password","パスワードを取得"}.
{"Get User Statistics","ユーザー統計を取得"}. {"Get User Statistics","ユーザー統計を取得"}.
{"Group ","グループ"}. {"Group ","グループ"}.
{"has been banned","はバンされました"}. {"has been banned","はバンされました"}.
{"has been kicked because of an affiliation change","は分掌が変更されたためキックされました"}.
{"has been kicked because of a system shutdown","はシステムシャットダウンのためキックされました"}. {"has been kicked because of a system shutdown","はシステムシャットダウンのためキックされました"}.
{"has been kicked because of an affiliation change","は分掌が変更されたためキックされました"}.
{"has been kicked because the room has been changed to members-only","はチャットルームがメンバー制に変更されたためキックされました"}. {"has been kicked because the room has been changed to members-only","はチャットルームがメンバー制に変更されたためキックされました"}.
{"has been kicked","はキックされました"}. {"has been kicked","はキックされました"}.
{" has set the subject to: "," は件名を設定しました: "}.
{"Host","ホスト"}. {"Host","ホスト"}.
{"If you don't see the CAPTCHA image here, visit the web page.","ここに CAPTCHA 画像が表示されない場合、ウェブページを参照してください。"}. {"If you don't see the CAPTCHA image here, visit the web page.","ここに CAPTCHA 画像が表示されない場合、ウェブページを参照してください。"}.
{"Import Directory","ディレクトリインポート"}. {"Import Directory","ディレクトリインポート"}.
@ -123,7 +118,6 @@
{"Incorrect password","パスワードが違います"}. {"Incorrect password","パスワードが違います"}.
{"IP addresses","IP アドレス"}. {"IP addresses","IP アドレス"}.
{"is now known as","は名前を変更しました: "}. {"is now known as","は名前を変更しました: "}.
{"It is not allowed to send error messages to the room. The participant (~s) has sent an error message (~s) and got kicked from the room","このルームにエラーメッセージを送ることは許可されていません。参加者(~s)はエラーメッセージを(~s)を送信してルームからキックされました。"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","種別が\"groupchat\" であるプライベートメッセージを送信することはできません"}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","種別が\"groupchat\" であるプライベートメッセージを送信することはできません"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","この会議にプライベートメッセージを送信することはできません"}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","この会議にプライベートメッセージを送信することはできません"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages","プライベートメッセージを送信することはできません"}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages","プライベートメッセージを送信することはできません"}.
@ -138,7 +132,6 @@
{"Last month","先月"}. {"Last month","先月"}.
{"Last year","去年"}. {"Last year","去年"}.
{"leaves the room","がチャットルームから退出しました"}. {"leaves the room","がチャットルームから退出しました"}.
{"List of modules to start","起動モジュールの一覧"}.
{"List of rooms","チャットルームの一覧"}. {"List of rooms","チャットルームの一覧"}.
{"Low level update script","低レベル更新スクリプト"}. {"Low level update script","低レベル更新スクリプト"}.
{"Make participants list public","参加者一覧を公開"}. {"Make participants list public","参加者一覧を公開"}.
@ -159,7 +152,6 @@
{"Middle Name","ミドルネーム"}. {"Middle Name","ミドルネーム"}.
{"Moderator privileges required","モデレーター権限が必要です"}. {"Moderator privileges required","モデレーター権限が必要です"}.
{"Modified modules","更新されたモジュール"}. {"Modified modules","更新されたモジュール"}.
{"Monday","月曜日"}. {"Monday","月曜日"}.
{"Multicast","マルチキャスト"}. {"Multicast","マルチキャスト"}.
{"Multi-User Chat","マルチユーザーチャット"}. {"Multi-User Chat","マルチユーザーチャット"}.
@ -168,14 +160,13 @@
{"Never","なし"}. {"Never","なし"}.
{"New Password:","新しいパスワード:"}. {"New Password:","新しいパスワード:"}.
{"Nickname Registration at ","ニックネーム登録: "}. {"Nickname Registration at ","ニックネーム登録: "}.
{"Nickname ~s does not exist in the room","ニックネーム ~s はこのチャットルームにいません"}.
{"Nickname","ニックネーム"}. {"Nickname","ニックネーム"}.
{"No body provided for announce message","アナウンスメッセージはありませんでした"}. {"No body provided for announce message","アナウンスメッセージはありませんでした"}.
{"No Data","データなし"}. {"No Data","データなし"}.
{"No limit","制限なし"}.
{"Node not found","ノードが見つかりません"}. {"Node not found","ノードが見つかりません"}.
{"Node ~p","ノード ~p"}. {"Node ~p","ノード ~p"}.
{"Nodes","ノード"}. {"Nodes","ノード"}.
{"No limit","制限なし"}.
{"None","なし"}. {"None","なし"}.
{"Not Found","見つかりません"}. {"Not Found","見つかりません"}.
{"November","11月"}. {"November","11月"}.
@ -244,7 +235,6 @@
{"Room description","チャットルームの説明"}. {"Room description","チャットルームの説明"}.
{"Room Occupants","在室者"}. {"Room Occupants","在室者"}.
{"Room title","チャットルームのタイトル"}. {"Room title","チャットルームのタイトル"}.
{"Roster of ","名簿: "}.
{"Roster size","名簿サイズ"}. {"Roster size","名簿サイズ"}.
{"Roster","名簿"}. {"Roster","名簿"}.
{"RPC Call Error","RPC 呼び出しエラー"}. {"RPC Call Error","RPC 呼び出しエラー"}.
@ -265,15 +255,9 @@
{"Show Integral Table","累積の表を表示"}. {"Show Integral Table","累積の表を表示"}.
{"Show Ordinary Table","通常の表を表示"}. {"Show Ordinary Table","通常の表を表示"}.
{"Shut Down Service","サービスを停止"}. {"Shut Down Service","サービスを停止"}.
{"~s invites you to the room ~s","~s はあなたをチャットルーム ~s に招待しています"}.
{"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons.","Jabber クライアントはコンピューターにパスワードを記憶できます。コンピューターが安全であると信頼できる場合にのみ、この機能を使用してください。"}. {"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons.","Jabber クライアントはコンピューターにパスワードを記憶できます。コンピューターが安全であると信頼できる場合にのみ、この機能を使用してください。"}.
{"~s's Offline Messages Queue","~s' のオフラインメッセージキュー"}.
{"Start Modules at ","モジュールを開始: "}.
{"Start Modules","モジュールを起動"}.
{"Statistics of ~p","~p の統計"}. {"Statistics of ~p","~p の統計"}.
{"Statistics","統計"}. {"Statistics","統計"}.
{"Stop Modules at ","モジュールを停止: "}.
{"Stop Modules","モジュールを停止"}.
{"Stopped Nodes","停止ノード"}. {"Stopped Nodes","停止ノード"}.
{"Stop","停止"}. {"Stop","停止"}.
{"Storage Type","ストレージタイプ"}. {"Storage Type","ストレージタイプ"}.
@ -302,9 +286,7 @@
{"Time delay","遅延時間"}. {"Time delay","遅延時間"}.
{"Time","時間"}. {"Time","時間"}.
{"Too many CAPTCHA requests","CAPTCHA 要求が多すぎます"}. {"Too many CAPTCHA requests","CAPTCHA 要求が多すぎます"}.
{"Too many (~p) failed authentications from this IP address (~s). The address will be unblocked at ~s UTC","~p回の認証に失敗しました。このIPアドレス(~s)は~s UTCまでブロックされます。"}.
{"Too many unacked stanzas","多くのスタンザが応答していません"}. {"Too many unacked stanzas","多くのスタンザが応答していません"}.
{"To ~s","宛先 ~s"}.
{"Total rooms","チャットルーム数"}. {"Total rooms","チャットルーム数"}.
{"To","To"}. {"To","To"}.
{"Traffic rate limit is exceeded","トラフィックレートの制限を超えました"}. {"Traffic rate limit is exceeded","トラフィックレートの制限を超えました"}.
@ -329,7 +311,6 @@
{"Users are not allowed to register accounts so quickly","それほど速くアカウントを登録することはできません"}. {"Users are not allowed to register accounts so quickly","それほど速くアカウントを登録することはできません"}.
{"Users Last Activity","ユーザーの活動履歴"}. {"Users Last Activity","ユーザーの活動履歴"}.
{"Users","ユーザー"}. {"Users","ユーザー"}.
{"User ~s","ユーザー ~s"}.
{"User","ユーザー"}. {"User","ユーザー"}.
{"Validate","検証"}. {"Validate","検証"}.
{"vCard User Search","vCard検索"}. {"vCard User Search","vCard検索"}.

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,13 +1,16 @@
%% -*- coding: utf-8 -*- %% -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
{" has set the subject to: "," veranderde het onderwerp in: "}.
{"A password is required to enter this room","U hebt een wachtwoord nodig om deze chatruimte te kunnen betreden"}.
{"Access denied by service policy","De toegang werd geweigerd door het beleid van deze dienst"}. {"Access denied by service policy","De toegang werd geweigerd door het beleid van deze dienst"}.
{"Action on user","Actie op gebruiker"}. {"Action on user","Actie op gebruiker"}.
{"Add Jabber ID","Jabber ID toevoegen"}. {"Add Jabber ID","Jabber ID toevoegen"}.
{"Add New","Toevoegen"}. {"Add New","Toevoegen"}.
{"Add User","Gebruiker toevoegen"}. {"Add User","Gebruiker toevoegen"}.
{"Administration of ","Beheer van "}. {"Administration of ","Beheer van "}.
{"Administrator privileges required","U hebt beheerdersprivileges nodig"}. {"Administrator privileges required","U hebt beheerdersprivileges nodig"}.
{"All activity","Alle activiteit"}. {"All activity","Alle activiteit"}.
{"All Users","Alle gebruikers"}.
{"Allow users to change the subject","Sta gebruikers toe het onderwerp te veranderen"}. {"Allow users to change the subject","Sta gebruikers toe het onderwerp te veranderen"}.
{"Allow users to query other users","Gebruikers mogen naar andere gebruikers verzoeken verzenden"}. {"Allow users to query other users","Gebruikers mogen naar andere gebruikers verzoeken verzenden"}.
{"Allow users to send invites","Gebruikers mogen uitnodigingen verzenden"}. {"Allow users to send invites","Gebruikers mogen uitnodigingen verzenden"}.
@ -15,18 +18,15 @@
{"Allow visitors to change nickname","Sta bezoekers toe hun naam te veranderen"}. {"Allow visitors to change nickname","Sta bezoekers toe hun naam te veranderen"}.
{"Allow visitors to send private messages to","Gebruikers mogen privéberichten verzenden aan"}. {"Allow visitors to send private messages to","Gebruikers mogen privéberichten verzenden aan"}.
{"Allow visitors to send status text in presence updates","Sta bezoekers toe hun statusbericht in te stellen"}. {"Allow visitors to send status text in presence updates","Sta bezoekers toe hun statusbericht in te stellen"}.
{"All Users","Alle gebruikers"}.
{"Announcements","Mededelingen"}. {"Announcements","Mededelingen"}.
{"A password is required to enter this room","U hebt een wachtwoord nodig om deze chatruimte te kunnen betreden"}.
{"April","April"}. {"April","April"}.
{"August","Augustus"}. {"August","Augustus"}.
{"Backup Management","Backup"}. {"Backup Management","Backup"}.
{"Backup of ~p","Backup maken van ~p"}. {"Backup of ~p","Backup maken van ~p"}.
{"Backup to File at ","Binaire backup maken op "}. {"Backup to File at ","Binaire backup maken op "}.
{"Bad format","Verkeerd formaat"}. {"Bad format","Verkeerd formaat"}.
{"Birthday","Geboortedatum"}. {"Birthday","Geboortedatum"}.
{"CAPTCHA web page","CAPTCHA webpagina."}.
{"Change Password","Wachtwoord wijzigen"}. {"Change Password","Wachtwoord wijzigen"}.
{"Change User Password","Verander Gebruikerswachtwoord"}. {"Change User Password","Verander Gebruikerswachtwoord"}.
{"Characters not allowed:","Niet-toegestane karakters:"}. {"Characters not allowed:","Niet-toegestane karakters:"}.
@ -37,24 +37,22 @@
{"Chatroom is stopped","Gespreksruimte gestopt"}. {"Chatroom is stopped","Gespreksruimte gestopt"}.
{"Chatrooms","Groepsgesprekken"}. {"Chatrooms","Groepsgesprekken"}.
{"Choose a username and password to register with this server","Kies een gebruikersnaam en een wachtwoord om u te registreren op deze server"}. {"Choose a username and password to register with this server","Kies een gebruikersnaam en een wachtwoord om u te registreren op deze server"}.
{"Choose modules to stop","Selecteer de modules die u wilt stoppen"}.
{"Choose storage type of tables","Opslagmethode voor tabellen kiezen"}. {"Choose storage type of tables","Opslagmethode voor tabellen kiezen"}.
{"Choose whether to approve this entity's subscription.","Beslis of dit verzoek tot abonneren zal worden goedgekeurd"}. {"Choose whether to approve this entity's subscription.","Beslis of dit verzoek tot abonneren zal worden goedgekeurd"}.
{"City","Plaats"}. {"City","Plaats"}.
{"Commands","Commando's"}. {"Commands","Commando's"}.
{"Conference room does not exist","De chatruimte bestaat niet"}. {"Conference room does not exist","De chatruimte bestaat niet"}.
{"Configuration","Instellingen"}. {"Configuration","Instellingen"}.
{"Configuration of room ~s","Instellingen van chatruimte ~s"}.
{"Connected Resources:","Verbonden bronnen:"}. {"Connected Resources:","Verbonden bronnen:"}.
{"Country","Land"}. {"Country","Land"}.
{"CPU Time:","Processortijd:"}. {"CPU Time:","Processortijd:"}.
{"Database Tables at ~p","Databasetabellen van ~p"}. {"Database Tables at ~p","Databasetabellen van ~p"}.
{"Database Tables Configuration at ","Instellingen van databasetabellen op "}. {"Database Tables Configuration at ","Instellingen van databasetabellen op "}.
{"December","December"}. {"December","December"}.
{"Default users as participants","Gebruikers standaard instellen als deelnemers"}. {"Default users as participants","Gebruikers standaard instellen als deelnemers"}.
{"Delete message of the day","Bericht van de dag verwijderen"}.
{"Delete message of the day on all hosts","Verwijder bericht-van-de-dag op alle hosts"}. {"Delete message of the day on all hosts","Verwijder bericht-van-de-dag op alle hosts"}.
{"Delete message of the day","Bericht van de dag verwijderen"}.
{"Delete Selected","Geselecteerde verwijderen"}. {"Delete Selected","Geselecteerde verwijderen"}.
{"Delete User","Verwijder Gebruiker"}. {"Delete User","Verwijder Gebruiker"}.
{"Description:","Beschrijving:"}. {"Description:","Beschrijving:"}.
@ -75,7 +73,6 @@
{"Email","E-mail"}. {"Email","E-mail"}.
{"Enable logging","Logs aanzetten"}. {"Enable logging","Logs aanzetten"}.
{"End User Session","Verwijder Gebruikers-sessie"}. {"End User Session","Verwijder Gebruikers-sessie"}.
{"Enter list of {Module, [Options]}","Voer lijst met op te starten modules als volgt in: {Module, [Opties]}"}.
{"Enter nickname you want to register","Voer de bijnaam in die u wilt registreren"}. {"Enter nickname you want to register","Voer de bijnaam in die u wilt registreren"}.
{"Enter path to backup file","Voer pad naar backupbestand in"}. {"Enter path to backup file","Voer pad naar backupbestand in"}.
{"Enter path to jabberd14 spool dir","Voer pad naar jabberd14-spool-directory in"}. {"Enter path to jabberd14 spool dir","Voer pad naar jabberd14-spool-directory in"}.
@ -91,7 +88,6 @@
{"Family Name","Achternaam"}. {"Family Name","Achternaam"}.
{"February","Februari"}. {"February","Februari"}.
{"Friday","Vrijdag"}. {"Friday","Vrijdag"}.
{"From ~s","Van ~s"}.
{"From","Van"}. {"From","Van"}.
{"Full Name","Volledige naam"}. {"Full Name","Volledige naam"}.
{"Get Number of Online Users","Aantal Aanwezige Gebruikers Opvragen"}. {"Get Number of Online Users","Aantal Aanwezige Gebruikers Opvragen"}.
@ -102,11 +98,10 @@
{"Group ","Groep "}. {"Group ","Groep "}.
{"Groups","Groepen"}. {"Groups","Groepen"}.
{"has been banned","is verbannen"}. {"has been banned","is verbannen"}.
{"has been kicked because of an affiliation change","is weggestuurd vanwege een affiliatieverandering"}.
{"has been kicked because of a system shutdown","is weggestuurd omdat het systeem gestopt wordt"}. {"has been kicked because of a system shutdown","is weggestuurd omdat het systeem gestopt wordt"}.
{"has been kicked because of an affiliation change","is weggestuurd vanwege een affiliatieverandering"}.
{"has been kicked because the room has been changed to members-only","is weggestuurd omdat de chatruimte vanaf heden alleen toegankelijk is voor leden"}. {"has been kicked because the room has been changed to members-only","is weggestuurd omdat de chatruimte vanaf heden alleen toegankelijk is voor leden"}.
{"has been kicked","is weggestuurd"}. {"has been kicked","is weggestuurd"}.
{" has set the subject to: "," veranderde het onderwerp in: "}.
{"Host","Host"}. {"Host","Host"}.
{"If you don't see the CAPTCHA image here, visit the web page.","Als U het CAPTCHA-plaatje niet ziet, bezoek dan de webpagina."}. {"If you don't see the CAPTCHA image here, visit the web page.","Als U het CAPTCHA-plaatje niet ziet, bezoek dan de webpagina."}.
{"Import Directory","Directory importeren"}. {"Import Directory","Directory importeren"}.
@ -121,9 +116,9 @@
{"Incorrect password","Foutief wachtwoord"}. {"Incorrect password","Foutief wachtwoord"}.
{"IP addresses","IP-adres"}. {"IP addresses","IP-adres"}.
{"is now known as","heet nu"}. {"is now known as","heet nu"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages","Het is niet toegestaan priveberichten te sturen"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","Er mogen geen privéberichten van het type \"groupchat\" worden verzonden"}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","Er mogen geen privéberichten van het type \"groupchat\" worden verzonden"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","Er mogen geen privéberichten naar de chatruimte worden verzonden"}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","Er mogen geen privéberichten naar de chatruimte worden verzonden"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages","Het is niet toegestaan priveberichten te sturen"}.
{"Jabber Account Registration","Jabber-account registratie"}. {"Jabber Account Registration","Jabber-account registratie"}.
{"Jabber ID","Jabber ID"}. {"Jabber ID","Jabber ID"}.
{"January","Januari"}. {"January","Januari"}.
@ -135,7 +130,6 @@
{"Last month","Afgelopen maand"}. {"Last month","Afgelopen maand"}.
{"Last year","Afgelopen jaar"}. {"Last year","Afgelopen jaar"}.
{"leaves the room","verliet de chatruimte"}. {"leaves the room","verliet de chatruimte"}.
{"List of modules to start","Lijst met op te starten modules"}.
{"List of rooms","Lijst van groepsgesprekken"}. {"List of rooms","Lijst van groepsgesprekken"}.
{"Low level update script","Lowlevel script voor de opwaardering"}. {"Low level update script","Lowlevel script voor de opwaardering"}.
{"Make participants list public","Deelnemerslijst publiek maken"}. {"Make participants list public","Deelnemerslijst publiek maken"}.
@ -156,7 +150,6 @@
{"Middle Name","Tussennaam"}. {"Middle Name","Tussennaam"}.
{"Moderator privileges required","U hebt moderatorprivileges nodig"}. {"Moderator privileges required","U hebt moderatorprivileges nodig"}.
{"Modified modules","Gewijzigde modules"}. {"Modified modules","Gewijzigde modules"}.
{"Monday","Maandag"}. {"Monday","Maandag"}.
{"Multicast","Multicast"}. {"Multicast","Multicast"}.
{"Multi-User Chat","Groepschat"}. {"Multi-User Chat","Groepschat"}.
@ -164,15 +157,14 @@
{"Name:","Naam:"}. {"Name:","Naam:"}.
{"Never","Nooit"}. {"Never","Nooit"}.
{"New Password:","Nieuw Wachtwoord:"}. {"New Password:","Nieuw Wachtwoord:"}.
{"Nickname Registration at ","Registratie van een bijnaam op "}. {"Nickname Registration at ","Registratie van een bijnaam op "}.
{"Nickname ~s does not exist in the room","De bijnaam ~s bestaat niet in deze chatruimte"}. {"Nickname","Bijnaam"}.
{"No body provided for announce message","De mededeling bevat geen bericht"}. {"No body provided for announce message","De mededeling bevat geen bericht"}.
{"No Data","Geen gegevens"}. {"No Data","Geen gegevens"}.
{"No limit","Geen limiet"}.
{"Node not found","Node niet gevonden"}. {"Node not found","Node niet gevonden"}.
{"Node ~p","Node ~p"}. {"Node ~p","Node ~p"}.
{"Nodes","Nodes"}. {"Nodes","Nodes"}.
{"No limit","Geen limiet"}.
{"None","Geen"}. {"None","Geen"}.
{"Not Found","Niet gevonden"}. {"Not Found","Niet gevonden"}.
{"November","November"}. {"November","November"}.
@ -183,9 +175,9 @@
{"Offline Messages:","Offline berichten:"}. {"Offline Messages:","Offline berichten:"}.
{"OK","OK"}. {"OK","OK"}.
{"Old Password:","Oud Wachtwoord:"}. {"Old Password:","Oud Wachtwoord:"}.
{"Online Users","Online gebruikers"}. {"Online Users","Online gebruikers"}.
{"Online Users:","Online gebruikers:"}. {"Online Users:","Online gebruikers:"}.
{"Only moderators and participants are allowed to change the subject in this room","Alleen moderators en deelnemers mogen het onderwerp van deze chatruimte veranderen"}. {"Only moderators and participants are allowed to change the subject in this room","Alleen moderators en deelnemers mogen het onderwerp van deze chatruimte veranderen"}.
{"Only moderators are allowed to change the subject in this room","Alleen moderators mogen het onderwerp van deze chatruimte veranderen"}. {"Only moderators are allowed to change the subject in this room","Alleen moderators mogen het onderwerp van deze chatruimte veranderen"}.
{"Only moderators can approve voice requests","Alleen moderators kunnen stemaanvragen goedkeuren"}. {"Only moderators can approve voice requests","Alleen moderators kunnen stemaanvragen goedkeuren"}.
@ -228,31 +220,30 @@
{"Remove","Verwijderen"}. {"Remove","Verwijderen"}.
{"Replaced by new connection","Vervangen door een nieuwe verbinding"}. {"Replaced by new connection","Vervangen door een nieuwe verbinding"}.
{"Resources","Bronnen"}. {"Resources","Bronnen"}.
{"Restart Service","Herstart Service"}. {"Restart Service","Herstart Service"}.
{"Restore Backup from File at ","Binaire backup direct herstellen op "}. {"Restore Backup from File at ","Binaire backup direct herstellen op "}.
{"Restore","Binaire backup direct herstellen"}.
{"Restore binary backup after next ejabberd restart (requires less memory):","Binaire backup herstellen na herstart van ejabberd (vereist minder geheugen):"}. {"Restore binary backup after next ejabberd restart (requires less memory):","Binaire backup herstellen na herstart van ejabberd (vereist minder geheugen):"}.
{"Restore binary backup immediately:","Binaire backup direct herstellen:"}. {"Restore binary backup immediately:","Binaire backup direct herstellen:"}.
{"Restore plain text backup immediately:","Backup in een tekstbestand direct herstellen:"}. {"Restore plain text backup immediately:","Backup in een tekstbestand direct herstellen:"}.
{"Restore","Binaire backup direct herstellen"}.
{"Room Configuration","Instellingen van de chatruimte"}. {"Room Configuration","Instellingen van de chatruimte"}.
{"Room creation is denied by service policy","De aanmaak van de chatruimte is verhinderd door de instellingen van deze server"}. {"Room creation is denied by service policy","De aanmaak van de chatruimte is verhinderd door de instellingen van deze server"}.
{"Room description","Beschrijving"}. {"Room description","Beschrijving"}.
{"Room Occupants","Aantal aanwezigen"}. {"Room Occupants","Aantal aanwezigen"}.
{"Room title","Naam van de chatruimte"}. {"Room title","Naam van de chatruimte"}.
{"Roster of ","Roster van "}.
{"Roster size","Contactlijst Groote"}. {"Roster size","Contactlijst Groote"}.
{"RPC Call Error","RPC-oproepfout"}. {"RPC Call Error","RPC-oproepfout"}.
{"Running Nodes","Draaiende nodes"}. {"Running Nodes","Draaiende nodes"}.
{"Saturday","Zaterdag"}. {"Saturday","Zaterdag"}.
{"Script check","Controle van script"}. {"Script check","Controle van script"}.
{"Search Results for ","Zoekresultaten voor "}. {"Search Results for ","Zoekresultaten voor "}.
{"Search users in ","Gebruikers zoeken in "}. {"Search users in ","Gebruikers zoeken in "}.
{"Send announcement to all online users","Mededeling verzenden naar alle online gebruikers"}.
{"Send announcement to all online users on all hosts","Mededeling verzenden naar alle online gebruikers op alle virtuele hosts"}. {"Send announcement to all online users on all hosts","Mededeling verzenden naar alle online gebruikers op alle virtuele hosts"}.
{"Send announcement to all users","Mededeling verzenden naar alle gebruikers"}. {"Send announcement to all online users","Mededeling verzenden naar alle online gebruikers"}.
{"Send announcement to all users on all hosts","Stuur aankondiging aan alle gebruikers op alle hosts"}. {"Send announcement to all users on all hosts","Stuur aankondiging aan alle gebruikers op alle hosts"}.
{"Send announcement to all users","Mededeling verzenden naar alle gebruikers"}.
{"September","September"}. {"September","September"}.
{"Server:","Server:"}. {"Server:","Server:"}.
{"Set message of the day and send to online users","Bericht van de dag instellen en verzenden naar online gebruikers"}. {"Set message of the day and send to online users","Bericht van de dag instellen en verzenden naar online gebruikers"}.
@ -261,15 +252,9 @@
{"Show Integral Table","Volledige tabel laten zien"}. {"Show Integral Table","Volledige tabel laten zien"}.
{"Show Ordinary Table","Deel van tabel laten zien"}. {"Show Ordinary Table","Deel van tabel laten zien"}.
{"Shut Down Service","Stop Service"}. {"Shut Down Service","Stop Service"}.
{"~s invites you to the room ~s","~s nodigt je uit voor het groepsgesprek ~s"}.
{"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons.","Sommige Jabber-clienten kunnen het wachtwoord opslaan op Uw computer. Gebruik deze mogelijkheid alleen als U vertrouwd dat Uw computer afdoende beveiligd is."}. {"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons.","Sommige Jabber-clienten kunnen het wachtwoord opslaan op Uw computer. Gebruik deze mogelijkheid alleen als U vertrouwd dat Uw computer afdoende beveiligd is."}.
{"~s's Offline Messages Queue","offline berichten van ~s"}.
{"Start Modules at ","Modules starten op "}.
{"Start Modules","Modules starten"}.
{"Statistics of ~p","Statistieken van ~p"}. {"Statistics of ~p","Statistieken van ~p"}.
{"Statistics","Statistieken"}. {"Statistics","Statistieken"}.
{"Stop Modules at ","Modules stoppen op "}.
{"Stop Modules","Modules stoppen"}.
{"Stopped Nodes","Gestopte nodes"}. {"Stopped Nodes","Gestopte nodes"}.
{"Stop","Stoppen"}. {"Stop","Stoppen"}.
{"Storage Type","Opslagmethode"}. {"Storage Type","Opslagmethode"}.
@ -284,8 +269,8 @@
{"That nickname is registered by another person","Deze bijnaam is al geregistreerd door iemand anders"}. {"That nickname is registered by another person","Deze bijnaam is al geregistreerd door iemand anders"}.
{"The CAPTCHA is valid.","De geautomatiseerde Turing-test is geslaagd."}. {"The CAPTCHA is valid.","De geautomatiseerde Turing-test is geslaagd."}.
{"The CAPTCHA verification has failed","De CAPTCHA-verificatie is mislukt"}. {"The CAPTCHA verification has failed","De CAPTCHA-verificatie is mislukt"}.
{"the password is","het wachtwoord is"}.
{"The password is too weak","Het wachtwoord is te zwak"}. {"The password is too weak","Het wachtwoord is te zwak"}.
{"the password is","het wachtwoord is"}.
{"The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed.","Het wachtwoord van Uw Jabber-account is succesvol veranderd."}. {"The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed.","Het wachtwoord van Uw Jabber-account is succesvol veranderd."}.
{"There was an error changing the password: ","Er was een fout bij het veranderen van het wachtwoord:"}. {"There was an error changing the password: ","Er was een fout bij het veranderen van het wachtwoord:"}.
{"There was an error creating the account: ","Er was een fout bij het creeern van de account:"}. {"There was an error creating the account: ","Er was een fout bij het creeern van de account:"}.
@ -299,9 +284,7 @@
{"Time","Tijd"}. {"Time","Tijd"}.
{"To","Aan"}. {"To","Aan"}.
{"Too many CAPTCHA requests","Te veel CAPTCHA-aanvragen"}. {"Too many CAPTCHA requests","Te veel CAPTCHA-aanvragen"}.
{"Too many (~p) failed authentications from this IP address (~s). The address will be unblocked at ~s UTC","Te veel (~p) mislukte authenticatie-pogingen van dit IP-adres (~s). Dit adres zal worden gedeblokkeerd om ~s UTC"}.
{"Too many unacked stanzas","Te veel niet-bevestigde stanzas"}. {"Too many unacked stanzas","Te veel niet-bevestigde stanzas"}.
{"To ~s","Naar ~s"}.
{"Total rooms","Aantal groepsgesprekken"}. {"Total rooms","Aantal groepsgesprekken"}.
{"Traffic rate limit is exceeded","Dataverkeerslimiet overschreden"}. {"Traffic rate limit is exceeded","Dataverkeerslimiet overschreden"}.
{"Transactions Aborted:","Afgebroken transacties:"}. {"Transactions Aborted:","Afgebroken transacties:"}.
@ -313,20 +296,19 @@
{"Unauthorized","Niet geautoriseerd"}. {"Unauthorized","Niet geautoriseerd"}.
{"Unregister a Jabber account","Opheffen van Jabber-account"}. {"Unregister a Jabber account","Opheffen van Jabber-account"}.
{"Unregister","Opheffen"}. {"Unregister","Opheffen"}.
{"Update message of the day (don't send)","Bericht van de dag bijwerken (niet verzenden)"}. {"Update message of the day (don't send)","Bericht van de dag bijwerken (niet verzenden)"}.
{"Update message of the day on all hosts (don't send)","Verander bericht-van-de-dag op alle hosts (niet versturen)"}. {"Update message of the day on all hosts (don't send)","Verander bericht-van-de-dag op alle hosts (niet versturen)"}.
{"Update plan","Plan voor de opwaardering"}. {"Update plan","Plan voor de opwaardering"}.
{"Update ~p","Opwaarderen van ~p"}. {"Update ~p","Opwaarderen van ~p"}.
{"Update script","Script voor de opwaardering"}. {"Update script","Script voor de opwaardering"}.
{"Uptime:","Uptime:"}. {"Uptime:","Uptime:"}.
{"User Management","Gebruikersbeheer"}. {"User Management","Gebruikersbeheer"}.
{"Username:","Gebruikersnaam:"}. {"Username:","Gebruikersnaam:"}.
{"Users are not allowed to register accounts so quickly","Het is gebruikers niet toegestaan zo snel achter elkaar te registreren"}. {"Users are not allowed to register accounts so quickly","Het is gebruikers niet toegestaan zo snel achter elkaar te registreren"}.
{"User ~s","Gebruiker ~s"}.
{"Users Last Activity","Laatste activiteit van gebruikers"}. {"Users Last Activity","Laatste activiteit van gebruikers"}.
{"Validate","Bevestigen"}. {"Validate","Bevestigen"}.
{"vCard User Search","Gebruikers zoeken"}. {"vCard User Search","Gebruikers zoeken"}.
{"Virtual Hosts","Virtuele hosts"}. {"Virtual Hosts","Virtuele hosts"}.

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,13 +1,16 @@
%% -*- coding: utf-8 -*- %% -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
{" has set the subject to: "," har satt emnet til: "}.
{"A password is required to enter this room","Et passord kreves for tilgang til samtalerommet"}.
{"Access denied by service policy","Tilgang nektes på grunn av en tjeneste regel"}. {"Access denied by service policy","Tilgang nektes på grunn av en tjeneste regel"}.
{"Action on user","Handling på bruker"}. {"Action on user","Handling på bruker"}.
{"Add Jabber ID","Legg til Jabber ID"}. {"Add Jabber ID","Legg til Jabber ID"}.
{"Add New","Legg til ny"}. {"Add New","Legg til ny"}.
{"Add User","Legg til Bruker"}. {"Add User","Legg til Bruker"}.
{"Administration of ","Administrasjon av "}. {"Administration of ","Administrasjon av "}.
{"Administrator privileges required","Administratorprivilegier kreves"}. {"Administrator privileges required","Administratorprivilegier kreves"}.
{"All activity","All aktivitet"}. {"All activity","All aktivitet"}.
{"All Users","Alle Brukere"}.
{"Allow users to change the subject","Tillat brukere å endre emne"}. {"Allow users to change the subject","Tillat brukere å endre emne"}.
{"Allow users to query other users","Tillat brukere å sende forespørsel til andre brukere"}. {"Allow users to query other users","Tillat brukere å sende forespørsel til andre brukere"}.
{"Allow users to send invites","Tillat brukere å sende invitasjoner"}. {"Allow users to send invites","Tillat brukere å sende invitasjoner"}.
@ -15,17 +18,14 @@
{"Allow visitors to change nickname","Tillat besøkende å endre kallenavn"}. {"Allow visitors to change nickname","Tillat besøkende å endre kallenavn"}.
{"Allow visitors to send private messages to","Tillat brukere å sende private meldinger til"}. {"Allow visitors to send private messages to","Tillat brukere å sende private meldinger til"}.
{"Allow visitors to send status text in presence updates","Tillat besøkende å sende status tekst i "}. {"Allow visitors to send status text in presence updates","Tillat besøkende å sende status tekst i "}.
{"All Users","Alle Brukere"}.
{"Announcements","Kunngjøringer"}. {"Announcements","Kunngjøringer"}.
{"A password is required to enter this room","Et passord kreves for tilgang til samtalerommet"}.
{"April","april"}. {"April","april"}.
{"August","august"}. {"August","august"}.
{"Backup Management","Håndtere Sikkerehetskopiering"}. {"Backup Management","Håndtere Sikkerehetskopiering"}.
{"Backup to File at ","Sikkerhetskopiere til Fil på "}. {"Backup to File at ","Sikkerhetskopiere til Fil på "}.
{"Bad format","Feil format"}. {"Bad format","Feil format"}.
{"Birthday","Fødselsdag"}. {"Birthday","Fødselsdag"}.
{"CAPTCHA web page","CAPTCHA web side"}.
{"Change Password","Endre Passord"}. {"Change Password","Endre Passord"}.
{"Change User Password","Endre Brukers Passord"}. {"Change User Password","Endre Brukers Passord"}.
{"Characters not allowed:","Ikke godtatte tegn:"}. {"Characters not allowed:","Ikke godtatte tegn:"}.
@ -36,19 +36,17 @@
{"Chatroom is stopped","Samtalerom er stoppet"}. {"Chatroom is stopped","Samtalerom er stoppet"}.
{"Chatrooms","Samtalerom"}. {"Chatrooms","Samtalerom"}.
{"Choose a username and password to register with this server","Velg et brukernavn og passord for å registrere på "}. {"Choose a username and password to register with this server","Velg et brukernavn og passord for å registrere på "}.
{"Choose modules to stop","Velg hvilke moduler som skal stoppes"}.
{"Choose storage type of tables","Velg lagringstype for tabeller"}. {"Choose storage type of tables","Velg lagringstype for tabeller"}.
{"Choose whether to approve this entity's subscription.","Velg om du vil godkjenne denne eksistensens abonement"}. {"Choose whether to approve this entity's subscription.","Velg om du vil godkjenne denne eksistensens abonement"}.
{"City","By"}. {"City","By"}.
{"Commands","Kommandoer"}. {"Commands","Kommandoer"}.
{"Conference room does not exist","Konferanserommet finnes ikke"}. {"Conference room does not exist","Konferanserommet finnes ikke"}.
{"Configuration","Konfigurasjon"}. {"Configuration","Konfigurasjon"}.
{"Configuration of room ~s","Konfigurasjon for rom ~s"}.
{"Connected Resources:","Tilkoblede Ressurser:"}. {"Connected Resources:","Tilkoblede Ressurser:"}.
{"Country","Land"}. {"Country","Land"}.
{"CPU Time:","CPU Tid:"}. {"CPU Time:","CPU Tid:"}.
{"Database Tables Configuration at ","Database Tabell Konfigurasjon på "}. {"Database Tables Configuration at ","Database Tabell Konfigurasjon på "}.
{"December","desember"}. {"December","desember"}.
{"Default users as participants","Standard brukere som deltakere"}. {"Default users as participants","Standard brukere som deltakere"}.
{"Delete message of the day on all hosts","Slett melding for dagen på alle maskiner"}. {"Delete message of the day on all hosts","Slett melding for dagen på alle maskiner"}.
@ -72,7 +70,6 @@
{"Email","Epost"}. {"Email","Epost"}.
{"Enable logging","Slå på logging"}. {"Enable logging","Slå på logging"}.
{"End User Session","Avslutt Bruker Sesjon"}. {"End User Session","Avslutt Bruker Sesjon"}.
{"Enter list of {Module, [Options]}","Skriv inn en liste av {Module, [Options]}"}.
{"Enter nickname you want to register","Skriv inn kallenavnet du ønsker å registrere"}. {"Enter nickname you want to register","Skriv inn kallenavnet du ønsker å registrere"}.
{"Enter path to backup file","Skriv inn sti til sikkerhetskopi filen"}. {"Enter path to backup file","Skriv inn sti til sikkerhetskopi filen"}.
{"Enter path to jabberd14 spool dir","Skriv inn sti til jabberd14 spoolkatalog"}. {"Enter path to jabberd14 spool dir","Skriv inn sti til jabberd14 spoolkatalog"}.
@ -88,7 +85,6 @@
{"February","februar"}. {"February","februar"}.
{"Friday","fredag"}. {"Friday","fredag"}.
{"From","Fra"}. {"From","Fra"}.
{"From ~s","Fra ~s"}.
{"Full Name","Fullstendig Navn"}. {"Full Name","Fullstendig Navn"}.
{"Get Number of Online Users","Vis Antall Tilkoblede Brukere"}. {"Get Number of Online Users","Vis Antall Tilkoblede Brukere"}.
{"Get Number of Registered Users","Vis Antall Registrerte Brukere"}. {"Get Number of Registered Users","Vis Antall Registrerte Brukere"}.
@ -98,11 +94,10 @@
{"Group ","Gruppe "}. {"Group ","Gruppe "}.
{"Groups","Grupper"}. {"Groups","Grupper"}.
{"has been banned","har blitt bannlyst"}. {"has been banned","har blitt bannlyst"}.
{"has been kicked because of an affiliation change","har blitt kastet ut på grunn av en tilknytnings endring"}.
{"has been kicked because of a system shutdown","har blitt kastet ut på grunn av at systemet avslutter"}. {"has been kicked because of a system shutdown","har blitt kastet ut på grunn av at systemet avslutter"}.
{"has been kicked because of an affiliation change","har blitt kastet ut på grunn av en tilknytnings endring"}.
{"has been kicked because the room has been changed to members-only","har blitt kastet ut på grunn av at rommet er endret til kun-for-medlemmer"}. {"has been kicked because the room has been changed to members-only","har blitt kastet ut på grunn av at rommet er endret til kun-for-medlemmer"}.
{"has been kicked","har blitt kastet ut"}. {"has been kicked","har blitt kastet ut"}.
{" has set the subject to: "," har satt emnet til: "}.
{"Host","Maskin"}. {"Host","Maskin"}.
{"If you don't see the CAPTCHA image here, visit the web page.","Dersom du ikke ser CAPTCHA bilde her, besøk web siden. "}. {"If you don't see the CAPTCHA image here, visit the web page.","Dersom du ikke ser CAPTCHA bilde her, besøk web siden. "}.
{"Import Directory","Importer Katalog"}. {"Import Directory","Importer Katalog"}.
@ -117,9 +112,9 @@
{"Incorrect password","Feil passord"}. {"Incorrect password","Feil passord"}.
{"IP addresses","IP adresser"}. {"IP addresses","IP adresser"}.
{"is now known as","er nå kjent som"}. {"is now known as","er nå kjent som"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages","Det er ikke tillatt å sende private meldinger"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","Det er ikke tillatt å sende private meldinger med typen "}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","Det er ikke tillatt å sende private meldinger med typen "}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","Det er ikke tillatt å sende private meldinger til "}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","Det er ikke tillatt å sende private meldinger til "}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages","Det er ikke tillatt å sende private meldinger"}.
{"Jabber Account Registration","Jabber Konto Registrering"}. {"Jabber Account Registration","Jabber Konto Registrering"}.
{"Jabber ID","Jabber ID"}. {"Jabber ID","Jabber ID"}.
{"January","januar"}. {"January","januar"}.
@ -131,7 +126,6 @@
{"Last month","Siste måned"}. {"Last month","Siste måned"}.
{"Last year","Siste året"}. {"Last year","Siste året"}.
{"leaves the room","forlater rommet"}. {"leaves the room","forlater rommet"}.
{"List of modules to start","Liste over moduler som skal startes"}.
{"Low level update script","Lavnivå oppdaterings skript"}. {"Low level update script","Lavnivå oppdaterings skript"}.
{"Make participants list public","Gjør deltakerlisten offentlig"}. {"Make participants list public","Gjør deltakerlisten offentlig"}.
{"Make room CAPTCHA protected","Gjør rommet CAPTCHA beskyttet"}. {"Make room CAPTCHA protected","Gjør rommet CAPTCHA beskyttet"}.
@ -151,20 +145,18 @@
{"Middle Name","Mellomnavn"}. {"Middle Name","Mellomnavn"}.
{"Moderator privileges required","Redaktørprivilegier kreves"}. {"Moderator privileges required","Redaktørprivilegier kreves"}.
{"Modified modules","Endrede moduler"}. {"Modified modules","Endrede moduler"}.
{"Monday","mandag"}. {"Monday","mandag"}.
{"Name","Navn"}. {"Name","Navn"}.
{"Name:","Navn:"}. {"Name:","Navn:"}.
{"Never","Aldri"}. {"Never","Aldri"}.
{"New Password:","Nytt Passord:"}. {"New Password:","Nytt Passord:"}.
{"Nickname Registration at ","Registrer Kallenavn på "}. {"Nickname Registration at ","Registrer Kallenavn på "}.
{"Nickname ~s does not exist in the room","Kallenavn ~s eksisterer ikke i dette rommet"}. {"Nickname","Kallenavn"}.
{"No body provided for announce message","Ingen meldingskropp gitt for kunngjørings melding"}. {"No body provided for announce message","Ingen meldingskropp gitt for kunngjørings melding"}.
{"No Data","Ingen Data"}. {"No Data","Ingen Data"}.
{"No limit","Ingen grense"}.
{"Node not found","Noden finnes ikke"}. {"Node not found","Noden finnes ikke"}.
{"Nodes","Noder"}. {"Nodes","Noder"}.
{"No limit","Ingen grense"}.
{"None","Ingen"}. {"None","Ingen"}.
{"Not Found","Finnes Ikke"}. {"Not Found","Finnes Ikke"}.
{"November","november"}. {"November","november"}.
@ -175,9 +167,9 @@
{"Offline Messages:","Frakoblede Meldinger:"}. {"Offline Messages:","Frakoblede Meldinger:"}.
{"OK","OK"}. {"OK","OK"}.
{"Old Password:","Gammelt Passord:"}. {"Old Password:","Gammelt Passord:"}.
{"Online Users","Tilkoblede Brukere"}. {"Online Users","Tilkoblede Brukere"}.
{"Online Users:","Tilkoblede Brukere:"}. {"Online Users:","Tilkoblede Brukere:"}.
{"Only moderators and participants are allowed to change the subject in this room","Bare redaktører og deltakere kan endre emnet i dette rommet"}. {"Only moderators and participants are allowed to change the subject in this room","Bare redaktører og deltakere kan endre emnet i dette rommet"}.
{"Only moderators are allowed to change the subject in this room","Bare ordstyrer tillates å endre emnet i dette rommet"}. {"Only moderators are allowed to change the subject in this room","Bare ordstyrer tillates å endre emnet i dette rommet"}.
{"Only moderators can approve voice requests","Bare ordstyrer kan godkjenne lyd forespørsler"}. {"Only moderators can approve voice requests","Bare ordstyrer kan godkjenne lyd forespørsler"}.
@ -190,10 +182,10 @@
{"Outgoing s2s Connections:","Utgående s2s Koblinger"}. {"Outgoing s2s Connections:","Utgående s2s Koblinger"}.
{"Owner privileges required","Eierprivilegier kreves"}. {"Owner privileges required","Eierprivilegier kreves"}.
{"Packet","Pakke"}. {"Packet","Pakke"}.
{"Password Verification","Passord Bekreftelse"}. {"Password Verification","Passord Bekreftelse"}.
{"Password Verification:","Passord Bekreftelse:"}. {"Password Verification:","Passord Bekreftelse:"}.
{"Path to Dir","Sti til Katalog"}. {"Path to Dir","Sti til Katalog"}.
{"Path to File","Sti til Fil"}. {"Path to File","Sti til Fil"}.
{"Pending","Ventende"}. {"Pending","Ventende"}.
@ -216,8 +208,8 @@
{"Register","Registrer"}. {"Register","Registrer"}.
{"Remote copy","Lagres ikke lokalt"}. {"Remote copy","Lagres ikke lokalt"}.
{"Remove All Offline Messages","Fjern Alle Frakoblede Meldinger"}. {"Remove All Offline Messages","Fjern Alle Frakoblede Meldinger"}.
{"Remove User","Fjern Bruker"}. {"Remove User","Fjern Bruker"}.
{"Replaced by new connection","Erstattet av en ny tilkobling"}. {"Replaced by new connection","Erstattet av en ny tilkobling"}.
{"Resources","Ressurser"}. {"Resources","Ressurser"}.
{"Restart Service","Start Tjeneste på Nytt"}. {"Restart Service","Start Tjeneste på Nytt"}.
@ -225,16 +217,15 @@
{"Restore Backup from File at ","Gjenopprett fra Sikkerhetsopifil på "}. {"Restore Backup from File at ","Gjenopprett fra Sikkerhetsopifil på "}.
{"Restore binary backup after next ejabberd restart (requires less memory):","Gjenopprette binær backup etter neste ejabberd omstart (krever mindre minne):"}. {"Restore binary backup after next ejabberd restart (requires less memory):","Gjenopprette binær backup etter neste ejabberd omstart (krever mindre minne):"}.
{"Restore binary backup immediately:","Gjenopprette binær backup umiddelbart:"}. {"Restore binary backup immediately:","Gjenopprette binær backup umiddelbart:"}.
{"Restore plain text backup immediately:","Gjenopprette rentekst sikkerhetskopi umiddelbart:"}. {"Restore plain text backup immediately:","Gjenopprette rentekst sikkerhetskopi umiddelbart:"}.
{"Room Configuration","Rom Konfigurasjon"}. {"Room Configuration","Rom Konfigurasjon"}.
{"Room creation is denied by service policy","Oppretting av rom nektes av en tjenste regel"}. {"Room creation is denied by service policy","Oppretting av rom nektes av en tjenste regel"}.
{"Room description","Rom beskrivelse"}. {"Room description","Rom beskrivelse"}.
{"Room Occupants","Samtalerom Deltakere"}. {"Room Occupants","Samtalerom Deltakere"}.
{"Room title","Romtittel"}. {"Room title","Romtittel"}.
{"Roster of ","Kontaktliste for "}.
{"Roster size","Kontaktliste størrelse"}. {"Roster size","Kontaktliste størrelse"}.
{"RPC Call Error","RPC Kall Feil"}. {"RPC Call Error","RPC Kall Feil"}.
{"Running Nodes","Kjørende Noder"}. {"Running Nodes","Kjørende Noder"}.
{"Saturday","lørdag"}. {"Saturday","lørdag"}.
@ -253,15 +244,9 @@
{"Show Integral Table","Vis Integral Tabell"}. {"Show Integral Table","Vis Integral Tabell"}.
{"Show Ordinary Table","Vis Ordinær Tabell"}. {"Show Ordinary Table","Vis Ordinær Tabell"}.
{"Shut Down Service","Avslutt Tjeneste"}. {"Shut Down Service","Avslutt Tjeneste"}.
{"~s invites you to the room ~s","~s inviterer deg til rommet ~s"}.
{"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons.","Noen Jabber klienter kan lagre passordet på datamaskinen. Bruk bare den funksjonen dersom du er sikker på at maskinen er trygg."}. {"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons.","Noen Jabber klienter kan lagre passordet på datamaskinen. Bruk bare den funksjonen dersom du er sikker på at maskinen er trygg."}.
{"~s's Offline Messages Queue","~ss kø for Frakoblede Meldinger"}.
{"Start Modules at ","Start Moduler på "}.
{"Start Modules","Start Moduler"}.
{"Statistics of ~p","Statistikk for ~p"}. {"Statistics of ~p","Statistikk for ~p"}.
{"Statistics","Statistikk"}. {"Statistics","Statistikk"}.
{"Stop Modules at ","Stopp Moduler på "}.
{"Stop Modules","Stop Moduler"}.
{"Stopped Nodes","Stoppede Noder"}. {"Stopped Nodes","Stoppede Noder"}.
{"Stop","Stoppe"}. {"Stop","Stoppe"}.
{"Storage Type","Lagringstype"}. {"Storage Type","Lagringstype"}.
@ -276,8 +261,8 @@
{"That nickname is registered by another person","Det kallenavnet er registrert av en annen person"}. {"That nickname is registered by another person","Det kallenavnet er registrert av en annen person"}.
{"The CAPTCHA is valid.","Captchaen er ikke gyldig"}. {"The CAPTCHA is valid.","Captchaen er ikke gyldig"}.
{"The CAPTCHA verification has failed","CAPTCHA godkjenningen har feilet"}. {"The CAPTCHA verification has failed","CAPTCHA godkjenningen har feilet"}.
{"the password is","passordet er"}.
{"The password is too weak","Passordet er for svakt"}. {"The password is too weak","Passordet er for svakt"}.
{"the password is","passordet er"}.
{"The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed.","Passordet for din Jabber konto ble endret."}. {"The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed.","Passordet for din Jabber konto ble endret."}.
{"There was an error changing the password: ","En feil skjedde under endring av passordet:"}. {"There was an error changing the password: ","En feil skjedde under endring av passordet:"}.
{"There was an error creating the account: ","En feil skjedde under oppretting av kontoen:"}. {"There was an error creating the account: ","En feil skjedde under oppretting av kontoen:"}.
@ -290,7 +275,6 @@
{"Time delay","Tids forsinkelse"}. {"Time delay","Tids forsinkelse"}.
{"Time","Tid"}. {"Time","Tid"}.
{"Too many CAPTCHA requests","For mange CAPTCHA forespørsler"}. {"Too many CAPTCHA requests","For mange CAPTCHA forespørsler"}.
{"To ~s","Til ~s"}.
{"To","Til"}. {"To","Til"}.
{"Traffic rate limit is exceeded","Trafikkmengde grense overskredet"}. {"Traffic rate limit is exceeded","Trafikkmengde grense overskredet"}.
{"Transactions Aborted:","Avbrutte Transasksjoner:"}. {"Transactions Aborted:","Avbrutte Transasksjoner:"}.
@ -304,16 +288,16 @@
{"Unregister","Avregistrer"}. {"Unregister","Avregistrer"}.
{"Update message of the day (don't send)","Oppdater melding for dagen (ikke send)"}. {"Update message of the day (don't send)","Oppdater melding for dagen (ikke send)"}.
{"Update message of the day on all hosts (don't send)","Oppdater melding for dagen på alle maskiner (ikke send)"}. {"Update message of the day on all hosts (don't send)","Oppdater melding for dagen på alle maskiner (ikke send)"}.
{"Update plan","Oppdaterings plan"}. {"Update plan","Oppdaterings plan"}.
{"Update script","Oppdaterings skript"}. {"Update script","Oppdaterings skript"}.
{"Uptime:","Oppetid:"}. {"Uptime:","Oppetid:"}.
{"User Management","Bruker Behandling"}. {"User Management","Bruker Behandling"}.
{"Username:","Brukernavn:"}. {"Username:","Brukernavn:"}.
{"Users are not allowed to register accounts so quickly","Brukere får ikke lov til registrere kontoer så fort"}. {"Users are not allowed to register accounts so quickly","Brukere får ikke lov til registrere kontoer så fort"}.
{"Users Last Activity","Brukers Siste Aktivitet"}. {"Users Last Activity","Brukers Siste Aktivitet"}.
{"Validate","Bekrefte gyldighet"}. {"Validate","Bekrefte gyldighet"}.
{"vCard User Search","vCard Bruker Søk"}. {"vCard User Search","vCard Bruker Søk"}.
{"Virtual Hosts","Virtuella Maskiner"}. {"Virtual Hosts","Virtuella Maskiner"}.

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,14 +1,17 @@
%% -*- coding: utf-8 -*- %% -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
{" has set the subject to: "," zmienił temat na: "}.
{"A password is required to enter this room","Aby wejść do pokoju wymagane jest hasło"}.
{"Accept","Zaakceptuj"}. {"Accept","Zaakceptuj"}.
{"Access denied by service policy","Dostęp zabroniony zgodnie z zasadami usługi"}. {"Access denied by service policy","Dostęp zabroniony zgodnie z zasadami usługi"}.
{"Action on user","Wykonaj na użytkowniku"}. {"Action on user","Wykonaj na użytkowniku"}.
{"Add Jabber ID","Dodaj Jabber ID"}. {"Add Jabber ID","Dodaj Jabber ID"}.
{"Add New","Dodaj nowe"}. {"Add New","Dodaj nowe"}.
{"Add User","Dodaj użytkownika"}. {"Add User","Dodaj użytkownika"}.
{"Administration of ","Zarządzanie "}. {"Administration of ","Zarządzanie "}.
{"Administrator privileges required","Wymagane uprawnienia administratora"}. {"Administrator privileges required","Wymagane uprawnienia administratora"}.
{"All activity","Cała aktywność"}. {"All activity","Cała aktywność"}.
{"All Users","Wszyscy użytkownicy"}.
{"Allow users to change the subject","Pozwól użytkownikom zmieniać temat"}. {"Allow users to change the subject","Pozwól użytkownikom zmieniać temat"}.
{"Allow users to query other users","Pozwól użytkownikom pobierać informacje o innych użytkownikach"}. {"Allow users to query other users","Pozwól użytkownikom pobierać informacje o innych użytkownikach"}.
{"Allow users to send invites","Pozwól użytkownikom wysyłać zaproszenia"}. {"Allow users to send invites","Pozwól użytkownikom wysyłać zaproszenia"}.
@ -16,23 +19,20 @@
{"Allow visitors to change nickname","Pozwól uczestnikom na zmianę nicka"}. {"Allow visitors to change nickname","Pozwól uczestnikom na zmianę nicka"}.
{"Allow visitors to send private messages to","Pozwól użytkownikom wysyłać prywatne wiadomości"}. {"Allow visitors to send private messages to","Pozwól użytkownikom wysyłać prywatne wiadomości"}.
{"Allow visitors to send status text in presence updates","Pozwól uczestnikom na wysyłanie statusów opisowych"}. {"Allow visitors to send status text in presence updates","Pozwól uczestnikom na wysyłanie statusów opisowych"}.
{"All Users","Wszyscy użytkownicy"}.
{"Announcements","Powiadomienia"}. {"Announcements","Powiadomienia"}.
{"A password is required to enter this room","Aby wejść do pokoju wymagane jest hasło"}.
{"April","Kwiecień"}. {"April","Kwiecień"}.
{"August","Sierpień"}. {"August","Sierpień"}.
{"Automatic node creation is not enabled","Automatyczne tworzenie węzłów nie zostało włączone"}. {"Automatic node creation is not enabled","Automatyczne tworzenie węzłów nie zostało włączone"}.
{"Backup","Kopia zapasowa"}.
{"Backup Management","Zarządzanie kopiami zapasowymi"}. {"Backup Management","Zarządzanie kopiami zapasowymi"}.
{"Backup of ~p","Kopia zapasowa ~p"}. {"Backup of ~p","Kopia zapasowa ~p"}.
{"Backup to File at ","Zapisz kopię w pliku na "}. {"Backup to File at ","Zapisz kopię w pliku na "}.
{"Backup","Kopia zapasowa"}.
{"Bad format","Błędny format"}. {"Bad format","Błędny format"}.
{"Birthday","Data urodzenia"}. {"Birthday","Data urodzenia"}.
{"Both the username and the resource are required","Wymagana jest zarówno nazwa użytkownika jak i zasób"}. {"Both the username and the resource are required","Wymagana jest zarówno nazwa użytkownika jak i zasób"}.
{"Bytestream already activated","Strumień danych został już aktywowany"}. {"Bytestream already activated","Strumień danych został już aktywowany"}.
{"Cannot remove active list","Nie można usunąć aktywnej listy"}. {"Cannot remove active list","Nie można usunąć aktywnej listy"}.
{"Cannot remove default list","Nie można usunąć domyślnej listy"}. {"Cannot remove default list","Nie można usunąć domyślnej listy"}.
{"CAPTCHA web page","Strona internetowa CAPTCHA"}.
{"Change Password","Zmień hasło"}. {"Change Password","Zmień hasło"}.
{"Change User Password","Zmień hasło użytkownika"}. {"Change User Password","Zmień hasło użytkownika"}.
{"Changing password is not allowed","Zmiana hasła jest niedopuszczalna"}. {"Changing password is not allowed","Zmiana hasła jest niedopuszczalna"}.
@ -45,21 +45,19 @@
{"Chatroom is stopped","Pokój został zatrzymany"}. {"Chatroom is stopped","Pokój został zatrzymany"}.
{"Chatrooms","Pokoje rozmów"}. {"Chatrooms","Pokoje rozmów"}.
{"Choose a username and password to register with this server","Wybierz nazwę użytkownika i hasło aby zarejestrować się na tym serwerze"}. {"Choose a username and password to register with this server","Wybierz nazwę użytkownika i hasło aby zarejestrować się na tym serwerze"}.
{"Choose modules to stop","Wybierz moduły do zatrzymania"}.
{"Choose storage type of tables","Wybierz typ bazy dla tablel"}. {"Choose storage type of tables","Wybierz typ bazy dla tablel"}.
{"Choose whether to approve this entity's subscription.","Wybierz, czy akceptować subskrypcję tej jednostki"}. {"Choose whether to approve this entity's subscription.","Wybierz, czy akceptować subskrypcję tej jednostki"}.
{"City","Miasto"}. {"City","Miasto"}.
{"Commands","Polecenia"}. {"Commands","Polecenia"}.
{"Conference room does not exist","Pokój konferencyjny nie istnieje"}. {"Conference room does not exist","Pokój konferencyjny nie istnieje"}.
{"Configuration","Konfiguracja"}. {"Configuration","Konfiguracja"}.
{"Configuration of room ~s","Konfiguracja pokoju ~s"}.
{"Connected Resources:","Zasoby zalogowane:"}. {"Connected Resources:","Zasoby zalogowane:"}.
{"Country","Państwo"}. {"Country","Państwo"}.
{"CPU Time:","Czas CPU:"}. {"CPU Time:","Czas CPU:"}.
{"Database","Baza danych"}.
{"Database failure","Błąd bazy danych"}. {"Database failure","Błąd bazy danych"}.
{"Database Tables at ~p","Tabele bazy na ~p"}. {"Database Tables at ~p","Tabele bazy na ~p"}.
{"Database Tables Configuration at ","Konfiguracja tabel bazy na "}. {"Database Tables Configuration at ","Konfiguracja tabel bazy na "}.
{"Database","Baza danych"}.
{"December","Grudzień"}. {"December","Grudzień"}.
{"Default users as participants","Domyślni użytkownicy jako uczestnicy"}. {"Default users as participants","Domyślni użytkownicy jako uczestnicy"}.
{"Delete message of the day on all hosts","Usuń wiadomość dnia ze wszystkich hostów"}. {"Delete message of the day on all hosts","Usuń wiadomość dnia ze wszystkich hostów"}.
@ -83,11 +81,9 @@
{"ejabberd Web Admin","ejabberd: Panel Administracyjny"}. {"ejabberd Web Admin","ejabberd: Panel Administracyjny"}.
{"Elements","Elementy"}. {"Elements","Elementy"}.
{"Email","Email"}. {"Email","Email"}.
{"Empty password","Puste hasło"}.
{"Enable logging","Włącz logowanie"}. {"Enable logging","Włącz logowanie"}.
{"Enabling push without 'node' attribute is not supported","Aktywacja 'push' bez węzła jest nie dostępna"}. {"Enabling push without 'node' attribute is not supported","Aktywacja 'push' bez węzła jest nie dostępna"}.
{"End User Session","Zakończ sesję uzytkownika"}. {"End User Session","Zakończ sesję uzytkownika"}.
{"Enter list of {Module, [Options]}","Wprowadź listę {Moduł, [Opcje]}"}.
{"Enter nickname you want to register","Wprowadz nazwę użytkownika którego chcesz zarejestrować"}. {"Enter nickname you want to register","Wprowadz nazwę użytkownika którego chcesz zarejestrować"}.
{"Enter path to backup file","Wprowadź scieżkę do pliku kopii zapasowej"}. {"Enter path to backup file","Wprowadź scieżkę do pliku kopii zapasowej"}.
{"Enter path to jabberd14 spool dir","Wprowadź ścieżkę do roboczego katalogu serwera jabberd14"}. {"Enter path to jabberd14 spool dir","Wprowadź ścieżkę do roboczego katalogu serwera jabberd14"}.
@ -105,13 +101,11 @@
{"Failed to extract JID from your voice request approval","Nie udało się wydobyć JID-u z twojego żądania"}. {"Failed to extract JID from your voice request approval","Nie udało się wydobyć JID-u z twojego żądania"}.
{"Failed to map delegated namespace to external component","Nie udało się znaleźć zewnętrznego komponentu na podstawie nazwy"}. {"Failed to map delegated namespace to external component","Nie udało się znaleźć zewnętrznego komponentu na podstawie nazwy"}.
{"Failed to parse HTTP response","Nie udało się zanalizować odpowiedzi HTTP"}. {"Failed to parse HTTP response","Nie udało się zanalizować odpowiedzi HTTP"}.
{"Failed to process option '~s'","Nie udało się przetworzyć opcji '~s'"}.
{"Family Name","Nazwisko"}. {"Family Name","Nazwisko"}.
{"February","Luty"}. {"February","Luty"}.
{"File larger than ~w bytes","Plik jest większy niż ~w bajtów"}. {"File larger than ~w bytes","Plik jest większy niż ~w bajtów"}.
{"Friday","Piątek"}. {"Friday","Piątek"}.
{"From","Od"}. {"From","Od"}.
{"From ~s","Od ~s"}.
{"Full Name","Pełna nazwa"}. {"Full Name","Pełna nazwa"}.
{"Get Number of Online Users","Pokaż liczbę zalogowanych użytkowników"}. {"Get Number of Online Users","Pokaż liczbę zalogowanych użytkowników"}.
{"Get Number of Registered Users","Pokaż liczbę zarejestrowanych użytkowników"}. {"Get Number of Registered Users","Pokaż liczbę zarejestrowanych użytkowników"}.
@ -122,13 +116,12 @@
{"Group ","Grupa "}. {"Group ","Grupa "}.
{"Groups","Grupy"}. {"Groups","Grupy"}.
{"has been banned","został wykluczony"}. {"has been banned","został wykluczony"}.
{"has been kicked because of an affiliation change","został wyrzucony z powodu zmiany przynależności"}.
{"has been kicked because of a system shutdown","został wyrzucony z powodu wyłączenia systemu"}. {"has been kicked because of a system shutdown","został wyrzucony z powodu wyłączenia systemu"}.
{"has been kicked because of an affiliation change","został wyrzucony z powodu zmiany przynależności"}.
{"has been kicked because the room has been changed to members-only","został wyrzucony z powodu zmiany pokoju na \"Tylko dla Członków\""}. {"has been kicked because the room has been changed to members-only","został wyrzucony z powodu zmiany pokoju na \"Tylko dla Członków\""}.
{"has been kicked","został wyrzucony"}. {"has been kicked","został wyrzucony"}.
{" has set the subject to: "," zmienił temat na: "}.
{"Host unknown","Nieznany host"}. {"Host unknown","Nieznany host"}.
{"If you don't see the CAPTCHA image here, visit the web page.","Jeśli nie widzisz obrazka CAPTCHA, odwiedź stronę internetową."}. {"If you don't see the CAPTCHA image here, visit the web page.","Jeśli nie widzisz obrazka CAPTCHA, odwiedź stronę internetową."}.
{"Import Directory","Importuj katalog"}. {"Import Directory","Importuj katalog"}.
{"Import File","Importuj plik"}. {"Import File","Importuj plik"}.
@ -152,7 +145,6 @@
{"Invitations are not allowed in this conference","Zaproszenia są wyłączone w tym pokoju"}. {"Invitations are not allowed in this conference","Zaproszenia są wyłączone w tym pokoju"}.
{"IP addresses","Adresy IP"}. {"IP addresses","Adresy IP"}.
{"is now known as","jest teraz znany jako"}. {"is now known as","jest teraz znany jako"}.
{"It is not allowed to send error messages to the room. The participant (~s) has sent an error message (~s) and got kicked from the room","Użytkownik nie może wysyłać wiadomości o błędach do pokoju. Użytkownik (~s) wysłał błąd (~s) i został wyrzucony z pokoju"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","Nie można wysyłać prywatnych wiadomości typu \"groupchat\""}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","Nie można wysyłać prywatnych wiadomości typu \"groupchat\""}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","Nie wolno wysyłac prywatnych wiadomości na konferencję"}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","Nie wolno wysyłac prywatnych wiadomości na konferencję"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages","Wysyłanie prywatnych wiadomości jest zabronione"}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages","Wysyłanie prywatnych wiadomości jest zabronione"}.
@ -167,7 +159,6 @@
{"Last month","Miniony miesiąc"}. {"Last month","Miniony miesiąc"}.
{"Last year","Miniony rok"}. {"Last year","Miniony rok"}.
{"leaves the room","opuszcza pokój"}. {"leaves the room","opuszcza pokój"}.
{"List of modules to start","Lista modułów do uruchomienia"}.
{"List of rooms","Lista pokoi"}. {"List of rooms","Lista pokoi"}.
{"Low level update script","Skrypt aktualizacji niskiego poziomu"}. {"Low level update script","Skrypt aktualizacji niskiego poziomu"}.
{"Make participants list public","Upublicznij listę uczestników"}. {"Make participants list public","Upublicznij listę uczestników"}.
@ -191,7 +182,6 @@
{"Moderator privileges required","Wymagane uprawnienia moderatora"}. {"Moderator privileges required","Wymagane uprawnienia moderatora"}.
{"Modified modules","Zmodyfikowane moduły"}. {"Modified modules","Zmodyfikowane moduły"}.
{"Module failed to handle the query","Moduł nie był wstanie przetworzyć zapytania"}. {"Module failed to handle the query","Moduł nie był wstanie przetworzyć zapytania"}.
{"Monday","Poniedziałek"}. {"Monday","Poniedziałek"}.
{"Multicast","Multicast"}. {"Multicast","Multicast"}.
{"Multiple <item/> elements are not allowed by RFC6121","Dopuszczalny jest wyłącznie pojedynczy <item/> "}. {"Multiple <item/> elements are not allowed by RFC6121","Dopuszczalny jest wyłącznie pojedynczy <item/> "}.
@ -202,20 +192,13 @@
{"Neither 'role' nor 'affiliation' attribute found","Brak zarówno atrybutu 'role' jak i 'affiliation'"}. {"Neither 'role' nor 'affiliation' attribute found","Brak zarówno atrybutu 'role' jak i 'affiliation'"}.
{"Never","Nigdy"}. {"Never","Nigdy"}.
{"New Password:","Nowe hasło:"}. {"New Password:","Nowe hasło:"}.
{"Nickname","Nazwa użytkownika"}.
{"Nickname Registration at ","Rejestracja nazwy użytkownika na "}. {"Nickname Registration at ","Rejestracja nazwy użytkownika na "}.
{"Nickname ~s does not exist in the room","Nie ma nicka ~s w tym pokoju"}. {"Nickname","Nazwa użytkownika"}.
{"No 'affiliation' attribute found","Brak wartości dla 'access'"}. {"No 'affiliation' attribute found","Brak wartości dla 'access'"}.
{"No available resource found","Brak dostępnych zasobów"}. {"No available resource found","Brak dostępnych zasobów"}.
{"No body provided for announce message","Brak treści powiadomienia"}. {"No body provided for announce message","Brak treści powiadomienia"}.
{"No Data","Brak danych"}.
{"No data form found","Brak danych dla formatki"}. {"No data form found","Brak danych dla formatki"}.
{"Node already exists","Węzeł już istnieje"}. {"No Data","Brak danych"}.
{"Node index not found","Indeks węzła już istnieje"}.
{"Node not found","Węzeł nie został znaleziony"}.
{"Nodeprep has failed","Weryfikacja nazwy nie powiodła się"}.
{"Node ~p","Węzeł ~p"}.
{"No features available","Brak dostępnych funkcji"}. {"No features available","Brak dostępnych funkcji"}.
{"No hook has processed this command","Żadna funkcja nie przetworzyła tej komendy"}. {"No hook has processed this command","Żadna funkcja nie przetworzyła tej komendy"}.
{"No info about last activity found","Nie znaleziono informacji o ostatniej aktywności"}. {"No info about last activity found","Nie znaleziono informacji o ostatniej aktywności"}.
@ -223,8 +206,6 @@
{"No items found in this query","Nie znaleziono żadnych pozycji w tym zapytaniu"}. {"No items found in this query","Nie znaleziono żadnych pozycji w tym zapytaniu"}.
{"No limit","Bez limitu"}. {"No limit","Bez limitu"}.
{"No module is handling this query","Żaden moduł nie obsługuje tego zapytania"}. {"No module is handling this query","Żaden moduł nie obsługuje tego zapytania"}.
{"No 'modules' found in data form","Brak wartości dla 'modules'"}.
{"No node specified","Nie podano węzła"}. {"No node specified","Nie podano węzła"}.
{"No 'password' found in data form","Brak wartości dla 'password'"}. {"No 'password' found in data form","Brak wartości dla 'password'"}.
{"No 'password' found in this query","Brak wartości dla 'password'"}. {"No 'password' found in this query","Brak wartości dla 'password'"}.
@ -235,8 +216,15 @@
{"No running node found","Brak uruchomionych węzłów"}. {"No running node found","Brak uruchomionych węzłów"}.
{"No services available","Usługa nie jest dostępna"}. {"No services available","Usługa nie jest dostępna"}.
{"No statistics found for this item","Nie znaleziono statystyk dla tego elementu"}. {"No statistics found for this item","Nie znaleziono statystyk dla tego elementu"}.
{"Not Found","Nie znaleziono"}.
{"No 'to' attribute found in the invitation","Brak wartości dla 'to' w zaproszeniu"}. {"No 'to' attribute found in the invitation","Brak wartości dla 'to' w zaproszeniu"}.
{"Node already exists","Węzeł już istnieje"}.
{"Node index not found","Indeks węzła już istnieje"}.
{"Node not found","Węzeł nie został znaleziony"}.
{"Node ~p","Węzeł ~p"}.
{"Nodeprep has failed","Weryfikacja nazwy nie powiodła się"}.
{"Not Found","Nie znaleziono"}.
{"Not subscribed","Nie zasubskrybowano"}. {"Not subscribed","Nie zasubskrybowano"}.
{"November","Listopad"}. {"November","Listopad"}.
{"Number of online users","Liczba zalogowanych użytkowników"}. {"Number of online users","Liczba zalogowanych użytkowników"}.
@ -246,9 +234,9 @@
{"Offline Messages:","Wiadomości offline:"}. {"Offline Messages:","Wiadomości offline:"}.
{"OK","OK"}. {"OK","OK"}.
{"Old Password:","Stare hasło:"}. {"Old Password:","Stare hasło:"}.
{"Online Users","Użytkownicy zalogowani"}. {"Online Users","Użytkownicy zalogowani"}.
{"Online Users:","Użytkownicy zalogowani:"}. {"Online Users:","Użytkownicy zalogowani:"}.
{"Only <enable/> or <disable/> tags are allowed","Dozwolone są wyłącznie elementy <enable/> lub <disable/>"}. {"Only <enable/> or <disable/> tags are allowed","Dozwolone są wyłącznie elementy <enable/> lub <disable/>"}.
{"Only <list/> element is allowed in this query","Wyłącznie elementy <item/> są dozwolone w tym zapytaniu"}. {"Only <list/> element is allowed in this query","Wyłącznie elementy <item/> są dozwolone w tym zapytaniu"}.
{"Only members may query archives of this room","Tylko moderatorzy mogą przeglądać archiwa tego pokoju"}. {"Only members may query archives of this room","Tylko moderatorzy mogą przeglądać archiwa tego pokoju"}.
@ -264,17 +252,16 @@
{"Outgoing s2s Connections:","Wychodzące połączenia s2s:"}. {"Outgoing s2s Connections:","Wychodzące połączenia s2s:"}.
{"Owner privileges required","Wymagane uprawnienia właściciela"}. {"Owner privileges required","Wymagane uprawnienia właściciela"}.
{"Packet","Pakiet"}. {"Packet","Pakiet"}.
{"Parse failed","Błąd parsowania"}.
{"Password Verification","Weryfikacja hasła"}. {"Password Verification","Weryfikacja hasła"}.
{"Password Verification:","Weryfikacja hasła:"}. {"Password Verification:","Weryfikacja hasła:"}.
{"Path to Dir","Ścieżka do katalogu"}. {"Path to Dir","Ścieżka do katalogu"}.
{"Path to File","Scieżka do pliku"}. {"Path to File","Scieżka do pliku"}.
{"Pending","Oczekuje"}. {"Pending","Oczekuje"}.
{"Period: ","Przedział czasu: "}. {"Period: ","Przedział czasu: "}.
{"Ping query is incorrect","Żądanie 'ping' nie jest prawidłowe"}. {"Ping query is incorrect","Żądanie 'ping' nie jest prawidłowe"}.
{"Please note that these options will only backup the builtin Mnesia database. If you are using the ODBC module, you also need to backup your SQL database separately.","Te opcje kopii zapasowych dotyczą tylko wbudowanej bazy danych typu Mnesia. Jeśli korzystasz z modułu ODBC, musisz wykonać kopie bazy we własnym zakresie."}. {"Please note that these options will only backup the builtin Mnesia database. If you are using the ODBC module, you also need to backup your SQL database separately.","Te opcje kopii zapasowych dotyczą tylko wbudowanej bazy danych typu Mnesia. Jeśli korzystasz z modułu ODBC, musisz wykonać kopie bazy we własnym zakresie."}.
{"Please, wait for a while before sending new voice request","Proszę poczekać chwile, zanim wyślesz nowe żądanie głosowe"}. {"Please, wait for a while before sending new voice request","Proszę poczekać chwile, zanim wyślesz nowe żądanie głosowe"}.
{"Pong","Pong"}. {"Pong","Pong"}.
@ -310,14 +297,11 @@
{"Room description","Opis pokoju"}. {"Room description","Opis pokoju"}.
{"Room Occupants","Lista uczestników"}. {"Room Occupants","Lista uczestników"}.
{"Room title","Tytuł pokoju"}. {"Room title","Tytuł pokoju"}.
{"Roster","Lista kontaktów"}.
{"Roster module has failed","Moduł list kontaktów zgłosił błąd"}.
{"Roster of ","Lista kontaktów "}.
{"Roster size","Rozmiar listy kontaktów"}. {"Roster size","Rozmiar listy kontaktów"}.
{"Roster","Lista kontaktów"}.
{"RPC Call Error","Błąd żądania RPC"}. {"RPC Call Error","Błąd żądania RPC"}.
{"Running Nodes","Uruchomione węzły"}. {"Running Nodes","Uruchomione węzły"}.
{"Saturday","Sobota"}. {"Saturday","Sobota"}.
{"Scan failed","Błąd skanowania"}.
{"Script check","Sprawdź skrypt"}. {"Script check","Sprawdź skrypt"}.
{"Search Results for ","Wyniki wyszukiwania dla "}. {"Search Results for ","Wyniki wyszukiwania dla "}.
{"Search users in ","Wyszukaj użytkowników w "}. {"Search users in ","Wyszukaj użytkowników w "}.
@ -326,7 +310,6 @@
{"Send announcement to all users on all hosts","Wyślij powiadomienie do wszystkich użytkowników na wszystkich hostach"}. {"Send announcement to all users on all hosts","Wyślij powiadomienie do wszystkich użytkowników na wszystkich hostach"}.
{"Send announcement to all users","Wyślij powiadomienie do wszystkich użytkowników"}. {"Send announcement to all users","Wyślij powiadomienie do wszystkich użytkowników"}.
{"September","Wrzesień"}. {"September","Wrzesień"}.
{"Server connections to local subdomains are forbidden","Połączenie serwerowe do lokalnej domeny nie jest dopuszczalne"}.
{"Server:","Serwer:"}. {"Server:","Serwer:"}.
{"Set message of the day and send to online users","Wyślij wiadomość dnia do wszystkich zalogowanych użytkowników"}. {"Set message of the day and send to online users","Wyślij wiadomość dnia do wszystkich zalogowanych użytkowników"}.
{"Set message of the day on all hosts and send to online users","Ustaw wiadomość dnia dla wszystkich hostów i wyślij do zalogowanych uzytkowników"}. {"Set message of the day on all hosts and send to online users","Ustaw wiadomość dnia dla wszystkich hostów i wyślij do zalogowanych uzytkowników"}.
@ -334,15 +317,9 @@
{"Show Integral Table","Pokaż tabelę całkowitą"}. {"Show Integral Table","Pokaż tabelę całkowitą"}.
{"Show Ordinary Table","Pokaż zwykłą tabelę"}. {"Show Ordinary Table","Pokaż zwykłą tabelę"}.
{"Shut Down Service","Wyłącz usługę"}. {"Shut Down Service","Wyłącz usługę"}.
{"~s invites you to the room ~s","~s zaprasza Cię do pokoju ~s"}.
{"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons.","Niektóre klienty Jabber mogą zapisywać Twoje hasło na komputerze. Używaj tej opcji tylko jeśli ufasz komputerowi na którym pracujesz."}. {"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons.","Niektóre klienty Jabber mogą zapisywać Twoje hasło na komputerze. Używaj tej opcji tylko jeśli ufasz komputerowi na którym pracujesz."}.
{"~s's Offline Messages Queue","Kolejka wiadomości offline użytkownika ~s"}.
{"Start Modules at ","Uruchom moduły na "}.
{"Start Modules","Uruchom moduły"}.
{"Statistics of ~p","Statystyki ~p"}. {"Statistics of ~p","Statystyki ~p"}.
{"Statistics","Statystyki"}. {"Statistics","Statystyki"}.
{"Stop Modules at ","Zatrzymaj moduły na "}.
{"Stop Modules","Zatrzymaj moduły"}.
{"Stopped Nodes","Zatrzymane węzły"}. {"Stopped Nodes","Zatrzymane węzły"}.
{"Stop","Zatrzymaj"}. {"Stop","Zatrzymaj"}.
{"Storage Type","Typ bazy"}. {"Storage Type","Typ bazy"}.
@ -360,33 +337,30 @@
{"The CAPTCHA verification has failed","Weryfikacja CAPTCHA nie powiodła się"}. {"The CAPTCHA verification has failed","Weryfikacja CAPTCHA nie powiodła się"}.
{"The feature requested is not supported by the conference","Żądana czynność nie jest obsługiwana przez konferencje"}. {"The feature requested is not supported by the conference","Żądana czynność nie jest obsługiwana przez konferencje"}.
{"The password contains unacceptable characters","Hasło zawiera niedopuszczalne znaki"}. {"The password contains unacceptable characters","Hasło zawiera niedopuszczalne znaki"}.
{"the password is","hasło to:"}.
{"The password is too weak","Hasło nie jest wystarczająco trudne"}. {"The password is too weak","Hasło nie jest wystarczająco trudne"}.
{"the password is","hasło to:"}.
{"The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed.","Hasło do Twojego konta zostało zmienione."}. {"The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed.","Hasło do Twojego konta zostało zmienione."}.
{"The query is only allowed from local users","To żądanie jest dopuszczalne wyłącznie dla lokalnych użytkowników"}. {"The query is only allowed from local users","To żądanie jest dopuszczalne wyłącznie dla lokalnych użytkowników"}.
{"The query must not contain <item/> elements","Żądanie nie może zawierać elementów <item/>"}. {"The query must not contain <item/> elements","Żądanie nie może zawierać elementów <item/>"}.
{"The stanza MUST contain only one <active/> element, one <default/> element, or one <list/> element","Żądanie może zawierać wyłącznie jeden z elementów <active/>, <default/> lub <list/>"}.
{"There was an error changing the password: ","Podczas próby zmiany hasła wystąpił błąd: "}. {"There was an error changing the password: ","Podczas próby zmiany hasła wystąpił błąd: "}.
{"There was an error creating the account: ","Wystąpił błąd podczas tworzenia konta: "}. {"There was an error creating the account: ","Wystąpił błąd podczas tworzenia konta: "}.
{"There was an error deleting the account: ","Podczas usuwania konta wystąpił błąd: "}. {"There was an error deleting the account: ","Podczas usuwania konta wystąpił błąd: "}.
{"The stanza MUST contain only one <active/> element, one <default/> element, or one <list/> element","Żądanie może zawierać wyłącznie jeden z elementów <active/>, <default/> lub <list/>"}.
{"This is case insensitive: macbeth is the same that MacBeth and Macbeth.","Pole nie rozróżnia wielkości liter: słowo Hanna jest takie samo jak hAnna lub haNNa."}. {"This is case insensitive: macbeth is the same that MacBeth and Macbeth.","Pole nie rozróżnia wielkości liter: słowo Hanna jest takie samo jak hAnna lub haNNa."}.
{"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID (Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields.","Niniejsza strona pozwala na założenie konta Jabber na tym serwerze. Twój JID (Jabber IDentyfikator) będzie miał postać: nazwa_użytkownika@serwer. Przeczytaj dokładnie instrukcję i wypełnij pola."}. {"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID (Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields.","Niniejsza strona pozwala na założenie konta Jabber na tym serwerze. Twój JID (Jabber IDentyfikator) będzie miał postać: nazwa_użytkownika@serwer. Przeczytaj dokładnie instrukcję i wypełnij pola."}.
{"This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server.","Ta strona pozwala usunąć konto Jabber z tego serwera."}. {"This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server.","Ta strona pozwala usunąć konto Jabber z tego serwera."}.
{"This room is not anonymous","Ten pokój nie jest anonimowy"}. {"This room is not anonymous","Ten pokój nie jest anonimowy"}.
{"Thursday","Czwartek"}. {"Thursday","Czwartek"}.
{"Time delay","Opóźnienie"}. {"Time delay","Opóźnienie"}.
{"To","Do"}. {"To","Do"}.
{"Token TTL","Limit czasu tokenu"}. {"Token TTL","Limit czasu tokenu"}.
{"Too many active bytestreams","Zbyt wiele strumieni danych"}. {"Too many active bytestreams","Zbyt wiele strumieni danych"}.
{"Too many CAPTCHA requests","Za dużo żądań CAPTCHA"}. {"Too many CAPTCHA requests","Za dużo żądań CAPTCHA"}.
{"Too many <item/> elements","Zbyt wiele elementów <item/>"}. {"Too many <item/> elements","Zbyt wiele elementów <item/>"}.
{"Too many <list/> elements","Zbyt wiele elementów <list/>"}. {"Too many <list/> elements","Zbyt wiele elementów <list/>"}.
{"Too many (~p) failed authentications from this IP address (~s). The address will be unblocked at ~s UTC","Zbyt wiele (~p) nieudanych prób logowanie z tego adresu IP (~s). Ten adres zostanie odblokowany o ~s UTC"}.
{"Too many unacked stanzas","Zbyt wiele niepotwierdzonych pakietów"}. {"Too many unacked stanzas","Zbyt wiele niepotwierdzonych pakietów"}.
{"Too many users in this conference","Zbyt wielu użytkowników konferencji"}. {"Too many users in this conference","Zbyt wielu użytkowników konferencji"}.
{"To register, visit ~s","Żeby się zarejestrować odwiedź ~s"}.
{"To ~s","Do ~s"}.
{"Total rooms","Wszystkich pokoi"}. {"Total rooms","Wszystkich pokoi"}.
{"Traffic rate limit is exceeded","Limit transferu przekroczony"}. {"Traffic rate limit is exceeded","Limit transferu przekroczony"}.
{"Transactions Aborted:","Transakcje anulowane:"}. {"Transactions Aborted:","Transakcje anulowane:"}.
@ -401,29 +375,25 @@
{"Unregister a Jabber account","Usuń konto Jabber"}. {"Unregister a Jabber account","Usuń konto Jabber"}.
{"Unregister","Wyrejestruj"}. {"Unregister","Wyrejestruj"}.
{"Unsupported <index/> element","Nieobsługiwany element <index/>"}. {"Unsupported <index/> element","Nieobsługiwany element <index/>"}.
{"Update message of the day (don't send)","Aktualizuj wiadomość dnia (bez wysyłania)"}. {"Update message of the day (don't send)","Aktualizuj wiadomość dnia (bez wysyłania)"}.
{"Update message of the day on all hosts (don't send)","Aktualizuj wiadomość dnia na wszystkich hostach (bez wysyłania)"}. {"Update message of the day on all hosts (don't send)","Aktualizuj wiadomość dnia na wszystkich hostach (bez wysyłania)"}.
{"Update plan","Plan aktualizacji"}. {"Update plan","Plan aktualizacji"}.
{"Update ~p","Uaktualnij ~p"}. {"Update ~p","Uaktualnij ~p"}.
{"Update script","Skrypt aktualizacji"}. {"Update script","Skrypt aktualizacji"}.
{"Uptime:","Czas pracy:"}. {"Uptime:","Czas pracy:"}.
{"User already exists","Użytkownik już istnieje"}. {"User already exists","Użytkownik już istnieje"}.
{"User (jid)","Użytkownik (jid)"}. {"User (jid)","Użytkownik (jid)"}.
{"User Management","Zarządzanie użytkownikami"}. {"User Management","Zarządzanie użytkownikami"}.
{"Username:","Nazwa użytkownika:"}.
{"Users are not allowed to register accounts so quickly","Użytkowncy nie mogą tak szybko rejestrować nowych kont"}.
{"User session not found","Sesja użytkownika nie została znaleziona"}. {"User session not found","Sesja użytkownika nie została znaleziona"}.
{"User session terminated","Sesja użytkownika została zakończona"}. {"User session terminated","Sesja użytkownika została zakończona"}.
{"Username:","Nazwa użytkownika:"}.
{"Users are not allowed to register accounts so quickly","Użytkowncy nie mogą tak szybko rejestrować nowych kont"}.
{"Users Last Activity","Ostatnia aktywność użytkowników"}. {"Users Last Activity","Ostatnia aktywność użytkowników"}.
{"Users","Użytkownicy"}. {"Users","Użytkownicy"}.
{"User ~s","Użytkownik ~s"}.
{"User","Użytkownik"}. {"User","Użytkownik"}.
{"Validate","Potwierdź"}. {"Validate","Potwierdź"}.
{"Value 'get' of 'type' attribute is not allowed","Wartość 'get' dla atrybutu 'type' jest niedozwolona"}. {"Value 'get' of 'type' attribute is not allowed","Wartość 'get' dla atrybutu 'type' jest niedozwolona"}.
{"Value of '~s' should be boolean","Wartość '~s' powinna być typu logicznego"}.
{"Value of '~s' should be datetime string","Wartość '~s' powinna być typu daty"}.
{"Value of '~s' should be integer","Wartość '~s' powinna być liczbą"}.
{"Value 'set' of 'type' attribute is not allowed","Wartość 'set' dla atrybutu 'type' jest niedozwolona"}. {"Value 'set' of 'type' attribute is not allowed","Wartość 'set' dla atrybutu 'type' jest niedozwolona"}.
{"vCard User Search","Wyszukiwanie vCard użytkowników"}. {"vCard User Search","Wyszukiwanie vCard użytkowników"}.
{"Virtual Hosts","Wirtualne Hosty"}. {"Virtual Hosts","Wirtualne Hosty"}.
@ -441,6 +411,6 @@
{"You need an x:data capable client to search","Potrzebujesz klienta obsługującego x:data aby wyszukiwać"}. {"You need an x:data capable client to search","Potrzebujesz klienta obsługującego x:data aby wyszukiwać"}.
{"Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza.","Aktualna lista prywatności zabrania przesyłania tej stanzy."}. {"Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza.","Aktualna lista prywatności zabrania przesyłania tej stanzy."}.
{"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","Kolejka wiadomości offline adresata jest pełna. Wiadomość została odrzucona."}. {"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","Kolejka wiadomości offline adresata jest pełna. Wiadomość została odrzucona."}.
{"You're not allowed to create nodes","Nie masz uprawnień do tworzenia węzłów"}.
{"Your Jabber account was successfully created.","Twoje konto zostało stworzone."}. {"Your Jabber account was successfully created.","Twoje konto zostało stworzone."}.
{"Your Jabber account was successfully deleted.","Twoje konto zostało usunięte."}. {"Your Jabber account was successfully deleted.","Twoje konto zostało usunięte."}.
{"You're not allowed to create nodes","Nie masz uprawnień do tworzenia węzłów"}.

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,14 +1,17 @@
%% -*- coding: utf-8 -*- %% -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
{" has set the subject to: "," mudou o assunto para: "}.
{"A password is required to enter this room","Se necessita senha para entrar nesta sala"}.
{"Accept","Aceito"}. {"Accept","Aceito"}.
{"Access denied by service policy","Acesso negado pela política do serviço"}. {"Access denied by service policy","Acesso negado pela política do serviço"}.
{"Action on user","Ação no usuário"}. {"Action on user","Ação no usuário"}.
{"Add Jabber ID","Adicionar ID jabber"}. {"Add Jabber ID","Adicionar ID jabber"}.
{"Add New","Adicionar novo"}. {"Add New","Adicionar novo"}.
{"Add User","Adicionar usuário"}. {"Add User","Adicionar usuário"}.
{"Administration of ","Administração de "}. {"Administration of ","Administração de "}.
{"Administrator privileges required","Se necessita privilégios de administrador"}. {"Administrator privileges required","Se necessita privilégios de administrador"}.
{"All activity","Todas atividades"}. {"All activity","Todas atividades"}.
{"All Users","Todos os usuários"}.
{"Allow users to change the subject","Permitir a usuários modificar o assunto"}. {"Allow users to change the subject","Permitir a usuários modificar o assunto"}.
{"Allow users to query other users","Permitir a usuários pesquisar informações sobre os demais"}. {"Allow users to query other users","Permitir a usuários pesquisar informações sobre os demais"}.
{"Allow users to send invites","Permitir a usuários envio de convites"}. {"Allow users to send invites","Permitir a usuários envio de convites"}.
@ -16,23 +19,20 @@
{"Allow visitors to change nickname","Permitir mudança de apelido aos visitantes"}. {"Allow visitors to change nickname","Permitir mudança de apelido aos visitantes"}.
{"Allow visitors to send private messages to","Permitir visitantes enviar mensagem privada para"}. {"Allow visitors to send private messages to","Permitir visitantes enviar mensagem privada para"}.
{"Allow visitors to send status text in presence updates","Permitir atualizações de status aos visitantes"}. {"Allow visitors to send status text in presence updates","Permitir atualizações de status aos visitantes"}.
{"All Users","Todos os usuários"}.
{"Announcements","Anúncios"}. {"Announcements","Anúncios"}.
{"A password is required to enter this room","Se necessita senha para entrar nesta sala"}.
{"April","Abril"}. {"April","Abril"}.
{"August","Agosto"}. {"August","Agosto"}.
{"Automatic node creation is not enabled","Criação automatizada de nós está desabilitada"}. {"Automatic node creation is not enabled","Criação automatizada de nós está desabilitada"}.
{"Backup Management","Gestão de Backup"}. {"Backup Management","Gestão de Backup"}.
{"Backup of ~p","Backup de ~p"}. {"Backup of ~p","Backup de ~p"}.
{"Backup","Salvar cópia de segurança"}.
{"Backup to File at ","Salvar backup para arquivo em "}. {"Backup to File at ","Salvar backup para arquivo em "}.
{"Backup","Salvar cópia de segurança"}.
{"Bad format","Formato incorreto"}. {"Bad format","Formato incorreto"}.
{"Birthday","Aniversário"}. {"Birthday","Aniversário"}.
{"Both the username and the resource are required","Nome de usuário e recurso são necessários"}. {"Both the username and the resource are required","Nome de usuário e recurso são necessários"}.
{"Bytestream already activated","Bytestream já foi ativado"}. {"Bytestream already activated","Bytestream já foi ativado"}.
{"Cannot remove active list","Não é possível remover uma lista ativa"}. {"Cannot remove active list","Não é possível remover uma lista ativa"}.
{"Cannot remove default list","Não é possível remover uma lista padrão"}. {"Cannot remove default list","Não é possível remover uma lista padrão"}.
{"CAPTCHA web page","CAPTCHA web page"}.
{"Change Password","Mudar senha"}. {"Change Password","Mudar senha"}.
{"Change User Password","Alterar Senha do Usuário"}. {"Change User Password","Alterar Senha do Usuário"}.
{"Characters not allowed:","Caracteres não aceitos:"}. {"Characters not allowed:","Caracteres não aceitos:"}.
@ -43,24 +43,22 @@
{"Chatroom is stopped","A sala de chat está parada"}. {"Chatroom is stopped","A sala de chat está parada"}.
{"Chatrooms","Salas de Chat"}. {"Chatrooms","Salas de Chat"}.
{"Choose a username and password to register with this server","Escolha um nome de usuário e senha para registrar-se neste servidor"}. {"Choose a username and password to register with this server","Escolha um nome de usuário e senha para registrar-se neste servidor"}.
{"Choose modules to stop","Selecione módulos a parar"}.
{"Choose storage type of tables","Selecione o tipo de armazenamento das tabelas"}. {"Choose storage type of tables","Selecione o tipo de armazenamento das tabelas"}.
{"Choose whether to approve this entity's subscription.","Aprovar esta assinatura."}. {"Choose whether to approve this entity's subscription.","Aprovar esta assinatura."}.
{"City","Cidade"}. {"City","Cidade"}.
{"Commands","Comandos"}. {"Commands","Comandos"}.
{"Conference room does not exist","A sala de conferência não existe"}. {"Conference room does not exist","A sala de conferência não existe"}.
{"Configuration","Configuração"}. {"Configuration","Configuração"}.
{"Configuration of room ~s","Configuração para ~s"}.
{"Connected Resources:","Recursos conectados:"}. {"Connected Resources:","Recursos conectados:"}.
{"Country","País"}. {"Country","País"}.
{"CPU Time:","Tempo de CPU"}. {"CPU Time:","Tempo de CPU"}.
{"Database","Base de dados"}.
{"Database Tables at ~p","Tabelas da Base de dados em ~p"}. {"Database Tables at ~p","Tabelas da Base de dados em ~p"}.
{"Database Tables Configuration at ","Configuração de Tabelas de Base de dados em "}. {"Database Tables Configuration at ","Configuração de Tabelas de Base de dados em "}.
{"Database","Base de dados"}.
{"December","Dezembro"}. {"December","Dezembro"}.
{"Default users as participants","Usuários padrões como participantes"}. {"Default users as participants","Usuários padrões como participantes"}.
{"Delete message of the day","Apagar mensagem do dia"}.
{"Delete message of the day on all hosts","Apagar a mensagem do dia em todos os hosts"}. {"Delete message of the day on all hosts","Apagar a mensagem do dia em todos os hosts"}.
{"Delete message of the day","Apagar mensagem do dia"}.
{"Delete Selected","Remover os selecionados"}. {"Delete Selected","Remover os selecionados"}.
{"Delete User","Deletar Usuário"}. {"Delete User","Deletar Usuário"}.
{"Description:","Descrição:"}. {"Description:","Descrição:"}.
@ -83,7 +81,6 @@
{"Enable logging","Permitir criação de logs"}. {"Enable logging","Permitir criação de logs"}.
{"Enabling push without 'node' attribute is not supported","Abilitar push sem o atributo 'node' não é suportado"}. {"Enabling push without 'node' attribute is not supported","Abilitar push sem o atributo 'node' não é suportado"}.
{"End User Session","Terminar Sessão do Usuário"}. {"End User Session","Terminar Sessão do Usuário"}.
{"Enter list of {Module, [Options]}","Introduza lista de {módulo, [opções]}"}.
{"Enter nickname you want to register","Introduza o apelido que quer registrar"}. {"Enter nickname you want to register","Introduza o apelido que quer registrar"}.
{"Enter path to backup file","Introduza o caminho do arquivo de backup"}. {"Enter path to backup file","Introduza o caminho do arquivo de backup"}.
{"Enter path to jabberd14 spool dir","Introduza o caminho para o diretório de fila do jabberd14"}. {"Enter path to jabberd14 spool dir","Introduza o caminho para o diretório de fila do jabberd14"}.
@ -101,13 +98,11 @@
{"Failed to extract JID from your voice request approval","Não foi possível extrair o JID (Jabber ID) da requisição de voz"}. {"Failed to extract JID from your voice request approval","Não foi possível extrair o JID (Jabber ID) da requisição de voz"}.
{"Failed to map delegated namespace to external component","Falha ao mapear namespace delegado ao componente externo"}. {"Failed to map delegated namespace to external component","Falha ao mapear namespace delegado ao componente externo"}.
{"Failed to parse HTTP response","Falha ao analisar resposta HTTP"}. {"Failed to parse HTTP response","Falha ao analisar resposta HTTP"}.
{"Failed to process option '~s'","Falha ao processar opção '~s'"}.
{"Family Name","Sobrenome"}. {"Family Name","Sobrenome"}.
{"February","Fevereiro"}. {"February","Fevereiro"}.
{"File larger than ~w bytes","Arquivo maior que ~w bytes"}. {"File larger than ~w bytes","Arquivo maior que ~w bytes"}.
{"Friday","Sexta"}. {"Friday","Sexta"}.
{"From","De"}. {"From","De"}.
{"From ~s","De ~s"}.
{"Full Name","Nome completo"}. {"Full Name","Nome completo"}.
{"Get Number of Online Users","Obter Número de Usuários Online"}. {"Get Number of Online Users","Obter Número de Usuários Online"}.
{"Get Number of Registered Users","Obter Número de Usuários Registrados"}. {"Get Number of Registered Users","Obter Número de Usuários Registrados"}.
@ -117,13 +112,12 @@
{"Group ","Grupo "}. {"Group ","Grupo "}.
{"Groups","Grupos"}. {"Groups","Grupos"}.
{"has been banned","foi banido"}. {"has been banned","foi banido"}.
{"has been kicked because of an affiliation change","foi desconectado porque por afiliação inválida"}.
{"has been kicked because of a system shutdown","foi desconectado porque o sistema foi desligado"}. {"has been kicked because of a system shutdown","foi desconectado porque o sistema foi desligado"}.
{"has been kicked because of an affiliation change","foi desconectado porque por afiliação inválida"}.
{"has been kicked because the room has been changed to members-only","foi desconectado porque a política da sala mudou, só membros são permitidos"}. {"has been kicked because the room has been changed to members-only","foi desconectado porque a política da sala mudou, só membros são permitidos"}.
{"has been kicked","foi removido"}. {"has been kicked","foi removido"}.
{" has set the subject to: "," mudou o assunto para: "}.
{"Host unknown","Máquina desconhecida"}. {"Host unknown","Máquina desconhecida"}.
{"If you don't see the CAPTCHA image here, visit the web page.","Se você não conseguir ver o CAPTCHA aqui, visite a web page."}. {"If you don't see the CAPTCHA image here, visit the web page.","Se você não conseguir ver o CAPTCHA aqui, visite a web page."}.
{"Import Directory","Importar diretório"}. {"Import Directory","Importar diretório"}.
{"Import File","Importar arquivo"}. {"Import File","Importar arquivo"}.
@ -145,10 +139,9 @@
{"Invalid 'from' attribute in forwarded message","Atributo 'from' inválido na mensagem reenviada"}. {"Invalid 'from' attribute in forwarded message","Atributo 'from' inválido na mensagem reenviada"}.
{"IP addresses","Endereços IP"}. {"IP addresses","Endereços IP"}.
{"is now known as","é agora conhecido como"}. {"is now known as","é agora conhecido como"}.
{"It is not allowed to send error messages to the room. The participant (~s) has sent an error message (~s) and got kicked from the room","Não é permitido o envio de mensagens de erro a esta sala. O membro (~s) enviou uma mensagem de erro (~s) e foi desconectado (\"kicked\")."}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages","Não é permitido enviar mensagens privadas"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","Não é permitido enviar mensagens privadas do tipo \"groupchat\""}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","Não é permitido enviar mensagens privadas do tipo \"groupchat\""}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","Não é permitido enviar mensagens privadas para a sala de conferência"}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","Não é permitido enviar mensagens privadas para a sala de conferência"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages","Não é permitido enviar mensagens privadas"}.
{"Jabber Account Registration","Registro de Contas Jabber"}. {"Jabber Account Registration","Registro de Contas Jabber"}.
{"Jabber ID","ID Jabber"}. {"Jabber ID","ID Jabber"}.
{"January","Janeiro"}. {"January","Janeiro"}.
@ -160,7 +153,6 @@
{"Last month","Último mês"}. {"Last month","Último mês"}.
{"Last year","Último ano"}. {"Last year","Último ano"}.
{"leaves the room","Sair da sala"}. {"leaves the room","Sair da sala"}.
{"List of modules to start","Listas de módulos para inicializar"}.
{"List of rooms","Lista de salas"}. {"List of rooms","Lista de salas"}.
{"Low level update script","Script de atualização low level"}. {"Low level update script","Script de atualização low level"}.
{"Make participants list public","Tornar pública a lista de participantes"}. {"Make participants list public","Tornar pública a lista de participantes"}.
@ -183,7 +175,6 @@
{"Moderator privileges required","Se necessita privilégios de moderador"}. {"Moderator privileges required","Se necessita privilégios de moderador"}.
{"Modified modules","Módulos atualizados"}. {"Modified modules","Módulos atualizados"}.
{"Module failed to handle the query","Módulo falhou ao processar a consulta"}. {"Module failed to handle the query","Módulo falhou ao processar a consulta"}.
{"Monday","Segunda"}. {"Monday","Segunda"}.
{"Multicast","Multicast"}. {"Multicast","Multicast"}.
{"Multiple <item/> elements are not allowed by RFC6121","Vários elementos <item/> não são permitidos pela RFC6121"}. {"Multiple <item/> elements are not allowed by RFC6121","Vários elementos <item/> não são permitidos pela RFC6121"}.
@ -194,26 +185,18 @@
{"Neither 'role' nor 'affiliation' attribute found","Nem o atributo 'role' nem 'affiliation' foram encontrados"}. {"Neither 'role' nor 'affiliation' attribute found","Nem o atributo 'role' nem 'affiliation' foram encontrados"}.
{"Never","Nunca"}. {"Never","Nunca"}.
{"New Password:","Nova Senha:"}. {"New Password:","Nova Senha:"}.
{"Nickname Registration at ","Registro do apelido em "}. {"Nickname Registration at ","Registro do apelido em "}.
{"Nickname ~s does not exist in the room","O apelido ~s não existe na sala"}. {"Nickname","Apelido"}.
{"No 'affiliation' attribute found","Atributo 'affiliation' não foi encontrado"}. {"No 'affiliation' attribute found","Atributo 'affiliation' não foi encontrado"}.
{"No available resource found","Nenhum recurso disponível foi encontrado"}. {"No available resource found","Nenhum recurso disponível foi encontrado"}.
{"No body provided for announce message","Nenhum corpo de texto fornecido para anunciar mensagem"}. {"No body provided for announce message","Nenhum corpo de texto fornecido para anunciar mensagem"}.
{"No Data","Nenhum dado"}. {"No Data","Nenhum dado"}.
{"Node already exists","Nó já existe"}.
{"Node not found","Nó não encontrado"}.
{"Node ~p","Nó ~p"}.
{"Nodeprep has failed","Processo de identificação de nó falhou (nodeprep)"}.
{"No features available","Nenhuma funcionalidade disponível"}. {"No features available","Nenhuma funcionalidade disponível"}.
{"No hook has processed this command","Nenhum hook processou este comando"}. {"No hook has processed this command","Nenhum hook processou este comando"}.
{"No info about last activity found","Não foi encontrada informação sobre última atividade"}. {"No info about last activity found","Não foi encontrada informação sobre última atividade"}.
{"No items found in this query","Nenhum item encontrado nesta consulta"}. {"No items found in this query","Nenhum item encontrado nesta consulta"}.
{"No limit","Ilimitado"}. {"No limit","Ilimitado"}.
{"No module is handling this query","Nenhum módulo está processando esta consulta"}. {"No module is handling this query","Nenhum módulo está processando esta consulta"}.
{"No 'modules' found in data form","'modules' não foi encontrado em formulário de dados"}.
{"No node specified","Nenhum nó especificado"}. {"No node specified","Nenhum nó especificado"}.
{"No 'password' found in data form","'password' não foi encontrado em formulário de dados"}. {"No 'password' found in data form","'password' não foi encontrado em formulário de dados"}.
{"No 'password' found in this query","'password' não foi encontrado nesta consulta"}. {"No 'password' found in this query","'password' não foi encontrado nesta consulta"}.
@ -223,8 +206,14 @@
{"No private data found in this query","Nenhum dado privado encontrado nesta consulta"}. {"No private data found in this query","Nenhum dado privado encontrado nesta consulta"}.
{"No services available","Não há serviços disponíveis"}. {"No services available","Não há serviços disponíveis"}.
{"No statistics found for this item","Não foram encontradas estatísticas para este item"}. {"No statistics found for this item","Não foram encontradas estatísticas para este item"}.
{"Not Found","Não encontrado"}.
{"No 'to' attribute found in the invitation","Atributo 'to' não foi encontrado no convite"}. {"No 'to' attribute found in the invitation","Atributo 'to' não foi encontrado no convite"}.
{"Node already exists","Nó já existe"}.
{"Node not found","Nó não encontrado"}.
{"Node ~p","Nó ~p"}.
{"Nodeprep has failed","Processo de identificação de nó falhou (nodeprep)"}.
{"Not Found","Não encontrado"}.
{"Not subscribed","Não subscrito"}. {"Not subscribed","Não subscrito"}.
{"November","Novembro"}. {"November","Novembro"}.
{"Number of online users","Número de usuários online"}. {"Number of online users","Número de usuários online"}.
@ -234,9 +223,9 @@
{"Offline Messages:","Mensagens offline"}. {"Offline Messages:","Mensagens offline"}.
{"OK","OK"}. {"OK","OK"}.
{"Old Password:","Senha Antiga:"}. {"Old Password:","Senha Antiga:"}.
{"Online Users","Usuários conectados"}. {"Online Users","Usuários conectados"}.
{"Online Users:","Usuários online"}. {"Online Users:","Usuários online"}.
{"Only <enable/> or <disable/> tags are allowed","Apenas tags <enable/> ou <disable/> são permitidas"}. {"Only <enable/> or <disable/> tags are allowed","Apenas tags <enable/> ou <disable/> são permitidas"}.
{"Only <list/> element is allowed in this query","Apenas elemento <list/> é permitido nesta consulta"}. {"Only <list/> element is allowed in this query","Apenas elemento <list/> é permitido nesta consulta"}.
{"Only members may query archives of this room","Somente os membros podem procurar nos arquivos desta sala"}. {"Only members may query archives of this room","Somente os membros podem procurar nos arquivos desta sala"}.
@ -252,11 +241,10 @@
{"Outgoing s2s Connections:","Conexões s2s de Saída"}. {"Outgoing s2s Connections:","Conexões s2s de Saída"}.
{"Owner privileges required","Se requer privilégios de proprietário da sala"}. {"Owner privileges required","Se requer privilégios de proprietário da sala"}.
{"Packet","Pacote"}. {"Packet","Pacote"}.
{"Parse failed","Análise de dados falhou"}.
{"Password Verification","Verificação de Senha"}. {"Password Verification","Verificação de Senha"}.
{"Password Verification:","Verificação de Senha"}. {"Password Verification:","Verificação de Senha"}.
{"Path to Dir","Caminho para o diretório"}. {"Path to Dir","Caminho para o diretório"}.
{"Path to File","Caminho do arquivo"}. {"Path to File","Caminho do arquivo"}.
{"Pending","Pendente"}. {"Pending","Pendente"}.
@ -281,12 +269,12 @@
{"Register","Registrar"}. {"Register","Registrar"}.
{"Remote copy","Cópia remota"}. {"Remote copy","Cópia remota"}.
{"Remove All Offline Messages","Remover Todas as Mensagens Offline"}. {"Remove All Offline Messages","Remover Todas as Mensagens Offline"}.
{"Remove User","Remover usuário"}. {"Remove User","Remover usuário"}.
{"Replaced by new connection","Substituído por nova conexão"}. {"Replaced by new connection","Substituído por nova conexão"}.
{"Resources","Recursos"}. {"Resources","Recursos"}.
{"Restart Service","Reiniciar Serviço"}. {"Restart Service","Reiniciar Serviço"}.
{"Restore Backup from File at ","Restaurar backup a partir do arquivo em "}. {"Restore Backup from File at ","Restaurar backup a partir do arquivo em "}.
{"Restore binary backup after next ejabberd restart (requires less memory):","Restaurar backup binário após reinicialização do ejabberd (requer menos memória):"}. {"Restore binary backup after next ejabberd restart (requires less memory):","Restaurar backup binário após reinicialização do ejabberd (requer menos memória):"}.
{"Restore binary backup immediately:","Restaurar backup binário imediatamente"}. {"Restore binary backup immediately:","Restaurar backup binário imediatamente"}.
@ -297,22 +285,19 @@
{"Room description","Descrição da Sala"}. {"Room description","Descrição da Sala"}.
{"Room Occupants","Número de participantes"}. {"Room Occupants","Número de participantes"}.
{"Room title","Título da sala"}. {"Room title","Título da sala"}.
{"Roster","Lista de contatos"}.
{"Roster module has failed","O módulo Roster falhou"}.
{"Roster of ","Lista de contatos de "}.
{"Roster size","Tamanho da Lista"}. {"Roster size","Tamanho da Lista"}.
{"Roster","Lista de contatos"}.
{"RPC Call Error","Erro de chamada RPC"}. {"RPC Call Error","Erro de chamada RPC"}.
{"Running Nodes","Nós em execução"}. {"Running Nodes","Nós em execução"}.
{"Saturday","Sábado"}. {"Saturday","Sábado"}.
{"Script check","Verificação de Script"}. {"Script check","Verificação de Script"}.
{"Search Results for ","Resultados de pesquisa para "}. {"Search Results for ","Resultados de pesquisa para "}.
{"Search users in ","Procurar usuários em "}. {"Search users in ","Procurar usuários em "}.
{"Send announcement to all online users","Enviar anúncio a todos os usuárions online"}.
{"Send announcement to all online users on all hosts","Enviar anúncio a todos usuários online em todas as máquinas"}. {"Send announcement to all online users on all hosts","Enviar anúncio a todos usuários online em todas as máquinas"}.
{"Send announcement to all users","Enviar anúncio a todos os usuários"}. {"Send announcement to all online users","Enviar anúncio a todos os usuárions online"}.
{"Send announcement to all users on all hosts","Enviar aviso para todos os usuários em todos os hosts"}. {"Send announcement to all users on all hosts","Enviar aviso para todos os usuários em todos os hosts"}.
{"Send announcement to all users","Enviar anúncio a todos os usuários"}.
{"September","Setembro"}. {"September","Setembro"}.
{"Server connections to local subdomains are forbidden","Conexões de servidor a subdomínios locais estão proibidas"}.
{"Server:","Servidor:"}. {"Server:","Servidor:"}.
{"Set message of the day and send to online users","Definir mensagem do dia e enviar a todos usuários online"}. {"Set message of the day and send to online users","Definir mensagem do dia e enviar a todos usuários online"}.
{"Set message of the day on all hosts and send to online users","Definir mensagem do dia em todos os hosts e enviar para os usuários online"}. {"Set message of the day on all hosts and send to online users","Definir mensagem do dia em todos os hosts e enviar para os usuários online"}.
@ -320,15 +305,9 @@
{"Show Integral Table","Mostrar Tabela Integral"}. {"Show Integral Table","Mostrar Tabela Integral"}.
{"Show Ordinary Table","Mostrar Tabela Ordinária"}. {"Show Ordinary Table","Mostrar Tabela Ordinária"}.
{"Shut Down Service","Parar Serviço"}. {"Shut Down Service","Parar Serviço"}.
{"~s invites you to the room ~s","~s convidou você para a sala ~s"}.
{"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons.","Alguns clientes jabber podem salvar a sua senha no seu computador. Use o recurso somente se você considera este computador seguro o suficiente."}. {"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons.","Alguns clientes jabber podem salvar a sua senha no seu computador. Use o recurso somente se você considera este computador seguro o suficiente."}.
{"~s's Offline Messages Queue","~s's Fila de Mensagens Offline"}.
{"Start Modules at ","Iniciar módulos em "}.
{"Start Modules","Iniciar módulos"}.
{"Statistics of ~p","Estatísticas de ~p"}. {"Statistics of ~p","Estatísticas de ~p"}.
{"Stop Modules at ","Parar módulos em "}. {"Statistics","Estatísticas"}.
{"Stop Modules","Parar módulos"}.
{"Stop","Parar"}. {"Stop","Parar"}.
{"Stopped Nodes","Nós parados"}. {"Stopped Nodes","Nós parados"}.
{"Storage Type","Tipo de armazenamento"}. {"Storage Type","Tipo de armazenamento"}.
@ -346,15 +325,15 @@
{"The CAPTCHA verification has failed","A verificação do CAPTCHA falhou"}. {"The CAPTCHA verification has failed","A verificação do CAPTCHA falhou"}.
{"The feature requested is not supported by the conference","A funcionalidade solicitada não é suportada pela sala de conferência"}. {"The feature requested is not supported by the conference","A funcionalidade solicitada não é suportada pela sala de conferência"}.
{"The password contains unacceptable characters","A senha contém caracteres proibidos"}. {"The password contains unacceptable characters","A senha contém caracteres proibidos"}.
{"the password is","a senha é"}.
{"The password is too weak","Senha considerada muito fraca"}. {"The password is too weak","Senha considerada muito fraca"}.
{"the password is","a senha é"}.
{"The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed.","A senha da sua conta Jabber foi mudada com sucesso."}. {"The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed.","A senha da sua conta Jabber foi mudada com sucesso."}.
{"The query is only allowed from local users","Esta consulta só é permitida a partir de usuários locais"}. {"The query is only allowed from local users","Esta consulta só é permitida a partir de usuários locais"}.
{"The query must not contain <item/> elements","A consulta não pode conter elementos <item/>"}. {"The query must not contain <item/> elements","A consulta não pode conter elementos <item/>"}.
{"The stanza MUST contain only one <active/> element, one <default/> element, or one <list/> element","A instância DEVE conter apenas um elemento <active/>, um elemento <default/>, ou um elemento <list/>"}.
{"There was an error changing the password: ","Houve um erro ao mudar a senha: "}. {"There was an error changing the password: ","Houve um erro ao mudar a senha: "}.
{"There was an error creating the account: ","Houve um erro ao criar esta conta: "}. {"There was an error creating the account: ","Houve um erro ao criar esta conta: "}.
{"There was an error deleting the account: ","Houve um erro ao deletar esta conta: "}. {"There was an error deleting the account: ","Houve um erro ao deletar esta conta: "}.
{"The stanza MUST contain only one <active/> element, one <default/> element, or one <list/> element","A instância DEVE conter apenas um elemento <active/>, um elemento <default/>, ou um elemento <list/>"}.
{"This is case insensitive: macbeth is the same that MacBeth and Macbeth.","Não é 'case insensitive': macbeth é o mesmo que MacBeth e ainda Macbeth. "}. {"This is case insensitive: macbeth is the same that MacBeth and Macbeth.","Não é 'case insensitive': macbeth é o mesmo que MacBeth e ainda Macbeth. "}.
{"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID (Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields.","Esta pagina aceita criações de novas contas Jabber neste servidor. O seu JID (Identificador Jabber) será da seguinte forma: 'usuário@servidor'. Por favor, leia cuidadosamente as instruções para preencher corretamente os campos."}. {"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID (Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields.","Esta pagina aceita criações de novas contas Jabber neste servidor. O seu JID (Identificador Jabber) será da seguinte forma: 'usuário@servidor'. Por favor, leia cuidadosamente as instruções para preencher corretamente os campos."}.
{"This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server.","Esta página aceita para deletar uma conta Jabber neste servidor."}. {"This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server.","Esta página aceita para deletar uma conta Jabber neste servidor."}.
@ -366,11 +345,8 @@
{"Too many CAPTCHA requests","Número excessivo de requisições para o CAPTCHA"}. {"Too many CAPTCHA requests","Número excessivo de requisições para o CAPTCHA"}.
{"Too many <item/> elements","Número excessivo de elementos <item/>"}. {"Too many <item/> elements","Número excessivo de elementos <item/>"}.
{"Too many <list/> elements","Número excessivo de elementos <list/>"}. {"Too many <list/> elements","Número excessivo de elementos <list/>"}.
{"Too many (~p) failed authentications from this IP address (~s). The address will be unblocked at ~s UTC","Número excessivo (~p) de tentativas falhas de autenticação (~s). O endereço será desbloqueado às ~s UTC"}.
{"Too many unacked stanzas","Número excessivo de instâncias sem confirmação"}. {"Too many unacked stanzas","Número excessivo de instâncias sem confirmação"}.
{"To","Para"}. {"To","Para"}.
{"To register, visit ~s","Para registrar, visite ~s"}.
{"To ~s","Para ~s"}.
{"Total rooms","Salas no total"}. {"Total rooms","Salas no total"}.
{"Traffic rate limit is exceeded","Limite de banda excedido"}. {"Traffic rate limit is exceeded","Limite de banda excedido"}.
{"Transactions Aborted:","Transações abortadas:"}. {"Transactions Aborted:","Transações abortadas:"}.
@ -385,28 +361,24 @@
{"Unregister a Jabber account","Deletar conta Jabber"}. {"Unregister a Jabber account","Deletar conta Jabber"}.
{"Unregister","Deletar registro"}. {"Unregister","Deletar registro"}.
{"Unsupported <index/> element","Elemento <index/> não suportado"}. {"Unsupported <index/> element","Elemento <index/> não suportado"}.
{"Update message of the day (don't send)","Atualizar mensagem do dia (não enviar)"}. {"Update message of the day (don't send)","Atualizar mensagem do dia (não enviar)"}.
{"Update message of the day on all hosts (don't send)","Atualizar a mensagem do dia em todos os host (não enviar)"}. {"Update message of the day on all hosts (don't send)","Atualizar a mensagem do dia em todos os host (não enviar)"}.
{"Update ~p","Atualizar ~p"}. {"Update ~p","Atualizar ~p"}.
{"Update plan","Plano de Atualização"}. {"Update plan","Plano de Atualização"}.
{"Update script","Script de atualização"}. {"Update script","Script de atualização"}.
{"Uptime:","Uptime:"}. {"Uptime:","Uptime:"}.
{"User already exists","Usuário já existe"}. {"User already exists","Usuário já existe"}.
{"User (jid)","Usuário (jid)"}. {"User (jid)","Usuário (jid)"}.
{"User Management","Gerenciamento de Usuários"}. {"User Management","Gerenciamento de Usuários"}.
{"User session terminated","Sessão de usuário terminada"}.
{"Username:","Usuário:"}. {"Username:","Usuário:"}.
{"Users are not allowed to register accounts so quickly","Usuários não estão autorizados a registrar contas imediatamente"}. {"Users are not allowed to register accounts so quickly","Usuários não estão autorizados a registrar contas imediatamente"}.
{"User session terminated","Sessão de usuário terminada"}.
{"Users Last Activity","Últimas atividades dos usuários"}. {"Users Last Activity","Últimas atividades dos usuários"}.
{"User ~s","Usuário ~s"}.
{"Users","Usuários"}. {"Users","Usuários"}.
{"User","Usuário"}. {"User","Usuário"}.
{"Validate","Validar"}. {"Validate","Validar"}.
{"Value 'get' of 'type' attribute is not allowed","Valor 'get' não permitido para atributo 'type'"}. {"Value 'get' of 'type' attribute is not allowed","Valor 'get' não permitido para atributo 'type'"}.
{"Value of '~s' should be boolean","Value de '~s' deveria ser um booleano"}.
{"Value of '~s' should be datetime string","Valor de '~s' deveria ser data e hora"}.
{"Value of '~s' should be integer","Valor de '~s' deveria ser um inteiro"}.
{"Value 'set' of 'type' attribute is not allowed","Valor 'set' não permitido para atributo 'type'"}. {"Value 'set' of 'type' attribute is not allowed","Valor 'set' não permitido para atributo 'type'"}.
{"vCard User Search","Busca de Usuário vCard"}. {"vCard User Search","Busca de Usuário vCard"}.
{"Virtual Hosts","Hosts virtuais"}. {"Virtual Hosts","Hosts virtuais"}.

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
%% -*- coding: utf-8 -*- %% -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
{" has set the subject to: "," colocou o tópico: "}.
{"Access denied by service policy","Acesso negado pela política de serviço"}. {"Access denied by service policy","Acesso negado pela política de serviço"}.
{"Action on user","Acção no utilizador"}. {"Action on user","Acção no utilizador"}.
{"Add New","Adicionar novo"}. {"Add New","Adicionar novo"}.
@ -6,13 +7,12 @@
{"Administration of ","Administração de "}. {"Administration of ","Administração de "}.
{"Administrator privileges required","São necessários privilégios de administrador"}. {"Administrator privileges required","São necessários privilégios de administrador"}.
{"All Users","Todos os utilizadores"}. {"All Users","Todos os utilizadores"}.
{"Backup","Guardar cópia de segurança"}.
{"Backup Management","Gestão de cópias de segurança"}. {"Backup Management","Gestão de cópias de segurança"}.
{"Backup to File at ","Guardar cópia de segurança para ficheiro em "}. {"Backup to File at ","Guardar cópia de segurança para ficheiro em "}.
{"Backup","Guardar cópia de segurança"}.
{"Birthday","Data de nascimento"}. {"Birthday","Data de nascimento"}.
{"Change Password","Mudar palavra-chave"}. {"Change Password","Mudar palavra-chave"}.
{"Choose a username and password to register with this server","Escolha um nome de utilizador e palavra-chave para se registar neste servidor"}. {"Choose a username and password to register with this server","Escolha um nome de utilizador e palavra-chave para se registar neste servidor"}.
{"Choose modules to stop","Seleccione os módulos a parar"}.
{"Choose storage type of tables","Seleccione o tipo de armazenagem das tabelas"}. {"Choose storage type of tables","Seleccione o tipo de armazenagem das tabelas"}.
{"City","Cidade"}. {"City","Cidade"}.
{"Conference room does not exist","A sala não existe"}. {"Conference room does not exist","A sala não existe"}.
@ -26,7 +26,6 @@
{"Edit Properties","Editar propriedades"}. {"Edit Properties","Editar propriedades"}.
{"ejabberd MUC module","Módulo MUC de ejabberd"}. {"ejabberd MUC module","Módulo MUC de ejabberd"}.
{"ejabberd vCard module","Módulo vCard de ejabberd"}. {"ejabberd vCard module","Módulo vCard de ejabberd"}.
{"Enter list of {Module, [Options]}","Introduza lista de {módulos, [opções]}"}.
{"Enter nickname you want to register","Introduza a alcunha que quer registar"}. {"Enter nickname you want to register","Introduza a alcunha que quer registar"}.
{"Enter path to backup file","Introduza o caminho do ficheiro de cópia de segurança"}. {"Enter path to backup file","Introduza o caminho do ficheiro de cópia de segurança"}.
{"Enter path to jabberd14 spool dir","Introduza o caminho para o directório de spools do jabberd14"}. {"Enter path to jabberd14 spool dir","Introduza o caminho para o directório de spools do jabberd14"}.
@ -35,10 +34,8 @@
{"Erlang Jabber Server","Servidor Jabber em Erlang"}. {"Erlang Jabber Server","Servidor Jabber em Erlang"}.
{"Family Name","Apelido"}. {"Family Name","Apelido"}.
{"From","De"}. {"From","De"}.
{"From ~s","De ~s"}.
{"Full Name","Nome completo"}. {"Full Name","Nome completo"}.
{"Groups","Grupos"}. {"Groups","Grupos"}.
{" has set the subject to: "," colocou o tópico: "}.
{"Import Directory","Importar directório"}. {"Import Directory","Importar directório"}.
{"Import File","Importar ficheiro"}. {"Import File","Importar ficheiro"}.
{"Import User from File at ","Importar utilizador a partir do ficheiro em "}. {"Import User from File at ","Importar utilizador a partir do ficheiro em "}.
@ -48,23 +45,20 @@
{"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","Não é permitido enviar mensagens privadas do tipo \"groupchat\""}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","Não é permitido enviar mensagens privadas do tipo \"groupchat\""}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","Impedir o envio de mensagens privadas para a sala"}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","Impedir o envio de mensagens privadas para a sala"}.
{"Last Activity","Última actividade"}. {"Last Activity","Última actividade"}.
{"List of modules to start","Lista de módulos a iniciar"}.
{"Make room moderated","Tornar a sala moderada"}. {"Make room moderated","Tornar a sala moderada"}.
{"Memory","Memória"}. {"Memory","Memória"}.
{"Middle Name","Segundo nome"}. {"Middle Name","Segundo nome"}.
{"Moderator privileges required","São necessários privilégios de moderador"}. {"Moderator privileges required","São necessários privilégios de moderador"}.
{"Name","Nome"}. {"Name","Nome"}.
{"Never","Nunca"}. {"Never","Nunca"}.
{"Nickname Registration at ","Registo da alcunha em "}. {"Nickname Registration at ","Registo da alcunha em "}.
{"Nickname ~s does not exist in the room","A alcunha ~s não existe na sala"}. {"Nickname","Alcunha"}.
{"Node not found","Nodo não encontrado"}. {"Node not found","Nodo não encontrado"}.
{"Nodes","Nodos"}. {"Nodes","Nodos"}.
{"None","Nenhum"}. {"None","Nenhum"}.
{"OK","OK"}. {"OK","OK"}.
{"Online Users","Utilizadores ligados"}. {"Online Users","Utilizadores ligados"}.
{"Only occupants are allowed to send messages to the conference","Só os ocupantes podem enviar mensagens para a sala"}. {"Only occupants are allowed to send messages to the conference","Só os ocupantes podem enviar mensagens para a sala"}.
{"Only occupants are allowed to send queries to the conference","Só os ocupantes podem enviar consultas para a sala"}. {"Only occupants are allowed to send queries to the conference","Só os ocupantes podem enviar consultas para a sala"}.
{"Only service administrators are allowed to send service messages","Só os administradores do serviço têm permissão para enviar mensagens de serviço"}. {"Only service administrators are allowed to send service messages","Só os administradores do serviço têm permissão para enviar mensagens de serviço"}.
@ -83,21 +77,16 @@
{"RAM copy","Cópia em RAM"}. {"RAM copy","Cópia em RAM"}.
{"Recipient is not in the conference room","O destinatário não está na sala"}. {"Recipient is not in the conference room","O destinatário não está na sala"}.
{"Remote copy","Cópia remota"}. {"Remote copy","Cópia remota"}.
{"Remove User","Eliminar utilizador"}. {"Remove User","Eliminar utilizador"}.
{"Restart","Reiniciar"}. {"Restart","Reiniciar"}.
{"Restore Backup from File at ","Restaura cópia de segurança a partir do ficheiro em "}. {"Restore Backup from File at ","Restaura cópia de segurança a partir do ficheiro em "}.
{"Restore","Restaurar"}. {"Restore","Restaurar"}.
{"Room title","Título da sala"}. {"Room title","Título da sala"}.
{"Roster","Lista de contactos"}. {"Roster","Lista de contactos"}.
{"Roster of ","Lista de contactos de "}.
{"Running Nodes","Nodos a correr"}. {"Running Nodes","Nodos a correr"}.
{"Search users in ","Procurar utilizadores em "}. {"Search users in ","Procurar utilizadores em "}.
{"Start Modules at ","Iniciar os módulos em "}.
{"Start Modules","Iniciar módulos"}.
{"Statistics","Estatísticas"}. {"Statistics","Estatísticas"}.
{"Stop Modules at ","Parar módulos em "}.
{"Stop Modules","Parar módulos"}.
{"Stop","Parar"}. {"Stop","Parar"}.
{"Stopped Nodes","Nodos parados"}. {"Stopped Nodes","Nodos parados"}.
{"Storage Type","Tipo de armazenagem"}. {"Storage Type","Tipo de armazenagem"}.
@ -105,7 +94,6 @@
{"Subscription","Subscrição"}. {"Subscription","Subscrição"}.
{"Time","Data"}. {"Time","Data"}.
{"To","Para"}. {"To","Para"}.
{"To ~s","A ~s"}.
{"Update","Actualizar"}. {"Update","Actualizar"}.
{"Users","Utilizadores"}. {"Users","Utilizadores"}.
{"User","Utilizador"}. {"User","Utilizador"}.

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,16 +1,19 @@
%% -*- coding: utf-8 -*- %% -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
{" (Add * to the end of field to match substring)"," (Добавьте * в конец поля для поиска подстроки)"}.
{" has set the subject to: "," установил(а) тему: "}.
{"A password is required to enter this room","Чтобы войти в эту конференцию, нужен пароль"}.
{"Accept","Принять"}. {"Accept","Принять"}.
{"Access denied by service policy","Доступ запрещён политикой службы"}. {"Access denied by service policy","Доступ запрещён политикой службы"}.
{"Account doesn't exist","Учётная запись не существует"}. {"Account doesn't exist","Учётная запись не существует"}.
{"Action on user","Действие над пользователем"}. {"Action on user","Действие над пользователем"}.
{"Add Jabber ID","Добавить Jabber ID"}. {"Add Jabber ID","Добавить Jabber ID"}.
{"Add New","Добавить"}. {"Add New","Добавить"}.
{" (Add * to the end of field to match substring)"," (Добавьте * в конец поля для поиска подстроки)"}.
{"Add User","Добавить пользователя"}. {"Add User","Добавить пользователя"}.
{"Administration of ","Администрирование "}. {"Administration of ","Администрирование "}.
{"Administration","Администрирование"}. {"Administration","Администрирование"}.
{"Administrator privileges required","Требуются права администратора"}. {"Administrator privileges required","Требуются права администратора"}.
{"All activity","Вся статистика"}. {"All activity","Вся статистика"}.
{"All Users","Все пользователи"}.
{"Allow users to change the subject","Разрешить пользователям изменять тему"}. {"Allow users to change the subject","Разрешить пользователям изменять тему"}.
{"Allow users to query other users","Разрешить iq-запросы к пользователям"}. {"Allow users to query other users","Разрешить iq-запросы к пользователям"}.
{"Allow users to send invites","Разрешить пользователям посылать приглашения"}. {"Allow users to send invites","Разрешить пользователям посылать приглашения"}.
@ -18,9 +21,7 @@
{"Allow visitors to change nickname","Разрешить посетителям изменять псевдоним"}. {"Allow visitors to change nickname","Разрешить посетителям изменять псевдоним"}.
{"Allow visitors to send private messages to","Разрешить посетителям посылать приватные сообщения"}. {"Allow visitors to send private messages to","Разрешить посетителям посылать приватные сообщения"}.
{"Allow visitors to send status text in presence updates","Разрешить посетителям вставлять текcт статуса в сообщения о присутствии"}. {"Allow visitors to send status text in presence updates","Разрешить посетителям вставлять текcт статуса в сообщения о присутствии"}.
{"All Users","Все пользователи"}.
{"Announcements","Объявления"}. {"Announcements","Объявления"}.
{"A password is required to enter this room","Чтобы войти в эту конференцию, нужен пароль"}.
{"April","апреля"}. {"April","апреля"}.
{"Attribute 'channel' is required for this request","Атрибут 'channel' является обязательным для этого запроса"}. {"Attribute 'channel' is required for this request","Атрибут 'channel' является обязательным для этого запроса"}.
{"Attribute 'id' is mandatory for MIX messages","Атрибут 'id' является обязательным для MIX сообщений"}. {"Attribute 'id' is mandatory for MIX messages","Атрибут 'id' является обязательным для MIX сообщений"}.
@ -38,7 +39,6 @@
{"Bytestream already activated","Поток данных уже активирован"}. {"Bytestream already activated","Поток данных уже активирован"}.
{"Cannot remove active list","Невозможно удалить активный список"}. {"Cannot remove active list","Невозможно удалить активный список"}.
{"Cannot remove default list","Невозможно удалить список по умолчанию"}. {"Cannot remove default list","Невозможно удалить список по умолчанию"}.
{"CAPTCHA web page","Ссылка на капчу"}.
{"Change Password","Сменить пароль"}. {"Change Password","Сменить пароль"}.
{"Change User Password","Изменить пароль пользователя"}. {"Change User Password","Изменить пароль пользователя"}.
{"Changing password is not allowed","Изменение пароля не разрешено"}. {"Changing password is not allowed","Изменение пароля не разрешено"}.
@ -54,14 +54,12 @@
{"Chatroom is stopped","Комната остановлена"}. {"Chatroom is stopped","Комната остановлена"}.
{"Chatrooms","Комнаты"}. {"Chatrooms","Комнаты"}.
{"Choose a username and password to register with this server","Выберите имя пользователя и пароль для регистрации на этом сервере"}. {"Choose a username and password to register with this server","Выберите имя пользователя и пароль для регистрации на этом сервере"}.
{"Choose modules to stop","Выберите модули, которые следует остановить"}.
{"Choose storage type of tables","Выберите тип хранения таблиц"}. {"Choose storage type of tables","Выберите тип хранения таблиц"}.
{"Choose whether to approve this entity's subscription.","Решите: предоставить ли подписку этому объекту."}. {"Choose whether to approve this entity's subscription.","Решите: предоставить ли подписку этому объекту."}.
{"City","Город"}. {"City","Город"}.
{"Client acknowledged more stanzas than sent by server","Клиент подтвердил больше сообщений чем было отправлено сервером"}. {"Client acknowledged more stanzas than sent by server","Клиент подтвердил больше сообщений чем было отправлено сервером"}.
{"Commands","Команды"}. {"Commands","Команды"}.
{"Conference room does not exist","Конференция не существует"}. {"Conference room does not exist","Конференция не существует"}.
{"Configuration of room ~s","Конфигурация комнаты ~s"}.
{"Configuration","Конфигурация"}. {"Configuration","Конфигурация"}.
{"Connected Resources:","Подключённые ресурсы:"}. {"Connected Resources:","Подключённые ресурсы:"}.
{"Country","Страна"}. {"Country","Страна"}.
@ -87,20 +85,18 @@
{"Duplicated groups are not allowed by RFC6121","Группы с одинаковыми названиями запрещены стандартом RFC6121"}. {"Duplicated groups are not allowed by RFC6121","Группы с одинаковыми названиями запрещены стандартом RFC6121"}.
{"Edit Properties","Изменить параметры"}. {"Edit Properties","Изменить параметры"}.
{"Either approve or decline the voice request.","Подтвердите или отклоните право голоса."}. {"Either approve or decline the voice request.","Подтвердите или отклоните право голоса."}.
{"ejabberd MUC module","ejabberd MUC модуль"}. {"ejabberd MUC module","ejabberd MUC модуль"}.
{"ejabberd Multicast service","ejabberd Multicast сервис"}. {"ejabberd Multicast service","ejabberd Multicast сервис"}.
{"ejabberd Publish-Subscribe module","Модуль ejabberd Публикации-Подписки"}. {"ejabberd Publish-Subscribe module","Модуль ejabberd Публикации-Подписки"}.
{"ejabberd SOCKS5 Bytestreams module","ejabberd SOCKS5 Bytestreams модуль"}. {"ejabberd SOCKS5 Bytestreams module","ejabberd SOCKS5 Bytestreams модуль"}.
{"ejabberd vCard module","ejabberd vCard модуль"}. {"ejabberd vCard module","ejabberd vCard модуль"}.
{"ejabberd Web Admin","Web-интерфейс администрирования ejabberd"}. {"ejabberd Web Admin","Web-интерфейс администрирования ejabberd"}.
{"Elements","Элементы"}. {"Elements","Элементы"}.
{"Email","Электронная почта"}. {"Email","Электронная почта"}.
{"Empty password","Пустой пароль"}.
{"Enable logging","Включить журналирование"}. {"Enable logging","Включить журналирование"}.
{"Enabling push without 'node' attribute is not supported","Включение push-режима без атрибута 'node' не поддерживается"}. {"Enabling push without 'node' attribute is not supported","Включение push-режима без атрибута 'node' не поддерживается"}.
{"End User Session","Завершить сеанс пользователя"}. {"End User Session","Завершить сеанс пользователя"}.
{"Enter list of {Module, [Options]}","Введите список вида {Module, [Options]}"}.
{"Enter nickname you want to register","Введите псевдоним, который Вы хотели бы зарегистрировать"}. {"Enter nickname you want to register","Введите псевдоним, который Вы хотели бы зарегистрировать"}.
{"Enter path to backup file","Введите путь к резервному файлу"}. {"Enter path to backup file","Введите путь к резервному файлу"}.
{"Enter path to jabberd14 spool dir","Введите путь к директории спула jabberd14"}. {"Enter path to jabberd14 spool dir","Введите путь к директории спула jabberd14"}.
@ -118,13 +114,11 @@
{"Failed to extract JID from your voice request approval","Ошибка обработки JID из вашего запроса на право голоса"}. {"Failed to extract JID from your voice request approval","Ошибка обработки JID из вашего запроса на право голоса"}.
{"Failed to map delegated namespace to external component","Не получилось найти внешний сервис, делегирующий это пространство имён"}. {"Failed to map delegated namespace to external component","Не получилось найти внешний сервис, делегирующий это пространство имён"}.
{"Failed to parse HTTP response","Ошибка разбора HTTP ответа"}. {"Failed to parse HTTP response","Ошибка разбора HTTP ответа"}.
{"Failed to process option '~s'","Ошибка обработки опции '~s'"}.
{"Family Name","Фамилия"}. {"Family Name","Фамилия"}.
{"February","февраля"}. {"February","февраля"}.
{"File larger than ~w bytes","Файл больше ~w байт"}. {"File larger than ~w bytes","Файл больше ~w байт"}.
{"Fill in the form to search for any matching Jabber User","Заполните форму для поиска пользователя Jabber"}. {"Fill in the form to search for any matching Jabber User","Заполните форму для поиска пользователя Jabber"}.
{"Friday","Пятница"}. {"Friday","Пятница"}.
{"From ~s","От ~s"}.
{"From","От кого"}. {"From","От кого"}.
{"Full Name","Полное имя"}. {"Full Name","Полное имя"}.
{"Get Number of Online Users","Получить количество подключённых пользователей"}. {"Get Number of Online Users","Получить количество подключённых пользователей"}.
@ -134,14 +128,13 @@
{"Get User Password","Получить пароль пользователя"}. {"Get User Password","Получить пароль пользователя"}.
{"Get User Statistics","Получить статистику по пользователю"}. {"Get User Statistics","Получить статистику по пользователю"}.
{"Given Name","Имя"}. {"Given Name","Имя"}.
{"Group ","Группа "}. {"Group ","Группа "}.
{"has been banned","запретили входить в комнату"}. {"has been banned","запретили входить в комнату"}.
{"has been kicked because of an affiliation change","выгнали из комнаты вследствие смены ранга"}.
{"has been kicked because of a system shutdown","выгнали из комнаты из-за останова системы"}. {"has been kicked because of a system shutdown","выгнали из комнаты из-за останова системы"}.
{"has been kicked because of an affiliation change","выгнали из комнаты вследствие смены ранга"}.
{"has been kicked because the room has been changed to members-only","выгнали из комнаты потому что она стала только для членов"}. {"has been kicked because the room has been changed to members-only","выгнали из комнаты потому что она стала только для членов"}.
{"has been kicked","выгнали из комнаты"}. {"has been kicked","выгнали из комнаты"}.
{" has set the subject to: "," установил(а) тему: "}.
{"Host unknown","Неизвестное имя сервера"}. {"Host unknown","Неизвестное имя сервера"}.
{"Host","Хост"}. {"Host","Хост"}.
{"HTTP File Upload","Передача файлов по HTTP"}. {"HTTP File Upload","Передача файлов по HTTP"}.
@ -172,7 +165,6 @@
{"Invitations are not allowed in this conference","Рассылка приглашений отключена в этой конференции"}. {"Invitations are not allowed in this conference","Рассылка приглашений отключена в этой конференции"}.
{"IP addresses","IP адреса"}. {"IP addresses","IP адреса"}.
{"is now known as","изменил(а) имя на"}. {"is now known as","изменил(а) имя на"}.
{"It is not allowed to send error messages to the room. The participant (~s) has sent an error message (~s) and got kicked from the room","Запрещено посылать сообщения об ошибках в эту комнату. Участник (~s) послал сообщение об ошибке (~s) и был выкинут из комнаты"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","Нельзя посылать частные сообщения типа \"groupchat\""}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","Нельзя посылать частные сообщения типа \"groupchat\""}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","Не разрешается посылать частные сообщения прямо в конференцию"}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","Не разрешается посылать частные сообщения прямо в конференцию"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages","Запрещено посылать приватные сообщения"}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages","Запрещено посылать приватные сообщения"}.
@ -187,7 +179,6 @@
{"Last month","За последний месяц"}. {"Last month","За последний месяц"}.
{"Last year","За последний год"}. {"Last year","За последний год"}.
{"leaves the room","вышел(а) из комнаты"}. {"leaves the room","вышел(а) из комнаты"}.
{"List of modules to start","Список запускаемых модулей"}.
{"List of rooms","Список комнат"}. {"List of rooms","Список комнат"}.
{"Low level update script","Низкоуровневый сценарий обновления"}. {"Low level update script","Низкоуровневый сценарий обновления"}.
{"Make participants list public","Сделать список участников видимым всем"}. {"Make participants list public","Сделать список участников видимым всем"}.
@ -213,7 +204,6 @@
{"Moderator privileges required","Требуются права модератора"}. {"Moderator privileges required","Требуются права модератора"}.
{"Modified modules","Изменённые модули"}. {"Modified modules","Изменённые модули"}.
{"Module failed to handle the query","Ошибка модуля при обработке запроса"}. {"Module failed to handle the query","Ошибка модуля при обработке запроса"}.
{"Monday","Понедельник"}. {"Monday","Понедельник"}.
{"Multicast","Мультикаст"}. {"Multicast","Мультикаст"}.
{"Multiple <item/> elements are not allowed by RFC6121","Множественные элементы <item/> запрещены стандартом RFC6121"}. {"Multiple <item/> elements are not allowed by RFC6121","Множественные элементы <item/> запрещены стандартом RFC6121"}.
@ -226,7 +216,6 @@
{"New Password:","Новый пароль:"}. {"New Password:","Новый пароль:"}.
{"Nickname can't be empty","Псевдоним не может быть пустым значением"}. {"Nickname can't be empty","Псевдоним не может быть пустым значением"}.
{"Nickname Registration at ","Регистрация псевдонима на "}. {"Nickname Registration at ","Регистрация псевдонима на "}.
{"Nickname ~s does not exist in the room","Псевдоним ~s в комнате отсутствует"}.
{"Nickname","Псевдоним"}. {"Nickname","Псевдоним"}.
{"No address elements found","Не найден элемент <address/>"}. {"No address elements found","Не найден элемент <address/>"}.
{"No addresses element found","Не найден элемент <addresses/>"}. {"No addresses element found","Не найден элемент <addresses/>"}.
@ -236,12 +225,6 @@
{"No child elements found","Нет дочерних элементов"}. {"No child elements found","Нет дочерних элементов"}.
{"No data form found","Форма данных не найдена"}. {"No data form found","Форма данных не найдена"}.
{"No Data","Нет данных"}. {"No Data","Нет данных"}.
{"Node already exists","Узел уже существует"}.
{"Node index not found","Индекс узла не найден"}.
{"Node not found","Узел не найден"}.
{"Nodeprep has failed","Ошибка применения профиля Nodeprep"}.
{"Node ~p","Узел ~p"}.
{"No features available","Свойства недоступны"}. {"No features available","Свойства недоступны"}.
{"No <forwarded/> element found","Не найден элемент <forwarded/>"}. {"No <forwarded/> element found","Не найден элемент <forwarded/>"}.
{"No hook has processed this command","Ни один из хуков не выполнил эту команду"}. {"No hook has processed this command","Ни один из хуков не выполнил эту команду"}.
@ -250,8 +233,6 @@
{"No items found in this query","Не найдены элементы в этом запросе"}. {"No items found in this query","Не найдены элементы в этом запросе"}.
{"No limit","Не ограничено"}. {"No limit","Не ограничено"}.
{"No module is handling this query","Нет модуля который бы обработал этот запрос"}. {"No module is handling this query","Нет модуля который бы обработал этот запрос"}.
{"No 'modules' found in data form","Не найден 'modules' в форме данных"}.
{"No node specified","Узел не указан"}. {"No node specified","Узел не указан"}.
{"No 'password' found in data form","Не найден 'password' в форме данных"}. {"No 'password' found in data form","Не найден 'password' в форме данных"}.
{"No 'password' found in this query","Не найден 'password' в этом запросе"}. {"No 'password' found in this query","Не найден 'password' в этом запросе"}.
@ -262,9 +243,16 @@
{"No running node found","Нет работающих узлов"}. {"No running node found","Нет работающих узлов"}.
{"No services available","Нет доступных сервисов"}. {"No services available","Нет доступных сервисов"}.
{"No statistics found for this item","Не найдено статистики для этого элемента"}. {"No statistics found for this item","Не найдено статистики для этого элемента"}.
{"No 'to' attribute found in the invitation","Не найден атрибут 'to' в этом приглашении"}.
{"Node already exists","Узел уже существует"}.
{"Node index not found","Индекс узла не найден"}.
{"Node not found","Узел не найден"}.
{"Node ~p","Узел ~p"}.
{"Nodeprep has failed","Ошибка применения профиля Nodeprep"}.
{"Not allowed","Недопустимо"}. {"Not allowed","Недопустимо"}.
{"Not Found","Не Найдено"}. {"Not Found","Не Найдено"}.
{"No 'to' attribute found in the invitation","Не найден атрибут 'to' в этом приглашении"}.
{"Not subscribed","Нет подписки"}. {"Not subscribed","Нет подписки"}.
{"November","ноября"}. {"November","ноября"}.
{"Number of online users","Количество подключённых пользователей"}. {"Number of online users","Количество подключённых пользователей"}.
@ -293,7 +281,6 @@
{"Owner privileges required","Требуются права владельца"}. {"Owner privileges required","Требуются права владельца"}.
{"Packet relay is denied by service policy","Пересылка пакетов запрещена политикой службы"}. {"Packet relay is denied by service policy","Пересылка пакетов запрещена политикой службы"}.
{"Packet","Пакет"}. {"Packet","Пакет"}.
{"Parse failed","Ошибка разбора"}.
{"Password Verification","Проверка пароля"}. {"Password Verification","Проверка пароля"}.
{"Password Verification:","Проверка пароля:"}. {"Password Verification:","Проверка пароля:"}.
{"Password","Пароль"}. {"Password","Пароль"}.
@ -312,7 +299,6 @@
{"Previous session PID has been killed","Предыдущая сессия была убита"}. {"Previous session PID has been killed","Предыдущая сессия была убита"}.
{"Previous session PID has exited","Процесс предыдущей сессии завершён"}. {"Previous session PID has exited","Процесс предыдущей сессии завершён"}.
{"Previous session PID is dead","Предыдущая сессия мертва"}. {"Previous session PID is dead","Предыдущая сессия мертва"}.
{"Previous session PID not found","Не найден идентификатор процесса предыдущей сессии"}.
{"Previous session timed out","Предыдущая сессия не отвечает"}. {"Previous session timed out","Предыдущая сессия не отвечает"}.
{"private, ","приватная, "}. {"private, ","приватная, "}.
{"Publish-Subscribe","Публикация-Подписка"}. {"Publish-Subscribe","Публикация-Подписка"}.
@ -348,14 +334,11 @@
{"Room Occupants","Участники комнаты"}. {"Room Occupants","Участники комнаты"}.
{"Room terminates","Комната остановлена"}. {"Room terminates","Комната остановлена"}.
{"Room title","Название комнаты"}. {"Room title","Название комнаты"}.
{"Roster module has failed","Ошибка модуля roster"}.
{"Roster of ","Ростер пользователя "}.
{"Roster size","Размер списка контактов"}. {"Roster size","Размер списка контактов"}.
{"Roster","Ростер"}. {"Roster","Ростер"}.
{"RPC Call Error","Ошибка вызова RPC"}. {"RPC Call Error","Ошибка вызова RPC"}.
{"Running Nodes","Работающие узлы"}. {"Running Nodes","Работающие узлы"}.
{"Saturday","Суббота"}. {"Saturday","Суббота"}.
{"Scan failed","Ошибка сканирования"}.
{"Script check","Проверка сценария"}. {"Script check","Проверка сценария"}.
{"Search Results for ","Результаты поиска в "}. {"Search Results for ","Результаты поиска в "}.
{"Search users in ","Поиск пользователей в "}. {"Search users in ","Поиск пользователей в "}.
@ -365,7 +348,6 @@
{"Send announcement to all users on all hosts","Разослать объявление всем пользователям на всех виртуальных серверах"}. {"Send announcement to all users on all hosts","Разослать объявление всем пользователям на всех виртуальных серверах"}.
{"Send announcement to all users","Разослать объявление всем пользователям"}. {"Send announcement to all users","Разослать объявление всем пользователям"}.
{"September","сентября"}. {"September","сентября"}.
{"Server connections to local subdomains are forbidden","Серверные соединения с локальными поддоменами запрещены"}.
{"Server:","Сервер:"}. {"Server:","Сервер:"}.
{"Session state copying timed out","Таймаут копирования состояния сессии"}. {"Session state copying timed out","Таймаут копирования состояния сессии"}.
{"Set message of the day and send to online users","Установить сообщение дня и разослать его подключённым пользователям"}. {"Set message of the day and send to online users","Установить сообщение дня и разослать его подключённым пользователям"}.
@ -374,16 +356,10 @@
{"Show Integral Table","Показать интегральную таблицу"}. {"Show Integral Table","Показать интегральную таблицу"}.
{"Show Ordinary Table","Показать обычную таблицу"}. {"Show Ordinary Table","Показать обычную таблицу"}.
{"Shut Down Service","Остановить службу"}. {"Shut Down Service","Остановить службу"}.
{"~s invites you to the room ~s","~s приглашает вас в комнату ~s"}.
{"SOCKS5 Bytestreams","Передача файлов через SOCKS5"}. {"SOCKS5 Bytestreams","Передача файлов через SOCKS5"}.
{"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons.","Некоторые Jabber-клиенты могут сохранять пароль на Вашем компьютере. Используйте эту функцию только в том случае, если считаете это безопасным."}. {"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons.","Некоторые Jabber-клиенты могут сохранять пароль на Вашем компьютере. Используйте эту функцию только в том случае, если считаете это безопасным."}.
{"~s's Offline Messages Queue","Oчередь офлайновых сообщений ~s"}.
{"Start Modules at ","Запуск модулей на "}.
{"Start Modules","Запуск модулей"}.
{"Statistics of ~p","статистика узла ~p"}. {"Statistics of ~p","статистика узла ~p"}.
{"Statistics","Статистика"}. {"Statistics","Статистика"}.
{"Stop Modules at ","Остановка модулей на "}.
{"Stop Modules","Остановка модулей"}.
{"Stopped Nodes","Остановленные узлы"}. {"Stopped Nodes","Остановленные узлы"}.
{"Stop","Остановить"}. {"Stop","Остановить"}.
{"Storage Type","Тип таблицы"}. {"Storage Type","Тип таблицы"}.
@ -409,20 +385,19 @@
{"The password is too weak","Слишком слабый пароль"}. {"The password is too weak","Слишком слабый пароль"}.
{"the password is","пароль:"}. {"the password is","пароль:"}.
{"The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed.","Пароль Вашего Jabber-аккаунта был успешно изменен."}. {"The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed.","Пароль Вашего Jabber-аккаунта был успешно изменен."}.
{"The passwords are different","Пароли не совпадают"}.
{"The password was not changed","Пароль не был изменён"}. {"The password was not changed","Пароль не был изменён"}.
{"The passwords are different","Пароли не совпадают"}.
{"The query is only allowed from local users","Запрос доступен только для локальных пользователей"}. {"The query is only allowed from local users","Запрос доступен только для локальных пользователей"}.
{"The query must not contain <item/> elements","Запрос не должен содержать элементов <item/>"}. {"The query must not contain <item/> elements","Запрос не должен содержать элементов <item/>"}.
{"The stanza MUST contain only one <active/> element, one <default/> element, or one <list/> element","Строфа может содержать только один элемент <active/>, один элемент <default/> или один элемент <list/>"}.
{"The username is not valid","Недопустимое имя пользователя"}.
{"There was an error changing the password: ","Ошибка при смене пароля:"}. {"There was an error changing the password: ","Ошибка при смене пароля:"}.
{"There was an error creating the account: ","Ошибка при создании аккаунта:"}. {"There was an error creating the account: ","Ошибка при создании аккаунта:"}.
{"There was an error deleting the account: ","Ошибка при удалении аккаунта:"}. {"There was an error deleting the account: ","Ошибка при удалении аккаунта:"}.
{"The stanza MUST contain only one <active/> element, one <default/> element, or one <list/> element","Строфа может содержать только один элемент <active/>, один элемент <default/> или один элемент <list/>"}.
{"The username is not valid","Недопустимое имя пользователя"}.
{"This is case insensitive: macbeth is the same that MacBeth and Macbeth.","Регистр не имеет значения: \"маша\" и \"МАША\" будет считаться одним и тем же именем."}. {"This is case insensitive: macbeth is the same that MacBeth and Macbeth.","Регистр не имеет значения: \"маша\" и \"МАША\" будет считаться одним и тем же именем."}.
{"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID (Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields.","Здесь Вы можете создать Jabber-аккаунт на этом Jabber-сервере. Ваш JID (Jabber-идентификатор) будет в виде: \"пользователь@сервер\". Пожалуйста, внимательно читайте инструкции для правильного заполнения полей."}. {"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID (Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields.","Здесь Вы можете создать Jabber-аккаунт на этом Jabber-сервере. Ваш JID (Jabber-идентификатор) будет в виде: \"пользователь@сервер\". Пожалуйста, внимательно читайте инструкции для правильного заполнения полей."}.
{"This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server.","Здесь Вы можете удалить Jabber-аккаунт с этого сервера."}. {"This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server.","Здесь Вы можете удалить Jabber-аккаунт с этого сервера."}.
{"This room is not anonymous","Эта комната не анонимная"}. {"This room is not anonymous","Эта комната не анонимная"}.
{"This service can not process the address: ~s","Сервер не может обработать адрес: ~s"}.
{"Thursday","Четверг"}. {"Thursday","Четверг"}.
{"Time delay","По истечение"}. {"Time delay","По истечение"}.
{"Timed out waiting for stream resumption","Истекло время ожидания возобновления потока"}. {"Timed out waiting for stream resumption","Истекло время ожидания возобновления потока"}.
@ -433,12 +408,9 @@
{"Too many child elements","Слишком много дочерних элементов"}. {"Too many child elements","Слишком много дочерних элементов"}.
{"Too many <item/> elements","Слишком много элементов <item/>"}. {"Too many <item/> elements","Слишком много элементов <item/>"}.
{"Too many <list/> elements","Слишком много элементов <list/>"}. {"Too many <list/> elements","Слишком много элементов <list/>"}.
{"Too many (~p) failed authentications from this IP address (~s). The address will be unblocked at ~s UTC","Слишком много (~p) неудачных попыток аутентификации с этого IP-адреса (~s). Адрес будет разблокирован в ~s UTC"}.
{"Too many receiver fields were specified","Указано слишком много получателей"}. {"Too many receiver fields were specified","Указано слишком много получателей"}.
{"Too many unacked stanzas","Слишком много неподтверждённых пакетов"}. {"Too many unacked stanzas","Слишком много неподтверждённых пакетов"}.
{"Too many users in this conference","Слишком много пользователей в этой конференции"}. {"Too many users in this conference","Слишком много пользователей в этой конференции"}.
{"To register, visit ~s","Для регистрации посетите ~s"}.
{"To ~s","К ~s"}.
{"Total rooms","Все комнаты"}. {"Total rooms","Все комнаты"}.
{"To","Кому"}. {"To","Кому"}.
{"Traffic rate limit is exceeded","Превышен лимит скорости посылки информации"}. {"Traffic rate limit is exceeded","Превышен лимит скорости посылки информации"}.
@ -467,20 +439,16 @@
{"User already exists","Пользователь уже существует"}. {"User already exists","Пользователь уже существует"}.
{"User (jid)","Пользователь (XMPP адрес)"}. {"User (jid)","Пользователь (XMPP адрес)"}.
{"User Management","Управление пользователями"}. {"User Management","Управление пользователями"}.
{"Username:","Имя пользователя:"}.
{"User removed","Пользователь удалён"}. {"User removed","Пользователь удалён"}.
{"Users are not allowed to register accounts so quickly","Пользователи не могут регистрировать учётные записи так быстро"}.
{"User session not found","Сессия пользователя не найдена"}. {"User session not found","Сессия пользователя не найдена"}.
{"User session terminated","Сессия пользователя завершена"}. {"User session terminated","Сессия пользователя завершена"}.
{"Username:","Имя пользователя:"}.
{"Users are not allowed to register accounts so quickly","Пользователи не могут регистрировать учётные записи так быстро"}.
{"Users Last Activity","Статистика последнего подключения пользователей"}. {"Users Last Activity","Статистика последнего подключения пользователей"}.
{"Users","Пользователи"}. {"Users","Пользователи"}.
{"User ~s","Пользователь ~s"}.
{"User","Пользователь"}. {"User","Пользователь"}.
{"Validate","Утвердить"}. {"Validate","Утвердить"}.
{"Value 'get' of 'type' attribute is not allowed","Значение 'get' атрибута 'type' недопустимо"}. {"Value 'get' of 'type' attribute is not allowed","Значение 'get' атрибута 'type' недопустимо"}.
{"Value of '~s' should be boolean","Значение '~s' должно быть булевым"}.
{"Value of '~s' should be datetime string","Значение '~s' должно быть датой"}.
{"Value of '~s' should be integer","Значение '~s' должно быть целочисленным"}.
{"Value 'set' of 'type' attribute is not allowed","Значение 'set' атрибута 'type' недопустимо"}. {"Value 'set' of 'type' attribute is not allowed","Значение 'set' атрибута 'type' недопустимо"}.
{"vCard User Search","Поиск пользователей по vCard"}. {"vCard User Search","Поиск пользователей по vCard"}.
{"Virtual Hosting","Виртуальный хостинг"}. {"Virtual Hosting","Виртуальный хостинг"}.
@ -503,7 +471,6 @@
{"You need an x:data capable client to search","Чтобы воспользоваться поиском, требуется x:data-совместимый клиент"}. {"You need an x:data capable client to search","Чтобы воспользоваться поиском, требуется x:data-совместимый клиент"}.
{"Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza.","Маршрутизация этой строфы запрещена вашим активным списком приватности."}. {"Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza.","Маршрутизация этой строфы запрещена вашим активным списком приватности."}.
{"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","Очередь недоставленных сообщений Вашего адресата переполнена. Сообщение не было сохранено."}. {"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","Очередь недоставленных сообщений Вашего адресата переполнена. Сообщение не было сохранено."}.
{"You're not allowed to create nodes","Вам не разрешается создавать узлы"}.
{"Your Jabber account was successfully created.","Ваш Jabber-аккаунт был успешно создан."}. {"Your Jabber account was successfully created.","Ваш Jabber-аккаунт был успешно создан."}.
{"Your Jabber account was successfully deleted.","Ваш Jabber-аккаунт был успешно удален."}. {"Your Jabber account was successfully deleted.","Ваш Jabber-аккаунт был успешно удален."}.
{"Your subscription request and/or messages to ~s have been blocked. To unblock your subscription request, visit ~s","Ваши запросы на добавление в контакт-лист, а также сообщения к ~s блокируются. Для снятия блокировки перейдите по ссылке ~s"}. {"You're not allowed to create nodes","Вам не разрешается создавать узлы"}.

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,13 +1,16 @@
%% -*- coding: utf-8 -*- %% -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
{" has set the subject to: ","zmenil(a) tému na: "}.
{"A password is required to enter this room","Pre vstup do miestnosti je potrebné heslo"}.
{"Access denied by service policy","Prístup bol zamietnutý nastavením služby"}. {"Access denied by service policy","Prístup bol zamietnutý nastavením služby"}.
{"Action on user","Operácia aplikovaná na užívateľa"}. {"Action on user","Operácia aplikovaná na užívateľa"}.
{"Add Jabber ID","Pridať Jabber ID"}. {"Add Jabber ID","Pridať Jabber ID"}.
{"Add New","Pridať nový"}. {"Add New","Pridať nový"}.
{"Add User","Pridať používateľa"}. {"Add User","Pridať používateľa"}.
{"Administration of ","Administrácia "}. {"Administration of ","Administrácia "}.
{"Administrator privileges required","Sú potrebné práva administrátora"}. {"Administrator privileges required","Sú potrebné práva administrátora"}.
{"All activity","Všetky aktivity"}. {"All activity","Všetky aktivity"}.
{"All Users","Všetci užívatelia"}.
{"Allow users to change the subject","Povoliť užívateľom meniť tému"}. {"Allow users to change the subject","Povoliť užívateľom meniť tému"}.
{"Allow users to query other users","Povoliť užívateľom dotazovať sa informácie o iných užívateľoch"}. {"Allow users to query other users","Povoliť užívateľom dotazovať sa informácie o iných užívateľoch"}.
{"Allow users to send invites","Povoliť používateľom posielanie pozvánok"}. {"Allow users to send invites","Povoliť používateľom posielanie pozvánok"}.
@ -15,9 +18,7 @@
{"Allow visitors to change nickname","Návštevníci môžu meniť prezývky"}. {"Allow visitors to change nickname","Návštevníci môžu meniť prezývky"}.
{"Allow visitors to send private messages to","Povoliť užívateľom odosielať súkromné správy"}. {"Allow visitors to send private messages to","Povoliť užívateľom odosielať súkromné správy"}.
{"Allow visitors to send status text in presence updates","Návštevníci môžu posielať textové informácie v stavových správach"}. {"Allow visitors to send status text in presence updates","Návštevníci môžu posielať textové informácie v stavových správach"}.
{"All Users","Všetci užívatelia"}.
{"Announcements","Oznámenia"}. {"Announcements","Oznámenia"}.
{"A password is required to enter this room","Pre vstup do miestnosti je potrebné heslo"}.
{"April","Apríl"}. {"April","Apríl"}.
{"August","August"}. {"August","August"}.
{"Backup Management","Správa zálohovania"}. {"Backup Management","Správa zálohovania"}.
@ -25,7 +26,6 @@
{"Backup","Zálohovať"}. {"Backup","Zálohovať"}.
{"Bad format","Zlý formát"}. {"Bad format","Zlý formát"}.
{"Birthday","Dátum narodenia"}. {"Birthday","Dátum narodenia"}.
{"CAPTCHA web page","Webová stránka CAPTCHA"}.
{"Change Password","Zmeniť heslo"}. {"Change Password","Zmeniť heslo"}.
{"Change User Password","Zmeniť heslo užívateľa"}. {"Change User Password","Zmeniť heslo užívateľa"}.
{"Characters not allowed:","Nepovolené znaky:"}. {"Characters not allowed:","Nepovolené znaky:"}.
@ -36,19 +36,17 @@
{"Chatroom is stopped","Diskusná miestnosť je pozastavená"}. {"Chatroom is stopped","Diskusná miestnosť je pozastavená"}.
{"Chatrooms","Diskusné miestnosti"}. {"Chatrooms","Diskusné miestnosti"}.
{"Choose a username and password to register with this server","Zvolte meno užívateľa a heslo pre registráciu na tomto servere"}. {"Choose a username and password to register with this server","Zvolte meno užívateľa a heslo pre registráciu na tomto servere"}.
{"Choose modules to stop","Vyberte moduly, ktoré majú byť zastavené"}.
{"Choose storage type of tables","Vyberte typ úložiska pre tabuľky"}. {"Choose storage type of tables","Vyberte typ úložiska pre tabuľky"}.
{"Choose whether to approve this entity's subscription.","Zvolte, či chcete povoliť toto odoberanie"}. {"Choose whether to approve this entity's subscription.","Zvolte, či chcete povoliť toto odoberanie"}.
{"City","Mesto"}. {"City","Mesto"}.
{"Commands","Príkazy"}. {"Commands","Príkazy"}.
{"Conference room does not exist","Diskusná miestnosť neexistuje"}. {"Conference room does not exist","Diskusná miestnosť neexistuje"}.
{"Configuration","Konfigurácia"}. {"Configuration","Konfigurácia"}.
{"Configuration of room ~s","Konfigurácia miestnosti ~s"}.
{"Connected Resources:","Pripojené zdroje:"}. {"Connected Resources:","Pripojené zdroje:"}.
{"Country","Krajina"}. {"Country","Krajina"}.
{"CPU Time:","Čas procesoru"}. {"CPU Time:","Čas procesoru"}.
{"Database Tables Configuration at ","Konfigurácia databázových tabuliek "}. {"Database Tables Configuration at ","Konfigurácia databázových tabuliek "}.
{"December","December"}. {"December","December"}.
{"Default users as participants","Užívatelia sú implicitne členmi"}. {"Default users as participants","Užívatelia sú implicitne členmi"}.
{"Delete message of the day on all hosts","Zmazať správu dňa na všetkých serveroch"}. {"Delete message of the day on all hosts","Zmazať správu dňa na všetkých serveroch"}.
@ -72,7 +70,6 @@
{"Email","E-mail"}. {"Email","E-mail"}.
{"Enable logging","Zapnúť zaznamenávanie histórie"}. {"Enable logging","Zapnúť zaznamenávanie histórie"}.
{"End User Session","Ukončiť reláciu užívateľa"}. {"End User Session","Ukončiť reláciu užívateľa"}.
{"Enter list of {Module, [Options]}","Vložte zoznam modulov {Modul, [Parametre]}"}.
{"Enter nickname you want to register","Zadajte prezývku, ktorú chcete registrovať"}. {"Enter nickname you want to register","Zadajte prezývku, ktorú chcete registrovať"}.
{"Enter path to backup file","Zadajte cestu k súboru so zálohou"}. {"Enter path to backup file","Zadajte cestu k súboru so zálohou"}.
{"Enter path to jabberd14 spool dir","Zadajte cestu k jabberd14 spool adresáru"}. {"Enter path to jabberd14 spool dir","Zadajte cestu k jabberd14 spool adresáru"}.
@ -88,7 +85,6 @@
{"February","Február"}. {"February","Február"}.
{"Friday","Piatok"}. {"Friday","Piatok"}.
{"From","Od"}. {"From","Od"}.
{"From ~s","Od ~s"}.
{"Full Name","Celé meno: "}. {"Full Name","Celé meno: "}.
{"Get Number of Online Users","Zobraziť počet pripojených užívateľov"}. {"Get Number of Online Users","Zobraziť počet pripojených užívateľov"}.
{"Get Number of Registered Users","Zobraziť počet registrovaných užívateľov"}. {"Get Number of Registered Users","Zobraziť počet registrovaných užívateľov"}.
@ -98,11 +94,10 @@
{"Group ","Skupina "}. {"Group ","Skupina "}.
{"Groups","Skupiny"}. {"Groups","Skupiny"}.
{"has been banned","bol(a) zablokovaný(á)"}. {"has been banned","bol(a) zablokovaný(á)"}.
{"has been kicked because of an affiliation change","bol vyhodený(á) kvôli zmene priradenia"}.
{"has been kicked because of a system shutdown","bol vyhodený(á) kvôli reštartu systému"}. {"has been kicked because of a system shutdown","bol vyhodený(á) kvôli reštartu systému"}.
{"has been kicked because of an affiliation change","bol vyhodený(á) kvôli zmene priradenia"}.
{"has been kicked because the room has been changed to members-only","bol vyhodený(á), pretože miestnosť bola vyhradená len pre členov"}. {"has been kicked because the room has been changed to members-only","bol vyhodený(á), pretože miestnosť bola vyhradená len pre členov"}.
{"has been kicked","bol(a) vyhodený(á) z miestnosti"}. {"has been kicked","bol(a) vyhodený(á) z miestnosti"}.
{" has set the subject to: ","zmenil(a) tému na: "}.
{"Host","Server"}. {"Host","Server"}.
{"If you don't see the CAPTCHA image here, visit the web page.","Pokiaľ nevidíte obrázok CAPTCHA, navštívte webovú stránku."}. {"If you don't see the CAPTCHA image here, visit the web page.","Pokiaľ nevidíte obrázok CAPTCHA, navštívte webovú stránku."}.
{"Import Directory","Import adresára"}. {"Import Directory","Import adresára"}.
@ -117,9 +112,9 @@
{"Incorrect password","Nesprávne heslo"}. {"Incorrect password","Nesprávne heslo"}.
{"IP addresses","IP adresa"}. {"IP addresses","IP adresa"}.
{"is now known as","sa premenoval(a) na"}. {"is now known as","sa premenoval(a) na"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages","Nieje povolené posielať súkromné správy"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","Nie je dovolené odoslanie súkromnej správy typu \"Skupinová správa\" "}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","Nie je dovolené odoslanie súkromnej správy typu \"Skupinová správa\" "}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","Nie je povolené odosielať súkromné správy do konferencie"}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","Nie je povolené odosielať súkromné správy do konferencie"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages","Nieje povolené posielať súkromné správy"}.
{"Jabber Account Registration","Registrácia jabber účtu"}. {"Jabber Account Registration","Registrácia jabber účtu"}.
{"Jabber ID","Jabber ID"}. {"Jabber ID","Jabber ID"}.
{"January","Január"}. {"January","Január"}.
@ -131,7 +126,6 @@
{"Last month","Posledný mesiac"}. {"Last month","Posledný mesiac"}.
{"Last year","Posledný rok"}. {"Last year","Posledný rok"}.
{"leaves the room","odišiel(a) z miestnosti"}. {"leaves the room","odišiel(a) z miestnosti"}.
{"List of modules to start","Zoznam modulov, ktoré majú byť spustené"}.
{"Low level update script","Nízkoúrovňový aktualizačný skript"}. {"Low level update script","Nízkoúrovňový aktualizačný skript"}.
{"Make participants list public","Nastaviť zoznam zúčastnených ako verejný"}. {"Make participants list public","Nastaviť zoznam zúčastnených ako verejný"}.
{"Make room CAPTCHA protected","Chrániť miestnosť systémom CAPTCHA"}. {"Make room CAPTCHA protected","Chrániť miestnosť systémom CAPTCHA"}.
@ -151,20 +145,18 @@
{"Middle Name","Prostredné meno: "}. {"Middle Name","Prostredné meno: "}.
{"Moderator privileges required","Sú potrebné práva moderátora"}. {"Moderator privileges required","Sú potrebné práva moderátora"}.
{"Modified modules","Modifikované moduly"}. {"Modified modules","Modifikované moduly"}.
{"Monday","Pondelok"}. {"Monday","Pondelok"}.
{"Name","Meno"}. {"Name","Meno"}.
{"Name:","Meno:"}. {"Name:","Meno:"}.
{"Never","Nikdy"}. {"Never","Nikdy"}.
{"New Password:","Nové heslo:"}. {"New Password:","Nové heslo:"}.
{"Nickname Registration at ","Registrácia prezývky na "}. {"Nickname Registration at ","Registrácia prezývky na "}.
{"Nickname ~s does not exist in the room","Prezývka ~s v miestnosti neexistuje"}. {"Nickname","Prezývka"}.
{"No body provided for announce message","Správa neobsahuje text"}. {"No body provided for announce message","Správa neobsahuje text"}.
{"No Data","Žiadne dáta"}. {"No Data","Žiadne dáta"}.
{"No limit","Bez limitu"}.
{"Node not found","Uzol nenájdený"}. {"Node not found","Uzol nenájdený"}.
{"Nodes","Uzly"}. {"Nodes","Uzly"}.
{"No limit","Bez limitu"}.
{"None","Nič"}. {"None","Nič"}.
{"Not Found","Nebol nájdený"}. {"Not Found","Nebol nájdený"}.
{"November","November"}. {"November","November"}.
@ -175,9 +167,9 @@
{"Offline Messages:","Offline správy"}. {"Offline Messages:","Offline správy"}.
{"OK","OK"}. {"OK","OK"}.
{"Old Password:","Staré heslo:"}. {"Old Password:","Staré heslo:"}.
{"Online Users:","Online používatelia:"}. {"Online Users:","Online používatelia:"}.
{"Online Users","Online užívatelia"}. {"Online Users","Online užívatelia"}.
{"Only moderators and participants are allowed to change the subject in this room","Len moderátori a zúčastnený majú povolené meniť tému tejto miestnosti"}. {"Only moderators and participants are allowed to change the subject in this room","Len moderátori a zúčastnený majú povolené meniť tému tejto miestnosti"}.
{"Only moderators are allowed to change the subject in this room","Len moderátori majú povolené meniť tému miestnosti"}. {"Only moderators are allowed to change the subject in this room","Len moderátori majú povolené meniť tému miestnosti"}.
{"Only moderators can approve voice requests","Len moderátori môžu schváliť žiadosť o Voice"}. {"Only moderators can approve voice requests","Len moderátori môžu schváliť žiadosť o Voice"}.
@ -190,10 +182,10 @@
{"Outgoing s2s Connections:","Odchádzajúce s2s spojenia:"}. {"Outgoing s2s Connections:","Odchádzajúce s2s spojenia:"}.
{"Owner privileges required","Sú vyžadované práva vlastníka"}. {"Owner privileges required","Sú vyžadované práva vlastníka"}.
{"Packet","Paket"}. {"Packet","Paket"}.
{"Password Verification","Overenie hesla"}. {"Password Verification","Overenie hesla"}.
{"Password Verification:","Overenie hesla"}. {"Password Verification:","Overenie hesla"}.
{"Path to Dir","Cesta k adresáru"}. {"Path to Dir","Cesta k adresáru"}.
{"Path to File","Cesta k súboru"}. {"Path to File","Cesta k súboru"}.
{"Pending","Čakajúce"}. {"Pending","Čakajúce"}.
@ -216,23 +208,22 @@
{"Register","Zoznam kontaktov"}. {"Register","Zoznam kontaktov"}.
{"Remote copy","Vzdialená kópia"}. {"Remote copy","Vzdialená kópia"}.
{"Remove All Offline Messages","Odstrániť všetky offline správy"}. {"Remove All Offline Messages","Odstrániť všetky offline správy"}.
{"Remove User","Odstrániť užívateľa"}. {"Remove User","Odstrániť užívateľa"}.
{"Replaced by new connection","Nahradené novým spojením"}. {"Replaced by new connection","Nahradené novým spojením"}.
{"Resources","Zdroje"}. {"Resources","Zdroje"}.
{"Restart Service","Reštartovať službu"}. {"Restart Service","Reštartovať službu"}.
{"Restore Backup from File at ","Obnoviť zálohu zo súboru na "}. {"Restore Backup from File at ","Obnoviť zálohu zo súboru na "}.
{"Restore binary backup after next ejabberd restart (requires less memory):","Obnoviť binárnu zálohu pri nasledujúcom reštarte ejabberd (vyžaduje menej pamäte)"}. {"Restore binary backup after next ejabberd restart (requires less memory):","Obnoviť binárnu zálohu pri nasledujúcom reštarte ejabberd (vyžaduje menej pamäte)"}.
{"Restore binary backup immediately:","Okamžite obnoviť binárnu zálohu:"}. {"Restore binary backup immediately:","Okamžite obnoviť binárnu zálohu:"}.
{"Restore plain text backup immediately:","Okamžite obnoviť zálohu z textového súboru:"}. {"Restore plain text backup immediately:","Okamžite obnoviť zálohu z textového súboru:"}.
{"Room Configuration","Nastavenia miestnosti"}. {"Room Configuration","Nastavenia miestnosti"}.
{"Room creation is denied by service policy","Vytváranie miestnosti nie je povolené"}. {"Room creation is denied by service policy","Vytváranie miestnosti nie je povolené"}.
{"Room description","Popis miestnosti"}. {"Room description","Popis miestnosti"}.
{"Room Occupants","Ľudí v miestnosti"}. {"Room Occupants","Ľudí v miestnosti"}.
{"Room title","Názov miestnosti"}. {"Room title","Názov miestnosti"}.
{"Roster of ","Zoznam kontaktov "}.
{"Roster size","Počet kontaktov v zozname"}. {"Roster size","Počet kontaktov v zozname"}.
{"Roster","Zoznam kontaktov"}. {"Roster","Zoznam kontaktov"}.
{"RPC Call Error","Chyba RPC volania"}. {"RPC Call Error","Chyba RPC volania"}.
@ -241,10 +232,10 @@
{"Script check","Kontrola skriptu"}. {"Script check","Kontrola skriptu"}.
{"Search Results for ","Hľadať výsledky pre "}. {"Search Results for ","Hľadať výsledky pre "}.
{"Search users in ","Hľadať užívateľov v "}. {"Search users in ","Hľadať užívateľov v "}.
{"Send announcement to all online users","Odoslať zoznam všetkým online používateľom"}.
{"Send announcement to all online users on all hosts","Odoslať oznam všetkým online používateľom na všetkých serveroch"}. {"Send announcement to all online users on all hosts","Odoslať oznam všetkým online používateľom na všetkých serveroch"}.
{"Send announcement to all users","Odoslať oznam všetkým používateľom"}. {"Send announcement to all online users","Odoslať zoznam všetkým online používateľom"}.
{"Send announcement to all users on all hosts","Poslať oznámenie všetkým užívateľom na všetkých serveroch"}. {"Send announcement to all users on all hosts","Poslať oznámenie všetkým užívateľom na všetkých serveroch"}.
{"Send announcement to all users","Odoslať oznam všetkým používateľom"}.
{"September","September"}. {"September","September"}.
{"Set message of the day and send to online users","Nastaviť správu dňa a odoslať ju online používateľom"}. {"Set message of the day and send to online users","Nastaviť správu dňa a odoslať ju online používateľom"}.
{"Set message of the day on all hosts and send to online users","Nastaviť správu dňa na všetkých serveroch a poslať ju online užívateľom"}. {"Set message of the day on all hosts and send to online users","Nastaviť správu dňa na všetkých serveroch a poslať ju online užívateľom"}.
@ -252,15 +243,9 @@
{"Show Integral Table","Zobraziť kompletnú tabuľku"}. {"Show Integral Table","Zobraziť kompletnú tabuľku"}.
{"Show Ordinary Table","Zobraziť bežnú tabuľku"}. {"Show Ordinary Table","Zobraziť bežnú tabuľku"}.
{"Shut Down Service","Vypnúť službu"}. {"Shut Down Service","Vypnúť službu"}.
{"~s invites you to the room ~s","~s Vás pozýva do miestnosti ~s"}.
{"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons.","Niektorí Jabber klenti môžu ukladať heslá v počítači. Používajte túto funkciu len ak veríte, že sú tam v bezpečí. "}. {"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons.","Niektorí Jabber klenti môžu ukladať heslá v počítači. Používajte túto funkciu len ak veríte, že sú tam v bezpečí. "}.
{"~s's Offline Messages Queue","~s Offline správy"}.
{"Start Modules at ","Spustiť moduly na "}.
{"Start Modules","Spustiť moduly"}.
{"Statistics of ~p","Štatistiky ~p"}. {"Statistics of ~p","Štatistiky ~p"}.
{"Statistics","Štatistiky"}. {"Statistics","Štatistiky"}.
{"Stop Modules at ","Zastaviť moduly na "}.
{"Stop Modules","Zastaviť moduly"}.
{"Stopped Nodes","Zastavené uzly"}. {"Stopped Nodes","Zastavené uzly"}.
{"Stop","Zastaviť"}. {"Stop","Zastaviť"}.
{"Storage Type","Typ úložiska"}. {"Storage Type","Typ úložiska"}.
@ -275,8 +260,8 @@
{"That nickname is registered by another person","Prezývka je už zaregistrovaná inou osobou"}. {"That nickname is registered by another person","Prezývka je už zaregistrovaná inou osobou"}.
{"The CAPTCHA is valid.","Platná CAPTCHA."}. {"The CAPTCHA is valid.","Platná CAPTCHA."}.
{"The CAPTCHA verification has failed","Overenie pomocou CAPTCHA zlihalo"}. {"The CAPTCHA verification has failed","Overenie pomocou CAPTCHA zlihalo"}.
{"the password is","heslo je"}.
{"The password is too weak","heslo je"}. {"The password is too weak","heslo je"}.
{"the password is","heslo je"}.
{"The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed.","Heslo k Jabber účtu bolo úspešne zmenené."}. {"The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed.","Heslo k Jabber účtu bolo úspešne zmenené."}.
{"There was an error changing the password: ","Pri zmene hesla nastala chyba: "}. {"There was an error changing the password: ","Pri zmene hesla nastala chyba: "}.
{"There was an error creating the account: ","Pri vytváraní účtu nastala chyba: "}. {"There was an error creating the account: ","Pri vytváraní účtu nastala chyba: "}.
@ -286,11 +271,10 @@
{"This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server.","Na tejto stránke si môžete zrušiť Jabber účet registrovaný na tomto serveri."}. {"This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server.","Na tejto stránke si môžete zrušiť Jabber účet registrovaný na tomto serveri."}.
{"This room is not anonymous","Táto miestnosť nie je anonymná"}. {"This room is not anonymous","Táto miestnosť nie je anonymná"}.
{"Thursday","Štvrtok"}. {"Thursday","Štvrtok"}.
{"Time delay","Časový posun"}. {"Time delay","Časový posun"}.
{"Too many CAPTCHA requests","Príliš veľa žiadostí o CAPTCHA"}. {"Too many CAPTCHA requests","Príliš veľa žiadostí o CAPTCHA"}.
{"To","Pre"}. {"To","Pre"}.
{"To ~s","Pre ~s"}.
{"Traffic rate limit is exceeded","Bol prekročený prenosový limit"}. {"Traffic rate limit is exceeded","Bol prekročený prenosový limit"}.
{"Transactions Aborted:","Transakcie zrušená"}. {"Transactions Aborted:","Transakcie zrušená"}.
{"Transactions Committed:","Transakcie potvrdená"}. {"Transactions Committed:","Transakcie potvrdená"}.
@ -301,11 +285,11 @@
{"Unauthorized","Neautorizovaný"}. {"Unauthorized","Neautorizovaný"}.
{"Unregister a Jabber account","Zrušiť Jabber účet"}. {"Unregister a Jabber account","Zrušiť Jabber účet"}.
{"Unregister","Zrušiť účet"}. {"Unregister","Zrušiť účet"}.
{"Update message of the day (don't send)","Aktualizovať správu dňa (neodosielať)"}. {"Update message of the day (don't send)","Aktualizovať správu dňa (neodosielať)"}.
{"Update message of the day on all hosts (don't send)","Upraviť správu dňa na všetkých serveroch"}. {"Update message of the day on all hosts (don't send)","Upraviť správu dňa na všetkých serveroch"}.
{"Update plan","Aktualizovať plán"}. {"Update plan","Aktualizovať plán"}.
{"Update script","Aktualizované skripty"}. {"Update script","Aktualizované skripty"}.
{"Uptime:","Uptime:"}. {"Uptime:","Uptime:"}.
{"User Management","Správa užívateľov"}. {"User Management","Správa užívateľov"}.
{"Username:","IRC prezývka"}. {"Username:","IRC prezývka"}.

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,26 +1,27 @@
%% -*- coding: utf-8 -*- %% -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
{" has set the subject to: "," har satt ämnet till: "}.
{"Access denied by service policy","Åtkomst nekad enligt lokal policy"}. {"Access denied by service policy","Åtkomst nekad enligt lokal policy"}.
{"Action on user","Handling mot användare"}. {"Action on user","Handling mot användare"}.
{"Add Jabber ID","Lägg till Jabber ID"}. {"Add Jabber ID","Lägg till Jabber ID"}.
{"Add New","Lägg till ny"}. {"Add New","Lägg till ny"}.
{"Add User","Lägg till användare"}. {"Add User","Lägg till användare"}.
{"Administration of ","Administration av "}. {"Administration of ","Administration av "}.
{"Administrator privileges required","Administrationsprivilegier krävs"}. {"Administrator privileges required","Administrationsprivilegier krävs"}.
{"All activity","All aktivitet"}. {"All activity","All aktivitet"}.
{"All Users","Alla användare"}.
{"Allow users to change the subject","Tillåt användare att byta ämne"}. {"Allow users to change the subject","Tillåt användare att byta ämne"}.
{"Allow users to query other users","Tillåt användare att söka efter andra användare"}. {"Allow users to query other users","Tillåt användare att söka efter andra användare"}.
{"Allow users to send invites","Tillåt användare att skicka inbjudningar"}. {"Allow users to send invites","Tillåt användare att skicka inbjudningar"}.
{"Allow users to send private messages","Tillåt användare att skicka privata meddelanden"}. {"Allow users to send private messages","Tillåt användare att skicka privata meddelanden"}.
{"Allow visitors to change nickname","Tillåt gäster att kunna ändra smeknamn"}. {"Allow visitors to change nickname","Tillåt gäster att kunna ändra smeknamn"}.
{"Allow visitors to send status text in presence updates","Tillåt gäster att skicka statustext som uppdatering"}. {"Allow visitors to send status text in presence updates","Tillåt gäster att skicka statustext som uppdatering"}.
{"All Users","Alla användare"}.
{"Announcements","Meddelanden"}. {"Announcements","Meddelanden"}.
{"April","April"}. {"April","April"}.
{"August","Augusti"}. {"August","Augusti"}.
{"Backup Management","Hantera säkerhetskopior"}. {"Backup Management","Hantera säkerhetskopior"}.
{"Backup to File at ","Säkerhetskopiera till fil på "}. {"Backup to File at ","Säkerhetskopiera till fil på "}.
{"Bad format","Dåligt format"}. {"Bad format","Dåligt format"}.
{"Birthday","Födelsedag"}. {"Birthday","Födelsedag"}.
{"Change Password","Ändra lösenord"}. {"Change Password","Ändra lösenord"}.
@ -28,19 +29,17 @@
{"Chatroom configuration modified","Chattrum konfiguration modifierad"}. {"Chatroom configuration modified","Chattrum konfiguration modifierad"}.
{"Chatrooms","Chattrum"}. {"Chatrooms","Chattrum"}.
{"Choose a username and password to register with this server","Välj ett användarnamn och lösenord för att registrera mot denna server"}. {"Choose a username and password to register with this server","Välj ett användarnamn och lösenord för att registrera mot denna server"}.
{"Choose modules to stop","Välj vilka moduler som skall stoppas"}.
{"Choose storage type of tables","Välj lagringstyp för tabeller"}. {"Choose storage type of tables","Välj lagringstyp för tabeller"}.
{"Choose whether to approve this entity's subscription.","Välj om du vill godkänna hela denna prenumertion."}. {"Choose whether to approve this entity's subscription.","Välj om du vill godkänna hela denna prenumertion."}.
{"City","Stad"}. {"City","Stad"}.
{"Commands","Kommandon"}. {"Commands","Kommandon"}.
{"Conference room does not exist","Rummet finns inte"}. {"Conference room does not exist","Rummet finns inte"}.
{"Configuration","Konfiguration"}. {"Configuration","Konfiguration"}.
{"Configuration of room ~s","Konfiguration för ~s"}.
{"Connected Resources:","Anslutna resurser:"}. {"Connected Resources:","Anslutna resurser:"}.
{"Country","Land"}. {"Country","Land"}.
{"CPU Time:","CPU tid"}. {"CPU Time:","CPU tid"}.
{"Database Tables Configuration at ","Databastabellers konfiguration"}. {"Database Tables Configuration at ","Databastabellers konfiguration"}.
{"December","December"}. {"December","December"}.
{"Default users as participants","Gör om användare till deltagare"}. {"Default users as participants","Gör om användare till deltagare"}.
{"Delete message of the day on all hosts","Ta bort dagens meddelande på alla värdar"}. {"Delete message of the day on all hosts","Ta bort dagens meddelande på alla värdar"}.
@ -62,7 +61,6 @@
{"Email","Email"}. {"Email","Email"}.
{"Enable logging","Möjliggör login"}. {"Enable logging","Möjliggör login"}.
{"End User Session","Avsluta användarsession"}. {"End User Session","Avsluta användarsession"}.
{"Enter list of {Module, [Options]}","Skriv in en lista av {Module, [Options]}"}.
{"Enter nickname you want to register","Skriv in smeknamnet du vill registrera"}. {"Enter nickname you want to register","Skriv in smeknamnet du vill registrera"}.
{"Enter path to backup file","Skriv in sökväg till fil för säkerhetskopia"}. {"Enter path to backup file","Skriv in sökväg till fil för säkerhetskopia"}.
{"Enter path to jabberd14 spool dir","Skriv in sökväg till spoolkatalog från jabberd14"}. {"Enter path to jabberd14 spool dir","Skriv in sökväg till spoolkatalog från jabberd14"}.
@ -77,7 +75,6 @@
{"February","Februari"}. {"February","Februari"}.
{"Friday","Fredag"}. {"Friday","Fredag"}.
{"From","Från"}. {"From","Från"}.
{"From ~s","Från ~s"}.
{"Full Name","Fullständigt namn"}. {"Full Name","Fullständigt namn"}.
{"Get Number of Online Users","Hämta antal inloggade användare"}. {"Get Number of Online Users","Hämta antal inloggade användare"}.
{"Get Number of Registered Users","Hämta antal registrerade användare"}. {"Get Number of Registered Users","Hämta antal registrerade användare"}.
@ -87,11 +84,10 @@
{"Group ","Grupp "}. {"Group ","Grupp "}.
{"Groups","Grupper"}. {"Groups","Grupper"}.
{"has been banned","har blivit bannad"}. {"has been banned","har blivit bannad"}.
{"has been kicked because of an affiliation change","har blivit kickad p.g.a en ändring av tillhörighet"}.
{"has been kicked because of a system shutdown","har blivit kickad p.g.a en systemnerstängning"}. {"has been kicked because of a system shutdown","har blivit kickad p.g.a en systemnerstängning"}.
{"has been kicked because of an affiliation change","har blivit kickad p.g.a en ändring av tillhörighet"}.
{"has been kicked because the room has been changed to members-only","har blivit kickad p.g.a att rummet har ändrats till endast användare"}. {"has been kicked because the room has been changed to members-only","har blivit kickad p.g.a att rummet har ändrats till endast användare"}.
{"has been kicked","har blivit kickad"}. {"has been kicked","har blivit kickad"}.
{" has set the subject to: "," har satt ämnet till: "}.
{"Host","Server"}. {"Host","Server"}.
{"Import Directory","Importera katalog"}. {"Import Directory","Importera katalog"}.
{"Import File","Importera fil"}. {"Import File","Importera fil"}.
@ -105,9 +101,9 @@
{"Incorrect password","Fel lösenord"}. {"Incorrect password","Fel lösenord"}.
{"IP addresses","IP adresser"}. {"IP addresses","IP adresser"}.
{"is now known as","är känd som"}. {"is now known as","är känd som"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages","Det ar inte tillåtet att skicka privata meddelanden"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","Det är inte tillåtet att skicka privata medelanden med typen \"groupchat\""}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","Det är inte tillåtet att skicka privata medelanden med typen \"groupchat\""}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","Det är inte tillåtet att skicka privata medelanden till den här konferensen"}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","Det är inte tillåtet att skicka privata medelanden till den här konferensen"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages","Det ar inte tillåtet att skicka privata meddelanden"}.
{"Jabber ID","Jabber ID"}. {"Jabber ID","Jabber ID"}.
{"January","Januari"}. {"January","Januari"}.
{"joins the room","joinar rummet"}. {"joins the room","joinar rummet"}.
@ -118,7 +114,6 @@
{"Last month","Senaste månaden"}. {"Last month","Senaste månaden"}.
{"Last year","Senaste året"}. {"Last year","Senaste året"}.
{"leaves the room","lämnar rummet"}. {"leaves the room","lämnar rummet"}.
{"List of modules to start","Lista av moduler som skall startas"}.
{"Low level update script","Uppdaterade laglevel skript"}. {"Low level update script","Uppdaterade laglevel skript"}.
{"Make participants list public","Gör deltagarlistan publik"}. {"Make participants list public","Gör deltagarlistan publik"}.
{"Make room members-only","Gör om rummet till endast medlemmar"}. {"Make room members-only","Gör om rummet till endast medlemmar"}.
@ -136,19 +131,17 @@
{"Middle Name","Mellannamn"}. {"Middle Name","Mellannamn"}.
{"Moderator privileges required","Moderatorprivilegier krävs"}. {"Moderator privileges required","Moderatorprivilegier krävs"}.
{"Modified modules","Uppdaterade moduler"}. {"Modified modules","Uppdaterade moduler"}.
{"Monday","Måndag"}. {"Monday","Måndag"}.
{"Name","Namn"}. {"Name","Namn"}.
{"Name:","Namn:"}. {"Name:","Namn:"}.
{"Never","Aldrig"}. {"Never","Aldrig"}.
{"Nickname Registration at ","Registrera smeknamn på "}. {"Nickname Registration at ","Registrera smeknamn på "}.
{"Nickname ~s does not exist in the room","Smeknamnet ~s existerar inte i det här rummet"}.
{"Nickname","Smeknamn"}. {"Nickname","Smeknamn"}.
{"No body provided for announce message","Ingen kropp behövs för dessa meddelanden"}. {"No body provided for announce message","Ingen kropp behövs för dessa meddelanden"}.
{"No Data","Ingen data"}. {"No Data","Ingen data"}.
{"No limit","Ingen gräns"}.
{"Node not found","Noden finns inte"}. {"Node not found","Noden finns inte"}.
{"Nodes","Noder"}. {"Nodes","Noder"}.
{"No limit","Ingen gräns"}.
{"None","Inga"}. {"None","Inga"}.
{"Not Found","Noden finns inte"}. {"Not Found","Noden finns inte"}.
{"November","November"}. {"November","November"}.
@ -158,9 +151,9 @@
{"Offline Messages","Offline meddelanden"}. {"Offline Messages","Offline meddelanden"}.
{"Offline Messages:","Offline meddelanden:"}. {"Offline Messages:","Offline meddelanden:"}.
{"OK","OK"}. {"OK","OK"}.
{"Online Users","Anslutna användare"}. {"Online Users","Anslutna användare"}.
{"Online Users:","Inloggade användare"}. {"Online Users:","Inloggade användare"}.
{"Only moderators and participants are allowed to change the subject in this room","Endast moderatorer och deltagare har tillåtelse att ändra ämnet i det här rummet"}. {"Only moderators and participants are allowed to change the subject in this room","Endast moderatorer och deltagare har tillåtelse att ändra ämnet i det här rummet"}.
{"Only occupants are allowed to send messages to the conference","Utomstående får inte skicka medelanden till den här konferensen"}. {"Only occupants are allowed to send messages to the conference","Utomstående får inte skicka medelanden till den här konferensen"}.
{"Only occupants are allowed to send queries to the conference","Utomstående får inte skicka iq-queries till den här konferensen"}. {"Only occupants are allowed to send queries to the conference","Utomstående får inte skicka iq-queries till den här konferensen"}.
@ -171,9 +164,9 @@
{"Outgoing s2s Connections:","Utgående s2s anslutning"}. {"Outgoing s2s Connections:","Utgående s2s anslutning"}.
{"Owner privileges required","Ägarprivilegier krävs"}. {"Owner privileges required","Ägarprivilegier krävs"}.
{"Packet","Paket"}. {"Packet","Paket"}.
{"Password Verification","Lösenordsverifikation"}.
{"Password","Lösenord"}. {"Password","Lösenord"}.
{"Password:","Lösenord:"}. {"Password:","Lösenord:"}.
{"Password Verification","Lösenordsverifikation"}.
{"Path to Dir","Sökväg till katalog"}. {"Path to Dir","Sökväg till katalog"}.
{"Path to File","Sökväg till fil"}. {"Path to File","Sökväg till fil"}.
{"Pending","Ännu inte godkända"}. {"Pending","Ännu inte godkända"}.
@ -192,24 +185,23 @@
{"Registered Users","Registrerade användare"}. {"Registered Users","Registrerade användare"}.
{"Registered Users:","Registrerade användare"}. {"Registered Users:","Registrerade användare"}.
{"Remote copy","Sparas inte lokalt"}. {"Remote copy","Sparas inte lokalt"}.
{"Remove","Ta bort"}.
{"Remove User","Ta bort användare"}. {"Remove User","Ta bort användare"}.
{"Remove","Ta bort"}.
{"Replaced by new connection","Ersatt av ny anslutning"}. {"Replaced by new connection","Ersatt av ny anslutning"}.
{"Resources","Resurser"}. {"Resources","Resurser"}.
{"Restart Service","Starta om servicen"}. {"Restart Service","Starta om servicen"}.
{"Restore","Återställ"}. {"Restart","Omstart"}.
{"Restore Backup from File at ","Återställ säkerhetskopia från fil på "}. {"Restore Backup from File at ","Återställ säkerhetskopia från fil på "}.
{"Restore binary backup after next ejabberd restart (requires less memory):","återställ den binära backupen efter nästa ejabberd omstart"}. {"Restore binary backup after next ejabberd restart (requires less memory):","återställ den binära backupen efter nästa ejabberd omstart"}.
{"Restore binary backup immediately:","återställ den binära backupen omedelbart"}. {"Restore binary backup immediately:","återställ den binära backupen omedelbart"}.
{"Restore plain text backup immediately:","återställ textbackup omedelbart"}. {"Restore plain text backup immediately:","återställ textbackup omedelbart"}.
{"Room Configuration","Rumkonfiguration"}. {"Room Configuration","Rumkonfiguration"}.
{"Room creation is denied by service policy","Skapandet av rum är förbjudet enligt lokal policy"}. {"Room creation is denied by service policy","Skapandet av rum är förbjudet enligt lokal policy"}.
{"Room Occupants","Antal besökare"}. {"Room Occupants","Antal besökare"}.
{"Room title","Rumstitel"}. {"Room title","Rumstitel"}.
{"Roster of ","Kontaktlista för "}.
{"Roster size","Roster storlek"}. {"Roster size","Roster storlek"}.
{"RPC Call Error","RPC Uppringningserror"}. {"RPC Call Error","RPC Uppringningserror"}.
{"Running Nodes","Körande noder"}. {"Running Nodes","Körande noder"}.
{"Saturday","Lördag"}. {"Saturday","Lördag"}.
@ -227,14 +219,8 @@
{"Show Integral Table","Visa kumulativ tabell"}. {"Show Integral Table","Visa kumulativ tabell"}.
{"Show Ordinary Table","Visa normal tabell"}. {"Show Ordinary Table","Visa normal tabell"}.
{"Shut Down Service","Stäng ner servicen"}. {"Shut Down Service","Stäng ner servicen"}.
{"~s invites you to the room ~s","~s bjöd in dig till rummet ~s"}.
{"~s's Offline Messages Queue","~s's offline meddelandekö"}.
{"Start Modules at ","Starta moduler på "}.
{"Start Modules","Starta moduler"}.
{"Statistics of ~p","Statistik på ~p"}. {"Statistics of ~p","Statistik på ~p"}.
{"Statistics","Statistik"}. {"Statistics","Statistik"}.
{"Stop Modules at ","Stoppa moduler på "}.
{"Stop Modules","Stanna moduler"}.
{"Stopped Nodes","Stannade noder"}. {"Stopped Nodes","Stannade noder"}.
{"Stop","Stoppa"}. {"Stop","Stoppa"}.
{"Storage Type","Lagringstyp"}. {"Storage Type","Lagringstyp"}.
@ -252,7 +238,6 @@
{"Thursday","Torsdag"}. {"Thursday","Torsdag"}.
{"Time delay","Tidsförsening"}. {"Time delay","Tidsförsening"}.
{"Time","Tid"}. {"Time","Tid"}.
{"To ~s","Till ~s"}.
{"To","Till"}. {"To","Till"}.
{"Traffic rate limit is exceeded","Trafikgränsen har överstigits"}. {"Traffic rate limit is exceeded","Trafikgränsen har överstigits"}.
{"Transactions Aborted:","Transaktioner borttagna"}. {"Transactions Aborted:","Transaktioner borttagna"}.
@ -267,11 +252,11 @@
{"Update script","Uppdatera skript"}. {"Update script","Uppdatera skript"}.
{"Update","Uppdatera"}. {"Update","Uppdatera"}.
{"Uptime:","Tid upp"}. {"Uptime:","Tid upp"}.
{"User Management","Användarmanagement"}. {"User Management","Användarmanagement"}.
{"Users","Användare"}. {"User","Användarnamn"}.
{"Users are not allowed to register accounts so quickly","Det är inte tillåtet för användare att skapa konton så fort"}. {"Users are not allowed to register accounts so quickly","Det är inte tillåtet för användare att skapa konton så fort"}.
{"Users Last Activity","Användarens senaste aktivitet"}. {"Users Last Activity","Användarens senaste aktivitet"}.
{"Validate","Validera"}. {"Validate","Validera"}.
{"vCard User Search","vCard användare sök"}. {"vCard User Search","vCard användare sök"}.
{"Virtual Hosts","Virtuella servrar"}. {"Virtual Hosts","Virtuella servrar"}.

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
%% -*- coding: utf-8 -*- %% -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
{" has set the subject to: "," ตั้งหัวข้อว่า: "}.
{"Access denied by service policy","การเข้าถึงถูกปฏิเสธโดยนโยบายการบริการ"}. {"Access denied by service policy","การเข้าถึงถูกปฏิเสธโดยนโยบายการบริการ"}.
{"Action on user","การดำเนินการกับผู้ใช้"}. {"Action on user","การดำเนินการกับผู้ใช้"}.
{"Add Jabber ID","เพิ่ม Jabber ID"}. {"Add Jabber ID","เพิ่ม Jabber ID"}.
@ -8,10 +9,10 @@
{"Administration","การดูแล"}. {"Administration","การดูแล"}.
{"Administrator privileges required","ต้องมีสิทธิพิเศษของผู้ดูแลระบบ"}. {"Administrator privileges required","ต้องมีสิทธิพิเศษของผู้ดูแลระบบ"}.
{"All activity","กิจกรรมทั้งหมด"}. {"All activity","กิจกรรมทั้งหมด"}.
{"All Users","ผู้ใช้ทั้งหมด"}.
{"Allow users to query other users","อนุญาตให้ผู้ใช้ถามคำถามกับผู้ใช้คนอื่นๆ ได้"}. {"Allow users to query other users","อนุญาตให้ผู้ใช้ถามคำถามกับผู้ใช้คนอื่นๆ ได้"}.
{"Allow users to send invites","อนุญาตให้ผู้ใช้ส่งคำเชิญถึงกันได้"}. {"Allow users to send invites","อนุญาตให้ผู้ใช้ส่งคำเชิญถึงกันได้"}.
{"Allow users to send private messages","อนุญาตให้ผู้ใช้ส่งข้อความส่วนตัว"}. {"Allow users to send private messages","อนุญาตให้ผู้ใช้ส่งข้อความส่วนตัว"}.
{"All Users","ผู้ใช้ทั้งหมด"}.
{"Announcements","ประกาศ"}. {"Announcements","ประกาศ"}.
{"April","เมษายน"}. {"April","เมษายน"}.
{"August","สิงหาคม"}. {"August","สิงหาคม"}.
@ -25,7 +26,6 @@
{"Chatroom configuration modified","มีการปรับเปลี่ยนการกำหนดค่าของห้องสนทนา"}. {"Chatroom configuration modified","มีการปรับเปลี่ยนการกำหนดค่าของห้องสนทนา"}.
{"Chatrooms","ห้องสนทนา"}. {"Chatrooms","ห้องสนทนา"}.
{"Choose a username and password to register with this server","เลือกชื่อผู้ใช้และรหัสผ่านเพื่อลงทะเบียนกับเซิร์ฟเวอร์นี้"}. {"Choose a username and password to register with this server","เลือกชื่อผู้ใช้และรหัสผ่านเพื่อลงทะเบียนกับเซิร์ฟเวอร์นี้"}.
{"Choose modules to stop","เลือกโมดูลเพื่อหยุดการทำงาน"}.
{"Choose storage type of tables","เลือกชนิดการจัดเก็บของตาราง"}. {"Choose storage type of tables","เลือกชนิดการจัดเก็บของตาราง"}.
{"Choose whether to approve this entity's subscription.","เลือกว่าจะอนุมัติการสมัครเข้าใช้งานของเอนทิตี้นี้หรือไม่"}. {"Choose whether to approve this entity's subscription.","เลือกว่าจะอนุมัติการสมัครเข้าใช้งานของเอนทิตี้นี้หรือไม่"}.
{"City","เมือง"}. {"City","เมือง"}.
@ -56,7 +56,6 @@
{"Email","อีเมล"}. {"Email","อีเมล"}.
{"Enable logging","เปิดใช้งานการบันทึก"}. {"Enable logging","เปิดใช้งานการบันทึก"}.
{"End User Session","สิ้นสุดเซสชันของผู้ใช้"}. {"End User Session","สิ้นสุดเซสชันของผู้ใช้"}.
{"Enter list of {Module, [Options]}","ป้อนรายการของ {โมดูล, [ตัวเลือก]}"}.
{"Enter nickname you want to register","ป้อนชื่อเล่นที่คุณต้องการลงทะเบียน"}. {"Enter nickname you want to register","ป้อนชื่อเล่นที่คุณต้องการลงทะเบียน"}.
{"Enter path to backup file","ป้อนพาธเพื่อสำรองไฟล์ข้อมูล"}. {"Enter path to backup file","ป้อนพาธเพื่อสำรองไฟล์ข้อมูล"}.
{"Enter path to jabberd14 spool dir","ป้อนพาธไปยัง jabberd14 spool dir"}. {"Enter path to jabberd14 spool dir","ป้อนพาธไปยัง jabberd14 spool dir"}.
@ -66,7 +65,6 @@
{"Family Name","นามสกุล"}. {"Family Name","นามสกุล"}.
{"February","กุมภาพันธ์"}. {"February","กุมภาพันธ์"}.
{"Friday","วันศุกร์"}. {"Friday","วันศุกร์"}.
{"From ~s","จาก ~s"}.
{"From","จาก"}. {"From","จาก"}.
{"Full Name","ชื่อเต็ม"}. {"Full Name","ชื่อเต็ม"}.
{"Get Number of Online Users","แสดงจำนวนผู้ใช้ออนไลน์"}. {"Get Number of Online Users","แสดงจำนวนผู้ใช้ออนไลน์"}.
@ -74,11 +72,10 @@
{"Get User Last Login Time","แสดงเวลาเข้าสู่ระบบครั้งล่าสุดของผู้ใช้"}. {"Get User Last Login Time","แสดงเวลาเข้าสู่ระบบครั้งล่าสุดของผู้ใช้"}.
{"Get User Password","ขอรับรหัสผ่านของผู้ใช้"}. {"Get User Password","ขอรับรหัสผ่านของผู้ใช้"}.
{"Get User Statistics","แสดงสถิติของผู้ใช้"}. {"Get User Statistics","แสดงสถิติของผู้ใช้"}.
{"Group ","กลุ่ม"}. {"Group ","กลุ่ม"}.
{"has been banned","ถูกสั่งห้าม"}. {"has been banned","ถูกสั่งห้าม"}.
{"has been kicked","ถูกไล่ออก"}. {"has been kicked","ถูกไล่ออก"}.
{" has set the subject to: "," ตั้งหัวข้อว่า: "}.
{"Host","โฮสต์"}. {"Host","โฮสต์"}.
{"Import Directory","อิมพอร์ตไดเร็กทอรี"}. {"Import Directory","อิมพอร์ตไดเร็กทอรี"}.
{"Import File","อิมพอร์ตไฟล์"}. {"Import File","อิมพอร์ตไฟล์"}.
@ -101,7 +98,6 @@
{"Last month","เดือนที่แล้ว"}. {"Last month","เดือนที่แล้ว"}.
{"Last year","ปีที่แล้ว"}. {"Last year","ปีที่แล้ว"}.
{"leaves the room","ออกจากห้อง"}. {"leaves the room","ออกจากห้อง"}.
{"List of modules to start","รายการของโมดูลที่จะเริ่มการทำงาน"}.
{"Low level update script","อัพเดตสคริปต์ระดับต่ำ"}. {"Low level update script","อัพเดตสคริปต์ระดับต่ำ"}.
{"Make participants list public","สร้างรายการผู้เข้าร่วมสำหรับใช้งานโดยบุคคลทั่วไป"}. {"Make participants list public","สร้างรายการผู้เข้าร่วมสำหรับใช้งานโดยบุคคลทั่วไป"}.
{"Make room members-only","สร้างห้องสำหรับสมาชิกเท่านั้น"}. {"Make room members-only","สร้างห้องสำหรับสมาชิกเท่านั้น"}.
@ -116,19 +112,17 @@
{"Message body","เนื้อหาของข้อความ"}. {"Message body","เนื้อหาของข้อความ"}.
{"Middle Name","ชื่อกลาง"}. {"Middle Name","ชื่อกลาง"}.
{"Moderator privileges required","ต้องมีสิทธิพิเศษของผู้ดูแลการสนทนา"}. {"Moderator privileges required","ต้องมีสิทธิพิเศษของผู้ดูแลการสนทนา"}.
{"Monday","วันจันทร์"}. {"Monday","วันจันทร์"}.
{"Name","ชื่อ"}. {"Name","ชื่อ"}.
{"Name:","ชื่อ:"}. {"Name:","ชื่อ:"}.
{"Never","ไม่เคย"}. {"Never","ไม่เคย"}.
{"Nickname Registration at ","การลงทะเบียนชื่อเล่นที่ "}. {"Nickname Registration at ","การลงทะเบียนชื่อเล่นที่ "}.
{"Nickname ~s does not exist in the room","ไม่มีชื่อเล่น ~s อยู่ในห้องนี้"}.
{"Nickname","ชื่อเล่น"}. {"Nickname","ชื่อเล่น"}.
{"No body provided for announce message","ไม่ได้ป้อนเนื้อหาสำหรับข้อความที่ประกาศ"}. {"No body provided for announce message","ไม่ได้ป้อนเนื้อหาสำหรับข้อความที่ประกาศ"}.
{"No Data","ไม่มีข้อมูล"}. {"No Data","ไม่มีข้อมูล"}.
{"No limit","ไม่จำกัด"}.
{"Node not found","ไม่พบโหนด"}. {"Node not found","ไม่พบโหนด"}.
{"Nodes","โหนด"}. {"Nodes","โหนด"}.
{"No limit","ไม่จำกัด"}.
{"None","ไม่มี"}. {"None","ไม่มี"}.
{"November","พฤศจิกายน"}. {"November","พฤศจิกายน"}.
{"Number of online users","จำนวนผู้ใช้ออนไลน์"}. {"Number of online users","จำนวนผู้ใช้ออนไลน์"}.
@ -183,7 +177,6 @@
{"Room Configuration","การกำหนดค่าห้องสนทนา"}. {"Room Configuration","การกำหนดค่าห้องสนทนา"}.
{"Room creation is denied by service policy","การสร้างห้องสนทนาถูกปฏิเสธโดยนโยบายการบริการ"}. {"Room creation is denied by service policy","การสร้างห้องสนทนาถูกปฏิเสธโดยนโยบายการบริการ"}.
{"Room title","ชื่อห้อง"}. {"Room title","ชื่อห้อง"}.
{"Roster of ","บัญชีรายชื่อของ "}.
{"Roster size","ขนาดของบัญชีรายชื่อ"}. {"Roster size","ขนาดของบัญชีรายชื่อ"}.
{"Roster","บัญชีรายชื่อ"}. {"Roster","บัญชีรายชื่อ"}.
{"RPC Call Error","ข้อผิดพลาดจากการเรียกใช้ RPC"}. {"RPC Call Error","ข้อผิดพลาดจากการเรียกใช้ RPC"}.
@ -203,14 +196,8 @@
{"Show Integral Table","แสดงตารางรวม"}. {"Show Integral Table","แสดงตารางรวม"}.
{"Show Ordinary Table","แสดงตารางทั่วไป"}. {"Show Ordinary Table","แสดงตารางทั่วไป"}.
{"Shut Down Service","ปิดการบริการ"}. {"Shut Down Service","ปิดการบริการ"}.
{"~s invites you to the room ~s","~s เชิญคุณเข้าร่วมสนทนาในห้อง ~s"}.
{"~s's Offline Messages Queue","~s's ลำดับข้อความออฟไลน์"}.
{"Start Modules at ","เริ่มโมดูลที่"}.
{"Start Modules","เริ่มโมดูล"}.
{"Statistics of ~p","สถิติของ ~p"}. {"Statistics of ~p","สถิติของ ~p"}.
{"Statistics","สถิติ"}. {"Statistics","สถิติ"}.
{"Stop Modules at ","หยุดโมดูลที่"}.
{"Stop Modules","หยุดโมดูล"}.
{"Stopped Nodes","โหนดที่หยุด"}. {"Stopped Nodes","โหนดที่หยุด"}.
{"Stop","หยุด"}. {"Stop","หยุด"}.
{"Storage Type","ชนิดที่เก็บข้อมูล"}. {"Storage Type","ชนิดที่เก็บข้อมูล"}.
@ -226,7 +213,6 @@
{"Thursday","วันพฤหัสบดี"}. {"Thursday","วันพฤหัสบดี"}.
{"Time delay","การหน่วงเวลา"}. {"Time delay","การหน่วงเวลา"}.
{"Time","เวลา"}. {"Time","เวลา"}.
{"To ~s","ถึง ~s"}.
{"To","ถึง"}. {"To","ถึง"}.
{"Traffic rate limit is exceeded","อัตราของปริมาณการเข้าใช้เกินขีดจำกัด"}. {"Traffic rate limit is exceeded","อัตราของปริมาณการเข้าใช้เกินขีดจำกัด"}.
{"Transactions Aborted:","ทรานแซกชันที่ถูกยกเลิก:"}. {"Transactions Aborted:","ทรานแซกชันที่ถูกยกเลิก:"}.

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
%% -*- coding: utf-8 -*- %% -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
{" has set the subject to: "," konuyu değiştirdi: "}.
{"A password is required to enter this room","Bu odaya girmek için parola gerekiyor"}.
{"Access denied by service policy","Servis politikası gereği erişim engellendi"}. {"Access denied by service policy","Servis politikası gereği erişim engellendi"}.
{"Action on user","Kullanıcıya uygulanacak eylem"}. {"Action on user","Kullanıcıya uygulanacak eylem"}.
{"Add Jabber ID","Jabber ID'si Ekle"}. {"Add Jabber ID","Jabber ID'si Ekle"}.
@ -8,6 +10,7 @@
{"Administration","Yönetim"}. {"Administration","Yönetim"}.
{"Administrator privileges required","Yönetim yetkileri gerekli"}. {"Administrator privileges required","Yönetim yetkileri gerekli"}.
{"All activity","Tüm aktivite"}. {"All activity","Tüm aktivite"}.
{"All Users","Tüm Kullanıcılar"}.
{"Allow users to change the subject","Kullanıcıların konu değiştirmesine izin ver"}. {"Allow users to change the subject","Kullanıcıların konu değiştirmesine izin ver"}.
{"Allow users to query other users","Kullanıcıların diğer kullanıcıları sorgulamalarına izin ver"}. {"Allow users to query other users","Kullanıcıların diğer kullanıcıları sorgulamalarına izin ver"}.
{"Allow users to send invites","Kullanıcıların davetiye göndermelerine izin ver"}. {"Allow users to send invites","Kullanıcıların davetiye göndermelerine izin ver"}.
@ -15,9 +18,7 @@
{"Allow visitors to change nickname","Ziyaretçilerin takma isim değiştirmelerine izin ver"}. {"Allow visitors to change nickname","Ziyaretçilerin takma isim değiştirmelerine izin ver"}.
{"Allow visitors to send private messages to","Ziyaretçilerin özel mesaj göndermelerine izin ver"}. {"Allow visitors to send private messages to","Ziyaretçilerin özel mesaj göndermelerine izin ver"}.
{"Allow visitors to send status text in presence updates","Ziyaretçilerin varlık (presence) güncellemelerinde durum metni göndermelerine izin ver"}. {"Allow visitors to send status text in presence updates","Ziyaretçilerin varlık (presence) güncellemelerinde durum metni göndermelerine izin ver"}.
{"All Users","Tüm Kullanıcılar"}.
{"Announcements","Duyurular"}. {"Announcements","Duyurular"}.
{"A password is required to enter this room","Bu odaya girmek için parola gerekiyor"}.
{"April","Nisan"}. {"April","Nisan"}.
{"August","Ağustos"}. {"August","Ağustos"}.
{"Backup Management","Yedek Yönetimi"}. {"Backup Management","Yedek Yönetimi"}.
@ -25,7 +26,6 @@
{"Backup","Yedekle"}. {"Backup","Yedekle"}.
{"Bad format","Kötü biçem"}. {"Bad format","Kötü biçem"}.
{"Birthday","Doğumgünü"}. {"Birthday","Doğumgünü"}.
{"CAPTCHA web page","CAPTCHA web sayfası"}.
{"Change Password","Parola Değiştir"}. {"Change Password","Parola Değiştir"}.
{"Change User Password","Kullanıcı Parolasını Değiştir"}. {"Change User Password","Kullanıcı Parolasını Değiştir"}.
{"Characters not allowed:","İzin verilmeyen karakterler:"}. {"Characters not allowed:","İzin verilmeyen karakterler:"}.
@ -36,14 +36,12 @@
{"Chatroom is stopped","Sohbet odası durduruldu"}. {"Chatroom is stopped","Sohbet odası durduruldu"}.
{"Chatrooms","Sohbet Odaları"}. {"Chatrooms","Sohbet Odaları"}.
{"Choose a username and password to register with this server","Bu sunucuya kayıt olmak için bir kullanıcı ismi ve parola seçiniz"}. {"Choose a username and password to register with this server","Bu sunucuya kayıt olmak için bir kullanıcı ismi ve parola seçiniz"}.
{"Choose modules to stop","Durdurulacak modülleri seçiniz"}.
{"Choose storage type of tables","Tabloların veri depolama tipini seçiniz"}. {"Choose storage type of tables","Tabloların veri depolama tipini seçiniz"}.
{"Choose whether to approve this entity's subscription.","Bu varlığın üyeliğini onaylayıp onaylamamayı seçiniz."}. {"Choose whether to approve this entity's subscription.","Bu varlığın üyeliğini onaylayıp onaylamamayı seçiniz."}.
{"City","İl"}. {"City","İl"}.
{"Commands","Komutlar"}. {"Commands","Komutlar"}.
{"Conference room does not exist","Konferans odası bulunamadı"}. {"Conference room does not exist","Konferans odası bulunamadı"}.
{"Configuration","Ayarlar"}. {"Configuration","Ayarlar"}.
{"Configuration of room ~s","~s odasının ayarları"}.
{"Connected Resources:","Bağlı Kaynaklar:"}. {"Connected Resources:","Bağlı Kaynaklar:"}.
{"Country","Ülke"}. {"Country","Ülke"}.
{"CPU Time:","İşlemci Zamanı:"}. {"CPU Time:","İşlemci Zamanı:"}.
@ -51,8 +49,8 @@
{"Database","Veritabanı"}. {"Database","Veritabanı"}.
{"December","Aralık"}. {"December","Aralık"}.
{"Default users as participants","Kullanıcılar öntanımlı olarak katılımcı olsun"}. {"Default users as participants","Kullanıcılar öntanımlı olarak katılımcı olsun"}.
{"Delete message of the day","Günün mesajını sil"}.
{"Delete message of the day on all hosts","Tüm sunuculardaki günün mesajını sil"}. {"Delete message of the day on all hosts","Tüm sunuculardaki günün mesajını sil"}.
{"Delete message of the day","Günün mesajını sil"}.
{"Delete Selected","Seçilenleri Sil"}. {"Delete Selected","Seçilenleri Sil"}.
{"Delete User","Kullanıcıyı Sil"}. {"Delete User","Kullanıcıyı Sil"}.
{"Description:","Tanım:"}. {"Description:","Tanım:"}.
@ -72,7 +70,6 @@
{"Email","E-posta"}. {"Email","E-posta"}.
{"Enable logging","Kayıt tutma özelliğini aç"}. {"Enable logging","Kayıt tutma özelliğini aç"}.
{"End User Session","Kullanıcı Oturumunu Kapat"}. {"End User Session","Kullanıcı Oturumunu Kapat"}.
{"Enter list of {Module, [Options]}","{Module, [Options]} listesi giriniz"}.
{"Enter nickname you want to register","Kaydettirmek istediğiniz takma ismi giriniz"}. {"Enter nickname you want to register","Kaydettirmek istediğiniz takma ismi giriniz"}.
{"Enter path to backup file","Yedek dosyasının yolunu giriniz"}. {"Enter path to backup file","Yedek dosyasının yolunu giriniz"}.
{"Enter path to jabberd14 spool dir","jabberd14 spool dosyası için yol giriniz"}. {"Enter path to jabberd14 spool dir","jabberd14 spool dosyası için yol giriniz"}.
@ -88,7 +85,6 @@
{"February","Şubat"}. {"February","Şubat"}.
{"Friday","Cuma"}. {"Friday","Cuma"}.
{"From","Kimden"}. {"From","Kimden"}.
{"From ~s","Kimden ~s"}.
{"Full Name","Tam İsim"}. {"Full Name","Tam İsim"}.
{"Get Number of Online Users","Bağlı Kullanıcı Sayısını Al"}. {"Get Number of Online Users","Bağlı Kullanıcı Sayısını Al"}.
{"Get Number of Registered Users","Kayıtlı Kullanıcı Sayısını Al"}. {"Get Number of Registered Users","Kayıtlı Kullanıcı Sayısını Al"}.
@ -98,11 +94,10 @@
{"Group ","Group "}. {"Group ","Group "}.
{"Groups","Gruplar"}. {"Groups","Gruplar"}.
{"has been banned","odaya girmesi yasaklandı"}. {"has been banned","odaya girmesi yasaklandı"}.
{"has been kicked because of an affiliation change","ilişki değişikliğinden dolayı atıldı"}.
{"has been kicked because of a system shutdown","sistem kapandığından dolayı atıldı"}. {"has been kicked because of a system shutdown","sistem kapandığından dolayı atıldı"}.
{"has been kicked because of an affiliation change","ilişki değişikliğinden dolayı atıldı"}.
{"has been kicked because the room has been changed to members-only","oda üyelere-özel hale getirildiğinden dolayı atıldı"}. {"has been kicked because the room has been changed to members-only","oda üyelere-özel hale getirildiğinden dolayı atıldı"}.
{"has been kicked","odadan atıldı"}. {"has been kicked","odadan atıldı"}.
{" has set the subject to: "," konuyu değiştirdi: "}.
{"Host","Sunucu"}. {"Host","Sunucu"}.
{"If you don't see the CAPTCHA image here, visit the web page.","Eğer burada CAPTCHA resmini göremiyorsanız, web sayfasını ziyaret edin."}. {"If you don't see the CAPTCHA image here, visit the web page.","Eğer burada CAPTCHA resmini göremiyorsanız, web sayfasını ziyaret edin."}.
{"Import Directory","Dizini İçe Aktar"}. {"Import Directory","Dizini İçe Aktar"}.
@ -118,8 +113,8 @@
{"IP addresses","IP adresleri"}. {"IP addresses","IP adresleri"}.
{"is now known as","isim değiştirdi :"}. {"is now known as","isim değiştirdi :"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","\"groupchat\" tipinde özel mesajlar gönderilmesine izin verilmiyor"}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","\"groupchat\" tipinde özel mesajlar gönderilmesine izin verilmiyor"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages","Özel mesaj gönderilmesine izin verilmiyor"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","Konferansa özel mesajlar gönderilmesine izin verilmiyor"}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","Konferansa özel mesajlar gönderilmesine izin verilmiyor"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages","Özel mesaj gönderilmesine izin verilmiyor"}.
{"Jabber Account Registration","Jabber Hesap Kaydı"}. {"Jabber Account Registration","Jabber Hesap Kaydı"}.
{"Jabber ID","Jabber ID"}. {"Jabber ID","Jabber ID"}.
{"January","Ocak"}. {"January","Ocak"}.
@ -131,7 +126,6 @@
{"Last month","Geçen ay"}. {"Last month","Geçen ay"}.
{"Last year","Geçen yıl"}. {"Last year","Geçen yıl"}.
{"leaves the room","odadan ayrıldı"}. {"leaves the room","odadan ayrıldı"}.
{"List of modules to start","Başlatılacak modüllerin listesi"}.
{"Low level update script","Düşük seviye güncelleme betiği"}. {"Low level update script","Düşük seviye güncelleme betiği"}.
{"Make participants list public","Katılımcı listesini herkese açık hale getir"}. {"Make participants list public","Katılımcı listesini herkese açık hale getir"}.
{"Make room CAPTCHA protected","Odayı insan doğrulaması (captcha) korumalı hale getir"}. {"Make room CAPTCHA protected","Odayı insan doğrulaması (captcha) korumalı hale getir"}.
@ -151,20 +145,18 @@
{"Middle Name","Ortanca İsim"}. {"Middle Name","Ortanca İsim"}.
{"Moderator privileges required","Moderatör yetkileri gerekli"}. {"Moderator privileges required","Moderatör yetkileri gerekli"}.
{"Modified modules","Değişen modüller"}. {"Modified modules","Değişen modüller"}.
{"Monday","Pazartesi"}. {"Monday","Pazartesi"}.
{"Name","İsim"}. {"Name","İsim"}.
{"Name:","İsim:"}. {"Name:","İsim:"}.
{"Never","Asla"}. {"Never","Asla"}.
{"New Password:","Yeni Parola:"}. {"New Password:","Yeni Parola:"}.
{"Nickname Registration at ","Takma İsim Kaydı : "}. {"Nickname Registration at ","Takma İsim Kaydı : "}.
{"Nickname ~s does not exist in the room","~s takma ismi odada yok"}.
{"Nickname","Takma isim"}. {"Nickname","Takma isim"}.
{"No body provided for announce message","Duyuru mesajının gövdesi yok"}. {"No body provided for announce message","Duyuru mesajının gövdesi yok"}.
{"No Data","Veri Yok"}. {"No Data","Veri Yok"}.
{"No limit","Sınırsız"}.
{"Node not found","Düğüm bulunamadı"}. {"Node not found","Düğüm bulunamadı"}.
{"Nodes","Düğümler"}. {"Nodes","Düğümler"}.
{"No limit","Sınırsız"}.
{"None","Hiçbiri"}. {"None","Hiçbiri"}.
{"Not Found","Bulunamadı"}. {"Not Found","Bulunamadı"}.
{"November","Kasım"}. {"November","Kasım"}.
@ -175,9 +167,9 @@
{"Offline Messages:","Çevirim-dışı Mesajlar:"}. {"Offline Messages:","Çevirim-dışı Mesajlar:"}.
{"OK","Tamam"}. {"OK","Tamam"}.
{"Old Password:","Eski Parola:"}. {"Old Password:","Eski Parola:"}.
{"Online Users","Bağlı Kullanıcılar"}. {"Online Users","Bağlı Kullanıcılar"}.
{"Online Users:","Bağlı Kullanıcılar:"}. {"Online Users:","Bağlı Kullanıcılar:"}.
{"Only moderators and participants are allowed to change the subject in this room","Sadece moderatörlerin ve katılımcıların bu odanın konusunu değiştirmesine izin veriliyor"}. {"Only moderators and participants are allowed to change the subject in this room","Sadece moderatörlerin ve katılımcıların bu odanın konusunu değiştirmesine izin veriliyor"}.
{"Only moderators are allowed to change the subject in this room","Sadece moderatörlerin bu odanın konusunu değiştirmesine izin veriliyor"}. {"Only moderators are allowed to change the subject in this room","Sadece moderatörlerin bu odanın konusunu değiştirmesine izin veriliyor"}.
{"Only moderators can approve voice requests","Yalnız moderatörler ses isteklerini onaylayabilir"}. {"Only moderators can approve voice requests","Yalnız moderatörler ses isteklerini onaylayabilir"}.
@ -190,10 +182,10 @@
{"Outgoing s2s Connections:","Giden s2s Bağlantıları:"}. {"Outgoing s2s Connections:","Giden s2s Bağlantıları:"}.
{"Owner privileges required","Sahip yetkileri gerekli"}. {"Owner privileges required","Sahip yetkileri gerekli"}.
{"Packet","Paket"}. {"Packet","Paket"}.
{"Password Verification","Parola Doğrulaması"}. {"Password Verification","Parola Doğrulaması"}.
{"Password Verification:","Parola Doğrulaması:"}. {"Password Verification:","Parola Doğrulaması:"}.
{"Path to Dir","Dizinin Yolu"}. {"Path to Dir","Dizinin Yolu"}.
{"Path to File","Dosyanın Yolu"}. {"Path to File","Dosyanın Yolu"}.
{"Pending","Sıra Bekleyen"}. {"Pending","Sıra Bekleyen"}.
@ -216,8 +208,8 @@
{"Register","Kayıt Ol"}. {"Register","Kayıt Ol"}.
{"Remote copy","Uzak kopyala"}. {"Remote copy","Uzak kopyala"}.
{"Remove All Offline Messages","Tüm Çevirim-dışı Mesajları Kaldır"}. {"Remove All Offline Messages","Tüm Çevirim-dışı Mesajları Kaldır"}.
{"Remove User","Kullanıcıyı Kaldır"}. {"Remove User","Kullanıcıyı Kaldır"}.
{"Replaced by new connection","Eski bağlantı yenisi ile değiştirildi"}. {"Replaced by new connection","Eski bağlantı yenisi ile değiştirildi"}.
{"Resources","Kaynaklar"}. {"Resources","Kaynaklar"}.
{"Restart Service","Servisi Tekrar Başlat"}. {"Restart Service","Servisi Tekrar Başlat"}.
@ -232,19 +224,18 @@
{"Room description","Oda tanımı"}. {"Room description","Oda tanımı"}.
{"Room Occupants","Oda Sakini Sayısı"}. {"Room Occupants","Oda Sakini Sayısı"}.
{"Room title","Oda başlığı"}. {"Room title","Oda başlığı"}.
{"Roster","Kontak Listesi"}.
{"Roster of ","Kontak Listesi : "}.
{"Roster size","İsim listesi boyutu"}. {"Roster size","İsim listesi boyutu"}.
{"Roster","Kontak Listesi"}.
{"RPC Call Error","RPC Çağrı Hatası"}. {"RPC Call Error","RPC Çağrı Hatası"}.
{"Running Nodes","Çalışan Düğümler"}. {"Running Nodes","Çalışan Düğümler"}.
{"Saturday","Cumartesi"}. {"Saturday","Cumartesi"}.
{"Script check","Betik kontrolü"}. {"Script check","Betik kontrolü"}.
{"Search Results for ","Arama sonuçları : "}. {"Search Results for ","Arama sonuçları : "}.
{"Search users in ","Kullanıcılarda arama yap : "}. {"Search users in ","Kullanıcılarda arama yap : "}.
{"Send announcement to all online users","Duyuruyu tüm bağlı kullanıcılara yolla"}.
{"Send announcement to all online users on all hosts","Duyuruyu tüm sunuculardaki tüm bağlı kullanıcılara yolla"}. {"Send announcement to all online users on all hosts","Duyuruyu tüm sunuculardaki tüm bağlı kullanıcılara yolla"}.
{"Send announcement to all users","Duyuruyu tüm kullanıcılara yolla"}. {"Send announcement to all online users","Duyuruyu tüm bağlı kullanıcılara yolla"}.
{"Send announcement to all users on all hosts","Tüm sunuculardaki tüm kullanıcılara duyuru yolla"}. {"Send announcement to all users on all hosts","Tüm sunuculardaki tüm kullanıcılara duyuru yolla"}.
{"Send announcement to all users","Duyuruyu tüm kullanıcılara yolla"}.
{"September","Eylül"}. {"September","Eylül"}.
{"Server:","Sunucu:"}. {"Server:","Sunucu:"}.
{"Set message of the day and send to online users","Günün mesajını belirle"}. {"Set message of the day and send to online users","Günün mesajını belirle"}.
@ -253,16 +244,10 @@
{"Show Integral Table","Önemli Tabloyu Göster"}. {"Show Integral Table","Önemli Tabloyu Göster"}.
{"Show Ordinary Table","Sıradan Tabloyu Göster"}. {"Show Ordinary Table","Sıradan Tabloyu Göster"}.
{"Shut Down Service","Servisi Kapat"}. {"Shut Down Service","Servisi Kapat"}.
{"~s invites you to the room ~s","~s sizi ~s odasına davet ediyor"}.
{"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons.","Bazı Jabber istemcileri parolanızı bilgisayarınızda saklayabilir. Bu özelliği ancak bilgisayarın güvenli olduğuna güveniyorsanız kullanın."}. {"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons.","Bazı Jabber istemcileri parolanızı bilgisayarınızda saklayabilir. Bu özelliği ancak bilgisayarın güvenli olduğuna güveniyorsanız kullanın."}.
{"~s's Offline Messages Queue","~s Kullanıcısının Mesaj Kuyruğu"}.
{"Start Modules at ","Modülleri Başlat : "}.
{"Start Modules","Modülleri Başlat"}.
{"Statistics of ~p","~p istatistikleri"}. {"Statistics of ~p","~p istatistikleri"}.
{"Stop","Durdur"}. {"Stop","Durdur"}.
{"Stop Modules at ","Modülleri Durdur : "}.
{"Stop Modules","Modülleri Durdur"}.
{"Stopped Nodes","Durdurulmuş Düğümler"}. {"Stopped Nodes","Durdurulmuş Düğümler"}.
{"Storage Type","Depolama Tipi"}. {"Storage Type","Depolama Tipi"}.
{"Store binary backup:","İkili yedeği sakla:"}. {"Store binary backup:","İkili yedeği sakla:"}.
@ -276,8 +261,8 @@
{"That nickname is registered by another person","O takma isim başka biri tarafından kaydettirilmiş"}. {"That nickname is registered by another person","O takma isim başka biri tarafından kaydettirilmiş"}.
{"The CAPTCHA is valid.","İnsan doğrulaması (captcha) geçerli."}. {"The CAPTCHA is valid.","İnsan doğrulaması (captcha) geçerli."}.
{"The CAPTCHA verification has failed","CAPTCHA doğrulaması başarısız oldu"}. {"The CAPTCHA verification has failed","CAPTCHA doğrulaması başarısız oldu"}.
{"the password is","parola :"}.
{"The password is too weak","Parola çok zayıf"}. {"The password is too weak","Parola çok zayıf"}.
{"the password is","parola :"}.
{"The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed.","Jabber hesabınızın parolası başarıyla değiştirildi."}. {"The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed.","Jabber hesabınızın parolası başarıyla değiştirildi."}.
{"There was an error changing the password: ","Parolanın değiştirilmesi sırasında bir hata oluştu:"}. {"There was an error changing the password: ","Parolanın değiştirilmesi sırasında bir hata oluştu:"}.
{"There was an error creating the account: ","Hesap oluşturulurken bir hata oluştu:"}. {"There was an error creating the account: ","Hesap oluşturulurken bir hata oluştu:"}.
@ -291,7 +276,6 @@
{"Time","Zaman"}. {"Time","Zaman"}.
{"To","Kime"}. {"To","Kime"}.
{"Too many CAPTCHA requests","Çok fazla CAPTCHA isteği"}. {"Too many CAPTCHA requests","Çok fazla CAPTCHA isteği"}.
{"To ~s","Kime ~s"}.
{"Traffic rate limit is exceeded","Trafik oran sınırııldı"}. {"Traffic rate limit is exceeded","Trafik oran sınırııldı"}.
{"Transactions Aborted:","İptal Edilen Hareketler (Transactions):"}. {"Transactions Aborted:","İptal Edilen Hareketler (Transactions):"}.
{"Transactions Committed:","Tamamlanan Hareketler (Transactions Committed):"}. {"Transactions Committed:","Tamamlanan Hareketler (Transactions Committed):"}.
@ -302,18 +286,18 @@
{"Unauthorized","Yetkisiz"}. {"Unauthorized","Yetkisiz"}.
{"Unregister a Jabber account","Bir Jabber hesabı kaydı sil"}. {"Unregister a Jabber account","Bir Jabber hesabı kaydı sil"}.
{"Unregister","Kaydı Sil"}. {"Unregister","Kaydı Sil"}.
{"Update message of the day (don't send)","Günün mesajını güncelle (gönderme)"}. {"Update message of the day (don't send)","Günün mesajını güncelle (gönderme)"}.
{"Update message of the day on all hosts (don't send)","Tüm sunuculardaki günün mesajını güncelle (gönderme)"}. {"Update message of the day on all hosts (don't send)","Tüm sunuculardaki günün mesajını güncelle (gönderme)"}.
{"Update plan","Planı güncelle"}. {"Update plan","Planı güncelle"}.
{"Update script","Betiği Güncelle"}. {"Update script","Betiği Güncelle"}.
{"Uptime:","Hizmet Süresi:"}. {"Uptime:","Hizmet Süresi:"}.
{"User Management","Kullanıcı Yönetimi"}. {"User Management","Kullanıcı Yönetimi"}.
{"Username:","Kullanıcı adı:"}. {"Username:","Kullanıcı adı:"}.
{"Users are not allowed to register accounts so quickly","Kullanıcıların bu kadar hızlı hesap açmalarına izin verilmiyor"}. {"Users are not allowed to register accounts so quickly","Kullanıcıların bu kadar hızlı hesap açmalarına izin verilmiyor"}.
{"Users Last Activity","Kullanıcıların Son Aktiviteleri"}. {"Users Last Activity","Kullanıcıların Son Aktiviteleri"}.
{"Validate","Geçerli"}. {"Validate","Geçerli"}.
{"vCard User Search","vCard Kullanıcı Araması"}. {"vCard User Search","vCard Kullanıcı Araması"}.
{"Virtual Hosts","Sanal Sunucuları"}. {"Virtual Hosts","Sanal Sunucuları"}.

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
%% -*- coding: utf-8 -*- %% -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
{" has set the subject to: "," встановив(ла) тему: "}.
{"A password is required to enter this room","Щоб зайти в цю конференцію, необхідно ввести пароль"}.
{"Accept","Прийняти"}. {"Accept","Прийняти"}.
{"Access denied by service policy","Доступ заборонений політикою служби"}. {"Access denied by service policy","Доступ заборонений політикою служби"}.
{"Action on user","Дія над користувачем"}. {"Action on user","Дія над користувачем"}.
@ -9,6 +11,7 @@
{"Administration","Адміністрування"}. {"Administration","Адміністрування"}.
{"Administrator privileges required","Необхідні права адміністратора"}. {"Administrator privileges required","Необхідні права адміністратора"}.
{"All activity","Вся статистика"}. {"All activity","Вся статистика"}.
{"All Users","Всі користувачі"}.
{"Allow users to change the subject","Дозволити користувачам змінювати тему"}. {"Allow users to change the subject","Дозволити користувачам змінювати тему"}.
{"Allow users to query other users","Дозволити iq-запити до користувачів"}. {"Allow users to query other users","Дозволити iq-запити до користувачів"}.
{"Allow users to send invites","Дозволити користувачам надсилати запрошення"}. {"Allow users to send invites","Дозволити користувачам надсилати запрошення"}.
@ -16,9 +19,7 @@
{"Allow visitors to change nickname","Дозволити відвідувачам змінювати псевдонім"}. {"Allow visitors to change nickname","Дозволити відвідувачам змінювати псевдонім"}.
{"Allow visitors to send private messages to","Дозволити відвідувачам відсилати приватні повідомлення"}. {"Allow visitors to send private messages to","Дозволити відвідувачам відсилати приватні повідомлення"}.
{"Allow visitors to send status text in presence updates","Дозволити відвідувачам відсилати текст статусу в оновленнях присутності"}. {"Allow visitors to send status text in presence updates","Дозволити відвідувачам відсилати текст статусу в оновленнях присутності"}.
{"All Users","Всі користувачі"}.
{"Announcements","Сповіщення"}. {"Announcements","Сповіщення"}.
{"A password is required to enter this room","Щоб зайти в цю конференцію, необхідно ввести пароль"}.
{"April","квітня"}. {"April","квітня"}.
{"August","серпня"}. {"August","серпня"}.
{"Backup Management","Керування резервним копіюванням"}. {"Backup Management","Керування резервним копіюванням"}.
@ -27,7 +28,6 @@
{"Backup","Резервне копіювання"}. {"Backup","Резервне копіювання"}.
{"Bad format","Неправильний формат"}. {"Bad format","Неправильний формат"}.
{"Birthday","День народження"}. {"Birthday","День народження"}.
{"CAPTCHA web page","Адреса капчі"}.
{"Change Password","Змінити пароль"}. {"Change Password","Змінити пароль"}.
{"Change User Password","Змінити Пароль Користувача"}. {"Change User Password","Змінити Пароль Користувача"}.
{"Characters not allowed:","Заборонені символи:"}. {"Characters not allowed:","Заборонені символи:"}.
@ -38,13 +38,11 @@
{"Chatroom is stopped","Зупинено кімнату"}. {"Chatroom is stopped","Зупинено кімнату"}.
{"Chatrooms","Кімнати"}. {"Chatrooms","Кімнати"}.
{"Choose a username and password to register with this server","Виберіть назву користувача та пароль для реєстрації на цьому сервері"}. {"Choose a username and password to register with this server","Виберіть назву користувача та пароль для реєстрації на цьому сервері"}.
{"Choose modules to stop","Виберіть модулі, які необхідно зупинити"}.
{"Choose storage type of tables","Оберіть тип збереження таблиць"}. {"Choose storage type of tables","Оберіть тип збереження таблиць"}.
{"Choose whether to approve this entity's subscription.","Вирішіть, чи задовольнити запит цього об'єкту на підписку"}. {"Choose whether to approve this entity's subscription.","Вирішіть, чи задовольнити запит цього об'єкту на підписку"}.
{"City","Місто"}. {"City","Місто"}.
{"Commands","Команди"}. {"Commands","Команди"}.
{"Conference room does not exist","Конференція не існує"}. {"Conference room does not exist","Конференція не існує"}.
{"Configuration of room ~s","Конфігурація кімнати ~s"}.
{"Configuration","Конфігурація"}. {"Configuration","Конфігурація"}.
{"Connected Resources:","Підключені ресурси:"}. {"Connected Resources:","Підключені ресурси:"}.
{"Country","Країна"}. {"Country","Країна"}.
@ -76,7 +74,6 @@
{"Email","Електронна пошта"}. {"Email","Електронна пошта"}.
{"Enable logging","Включити журнал роботи"}. {"Enable logging","Включити журнал роботи"}.
{"End User Session","Закінчити Сеанс Користувача"}. {"End User Session","Закінчити Сеанс Користувача"}.
{"Enter list of {Module, [Options]}","Введіть перелік такого виду {Module, [Options]}"}.
{"Enter nickname you want to register","Введіть псевдонім, який ви хочете зареєструвати"}. {"Enter nickname you want to register","Введіть псевдонім, який ви хочете зареєструвати"}.
{"Enter path to backup file","Введіть шлях до резервного файла"}. {"Enter path to backup file","Введіть шлях до резервного файла"}.
{"Enter path to jabberd14 spool dir","Введіть шлях до директорії спула jabberd14"}. {"Enter path to jabberd14 spool dir","Введіть шлях до директорії спула jabberd14"}.
@ -92,7 +89,6 @@
{"Family Name","Прізвище"}. {"Family Name","Прізвище"}.
{"February","лютого"}. {"February","лютого"}.
{"Friday","П'ятниця"}. {"Friday","П'ятниця"}.
{"From ~s","Від ~s"}.
{"From","Від кого"}. {"From","Від кого"}.
{"Full Name","Повне ім'я"}. {"Full Name","Повне ім'я"}.
{"Get Number of Online Users","Отримати Кількість Підключених Користувачів"}. {"Get Number of Online Users","Отримати Кількість Підключених Користувачів"}.
@ -100,14 +96,13 @@
{"Get User Last Login Time","Отримати Час Останнього Підключення Користувача"}. {"Get User Last Login Time","Отримати Час Останнього Підключення Користувача"}.
{"Get User Password","Отримати Пароль Користувача"}. {"Get User Password","Отримати Пароль Користувача"}.
{"Get User Statistics","Отримати Статистику по Користувачу"}. {"Get User Statistics","Отримати Статистику по Користувачу"}.
{"Group ","Група "}. {"Group ","Група "}.
{"has been banned","заборонили вхід в кімнату"}. {"has been banned","заборонили вхід в кімнату"}.
{"has been kicked because of an affiliation change","вигнано з кімнати внаслідок зміни рангу"}.
{"has been kicked because of a system shutdown","вигнано з кімнати внаслідок зупинки системи"}. {"has been kicked because of a system shutdown","вигнано з кімнати внаслідок зупинки системи"}.
{"has been kicked because of an affiliation change","вигнано з кімнати внаслідок зміни рангу"}.
{"has been kicked because the room has been changed to members-only","вигнано з кімнати тому, що вона стала тільки для учасників"}. {"has been kicked because the room has been changed to members-only","вигнано з кімнати тому, що вона стала тільки для учасників"}.
{"has been kicked","вигнали з кімнати"}. {"has been kicked","вигнали з кімнати"}.
{" has set the subject to: "," встановив(ла) тему: "}.
{"Host","Хост"}. {"Host","Хост"}.
{"If you don't see the CAPTCHA image here, visit the web page.","Якщо ви не бачите зображення капчі, перейдіть за за цією адресою."}. {"If you don't see the CAPTCHA image here, visit the web page.","Якщо ви не бачите зображення капчі, перейдіть за за цією адресою."}.
{"Import Directory","Імпорт з директорії"}. {"Import Directory","Імпорт з директорії"}.
@ -123,7 +118,6 @@
{"Incorrect password","Неправильний пароль"}. {"Incorrect password","Неправильний пароль"}.
{"IP addresses","IP адреси"}. {"IP addresses","IP адреси"}.
{"is now known as","змінив(ла) псевдонім на"}. {"is now known as","змінив(ла) псевдонім на"}.
{"It is not allowed to send error messages to the room. The participant (~s) has sent an error message (~s) and got kicked from the room","Не дозволяється відправляти помилкові повідомлення в кімнату. Учасник (~s) відправив помилкове повідомлення (~s), та був виганий з кімнати"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","Не дозволяється надсилати приватні повідомлення типу \"groupchat\""}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","Не дозволяється надсилати приватні повідомлення типу \"groupchat\""}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","Не дозволяється надсилати приватні повідомлення в конференцію"}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","Не дозволяється надсилати приватні повідомлення в конференцію"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages","Приватні повідомлення не дозволені"}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages","Приватні повідомлення не дозволені"}.
@ -138,7 +132,6 @@
{"Last month","За останній місяць"}. {"Last month","За останній місяць"}.
{"Last year","За останній рік"}. {"Last year","За останній рік"}.
{"leaves the room","вийшов(ла) з кімнати"}. {"leaves the room","вийшов(ла) з кімнати"}.
{"List of modules to start","Список завантажуваних модулів"}.
{"List of rooms","Перелік кімнат"}. {"List of rooms","Перелік кімнат"}.
{"Low level update script","Низькорівневий сценарій поновлення"}. {"Low level update script","Низькорівневий сценарій поновлення"}.
{"Make participants list public","Зробити список учасників видимим всім"}. {"Make participants list public","Зробити список учасників видимим всім"}.
@ -159,7 +152,6 @@
{"Middle Name","По-батькові"}. {"Middle Name","По-батькові"}.
{"Moderator privileges required","Необхідні права модератора"}. {"Moderator privileges required","Необхідні права модератора"}.
{"Modified modules","Змінені модулі"}. {"Modified modules","Змінені модулі"}.
{"Monday","Понеділок"}. {"Monday","Понеділок"}.
{"Multicast","Мультікаст"}. {"Multicast","Мультікаст"}.
{"Multi-User Chat","Багато-користувальницький чат"}. {"Multi-User Chat","Багато-користувальницький чат"}.
@ -168,14 +160,13 @@
{"Never","Ніколи"}. {"Never","Ніколи"}.
{"New Password:","Новий Пароль:"}. {"New Password:","Новий Пароль:"}.
{"Nickname Registration at ","Реєстрація псевдоніма на "}. {"Nickname Registration at ","Реєстрація псевдоніма на "}.
{"Nickname ~s does not exist in the room","Псевдонім ~s в кімнаті відсутній"}.
{"Nickname","Псевдонім"}. {"Nickname","Псевдонім"}.
{"No body provided for announce message","Тіло оголошення має бути непустим"}. {"No body provided for announce message","Тіло оголошення має бути непустим"}.
{"No Data","Немає даних"}. {"No Data","Немає даних"}.
{"No limit","Без обмежень"}.
{"Node not found","Вузол не знайдено"}. {"Node not found","Вузол не знайдено"}.
{"Node ~p","Вузол ~p"}. {"Node ~p","Вузол ~p"}.
{"Nodes","Вузли"}. {"Nodes","Вузли"}.
{"No limit","Без обмежень"}.
{"None","Немає"}. {"None","Немає"}.
{"Not Found","не знайдено"}. {"Not Found","не знайдено"}.
{"November","листопада"}. {"November","листопада"}.
@ -244,7 +235,6 @@
{"Room description","Опис кімнати"}. {"Room description","Опис кімнати"}.
{"Room Occupants","Учасники кімнати"}. {"Room Occupants","Учасники кімнати"}.
{"Room title","Назва кімнати"}. {"Room title","Назва кімнати"}.
{"Roster of ","Ростер користувача "}.
{"Roster size","Кількість контактів"}. {"Roster size","Кількість контактів"}.
{"Roster","Ростер"}. {"Roster","Ростер"}.
{"RPC Call Error","Помилка виклику RPC"}. {"RPC Call Error","Помилка виклику RPC"}.
@ -265,15 +255,9 @@
{"Show Integral Table","Показати інтегральну таблицю"}. {"Show Integral Table","Показати інтегральну таблицю"}.
{"Show Ordinary Table","Показати звичайну таблицю"}. {"Show Ordinary Table","Показати звичайну таблицю"}.
{"Shut Down Service","Вимкнути Сервіс"}. {"Shut Down Service","Вимкнути Сервіс"}.
{"~s invites you to the room ~s","~s запрошує вас до кімнати ~s"}.
{"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons.","Деякі Jabber-клієнти можуть зберігати пароль на вашому комп'ютері. Користуйтесь цією функцією тільки у тому випадку, якщо вважаєте її безпечною."}. {"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons.","Деякі Jabber-клієнти можуть зберігати пароль на вашому комп'ютері. Користуйтесь цією функцією тільки у тому випадку, якщо вважаєте її безпечною."}.
{"~s's Offline Messages Queue","Черга офлайнових повідомлень ~s"}.
{"Start Modules at ","Запуск модулів на "}.
{"Start Modules","Запуск модулів"}.
{"Statistics of ~p","Статистика вузла ~p"}. {"Statistics of ~p","Статистика вузла ~p"}.
{"Statistics","Статистика"}. {"Statistics","Статистика"}.
{"Stop Modules at ","Зупинка модулів на "}.
{"Stop Modules","Зупинка модулів"}.
{"Stopped Nodes","Зупинені вузли"}. {"Stopped Nodes","Зупинені вузли"}.
{"Stop","Зупинити"}. {"Stop","Зупинити"}.
{"Storage Type","Тип таблиці"}. {"Storage Type","Тип таблиці"}.
@ -302,9 +286,7 @@
{"Time delay","Час затримки"}. {"Time delay","Час затримки"}.
{"Time","Час"}. {"Time","Час"}.
{"Too many CAPTCHA requests","Надто багато CAPTCHA-запитів"}. {"Too many CAPTCHA requests","Надто багато CAPTCHA-запитів"}.
{"Too many (~p) failed authentications from this IP address (~s). The address will be unblocked at ~s UTC","Забагато (~p) помилок авторизації з цієї IP адреси (~s). Адресу буде розблоковано о ~s UTC"}.
{"Too many unacked stanzas","Занадто багато пакетів без відповідей"}. {"Too many unacked stanzas","Занадто багато пакетів без відповідей"}.
{"To ~s","До ~s"}.
{"Total rooms","Всього кімнат"}. {"Total rooms","Всього кімнат"}.
{"To","Кому"}. {"To","Кому"}.
{"Traffic rate limit is exceeded","Швидкість передачі інформації було перевищено"}. {"Traffic rate limit is exceeded","Швидкість передачі інформації було перевищено"}.
@ -328,7 +310,6 @@
{"Username:","Ім'я користувача:"}. {"Username:","Ім'я користувача:"}.
{"Users are not allowed to register accounts so quickly","Користувачам не дозволено так часто реєструвати облікові записи"}. {"Users are not allowed to register accounts so quickly","Користувачам не дозволено так часто реєструвати облікові записи"}.
{"Users Last Activity","Статистика останнього підключення користувачів"}. {"Users Last Activity","Статистика останнього підключення користувачів"}.
{"User ~s","Користувач ~s"}.
{"Users","Користувачі"}. {"Users","Користувачі"}.
{"User","Користувач"}. {"User","Користувач"}.
{"Validate","Затвердити"}. {"Validate","Затвердити"}.

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
%% -*- coding: utf-8 -*- %% -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
{" has set the subject to: "," đã đặt chủ đề thành: "}.
{"Access denied by service policy","Sự truy cập bị chặn theo chính sách phục vụ"}. {"Access denied by service policy","Sự truy cập bị chặn theo chính sách phục vụ"}.
{"Action on user","Hành động đối với người sử dụng"}. {"Action on user","Hành động đối với người sử dụng"}.
{"Add Jabber ID","Thêm Jabber ID"}. {"Add Jabber ID","Thêm Jabber ID"}.
@ -8,16 +9,16 @@
{"Administration","Quản trị"}. {"Administration","Quản trị"}.
{"Administrator privileges required","Yêu cầu đặc quyền của nhà quản trị"}. {"Administrator privileges required","Yêu cầu đặc quyền của nhà quản trị"}.
{"All activity","Tất cả hoạt động"}. {"All activity","Tất cả hoạt động"}.
{"All Users","Tất Cả Người Sử Dụng"}.
{"Allow users to query other users","Cho phép người sử dụng hỏi người sử dụng khác"}. {"Allow users to query other users","Cho phép người sử dụng hỏi người sử dụng khác"}.
{"Allow users to send invites","Cho phép người sử dụng gửi lời mời"}. {"Allow users to send invites","Cho phép người sử dụng gửi lời mời"}.
{"Allow users to send private messages","Cho phép người sử dụng gửi thư riêng"}. {"Allow users to send private messages","Cho phép người sử dụng gửi thư riêng"}.
{"All Users","Tất Cả Người Sử Dụng"}.
{"Announcements","Thông báo"}. {"Announcements","Thông báo"}.
{"April","Tháng Tư"}. {"April","Tháng Tư"}.
{"August","Tháng Tám"}. {"August","Tháng Tám"}.
{"Backup Management","Quản lý Sao Lưu Dự Phòng"}. {"Backup Management","Quản lý Sao Lưu Dự Phòng"}.
{"Backup","Sao lưu dự phòng"}.
{"Backup to File at ","Sao lưu dự phòng ra Tập Tin tại"}. {"Backup to File at ","Sao lưu dự phòng ra Tập Tin tại"}.
{"Backup","Sao lưu dự phòng"}.
{"Bad format","Định dạng hỏng"}. {"Bad format","Định dạng hỏng"}.
{"Birthday","Ngày sinh"}. {"Birthday","Ngày sinh"}.
{"Change Password","Thay Đổi Mật Khẩu"}. {"Change Password","Thay Đổi Mật Khẩu"}.
@ -25,7 +26,6 @@
{"Chatroom configuration modified","Cấu hình phòng trò chuyện được chỉnh sửa"}. {"Chatroom configuration modified","Cấu hình phòng trò chuyện được chỉnh sửa"}.
{"Chatrooms","Phòng trò chuyện"}. {"Chatrooms","Phòng trò chuyện"}.
{"Choose a username and password to register with this server","Chọn một tên truy cập và mật khẩu để đăng ký với máy chủ này"}. {"Choose a username and password to register with this server","Chọn một tên truy cập và mật khẩu để đăng ký với máy chủ này"}.
{"Choose modules to stop","Chọn môđun để dừng"}.
{"Choose storage type of tables","Chọn loại bảng lưu trữ"}. {"Choose storage type of tables","Chọn loại bảng lưu trữ"}.
{"Choose whether to approve this entity's subscription.","Chọn có nên chấp nhận sự đăng ký của đối tượng này không"}. {"Choose whether to approve this entity's subscription.","Chọn có nên chấp nhận sự đăng ký của đối tượng này không"}.
{"City","Thành phố"}. {"City","Thành phố"}.
@ -35,8 +35,8 @@
{"Connected Resources:","Tài Nguyên Được Kết Nối:"}. {"Connected Resources:","Tài Nguyên Được Kết Nối:"}.
{"Country","Quốc gia"}. {"Country","Quốc gia"}.
{"CPU Time:","Thời Gian CPU:"}. {"CPU Time:","Thời Gian CPU:"}.
{"Database","Cơ sở dữ liệu"}.
{"Database Tables Configuration at ","Cấu Hình Bảng Cơ Sở Dữ Liệu tại"}. {"Database Tables Configuration at ","Cấu Hình Bảng Cơ Sở Dữ Liệu tại"}.
{"Database","Cơ sở dữ liệu"}.
{"December","Tháng Mười Hai"}. {"December","Tháng Mười Hai"}.
{"Default users as participants","Người sử dụng mặc định là người tham dự"}. {"Default users as participants","Người sử dụng mặc định là người tham dự"}.
{"Delete message of the day on all hosts","Xóa thư trong ngày trên tất cả các máy chủ"}. {"Delete message of the day on all hosts","Xóa thư trong ngày trên tất cả các máy chủ"}.
@ -56,7 +56,6 @@
{"Email","Email"}. {"Email","Email"}.
{"Enable logging","Cho phép ghi nhật ký"}. {"Enable logging","Cho phép ghi nhật ký"}.
{"End User Session","Kết Thúc Phiên Giao Dịch Người Sử Dụng"}. {"End User Session","Kết Thúc Phiên Giao Dịch Người Sử Dụng"}.
{"Enter list of {Module, [Options]}","Nhập danh sách {Môđun, [Các Tùy Chọn]}"}.
{"Enter nickname you want to register","Nhập bí danh bạn muốn đăng ký"}. {"Enter nickname you want to register","Nhập bí danh bạn muốn đăng ký"}.
{"Enter path to backup file","Nhập đường dẫn đến tập tin sao lưu dự phòng"}. {"Enter path to backup file","Nhập đường dẫn đến tập tin sao lưu dự phòng"}.
{"Enter path to jabberd14 spool dir","Nhập đường dẫn đến thư mục spool jabberd14"}. {"Enter path to jabberd14 spool dir","Nhập đường dẫn đến thư mục spool jabberd14"}.
@ -66,7 +65,6 @@
{"Family Name","Họ"}. {"Family Name","Họ"}.
{"February","Tháng Hai"}. {"February","Tháng Hai"}.
{"Friday","Thứ Sáu"}. {"Friday","Thứ Sáu"}.
{"From ~s","Nhận từ ~s"}.
{"From","Từ"}. {"From","Từ"}.
{"Full Name","Tên Đầy Đủ"}. {"Full Name","Tên Đầy Đủ"}.
{"Get Number of Online Users","Nhận Số Người Sử Dụng Trực Tuyến"}. {"Get Number of Online Users","Nhận Số Người Sử Dụng Trực Tuyến"}.
@ -78,7 +76,6 @@
{"Groups","Nhóm"}. {"Groups","Nhóm"}.
{"has been banned","đã bị cấm"}. {"has been banned","đã bị cấm"}.
{"has been kicked","đã bị đẩy ra khỏi"}. {"has been kicked","đã bị đẩy ra khỏi"}.
{" has set the subject to: "," đã đặt chủ đề thành: "}.
{"Host","Máy chủ"}. {"Host","Máy chủ"}.
{"Import Directory","Nhập Thư Mục"}. {"Import Directory","Nhập Thư Mục"}.
{"Import File","Nhập Tập Tin"}. {"Import File","Nhập Tập Tin"}.
@ -101,7 +98,6 @@
{"Last month","Tháng trước"}. {"Last month","Tháng trước"}.
{"Last year","Năm trước"}. {"Last year","Năm trước"}.
{"leaves the room","rời khỏi phòng này"}. {"leaves the room","rời khỏi phòng này"}.
{"List of modules to start","Danh sách các môđun khởi động"}.
{"Low level update script","Lệnh cập nhật mức độ thấp"}. {"Low level update script","Lệnh cập nhật mức độ thấp"}.
{"Make participants list public","Tạo danh sách người tham dự công khai"}. {"Make participants list public","Tạo danh sách người tham dự công khai"}.
{"Make room members-only","Tạo phòng chỉ cho phép tư cách thành viên tham gia"}. {"Make room members-only","Tạo phòng chỉ cho phép tư cách thành viên tham gia"}.
@ -116,19 +112,17 @@
{"Message body","Thân thư"}. {"Message body","Thân thư"}.
{"Middle Name","Họ Đệm"}. {"Middle Name","Họ Đệm"}.
{"Moderator privileges required","Yêu cầu đặc quyền của nhà điều phối"}. {"Moderator privileges required","Yêu cầu đặc quyền của nhà điều phối"}.
{"Monday","Thứ Hai"}. {"Monday","Thứ Hai"}.
{"Name","Tên"}. {"Name","Tên"}.
{"Name:","Tên:"}. {"Name:","Tên:"}.
{"Never","Không bao giờ"}. {"Never","Không bao giờ"}.
{"Nickname","Bí danh"}.
{"Nickname Registration at ","Đăng Ký Bí Danh tại"}. {"Nickname Registration at ","Đăng Ký Bí Danh tại"}.
{"Nickname ~s does not exist in the room","Bí danh ~s không tồn tại trong phòng này"}. {"Nickname","Bí danh"}.
{"No body provided for announce message","Không có nội dung trong thư thông báo"}. {"No body provided for announce message","Không có nội dung trong thư thông báo"}.
{"No Data","Không Dữ Liệu"}. {"No Data","Không Dữ Liệu"}.
{"No limit","Không giới hạn"}.
{"Node not found","Nút không tìm thấy"}. {"Node not found","Nút không tìm thấy"}.
{"Nodes","Nút"}. {"Nodes","Nút"}.
{"No limit","Không giới hạn"}.
{"None","Không có"}. {"None","Không có"}.
{"November","Tháng Mười Một"}. {"November","Tháng Mười Một"}.
{"Number of online users","Số người sử dụng trực tuyến"}. {"Number of online users","Số người sử dụng trực tuyến"}.
@ -137,9 +131,9 @@
{"Offline Messages","Thư Ngoại Tuyến"}. {"Offline Messages","Thư Ngoại Tuyến"}.
{"Offline Messages:","Thư Ngoại Tuyến:"}. {"Offline Messages:","Thư Ngoại Tuyến:"}.
{"OK","OK"}. {"OK","OK"}.
{"Online","Trực tuyến"}.
{"Online Users","Người Sử Dụng Trực Tuyến"}. {"Online Users","Người Sử Dụng Trực Tuyến"}.
{"Online Users:","Người Sử Dụng Trực Tuyến:"}. {"Online Users:","Người Sử Dụng Trực Tuyến:"}.
{"Online","Trực tuyến"}.
{"Only occupants are allowed to send messages to the conference","Chỉ có những đối tượng tham gia mới được phép gửi thư đến phòng họp"}. {"Only occupants are allowed to send messages to the conference","Chỉ có những đối tượng tham gia mới được phép gửi thư đến phòng họp"}.
{"Only occupants are allowed to send queries to the conference","Chỉ có những đối tượng tham gia mới được phép gửi yêu cầu đến phòng họp"}. {"Only occupants are allowed to send queries to the conference","Chỉ có những đối tượng tham gia mới được phép gửi yêu cầu đến phòng họp"}.
{"Only service administrators are allowed to send service messages","Chỉ có người quản trị dịch vụ mới được phép gửi những thư dịch vụ"}. {"Only service administrators are allowed to send service messages","Chỉ có người quản trị dịch vụ mới được phép gửi những thư dịch vụ"}.
@ -149,9 +143,9 @@
{"Outgoing s2s Connections:","Kết Nối Bên Ngoài s2s:"}. {"Outgoing s2s Connections:","Kết Nối Bên Ngoài s2s:"}.
{"Owner privileges required","Yêu cầu đặc quyền của người sở hữu"}. {"Owner privileges required","Yêu cầu đặc quyền của người sở hữu"}.
{"Packet","Gói thông tin"}. {"Packet","Gói thông tin"}.
{"Password Verification","Kiểm Tra Mật Khẩu"}.
{"Password","Mật Khẩu"}. {"Password","Mật Khẩu"}.
{"Password:","Mật Khẩu:"}. {"Password:","Mật Khẩu:"}.
{"Password Verification","Kiểm Tra Mật Khẩu"}.
{"Path to Dir","Đường Dẫn đến Thư Mục"}. {"Path to Dir","Đường Dẫn đến Thư Mục"}.
{"Path to File","Đường dẫn đến Tập Tin"}. {"Path to File","Đường dẫn đến Tập Tin"}.
{"Pending","Chờ"}. {"Pending","Chờ"}.
@ -169,33 +163,32 @@
{"Registered Users","Người Sử Dụng Đã Đăng Ký"}. {"Registered Users","Người Sử Dụng Đã Đăng Ký"}.
{"Registered Users:","Người Sử Dụng Đã Đăng Ký:"}. {"Registered Users:","Người Sử Dụng Đã Đăng Ký:"}.
{"Remote copy","Sao chép từ xa"}. {"Remote copy","Sao chép từ xa"}.
{"Remove","Gỡ bỏ"}.
{"Remove User","Gỡ Bỏ Người Sử Dụng"}. {"Remove User","Gỡ Bỏ Người Sử Dụng"}.
{"Remove","Gỡ bỏ"}.
{"Replaced by new connection","Được thay thế bởi kết nối mới"}. {"Replaced by new connection","Được thay thế bởi kết nối mới"}.
{"Resources","Nguồn tài nguyên"}. {"Resources","Nguồn tài nguyên"}.
{"Restart","Khởi động lại"}.
{"Restart Service","Khởi Động Lại Dịch Vụ"}. {"Restart Service","Khởi Động Lại Dịch Vụ"}.
{"Restart","Khởi động lại"}.
{"Restore Backup from File at ","Phục hồi Sao Lưu từ Tập Tin tại "}. {"Restore Backup from File at ","Phục hồi Sao Lưu từ Tập Tin tại "}.
{"Restore binary backup after next ejabberd restart (requires less memory):","Khôi phục bản sao lưu dự phòng dạng nhị phân sau lần khởi động ejabberd kế tiếp (yêu cầu ít bộ nhớ hơn):"}. {"Restore binary backup after next ejabberd restart (requires less memory):","Khôi phục bản sao lưu dự phòng dạng nhị phân sau lần khởi động ejabberd kế tiếp (yêu cầu ít bộ nhớ hơn):"}.
{"Restore binary backup immediately:","Khôi phục bản sao lưu dự phòng dạng nhị phận ngay lập tức:"}. {"Restore binary backup immediately:","Khôi phục bản sao lưu dự phòng dạng nhị phận ngay lập tức:"}.
{"Restore","Khôi phục"}.
{"Restore plain text backup immediately:","Khôi phục bản sao lưu dự phòng thuần văn bản ngay lập tức:"}. {"Restore plain text backup immediately:","Khôi phục bản sao lưu dự phòng thuần văn bản ngay lập tức:"}.
{"Restore","Khôi phục"}.
{"Room Configuration","Cấu Hình Phòng"}. {"Room Configuration","Cấu Hình Phòng"}.
{"Room creation is denied by service policy","Việc tạo phòng bị ngăn lại theo chính sách dịch vụ"}. {"Room creation is denied by service policy","Việc tạo phòng bị ngăn lại theo chính sách dịch vụ"}.
{"Room title","Tên phòng"}. {"Room title","Tên phòng"}.
{"Roster","Bảng phân công"}.
{"Roster of ","Bảng phân công của "}.
{"Roster size","Kích thước bảng phân công"}. {"Roster size","Kích thước bảng phân công"}.
{"Roster","Bảng phân công"}.
{"RPC Call Error","Lỗi Gọi RPC"}. {"RPC Call Error","Lỗi Gọi RPC"}.
{"Running Nodes","Nút Hoạt Động"}. {"Running Nodes","Nút Hoạt Động"}.
{"Saturday","Thứ Bảy"}. {"Saturday","Thứ Bảy"}.
{"Script check","Lệnh kiểm tra"}. {"Script check","Lệnh kiểm tra"}.
{"Search Results for ","Kết Quả Tìm Kiếm cho "}. {"Search Results for ","Kết Quả Tìm Kiếm cho "}.
{"Search users in ","Tìm kiếm người sử dụng trong"}. {"Search users in ","Tìm kiếm người sử dụng trong"}.
{"Send announcement to all online users","Gửi thông báo đến tất cả người sử dụng trực tuyến"}.
{"Send announcement to all online users on all hosts","Gửi thông báo đến tất cả người sử dụng trực tuyến trên tất cả các máy chủ"}. {"Send announcement to all online users on all hosts","Gửi thông báo đến tất cả người sử dụng trực tuyến trên tất cả các máy chủ"}.
{"Send announcement to all users","Gửi thông báo đến tất cả người sử dụng"}. {"Send announcement to all online users","Gửi thông báo đến tất cả người sử dụng trực tuyến"}.
{"Send announcement to all users on all hosts","Gửi thông báo đến tất cả người sử dụng trên tất cả các máy chủ"}. {"Send announcement to all users on all hosts","Gửi thông báo đến tất cả người sử dụng trên tất cả các máy chủ"}.
{"Send announcement to all users","Gửi thông báo đến tất cả người sử dụng"}.
{"September","Tháng Chín"}. {"September","Tháng Chín"}.
{"Set message of the day and send to online users","Tạo lập thư trong ngày và gửi đến những người sử dụng trực tuyến"}. {"Set message of the day and send to online users","Tạo lập thư trong ngày và gửi đến những người sử dụng trực tuyến"}.
{"Set message of the day on all hosts and send to online users","Tạo lập thư trong ngày trên tất cả các máy chủ và gửi đến những người sử dụng trực tuyến"}. {"Set message of the day on all hosts and send to online users","Tạo lập thư trong ngày trên tất cả các máy chủ và gửi đến những người sử dụng trực tuyến"}.
@ -203,15 +196,9 @@
{"Show Integral Table","Hiển Thị Bảng Đầy Đủ"}. {"Show Integral Table","Hiển Thị Bảng Đầy Đủ"}.
{"Show Ordinary Table","Hiển Thị Bảng Thường"}. {"Show Ordinary Table","Hiển Thị Bảng Thường"}.
{"Shut Down Service","Tắt Dịch Vụ"}. {"Shut Down Service","Tắt Dịch Vụ"}.
{"~s invites you to the room ~s","~s mời bạn vào phòng ~s"}.
{"~s's Offline Messages Queue","~s's Danh Sách Chờ Thư Ngoại Tuyến"}.
{"Start Modules at ","Môđun Khởi Động tại "}.
{"Start Modules","Môđun Khởi Động"}.
{"Statistics of ~p","Thống kê về ~p"}. {"Statistics of ~p","Thống kê về ~p"}.
{"Statistics","Số liệu thống kê"}. {"Statistics","Số liệu thống kê"}.
{"Stop","Dừng"}. {"Stop","Dừng"}.
{"Stop Modules at ","Môđun Dừng tại"}.
{"Stop Modules","Môđun Dừng"}.
{"Stopped Nodes","Nút Dừng"}. {"Stopped Nodes","Nút Dừng"}.
{"Storage Type","Loại Lưu Trữ"}. {"Storage Type","Loại Lưu Trữ"}.
{"Store binary backup:","Lưu dữ liệu sao lưu dạng nhị phân:"}. {"Store binary backup:","Lưu dữ liệu sao lưu dạng nhị phân:"}.
@ -227,18 +214,17 @@
{"Time delay","Thời gian trì hoãn"}. {"Time delay","Thời gian trì hoãn"}.
{"Time","Thời Gian"}. {"Time","Thời Gian"}.
{"To","Đến"}. {"To","Đến"}.
{"To ~s","Gửi đến ~s"}.
{"Traffic rate limit is exceeded","Quá giới hạn tỷ lệ lưu lượng truyền tải"}. {"Traffic rate limit is exceeded","Quá giới hạn tỷ lệ lưu lượng truyền tải"}.
{"Transactions Aborted:","Giao Dịch Hủy Bỏ:"}. {"Transactions Aborted:","Giao Dịch Hủy Bỏ:"}.
{"Transactions Committed:","Giao Dịch Được Cam Kết:"}. {"Transactions Committed:","Giao Dịch Được Cam Kết:"}.
{"Transactions Logged:","Giao Dịch Được Ghi Nhận:"}. {"Transactions Logged:","Giao Dịch Được Ghi Nhận:"}.
{"Transactions Restarted:","Giao Dịch Khởi Động Lại:"}. {"Transactions Restarted:","Giao Dịch Khởi Động Lại:"}.
{"Tuesday","Thứ Ba"}. {"Tuesday","Thứ Ba"}.
{"Update","Cập Nhật"}.
{"Update message of the day (don't send)","Cập nhật thư trong ngày (không gửi)"}. {"Update message of the day (don't send)","Cập nhật thư trong ngày (không gửi)"}.
{"Update message of the day on all hosts (don't send)","Cập nhật thư trong ngày trên tất cả các máy chủ (không gửi)"}. {"Update message of the day on all hosts (don't send)","Cập nhật thư trong ngày trên tất cả các máy chủ (không gửi)"}.
{"Update plan","Kế hoạch cập nhật"}. {"Update plan","Kế hoạch cập nhật"}.
{"Update script","Cập nhận lệnh"}. {"Update script","Cập nhận lệnh"}.
{"Update","Cập Nhật"}.
{"Uptime:","Thời gian tải lên:"}. {"Uptime:","Thời gian tải lên:"}.
{"User Management","Quản Lý Người Sử Dụng"}. {"User Management","Quản Lý Người Sử Dụng"}.
{"User","Người sử dụng"}. {"User","Người sử dụng"}.

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,14 +1,17 @@
%% -*- coding: utf-8 -*- %% -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
{" has set the subject to: "," a candjî l' tite a: "}.
{"A password is required to enter this room","I fåt dner on scret po poleur intrer dins cisse såle ci"}.
{"Accept","Accepter"}. {"Accept","Accepter"}.
{"Access denied by service policy","L' accès a stî rfuzé pal politike do siervice"}. {"Access denied by service policy","L' accès a stî rfuzé pal politike do siervice"}.
{"Action on user","Accion so l' uzeu"}. {"Action on user","Accion so l' uzeu"}.
{"Add Jabber ID","Radjouter èn ID Jabber"}. {"Add Jabber ID","Radjouter èn ID Jabber"}.
{"Add New","Radjouter"}. {"Add New","Radjouter"}.
{"Add User","Radjouter èn uzeu"}. {"Add User","Radjouter èn uzeu"}.
{"Administration of ","Manaedjaedje di "}. {"Administration of ","Manaedjaedje di "}.
{"Administrator privileges required","I fåt des priviledjes di manaedjeu"}. {"Administrator privileges required","I fåt des priviledjes di manaedjeu"}.
{"All activity","Dispoy todi"}. {"All activity","Dispoy todi"}.
{"All Users","Tos les uzeus"}.
{"Allow users to change the subject","Les uzeus polèt candjî l' tite"}. {"Allow users to change the subject","Les uzeus polèt candjî l' tite"}.
{"Allow users to query other users","Les uzeus polèt cweri ls ôtes uzeus"}. {"Allow users to query other users","Les uzeus polèt cweri ls ôtes uzeus"}.
{"Allow users to send invites","Les uzeus polèt evoyî priyaedjes"}. {"Allow users to send invites","Les uzeus polèt evoyî priyaedjes"}.
@ -16,18 +19,15 @@
{"Allow visitors to change nickname","Permete ki les viziteus candjexhe leus metous nos"}. {"Allow visitors to change nickname","Permete ki les viziteus candjexhe leus metous nos"}.
{"Allow visitors to send private messages to","Les uzeus polèt evoyî des messaedjes privés"}. {"Allow visitors to send private messages to","Les uzeus polèt evoyî des messaedjes privés"}.
{"Allow visitors to send status text in presence updates","Permete ki les viziteus evoyexhe des tecse d' estat dins leus messaedjes di prezince"}. {"Allow visitors to send status text in presence updates","Permete ki les viziteus evoyexhe des tecse d' estat dins leus messaedjes di prezince"}.
{"All Users","Tos les uzeus"}.
{"Announcements","Anonces"}. {"Announcements","Anonces"}.
{"A password is required to enter this room","I fåt dner on scret po poleur intrer dins cisse såle ci"}.
{"April","avri"}. {"April","avri"}.
{"August","awousse"}. {"August","awousse"}.
{"Backup","Copeye di såvrité"}.
{"Backup Management","Manaedjaedje des copeyes di såvrité"}. {"Backup Management","Manaedjaedje des copeyes di såvrité"}.
{"Backup of ~p","Copeye di såvrité po ~p"}. {"Backup of ~p","Copeye di såvrité po ~p"}.
{"Backup to File at ","Fé ene copeye di såvrité dins on fitchî so "}. {"Backup to File at ","Fé ene copeye di såvrité dins on fitchî so "}.
{"Backup","Copeye di såvrité"}.
{"Bad format","Mwais fôrmat"}. {"Bad format","Mwais fôrmat"}.
{"Birthday","Date d' askepiaedje"}. {"Birthday","Date d' askepiaedje"}.
{"CAPTCHA web page","Pådje web CAPTCHA"}.
{"Change Password","Candjî l' sicret"}. {"Change Password","Candjî l' sicret"}.
{"Change User Password","Candjî l' sicret d' l' uzeu"}. {"Change User Password","Candjî l' sicret d' l' uzeu"}.
{"Characters not allowed:","Caracteres nén permetous:"}. {"Characters not allowed:","Caracteres nén permetous:"}.
@ -38,24 +38,22 @@
{"Chatroom is stopped","Li såle di berdelaedje est ahotêye"}. {"Chatroom is stopped","Li såle di berdelaedje est ahotêye"}.
{"Chatrooms","Såles di berdelaedje"}. {"Chatrooms","Såles di berdelaedje"}.
{"Choose a username and password to register with this server","Tchoezixhoz on no d' uzeu eyet on scret po vs edjîstrer so ç' sierveu ci"}. {"Choose a username and password to register with this server","Tchoezixhoz on no d' uzeu eyet on scret po vs edjîstrer so ç' sierveu ci"}.
{"Choose modules to stop","Tchoezixhoz les modules a-z arester"}.
{"Choose storage type of tables","Tchoezi l' sôre di wårdaedje po les tåves"}. {"Choose storage type of tables","Tchoezi l' sôre di wårdaedje po les tåves"}.
{"Choose whether to approve this entity's subscription.","Tchoezi s' i fåt aprover ou nén l' abounmint di ciste intité."}. {"Choose whether to approve this entity's subscription.","Tchoezi s' i fåt aprover ou nén l' abounmint di ciste intité."}.
{"City","Veye"}. {"City","Veye"}.
{"Commands","Comandes"}. {"Commands","Comandes"}.
{"Conference room does not exist","Li såle di conferince n' egzistêye nén"}. {"Conference room does not exist","Li såle di conferince n' egzistêye nén"}.
{"Configuration","Apontiaedjes"}. {"Configuration","Apontiaedjes"}.
{"Configuration of room ~s","Apontiaedje del såle ~s"}.
{"Connected Resources:","Raloyî avou les rsoûces:"}. {"Connected Resources:","Raloyî avou les rsoûces:"}.
{"Country","Payis"}. {"Country","Payis"}.
{"CPU Time:","Tins CPU:"}. {"CPU Time:","Tins CPU:"}.
{"Database","Båze di dnêyes"}.
{"Database Tables at ~p","Tåves del båze di dnêyes so ~p"}. {"Database Tables at ~p","Tåves del båze di dnêyes so ~p"}.
{"Database Tables Configuration at ","Apontiaedje des tåves del båze di dnêyes so "}. {"Database Tables Configuration at ","Apontiaedje des tåves del båze di dnêyes so "}.
{"Database","Båze di dnêyes"}.
{"December","decimbe"}. {"December","decimbe"}.
{"Default users as participants","Les uzeus sont des pårticipants come prémetowe dujhance"}. {"Default users as participants","Les uzeus sont des pårticipants come prémetowe dujhance"}.
{"Delete message of the day","Disfacer l' messaedje do djoû"}.
{"Delete message of the day on all hosts","Disfacer l' messaedje do djoû so tos les lodjoes"}. {"Delete message of the day on all hosts","Disfacer l' messaedje do djoû so tos les lodjoes"}.
{"Delete message of the day","Disfacer l' messaedje do djoû"}.
{"Delete Selected","Disfacer les elemints tchoezis"}. {"Delete Selected","Disfacer les elemints tchoezis"}.
{"Delete User","Disfacer èn uzeu"}. {"Delete User","Disfacer èn uzeu"}.
{"Description:","Discrijhaedje:"}. {"Description:","Discrijhaedje:"}.
@ -76,7 +74,6 @@
{"Email","Emile"}. {"Email","Emile"}.
{"Enable logging","Mete en alaedje li djournå"}. {"Enable logging","Mete en alaedje li djournå"}.
{"End User Session","Fini l' session d' l' uzeu"}. {"End User Session","Fini l' session d' l' uzeu"}.
{"Enter list of {Module, [Options]}","Dinez ene djivêye del cogne {Module, [Tchuzes]}"}.
{"Enter nickname you want to register","Dinez l' metou no ki vos vloz edjîstrer"}. {"Enter nickname you want to register","Dinez l' metou no ki vos vloz edjîstrer"}.
{"Enter path to backup file","Dinez l' tchimin viè l' fitchî copeye di såvrité"}. {"Enter path to backup file","Dinez l' tchimin viè l' fitchî copeye di såvrité"}.
{"Enter path to jabberd14 spool dir","Dinez l' tchimin viè l' ridant di spool jabberd14"}. {"Enter path to jabberd14 spool dir","Dinez l' tchimin viè l' ridant di spool jabberd14"}.
@ -93,7 +90,6 @@
{"February","fevrî"}. {"February","fevrî"}.
{"Friday","vénrdi"}. {"Friday","vénrdi"}.
{"From","Di"}. {"From","Di"}.
{"From ~s","Dispoy ~s"}.
{"Full Name","No etir"}. {"Full Name","No etir"}.
{"Get Number of Online Users","Riçure li nombe d' uzeus raloyîs"}. {"Get Number of Online Users","Riçure li nombe d' uzeus raloyîs"}.
{"Get Number of Registered Users","Riçure li nombe d' uzeus edjîstrés"}. {"Get Number of Registered Users","Riçure li nombe d' uzeus edjîstrés"}.
@ -103,11 +99,10 @@
{"Group ","Groupe "}. {"Group ","Groupe "}.
{"Groups","Groupes"}. {"Groups","Groupes"}.
{"has been banned","a stî bani"}. {"has been banned","a stî bani"}.
{"has been kicked","a stî pité evoye"}.
{"has been kicked because of an affiliation change","a stî pité evoye cåze d' on candjmint d' afiyaedje"}.
{"has been kicked because of a system shutdown","a stî pité evoye cåze d' èn arestaedje do sistinme"}. {"has been kicked because of a system shutdown","a stî pité evoye cåze d' èn arestaedje do sistinme"}.
{"has been kicked because of an affiliation change","a stî pité evoye cåze d' on candjmint d' afiyaedje"}.
{"has been kicked because the room has been changed to members-only","a stî pité evoye cåze ki l' såle a stî ristrindowe åzès mimbes seulmint"}. {"has been kicked because the room has been changed to members-only","a stî pité evoye cåze ki l' såle a stî ristrindowe åzès mimbes seulmint"}.
{" has set the subject to: "," a candjî l' tite a: "}. {"has been kicked","a stî pité evoye"}.
{"Host","Sierveu"}. {"Host","Sierveu"}.
{"If you don't see the CAPTCHA image here, visit the web page.","Si vos n' voeyoz nole imådje CAPTCHA chal, vizitez l' pådje waibe."}. {"If you don't see the CAPTCHA image here, visit the web page.","Si vos n' voeyoz nole imådje CAPTCHA chal, vizitez l' pådje waibe."}.
{"Import Directory","Sititchî d' on ridant"}. {"Import Directory","Sititchî d' on ridant"}.
@ -123,10 +118,9 @@
{"Incorrect password","Sicret nén corek"}. {"Incorrect password","Sicret nén corek"}.
{"IP addresses","Adresses IP"}. {"IP addresses","Adresses IP"}.
{"is now known as","est asteure kinoxhou come"}. {"is now known as","est asteure kinoxhou come"}.
{"It is not allowed to send error messages to the room. The participant (~s) has sent an error message (~s) and got kicked from the room","On n' pout nén evoyî des messaedjes d' aroke sol såle. Li pårticipan (~s) a-st evoyî on messaedje d' aroke (~s) ey a stî tapé foû."}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages","Ci n' est nén permetou d' evoyî des messaedjes privés"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","C' est nén possibe d' evoyî des messaedjes privés del sôre «groupchat»"}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","C' est nén possibe d' evoyî des messaedjes privés del sôre «groupchat»"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","On n' pout nén evoyî des messaedjes privés dins cisse conferince ci"}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","On n' pout nén evoyî des messaedjes privés dins cisse conferince ci"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages","Ci n' est nén permetou d' evoyî des messaedjes privés"}.
{"Jabber Account Registration","Edjîstraedje di conte Jabber"}. {"Jabber Account Registration","Edjîstraedje di conte Jabber"}.
{"Jabber ID","ID Jabber"}. {"Jabber ID","ID Jabber"}.
{"January","djanvî"}. {"January","djanvî"}.
@ -138,7 +132,6 @@
{"Last month","Dierin moes"}. {"Last month","Dierin moes"}.
{"Last year","Dierinne anêye"}. {"Last year","Dierinne anêye"}.
{"leaves the room","cwite li såle"}. {"leaves the room","cwite li såle"}.
{"List of modules to start","Djivêye di modules a-z enonder"}.
{"List of rooms","Djivêye des såles"}. {"List of rooms","Djivêye des såles"}.
{"Low level update script","Sicripe di metaedje a djoû d' bas livea"}. {"Low level update script","Sicripe di metaedje a djoû d' bas livea"}.
{"Make participants list public","Rinde publike li djivêye des pårticipants"}. {"Make participants list public","Rinde publike li djivêye des pårticipants"}.
@ -159,7 +152,6 @@
{"Middle Name","No do mitan"}. {"Middle Name","No do mitan"}.
{"Moderator privileges required","I fåt des priviledjes di moderateu"}. {"Moderator privileges required","I fåt des priviledjes di moderateu"}.
{"Modified modules","Modules di candjîs"}. {"Modified modules","Modules di candjîs"}.
{"Monday","londi"}. {"Monday","londi"}.
{"Multicast","Multicast"}. {"Multicast","Multicast"}.
{"Multi-User Chat","Berdelaedje a sacwants"}. {"Multi-User Chat","Berdelaedje a sacwants"}.
@ -167,15 +159,14 @@
{"Name:","Pitit no:"}. {"Name:","Pitit no:"}.
{"Never","Måy"}. {"Never","Måy"}.
{"New Password:","Novea scret:"}. {"New Password:","Novea scret:"}.
{"Nickname","Metou no"}.
{"Nickname Registration at ","Edjîstraedje di metou no amon "}. {"Nickname Registration at ","Edjîstraedje di metou no amon "}.
{"Nickname ~s does not exist in the room","Li metou no ~s n' egzistêye nén dins l' såle"}. {"Nickname","Metou no"}.
{"No body provided for announce message","I n' a nou coir do messaedje po ciste anonce la"}. {"No body provided for announce message","I n' a nou coir do messaedje po ciste anonce la"}.
{"No Data","Nole dinêye disponibe"}. {"No Data","Nole dinêye disponibe"}.
{"No limit","Pont d' limite"}.
{"Node not found","Nuk nén trové"}. {"Node not found","Nuk nén trové"}.
{"Node ~p","Nuk ~p"}. {"Node ~p","Nuk ~p"}.
{"Nodes","Nuks"}. {"Nodes","Nuks"}.
{"No limit","Pont d' limite"}.
{"None","Nole"}. {"None","Nole"}.
{"Not Found","Nén trové"}. {"Not Found","Nén trové"}.
{"November","nôvimbe"}. {"November","nôvimbe"}.
@ -186,9 +177,9 @@
{"Offline Messages:","Messaedjes ki ratindèt:"}. {"Offline Messages:","Messaedjes ki ratindèt:"}.
{"OK","'l est bon"}. {"OK","'l est bon"}.
{"Old Password:","Vî scret:"}. {"Old Password:","Vî scret:"}.
{"Online Users","Uzeus raloyîs"}. {"Online Users","Uzeus raloyîs"}.
{"Online Users:","Uzeus raloyîs:"}. {"Online Users:","Uzeus raloyîs:"}.
{"Only members may query archives of this room","Seulmint les mimbes polèt cweri les årtchives dins cisse såle ci"}. {"Only members may query archives of this room","Seulmint les mimbes polèt cweri les årtchives dins cisse såle ci"}.
{"Only moderators and participants are allowed to change the subject in this room","Seulmint les moderateus et les pårticipants polèt candjî l' sudjet dins cisse såle ci"}. {"Only moderators and participants are allowed to change the subject in this room","Seulmint les moderateus et les pårticipants polèt candjî l' sudjet dins cisse såle ci"}.
{"Only moderators are allowed to change the subject in this room","Seulmint les moderateus polèt candjî l' sudjet dins cisse såle ci"}. {"Only moderators are allowed to change the subject in this room","Seulmint les moderateus polèt candjî l' sudjet dins cisse såle ci"}.
@ -202,10 +193,10 @@
{"Outgoing s2s Connections:","Raloyaedjes s2s e rexhowe:"}. {"Outgoing s2s Connections:","Raloyaedjes s2s e rexhowe:"}.
{"Owner privileges required","I fåt des priviledjes di prôpietaire"}. {"Owner privileges required","I fåt des priviledjes di prôpietaire"}.
{"Packet","Paket"}. {"Packet","Paket"}.
{"Password Verification","Acertinaedje do scret"}. {"Password Verification","Acertinaedje do scret"}.
{"Password Verification:","Acertinaedje do scret:"}. {"Password Verification:","Acertinaedje do scret:"}.
{"Path to Dir","Tchimin viè l' ridant"}. {"Path to Dir","Tchimin viè l' ridant"}.
{"Path to File","Tchimin viè l' fitchî"}. {"Path to File","Tchimin viè l' fitchî"}.
{"Pending","Ratindant"}. {"Pending","Ratindant"}.
@ -223,17 +214,17 @@
{"Really delete message of the day?","Voloz vs vormint disfacer l' messaedje do djoû?"}. {"Really delete message of the day?","Voloz vs vormint disfacer l' messaedje do djoû?"}.
{"Recipient is not in the conference room","Li riçuveu n' est nén dins l' såle di conferince"}. {"Recipient is not in the conference room","Li riçuveu n' est nén dins l' såle di conferince"}.
{"Register a Jabber account","Edjîstrer on conte Jabber"}. {"Register a Jabber account","Edjîstrer on conte Jabber"}.
{"Registered Users","Uzeus edjistrés"}. {"Registered Users","Uzeus edjistrés"}.
{"Registered Users:","Uzeus edjistrés:"}. {"Registered Users:","Uzeus edjistrés:"}.
{"Remote copy","Copeye å lon"}. {"Remote copy","Copeye å lon"}.
{"Remove All Offline Messages","Oister tos les messaedjes ki ratindèt"}. {"Remove All Offline Messages","Oister tos les messaedjes ki ratindèt"}.
{"Remove User","Disfacer l' uzeu"}. {"Remove User","Disfacer l' uzeu"}.
{"Replaced by new connection","Replaecî pa on novea raloyaedje"}. {"Replaced by new connection","Replaecî pa on novea raloyaedje"}.
{"Resources","Rissoûces"}. {"Resources","Rissoûces"}.
{"Restart Service","Renonder siervice"}. {"Restart Service","Renonder siervice"}.
{"Restore Backup from File at ","Rapexhî dispoy li fitchî copeye di såvrité so "}. {"Restore Backup from File at ","Rapexhî dispoy li fitchî copeye di såvrité so "}.
{"Restore binary backup after next ejabberd restart (requires less memory):","Rapexhî l' copeye di såvrité binaire après l' renondaedje ki vént d' ejabberd (çoula prind moens d' memwere del fé insi):"}. {"Restore binary backup after next ejabberd restart (requires less memory):","Rapexhî l' copeye di såvrité binaire après l' renondaedje ki vént d' ejabberd (çoula prind moens d' memwere del fé insi):"}.
{"Restore binary backup immediately:","Rapexhî do côp foû d' ene copeye di såvrité binaire:"}. {"Restore binary backup immediately:","Rapexhî do côp foû d' ene copeye di såvrité binaire:"}.
@ -244,19 +235,18 @@
{"Room description","Discrijhaedje del såle"}. {"Room description","Discrijhaedje del såle"}.
{"Room Occupants","Prezints el såle"}. {"Room Occupants","Prezints el såle"}.
{"Room title","Tite del såle"}. {"Room title","Tite del såle"}.
{"Roster","Djivêye des soçons"}.
{"Roster of ","Djivêye des soçons da "}.
{"Roster size","Grandeu del djivêye des soçons"}. {"Roster size","Grandeu del djivêye des soçons"}.
{"Roster","Djivêye des soçons"}.
{"RPC Call Error","Aroke di houcaedje RPC"}. {"RPC Call Error","Aroke di houcaedje RPC"}.
{"Running Nodes","Nuks en alaedje"}. {"Running Nodes","Nuks en alaedje"}.
{"Saturday","semdi"}. {"Saturday","semdi"}.
{"Script check","Acertinaedje do scripe"}. {"Script check","Acertinaedje do scripe"}.
{"Search Results for ","Rizultats do cweraedje po "}. {"Search Results for ","Rizultats do cweraedje po "}.
{"Search users in ","Cweri des uzeus dins "}. {"Search users in ","Cweri des uzeus dins "}.
{"Send announcement to all online users","Evoyî l' anonce a tos les uzeus raloyîs"}.
{"Send announcement to all online users on all hosts","Evoyî l' anonce a tos les uzeus raloyîs so tos les lodjoes"}. {"Send announcement to all online users on all hosts","Evoyî l' anonce a tos les uzeus raloyîs so tos les lodjoes"}.
{"Send announcement to all users","Evoyî l' anonce a tos les uzeus"}. {"Send announcement to all online users","Evoyî l' anonce a tos les uzeus raloyîs"}.
{"Send announcement to all users on all hosts","Evoyî l' anonce a tos les uzeus so tos les lodjoes"}. {"Send announcement to all users on all hosts","Evoyî l' anonce a tos les uzeus so tos les lodjoes"}.
{"Send announcement to all users","Evoyî l' anonce a tos les uzeus"}.
{"September","setimbe"}. {"September","setimbe"}.
{"Server:","Sierveu:"}. {"Server:","Sierveu:"}.
{"Set message of the day and send to online users","Defini l' messaedje do djoû et l' evoyî åzès uzeus raloyîs"}. {"Set message of the day and send to online users","Defini l' messaedje do djoû et l' evoyî åzès uzeus raloyîs"}.
@ -265,16 +255,10 @@
{"Show Integral Table","Mostrer totå"}. {"Show Integral Table","Mostrer totå"}.
{"Show Ordinary Table","Mostrer crexhince"}. {"Show Ordinary Table","Mostrer crexhince"}.
{"Shut Down Service","Arester siervice"}. {"Shut Down Service","Arester siervice"}.
{"~s invites you to the room ~s","~s vos preye sol såle ~s"}.
{"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons.","Des cliyints Jabber k' i gn a polèt wårder vosse sicret sol copiutrece, mins vos n' duvrîz fé çoula ki sol copiutrece da vosse, po des råjhons di såvrité."}. {"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons.","Des cliyints Jabber k' i gn a polèt wårder vosse sicret sol copiutrece, mins vos n' duvrîz fé çoula ki sol copiutrece da vosse, po des råjhons di såvrité."}.
{"~s's Offline Messages Queue","messaedjes ki ratindèt el cawêye po ~s"}.
{"Start Modules at ","Renonder les modules so "}.
{"Start Modules","Enonder des modules"}.
{"Statistics of ~p","Sitatistikes di ~p"}. {"Statistics of ~p","Sitatistikes di ~p"}.
{"Statistics","Sitatistikes"}. {"Statistics","Sitatistikes"}.
{"Stop","Arester"}. {"Stop","Arester"}.
{"Stop Modules","Arester des modules"}.
{"Stop Modules at ","Arester les modules so "}.
{"Stopped Nodes","Nuks essoctés"}. {"Stopped Nodes","Nuks essoctés"}.
{"Storage Type","Sôre di wårdaedje"}. {"Storage Type","Sôre di wårdaedje"}.
{"Store binary backup:","Copeye di såvrité binaire:"}. {"Store binary backup:","Copeye di såvrité binaire:"}.
@ -288,8 +272,8 @@
{"That nickname is registered by another person","Li metou no est ddja edjîstré pa ene ôte sakî"}. {"That nickname is registered by another person","Li metou no est ddja edjîstré pa ene ôte sakî"}.
{"The CAPTCHA is valid.","Li CAPTCHA est valide."}. {"The CAPTCHA is valid.","Li CAPTCHA est valide."}.
{"The CAPTCHA verification has failed","Li verifiaedje CAPTCHA a fwait berwete"}. {"The CAPTCHA verification has failed","Li verifiaedje CAPTCHA a fwait berwete"}.
{"the password is","li scret est"}.
{"The password is too weak","li scret est trop flåw"}. {"The password is too weak","li scret est trop flåw"}.
{"the password is","li scret est"}.
{"The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed.","Li scret do conte Jabber da vosse a stî candjî comifåt."}. {"The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed.","Li scret do conte Jabber da vosse a stî candjî comifåt."}.
{"There was an error changing the password: ","Åk n' a nén stî tot candjant l' sicret: "}. {"There was an error changing the password: ","Åk n' a nén stî tot candjant l' sicret: "}.
{"There was an error creating the account: ","Åk n' a nén stî tot ahivant l' conte: "}. {"There was an error creating the account: ","Åk n' a nén stî tot ahivant l' conte: "}.
@ -299,13 +283,11 @@
{"This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server.","Cisse pådje permete di disdjîstrer on conte Jabber so ç' sierveu ci."}. {"This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server.","Cisse pådje permete di disdjîstrer on conte Jabber so ç' sierveu ci."}.
{"This room is not anonymous","Cisse såle ci n' est nén anonime"}. {"This room is not anonymous","Cisse såle ci n' est nén anonime"}.
{"Thursday","djudi"}. {"Thursday","djudi"}.
{"Time delay","Tårdjaedje"}. {"Time delay","Tårdjaedje"}.
{"Too many CAPTCHA requests","Pår trop di dmandes CAPTCHA"}. {"Too many CAPTCHA requests","Pår trop di dmandes CAPTCHA"}.
{"Too many (~p) failed authentications from this IP address (~s). The address will be unblocked at ~s UTC","I gn a-st avou pår trop (~p) d' otintifiaedjes k' ont fwait berwete vinant di ciste adresse IP la (~s). L' adresse serè disblokêye a ~s UTC"}.
{"Too many unacked stanzas","Pår trop di messaedjes sins acertinaedje di rçuvaedje"}. {"Too many unacked stanzas","Pår trop di messaedjes sins acertinaedje di rçuvaedje"}.
{"To","Po"}. {"To","Po"}.
{"To ~s","Viè ~s"}.
{"Total rooms","Totå di såles"}. {"Total rooms","Totå di såles"}.
{"Traffic rate limit is exceeded","Li limite pol volume di trafik a stî passêye"}. {"Traffic rate limit is exceeded","Li limite pol volume di trafik a stî passêye"}.
{"Transactions Aborted:","Transaccions arestêyes:"}. {"Transactions Aborted:","Transaccions arestêyes:"}.
@ -319,16 +301,15 @@
{"Unregister","Disdjîstrer"}. {"Unregister","Disdjîstrer"}.
{"Update message of the day (don't send)","Mete a djoû l' messaedje do djoû (nén l' evoyî)"}. {"Update message of the day (don't send)","Mete a djoû l' messaedje do djoû (nén l' evoyî)"}.
{"Update message of the day on all hosts (don't send)","Mete a djoû l' messaedje do djoû so tos les lodjoes (nén l' evoyî)"}. {"Update message of the day on all hosts (don't send)","Mete a djoû l' messaedje do djoû so tos les lodjoes (nén l' evoyî)"}.
{"Update","Mete a djoû"}.
{"Update plan","Plan d' metaedje a djoû"}. {"Update plan","Plan d' metaedje a djoû"}.
{"Update ~p","Metaedje a djoû di ~p"}. {"Update ~p","Metaedje a djoû di ~p"}.
{"Update script","Sicripe di metaedje a djoû"}. {"Update script","Sicripe di metaedje a djoû"}.
{"Update","Mete a djoû"}.
{"Uptime:","Tins dispoy l' enondaedje:"}. {"Uptime:","Tins dispoy l' enondaedje:"}.
{"User Management","Manaedjaedje des uzeus"}. {"User Management","Manaedjaedje des uzeus"}.
{"Username:","No d' uzeu:"}. {"Username:","No d' uzeu:"}.
{"Users are not allowed to register accounts so quickly","Les noveas uzeus n' si polèt nén edjîstrer si raddimint"}. {"Users are not allowed to register accounts so quickly","Les noveas uzeus n' si polèt nén edjîstrer si raddimint"}.
{"Users Last Activity","Dierinne activité des uzeus"}. {"Users Last Activity","Dierinne activité des uzeus"}.
{"User ~s","Uzeu ~s"}.
{"Users","Uzeus"}. {"Users","Uzeus"}.
{"User","Uzeu"}. {"User","Uzeu"}.
{"Validate","Valider"}. {"Validate","Valider"}.

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
%% -*- coding: utf-8 -*- %% -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
{" has set the subject to: ","已将标题设置为: "}.
{"A password is required to enter this room","进入此房间需要密码"}.
{"Accept","接受"}. {"Accept","接受"}.
{"Access denied by service policy","访问被服务策略拒绝"}. {"Access denied by service policy","访问被服务策略拒绝"}.
{"Action on user","对用户的动作"}. {"Action on user","对用户的动作"}.
@ -9,6 +11,7 @@
{"Administration","管理"}. {"Administration","管理"}.
{"Administrator privileges required","需要管理员权限"}. {"Administrator privileges required","需要管理员权限"}.
{"All activity","所有活动"}. {"All activity","所有活动"}.
{"All Users","所有用户"}.
{"Allow users to change the subject","允许用户更改主题"}. {"Allow users to change the subject","允许用户更改主题"}.
{"Allow users to query other users","允许用户查询其它用户"}. {"Allow users to query other users","允许用户查询其它用户"}.
{"Allow users to send invites","允许用户发送邀请"}. {"Allow users to send invites","允许用户发送邀请"}.
@ -16,9 +19,7 @@
{"Allow visitors to change nickname","允许用户更改昵称"}. {"Allow visitors to change nickname","允许用户更改昵称"}.
{"Allow visitors to send private messages to","允许访客发送私聊消息至"}. {"Allow visitors to send private messages to","允许访客发送私聊消息至"}.
{"Allow visitors to send status text in presence updates","更新在线状态时允许用户发送状态文本"}. {"Allow visitors to send status text in presence updates","更新在线状态时允许用户发送状态文本"}.
{"All Users","所有用户"}.
{"Announcements","通知"}. {"Announcements","通知"}.
{"A password is required to enter this room","进入此房间需要密码"}.
{"April","四月"}. {"April","四月"}.
{"August","八月"}. {"August","八月"}.
{"Automatic node creation is not enabled","未启用自动节点创建"}. {"Automatic node creation is not enabled","未启用自动节点创建"}.
@ -32,7 +33,6 @@
{"Bytestream already activated","字节流已经被激活"}. {"Bytestream already activated","字节流已经被激活"}.
{"Cannot remove active list","无法移除活跃列表"}. {"Cannot remove active list","无法移除活跃列表"}.
{"Cannot remove default list","无法移除缺省列表"}. {"Cannot remove default list","无法移除缺省列表"}.
{"CAPTCHA web page","验证码网页"}.
{"Change Password","更改密码"}. {"Change Password","更改密码"}.
{"Change User Password","更改用户密码"}. {"Change User Password","更改用户密码"}.
{"Changing password is not allowed","不允许修改密码"}. {"Changing password is not allowed","不允许修改密码"}.
@ -45,13 +45,11 @@
{"Chatroom is stopped","聊天室已被停用"}. {"Chatroom is stopped","聊天室已被停用"}.
{"Chatrooms","聊天室"}. {"Chatrooms","聊天室"}.
{"Choose a username and password to register with this server","请选择在此服务器上注册所需的用户名和密码"}. {"Choose a username and password to register with this server","请选择在此服务器上注册所需的用户名和密码"}.
{"Choose modules to stop","请选择要停止的模块"}.
{"Choose storage type of tables","请选择表格的存储类型"}. {"Choose storage type of tables","请选择表格的存储类型"}.
{"Choose whether to approve this entity's subscription.","选择是否允许该实体的订阅"}. {"Choose whether to approve this entity's subscription.","选择是否允许该实体的订阅"}.
{"City","城市"}. {"City","城市"}.
{"Commands","命令"}. {"Commands","命令"}.
{"Conference room does not exist","会议室不存在"}. {"Conference room does not exist","会议室不存在"}.
{"Configuration of room ~s","房间~s的配置 "}.
{"Configuration","配置"}. {"Configuration","配置"}.
{"Connected Resources:","已连接资源:"}. {"Connected Resources:","已连接资源:"}.
{"Country","国家"}. {"Country","国家"}.
@ -83,11 +81,9 @@
{"ejabberd Web Admin","ejabberd网页管理"}. {"ejabberd Web Admin","ejabberd网页管理"}.
{"Elements","元素"}. {"Elements","元素"}.
{"Email","电子邮件"}. {"Email","电子邮件"}.
{"Empty password","空密码"}.
{"Enable logging","启用服务器端聊天记录"}. {"Enable logging","启用服务器端聊天记录"}.
{"Enabling push without 'node' attribute is not supported","不支持未使用'node'属性就开启推送"}. {"Enabling push without 'node' attribute is not supported","不支持未使用'node'属性就开启推送"}.
{"End User Session","结束用户会话"}. {"End User Session","结束用户会话"}.
{"Enter list of {Module, [Options]}","请输入{模块, [选项]}列表"}.
{"Enter nickname you want to register","请输入您想要注册的昵称"}. {"Enter nickname you want to register","请输入您想要注册的昵称"}.
{"Enter path to backup file","请输入备份文件的路径"}. {"Enter path to backup file","请输入备份文件的路径"}.
{"Enter path to jabberd14 spool dir","请输入jabberd14 spool目录的路径"}. {"Enter path to jabberd14 spool dir","请输入jabberd14 spool目录的路径"}.
@ -105,12 +101,10 @@
{"Failed to extract JID from your voice request approval","无法从你的声音请求确认信息中提取JID"}. {"Failed to extract JID from your voice request approval","无法从你的声音请求确认信息中提取JID"}.
{"Failed to map delegated namespace to external component","未能将代理命名空间映射到外部组件"}. {"Failed to map delegated namespace to external component","未能将代理命名空间映射到外部组件"}.
{"Failed to parse HTTP response","HTTP响应解析失败"}. {"Failed to parse HTTP response","HTTP响应解析失败"}.
{"Failed to process option '~s'","选项'~s'处理失败"}.
{"Family Name","姓氏"}. {"Family Name","姓氏"}.
{"February","二月"}. {"February","二月"}.
{"File larger than ~w bytes","文件大于 ~w 字节"}. {"File larger than ~w bytes","文件大于 ~w 字节"}.
{"Friday","星期五"}. {"Friday","星期五"}.
{"From ~s","来自~s"}.
{"From","从"}. {"From","从"}.
{"Full Name","全名"}. {"Full Name","全名"}.
{"Get Number of Online Users","获取在线用户数"}. {"Get Number of Online Users","获取在线用户数"}.
@ -119,14 +113,13 @@
{"Get User Password","获取用户密码"}. {"Get User Password","获取用户密码"}.
{"Get User Statistics","获取用户统计"}. {"Get User Statistics","获取用户统计"}.
{"Given Name","中间名"}. {"Given Name","中间名"}.
{"Group ","组"}. {"Group ","组"}.
{"has been banned","已被禁止"}. {"has been banned","已被禁止"}.
{"has been kicked because of an affiliation change","因联属关系改变而被踢出"}.
{"has been kicked because of a system shutdown","因系统关机而被踢出"}. {"has been kicked because of a system shutdown","因系统关机而被踢出"}.
{"has been kicked because of an affiliation change","因联属关系改变而被踢出"}.
{"has been kicked because the room has been changed to members-only","因该房间改为只对会员开放而被踢出"}. {"has been kicked because the room has been changed to members-only","因该房间改为只对会员开放而被踢出"}.
{"has been kicked","已被踢出"}. {"has been kicked","已被踢出"}.
{" has set the subject to: ","已将标题设置为: "}.
{"Host unknown","主人未知"}. {"Host unknown","主人未知"}.
{"Host","主机"}. {"Host","主机"}.
{"If you don't see the CAPTCHA image here, visit the web page.","如果您在这里没有看到验证码图片, 请访问网页."}. {"If you don't see the CAPTCHA image here, visit the web page.","如果您在这里没有看到验证码图片, 请访问网页."}.
@ -152,7 +145,6 @@
{"Invitations are not allowed in this conference","此会议不允许邀请"}. {"Invitations are not allowed in this conference","此会议不允许邀请"}.
{"IP addresses","IP地址"}. {"IP addresses","IP地址"}.
{"is now known as","现在称呼为"}. {"is now known as","现在称呼为"}.
{"It is not allowed to send error messages to the room. The participant (~s) has sent an error message (~s) and got kicked from the room","不允许将错误消息发送到该房间. 参与者(~s)已发送过一条消息(~s)并已被踢出房间"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","\"群组聊天\"类型不允许发送私聊消息"}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","\"群组聊天\"类型不允许发送私聊消息"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","不允许向会议发送私聊消息"}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","不允许向会议发送私聊消息"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages","不可以发送私聊消息"}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages","不可以发送私聊消息"}.
@ -167,7 +159,6 @@
{"Last month","上个月"}. {"Last month","上个月"}.
{"Last year","上一年"}. {"Last year","上一年"}.
{"leaves the room","离开房间"}. {"leaves the room","离开房间"}.
{"List of modules to start","要启动的模块列表"}.
{"List of rooms","房间列表"}. {"List of rooms","房间列表"}.
{"Low level update script","低级别更新脚本"}. {"Low level update script","低级别更新脚本"}.
{"Make participants list public","公开参与人列表"}. {"Make participants list public","公开参与人列表"}.
@ -191,7 +182,6 @@
{"Moderator privileges required","需要主持人权限"}. {"Moderator privileges required","需要主持人权限"}.
{"Modified modules","被修改模块"}. {"Modified modules","被修改模块"}.
{"Module failed to handle the query","模块未能处理查询"}. {"Module failed to handle the query","模块未能处理查询"}.
{"Monday","星期一"}. {"Monday","星期一"}.
{"Multicast","多重映射"}. {"Multicast","多重映射"}.
{"Multiple <item/> elements are not allowed by RFC6121","按照 RFC6121多个 <item/> 元素是不允许的"}. {"Multiple <item/> elements are not allowed by RFC6121","按照 RFC6121多个 <item/> 元素是不允许的"}.
@ -203,19 +193,12 @@
{"Never","从未"}. {"Never","从未"}.
{"New Password:","新密码:"}. {"New Password:","新密码:"}.
{"Nickname Registration at ","昵称注册于"}. {"Nickname Registration at ","昵称注册于"}.
{"Nickname ~s does not exist in the room","昵称~s不在该房间"}.
{"Nickname","昵称"}. {"Nickname","昵称"}.
{"No 'affiliation' attribute found","未发现 'affiliation' 属性"}. {"No 'affiliation' attribute found","未发现 'affiliation' 属性"}.
{"No available resource found","没发现可用资源"}. {"No available resource found","没发现可用资源"}.
{"No body provided for announce message","通知消息无正文内容"}. {"No body provided for announce message","通知消息无正文内容"}.
{"No data form found","没有找到数据表单"}. {"No data form found","没有找到数据表单"}.
{"No Data","没有数据"}. {"No Data","没有数据"}.
{"Node already exists","节点已存在"}.
{"Node index not found","没有找到节点索引"}.
{"Node not found","没有找到节点"}.
{"Nodeprep has failed","Nodeprep 已失效"}.
{"Node ~p","节点~p"}.
{"No features available","没有可用特征"}. {"No features available","没有可用特征"}.
{"No hook has processed this command","没有任何钩子已处理此命令"}. {"No hook has processed this command","没有任何钩子已处理此命令"}.
{"No info about last activity found","未找到上次活动的信息"}. {"No info about last activity found","未找到上次活动的信息"}.
@ -223,8 +206,6 @@
{"No items found in this query","此查询中没发现任何项"}. {"No items found in this query","此查询中没发现任何项"}.
{"No limit","不限"}. {"No limit","不限"}.
{"No module is handling this query","没有正在处理此查询的模块"}. {"No module is handling this query","没有正在处理此查询的模块"}.
{"No 'modules' found in data form","数据表单中未发现 'module'"}.
{"No node specified","无指定节点"}. {"No node specified","无指定节点"}.
{"No 'password' found in data form","数据表单中未发现 'password'"}. {"No 'password' found in data form","数据表单中未发现 'password'"}.
{"No 'password' found in this query","此查询中未发现 'password'"}. {"No 'password' found in this query","此查询中未发现 'password'"}.
@ -235,8 +216,15 @@
{"No running node found","没有找到运行中的节点"}. {"No running node found","没有找到运行中的节点"}.
{"No services available","无可用服务"}. {"No services available","无可用服务"}.
{"No statistics found for this item","未找到此项的统计数据"}. {"No statistics found for this item","未找到此项的统计数据"}.
{"Not Found","没有找到"}.
{"No 'to' attribute found in the invitation","邀请中未发现 'to' 标签"}. {"No 'to' attribute found in the invitation","邀请中未发现 'to' 标签"}.
{"Node already exists","节点已存在"}.
{"Node index not found","没有找到节点索引"}.
{"Node not found","没有找到节点"}.
{"Node ~p","节点~p"}.
{"Nodeprep has failed","Nodeprep 已失效"}.
{"Not Found","没有找到"}.
{"Not subscribed","未订阅"}. {"Not subscribed","未订阅"}.
{"November","十一月"}. {"November","十一月"}.
{"Number of online users","在线用户数"}. {"Number of online users","在线用户数"}.
@ -264,7 +252,6 @@
{"Outgoing s2s Connections:","出站 s2s 连接:"}. {"Outgoing s2s Connections:","出站 s2s 连接:"}.
{"Owner privileges required","需要持有人权限"}. {"Owner privileges required","需要持有人权限"}.
{"Packet","数据包"}. {"Packet","数据包"}.
{"Parse failed","解析失败"}.
{"Password Verification:","密码确认:"}. {"Password Verification:","密码确认:"}.
{"Password Verification","确认密码"}. {"Password Verification","确认密码"}.
{"Password","密码"}. {"Password","密码"}.
@ -273,8 +260,8 @@
{"Path to File","文件路径"}. {"Path to File","文件路径"}.
{"Pending","挂起"}. {"Pending","挂起"}.
{"Period: ","持续时间: "}. {"Period: ","持续时间: "}.
{"Ping query is incorrect","Ping 查询不正确"}. {"Ping query is incorrect","Ping 查询不正确"}.
{"Please note that these options will only backup the builtin Mnesia database. If you are using the ODBC module, you also need to backup your SQL database separately.","注意:这些选项仅将备份内置的 Mnesia 数据库. 如果您正在使用 ODBC 模块, 您还需要分别备份您的数据库."}. {"Please note that these options will only backup the builtin Mnesia database. If you are using the ODBC module, you also need to backup your SQL database separately.","注意:这些选项仅将备份内置的 Mnesia 数据库. 如果您正在使用 ODBC 模块, 您还需要分别备份您的数据库."}.
{"Please, wait for a while before sending new voice request","请稍后再发送新的声音请求"}. {"Please, wait for a while before sending new voice request","请稍后再发送新的声音请求"}.
{"Pong","Pong"}. {"Pong","Pong"}.
@ -310,14 +297,11 @@
{"Room description","房间描述"}. {"Room description","房间描述"}.
{"Room Occupants","房间人数"}. {"Room Occupants","房间人数"}.
{"Room title","房间标题"}. {"Room title","房间标题"}.
{"Roster module has failed","花名册模块已失效"}.
{"Roster of ","花名册属于"}.
{"Roster size","花名册大小"}. {"Roster size","花名册大小"}.
{"Roster","花名册"}. {"Roster","花名册"}.
{"RPC Call Error","RPC 调用错误"}. {"RPC Call Error","RPC 调用错误"}.
{"Running Nodes","运行中的节点"}. {"Running Nodes","运行中的节点"}.
{"Saturday","星期六"}. {"Saturday","星期六"}.
{"Scan failed","扫描失败."}.
{"Script check","脚本检查"}. {"Script check","脚本检查"}.
{"Search Results for ","搜索结果属于关键词 "}. {"Search Results for ","搜索结果属于关键词 "}.
{"Search users in ","搜索用户于"}. {"Search users in ","搜索用户于"}.
@ -326,7 +310,6 @@
{"Send announcement to all users on all hosts","发送通知给所有主机上的所有用户"}. {"Send announcement to all users on all hosts","发送通知给所有主机上的所有用户"}.
{"Send announcement to all users","发送通知给所有用户"}. {"Send announcement to all users","发送通知给所有用户"}.
{"September","九月"}. {"September","九月"}.
{"Server connections to local subdomains are forbidden","禁止服务器连接到本地子域"}.
{"Server:","服务器:"}. {"Server:","服务器:"}.
{"Set message of the day and send to online users","设定每日消息并发送给所有在线用户"}. {"Set message of the day and send to online users","设定每日消息并发送给所有在线用户"}.
{"Set message of the day on all hosts and send to online users","设置所有主机上的每日消息并发送给在线用户"}. {"Set message of the day on all hosts and send to online users","设置所有主机上的每日消息并发送给在线用户"}.
@ -334,15 +317,9 @@
{"Show Integral Table","显示完整列表"}. {"Show Integral Table","显示完整列表"}.
{"Show Ordinary Table","显示普通列表"}. {"Show Ordinary Table","显示普通列表"}.
{"Shut Down Service","关闭服务"}. {"Shut Down Service","关闭服务"}.
{"~s invites you to the room ~s","~s邀请你到房间~s"}.
{"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons.","某些 Jabber 客户端可以在你的计算机里存储密码. 请仅在你确认你的计算机安全的情况下使用该功能."}. {"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons.","某些 Jabber 客户端可以在你的计算机里存储密码. 请仅在你确认你的计算机安全的情况下使用该功能."}.
{"~s's Offline Messages Queue","~s的离线消息队列"}.
{"Start Modules at ","要启动的模块位于 "}.
{"Start Modules","启动模块"}.
{"Statistics of ~p","~p的统计"}. {"Statistics of ~p","~p的统计"}.
{"Statistics","统计"}. {"Statistics","统计"}.
{"Stop Modules at ","要停止的模块位于 "}.
{"Stop Modules","停止模块"}.
{"Stopped Nodes","已经停止的节点"}. {"Stopped Nodes","已经停止的节点"}.
{"Stop","停止"}. {"Stop","停止"}.
{"Storage Type","存储类型"}. {"Storage Type","存储类型"}.
@ -365,10 +342,10 @@
{"The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed.","你的Jabber帐户密码已成功更新."}. {"The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed.","你的Jabber帐户密码已成功更新."}.
{"The query is only allowed from local users","仅本地用户可以查询"}. {"The query is only allowed from local users","仅本地用户可以查询"}.
{"The query must not contain <item/> elements","查询不能包含 <item/> 元素"}. {"The query must not contain <item/> elements","查询不能包含 <item/> 元素"}.
{"The stanza MUST contain only one <active/> element, one <default/> element, or one <list/> element","本节必须只含一个 <active/> 元素, <default/> 元素,或 <list/> 元素"}.
{"There was an error changing the password: ","修改密码出错: "}. {"There was an error changing the password: ","修改密码出错: "}.
{"There was an error creating the account: ","帐户创建出错: "}. {"There was an error creating the account: ","帐户创建出错: "}.
{"There was an error deleting the account: ","帐户删除失败: "}. {"There was an error deleting the account: ","帐户删除失败: "}.
{"The stanza MUST contain only one <active/> element, one <default/> element, or one <list/> element","本节必须只含一个 <active/> 元素, <default/> 元素,或 <list/> 元素"}.
{"This is case insensitive: macbeth is the same that MacBeth and Macbeth.","此处不区分大小写: macbeth 与 MacBeth 和 Macbeth 是一样的."}. {"This is case insensitive: macbeth is the same that MacBeth and Macbeth.","此处不区分大小写: macbeth 与 MacBeth 和 Macbeth 是一样的."}.
{"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID (Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields.","本页面允许在此服务器上创建Jabber帐户. 你的JID (Jabber ID) 的形式如下: 用户名@服务器. 请仔细阅读说明并正确填写相应字段."}. {"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID (Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields.","本页面允许在此服务器上创建Jabber帐户. 你的JID (Jabber ID) 的形式如下: 用户名@服务器. 请仔细阅读说明并正确填写相应字段."}.
{"This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server.","此页面允许在此Jabber服务器上注销Jabber帐户"}. {"This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server.","此页面允许在此Jabber服务器上注销Jabber帐户"}.
@ -381,11 +358,8 @@
{"Too many CAPTCHA requests","验证码请求太多"}. {"Too many CAPTCHA requests","验证码请求太多"}.
{"Too many <item/> elements","太多 <item/> 元素"}. {"Too many <item/> elements","太多 <item/> 元素"}.
{"Too many <list/> elements","太多 <list/> 元素"}. {"Too many <list/> elements","太多 <list/> 元素"}.
{"Too many (~p) failed authentications from this IP address (~s). The address will be unblocked at ~s UTC","来自IP地址(~p)的(~s)失败认证太多. 该地址将在UTC时间~s被禁用."}.
{"Too many unacked stanzas","未被确认的节太多"}. {"Too many unacked stanzas","未被确认的节太多"}.
{"Too many users in this conference","该会议的用户太多"}. {"Too many users in this conference","该会议的用户太多"}.
{"To register, visit ~s","要注册,请访问 ~s"}.
{"To ~s","发送给~s"}.
{"Total rooms","所有房间"}. {"Total rooms","所有房间"}.
{"To","到"}. {"To","到"}.
{"Traffic rate limit is exceeded","已经超过传输率限制"}. {"Traffic rate limit is exceeded","已经超过传输率限制"}.
@ -411,19 +385,15 @@
{"User already exists","用户已存在"}. {"User already exists","用户已存在"}.
{"User (jid)","用户 (jid)"}. {"User (jid)","用户 (jid)"}.
{"User Management","用户管理"}. {"User Management","用户管理"}.
{"Users are not allowed to register accounts so quickly","不允许用户太频繁地注册帐户"}.
{"User session not found","用户会话未找到"}. {"User session not found","用户会话未找到"}.
{"User session terminated","用户会话已终止"}. {"User session terminated","用户会话已终止"}.
{"Users are not allowed to register accounts so quickly","不允许用户太频繁地注册帐户"}.
{"Users Last Activity","用户上次活动"}. {"Users Last Activity","用户上次活动"}.
{"Users","用户"}. {"Users","用户"}.
{"User ~s","用户~s"}.
{"User","用户"}. {"User","用户"}.
{"Validate","确认"}. {"Validate","确认"}.
{"Value 'get' of 'type' attribute is not allowed","不允许 'type' 属性的 'get' 值"}. {"Value 'get' of 'type' attribute is not allowed","不允许 'type' 属性的 'get' 值"}.
{"Value of '~s' should be boolean","'~s' 的值应为布尔型"}.
{"Value of '~s' should be datetime string","'~s' 的值应为日期时间字符串"}.
{"Value of '~s' should be integer","'~s' 的值应为整数"}.
{"Value 'set' of 'type' attribute is not allowed","不允许 'type' 属性的 'set' 值"}. {"Value 'set' of 'type' attribute is not allowed","不允许 'type' 属性的 'set' 值"}.
{"vCard User Search","vCard用户搜索"}. {"vCard User Search","vCard用户搜索"}.
{"Virtual Hosts","虚拟主机"}. {"Virtual Hosts","虚拟主机"}.
@ -441,6 +411,6 @@
{"You need an x:data capable client to search","您需要一个兼容 x:data 的客户端来搜索"}. {"You need an x:data capable client to search","您需要一个兼容 x:data 的客户端来搜索"}.
{"Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza.","你的活跃私聊列表拒绝了在此房间进行路由分发."}. {"Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza.","你的活跃私聊列表拒绝了在此房间进行路由分发."}.
{"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","您的联系人离线消息队列已满. 消息已被丢弃"}. {"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","您的联系人离线消息队列已满. 消息已被丢弃"}.
{"You're not allowed to create nodes","您不可以创建节点"}.
{"Your Jabber account was successfully created.","你的Jabber帐户已成功创建."}. {"Your Jabber account was successfully created.","你的Jabber帐户已成功创建."}.
{"Your Jabber account was successfully deleted.","你的 Jabber 帐户已成功删除."}. {"Your Jabber account was successfully deleted.","你的 Jabber 帐户已成功删除."}.
{"You're not allowed to create nodes","您不可以创建节点"}.

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff