Make stream related calls module independent

This commit is contained in:
Evgeniy Khramtsov 2017-01-09 22:03:42 +03:00
parent 6c564775c4
commit e01bece552
1 changed files with 13 additions and 12 deletions

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@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ c2s_handle_recv(#{lang := Lang} = State, El, {error, Why}) ->
c2s_handle_recv(State, _, _) ->
c2s_handle_send(#{mgmt_state := MgmtState,
c2s_handle_send(#{mgmt_state := MgmtState, mod := Mod,
lang := Lang} = State, Pkt, SendResult)
when MgmtState == pending; MgmtState == active ->
case xmpp:is_stanza(Pkt) of
@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ c2s_handle_send(#{mgmt_state := MgmtState,
<<"Too many unacked stanzas">>, Lang),
send(State2, Err);
_ ->
State1 when SendResult == ok ->
@ -204,28 +204,28 @@ c2s_handle_send(#{mgmt_state := MgmtState,
c2s_handle_send(State, _Pkt, _Result) ->
c2s_handle_call(#{sid := {Time, _}} = State,
c2s_handle_call(#{sid := {Time, _}, mod := Mod} = State,
{resume_session, Time}, From) ->
ejabberd_c2s:reply(From, {resume, State}),
Mod:reply(From, {resume, State}),
{stop, State#{mgmt_state => resumed}};
c2s_handle_call(State, {resume_session, _}, From) ->
ejabberd_c2s:reply(From, {error, <<"Previous session not found">>}),
c2s_handle_call(#{mod := Mod} = State, {resume_session, _}, From) ->
Mod:reply(From, {error, <<"Previous session not found">>}),
{stop, State};
c2s_handle_call(State, _Call, _From) ->
c2s_handle_info(#{mgmt_ack_timer := TRef, jid := JID} = State,
c2s_handle_info(#{mgmt_ack_timer := TRef, jid := JID, mod := Mod} = State,
{timeout, TRef, ack_timeout}) ->
?DEBUG("Timed out waiting for stream management acknowledgement of ~s",
State1 = State#{stop_reason => {socket, timeout}},
State2 = ejabberd_c2s:close(State1, _SendTrailer = false),
State2 = Mod:close(State1, _SendTrailer = false),
{stop, transition_to_pending(State2)};
c2s_handle_info(#{mgmt_state := pending, jid := JID} = State,
c2s_handle_info(#{mgmt_state := pending, jid := JID, mod := Mod} = State,
{timeout, _, pending_timeout}) ->
?DEBUG("Timed out waiting for resumption of stream for ~s",
ejabberd_c2s:stop(State#{mgmt_state => timeout});
Mod:stop(State#{mgmt_state => timeout});
c2s_handle_info(#{jid := JID} = State, {_Ref, {resume, OldState}}) ->
%% This happens if the resume_session/1 request timed out; the new session
%% now receives the late response.
@ -380,8 +380,9 @@ handle_resume(#{user := User, lserver := LServer, sockmod := SockMod,
-spec transition_to_pending(state()) -> state().
transition_to_pending(#{mgmt_state := active, mgmt_timeout := 0} = State) ->
transition_to_pending(#{mgmt_state := active, mod := Mod,
mgmt_timeout := 0} = State) ->
transition_to_pending(#{mgmt_state := active, jid := JID,
lserver := LServer, mgmt_timeout := Timeout} = State) ->
State1 = cancel_ack_timer(State),