mirror of
synced 2024-12-20 17:27:00 +01:00
Add ability to update changelog in update-deps-releases
This commit is contained in:
@ -122,13 +122,46 @@ sub update_changelog {
my $reason = join "\n", map {"* $_"} @reasons;
my $content = slurp($cl);
if (not $content =~ /^# Version $version/) {
$content = "# Version $version\n\n$reason\n\n$content"
$content = "# Version $version\n\n$reason\n\n$content";
} else {
$content =~ s/(# Version $version\n\n)/$1$reason\n/;
write_file($cl, $content);
sub edit_changelog {
my ($dep, $version) = @_;
my $cl = ".deps-update/$dep/CHANGELOG.md";
return if not -f $cl;
my $top_deps = top_deps();
my $git_info = deps_git_info();
say color("red"), "$dep", color("reset"), " ($top_deps->{$dep}->{commit}):";
say " $_" for @{$git_info->{$dep}->{new_commits}};
say "";
my $content = slurp($cl);
my $old_content = $content;
if (not $content =~ /^# Version $version/) {
$content = "# Version $version\n\n* \n\n$content";
} else {
$content =~ s/(# Version $version\n\n)/$1* \n/;
write_file($cl, $content);
system("$ENV{EDITOR} $cl");
my $new_content = slurp($cl);
if ($new_content eq $content) {
write_file($cl, $old_content);
} else {
system("git", "-C", ".deps-update/$dep", "commit", "-a", "-m", "Update changelog");
sub update_app_src {
my ($dep, $version) = @_;
my $app = ".deps-update/$dep/src/$dep.app.src";
@ -292,6 +325,7 @@ sub git_push {
while (1) {
my $top_deps = top_deps();
my $git_info = deps_git_info();
@ -371,63 +405,85 @@ while (1) {
my $changelog_updated = 0;
if ($cmd eq "A") {
$top_deps = top_deps();
$git_info = deps_git_info();
my $sub_deps = sub_deps();
$top_deps = top_deps();
$git_info = deps_git_info();
my $sub_deps = sub_deps();
for my $dep (keys %$top_deps) {
for my $sdep (keys %{$sub_deps->{$dep}}) {
next if not defined $top_deps->{$sdep} or
$sub_deps->{$dep}->{$sdep}->{commit} eq $top_deps->{$sdep}->{commit};
say "$dep $sdep ",$sub_deps->{$dep}->{$sdep}->{commit}," <=> $sdep ",$top_deps->{$sdep}->{commit};
schedule_operation("update", $dep, $git_info->{$dep}->{new_tag},
"Updating $sdep to version $top_deps->{$sdep}->{commit}.", [$sdep, $top_deps->{$sdep}->{commit}]);
%info_updates = ();
%top_deps_updates = ();
%sub_deps_updates = ();
$top_deps = top_deps();
$git_info = deps_git_info();
$sub_deps = sub_deps();
print color("bold blue"), "List of operations:\n", color("reset");
for my $op (@operations) {
print color("red"), $op->{dep}, color("reset"), " ($top_deps->{$op->{dep}}->{commit} -> $op->{version})";
if (@{$op->{operations}}) {
say ":";
say " $_->[0] -> $_->[1]" for @{$op->{operations}};
} else {
say "";
say "";
my $cmd = show_commands(A => "Apply", E => "Exit");
if ($cmd eq "A") {
my %top_changes;
for my $op (@operations) {
update_changelog($op->{dep}, $op->{version}, @{$op->{reasons}})
if @{$op->{reasons}};
update_deps_versions(".deps-update/$op->{dep}/rebar.config", unpairs(@{$op->{operations}}))
if @{$op->{operations}};
if ($git_info->{$op->{dep}}->{last_tag} ne $op->{version}) {
update_app_src($op->{dep}, $op->{version});
git_tag($op->{dep}, $op->{version}, "Release $op->{version}");
$top_changes{$op->{dep}} = $op->{version};
update_deps_versions("rebar.config", %top_changes);
for my $op (@operations) {
if ($git_info->{$op->{dep}}->{last_tag} ne $op->{version}) {
for my $dep (keys %$top_deps) {
for my $sdep (keys %{$sub_deps->{$dep}}) {
next if not defined $top_deps->{$sdep} or
$sub_deps->{$dep}->{$sdep}->{commit} eq $top_deps->{$sdep}->{commit};
say "$dep $sdep ", $sub_deps->{$dep}->{$sdep}->{commit}, " <=> $sdep ",
schedule_operation("update", $dep, $git_info->{$dep}->{new_tag},
"Updating $sdep to version $top_deps->{$sdep}->{commit}.",
[ $sdep, $top_deps->{$sdep}->{commit} ]);
%info_updates = ();
%top_deps_updates = ();
%sub_deps_updates = ();
$top_deps = top_deps();
$git_info = deps_git_info();
$sub_deps = sub_deps();
print color("bold blue"), "List of operations:\n", color("reset");
for my $op (@operations) {
print color("red"), $op->{dep}, color("reset"),
" ($top_deps->{$op->{dep}}->{commit} -> $op->{version})";
if (@{$op->{operations}}) {
say ":";
say " $_->[0] -> $_->[1]" for @{$op->{operations}};
else {
say "";
say "";
my %to_tag;
if (not $changelog_updated) {
for my $op (@operations) {
if ($git_info->{$op->{dep}}->{last_tag} ne $op->{version}) {
$to_tag{$op->{dep}} = $op->{version};
my $cmd = show_commands(A => "Apply", (%to_tag ? (U => "Update Changelogs") : ()), E => "Exit");
if ($cmd eq "U") {
for my $dep (keys %to_tag) {
edit_changelog($dep, $to_tag{$dep});
redo APPLY;
elsif ($cmd eq "A") {
my %top_changes;
for my $op (@operations) {
update_changelog($op->{dep}, $op->{version}, @{$op->{reasons}})
if @{$op->{reasons}};
update_deps_versions(".deps-update/$op->{dep}/rebar.config", unpairs(@{$op->{operations}}))
if @{$op->{operations}};
if ($git_info->{$op->{dep}}->{last_tag} ne $op->{version}) {
update_app_src($op->{dep}, $op->{version});
git_tag($op->{dep}, $op->{version}, "Release $op->{version}");
$top_changes{$op->{dep}} = $op->{version};
update_deps_versions("rebar.config", %top_changes);
for my $op (@operations) {
if ($git_info->{$op->{dep}}->{last_tag} ne $op->{version}) {
last MAIN;
Reference in New Issue
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