mirror of https://github.com/processone/ejabberd.git synced 2024-12-20 17:27:00 +01:00

WebAdmin: New login box in the left menu bar

This commit is contained in:
Badlop 2024-06-25 10:47:39 +02:00
parent ce348596b7
commit eceb9b729f
2 changed files with 78 additions and 28 deletions

View File

@ -131,6 +131,12 @@ ul li #navhead a, ul li #navheadsub a, ul li #navheadsubsub a {
background: #424a55;
color: #fff;
#navitemlogin {
padding: 0.5em;
border-top: 0.2em solid #cae7e4;
border-bottom: 0.2em solid #cae7e4;
padding-left: 0.5em;
#welcome {
padding: 2em;
border-top: 0.2em solid #cae7e4;

View File

@ -160,6 +160,12 @@ process(Path, #request{raw_path = RawPath} = Request) ->
{301, [{<<"Location">>, <<RawPath/binary, "/">>}], <<>>}
process2([<<"logout">> | _], #request{lang = Lang}) ->
Text = [?XCT(<<"h1">>, ?T("Logged Out")),
?XE(<<"p">>, [?C(<<"Your web browser has logout from WebAdmin. Close this window, or login again in: ">>),
?AC(<<"../">>, <<"ejabberd WebAdmin">>)])],
{401, [{<<"WWW-Authenticate">>, <<"basic realm=\"ejabberd\"">>}],
process2([<<"server">>, SHost | RPath] = Path,
#request{auth = Auth, lang = Lang, host = HostHTTP,
method = Method} =
@ -277,27 +283,28 @@ get_auth_account2(HostOfRule, AccessRule, User, Server,
%%%% make_xhtml
make_xhtml(Els, Host, Lang, JID, Level) ->
make_xhtml(Els, Host, cluster, unspecified, Lang, JID, Level).
make_xhtml(Els, Host, Request, JID, Level) ->
make_xhtml(Els, Host, cluster, unspecified, Request, JID, Level).
make_xhtml(Els, Host, Username, Lang, JID, Level) when
make_xhtml(Els, Host, Username, Request, JID, Level) when
(Username == unspecified) or (is_binary(Username)) ->
make_xhtml(Els, Host, cluster, Username, Lang, JID, Level);
make_xhtml(Els, Host, cluster, Username, Request, JID, Level);
make_xhtml(Els, Host, Node, Lang, JID, Level) ->
make_xhtml(Els, Host, Node, unspecified, Lang, JID, Level).
make_xhtml(Els, Host, Node, Request, JID, Level) ->
make_xhtml(Els, Host, Node, unspecified, Request, JID, Level).
-spec make_xhtml([xmlel()],
Host::global | binary(),
Node::cluster | atom(),
Username::unspecified | binary(),
Level::integer()) ->
{200, [html], xmlel()}.
make_xhtml(Els, Host, Node, Username, Lang, JID, Level) ->
make_xhtml(Els, Host, Node, Username, #request{lang = Lang} = R, JID, Level) ->
Base = get_base_path_sum(0, 0, Level),
MenuItems = make_navigation(Host, Node, Username, Lang, JID, Level),
MenuItems = make_navigation(Host, Node, Username, Lang, JID, Level)
++ make_login_items(R, Level),
{200, [html],
#xmlel{name = <<"html">>,
attrs =
@ -465,14 +472,14 @@ process_admin(global, #request{path = [], lang = Lang} = Request, AJID) ->
[?LI([?ACT(MIU, MIN)])
|| {MIU, MIN}
<- MenuItems])],
global, Lang, AJID, 0);
process_admin(Host, #request{path = [], lang = Lang}, AJID) ->
global, Request, AJID, 0);
process_admin(Host, #request{path = [], lang = Lang} = R, AJID) ->
make_xhtml([?XCT(<<"h1">>, ?T("Administration")),
[?LI([?ACT(MIU, MIN)])
|| {MIU, MIN}
<- get_menu_items(Host, cluster, Lang, AJID, 2)])],
Host, Lang, AJID, 2);
Host, R, AJID, 2);
process_admin(Host, #request{path = [<<"style.css">>]}, _) ->
@ -549,7 +556,7 @@ process_admin(global, #request{path = [<<"vhosts">> | RPath], lang = Lang} = R,
?T("XMPP Domains"))
++ VhostsElements,
@ -559,7 +566,7 @@ process_admin(Host,
Level = 5 + length(RPath),
RegisterEl = make_command(register, R, [{<<"host">>, Host}], []),
Res = list_users_in_diapason(Host, Level, 30, RPath, R, Diap, RegisterEl),
make_xhtml([?XCT(<<"h1">>, ?T("Users"))] ++ Res, Host, Lang, AJID, Level);
make_xhtml([?XCT(<<"h1">>, ?T("Users"))] ++ Res, Host, R, AJID, Level);
#request{path = [<<"users">>, <<"top">>, Attribute | RPath], lang = Lang} = R,
@ -567,13 +574,13 @@ process_admin(Host,
Level = 5 + length(RPath),
RegisterEl = make_command(register, R, [{<<"host">>, Host}], []),
Res = list_users_top(Host, Level, 30, RPath, R, Attribute, RegisterEl),
make_xhtml([?XCT(<<"h1">>, ?T("Users"))] ++ Res, Host, Lang, AJID, Level);
make_xhtml([?XCT(<<"h1">>, ?T("Users"))] ++ Res, Host, R, AJID, Level);
process_admin(Host, #request{path = [<<"users">> | RPath], lang = Lang} = R, AJID)
when is_binary(Host) ->
Level = 3 + length(RPath),
RegisterEl = make_command(register, R, [{<<"host">>, Host}], []),
Res = list_users(Host, Level, 30, RPath, R, RegisterEl),
make_xhtml([?XCT(<<"h1">>, ?T("Users"))] ++ Res, Host, Lang, AJID, Level);
make_xhtml([?XCT(<<"h1">>, ?T("Users"))] ++ Res, Host, R, AJID, Level);
process_admin(Host, #request{path = [<<"online-users">> | RPath], lang = Lang} = R, AJID)
when is_binary(Host) ->
Level = 3 + length(RPath),
@ -582,7 +589,7 @@ process_admin(Host, #request{path = [<<"online-users">> | RPath], lang = Lang} =
[{<<"host">>, Host}],
[{table_options, {2, RPath}},
{result_links, [{sessions, user, Level, <<"">>}]}])],
make_xhtml([?XCT(<<"h1">>, ?T("Online Users"))] ++ Res, Host, Lang, AJID, Level);
make_xhtml([?XCT(<<"h1">>, ?T("Online Users"))] ++ Res, Host, R, AJID, Level);
#request{path = [<<"last-activity">>],
q = Query,
@ -598,16 +605,16 @@ process_admin(Host,
[{<<"host">>, Host}, {<<"query">>, Query}, {<<"lang">>, Lang}],
make_xhtml(PageH1 ++ [Res], Host, Lang, AJID, 3);
make_xhtml(PageH1 ++ [Res], Host, R, AJID, 3);
process_admin(Host, #request{path = [<<"user">>, U], lang = Lang} = R, AJID) ->
case ejabberd_auth:user_exists(U, Host) of
true ->
Res = user_info(U, Host, R),
make_xhtml(Res, Host, U, Lang, AJID, 4);
make_xhtml(Res, Host, U, R, AJID, 4);
false ->
make_xhtml([?XCT(<<"h1">>, ?T("Not Found"))], Host, Lang, AJID, 4)
make_xhtml([?XCT(<<"h1">>, ?T("Not Found"))], Host, R, AJID, 4)
process_admin(Host, #request{path = [<<"nodes">>], lang = Lang} = R, AJID) ->
process_admin(Host, #request{path = [<<"nodes">>]} = R, AJID) ->
Level =
case Host of
global ->
@ -617,13 +624,13 @@ process_admin(Host, #request{path = [<<"nodes">>], lang = Lang} = R, AJID) ->
Res = ?H1GLraw(<<"Nodes">>, <<"admin/guide/clustering/">>, <<"Clustering">>)
++ [make_command(list_cluster, R, [], [{result_links, [{node, node, 1, <<"">>}]}])],
make_xhtml(Res, Host, Lang, AJID, Level);
make_xhtml(Res, Host, R, AJID, Level);
#request{path = [<<"node">>, SNode | NPath], lang = Lang} = Request,
AJID) ->
case search_running_node(SNode) of
false ->
make_xhtml([?XCT(<<"h1">>, ?T("Node not found"))], Host, Lang, AJID, 2);
make_xhtml([?XCT(<<"h1">>, ?T("Node not found"))], Host, Request, AJID, 2);
Node ->
Res = get_node(Host, Node, NPath, Request#request{path = NPath}),
Level =
@ -633,11 +640,11 @@ process_admin(Host,
_ ->
4 + length(NPath)
make_xhtml(Res, Host, Node, Lang, AJID, Level)
make_xhtml(Res, Host, Node, Request, AJID, Level)
%%%% process_admin default case
process_admin(Host, #request{path = Path, lang = Lang} = Request, AJID) ->
process_admin(Host, #request{path = Path} = Request, AJID) ->
{Username, RPath} =
case Path of
[<<"user">>, U | UPath] ->
@ -667,10 +674,10 @@ process_admin(Host, #request{path = Path, lang = Lang} = Request, AJID) ->
case Res of
[] ->
make_xhtml([?XC(<<"h1">>, <<"Not Found">>)], Host, Lang, AJID, Level),
make_xhtml([?XC(<<"h1">>, <<"Not Found">>)], Host, Request, AJID, Level),
_ ->
make_xhtml(Res, Host, Username, Lang, AJID, Level)
make_xhtml(Res, Host, Username, Request, AJID, Level)
%% @format-end
@ -1569,9 +1576,46 @@ any_rules_allowed(Host, Access, Entity) ->
end, Access).
%%%% login box
%%% @format-begin
make_login_items(#request{us = {Username, Host}} = R, Level) ->
UserBin =
jid:make(Username, Host, <<"">>)),
UserEl =
[{<<"sentence">>, UserBin}],
[{only, value}, {result_links, [{sentence, user, Level, <<"">>}]}]),
UserEl2 =
case UserEl of
{xmlcdata, <<>>} ->
{xmlel, <<"code">>, [], [{xmlel, <<"a">>, [], [{xmlcdata, UserBin}]}]};
_ ->
[{<<"id">>, <<"navitemlogin">>}],
[?LI([?C(unicode:characters_to_binary("👤")), UserEl2]),
[{<<"sentence">>, atom_to_binary(node())}],
[{only, value},
{result_links, [{sentence, node, Level, <<"">>}]}])]),
?AC(<<(binary:copy(<<"../">>, Level))/binary, "logout/">>,
%%%% make_command: API
-spec make_command(Name :: atom(), Request :: http_request()) -> xmlel().
@ -1582,7 +1626,7 @@ make_command(Name, Request) ->
Request :: http_request(),
BaseArguments :: [{ArgName :: binary(), ArgValue :: binary()}],
[Option]) ->
xmlel() | {raw_and_value, any(), xmlel()}
xmlel() | {xmlcdata, binary()} | {raw_and_value, any(), xmlel()}
when Option ::
{only, presentation | without_presentation | button | result | value | raw_and_value} |
{input_name_append, [binary()]} |