mirror of https://github.com/processone/ejabberd.git synced 2024-06-26 22:35:31 +02:00

HTTP Upload: introduce new option 'external_secret'

The option makes it possible to offload all HTTP Upload processing
to a separate HTTP server. Both ejabberd and the HTTP server
should share this secret and behave exactly as described at
at https://modules.prosody.im/mod_http_upload_external.html
in the 'Implementation' section. Example configuration:

    put_url: "http://separate.http.server/upload"
    external_secret: "foo bar baz"
This commit is contained in:
Evgeniy Khramtsov 2018-07-02 16:53:44 +03:00
parent fbf6ba2738
commit fface33d54

View File

@ -110,7 +110,8 @@
service_url :: binary() | undefined,
thumbnail :: boolean(),
custom_headers :: [{binary(), binary()}],
slots = #{} :: map()}).
slots = #{} :: map(),
external_secret :: binary()}).
{type :: atom(),
@ -208,7 +209,9 @@ mod_opt_type(thumbnail) ->
(false) ->
mod_opt_type(external_secret) ->
fun iolist_to_binary/1.
-spec mod_options(binary()) -> [{atom(), any()}].
mod_options(_Host) ->
@ -225,6 +228,7 @@ mod_options(_Host) ->
{put_url, <<"http://@HOST@:5444">>},
{get_url, undefined},
{service_url, undefined},
{external_secret, <<"">>},
{custom_headers, []},
{rm_on_unregister, true},
{thumbnail, false}].
@ -255,6 +259,7 @@ init([ServerHost, Opts]) ->
ServiceURL = gen_mod:get_opt(service_url, Opts),
Thumbnail = gen_mod:get_opt(thumbnail, Opts),
ExternalSecret = gen_mod:get_opt(external_secret, Opts),
CustomHeaders = gen_mod:get_opt(custom_headers, Opts),
DocRoot1 = expand_home(str:strip(DocRoot, right, $/)),
DocRoot2 = expand_host(DocRoot1, ServerHost),
@ -277,6 +282,7 @@ init([ServerHost, Opts]) ->
put_url = expand_host(str:strip(PutURL, right, $/), ServerHost),
get_url = expand_host(str:strip(GetURL, right, $/), ServerHost),
service_url = ServiceURL,
external_secret = ExternalSecret,
custom_headers = CustomHeaders}}.
-spec handle_call(_, {pid(), _}, state())
@ -532,11 +538,12 @@ process_slot_request(#iq{lang = Lang, from = From} = IQ,
{ok, Timer} = timer:send_after(?SLOT_TIMEOUT,
Query = make_query_string(Slot, Size, State),
NewState = add_slot(Slot, Size, Timer, State),
NewSlot = mk_slot(Slot, State, XMLNS),
NewSlot = mk_slot(Slot, State, XMLNS, Query),
{xmpp:make_iq_result(IQ, NewSlot), NewState};
{ok, PutURL, GetURL} ->
Slot = mk_slot(PutURL, GetURL, XMLNS),
Slot = mk_slot(PutURL, GetURL, XMLNS, <<"">>),
xmpp:make_iq_result(IQ, Slot);
{error, Error} ->
xmpp:make_error(IQ, Error)
@ -646,20 +653,21 @@ del_slot(Slot, #state{slots = Slots} = State) ->
NewSlots = maps:remove(Slot, Slots),
State#state{slots = NewSlots}.
-spec mk_slot(slot(), state(), binary()) -> upload_slot();
(binary(), binary(), binary()) -> upload_slot().
mk_slot(Slot, #state{put_url = PutPrefix, get_url = GetPrefix}, XMLNS) ->
-spec mk_slot(slot(), state(), binary(), binary()) -> upload_slot();
(binary(), binary(), binary(), binary()) -> upload_slot().
mk_slot(Slot, #state{put_url = PutPrefix, get_url = GetPrefix}, XMLNS, Query) ->
PutURL = str:join([PutPrefix | Slot], <<$/>>),
GetURL = str:join([GetPrefix | Slot], <<$/>>),
mk_slot(PutURL, GetURL, XMLNS);
mk_slot(PutURL, GetURL, ?NS_HTTP_UPLOAD_0) ->
#upload_slot_0{get = misc:url_encode(GetURL),
put = misc:url_encode(PutURL),
xmlns = ?NS_HTTP_UPLOAD_0};
mk_slot(PutURL, GetURL, XMLNS) ->
#upload_slot{get = misc:url_encode(GetURL),
put = misc:url_encode(PutURL),
xmlns = XMLNS}.
mk_slot(PutURL, GetURL, XMLNS, Query);
mk_slot(PutURL, GetURL, XMLNS, Query) ->
PutURL1 = <<(misc:url_encode(PutURL))/binary, Query/binary>>,
GetURL1 = misc:url_encode(GetURL),
case XMLNS of
#upload_slot_0{get = GetURL1, put = PutURL1, xmlns = XMLNS};
_ ->
#upload_slot{get = GetURL1, put = PutURL1, xmlns = XMLNS}
-spec make_user_string(jid(), sha1 | node) -> binary().
make_user_string(#jid{luser = U, lserver = S}, sha1) ->
@ -671,6 +679,16 @@ make_user_string(#jid{luser = U}, node) ->
make_file_string(File) ->
-spec make_query_string(slot(), non_neg_integer(), state()) -> binary().
make_query_string(Slot, Size, #state{external_secret = Key}) when Key /= <<>> ->
UrlPath = str:join(Slot, <<$/>>),
SizeStr = integer_to_binary(Size),
Data = <<UrlPath/binary, " ", SizeStr/binary>>,
HMAC = str:to_hexlist(crypto:hmac(sha256, Data, Key)),
<<"?v=", HMAC/binary>>;
make_query_string(_Slot, _Size, _State) ->
-spec replace_special_chars(binary()) -> binary().
replace_special_chars(S) ->
re:replace(S, <<"[^\\p{Xan}_.-]">>, <<$_>>,