mirror of https://github.com/processone/ejabberd.git synced 2024-06-08 21:43:07 +02:00

Load config snippets for modules installed with ext_mod (EJAB-1741)

This commit is contained in:
Paweł Chmielowski 2015-05-15 12:30:15 +02:00
parent 5dbe7a3c6c
commit de7ff536b2

View File

@ -114,7 +114,8 @@ get_env_config() ->
%% @spec (File::string()) -> #state{}.
read_file(File) ->
read_file(File, [{replace_macros, true},
{include_files, true}]).
{include_files, true},
{include_modules_configs, true}]).
read_file(File, Opts) ->
Terms1 = get_plain_terms_file(File, Opts),
@ -200,7 +201,14 @@ get_plain_terms_file(File1, Opts) ->
File = get_absolute_path(File1),
case consult(File) of
{ok, Terms} ->
BinTerms = strings_to_binary(Terms),
BinTerms1 = strings_to_binary(Terms),
ModInc = case proplists:get_bool(include_modules_configs, Opts) of
true ->
filelib:wildcard(ext_mod:modules_dir() ++ "/*/conf/*.yaml");
_ ->
BinTerms = BinTerms1 ++ [{include_config_file, list_to_binary(V)} || V <- ModInc],
case proplists:get_bool(include_files, Opts) of
true ->
@ -374,7 +382,23 @@ include_config_files(Terms) ->
fun({File, Opts}) ->
include_config_file(File, Opts)
end, lists:flatten(FileOpts)),
Terms1 ++ Terms2.
SpecialTerms = dict:from_list([{hosts, none}, {listen, none}, {modules, none}]),
Partition = fun(L) ->
lists:foldr(fun({Name, Val} = Pair, Dict) ->
case dict:find(Name, SpecialTerms) of
{ok, _} ->
dict:store(Name, Val, Dict);
_ ->
dict:update(rest, fun(L1) -> [Pair|L1] end, Dict)
end, dict:from_list([{rest, []}]), L)
Merged = dict:merge(fun(_Name, V1, V2) -> V1 ++ V2 end,
Partition(Terms1), Partition(Terms2)),
Rest = dict:fetch(rest, Merged),
dict:to_list(dict:erase(rest, Merged)) ++ Rest.
transform_include_option({include_config_file, File}) when is_list(File) ->
case is_string(File) of