Don't replace %25 in webadmin test on older erlangs

It seems that is a bug in R21+ httpc, so let's try to keep that test
working with older versions
This commit is contained in:
Paweł Chmielowski 2020-04-01 15:34:44 +02:00
parent a2e6d8bb6b
commit ccb47a67c4
1 changed files with 7 additions and 2 deletions

View File

@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ changepassword(Config) ->
++ "/user/" ++ binary_to_list(mue(User)) ++ "/",
<<"password=", (mue(Password))/binary,
Password = ejabberd_auth:get_password(User, Server),
?match(Password, ejabberd_auth:get_password(User, Server)),
?match({_, _}, binary:match(Body, <<"<p class='result'>Submitted</p>">>)).
removeuser(Config) ->
@ -126,7 +126,12 @@ page(Config, Tail) ->
Server = ?config(server_host, Config),
Port = ct:get_config(web_port, 5280),
Url = "http://" ++ Server ++ ":" ++ integer_to_list(Port) ++ "/admin/" ++ Tail,
string:replace(Url, "%25", "%2525"). % Required by httpc:request for paths in URLs
case catch uri_string:normalize("/%2525") of
"/%25" ->
string:replace(Url, "%25", "%2525", all);
_ ->
mue(Binary) ->