mirror of https://github.com/processone/ejabberd.git synced 2024-06-02 21:17:12 +02:00

Add tempsub feature for pubsub nodes

This commit is contained in:
Nathan Bruning 2021-01-31 23:56:01 +01:00
parent f7004f793d
commit f57cb05cbe

View File

@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
disco_local_identity/5, disco_local_features/5,
disco_local_items/5, disco_sm_identity/5,
disco_sm_features/5, disco_sm_items/5,
c2s_handle_info/2, sm_open_connection/3, sm_remove_connection/3]).
%% exported iq handlers
-export([iq_sm/1, process_disco_info/1, process_disco_items/1,
@ -318,6 +318,10 @@ init([ServerHost|_]) ->
?MODULE, remove_user, 50),
ejabberd_hooks:add(c2s_handle_info, ServerHost,
?MODULE, c2s_handle_info, 50),
ejabberd_hooks:add(sm_register_connection_hook, ServerHost,
?MODULE, sm_open_connection, 50),
ejabberd_hooks:add(sm_remove_connection_hook, ServerHost,
?MODULE, sm_remove_connection, 50),
case lists:member(?PEPNODE, AllPlugins) of
true ->
ejabberd_hooks:add(caps_add, ServerHost,
@ -666,6 +670,20 @@ unsubscribe_user(Host, Entity, Owner) ->
end, plugins(Host)).
%% subscription remove hook handling function
-spec remove_tempsub_subscriptions(jid()) -> ok.
remove_tempsub_subscriptions(#jid{lserver=LServer} = JID) ->
Proc = gen_mod:get_module_proc(LServer, ?MODULE),
gen_server:cast(Proc, {remove_tempsub_subscriptions, JID}).
sm_open_connection(_SID, JID, _Info) ->
% in case cleanup was not performed when the client logged out (server crash?), try now
sm_remove_connection(_SID, JID, _Info) ->
%% -------
%% user remove hook handling function
@ -739,6 +757,31 @@ handle_call(Request, From, State) ->
?WARNING_MSG("Unexpected call from ~p: ~p", [From, Request]),
{noreply, State}.
handle_cast({remove_tempsub_subscriptions, OfflineJid}, State) ->
?DEBUG("remove_tempsub_subscriptions for ~ts", [jid:encode(OfflineJid)]),
Host = host(State#state.server_host),
OfflineJidBare = jid:remove_resource(OfflineJid),
lists:foreach(fun(PType) ->
% get_entity_subscriptions retrieves subscriptions based on the bare jid;
% ie. also retrieves subscriptions made by other resources
{result, Subs} = mod_pubsub:node_action(Host, PType, get_entity_subscriptions, [Host, OfflineJid]),
lists:foreach(fun({#pubsub_node{nodeid = {_, NodeId}, options = NodeOptions}, _, SubId, SubscribedLJid}) ->
SubscribedJid = jid:make(SubscribedLJid),
MatchingJid = case SubscribedJid of
OfflineJid -> true; % subscribed on a full jid with resource matching to RemoveJid
OfflineJidBare -> true; % subscribed on bare jid
_ -> false % subscribed on a different resource
IsTempSub = get_option(NodeOptions, tempsub) == true,
MatchingJid and IsTempSub ->
mod_pubsub:unsubscribe_node(Host, NodeId, OfflineJid, SubscribedJid, SubId);
true -> ok
end, Subs)
end, State#state.plugins),
{noreply, State};
handle_cast(Msg, State) ->
?WARNING_MSG("Unexpected cast: ~p", [Msg]),
{noreply, State}.
@ -797,6 +840,10 @@ terminate(_Reason,
?MODULE, remove_user, 50),
ejabberd_hooks:delete(c2s_handle_info, ServerHost,
?MODULE, c2s_handle_info, 50),
ejabberd_hooks:delete(sm_register_connection_hook, ServerHost,
?MODULE, sm_open_connection, 50),
ejabberd_hooks:delete(sm_remove_connection_hook, ServerHost,
?MODULE, sm_remove_connection, 50),
fun(Host) ->
gen_iq_handler:remove_iq_handler(ejabberd_local, Host, ?NS_DISCO_INFO),