mirror of https://github.com/processone/ejabberd.git synced 2024-12-26 17:38:45 +01:00

Commands: Use list arguments in many commands that used separators

Commands that has some argument change:
- add_rosteritem
- oauth_issue_token
- send_direct_invitation
- srg_create
- subscribe_room
- subscribe_room_many
This commit is contained in:
Badlop 2023-11-29 19:04:57 +01:00
parent d4113d9569
commit e26729b483
3 changed files with 119 additions and 11 deletions

View File

@ -91,6 +91,18 @@ get_commands_spec() ->
"List of scopes to allow, separated by ';'"],
result = {result, {tuple, [{token, string}, {scopes, string}, {expires_in, string}]}}
#ejabberd_commands{name = oauth_issue_token, tags = [oauth],
desc = "Issue an [OAuth](https://docs.ejabberd.im/developer/ejabberd-api/oauth/) token for the given jid",
module = ?MODULE, function = oauth_issue_token,
version = 1,
args = [{jid, string}, {ttl, integer}, {scopes, {list, {scope, binary}}}],
policy = restricted,
args_example = ["user@server.com", 3600, ["connected_users_number", "muc_online_rooms"]],
args_desc = ["Jid for which issue token",
"Time to live of generated token in seconds",
"List of scopes to allow"],
result = {result, {tuple, [{token, string}, {scopes, {list, {scope, string}}}, {expires_in, string}]}}
#ejabberd_commands{name = oauth_list_tokens, tags = [oauth],
desc = "List [OAuth](https://docs.ejabberd.im/developer/ejabberd-api/oauth/) tokens, user, scope, and seconds to expire (only Mnesia)",
longdesc = "List OAuth tokens, their user and scope, and how many seconds remain until expirity",
@ -135,8 +147,10 @@ get_commands_spec() ->
oauth_issue_token(Jid, TTLSeconds, ScopesString) ->
oauth_issue_token(Jid, TTLSeconds, [Head|_] = ScopesString) when is_integer(Head) ->
Scopes = [list_to_binary(Scope) || Scope <- string:tokens(ScopesString, ";")],
oauth_issue_token(Jid, TTLSeconds, Scopes);
oauth_issue_token(Jid, TTLSeconds, Scopes) ->
try jid:decode(list_to_binary(Jid)) of
#jid{luser =Username, lserver = Server} ->
Ctx1 = #oauth_ctx{password = admin_generated},

View File

@ -511,6 +511,20 @@ get_commands_spec() ->
args_desc = ["User name", "Server name", "Contact user name", "Contact server name",
"Nickname", "Group", "Subscription"],
result = {res, rescode}},
#ejabberd_commands{name = add_rosteritem, tags = [roster],
desc = "Add an item to a user's roster (supports ODBC)",
module = ?MODULE, function = add_rosteritem,
version = 1,
args = [{localuser, binary}, {localhost, binary},
{user, binary}, {host, binary},
{nick, binary}, {groups, {list, {group, binary}}},
{subs, binary}],
args_rename = [{localserver, localhost}, {server, host}],
args_example = [<<"user1">>,<<"myserver.com">>,<<"user2">>, <<"myserver.com">>,
<<"User 2">>, [<<"Friends">>, <<"Team 1">>], <<"both">>],
args_desc = ["User name", "Server name", "Contact user name", "Contact server name",
"Nickname", "Groups", "Subscription"],
result = {res, rescode}},
%%{"", "subs= none, from, to or both"},
%%{"", "example: add-roster peter localhost mike server.com MiKe Employees both"},
%%{"", "will add mike@server.com to peter@localhost roster"},
@ -697,6 +711,18 @@ get_commands_spec() ->
args_desc = ["Group identifier", "Group server name", "Group name",
"Group description", "Groups to display"],
result = {res, rescode}},
#ejabberd_commands{name = srg_create, tags = [shared_roster_group],
desc = "Create a Shared Roster Group",
module = ?MODULE, function = srg_create,
version = 1,
args = [{group, binary}, {host, binary},
{label, binary}, {description, binary}, {display, {list, {group, binary}}}],
args_rename = [{name, label}],
args_example = [<<"group3">>, <<"myserver.com">>, <<"Group3">>,
<<"Third group">>, [<<"group1">>, <<"group2">>]],
args_desc = ["Group identifier", "Group server name", "Group name",
"Group description", "List of groups to display"],
result = {res, rescode}},
#ejabberd_commands{name = srg_delete, tags = [shared_roster_group],
desc = "Delete a Shared Roster Group",
module = ?MODULE, function = srg_delete,
@ -1301,14 +1327,16 @@ update_vcard_els(Data, ContentList, Els1) ->
%%% Roster
add_rosteritem(LocalUser, LocalServer, User, Server, Nick, Group, Subs) ->
add_rosteritem(LocalUser, LocalServer, User, Server, Nick, Group, Subs) when is_binary(Group) ->
add_rosteritem(LocalUser, LocalServer, User, Server, Nick, [Group], Subs);
add_rosteritem(LocalUser, LocalServer, User, Server, Nick, Groups, Subs) ->
case {jid:make(LocalUser, LocalServer), jid:make(User, Server)} of
{error, _} ->
throw({error, "Invalid 'localuser'/'localserver'"});
{_, error} ->
throw({error, "Invalid 'user'/'server'"});
{Jid, _Jid2} ->
RosterItem = build_roster_item(User, Server, {add, Nick, Subs, Group}),
RosterItem = build_roster_item(User, Server, {add, Nick, Subs, Groups}),
case mod_roster:set_item_and_notify_clients(Jid, RosterItem, true) of
ok -> ok;
_ -> error
@ -1423,6 +1451,11 @@ push_roster_item(LU, LS, R, U, S, Action) ->
xmpp:set_from_to(ResIQ, jid:remove_resource(LJID), LJID)).
build_roster_item(U, S, {add, Nick, Subs, Groups}) when is_list(Groups) ->
#roster_item{jid = jid:make(U, S),
name = Nick,
subscription = misc:binary_to_atom(Subs),
groups = Groups};
build_roster_item(U, S, {add, Nick, Subs, Group}) ->
Groups = binary:split(Group,<<";">>, [global, trim]),
#roster_item{jid = jid:make(U, S),
@ -1503,11 +1536,14 @@ private_set2(Username, Host, Xml) ->
%%% Shared Roster Groups
srg_create(Group, Host, Label, Description, Display) ->
srg_create(Group, Host, Label, Description, Display) when is_binary(Display) ->
DisplayList = case Display of
<<>> -> [];
_ -> ejabberd_regexp:split(Display, <<"\\\\n">>)
<<>> -> [];
_ -> ejabberd_regexp:split(Display, <<"\\\\n">>)
srg_create(Group, Host, Label, Description, DisplayList);
srg_create(Group, Host, Label, Description, DisplayList) ->
Opts = [{label, Label},
{displayed_groups, DisplayList},
{description, Description}],

View File

@ -308,6 +308,22 @@ get_commands_spec() ->
args = [{name, binary}, {service, binary}, {password, binary},
{reason, binary}, {users, binary}],
result = {res, rescode}},
#ejabberd_commands{name = send_direct_invitation, tags = [muc_room],
desc = "Send a direct invitation to several destinations",
longdesc = "Since ejabberd 20.12, this command is "
"asynchronous: the API call may return before the "
"server has send all the invitations.\n\n"
"`password` and `message` can be set to `none`.",
module = ?MODULE, function = send_direct_invitation,
version = 1,
args_desc = ["Room name", "MUC service", "Password, or `none`",
"Reason text, or `none`", "List of users JIDs"],
args_example = [<<"room1">>, <<"muc.example.com">>,
<<>>, <<"Check this out!">>,
["user2@localhost", "user3@example.com"]],
args = [{name, binary}, {service, binary}, {password, binary},
{reason, binary}, {users, {list, {jid, binary}}}],
result = {res, rescode}},
#ejabberd_commands{name = change_room_option, tags = [muc_room],
desc = "Change an option in a MUC room",
@ -344,6 +360,20 @@ get_commands_spec() ->
args = [{user, binary}, {nick, binary}, {room, binary},
{nodes, binary}],
result = {nodes, {list, {node, string}}}},
#ejabberd_commands{name = subscribe_room, tags = [muc_room, muc_sub],
desc = "Subscribe to a MUC conference",
module = ?MODULE, function = subscribe_room,
version = 1,
args_desc = ["User JID", "a user's nick",
"the room to subscribe", "list of nodes"],
args_example = ["tom@localhost", "Tom", "room1@conference.localhost",
["urn:xmpp:mucsub:nodes:messages", "urn:xmpp:mucsub:nodes:affiliations"]],
result_desc = "The list of nodes that has subscribed",
result_example = ["urn:xmpp:mucsub:nodes:messages",
args = [{user, binary}, {nick, binary}, {room, binary},
{nodes, {list, {node, binary}}}],
result = {nodes, {list, {node, string}}}},
#ejabberd_commands{name = subscribe_room_many, tags = [muc_room, muc_sub],
desc = "Subscribe several users to a MUC conference",
note = "added in 22.05",
@ -367,6 +397,30 @@ get_commands_spec() ->
{room, binary},
{nodes, binary}],
result = {res, rescode}},
#ejabberd_commands{name = subscribe_room_many, tags = [muc_room, muc_sub],
desc = "Subscribe several users to a MUC conference",
note = "added in 22.05",
longdesc = "This command accepts up to 50 users at once "
"(this is configurable with the *`mod_muc_admin`* option "
module = ?MODULE, function = subscribe_room_many,
version = 1,
args_desc = ["Users JIDs and nicks",
"the room to subscribe",
"nodes separated by commas: `,`"],
args_example = [[{"tom@localhost", "Tom"},
{"jerry@localhost", "Jerry"}],
["urn:xmpp:mucsub:nodes:messages", "urn:xmpp:mucsub:nodes:affiliations"]],
args = [{users, {list,
{user, {tuple,
[{jid, binary},
{nick, binary}
{room, binary},
{nodes, {list, {node, binary}}}],
result = {res, rescode}},
#ejabberd_commands{name = unsubscribe_room, tags = [muc_room, muc_sub],
desc = "Unsubscribe from a MUC conference",
module = ?MODULE, function = unsubscribe_room,
@ -1074,20 +1128,22 @@ get_room_occupants_number(Room, Host) ->
%% http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0249.html
send_direct_invitation(RoomName, RoomService, Password, Reason, UsersString) ->
send_direct_invitation(RoomName, RoomService, Password, Reason, UsersString) when is_binary(UsersString) ->
UsersStrings = binary:split(UsersString, <<":">>, [global]),
send_direct_invitation(RoomName, RoomService, Password, Reason, UsersStrings);
send_direct_invitation(RoomName, RoomService, Password, Reason, UsersStrings) ->
case jid:make(RoomName, RoomService) of
error ->
throw({error, "Invalid 'roomname' or 'service'"});
RoomJid ->
XmlEl = build_invitation(Password, Reason, RoomJid),
Users = get_users_to_invite(RoomJid, UsersString),
Users = get_users_to_invite(RoomJid, UsersStrings),
[send_direct_invitation(RoomJid, UserJid, XmlEl)
|| UserJid <- Users],
get_users_to_invite(RoomJid, UsersString) ->
UsersStrings = binary:split(UsersString, <<":">>, [global]),
get_users_to_invite(RoomJid, UsersStrings) ->
OccupantsTuples = get_room_occupants(RoomJid#jid.luser,
OccupantsJids = [jid:decode(JidString)
@ -1439,8 +1495,10 @@ set_room_affiliation(Name, Service, JID, AffiliationString) ->
subscribe_room(_User, Nick, _Room, _Nodes) when Nick == <<"">> ->
throw({error, "Nickname must be set"});
subscribe_room(User, Nick, Room, Nodes) ->
subscribe_room(User, Nick, Room, Nodes) when is_binary(Nodes) ->
NodeList = re:split(Nodes, "\\h*,\\h*"),
subscribe_room(User, Nick, Room, NodeList);
subscribe_room(User, Nick, Room, NodeList) ->
try jid:decode(Room) of
#jid{luser = Name, lserver = Host} when Name /= <<"">> ->
try jid:decode(User) of