mirror of https://github.com/processone/ejabberd.git synced 2024-12-24 17:29:28 +01:00

Fix set_presence API

This commit is contained in:
Christophe Romain 2016-05-31 11:47:08 +02:00
parent db240413ab
commit e7843bf92b

View File

@ -872,17 +872,26 @@ stringize(String) ->
%% Replace newline characters with other code
ejabberd_regexp:greplace(String, <<"\n">>, <<"\\n">>).
set_presence(User, Host, Resource, Type, Show, Status, Priority)
when is_integer(Priority) ->
BPriority = integer_to_binary(Priority),
set_presence(User, Host, Resource, Type, Show, Status, BPriority);
set_presence(User, Host, Resource, Type, Show, Status, Priority) ->
Pid = ejabberd_sm:get_session_pid(User, Host, Resource),
USR = jid:to_string(jid:make(User, Host, Resource)),
US = jid:to_string(jid:make(User, Host, <<>>)),
Message = {route_xmlstreamelement,
{xmlel, <<"presence">>,
[{<<"from">>, USR}, {<<"to">>, US}, {<<"type">>, Type}],
[{xmlel, <<"show">>, [], [{xmlcdata, Show}]},
{xmlel, <<"status">>, [], [{xmlcdata, Status}]},
{xmlel, <<"priority">>, [], [{xmlcdata, Priority}]}]}},
Pid ! Message.
case ejabberd_sm:get_session_pid(User, Host, Resource) of
none ->
Pid ->
USR = jid:to_string(jid:make(User, Host, Resource)),
US = jid:to_string(jid:make(User, Host, <<>>)),
Message = {route_xmlstreamelement,
{xmlel, <<"presence">>,
[{<<"from">>, USR}, {<<"to">>, US}, {<<"type">>, Type}],
[{xmlel, <<"show">>, [], [{xmlcdata, Show}]},
{xmlel, <<"status">>, [], [{xmlcdata, Status}]},
{xmlel, <<"priority">>, [], [{xmlcdata, Priority}]}]}},
Pid ! Message,
user_sessions_info(User, Host) ->
CurrentSec = calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds({date(), time()}),