Enable MySQL support for new schema migration

This commit is contained in:
Stu Tomlinson 2023-01-19 15:44:44 +00:00
parent d4ab4d16e8
commit f7f0d3b1fb
2 changed files with 67 additions and 47 deletions

View File

@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ CREATE TABLE sr_user (
PRIMARY KEY (server_host(191), jid, grp)
) ENGINE=InnoDB CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX i_sr_user_sh_jid_group ON sr_user(server_host(191), jid, grp);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX i_sr_user_sh_jid_grp ON sr_user(server_host(191), jid, grp);
CREATE INDEX i_sr_user_sh_grp ON sr_user(server_host(191), grp);

View File

@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ depends(_Host, _Opts) ->
get_commands_spec() ->
[#ejabberd_commands{name = update_sql, tags = [sql],
desc = "Convert PostgreSQL DB to the new format",
desc = "Convert MySQL or PostgreSQL DB to the new format",
module = ?MODULE, function = update_sql,
args = [],
args_example = [],
@ -93,6 +93,7 @@ update_sql(Host) ->
DBType = ejabberd_option:sql_type(LHost),
IsSupported =
case DBType of
mysql -> true;
pgsql -> true;
_ -> false
@ -125,15 +126,15 @@ update_tables(State) ->
drop_sh_default(State, "last"),
add_sh_column(State, "rosterusers"),
drop_index(State, "i_rosteru_user_jid"),
drop_index(State, "i_rosteru_username"),
drop_index(State, "i_rosteru_jid"),
drop_index(State, "rosterusers", "i_rosteru_user_jid"),
drop_index(State, "rosterusers", "i_rosteru_username"),
drop_index(State, "rosterusers", "i_rosteru_jid"),
create_unique_index(State, "rosterusers", "i_rosteru_sh_user_jid", ["server_host", "username", "jid"]),
create_index(State, "rosterusers", "i_rosteru_sh_jid", ["server_host", "jid"]),
drop_sh_default(State, "rosterusers"),
add_sh_column(State, "rostergroups"),
drop_index(State, "pk_rosterg_user_jid"),
drop_index(State, "rostergroups", "pk_rosterg_user_jid"),
create_index(State, "rostergroups", "i_rosterg_sh_user_jid", ["server_host", "username", "jid"]),
drop_sh_default(State, "rostergroups"),
@ -143,27 +144,27 @@ update_tables(State) ->
drop_sh_default(State, "sr_group"),
add_sh_column(State, "sr_user"),
drop_index(State, "i_sr_user_jid_grp"),
drop_index(State, "i_sr_user_jid"),
drop_index(State, "i_sr_user_grp"),
drop_index(State, "sr_user", "i_sr_user_jid_grp"),
drop_index(State, "sr_user", "i_sr_user_jid"),
drop_index(State, "sr_user", "i_sr_user_grp"),
add_pkey(State, "sr_user", ["server_host", "jid", "grp"]),
create_unique_index(State, "sr_user", "i_sr_user_sh_jid_grp", ["server_host", "jid", "grp"]),
create_index(State, "sr_user", "i_sr_user_sh_grp", ["server_host", "grp"]),
drop_sh_default(State, "sr_user"),
add_sh_column(State, "spool"),
drop_index(State, "i_despool"),
drop_index(State, "spool", "i_despool"),
create_index(State, "spool", "i_spool_sh_username", ["server_host", "username"]),
drop_sh_default(State, "spool"),
add_sh_column(State, "archive"),
drop_index(State, "i_username"),
drop_index(State, "i_username_timestamp"),
drop_index(State, "i_timestamp"),
drop_index(State, "i_peer"),
drop_index(State, "i_bare_peer"),
drop_index(State, "i_username_peer"),
drop_index(State, "i_username_bare_peer"),
drop_index(State, "archive", "i_username"),
drop_index(State, "archive", "i_username_timestamp"),
drop_index(State, "archive", "i_timestamp"),
drop_index(State, "archive", "i_peer"),
drop_index(State, "archive", "i_bare_peer"),
drop_index(State, "archive", "i_username_peer"),
drop_index(State, "archive", "i_username_bare_peer"),
create_index(State, "archive", "i_archive_sh_username_timestamp", ["server_host", "username", "timestamp"]),
create_index(State, "archive", "i_archive_sh_timestamp", ["server_host", "timestamp"]),
create_index(State, "archive", "i_archive_sh_username_peer", ["server_host", "username", "peer"]),
@ -182,17 +183,17 @@ update_tables(State) ->
add_sh_column(State, "vcard_search"),
drop_pkey(State, "vcard_search"),
drop_index(State, "i_vcard_search_lfn"),
drop_index(State, "i_vcard_search_lfamily"),
drop_index(State, "i_vcard_search_lgiven"),
drop_index(State, "i_vcard_search_lmiddle"),
drop_index(State, "i_vcard_search_lnickname"),
drop_index(State, "i_vcard_search_lbday"),
drop_index(State, "i_vcard_search_lctry"),
drop_index(State, "i_vcard_search_llocality"),
drop_index(State, "i_vcard_search_lemail"),
drop_index(State, "i_vcard_search_lorgname"),
drop_index(State, "i_vcard_search_lorgunit"),
drop_index(State, "vcard_search", "i_vcard_search_lfn"),
drop_index(State, "vcard_search", "i_vcard_search_lfamily"),
drop_index(State, "vcard_search", "i_vcard_search_lgiven"),
drop_index(State, "vcard_search", "i_vcard_search_lmiddle"),
drop_index(State, "vcard_search", "i_vcard_search_lnickname"),
drop_index(State, "vcard_search", "i_vcard_search_lbday"),
drop_index(State, "vcard_search", "i_vcard_search_lctry"),
drop_index(State, "vcard_search", "i_vcard_search_llocality"),
drop_index(State, "vcard_search", "i_vcard_search_lemail"),
drop_index(State, "vcard_search", "i_vcard_search_lorgname"),
drop_index(State, "vcard_search", "i_vcard_search_lorgunit"),
add_pkey(State, "vcard_search", ["server_host", "username"]),
create_index(State, "vcard_search", "i_vcard_search_sh_lfn", ["server_host", "lfn"]),
create_index(State, "vcard_search", "i_vcard_search_sh_lfamily", ["server_host", "lfamily"]),
@ -213,14 +214,14 @@ update_tables(State) ->
drop_sh_default(State, "privacy_default_list"),
add_sh_column(State, "privacy_list"),
drop_index(State, "i_privacy_list_username"),
drop_index(State, "i_privacy_list_username_name"),
drop_index(State, "privacy_list", "i_privacy_list_username"),
drop_index(State, "privacy_list", "i_privacy_list_username_name"),
create_unique_index(State, "privacy_list", "i_privacy_list_sh_username_name", ["server_host", "username", "name"]),
drop_sh_default(State, "privacy_list"),
add_sh_column(State, "private_storage"),
drop_index(State, "i_private_storage_username"),
drop_index(State, "i_private_storage_username_namespace"),
drop_index(State, "private_storage", "i_private_storage_username"),
drop_index(State, "private_storage", "i_private_storage_username_namespace"),
add_pkey(State, "private_storage", ["server_host", "username", "namespace"]),
drop_sh_default(State, "private_storage"),
@ -247,27 +248,28 @@ update_tables(State) ->
drop_sh_default(State, "motd"),
add_sh_column(State, "sm"),
drop_index(State, "i_sm_sid"),
drop_index(State, "i_sm_username"),
drop_index(State, "sm", "i_sm_sid"),
drop_index(State, "sm", "i_sm_username"),
add_pkey(State, "sm", ["usec", "pid"]),
create_index(State, "sm", "i_sm_sh_username", ["server_host", "username"]),
drop_sh_default(State, "sm"),
add_sh_column(State, "push_session"),
drop_index(State, "i_push_usn"),
drop_index(State, "i_push_ut"),
drop_index(State, "push_session", "i_push_usn"),
drop_index(State, "push_session", "i_push_ut"),
add_pkey(State, "push_session", ["server_host", "username", "timestamp"]),
create_unique_index(State, "push_session", "i_push_session_susn", ["server_host", "username", "service", "node"]),
drop_sh_default(State, "push_session"),
add_sh_column(State, "mix_pam"),
drop_index(State, "i_mix_pam"),
drop_index(State, "i_mix_pam_us"),
drop_index(State, "mix_pam", "i_mix_pam"),
drop_index(State, "mix_pam", "i_mix_pam_u"),
drop_index(State, "mix_pam", "i_mix_pam_us"),
create_unique_index(State, "mix_pam", "i_mix_pam", ["username", "server_host", "channel", "service"]),
drop_sh_default(State, "mix_pam"),
add_sh_column(State, "mqtt_pub"),
drop_index(State, "i_mqtt_topic"),
drop_index(State, "mqtt_pub", "i_mqtt_topic"),
create_unique_index(State, "mqtt_pub", "i_mqtt_topic_server", ["topic", "server_host"]),
drop_sh_default(State, "mqtt_pub"),
@ -282,7 +284,7 @@ add_sh_column(#state{dbtype = pgsql} = State, Table) ->
add_sh_column(#state{dbtype = mysql} = State, Table) ->
["ALTER TABLE ", Table, " ADD COLUMN server_host text NOT NULL DEFAULT '",
["ALTER TABLE ", Table, " ADD COLUMN server_host varchar(191) NOT NULL DEFAULT '",
@ -301,7 +303,8 @@ add_pkey(#state{dbtype = pgsql} = State, Table, Cols) ->
["ALTER TABLE ", Table, " ADD PRIMARY KEY (", SCols, ");"]);
add_pkey(#state{dbtype = mysql} = State, Table, Cols) ->
SCols = string:join(Cols, ", "),
Cols2 = [C ++ mysql_keylen(Table, C) || C <- Cols],
SCols = string:join(Cols2, ", "),
["ALTER TABLE ", Table, " ADD PRIMARY KEY (", SCols, ");"]).
@ -315,14 +318,14 @@ drop_sh_default(#state{dbtype = mysql} = State, Table) ->
["ALTER TABLE ", Table, " ALTER COLUMN server_host DROP DEFAULT;"]).
drop_index(#state{dbtype = pgsql} = State, Index) ->
drop_index(#state{dbtype = pgsql} = State, _Table, Index) ->
["DROP INDEX ", Index, ";"]);
drop_index(#state{dbtype = mysql} = State, Index) ->
drop_index(#state{dbtype = mysql} = State, Table, Index) ->
["DROP INDEX ", Index, ";"]).
["ALTER TABLE ", Table, " DROP INDEX ", Index, ";"]).
create_unique_index(#state{dbtype = pgsql} = State, Table, Index, Cols) ->
SCols = string:join(Cols, ", "),
@ -331,7 +334,7 @@ create_unique_index(#state{dbtype = pgsql} = State, Table, Index, Cols) ->
["CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ", Index, " ON ", Table, " USING btree (",
SCols, ");"]);
create_unique_index(#state{dbtype = mysql} = State, Table, Index, Cols) ->
Cols2 = [C ++ "(75)" || C <- Cols],
Cols2 = [C ++ mysql_keylen(Index, C) || C <- Cols],
SCols = string:join(Cols2, ", "),
@ -345,13 +348,30 @@ create_index(#state{dbtype = pgsql} = State, Table, Index, Cols) ->
["CREATE INDEX ", Index, " ON ", Table, " USING btree (",
SCols, ");"]);
create_index(#state{dbtype = mysql} = State, Table, Index, Cols) ->
Cols2 = [C ++ "(75)" || C <- Cols],
Cols2 = [C ++ mysql_keylen(Index, C) || C <- Cols],
SCols = string:join(Cols2, ", "),
["CREATE INDEX ", Index, " ON ", Table, "(",
SCols, ");"]).
mysql_keylen(_, "bare_peer") -> "(191)";
mysql_keylen(_, "channel") -> "(191)";
mysql_keylen(_, "domain") -> "(75)";
mysql_keylen(_, "jid") -> "(75)";
mysql_keylen(_, "name") -> "(75)";
mysql_keylen(_, "node") -> "(75)";
mysql_keylen(_, "peer") -> "(191)";
mysql_keylen(_, "pid") -> "(75)";
mysql_keylen(_, "server_host") -> "(191)";
mysql_keylen(_, "service") -> "(191)";
mysql_keylen(_, "topic") -> "(191)";
mysql_keylen("i_privacy_list_sh_username_name", "username") -> "(75)";
mysql_keylen("i_rosterg_sh_user_jid", "username") -> "(75)";
mysql_keylen("i_rosteru_sh_user_jid", "username") -> "(75)";
mysql_keylen(_, "username") -> "(191)";
mysql_keylen(_, _) -> "".
sql_query(Host, Query) ->
io:format("executing \"~ts\" on ~ts~n", [Query, Host]),
case ejabberd_sql:sql_query(Host, Query) of
@ -369,5 +389,5 @@ mod_doc() ->
?T("This module can be used to update existing SQL database "
"from the default to the new schema. Check the section "
"http://../database/#default-and-new-schemas[Default and New Schemas] for details. "
"Please note that only PostgreSQL is supported. "
"Please note that only MySQL and PostgreSQL are supported. "
"When the module is loaded use _`update_sql`_ API.")}.