mirror of https://github.com/processone/ejabberd.git synced 2024-06-04 21:27:16 +02:00

Improve pubsub#itemreply implementation (#2325)

This commit is contained in:
Christophe Romain 2018-04-12 15:38:12 +02:00
parent 7627575856
commit d28064518b

View File

@ -1704,7 +1704,7 @@ subscribe_node(Host, Node, From, JID, Configuration) ->
Nidx = TNode#pubsub_node.id,
Type = TNode#pubsub_node.type,
Options = TNode#pubsub_node.options,
send_items(Host, Node, Nidx, Type, Options, Subscriber, 1),
send_items(Host, Node, Nidx, Type, Options, Subscriber, last),
ServerHost = serverhost(Host),
ejabberd_hooks:run(pubsub_subscribe_node, ServerHost,
[ServerHost, Host, Node, Subscriber, SubId]),
@ -2018,7 +2018,7 @@ get_items(Host, Node, From, SubId, _MaxItems, ItemIds, RSM) ->
case transaction(Host, Node, Action, sync_dirty) of
{result, {_, {Items, RsmOut}}} ->
{result, {TNode, {Items, RsmOut}}} ->
SendItems = case ItemIds of
[] ->
@ -2028,14 +2028,12 @@ get_items(Host, Node, From, SubId, _MaxItems, ItemIds, RSM) ->
lists:member(ItemId, ItemIds)
end, Items)
#pubsub{items = #ps_items{node = Node,
items = itemsEls(SendItems)},
Options = TNode#pubsub_node.options,
{result, #pubsub{items = items_els(Node, Options, SendItems),
rsm = RsmOut}};
{result, {_, Item}} ->
#pubsub{items = #ps_items{node = Node,
items = itemsEls([Item])}}};
{result, {TNode, Item}} ->
Options = TNode#pubsub_node.options,
{result, #pubsub{items = items_els(Node, Options, [Item])}};
Error ->
@ -2069,6 +2067,9 @@ get_allowed_items_call(Host, Nidx, From, Type, Options, Owners, RSM) ->
{PS, RG} = get_presence_and_roster_permissions(Host, From, Owners, AccessModel, AllowedGroups),
node_call(Host, Type, get_items, [Nidx, From, AccessModel, PS, RG, undefined, RSM]).
get_last_items(Host, Type, Nidx, LJID, last) ->
% hack to handle section 6.1.7 of XEP-0060
get_last_items(Host, Type, Nidx, LJID, 1);
get_last_items(Host, Type, Nidx, LJID, 1) ->
case get_cached_item(Host, Nidx) of
undefined ->
@ -2635,45 +2636,37 @@ payload_xmlelements([#xmlel{} | Tail], Count) ->
payload_xmlelements([_ | Tail], Count) ->
payload_xmlelements(Tail, Count).
items_event_stanza(Node, Options, Items) ->
MoreEls = case Items of
[LastItem] ->
{ModifNow, ModifUSR} = LastItem#pubsub_item.modification,
[#delay{stamp = ModifNow, from = jid:make(ModifUSR)}];
items_els(Node, Options, Items) ->
Els = case get_option(Options, itemreply) of
publisher ->
[#ps_item{id = ItemId, sub_els = Payload, publisher = jid:encode(USR)}
|| #pubsub_item{itemid = {ItemId, _}, payload = Payload, modification = {_, USR}}
<- Items];
_ ->
[#ps_item{id = ItemId, sub_els = Payload}
|| #pubsub_item{itemid = {ItemId, _}, payload = Payload}
<- Items]
BaseStanza = #message{
sub_els = [#ps_event{items = #ps_items{
node = Node,
items = itemsEls(Items)}}
| MoreEls]},
NotificationType = get_option(Options, notification_type, headline),
add_message_type(BaseStanza, NotificationType).
#ps_items{node = Node, items = Els}.
%%%%%% broadcast functions
broadcast_publish_item(Host, Node, Nidx, Type, NodeOptions, ItemId, From, Payload, Removed) ->
case get_collection_subscriptions(Host, Node) of
SubsByDepth when is_list(SubsByDepth) ->
EventItem0 = case get_option(NodeOptions, deliver_payloads) of
true -> #ps_item{sub_els = Payload, id = ItemId};
false -> #ps_item{id = ItemId}
ItemPublisher = case get_option(NodeOptions, itemreply) of
publisher -> jid:encode(From);
_ -> undefined
EventItem = case get_option(NodeOptions, itemreply, none) of
owner -> %% owner not supported
publisher ->
publisher = jid:encode(From)};
none ->
ItemPayload = case get_option(NodeOptions, deliver_payloads) of
true -> Payload;
false -> undefined
Stanza = #message{
sub_els =
[#ps_event{items =
#ps_items{node = Node,
items = [EventItem]}}]},
ItemsEls = #ps_items{node = Node,
items = [#ps_item{id = ItemId,
publisher = ItemPublisher,
sub_els = ItemPayload}]},
Stanza = #message{ sub_els = [#ps_event{items = ItemsEls}]},
broadcast_stanza(Host, From, Node, Nidx, Type,
NodeOptions, SubsByDepth, items, Stanza, true),
case Removed of
@ -2900,8 +2893,20 @@ send_items(Host, Node, Nidx, Type, Options, Publisher, SubLJID, ToLJID, Number)
[] ->
Items ->
Stanza = items_event_stanza(Node, Options, Items),
send_stanza(Publisher, ToLJID, Node, Stanza)
Delay = case Number of
last -> % handle section 6.1.7 of XEP-0060
[Last] = Items,
{Stamp, _USR} = Last#pubsub_item.modification,
[#delay{stamp = Stamp}];
_ ->
Stanza = #message{
sub_els = [#ps_event{items = items_els(Node, Options, Items)}
| Delay]},
NotificationType = get_option(Options, notification_type, headline),
send_stanza(Publisher, ToLJID, Node,
add_message_type(Stanza, NotificationType))
send_stanza({LUser, LServer, _} = Publisher, USR, Node, BaseStanza) ->
@ -3733,11 +3738,6 @@ uniqid() ->
{T1, T2, T3} = p1_time_compat:timestamp(),
(str:format("~.16B~.16B~.16B", [T1, T2, T3])).
-spec itemsEls([#pubsub_item{}]) -> [ps_item()].
itemsEls(Items) ->
[#ps_item{id = ItemId, sub_els = Payload}
|| #pubsub_item{itemid = {ItemId, _}, payload = Payload} <- Items].
-spec add_message_type(message(), message_type()) -> message().
add_message_type(#message{} = Message, Type) ->
Message#message{type = Type}.