mirror of https://github.com/processone/ejabberd.git synced 2024-12-26 17:38:45 +01:00

Added mod_register_web: web page for account registration (EJAB-471)

This commit is contained in:
Badlop 2010-11-04 22:34:18 +01:00
parent 60b36beda8
commit f672fd0824
4 changed files with 671 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -88,6 +88,7 @@
@ -2530,6 +2531,7 @@ The following table lists all modules included in \ejabberd{}.
\hline \ahrefloc{modpubsub}{\modpubsub{}} & Pub-Sub (\xepref{0060}), PEP (\xepref{0163}) & \modcaps{} \\
\hline \ahrefloc{modpubsub}{\modpubsubodbc{}} & Pub-Sub (\xepref{0060}), PEP (\xepref{0163}) & supported DB (*) and \modcaps{} \\
\hline \ahrefloc{modregister}{\modregister{}} & In-Band Registration (\xepref{0077}) & \\
\hline \ahrefloc{modregisterweb}{\modregisterweb{}} & Web for Account Registrations & \\
\hline \ahrefloc{modroster}{\modroster{}} & Roster management (XMPP IM) & \\
\hline \ahrefloc{modroster}{\modrosterodbc{}} & Roster management (XMPP IM) & supported DB (*) \\
\hline \ahrefloc{modservicelog}{\modservicelog{}} & Copy user messages to logger service & \\
@ -3862,6 +3864,49 @@ Also define a registration timeout of one hour:
This module provides a web page where people can:
\item Register a new account on the server.
\item Change the password from an existing account on the server.
\item Delete an existing account on the server.
This module supports CAPTCHA image to register a new account.
To enable this feature, configure the options captcha\_cmd and captcha\_host.
\titem{\{registration\_watchers, [ JID, ...]\}} \ind{options!rwatchers}This option defines a
list of JIDs which will be notified each time a new account is registered.
This example configuration shows how to enable the module and the web handler:
{listen, [
{5281, ejabberd_http, [
{certfile, "/etc/ejabberd/certificate.pem"},
{mod_register_web, []},
The users can visit this page: https://localhost:5281/register/
It is important to include the last / character in the URL,
otherwise the subpages URL will be incorrect.
\ind{modules!\modroster{}}\ind{roster management}\ind{protocols!RFC 3921: XMPP IM}

View File

@ -162,6 +162,7 @@
@ -546,6 +547,13 @@
{access, register}
{mod_register_web, [
%% When a user registers, send a notification to
%% these XMPP accounts.
%%{registration_watchers, ["admin1@example.org"]}
{mod_roster, []},

View File

@ -111,6 +111,7 @@ init({SockMod, Socket}, Opts) ->
%% web_admin -> {["admin"], ejabberd_web_admin}
%% http_bind -> {["http-bind"], mod_http_bind}
%% http_poll -> {["http-poll"], ejabberd_http_poll}
%% register -> {["register"], mod_register_web}
RequestHandlers =
case lists:keysearch(request_handlers, 1, Opts) of
@ -121,6 +122,10 @@ init({SockMod, Socket}, Opts) ->
true -> [{["captcha"], ejabberd_captcha}];
false -> []
end ++
case lists:member(register, Opts) of
true -> [{["register"], mod_register_web}];
false -> []
end ++
case lists:member(web_admin, Opts) of
true -> [{["admin"], ejabberd_web_admin}];
false -> []

View File

@ -0,0 +1,613 @@
%%% File : mod_register_web.erl
%%% Author : Badlop <badlop@process-one.net>
%%% Purpose : Web page to register account and related tasks
%%% Created : 4 May 2008 by Badlop <badlop@process-one.net>
%%% ejabberd, Copyright (C) 2002-2010 ProcessOne
%%% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
%%% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
%%% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
%%% License, or (at your option) any later version.
%%% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
%%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
%%% General Public License for more details.
%%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
%%% along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
%%% Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
%%% 02111-1307 USA
%%% IDEAS:
%%% * Implement those options, already present in mod_register:
%%% + access
%%% + captcha_protected
%%% + password_strength
%%% + welcome_message
%%% + registration_timeout
%%% * Improve this module to allow each virtual host to have different
%%% options. See http://support.process-one.net/browse/EJAB-561
%%% * Check that all the text is translatable.
%%% * Add option to use a custom CSS file, or custom CSS lines.
%%% * Don't hardcode the "register" path in URL.
%%% * Allow private email during register, and store in custom table.
%%% * Optionally require private email to register.
%%% * Optionally require email confirmation to register.
%%% * Allow to set a private email address anytime.
%%% * Allow to recover password using private email to confirm (mod_passrecover)
%%% * Optionally require invitation
%%% * Optionally register request is forwarded to admin, no account created.
%%% gen_mod callbacks
start(_Host, _Opts) ->
%% case gen_mod:get_opt(docroot, Opts, undefined) of
stop(_Host) ->
%%% HTTP handlers
process([], #request{method = 'GET', lang = Lang}) ->
process(["register.css"], #request{method = 'GET'}) ->
process(["new"], #request{method = 'GET', lang = Lang, host = Host}) ->
form_new_get(Host, Lang);
process(["delete"], #request{method = 'GET', lang = Lang, host = Host}) ->
form_del_get(Host, Lang);
process(["change_password"], #request{method = 'GET', lang = Lang, host = Host}) ->
form_changepass_get(Host, Lang);
process(["new"], #request{method = 'POST', q = Q, ip = {Ip,_Port}, lang = Lang, host = Host}) ->
case form_new_post(Q, Host) of
{success, ok, {Username, Host, _Password}} ->
Jid = jlib:make_jid(Username, Host, ""),
send_registration_notifications(Jid, Ip),
Text = ?T("Your Jabber account was succesfully created."),
{200, [], Text};
Error ->
ErrorText = ?T("There was an error creating the account: ") ++
{404, [], ErrorText}
process(["delete"], #request{method = 'POST', q = Q, lang = Lang, host = Host}) ->
case form_del_post(Q, Host) of
{atomic, ok} ->
Text = ?T("Your Jabber account was succesfully deleted."),
{200, [], Text};
Error ->
ErrorText = ?T("There was an error deleting the account: ") ++
{404, [], ErrorText}
%% TODO: Currently only the first vhost is usable. The web request record
%% should include the host where the POST was sent.
process(["change_password"], #request{method = 'POST', q = Q, lang = Lang, host = Host}) ->
case form_changepass_post(Q, Host) of
{atomic, ok} ->
Text = ?T("The password of your Jabber account was succesfully changed."),
{200, [], Text};
Error ->
ErrorText = ?T("There was an error changing the password: ") ++
{404, [], ErrorText}
%%% CSS
serve_css() ->
{200, [{"Content-Type", "text/css"},
last_modified(), cache_control_public()], css()}.
last_modified() ->
{"Last-Modified", "Mon, 25 Feb 2008 13:23:30 GMT"}.
cache_control_public() ->
{"Cache-Control", "public"}.
css() ->
"html,body {
background: white;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
height: 100%;
%%% Index page
index_page(Lang) ->
HeadEls = [
?XCT("title", "Jabber Account Registration"),
[{"href", "/register/register.css"},
{"type", "text/css"},
{"rel", "stylesheet"}])
[{"class", "title"}, {"style", "text-align:center;"}],
"Jabber Account Registration"),
?XE("ul", [
?XE("li", [?ACT("new", "Register a Jabber account")]),
?XE("li", [?ACT("change_password", "Change Password")]),
?XE("li", [?ACT("delete", "Unregister a Jabber account")])
[{"Server", "ejabberd"},
{"Content-Type", "text/html"}],
ejabberd_web:make_xhtml(HeadEls, Els)}.
%%% Formulary new account GET
form_new_get(Host, Lang) ->
CaptchaEls = build_captcha_li_list(Lang),
HeadEls = [
?XCT("title", "Register a Jabber account"),
[{"href", "/register/register.css"},
{"type", "text/css"},
{"rel", "stylesheet"}])
[{"class", "title"}, {"style", "text-align:center;"}],
"Register a Jabber account"),
"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. "
"Your JID (Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. "
"Please read carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields."),
%% <!-- JID's take the form of 'username@server.com'. For example, my JID is 'kirjava@jabber.org'.
%% The maximum length for a JID is 255 characters. -->
?XAE("form", [{"action", ""}, {"method", "post"}],
?XE("ol", [
?XE("li", [
?C(" "),
?INPUTS("text", "username", "", "20"),
?XE("ul", [
?XCT("li", "This is case insensitive: macbeth is the same that MacBeth and Macbeth."),
?XCT("li", "Characters not allowed: @ : ' \" < > &")
?XE("li", [
?C(" "),
?XE("li", [
?C(" "),
?INPUTS("password", "password", "", "20"),
?XE("ul", [
?XCT("li", "Don't tell your password to anybody, "
"not even the administrators of the Jabber server."),
?XCT("li", "You can later change your password using a Jabber client."),
?XCT("li", "Some Jabber clients can store your password in your computer. "
"Use that feature only if you trust your computer is safe."),
?XCT("li", "Memorize your password, or write it in a paper placed in a safe place. "
"In Jabber there isn't an automated way to recover your password if you forget it.")
?XE("li", [
?CT("Password Verification:"),
?C(" "),
?INPUTS("password", "password2", "", "20")
])] ++ CaptchaEls ++ [
%% Nombre</b> (opcional)<b>:</b> <input type="text" size="20" name="name" maxlength="255"> <br /> <br /> -->
%% Direcci&oacute;n de correo</b> (opcional)<b>:</b> <input type="text" size="20" name="email" maxlength="255"> <br /> <br /> -->
?XE("li", [
?INPUTT("submit", "register", "Register")
[{"Server", "ejabberd"},
{"Content-Type", "text/html"}],
ejabberd_web:make_xhtml(HeadEls, Els)}.
%% Copied from mod_register.erl
send_registration_notifications(UJID, Source) ->
Host = UJID#jid.lserver,
case gen_mod:get_module_opt(Host, ?MODULE, registration_watchers, []) of
[] -> ok;
JIDs when is_list(JIDs) ->
Body = lists:flatten(
"[~s] The account ~s was registered from IP address ~s "
"on node ~w using ~p.",
[get_time_string(), jlib:jid_to_string(UJID),
ip_to_string(Source), node(), ?MODULE])),
fun(S) ->
case jlib:string_to_jid(S) of
error -> ok;
JID ->
jlib:make_jid("", Host, ""),
{xmlelement, "message", [{"type", "chat"}],
[{xmlelement, "body", [],
[{xmlcdata, Body}]}]})
end, JIDs);
_ ->
ip_to_string(Source) when is_tuple(Source) -> inet_parse:ntoa(Source);
ip_to_string(undefined) -> "undefined";
ip_to_string(_) -> "unknown".
get_time_string() -> write_time(erlang:localtime()).
%% Function copied from ejabberd_logger_h.erl and customized
write_time({{Y,Mo,D},{H,Mi,S}}) ->
io_lib:format("~w-~.2.0w-~.2.0w ~.2.0w:~.2.0w:~.2.0w",
[Y, Mo, D, H, Mi, S]).
%%% Formulary new POST
form_new_post(Q, Host) ->
case catch get_register_parameters(Q) of
[Username, Password, Password, Id, Key] ->
form_new_post(Username, Host, Password, {Id, Key});
[_Username, _Password, _Password2, false, false] ->
{error, passwords_not_identical};
[_Username, _Password, _Password2, Id, Key] ->
ejabberd_captcha:check_captcha(Id, Key), %% This deletes the captcha
{error, passwords_not_identical};
_ ->
{error, wrong_parameters}
get_register_parameters(Q) ->
fun(Key) ->
case lists:keysearch(Key, 1, Q) of
{value, {_Key, Value}} -> Value;
false -> false
["username", "password", "password2", "id", "key"]).
form_new_post(Username, Host, Password, {false, false}) ->
register_account(Username, Host, Password);
form_new_post(Username, Host, Password, {Id, Key}) ->
case ejabberd_captcha:check_captcha(Id, Key) of
captcha_valid ->
register_account(Username, Host, Password);
captcha_non_valid ->
{error, captcha_non_valid};
captcha_not_found ->
{error, captcha_non_valid}
%%% Formulary Captcha support for new GET/POST
build_captcha_li_list(Lang) ->
case ejabberd_captcha:is_feature_available() of
true -> build_captcha_li_list2(Lang);
false -> []
build_captcha_li_list2(Lang) ->
Id = randoms:get_string(),
SID = "",
From = #jid{user = "", server = "test", resource = ""},
To = #jid{user = "", server = "test", resource = ""},
Args = [],
ejabberd_captcha:create_captcha(Id, SID, From, To, Lang, Args),
{_, {CImg,CText,CId,CKey}} = ejabberd_captcha:build_captcha_html(Id, Lang),
[?XE("li", [CText,
?C(" "),
%%% Formulary change password GET
form_changepass_get(Host, Lang) ->
HeadEls = [
?XCT("title", "Change Password"),
[{"href", "/register/register.css"},
{"type", "text/css"},
{"rel", "stylesheet"}])
[{"class", "title"}, {"style", "text-align:center;"}],
"Change Password"),
?XAE("form", [{"action", ""}, {"method", "post"}],
?XE("ol", [
?XE("li", [
?C(" "),
?INPUTS("text", "username", "", "20")
?XE("li", [
?C(" "),
?XE("li", [
?CT("Old Password:"),
?C(" "),
?INPUTS("password", "passwordold", "", "20")
?XE("li", [
?CT("New Password:"),
?C(" "),
?INPUTS("password", "password", "", "20")
?XE("li", [
?CT("Password Verification:"),
?C(" "),
?INPUTS("password", "password2", "", "20")
?XE("li", [
?INPUTT("submit", "changepass", "Change Password")
[{"Server", "ejabberd"},
{"Content-Type", "text/html"}],
ejabberd_web:make_xhtml(HeadEls, Els)}.
%%% Formulary change password POST
form_changepass_post(Q, Host) ->
case catch get_changepass_parameters(Q) of
[Username, PasswordOld, Password, Password] ->
try_change_password(Username, Host, PasswordOld, Password);
[_Username, _PasswordOld, _Password, _Password2] ->
{error, passwords_not_identical};
_ ->
{error, wrong_parameters}
get_changepass_parameters(Q) ->
fun(Key) ->
{value, {_Key, Value}} = lists:keysearch(Key, 1, Q),
["username", "passwordold", "password", "password2"]).
%% @spec(Username,Host,PasswordOld,Password) -> {atomic, ok} |
%% {error, account_doesnt_exist} |
%% {error, password_not_changed} |
%% {error, password_incorrect}
try_change_password(Username, Host, PasswordOld, Password) ->
try change_password(Username, Host, PasswordOld, Password) of
{atomic, ok} ->
{atomic, ok}
error:{badmatch, Error} ->
{error, Error}
change_password(Username, Host, PasswordOld, Password) ->
%% Check the account exists
account_exists = check_account_exists(Username, Host),
%% Check the old password is correct
password_correct = check_password(Username, Host, PasswordOld),
%% This function always returns: ok
%% Change the password
ok = ejabberd_auth:set_password(Username, Host, Password),
%% Check the new password is correct
case check_password(Username, Host, Password) of
password_correct ->
{atomic, ok};
password_incorrect ->
{error, password_not_changed}
check_account_exists(Username, Host) ->
case ejabberd_auth:is_user_exists(Username, Host) of
true -> account_exists;
false -> account_doesnt_exist
check_password(Username, Host, Password) ->
case ejabberd_auth:check_password(Username, Host, Password) of
true -> password_correct;
false -> password_incorrect
%%% Formulary delete account GET
form_del_get(Host, Lang) ->
HeadEls = [
?XCT("title", "Unregister a Jabber account"),
[{"href", "/register/register.css"},
{"type", "text/css"},
{"rel", "stylesheet"}])
[{"class", "title"}, {"style", "text-align:center;"}],
"Unregister a Jabber account"),
"This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server."),
?XAE("form", [{"action", ""}, {"method", "post"}],
?XE("ol", [
?XE("li", [
?C(" "),
?INPUTS("text", "username", "", "20")
?XE("li", [
?C(" "),
?XE("li", [
?C(" "),
?INPUTS("password", "password", "", "20")
?XE("li", [
?INPUTT("submit", "unregister", "Unregister")
[{"Server", "ejabberd"},
{"Content-Type", "text/html"}],
ejabberd_web:make_xhtml(HeadEls, Els)}.
%% @spec(Username, Host, Password) -> {success, ok, {Username, Host, Password} |
%% {success, exists, {Username, Host, Password}} |
%% {error, not_allowed} |
%% {error, invalid_jid}
register_account(Username, Host, Password) ->
case ejabberd_auth:try_register(Username, Host, Password) of
{atomic, Res} ->
{success, Res, {Username, Host, Password}};
Other ->
%%% Formulary delete POST
form_del_post(Q, Host) ->
case catch get_unregister_parameters(Q) of
[Username, Password] ->
try_unregister_account(Username, Host, Password);
_ ->
{error, wrong_parameters}
get_unregister_parameters(Q) ->
fun(Key) ->
{value, {_Key, Value}} = lists:keysearch(Key, 1, Q),
["username", "password"]).
%% @spec(Username, Host, Password) -> {atomic, ok} |
%% {error, account_doesnt_exist} |
%% {error, account_exists} |
%% {error, password_incorrect}
try_unregister_account(Username, Host, Password) ->
try unregister_account(Username, Host, Password) of
{atomic, ok} ->
{atomic, ok}
error:{badmatch, Error} ->
{error, Error}
unregister_account(Username, Host, Password) ->
%% Check the account exists
account_exists = check_account_exists(Username, Host),
%% Check the password is correct
password_correct = check_password(Username, Host, Password),
%% This function always returns: ok
ok = ejabberd_auth:remove_user(Username, Host, Password),
%% Check the account does not exist anymore
account_doesnt_exist = check_account_exists(Username, Host),
%% If we reached this point, return success
{atomic, ok}.
%%% Error texts
get_error_text({error, captcha_non_valid}) ->
"The captcha you entered is wrong";
get_error_text({atomic, exists}) ->
"The account already exists";
get_error_text({error, password_incorrect}) ->
"Incorrect password";
get_error_text({error, invalid_jid}) ->
"The username is not valid";
get_error_text({error, not_allowed}) ->
"Not allowed";
get_error_text({error, account_doesnt_exist}) ->
"Account doesn't exist";
get_error_text({error, account_exists}) ->
"The account was not deleted";
get_error_text({error, password_not_changed}) ->
"The password was not changed";
get_error_text({error, passwords_not_identical}) ->
"The passwords are different";
get_error_text({error, wrong_parameters}) ->
"Wrong parameters in the web formulary".