mirror of https://github.com/processone/ejabberd.git synced 2024-12-20 17:27:00 +01:00

Use correct headers in rest calls

This commit is contained in:
Paweł Chmielowski 2018-04-23 12:29:50 +02:00
parent 06ce884aa8
commit 9ed0357760

View File

@ -58,32 +58,32 @@ with_retry(Method, Args, Retries, MaxRetries, Backoff) ->
get(Server, Path) ->
request(Server, get, Path, [], "application/json", <<>>).
request(Server, get, Path, [], <<"application/json">>, <<>>).
get(Server, Path, Params) ->
request(Server, get, Path, Params, "application/json", <<>>).
request(Server, get, Path, Params, <<"application/json">>, <<>>).
delete(Server, Path) ->
request(Server, delete, Path, [], "application/json", <<>>).
request(Server, delete, Path, [], <<"application/json">>, <<>>).
post(Server, Path, Params, Content) ->
Data = encode_json(Content),
request(Server, post, Path, Params, "application/json", Data).
request(Server, post, Path, Params, <<"application/json">>, Data).
put(Server, Path, Params, Content) ->
Data = encode_json(Content),
request(Server, put, Path, Params, "application/json", Data).
request(Server, put, Path, Params, <<"application/json">>, Data).
patch(Server, Path, Params, Content) ->
Data = encode_json(Content),
request(Server, patch, Path, Params, "application/json", Data).
request(Server, patch, Path, Params, <<"application/json">>, Data).
request(Server, Method, Path, Params, Mime, Data) ->
URI = url(Server, Path, Params),
Opts = [{connect_timeout, ?CONNECT_TIMEOUT},
{timeout, ?HTTP_TIMEOUT}],
Hdrs = [{"connection", "keep-alive"},
{"content-type", Mime},
{"User-Agent", "ejabberd"}],
Hdrs = [{<<"connection">>, <<"keep-alive">>},
{<<"content-type">>, Mime},
{<<"User-Agent">>, <<"ejabberd">>}],
Begin = os:timestamp(),
Result = case catch p1_http:request(Method, URI, Hdrs, Data, Opts) of
{ok, Code, _, <<>>} ->
@ -174,13 +174,13 @@ base_url(Server, Path) ->
url(Url, []) ->
url(Url, Params) ->
L = [<<"&", (iolist_to_binary(Key))/binary, "=",
|| {Key, Value} <- Params],
<<$&, Encoded/binary>> = iolist_to_binary(L),
binary_to_list(<<Url/binary, $?, Encoded/binary>>).
<<Url/binary, $?, Encoded/binary>>.
url(Server, Path, Params) ->
case binary:split(base_url(Server, Path), <<"?">>) of
[Url] ->