Fix closing of outbound S2S connections

This commit is contained in:
Evgeniy Khramtsov 2017-04-15 11:15:50 +03:00
parent fcb978248f
commit c290b4284f
3 changed files with 32 additions and 33 deletions

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@ -233,7 +233,8 @@ c2s_handle_info(#{mgmt_ack_timer := TRef, jid := JID, mod := Mod} = State,
{timeout, TRef, ack_timeout}) ->
?DEBUG("Timed out waiting for stream management acknowledgement of ~s",
{stop, Mod:close(State, ack_timeout)};
State1 = Mod:close(State),
{stop, transition_to_pending(State1)};
c2s_handle_info(#{mgmt_state := pending, jid := JID, mod := Mod} = State,
{timeout, _, pending_timeout}) ->
?DEBUG("Timed out waiting for resumption of stream for ~s",

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@ -151,23 +151,17 @@ send(_, _) ->
-spec close(pid()) -> ok;
(state()) -> state().
close(Ref) ->
close(Ref, closed).
-spec close(pid(), atom()) -> ok;
(state(), atom()) -> state().
close(Pid, Reason) when is_pid(Pid) ->
cast(Pid, {close, Reason});
close(#{owner := Owner} = State, Reason) when Owner == self() ->
case is_disconnected(State) of
true -> State;
false ->
_IgnoreState = close_socket(State),
process_stream_end({socket, Reason}, State)
close(_, _) ->
close(Pid) when is_pid(Pid) ->
close(Pid, closed);
close(#{owner := Owner} = State) when Owner == self() ->
close(_) ->
-spec close(pid(), atom()) -> ok.
close(Pid, Reason) ->
cast(Pid, {close, Reason}).
-spec establish(state()) -> state().
establish(State) ->
@ -275,7 +269,12 @@ handle_cast({send, Pkt}, State) ->
handle_cast(stop, State) ->
{stop, normal, State};
handle_cast({close, Reason}, State) ->
noreply(close(State, Reason));
State1 = close_socket(State),
case is_disconnected(State) of
true -> State1;
false -> process_stream_end({socket, Reason}, State)
handle_cast(Cast, #{mod := Mod} = State) ->
noreply(try Mod:handle_cast(Cast, State)
catch _:undef -> State

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@ -161,23 +161,17 @@ send(_, _) ->
-spec close(pid()) -> ok;
(state()) -> state().
close(Ref) ->
close(Ref, closed).
-spec close(pid(), atom()) -> ok;
(state(), atom()) -> state().
close(Pid, Reason) when is_pid(Pid) ->
cast(Pid, {close, Reason});
close(#{owner := Owner} = State, Reason) when Owner == self() ->
case is_disconnected(State) of
true -> State;
false ->
_IgnoreState = close_socket(State),
process_stream_end({socket, Reason}, State)
close(_, _) ->
close(Pid) when is_pid(Pid) ->
close(Pid, closed);
close(#{owner := Owner} = State) when Owner == self() ->
close(_) ->
-spec close(pid(), atom()) -> ok.
close(Pid, Reason) ->
cast(Pid, {close, Reason}).
-spec establish(state()) -> state().
establish(State) ->
@ -306,7 +300,12 @@ handle_cast({send, Pkt}, State) ->
handle_cast(stop, State) ->
{stop, normal, State};
handle_cast({close, Reason}, State) ->
noreply(close(State, Reason));
State1 = close_socket(State),
case is_disconnected(State) of
true -> State1;
false -> process_stream_end({socket, Reason}, State)
handle_cast(Cast, #{mod := Mod} = State) ->
noreply(try Mod:handle_cast(Cast, State)
catch _:undef -> State