mirror of https://github.com/processone/ejabberd.git synced 2024-06-02 21:17:12 +02:00

Improve ACME implementation

Fixes #2487, fixes #2590, fixes #2638
This commit is contained in:
Evgeny Khramtsov 2019-09-20 12:36:31 +03:00
parent 0fe1e40a9d
commit e227940b85
12 changed files with 714 additions and 1628 deletions

View File

@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-record(challenge, {
type = <<"http-01">> :: bitstring(),
status = pending :: pending | valid | invalid,
uri = "" :: url(),
token = <<"">> :: bitstring()
-record(data_acc, {
id :: list(),
ca_url :: url(),
key :: jose_jwk:key()
-type data_acc() :: #data_acc{}.
-record(data_cert, {
domain :: bitstring(),
pem :: pem(),
path :: string()
-type data_cert() :: #data_cert{}.
%% Types
%% Acme configuration
-type acme_config() :: [{ca_url, url()} | {contact, bitstring()}].
%% The main data type that ejabberd_acme keeps
-type acme_data() :: proplist().
%% The list of certificates kept in data
-type data_certs() :: proplist(bitstring(), data_cert()).
%% The certificate saved in pem format
-type pem() :: bitstring().
-type nonce() :: string().
-type url() :: string().
-type proplist() :: [{_, _}].
-type proplist(X,Y) :: [{X,Y}].
-type dirs() :: #{string() => url()}.
-type jws() :: map().
-type handle_resp_fun() :: fun(({ok, proplist(), proplist()}) -> {ok, _, nonce()}).
-type acme_challenge() :: #challenge{}.
%% Options
-type account_opt() :: string().
-type verbose_opt() :: string().
-type domains_opt() :: string().

View File

@ -29,10 +29,11 @@
{yconf, ".*", {git, "https://github.com/processone/yconf", {tag, "1.0.0"}}}, {yconf, ".*", {git, "https://github.com/processone/yconf", {tag, "1.0.0"}}},
{jiffy, ".*", {git, "https://github.com/davisp/jiffy", {tag, "0.14.8"}}}, {jiffy, ".*", {git, "https://github.com/davisp/jiffy", {tag, "0.14.8"}}},
{p1_oauth2, ".*", {git, "https://github.com/processone/p1_oauth2", {tag, "0.6.5"}}}, {p1_oauth2, ".*", {git, "https://github.com/processone/p1_oauth2", {tag, "0.6.5"}}},
{pkix, ".*", {git, "https://github.com/processone/pkix", {tag, "1.0.3"}}}, {pkix, ".*", {git, "https://github.com/processone/pkix", "91636e7"}},
{jose, ".*", {git, "https://github.com/potatosalad/erlang-jose", {tag, "1.8.4"}}}, {jose, ".*", {git, "https://github.com/potatosalad/erlang-jose", {tag, "1.8.4"}}},
{eimp, ".*", {git, "https://github.com/processone/eimp", {tag, "1.0.12"}}}, {eimp, ".*", {git, "https://github.com/processone/eimp", {tag, "1.0.12"}}},
{mqtree, ".*", {git, "https://github.com/processone/mqtree", {tag, "1.0.4"}}}, {mqtree, ".*", {git, "https://github.com/processone/mqtree", {tag, "1.0.4"}}},
{acme, ".*", {git, "https://github.com/processone/acme.git", "7d5382265f"}},
{if_var_true, stun, {stun, ".*", {git, "https://github.com/processone/stun", {tag, "1.0.29"}}}}, {if_var_true, stun, {stun, ".*", {git, "https://github.com/processone/stun", {tag, "1.0.29"}}}},
{if_var_true, sip, {esip, ".*", {git, "https://github.com/processone/esip", {tag, "1.0.30"}}}}, {if_var_true, sip, {esip, ".*", {git, "https://github.com/processone/esip", {tag, "1.0.30"}}}},
{if_var_true, mysql, {p1_mysql, ".*", {git, "https://github.com/processone/p1_mysql", {if_var_true, mysql, {p1_mysql, ".*", {git, "https://github.com/processone/p1_mysql",

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,407 +0,0 @@
-export([%% Directory
%% Account
%% Authorization
%% Authorization polling
%% Certificate
%% Not yet implemented
%% key_roll_over/5
%% delete_authz/3
-define(REQUEST_TIMEOUT, 5000). % 5 seconds.
-define(MAX_POLL_REQUESTS, 20).
-define(POLL_WAIT_TIME, 500). % 500 ms.
%%% This module contains functions that implement all necessary http
%%% requests to the ACME Certificate Authority. Its purpose is to
%%% facilitate the acme client implementation by separating the
%%% handling/validating/parsing of all the needed http requests.
%% Directory
-spec directory(url()) -> {ok, dirs(), nonce()} | {error, _}.
directory(CAUrl) ->
Url = CAUrl ++ "/directory",
prepare_get_request(Url, fun get_dirs/1).
%% Account Handling
-spec new_account(dirs(), jose_jwk:key(), proplist(), nonce()) ->
{ok, {url(), proplist()}, nonce()} | {error, _}.
new_account(Dirs, PrivateKey, Req, Nonce) ->
#{"new-reg" := Url} = Dirs,
EJson = {[{ <<"resource">>, <<"new-reg">>}] ++ Req},
prepare_post_request(Url, PrivateKey, EJson, Nonce, fun get_response_tos/1).
-spec update_account({url(), string()}, jose_jwk:key(), proplist(), nonce()) ->
{ok, proplist(), nonce()} | {error, _}.
update_account({CAUrl, AccId}, PrivateKey, Req, Nonce) ->
Url = CAUrl ++ "/acme/reg/" ++ AccId,
EJson = {[{ <<"resource">>, <<"reg">>}] ++ Req},
prepare_post_request(Url, PrivateKey, EJson, Nonce, fun get_response/1).
-spec get_account({url(), string()}, jose_jwk:key(), nonce()) ->
{ok, {url(), proplist()}, nonce()} | {error, _}.
get_account({CAUrl, AccId}, PrivateKey, Nonce) ->
Url = CAUrl ++ "/acme/reg/" ++ AccId,
EJson = {[{<<"resource">>, <<"reg">>}]},
prepare_post_request(Url, PrivateKey, EJson, Nonce, fun get_response_tos/1).
-spec delete_account({url(), string()}, jose_jwk:key(), nonce()) ->
{ok, proplist(), nonce()} | {error, _}.
delete_account({CAUrl, AccId}, PrivateKey, Nonce) ->
Url = CAUrl ++ "/acme/reg/" ++ AccId,
EJson =
{[{<<"resource">>, <<"reg">>},
{<<"status">>, <<"deactivated">>}]},
prepare_post_request(Url, PrivateKey, EJson, Nonce, fun get_response/1).
%% Authorization Handling
-spec new_authz(dirs(), jose_jwk:key(), proplist(), nonce()) ->
{ok, {url(), proplist()}, nonce()} | {error, _}.
new_authz(Dirs, PrivateKey, Req, Nonce) ->
#{"new-authz" := Url} = Dirs,
EJson = {[{<<"resource">>, <<"new-authz">>}] ++ Req},
prepare_post_request(Url, PrivateKey, EJson, Nonce, fun get_response_location/1).
-spec get_authz({url(), string()}) -> {ok, proplist(), nonce()} | {error, _}.
get_authz({CAUrl, AuthzId}) ->
Url = CAUrl ++ "/acme/authz/" ++ AuthzId,
prepare_get_request(Url, fun get_response/1).
-spec complete_challenge({url(), string(), string()}, jose_jwk:key(), proplist(), nonce()) ->
{ok, proplist(), nonce()} | {error, _}.
complete_challenge({CAUrl, AuthzId, ChallId}, PrivateKey, Req, Nonce) ->
Url = CAUrl ++ "/acme/challenge/" ++ AuthzId ++ "/" ++ ChallId,
EJson = {[{<<"resource">>, <<"challenge">>}] ++ Req},
prepare_post_request(Url, PrivateKey, EJson, Nonce, fun get_response/1).
%% Certificate Handling
-spec new_cert(dirs(), jose_jwk:key(), proplist(), nonce()) ->
{ok, {url(), list()}, nonce()} | {error, _}.
new_cert(Dirs, PrivateKey, Req, Nonce) ->
#{"new-cert" := Url} = Dirs,
EJson = {[{<<"resource">>, <<"new-cert">>}] ++ Req},
prepare_post_request(Url, PrivateKey, EJson, Nonce, fun get_response_link_up/1,
-spec get_cert({url(), string()}) -> {ok, list(), nonce()} | {error, _}.
get_cert({CAUrl, CertId}) ->
Url = CAUrl ++ "/acme/cert/" ++ CertId,
prepare_get_request(Url, fun get_response/1, "application/pkix-cert").
-spec revoke_cert(dirs(), jose_jwk:key(), proplist(), nonce()) ->
{ok, _, nonce()} | {error, _}.
revoke_cert(Dirs, PrivateKey, Req, Nonce) ->
#{"revoke-cert" := Url} = Dirs,
EJson = {[{<<"resource">>, <<"revoke-cert">>}] ++ Req},
prepare_post_request(Url, PrivateKey, EJson, Nonce, fun get_response/1,
-spec get_issuer_cert(url()) -> {ok, list(), nonce()} | {error, _}.
get_issuer_cert(IssuerCertUrl) ->
prepare_get_request(IssuerCertUrl, fun get_response/1, "application/pkix-cert").
%% Handle Response Functions
-spec get_dirs({ok, proplist(), proplist()}) -> {ok, map(), nonce()}.
get_dirs({ok, Head, Return}) ->
NewNonce = get_nonce(Head),
StrDirectories = [{bitstring_to_list(X), bitstring_to_list(Y)} ||
{X, Y} <- Return, is_bitstring(X) andalso is_bitstring(Y)],
NewDirs = maps:from_list(StrDirectories),
{ok, NewDirs, NewNonce}.
-spec get_response({ok, proplist(), proplist()}) -> {ok, proplist(), nonce()}.
get_response({ok, Head, Return}) ->
NewNonce = get_nonce(Head),
{ok, Return, NewNonce}.
-spec get_response_tos({ok, proplist(), proplist()}) -> {ok, {url(), proplist()}, nonce()}.
get_response_tos({ok, Head, Return}) ->
TOSUrl = get_tos(Head),
NewNonce = get_nonce(Head),
{ok, {TOSUrl, Return}, NewNonce}.
-spec get_response_location({ok, proplist(), proplist()}) -> {ok, {url(), proplist()}, nonce()}.
get_response_location({ok, Head, Return}) ->
Location = get_location(Head),
NewNonce = get_nonce(Head),
{ok, {Location, Return}, NewNonce}.
-spec get_response_link_up({ok, proplist(), proplist()}) -> {ok, {url(), proplist()}, nonce()}.
get_response_link_up({ok, Head, Return}) ->
LinkUp = get_link_up(Head),
NewNonce = get_nonce(Head),
{ok, {LinkUp, Return}, NewNonce}.
%% Authorization Polling
-spec get_authz_until_valid({url(), string()}) -> {ok, proplist(), nonce()} | {error, _}.
get_authz_until_valid({CAUrl, AuthzId}) ->
get_authz_until_valid({CAUrl, AuthzId}, ?MAX_POLL_REQUESTS).
-spec get_authz_until_valid({url(), string()}, non_neg_integer()) ->
{ok, proplist(), nonce()} | {error, _}.
get_authz_until_valid({_CAUrl, _AuthzId}, 0) ->
?ERROR_MSG("Maximum request limit waiting for validation reached", []),
{error, max_request_limit};
get_authz_until_valid({CAUrl, AuthzId}, N) ->
case get_authz({CAUrl, AuthzId}) of
{ok, Resp, Nonce} ->
case is_authz_valid(Resp) of
true ->
{ok, Resp, Nonce};
false ->
get_authz_until_valid({CAUrl, AuthzId}, N-1)
{error, _} = Err ->
-spec is_authz_valid(proplist()) -> boolean().
is_authz_valid(Authz) ->
case proplists:lookup(<<"status">>, Authz) of
{<<"status">>, <<"valid">>} ->
_ ->
%% Request Functions
%% TODO: Fix the duplicated code at the below 4 functions
-spec make_post_request(url(), bitstring(), string()) ->
{ok, proplist(), proplist()} | {error, _}.
make_post_request(Url, ReqBody, ResponseType) ->
Options = [],
HttpOptions = [{timeout, ?REQUEST_TIMEOUT}],
case httpc:request(post,
{Url, [], "application/jose+json", ReqBody}, HttpOptions, Options) of
{ok, {{_, Code, _}, Head, Body}} when Code >= 200, Code =< 299 ->
decode_response(Head, Body, ResponseType);
Error ->
failed_http_request(Error, Url)
-spec make_get_request(url(), string()) ->
{ok, proplist(), proplist()} | {error, _}.
make_get_request(Url, ResponseType) ->
Options = [],
HttpOptions = [{timeout, ?REQUEST_TIMEOUT}],
case httpc:request(get, {Url, []}, HttpOptions, Options) of
{ok, {{_, Code, _}, Head, Body}} when Code >= 200, Code =< 299 ->
decode_response(Head, Body, ResponseType);
Error ->
failed_http_request(Error, Url)
-spec prepare_post_request(url(), jose_jwk:key(), jiffy:json_value(),
nonce(), handle_resp_fun()) -> {ok, _, nonce()} | {error, _}.
prepare_post_request(Url, PrivateKey, EJson, Nonce, HandleRespFun) ->
prepare_post_request(Url, PrivateKey, EJson, Nonce, HandleRespFun, "application/jose+json").
-spec prepare_post_request(url(), jose_jwk:key(), jiffy:json_value(),
nonce(), handle_resp_fun(), string()) -> {ok, _, nonce()} | {error, _}.
prepare_post_request(Url, PrivateKey, EJson, Nonce, HandleRespFun, ResponseType) ->
case encode(EJson) of
{ok, ReqBody} ->
FinalBody = sign_encode_json_jose(PrivateKey, ReqBody, Nonce),
case make_post_request(Url, FinalBody, ResponseType) of
{ok, Head, Return} ->
HandleRespFun({ok, Head, Return});
Error ->
{error, Reason} ->
?ERROR_MSG("Error: ~p when encoding: ~p", [Reason, EJson]),
{error, Reason}
-spec prepare_get_request(url(), handle_resp_fun()) ->
{ok, _, nonce()} | {error, _}.
prepare_get_request(Url, HandleRespFun) ->
prepare_get_request(Url, HandleRespFun, "application/jose+json").
-spec prepare_get_request(url(), handle_resp_fun(), string()) ->
{ok, _, nonce()} | {error, _}.
prepare_get_request(Url, HandleRespFun, ResponseType) ->
case make_get_request(Url, ResponseType) of
{ok, Head, Return} ->
HandleRespFun({ok, Head, Return});
Error ->
%% Jose Json Functions
-spec sign_json_jose(jose_jwk:key(), bitstring(), nonce()) -> {_, jws()}.
sign_json_jose(Key, Json, Nonce) ->
PubKey = ejabberd_acme:to_public(Key),
{_, BinaryPubKey} = jose_jwk:to_binary(PubKey),
PubKeyJson = jiffy:decode(BinaryPubKey),
%% TODO: Ensure this works for all cases
AlgMap = jose_jwk:signer(Key),
JwsMap =
#{ <<"jwk">> => PubKeyJson,
%% <<"b64">> => true,
<<"nonce">> => list_to_bitstring(Nonce)
JwsObj0 = maps:merge(JwsMap, AlgMap),
JwsObj = jose_jws:from(JwsObj0),
jose_jws:sign(Key, Json, JwsObj).
-spec sign_encode_json_jose(jose_jwk:key(), bitstring(), nonce()) -> bitstring().
sign_encode_json_jose(Key, Json, Nonce) ->
{_, Signed} = sign_json_jose(Key, Json, Nonce),
%% This depends on jose library, so we can consider it safe
%% Useful funs
-spec get_nonce(proplist()) -> nonce() | 'none'.
get_nonce(Head) ->
case proplists:lookup("replay-nonce", Head) of
{"replay-nonce", Nonce} -> Nonce;
none -> none
-spec get_location(proplist()) -> url() | 'none'.
get_location(Head) ->
case proplists:lookup("location", Head) of
{"location", Location} -> Location;
none -> none
-spec get_tos(proplist()) -> url() | 'none'.
get_tos(Head) ->
get_header_link(Head, "\"terms-of-service\"").
-spec get_link_up(proplist()) -> url() | 'none'.
get_link_up(Head) ->
get_header_link(Head, "rel=\"up\"").
%% TODO: Find a more reliable way to extract this
-spec get_header_link(proplist(), string()) -> url() | 'none'.
get_header_link(Head, Suffix) ->
[{_, Link}] = [{K, V} || {K, V} <- Head,
K =:= "link" andalso
lists:suffix(Suffix, V)],
[Link1, _] = string:tokens(Link, ";"),
Link2 = string:strip(Link1, left, $<),
string:strip(Link2, right, $>)
_:_ ->
decode_response(Head, Body, "application/pkix-cert") ->
{ok, Head, Body};
decode_response(Head, Body, "application/jose+json") ->
case decode(Body) of
{ok, Return} ->
{ok, Head, Return};
{error, Reason} ->
?ERROR_MSG("Problem decoding: ~s", [Body]),
{error, Reason}
encode(EJson) ->
{ok, jiffy:encode(EJson)}
_:Reason ->
{error, Reason}
decode(Json) ->
{Result} = jiffy:decode(Json),
{ok, Result}
_:Reason ->
{error, Reason}
%% Handle Failed HTTP Requests
-spec failed_http_request({ok, _} | {error, _}, url()) -> {error, _}.
failed_http_request({ok, {{_, Code, Reason}, _Head, Body}}, Url) ->
?ERROR_MSG("Unexpected status code from <~s>: ~B, Body: ~s",
[Url, Code, Body]),
throw({error, {unexpected_code, Code, Reason}});
failed_http_request({error, Reason}, Url) ->
?ERROR_MSG("Error making a request to <~s>: ~p",
[Url, Reason]),
throw({error, Reason}).

View File

@ -99,6 +99,25 @@ transform(_Host, certfiles, CertFiles1, Acc) ->
CertFiles2 = maps:get(certfiles, Acc, []), CertFiles2 = maps:get(certfiles, Acc, []),
Acc1 = maps:put(certfiles, CertFiles1 ++ CertFiles2, Acc), Acc1 = maps:put(certfiles, CertFiles1 ++ CertFiles2, Acc),
{true, Acc1}; {true, Acc1};
transform(_Host, acme, ACME, Acc) ->
ACME1 = lists:map(
fun({ca_url, URL} = Opt) ->
case http_uri:parse(binary_to_list(URL)) of
{ok, {_, _, "acme-v01.api.letsencrypt.org", _, _, _}} ->
NewURL = ejabberd_acme:default_directory_url(),
?WARNING_MSG("ACME directory URL ~s defined in "
"option acme->ca_url is deprecated "
"and was automatically replaced "
"with ~s. ~s",
[URL, NewURL, adjust_hint()]),
{ca_url, NewURL};
_ ->
(Opt) ->
end, ACME),
{{true, {acme, ACME1}}, Acc};
transform(Host, s2s_use_starttls, required_trusted, Acc) -> transform(Host, s2s_use_starttls, required_trusted, Acc) ->
?WARNING_MSG("The value 'required_trusted' of option " ?WARNING_MSG("The value 'required_trusted' of option "
"'s2s_use_starttls' is deprecated and was " "'s2s_use_starttls' is deprecated and was "
@ -550,6 +569,10 @@ validator() ->
default_db => econf:atom(), default_db => econf:atom(),
default_ram_db => econf:atom(), default_ram_db => econf:atom(),
auth_method => econf:list_or_single(econf:atom()), auth_method => econf:list_or_single(econf:atom()),
acme => econf:options(
#{ca_url => econf:binary(),
'_' => econf:any()},
listen => listen =>
econf:list( econf:list(
econf:options( econf:options(

View File

@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ acl() ->
acl(Host) -> acl(Host) ->
ejabberd_config:get_option({acl, Host}). ejabberd_config:get_option({acl, Host}).
-spec acme() -> #{'ca_url'=>binary(), 'contact'=>binary()}. -spec acme() -> #{'auto'=>boolean(), 'ca_url'=>binary(), 'cert_type'=>'ec' | 'rsa', 'contact'=>[binary()]}.
acme() -> acme() ->
ejabberd_config:get_option({acme, global}). ejabberd_config:get_option({acme, global}).

View File

@ -40,7 +40,9 @@ opt_type(acl) ->
opt_type(acme) -> opt_type(acme) ->
econf:options( econf:options(
#{ca_url => econf:url(), #{ca_url => econf:url(),
contact => econf:binary("^[a-zA-Z]+:[^:]+$")}, contact => econf:list_or_single(econf:binary("^[a-zA-Z]+:[^:]+$")),
auto => econf:bool(),
cert_type => econf:enum([ec, rsa])},
[unique, {return, map}]); [unique, {return, map}]);
opt_type(allow_contrib_modules) -> opt_type(allow_contrib_modules) ->
econf:bool(); econf:bool();

View File

@ -26,9 +26,12 @@
%% API %% API
-export([start_link/0]). -export([start_link/0]).
-export([certs_dir/0]). -export([certs_dir/0]).
-export([add_certfile/1, try_certfile/1, get_certfile/0, get_certfile/1]). -export([add_certfile/1, del_certfile/1, commit/0]).
-export([try_certfile/1, get_certfile/0, get_certfile/1]).
%% Hooks %% Hooks
-export([ejabberd_started/0, config_reloaded/0]). -export([ejabberd_started/0, config_reloaded/0, cert_expired/2]).
%% gen_server callbacks %% gen_server callbacks
-export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2, -export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2,
terminate/2, code_change/3, format_status/2]). terminate/2, code_change/3, format_status/2]).
@ -59,6 +62,14 @@ add_certfile(Path0) ->
end end
end. end.
-spec del_certfile(file:filename_all()) -> ok.
del_certfile(Path0) ->
Path = prep_path(Path0),
try gen_server:call(?MODULE, {del_certfile, Path}, ?CALL_TIMEOUT)
catch exit:{noproc, _} ->
-spec try_certfile(file:filename_all()) -> filename(). -spec try_certfile(file:filename_all()) -> filename().
try_certfile(Path0) -> try_certfile(Path0) ->
Path = prep_path(Path0), Path = prep_path(Path0),
@ -103,6 +114,10 @@ certs_dir() ->
MnesiaDir = mnesia:system_info(directory), MnesiaDir = mnesia:system_info(directory),
filename:join(MnesiaDir, "certs"). filename:join(MnesiaDir, "certs").
-spec commit() -> ok.
commit() ->
gen_server:call(?MODULE, commit, ?CALL_TIMEOUT).
-spec ejabberd_started() -> ok. -spec ejabberd_started() -> ok.
ejabberd_started() -> ejabberd_started() ->
gen_server:call(?MODULE, ejabberd_started, ?CALL_TIMEOUT). gen_server:call(?MODULE, ejabberd_started, ?CALL_TIMEOUT).
@ -111,21 +126,38 @@ ejabberd_started() ->
config_reloaded() -> config_reloaded() ->
gen_server:call(?MODULE, config_reloaded, ?CALL_TIMEOUT). gen_server:call(?MODULE, config_reloaded, ?CALL_TIMEOUT).
-spec notify_expired(pkix:notify_event()) -> ok.
notify_expired(Event) ->
gen_server:cast(?MODULE, Event).
-spec cert_expired(_, pkix:cert_info()) -> ok.
cert_expired(_Cert, #{domains := Domains,
expiry := Expiry,
files := [{Path, Line}|_]}) ->
?WARNING_MSG("Certificate in ~s (at line: ~B)~s ~s",
[Path, Line,
case Domains of
[] -> "";
_ -> " for " ++ misc:format_hosts_list(Domains)
%%%=================================================================== %%%===================================================================
%%% gen_server callbacks %%% gen_server callbacks
%%%=================================================================== %%%===================================================================
-spec init([]) -> {ok, state()}. -spec init([]) -> {ok, state()}.
init([]) -> init([]) ->
process_flag(trap_exit, true), process_flag(trap_exit, true),
ejabberd_hooks:add(cert_expired, ?MODULE, cert_expired, 50),
ejabberd_hooks:add(config_reloaded, ?MODULE, config_reloaded, 100), ejabberd_hooks:add(config_reloaded, ?MODULE, config_reloaded, 100),
ejabberd_hooks:add(ejabberd_started, ?MODULE, ejabberd_started, 30), ejabberd_hooks:add(ejabberd_started, ?MODULE, ejabberd_started, 30),
case add_files() of case add_files() of
{Files, []} -> {_Files, []} ->
{ok, #state{files = Files}}; {ok, #state{}};
{Files, [_|_]} -> {Files, [_|_]} ->
case ejabberd:is_loaded() of case ejabberd:is_loaded() of
true -> true ->
{ok, #state{files = Files}}; {ok, #state{}};
false -> false ->
del_files(Files), del_files(Files),
stop_ejabberd() stop_ejabberd()
@ -137,13 +169,15 @@ init([]) ->
handle_call({add_certfile, Path}, _From, State) -> handle_call({add_certfile, Path}, _From, State) ->
case add_file(Path) of case add_file(Path) of
ok -> ok ->
Files = sets:add_element(Path, State#state.files), {reply, {ok, Path}, State};
{reply, {ok, Path}, State#state{files = Files}};
{error, _} = Err -> {error, _} = Err ->
{reply, Err, State} {reply, Err, State}
end; end;
handle_call({del_certfile, Path}, _From, State) ->
{reply, ok, State};
handle_call(ejabberd_started, _From, State) -> handle_call(ejabberd_started, _From, State) ->
case commit() of case do_commit() of
{ok, []} -> {ok, []} ->
check_domain_certfiles(), check_domain_certfiles(),
{reply, ok, State}; {reply, ok, State};
@ -151,22 +185,25 @@ handle_call(ejabberd_started, _From, State) ->
stop_ejabberd() stop_ejabberd()
end; end;
handle_call(config_reloaded, _From, State) -> handle_call(config_reloaded, _From, State) ->
Old = State#state.files, Files = get_certfiles_from_config_options(),
New = get_certfiles_from_config_options(), _ = add_files(Files),
del_files(sets:subtract(Old, New)), case do_commit() of
_ = add_files(New),
case commit() of
{ok, _} -> {ok, _} ->
check_domain_certfiles(), check_domain_certfiles(),
{reply, ok, State#state{files = New}}; {reply, ok, State};
error -> error ->
{reply, ok, State} {reply, ok, State}
end; end;
handle_call(commit, From, State) ->
handle_call(config_reloaded, From, State);
handle_call(Request, _From, State) -> handle_call(Request, _From, State) ->
?WARNING_MSG("Unexpected call: ~p", [Request]), ?WARNING_MSG("Unexpected call: ~p", [Request]),
{noreply, State}. {noreply, State}.
-spec handle_cast(term(), state()) -> {noreply, state()}. -spec handle_cast(term(), state()) -> {noreply, state()}.
handle_cast({cert_expired, Cert, CertInfo}, State) ->
ejabberd_hooks:run(cert_expired, [Cert, CertInfo]),
{noreply, State};
handle_cast(Request, State) -> handle_cast(Request, State) ->
?WARNING_MSG("Unexpected cast: ~p", [Request]), ?WARNING_MSG("Unexpected cast: ~p", [Request]),
{noreply, State}. {noreply, State}.
@ -179,6 +216,7 @@ handle_info(Info, State) ->
-spec terminate(normal | shutdown | {shutdown, term()} | term(), -spec terminate(normal | shutdown | {shutdown, term()} | term(),
state()) -> any(). state()) -> any().
terminate(_Reason, State) -> terminate(_Reason, State) ->
ejabberd_hooks:delete(cert_expired, ?MODULE, cert_expired, 50),
ejabberd_hooks:delete(ejabberd_started, ?MODULE, ejabberd_started, 30), ejabberd_hooks:delete(ejabberd_started, ?MODULE, ejabberd_started, 30),
ejabberd_hooks:delete(config_reloaded, ?MODULE, config_reloaded, 100), ejabberd_hooks:delete(config_reloaded, ?MODULE, config_reloaded, 100),
del_files(State#state.files). del_files(State#state.files).
@ -233,11 +271,16 @@ add_file(File) ->
del_files(Files) -> del_files(Files) ->
lists:foreach(fun pkix:del_file/1, sets:to_list(Files)). lists:foreach(fun pkix:del_file/1, sets:to_list(Files)).
-spec commit() -> {ok, [{filename(), pkix:error_reason()}]} | error. -spec do_commit() -> {ok, [{filename(), pkix:error_reason()}]} | error.
commit() -> do_commit() ->
CAFile = ejabberd_option:ca_file(), CAFile = ejabberd_option:ca_file(),
?DEBUG("Using CA root certificates from: ~s", [CAFile]), ?DEBUG("Using CA root certificates from: ~s", [CAFile]),
Opts = [{cafile, CAFile}], Opts = [{cafile, CAFile},
{notify_before, [7*24*60*60, % 1 week
24*60*60, % 1 day
60*60, % 1 hour
{notify_fun, fun ?MODULE:notify_expired/1}],
case pkix:commit(certs_dir(), Opts) of case pkix:commit(certs_dir(), Opts) of
{ok, Errors, Warnings, CAError} -> {ok, Errors, Warnings, CAError} ->
log_errors(Errors), log_errors(Errors),
@ -267,12 +310,7 @@ check_domain_certfiles(Hosts) ->
case get_certfile_no_default(Host) of case get_certfile_no_default(Host) of
error -> error ->
"No certificate found matching '~s': strictly " "No certificate found matching ~s",
"configured clients or servers will reject "
"connections with this host; obtain "
"a certificate for this (sub)domain from any "
"trusted CA such as Let's Encrypt "
[Host]); [Host]);
_ -> _ ->
ok ok
@ -371,3 +409,29 @@ log_cafile_error({File, Reason}) ->
[File, pkix:format_error(Reason)]); [File, pkix:format_error(Reason)]);
log_cafile_error(_) -> log_cafile_error(_) ->
ok. ok.
-spec time_before_expiration(calendar:datetime()) -> {non_neg_integer(), string()}.
time_before_expiration(Expiry) ->
T1 = calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds(Expiry),
T2 = calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds(
Secs = max(0, T1 - T2),
if Secs == {0, ""};
Secs >= 220752000 -> {ceil(Secs/220752000), "year"};
Secs >= 2592000 -> {ceil(Secs/2592000), "month"};
Secs >= 604800 -> {ceil(Secs/604800), "week"};
Secs >= 86400 -> {ceil(Secs/86400), "day"};
Secs >= 3600 -> {ceil(Secs/3600), "hour"};
Secs >= 60 -> {ceil(Secs/60), "minute"};
true -> {Secs, "second"}
-spec format_expiration_date(calendar:datetime()) -> string().
format_expiration_date(DateTime) ->
case time_before_expiration(DateTime) of
{0, _} -> "is expired";
{1, Unit} -> "will expire in less than a " ++ Unit;
{Int, Unit} ->
"will expire in less than " ++ integer_to_list(Int)
++ " " ++ Unit ++ "s"

View File

@ -46,7 +46,6 @@ init([]) ->
worker(ejabberd_admin), worker(ejabberd_admin),
supervisor(ejabberd_listener), supervisor(ejabberd_listener),
worker(ejabberd_pkix), worker(ejabberd_pkix),
worker(acl), worker(acl),
worker(ejabberd_shaper), worker(ejabberd_shaper),
supervisor(ejabberd_db_sup), supervisor(ejabberd_db_sup),
@ -64,6 +63,7 @@ init([]) ->
worker(ejabberd_captcha), worker(ejabberd_captcha),
worker(ext_mod), worker(ext_mod),
supervisor(ejabberd_gen_mod_sup, gen_mod), supervisor(ejabberd_gen_mod_sup, gen_mod),
worker(ejabberd_auth), worker(ejabberd_auth),
worker(ejabberd_oauth)]}}. worker(ejabberd_oauth)]}}.

View File

@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ stop_child(Proc) ->
-spec start_modules() -> any(). -spec start_modules() -> any().
start_modules() -> start_modules() ->
Hosts = ejabberd_option:hosts(), Hosts = ejabberd_option:hosts(),
?INFO_MSG("Loading modules for ~s", [format_hosts_list(Hosts)]), ?INFO_MSG("Loading modules for ~s", [misc:format_hosts_list(Hosts)]),
lists:foreach(fun start_modules/1, Hosts). lists:foreach(fun start_modules/1, Hosts).
-spec start_modules(binary()) -> ok. -spec start_modules(binary()) -> ok.
@ -446,25 +446,6 @@ format_module_error(Module, Fun, Arity, Opts, Class, Reason, St) ->
misc:format_exception(2, Class, Reason, St)]) misc:format_exception(2, Class, Reason, St)])
end. end.
-spec format_hosts_list([binary()]) -> iolist().
format_hosts_list([Host]) ->
format_hosts_list([H1, H2]) ->
[H1, " and ", H2];
format_hosts_list([H1, H2, H3]) ->
[H1, ", ", H2, " and ", H3];
format_hosts_list([H1, H2|Hs]) ->
io_lib:format("~s, ~s and ~B more hosts",
[H1, H2, length(Hs)]).
-spec format_cycle([atom()]) -> iolist().
format_cycle([M1]) ->
format_cycle([M1, M2]) ->
[atom_to_list(M1), " and ", atom_to_list(M2)];
format_cycle([M|Ms]) ->
atom_to_list(M) ++ ", " ++ format_cycle(Ms).
%%%=================================================================== %%%===================================================================
%%% Validation %%% Validation
%%%=================================================================== %%%===================================================================
@ -602,4 +583,4 @@ warn_cyclic_dep(Path) ->
"This is either a bug, or the modules are not " "This is either a bug, or the modules are not "
"supposed to work together in this configuration. " "supposed to work together in this configuration. "
"The modules will still be loaded though", "The modules will still be loaded though",
[format_cycle(Path)]). [misc:format_cycle(Path)]).

View File

@ -40,7 +40,8 @@
read_css/1, read_img/1, read_js/1, read_lua/1, try_url/1, read_css/1, read_img/1, read_js/1, read_lua/1, try_url/1,
intersection/2, format_val/1, cancel_timer/1, unique_timestamp/0, intersection/2, format_val/1, cancel_timer/1, unique_timestamp/0,
is_mucsub_message/1, best_match/2, pmap/2, peach/2, format_exception/4, is_mucsub_message/1, best_match/2, pmap/2, peach/2, format_exception/4,
parse_ip_mask/1, match_ip_mask/3]). parse_ip_mask/1, match_ip_mask/3, format_hosts_list/1, format_cycle/1,
%% Deprecated functions %% Deprecated functions
-export([decode_base64/1, encode_base64/1]). -export([decode_base64/1, encode_base64/1]).
@ -546,6 +547,43 @@ match_ip_mask({0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 16#FFFF, _, _} = IP,
match_ip_mask(_, _, _) -> match_ip_mask(_, _, _) ->
false. false.
-spec format_hosts_list([binary(), ...]) -> iolist().
format_hosts_list([Host]) ->
format_hosts_list([H1, H2]) ->
[H1, " and ", H2];
format_hosts_list([H1, H2, H3]) ->
[H1, ", ", H2, " and ", H3];
format_hosts_list([H1, H2|Hs]) ->
io_lib:format("~s, ~s and ~B more hosts",
[H1, H2, length(Hs)]).
-spec format_cycle([atom(), ...]) -> iolist().
format_cycle([M1]) ->
format_cycle([M1, M2]) ->
[atom_to_list(M1), " and ", atom_to_list(M2)];
format_cycle([M|Ms]) ->
atom_to_list(M) ++ ", " ++ format_cycle(Ms).
-spec delete_dir(file:filename_all()) -> ok | {error, file:posix()}.
delete_dir(Dir) ->
{ok, Entries} = file:list_dir(Dir),
lists:foreach(fun(Path) ->
case filelib:is_dir(Path) of
true ->
ok = delete_dir(Path);
false ->
ok = file:delete(Path)
end, [filename:join(Dir, Entry) || Entry <- Entries]),
ok = file:del_dir(Dir)
_:{badmatch, {error, Error}} ->
{error, Error}
%%%=================================================================== %%%===================================================================
%%% Internal functions %%% Internal functions
%%%=================================================================== %%%===================================================================

View File

@ -1004,7 +1004,7 @@ remove_user(User, Server) ->
DocRoot1 = expand_host(expand_home(DocRoot), ServerHost), DocRoot1 = expand_host(expand_home(DocRoot), ServerHost),
UserStr = make_user_string(jid:make(User, Server), JIDinURL), UserStr = make_user_string(jid:make(User, Server), JIDinURL),
UserDir = str:join([DocRoot1, UserStr], <<$/>>), UserDir = str:join([DocRoot1, UserStr], <<$/>>),
case del_tree(UserDir) of case misc:delete_dir(UserDir) of
ok -> ok ->
?INFO_MSG("Removed HTTP upload directory of ~s@~s", [User, Server]); ?INFO_MSG("Removed HTTP upload directory of ~s@~s", [User, Server]);
{error, enoent} -> {error, enoent} ->
@ -1014,21 +1014,3 @@ remove_user(User, Server) ->
[User, Server, format_error(Error)]) [User, Server, format_error(Error)])
end, end,
ok. ok.
-spec del_tree(file:filename_all()) -> ok | {error, file:posix()}.
del_tree(Dir) ->
{ok, Entries} = file:list_dir(Dir),
lists:foreach(fun(Path) ->
case filelib:is_dir(Path) of
true ->
ok = del_tree(Path);
false ->
ok = file:delete(Path)
end, [filename:join(Dir, Entry) || Entry <- Entries]),
ok = file:del_dir(Dir)
_:{badmatch, {error, Error}} ->
{error, Error}