Merge pull request #1391 from weiss/mark-copies

Mark messages as copies by attaching metadata
This commit is contained in:
Evgeny Khramtsov 2016-11-24 15:43:38 +04:00 committed by GitHub
commit 8f692f51d8
4 changed files with 53 additions and 82 deletions

View File

@ -2645,44 +2645,30 @@ handle_unacked_stanzas(#state{mgmt_state = MgmtState} = StateData)
Txt = <<"User session terminated">>,
To, From, El, xmpp:err_service_unavailable(Txt, Lang));
(From, _To, #message{meta = #{carbon_copy := true}}, _Time) ->
%% XEP-0280 says: "When a receiving server attempts to deliver a
%% forked message, and that message bounces with an error for
%% any reason, the receiving server MUST NOT forward that error
%% back to the original sender." Resending such a stanza could
%% easily lead to unexpected results as well.
?DEBUG("Dropping forwarded message stanza from ~s",
(From, To, El, Time) ->
%% We'll drop the stanza if it was <forwarded/> by some
%% encapsulating protocol as per XEP-0297. One such protocol is
%% XEP-0280, which says: "When a receiving server attempts to
%% deliver a forked message, and that message bounces with an
%% error for any reason, the receiving server MUST NOT forward
%% that error back to the original sender." Resending such a
%% stanza could easily lead to unexpected results as well.
case is_encapsulated_forward(El) of
case ejabberd_hooks:run_fold(message_is_archived,
StateData#state.server, false,
[StateData, From,
StateData#state.jid, El]) of
true ->
?DEBUG("Dropping forwarded message stanza from ~s",
?DEBUG("Dropping archived message stanza from ~p",
false ->
case ejabberd_hooks:run_fold(message_is_archived,
[StateData, From,
StateData#state.jid, El]) of
true ->
?DEBUG("Dropping archived message stanza from ~p",
false ->
ReRoute(From, To, El, Time)
ReRoute(From, To, El, Time)
handle_unacked_stanzas(StateData, F);
handle_unacked_stanzas(_StateData) ->
-spec is_encapsulated_forward(stanza()) -> boolean().
is_encapsulated_forward(#message{} = Msg) ->
xmpp:has_subtag(Msg, #forwarded{}) orelse
xmpp:has_subtag(Msg, #carbons_sent{}) orelse
xmpp:has_subtag(Msg, #carbons_received{});
is_encapsulated_forward(_El) ->
-spec inherit_session_state(state(), binary()) -> {ok, state()} |
{error, binary()} |
{error, binary(), non_neg_integer()}.

View File

@ -570,9 +570,9 @@ route_message(From, To, Packet, Type) ->
LServer = To#jid.lserver,
PrioRes = get_user_present_resources(LUser, LServer),
case catch lists:max(PrioRes) of
{Priority, _R}
when is_integer(Priority), Priority >= 0 ->
lists:foreach(fun ({P, R}) when P == Priority;
{MaxPrio, MaxRes}
when is_integer(MaxPrio), MaxPrio >= 0 ->
lists:foreach(fun ({P, R}) when P == MaxPrio;
(P >= 0) and (Type == headline) ->
LResource = jid:resourceprep(R),
Mod = get_sm_backend(LServer),
@ -584,7 +584,12 @@ route_message(From, To, Packet, Type) ->
Session = lists:max(Ss),
Pid = element(2, Session#session.sid),
?DEBUG("sending to process ~p~n", [Pid]),
Pid ! {route, From, To, Packet}
LMaxRes = jid:resourceprep(MaxRes),
Packet1 = maybe_mark_as_copy(Packet,
P, MaxPrio),
Pid ! {route, From, To, Packet1}
%% Ignore other priority:
({_Prio, _Res}) -> ok
@ -603,6 +608,15 @@ route_message(From, To, Packet, Type) ->
-spec maybe_mark_as_copy(message(), binary(), binary(), integer(), integer())
-> message().
maybe_mark_as_copy(Packet, R, R, P, P) ->
maybe_mark_as_copy(Packet, _, _, P, P) ->
xmpp:put_meta(Packet, sm_copy, true);
maybe_mark_as_copy(Packet, _, _, _, _) ->
-spec clean_session_list([#session{}]) -> [#session{}].
clean_session_list(Ss) ->

View File

@ -52,9 +52,10 @@
-callback list(binary(), binary()) -> [{binary(), binary()}].
-spec is_carbon_copy(stanza()) -> boolean().
is_carbon_copy(Packet) ->
xmpp:has_subtag(Packet, #carbons_sent{}) orelse
xmpp:has_subtag(Packet, #carbons_received{}).
is_carbon_copy(#message{meta = #{carbon_copy := true}}) ->
is_carbon_copy(_) ->
start(Host, Opts) ->
IQDisc = gen_mod:get_opt(iqdisc, Opts,fun gen_iq_handler:check_type/1, one_queue),
@ -153,7 +154,7 @@ send_copies(JID, To, Packet, Direction)->
{U, S, R} = jid:tolower(JID),
PrioRes = ejabberd_sm:get_user_present_resources(U, S),
{_, AvailRs} = lists:unzip(PrioRes),
{MaxPrio, MaxRes} = case catch lists:max(PrioRes) of
{MaxPrio, _MaxRes} = case catch lists:max(PrioRes) of
{Prio, Res} -> {Prio, Res};
_ -> {0, undefined}
@ -166,19 +167,19 @@ send_copies(JID, To, Packet, Direction)->
%% list of JIDs that should receive a carbon copy of this message (excluding the
%% receiver(s) of the original message
TargetJIDs = case {IsBareTo, R} of
{true, MaxRes} ->
TargetJIDs = case {IsBareTo, Packet} of
{true, #message{meta = #{sm_copy := true}}} ->
%% The message was sent to our bare JID, and we currently have
%% multiple resources with the same highest priority, so the session
%% manager routes the message to each of them. We create carbon
%% copies only from one of those resources in order to avoid
%% duplicates.
{true, _} ->
OrigTo = fun(Res) -> lists:member({MaxPrio, Res}, PrioRes) end,
[ {jid:make({U, S, CCRes}), CC_Version}
|| {CCRes, CC_Version} <- list(U, S),
lists:member(CCRes, AvailRs), not OrigTo(CCRes) ];
{true, _} ->
%% The message was sent to our bare JID, and we currently have
%% multiple resources with the same highest priority, so the session
%% manager routes the message to each of them. We create carbon
%% copies only from one of those resources (the one where R equals
%% MaxRes) in order to avoid duplicates.
{false, _} ->
[ {jid:make({U, S, CCRes}), CC_Version}
|| {CCRes, CC_Version} <- list(U, S),
@ -203,7 +204,8 @@ build_forward_packet(JID, #message{type = T} = Msg, Sender, Dest, Direction) ->
sent -> #carbons_sent{forwarded = Forwarded};
received -> #carbons_received{forwarded = Forwarded}
#message{from = Sender, to = Dest, type = T, sub_els = [Carbon]}.
#message{from = Sender, to = Dest, type = T, sub_els = [Carbon],
meta = #{carbon_copy => true}}.
-spec enable(binary(), binary(), binary(), binary()) -> ok | {error, any()}.
enable(Host, U, R, CC)->

View File

@ -200,12 +200,11 @@ set_room_option(Acc, _Property, _Lang) ->
-spec user_receive_packet(stanza(), ejabberd_c2s:state(), jid(), jid(), jid()) -> stanza().
user_receive_packet(Pkt, C2SState, JID, Peer, To) ->
user_receive_packet(Pkt, C2SState, JID, Peer, _To) ->
LUser = JID#jid.luser,
LServer = JID#jid.lserver,
IsBareCopy = is_bare_copy(JID, To),
case should_archive(Pkt, LServer) of
true when not IsBareCopy ->
true ->
NewPkt = strip_my_archived_tag(Pkt, LServer),
case store_msg(C2SState, NewPkt, LUser, LServer, Peer, recv) of
{ok, ID} ->
@ -454,6 +453,8 @@ process_iq(LServer, #iq{from = #jid{luser = LUser}, lang = Lang,
should_archive(#message{type = error}, _LServer) ->
should_archive(#message{meta = #{sm_copy := true}}, _LServer) ->
should_archive(#message{body = Body, subject = Subject,
type = Type} = Pkt, LServer) ->
case is_resent(Pkt, LServer) of
@ -812,38 +813,6 @@ maybe_update_from_to(#message{sub_els = Els} = Pkt, JidRequestor, JidArchive,
maybe_update_from_to(Pkt, _JidRequestor, _JidArchive, _Peer, chat, _Nick) ->
is_bare_copy(#jid{luser = U, lserver = S, lresource = R}, To) ->
PrioRes = ejabberd_sm:get_user_present_resources(U, S),
MaxRes = case catch lists:max(PrioRes) of
{_Prio, Res} when is_binary(Res) ->
_ ->
IsBareTo = case To of
#jid{lresource = <<"">>} ->
#jid{lresource = LRes} ->
%% Unavailable resources are handled like bare JIDs.
lists:keyfind(LRes, 2, PrioRes) =:= false
case {IsBareTo, R} of
{true, MaxRes} ->
?DEBUG("Recipient of message to bare JID has top priority: ~s@~s/~s",
[U, S, R]),
{true, _R} ->
%% The message was sent to our bare JID, and we currently have
%% multiple resources with the same highest priority, so the session
%% manager routes the message to each of them. We store the message
%% only from the resource where R equals MaxRes.
?DEBUG("Additional recipient of message to bare JID: ~s@~s/~s",
[U, S, R]),
{false, _R} ->
-spec send([{binary(), integer(), xmlel()}],
non_neg_integer(), boolean(), iq()) -> iq() | ignore.
send(Msgs, Count, IsComplete,