Fix archive preference retreiving (#848)

This commit is contained in:
Evgeniy Khramtsov 2015-12-01 14:05:54 +03:00
parent 9eeee67da7
commit f1ecbf80fb
1 changed files with 18 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -310,6 +310,24 @@ process_iq(#jid{luser = LUser, lserver = LServer},
catch _:_ ->
IQ#iq{type = error, sub_el = [SubEl, ?ERR_BAD_REQUEST]}
process_iq(#jid{luser = LUser, lserver = LServer},
#jid{lserver = LServer},
#iq{type = get, sub_el = #xmlel{name = <<"prefs">>}} = IQ) ->
Prefs = get_prefs(LUser, LServer),
Default = jlib:atom_to_binary(Prefs#archive_prefs.default),
JFun = fun(L) ->
[#xmlel{name = <<"jid">>,
children = [{xmlcdata, jid:to_string(J)}]}
|| J <- L]
Always = #xmlel{name = <<"always">>,
children = JFun(Prefs#archive_prefs.always)},
Never = #xmlel{name = <<"never">>,
children = JFun(Prefs#archive_prefs.never)},
IQ#iq{type = result,
sub_el = [#xmlel{name = <<"prefs">>,
attrs = [{<<"default">>, Default}],
children = [Always, Never]}]};
process_iq(_, _, #iq{sub_el = SubEl} = IQ) ->
IQ#iq{type = error, sub_el = [SubEl, ?ERR_NOT_ALLOWED]}.