mirror of https://github.com/processone/ejabberd.git synced 2024-12-02 16:37:52 +01:00

Improve create_rooms_file command to support vhosts with different config

Until now it created all the rooms in the storage of the first vhost
listed in the ejabberd configuration file. Similarly, it used only
the default room options defined for the first vhost.
This commit is contained in:
Badlop 2024-11-25 10:39:46 +01:00
parent 6790ab01e8
commit da9c591eed

View File

@ -160,6 +160,7 @@ get_commands_spec() ->
#ejabberd_commands{name = create_rooms_file, tags = [muc],
desc = "Create the rooms indicated in file",
longdesc = "Provide one room JID per line. Rooms will be created after restart.",
note = "improved in 24.xx",
module = ?MODULE, function = create_rooms_file,
args_desc = ["Path to the text file with one room JID per line"],
args_example = ["/home/ejabberd/rooms.txt"],
@ -1245,11 +1246,23 @@ create_rooms_file(Filename) ->
RJID = read_room(F),
Rooms = read_rooms(F, RJID, []),
%% Read the default room options defined for the first virtual host
DefRoomOpts = mod_muc_opt:default_room_options(ejabberd_config:get_myname()),
[muc_create_room(ejabberd_config:get_myname(), A, DefRoomOpts) || A <- Rooms],
HostsDetails = get_hosts_details(Rooms),
[muc_create_room(HostsDetails, A) || A <- Rooms],
muc_create_room(HostsDetails, {_, Host, _} = RoomTuple) ->
{_Host, ServerHost, DefRoomOpts} = get_host_details(Host, HostsDetails),
muc_create_room(ServerHost, RoomTuple, DefRoomOpts).
get_hosts_details(Rooms) ->
Hosts = lists:uniq([Host || {_, Host, _} <- Rooms]),
lists:map(fun(H) ->
SH = get_room_serverhost(H),
{H, SH, mod_muc_opt:default_room_options(SH)}
end, Hosts).
get_host_details(Host, ServerHostsDetails) ->
lists:keyfind(Host, 1, ServerHostsDetails).
%% List/Delete Unused/Empty Rooms