Fix check for standalone chat state notifications

Ignore whitespace (and other XML CDATA) when checking whether a message
stanza is a standalone chat state notification.
This commit is contained in:
Holger Weiss 2016-04-24 17:09:56 +02:00
parent 2660dcabba
commit beeb1c82d9
1 changed files with 5 additions and 14 deletions

View File

@ -530,22 +530,13 @@ rsm_encode_count(Count, Arr) ->
-spec is_standalone_chat_state(xmlel()) -> boolean().
is_standalone_chat_state(#xmlel{name = <<"message">>} = El) ->
is_standalone_chat_state(#xmlel{name = <<"message">>, children = Els}) ->
ChatStates = [<<"active">>, <<"inactive">>, <<"gone">>, <<"composing">>,
Stripped =
lists:foldl(fun(ChatState, AccEl) ->
fxml:remove_subtags(AccEl, ChatState,
{<<"xmlns">>, ?NS_CHATSTATES})
end, El, ChatStates),
case Stripped of
#xmlel{children = [#xmlel{name = <<"thread">>}]} ->
#xmlel{children = []} ->
_ ->
Stripped = [El || #xmlel{name = Name} = El <- Els,
not lists:member(Name, ChatStates),
Name /= <<"thread">>],
Stripped == [];
is_standalone_chat_state(_El) -> false.
-spec add_delay_info(xmlel(), jid() | ljid() | binary(), erlang:timestamp())