mirror of https://github.com/processone/ejabberd.git synced 2024-12-26 17:38:45 +01:00

* src/mod_pubsub/mod_pubsub.erl: Discovery query on an item does

no more return an "item not found error". Discovery stop
correctly at the item level (Thanks to Christophe Romain) (EJAB-105).

SVN Revision: 578
This commit is contained in:
Mickaël Rémond 2006-06-07 14:07:18 +00:00
parent 9dcd3f4080
commit b80002a8bb
2 changed files with 35 additions and 15 deletions

View File

@ -1,11 +1,15 @@
2006-06-07 Mickael Remond <mickael.remond@process-one.net>
* src/mod_pubsub/mod_pubsub.erl: Support for pubsub node creation ACL.
It is now possible to limit the node creation rights using an ACL from
ejabberd config file (Thanks to Christophe Romain).
* src/mod_pubsub/mod_pubsub.erl: Support for pubsub node creation
ACL. It is now possible to limit the node creation rights using an
ACL from ejabberd config file (Thanks to Christophe Romain).
* doc/guide.tex: Likewise.
* src/ejabberd.cfg.example.
* src/mod_pubsub/mod_pubsub.erl: Discovery query on an item does
no more return an "item not found error". Discovery stop correctly
at the item level (Thanks to Christophe Romain).
2006-06-02 Mickael Remond <mickael.remond@process-one.net>
* src/web/ejabberd_http_poll.erl: Messages polled between the

View File

@ -328,32 +328,50 @@ iq_disco_info(SNode) ->
iq_disco_items(Host, From, SNode) ->
Node = string:tokens(SNode, "/"),
{Node,ItemID} = case SNode of
[] ->
_ ->
Tokens = string:tokens(SNode, "!"),
NodeList = string:tokens(lists:nth(1, Tokens), "/"),
ItemName = case length(Tokens) of
2 -> lists:nth(2, Tokens);
_ -> none
{NodeList, ItemName}
NodeFull = string:tokens(SNode,"/"),
F = fun() ->
case mnesia:read({pubsub_node, {Host, Node}}) of
[#pubsub_node{info = Info}] ->
SubNodes = mnesia:index_read(pubsub_node,
case ItemID of
none ->
SubNodes = mnesia:index_read(pubsub_node,
{Host, Node},
SubItems =
lists:map(fun(#pubsub_node{host_node = {_, N}}) ->
SubItems = lists:map(fun(#pubsub_node{host_node = {_, N}}) ->
SN = node_to_string(N),
{xmlelement, "item",
[{"jid", Host},
{"node", SN},
{"name", lists:last(N)}], []}
end, SubNodes),
SN = node_to_string(Node),
Items =
lists:map(fun(#item{id = Name}) ->
SN = node_to_string(Node),
Items = lists:map(fun(#item{id = Name}) ->
RealName = case Name of
[] -> "item";
_ -> Name
{xmlelement, "item",
[{"jid", Host},
{"node", SN ++ "!" ++ Name},
{"name", Name}], []}
{"name", RealName}], []}
end, Info#nodeinfo.items),
SubItems ++ Items;
SubItems ++ Items;
_ ->
[] ->
case Node of
[] ->
@ -384,8 +402,6 @@ iq_disco_items(Host, From, SNode) ->
iq_get_vcard(Lang) ->
[{xmlelement, "FN", [],
[{xmlcdata, "ejabberd/mod_pubsub"}]},