Automatically remove IPs from ban, add the documentation

This commit is contained in:
Evgeniy Khramtsov 2014-08-17 17:38:38 +04:00
parent 9be9949dab
commit a1ce33ebf8
4 changed files with 219 additions and 70 deletions

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@ -72,6 +72,7 @@
@ -2783,6 +2784,7 @@ The following table lists all modules included in \ejabberd{}.
\hline \modconfigure{} & Server configuration using Ad-Hoc & \modadhoc{} \\
\hline \ahrefloc{moddisco}{\moddisco{}} & Service Discovery (\xepref{0030}) & \\
\hline \ahrefloc{modecho}{\modecho{}} & Echoes XMPP stanzas & \\
\hline \ahrefloc{modfail2ban}{\modfailban{}} & Bans IPs that show the malicious signs & \\
\hline \ahrefloc{modhttpbind}{\modhttpbind{}} & XMPP over Bosh service (HTTP Binding) & \\
\hline \ahrefloc{modhttpfileserver}{\modhttpfileserver{}} & Small HTTP file server & \\
\hline \ahrefloc{modirc}{\modirc{}} & IRC transport & \\
@ -3117,6 +3119,30 @@ modules:
The module bans IPs that show the malicious signs. Currently only C2S authentication
failures are detected.
Available options:
\titem{c2s\_auth\_ban\_lifetime: Seconds} The lifetime of the IP ban caused by too
many C2S authentication failures. The default is 3600, i.e. one hour.
\titem{c2s\_max\_auth\_failures: Integer} The number of C2S authentication failures to
trigger the IP ban. The default is 20.
c2s_auth_block_lifetime: 7200
c2s_max_auth_failures: 50

View File

@ -316,33 +316,24 @@ init([{SockMod, Socket}, Opts]) ->
ResendOnTimeout = proplists:get_bool(resend_on_timeout, Opts),
IP = peerip(SockMod, Socket),
%% Check if IP is blacklisted:
case is_ip_blacklisted(IP) of
true ->
?INFO_MSG("Connection attempt from blacklisted "
"IP: ~s (~w)",
[jlib:ip_to_list(IP), IP]),
{stop, normal};
false ->
Socket1 = if TLSEnabled andalso
SockMod /= ejabberd_frontend_socket ->
SockMod:starttls(Socket, TLSOpts);
true -> Socket
SocketMonitor = SockMod:monitor(Socket1),
StateData = #state{socket = Socket1, sockmod = SockMod,
socket_monitor = SocketMonitor,
xml_socket = XMLSocket, zlib = Zlib, tls = TLS,
tls_required = StartTLSRequired,
tls_enabled = TLSEnabled, tls_options = TLSOpts,
sid = {now(), self()}, streamid = new_id(),
access = Access, shaper = Shaper, ip = IP,
mgmt_state = StreamMgmtState,
mgmt_max_queue = MaxAckQueue,
mgmt_timeout = ResumeTimeout,
mgmt_resend = ResendOnTimeout},
{ok, wait_for_stream, StateData, ?C2S_OPEN_TIMEOUT}
Socket1 = if TLSEnabled andalso
SockMod /= ejabberd_frontend_socket ->
SockMod:starttls(Socket, TLSOpts);
true -> Socket
SocketMonitor = SockMod:monitor(Socket1),
StateData = #state{socket = Socket1, sockmod = SockMod,
socket_monitor = SocketMonitor,
xml_socket = XMLSocket, zlib = Zlib, tls = TLS,
tls_required = StartTLSRequired,
tls_enabled = TLSEnabled, tls_options = TLSOpts,
sid = {now(), self()}, streamid = new_id(),
access = Access, shaper = Shaper, ip = IP,
mgmt_state = StreamMgmtState,
mgmt_max_queue = MaxAckQueue,
mgmt_timeout = ResumeTimeout,
mgmt_resend = ResendOnTimeout},
{ok, wait_for_stream, StateData, ?C2S_OPEN_TIMEOUT}.
%% Return list of all available resources of contacts,
get_subscribed(FsmRef) ->
@ -366,21 +357,22 @@ wait_for_stream({xmlstreamstart, _Name, Attrs}, StateData) ->
jlib:nameprep(xml:get_attr_s(<<"to">>, Attrs));
S -> S
Lang = case xml:get_attr_s(<<"xml:lang">>, Attrs) of
Lang1 when byte_size(Lang1) =< 35 ->
%% As stated in BCP47, 4.4.1:
%% Protocols or specifications that
%% specify limited buffer sizes for
%% language tags MUST allow for
%% language tags of at least 35 characters.
_ ->
%% Do not store long language tag to
%% avoid possible DoS/flood attacks
IsBlacklistedIP = is_ip_blacklisted(StateData#state.ip, Lang),
case lists:member(Server, ?MYHOSTS) of
true ->
Lang = case xml:get_attr_s(<<"xml:lang">>, Attrs) of
Lang1 when size(Lang1) =< 35 ->
%% As stated in BCP47, 4.4.1:
%% Protocols or specifications that
%% specify limited buffer sizes for
%% language tags MUST allow for
%% language tags of at least 35 characters.
_ ->
%% Do not store long language tag to
%% avoid possible DoS/flood attacks
true when IsBlacklistedIP == false ->
change_shaper(StateData, jlib:make_jid(<<"">>, Server, <<"">>)),
case xml:get_attr_s(<<"version">>, Attrs) of
<<"1.0">> ->
@ -524,6 +516,15 @@ wait_for_stream({xmlstreamstart, _Name, Attrs}, StateData) ->
lang = Lang})
true ->
IP = StateData#state.ip,
{true, LogReason, ReasonT} = IsBlacklistedIP,
?INFO_MSG("Connection attempt from blacklisted IP ~s: ~s",
[jlib:ip_to_list(IP), LogReason]),
send_header(StateData, Server, <<"">>, DefaultLang),
send_element(StateData, ?POLICY_VIOLATION_ERR(Lang, ReasonT)),
{stop, normal, StateData};
_ ->
send_header(StateData, ?MYNAME, <<"">>, DefaultLang),
send_element(StateData, ?HOST_UNKNOWN_ERR),
@ -2492,9 +2493,9 @@ fsm_reply(Reply, StateName, StateData) ->
{reply, Reply, StateName, StateData, ?C2S_OPEN_TIMEOUT}.
%% Used by c2s blacklist plugins
is_ip_blacklisted(undefined) -> false;
is_ip_blacklisted({IP, _Port}) ->
ejabberd_hooks:run_fold(check_bl_c2s, false, [IP]).
is_ip_blacklisted(undefined, _Lang) -> false;
is_ip_blacklisted({IP, _Port}, Lang) ->
ejabberd_hooks:run_fold(check_bl_c2s, false, [IP, Lang]).
%% Check from attributes
%% returns invalid-from|NewElement

View File

@ -9,40 +9,153 @@
%% API
-export([start/2, stop/1, c2s_auth_result/4, check_bl_c2s/2]).
-export([start_link/2, start/2, stop/1, c2s_auth_result/4, check_bl_c2s/3]).
%% gen_server callbacks
-export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2,
terminate/2, code_change/3]).
-define(C2S_AUTH_BAN_LIFETIME, 3600). %% 1 hour
-define(C2S_MAX_AUTH_FAILURES, 20).
-define(CLEAN_INTERVAL, timer:minutes(10)).
-record(state, {host = <<"">> :: binary()}).
%%% API
start(Host, _Opts) ->
start_link(Host, Opts) ->
Proc = gen_mod:get_module_proc(Host, ?MODULE),
gen_server:start_link({local, Proc}, ?MODULE, [Host, Opts], []).
c2s_auth_result(false, _User, LServer, {Addr, _Port}) ->
BanLifetime = gen_mod:get_module_opt(
LServer, ?MODULE, c2s_auth_ban_lifetime,
fun(T) when is_integer(T), T > 0 -> T end,
MaxFailures = gen_mod:get_module_opt(
LServer, ?MODULE, c2s_max_auth_failures,
fun(I) when is_integer(I), I > 0 -> I end,
UnbanTS = unban_timestamp(BanLifetime),
case ets:lookup(failed_auth, Addr) of
[{Addr, N, _, _}] ->
ets:insert(failed_auth, {Addr, N+1, UnbanTS, MaxFailures});
[] ->
ets:insert(failed_auth, {Addr, 1, UnbanTS, MaxFailures})
c2s_auth_result(true, _User, _Server, _AddrPort) ->
check_bl_c2s(_Acc, Addr, Lang) ->
case ets:lookup(failed_auth, Addr) of
[{Addr, N, TS, MaxFailures}] when N >= MaxFailures ->
case TS > now() of
true ->
IP = jlib:ip_to_list(Addr),
UnbanDate = format_date(
LogReason = io_lib:fwrite(
"Too many (~p) failed authentications "
"from this IP address (~s). The address "
"will be unblocked at ~s UTC",
[N, IP, UnbanDate]),
ReasonT = io_lib:fwrite(
<<"Too many (~p) failed authentications "
"from this IP address (~s). The address "
"will be unblocked at ~s UTC">>),
[N, IP, UnbanDate]),
{stop, {true, LogReason, ReasonT}};
false ->
ets:delete(failed_auth, Addr),
_ ->
%% gen_mod callbacks
start(Host, Opts) ->
catch ets:new(failed_auth, [named_table, public]),
ejabberd_hooks:add(c2s_auth_result, Host, ?MODULE, c2s_auth_result, 100),
ejabberd_hooks:add(check_bl_c2s, ?MODULE, check_bl_c2s, 100).
Proc = gen_mod:get_module_proc(Host, ?MODULE),
ChildSpec = {Proc, {?MODULE, start_link, [Host, Opts]},
transient, 1000, worker, [?MODULE]},
supervisor:start_child(ejabberd_sup, ChildSpec).
stop(Host) ->
Proc = gen_mod:get_module_proc(Host, ?MODULE),
supervisor:terminate_child(ejabberd_sup, Proc),
supervisor:delete_child(ejabberd_sup, Proc).
%%% gen_server callbacks
init([Host, _Opts]) ->
ejabberd_hooks:add(c2s_auth_result, Host, ?MODULE, c2s_auth_result, 100),
ejabberd_hooks:add(check_bl_c2s, ?MODULE, check_bl_c2s, 100),
erlang:send_after(?CLEAN_INTERVAL, self(), clean),
{ok, #state{host = Host}}.
handle_call(_Request, _From, State) ->
Reply = ok,
{reply, Reply, State}.
handle_cast(_Msg, State) ->
?ERROR_MSG("got unexpected cast = ~p", [_Msg]),
{noreply, State}.
handle_info(clean, State) ->
?DEBUG("cleaning ~p ETS table", [failed_auth]),
Now = now(),
ets:fun2ms(fun({_, _, UnbanTS, _}) -> UnbanTS =< Now end)),
erlang:send_after(?CLEAN_INTERVAL, self(), clean),
{noreply, State};
handle_info(_Info, State) ->
?ERROR_MSG("got unexpected info = ~p", [_Info]),
{noreply, State}.
terminate(_Reason, #state{host = Host}) ->
ejabberd_hooks:delete(c2s_auth_result, Host, ?MODULE, c2s_auth_result, 100),
ejabberd_hooks:delete(check_bl_c2s, ?MODULE, check_bl_c2s, 100).
case is_loaded_at_other_hosts(Host) of
true ->
false ->
ejabberd_hooks:delete(check_bl_c2s, ?MODULE, check_bl_c2s, 100),
code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
{ok, State}.
%%% Internal functions
c2s_auth_result(false, _User, _Server, {Addr, _Port}) ->
case ets:lookup(failed_auth, Addr) of
[] ->
ets:insert(failed_auth, {Addr, 1});
_ ->
ets:update_counter(failed_auth, Addr, 1)
c2s_auth_result(true, _User, _Server, _AddrPort) ->
unban_timestamp(BanLifetime) ->
{MegaSecs, MSecs, USecs} = now(),
UnbanSecs = MegaSecs * 1000000 + MSecs + BanLifetime,
{UnbanSecs div 1000000, UnbanSecs rem 1000000, USecs}.
check_bl_c2s(_Acc, Addr) ->
case ets:lookup(failed_auth, Addr) of
[{Addr, N}] when N >= 100 ->
{stop, true};
_ ->
is_loaded_at_other_hosts(Host) ->
fun(VHost) when VHost == Host ->
(VHost) ->
gen_mod:is_loaded(VHost, ?MODULE)
end, ?MYHOSTS).
format_date({{Year, Month, Day}, {Hour, Minute, Second}}) ->
io_lib:format("~2..0w:~2..0w:~2..0w ~2..0w.~2..0w.~4..0w",
[Hour, Minute, Second, Day, Month, Year]).

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@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
%% Hooks:
@ -107,14 +107,23 @@ update_bl_c2s() ->
%% Return: false: IP not blacklisted
%% true: IP is blacklisted
%% IPV4 IP tuple:
is_ip_in_c2s_blacklist(_Val, IP) when is_tuple(IP) ->
is_ip_in_c2s_blacklist(_Val, IP, Lang) when is_tuple(IP) ->
BinaryIP = jlib:ip_to_list(IP),
case ets:lookup(bl_c2s, BinaryIP) of
[] -> %% Not in blacklist
[_] -> {stop, true}
[_] ->
LogReason = io_lib:fwrite(
"This IP address is blacklisted in ~s",
ReasonT = io_lib:fwrite(
<<"This IP address is blacklisted in ~s">>),
{stop, {true, LogReason, ReasonT}}
is_ip_in_c2s_blacklist(_Val, _IP) -> false.
is_ip_in_c2s_blacklist(_Val, _IP, _Lang) -> false.
%% TODO:
%% - For now, we do not kick user already logged on a given IP after