mirror of https://github.com/processone/ejabberd.git synced 2024-06-12 21:52:07 +02:00

Compare commits


No commits in common. "73bcabd2faea5c219a47ad3613efdb8233fd6680" and "ce57e02769271be931e65f9e10311863b1688002" have entirely different histories.

9 changed files with 105 additions and 361 deletions

View File

@ -329,11 +329,6 @@ jobs:
sed -i 's|^{deps, \(.*\)|{deps, \1\n {decimal, ".*", {git, "https://github.com/ericmj/decimal", {branch, "main"}}}, |g' rebar.config
cat rebar.config
- name: Unlock Jose dependency on older Erlang
if: matrix.otp < 24
run: |
mix deps.unlock jose
- name: Compile
run: |

.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
# Binaries created with tools/make-{binaries,installers,packages}:

View File

@ -138,8 +138,9 @@ defmodule Ejabberd.MixProject do
{:fast_yaml, "~> 1.0"},
{:idna, "~> 6.0"},
{:jiffy, "~> 1.1.1"},
{:jose, "~> 1.11.5"},
{:mqtree, "~> 1.0"},
{:p1_acme, git: "https://github.com/processone/p1_acme", branch: "master"},
{:p1_acme, "~> 1.0"},
{:p1_oauth2, "~> 0.6"},
{:p1_utils, "~> 1.0"},
{:pkix, "~> 1.0"},
@ -167,10 +168,11 @@ defmodule Ejabberd.MixProject do
{config(:redis), {:eredis, "~> 1.2.0"}},
{config(:sip), {:esip, "~> 1.0"}},
{config(:zlib), {:ezlib, "~> 1.0"}},
{if_version_above(~c"23", true), {:jose, "~> 1.11.10"}},
{if_version_below(~c"24", true), {:jose, "1.11.1"}},
{if_version_below(~c"22", true), {:lager, "~> 3.9.1"}},
{config(:lua), {:luerl, "~> 1.2.0"}},
{config(:lua) and if_version_below(~c"27", true),
{:luerl, "~> 1.1.1"}},
{config(:lua) and if_version_above(~c"26", true),
{:luerl, git: "https://github.com/processone/luerl", branch: "otp27"}},
{config(:mysql), {:p1_mysql, ">= 1.0.23" }},
{config(:pgsql), {:p1_pgsql, "~> 1.1"}},
{config(:sqlite), {:sqlite3, "~> 1.1"}},

View File

@ -8,21 +8,21 @@
"eredis": {:hex, :eredis, "1.2.0", "0b8e9cfc2c00fa1374cd107ea63b49be08d933df2cf175e6a89b73dd9c380de4", [:rebar3], [], "hexpm", "d9b5abef2c2c8aba8f32aa018203e0b3dc8b1157773b254ab1d4c2002317f1e1"},
"erlex": {:hex, :erlex, "0.2.6", "c7987d15e899c7a2f34f5420d2a2ea0d659682c06ac607572df55a43753aa12e", [:mix], [], "hexpm", "2ed2e25711feb44d52b17d2780eabf998452f6efda104877a3881c2f8c0c0c75"},
"esip": {:hex, :esip, "1.0.52", "a2840287c493a4280e6fba57a257706843b025c315875e38b03fd07190e22dba", [:rebar3], [{:fast_tls, "1.1.19", [hex: :fast_tls, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:p1_utils, "1.0.25", [hex: :p1_utils, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:stun, "1.2.12", [hex: :stun, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}], "hexpm", "6f00165395900500aa262ce0297162d93931c78c1464d89fd0edc6e3d6bc011f"},
"ex_doc": {:hex, :ex_doc, "0.32.1", "21e40f939515373bcdc9cffe65f3b3543f05015ac6c3d01d991874129d173420", [:mix], [{:earmark_parser, "~> 1.4.39", [hex: :earmark_parser, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:makeup_c, ">= 0.1.1", [hex: :makeup_c, repo: "hexpm", optional: true]}, {:makeup_elixir, "~> 0.14", [hex: :makeup_elixir, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:makeup_erlang, "~> 0.1", [hex: :makeup_erlang, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}], "hexpm", "5142c9db521f106d61ff33250f779807ed2a88620e472ac95dc7d59c380113da"},
"ex_doc": {:hex, :ex_doc, "0.31.2", "8b06d0a5ac69e1a54df35519c951f1f44a7b7ca9a5bb7a260cd8a174d6322ece", [:mix], [{:earmark_parser, "~> 1.4.39", [hex: :earmark_parser, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:makeup_c, ">= 0.1.1", [hex: :makeup_c, repo: "hexpm", optional: true]}, {:makeup_elixir, "~> 0.14", [hex: :makeup_elixir, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:makeup_erlang, "~> 0.1", [hex: :makeup_erlang, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}], "hexpm", "317346c14febaba9ca40fd97b5b5919f7751fb85d399cc8e7e8872049f37e0af"},
"ezlib": {:hex, :ezlib, "1.0.12", "ffe906ba10d03aaee7977e1e0e81d9ffc3bb8b47fb9cd8e2e453507a2e56221f", [:rebar3], [{:p1_utils, "1.0.25", [hex: :p1_utils, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}], "hexpm", "30e94355fb42260aab6e12582cb0c56bf233515e655c8aeaf48760e7561e4ebb"},
"fast_tls": {:hex, :fast_tls, "1.1.19", "f52731a4b35259fa06cf23e2a0732920ad9efce7c3d68377f129a474998747bb", [:rebar3], [{:p1_utils, "1.0.25", [hex: :p1_utils, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}], "hexpm", "db34322c8782d4c5139ccb80709d8ec8c38089b44262edd0c2f660ac495bd389"},
"fast_xml": {:hex, :fast_xml, "1.1.51", "a7f8c6942591632309099386d5c339c89997ac2bbdd1216f6c196dee6d7828a9", [:rebar3], [{:p1_utils, "1.0.25", [hex: :p1_utils, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}], "hexpm", "7fce41b7d1a4ba438a2d7a088dabe74a3ca0739f1af2abcb77e62daf43e0409a"},
"fast_yaml": {:hex, :fast_yaml, "1.0.36", "65413a34a570fd4e205a460ba602e4ee7a682f35c22d2e1c839025dbf515105c", [:rebar3], [{:p1_utils, "1.0.25", [hex: :p1_utils, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}], "hexpm", "1abe8f758fc2a86b08edff80bbc687cfd41ebc1412cfec0ef4a0acfcd032052f"},
"idna": {:hex, :idna, "6.0.0", "689c46cbcdf3524c44d5f3dde8001f364cd7608a99556d8fbd8239a5798d4c10", [:rebar3], [{:unicode_util_compat, "0.4.1", [hex: :unicode_util_compat, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}], "hexpm", "4bdd305eb64e18b0273864920695cb18d7a2021f31a11b9c5fbcd9a253f936e2"},
"jiffy": {:hex, :jiffy, "1.1.1", "aca10f47aa91697bf24ab9582c74e00e8e95474c7ef9f76d4f1a338d0f5de21b", [:rebar3], [], "hexpm", "62e1f0581c3c19c33a725c781dfa88410d8bff1bbafc3885a2552286b4785c4c"},
"jose": {:hex, :jose, "1.11.10", "a903f5227417bd2a08c8a00a0cbcc458118be84480955e8d251297a425723f83", [:mix, :rebar3], [], "hexpm", "0d6cd36ff8ba174db29148fc112b5842186b68a90ce9fc2b3ec3afe76593e614"},
"luerl": {:hex, :luerl, "1.2.0", "60f05f4240f0e7c148ddb79b67b8ff972734aad237aa74c83d0748b8214c8ef0", [:rebar3], [], "hexpm", "9cafd4f6094ff0f5a9d278fd81d60d3e026c820bdfb6cacd4b1bd909f21b525d"},
"jose": {:hex, :jose, "1.11.5", "3bc2d75ffa5e2c941ca93e5696b54978323191988eb8d225c2e663ddfefd515e", [:mix, :rebar3], [], "hexpm", "dcd3b215bafe02ea7c5b23dafd3eb8062a5cd8f2d904fd9caa323d37034ab384"},
"luerl": {:hex, :luerl, "1.1.1", "083518e437586f6631150d39c4bff242ed2ec80cb14a3299a0c2628f07a2ff7f", [:rebar3], [], "hexpm", "e17ef246a7ff876ec90e68792a39708979416004d4eacfe8a7643206b9470773"},
"makeup": {:hex, :makeup, "1.1.1", "fa0bc768698053b2b3869fa8a62616501ff9d11a562f3ce39580d60860c3a55e", [:mix], [{:nimble_parsec, "~> 1.2.2 or ~> 1.3", [hex: :nimble_parsec, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}], "hexpm", "5dc62fbdd0de44de194898b6710692490be74baa02d9d108bc29f007783b0b48"},
"makeup_elixir": {:hex, :makeup_elixir, "0.16.2", "627e84b8e8bf22e60a2579dad15067c755531fea049ae26ef1020cad58fe9578", [:mix], [{:makeup, "~> 1.0", [hex: :makeup, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:nimble_parsec, "~> 1.2.3 or ~> 1.3", [hex: :nimble_parsec, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}], "hexpm", "41193978704763f6bbe6cc2758b84909e62984c7752b3784bd3c218bb341706b"},
"makeup_erlang": {:hex, :makeup_erlang, "0.1.5", "e0ff5a7c708dda34311f7522a8758e23bfcd7d8d8068dc312b5eb41c6fd76eba", [:mix], [{:makeup, "~> 1.0", [hex: :makeup, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}], "hexpm", "94d2e986428585a21516d7d7149781480013c56e30c6a233534bedf38867a59a"},
"mqtree": {:hex, :mqtree, "1.0.16", "f8f8b4971e4ca94313ba9bcaaa1aa1077daaba5e3fd3468ffb491420a4cc3593", [:rebar3], [{:p1_utils, "1.0.25", [hex: :p1_utils, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}], "hexpm", "c87d1c95575db65af29b795c9daa3bed43f5c1bf84072a74469659bcf53594eb"},
"nimble_parsec": {:hex, :nimble_parsec, "1.4.0", "51f9b613ea62cfa97b25ccc2c1b4216e81df970acd8e16e8d1bdc58fef21370d", [:mix], [], "hexpm", "9c565862810fb383e9838c1dd2d7d2c437b3d13b267414ba6af33e50d2d1cf28"},
"p1_acme": {:git, "https://github.com/processone/p1_acme", "2d049fa25d66f97a08b58ba8e07a751ed60ff9c4", [branch: "master"]},
"p1_acme": {:hex, :p1_acme, "1.0.22", "b40a8031ef0f4592e97e6a8e08e53dbd31a2198cb8377b249f0caea4f8025a1d", [:rebar3], [{:base64url, "1.0.1", [hex: :base64url, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:idna, "6.0.0", [hex: :idna, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:jiffy, "1.1.1", [hex: :jiffy, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:jose, "1.11.5", [hex: :jose, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:yconf, "1.0.15", [hex: :yconf, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}], "hexpm", "c2b25a7b295a435dac4f278a73d8417ff2b0020c45e1683504e8692ef03e2057"},
"p1_mysql": {:hex, :p1_mysql, "1.0.23", "9b4e98f1f01e2cc4a759f611f0f015365e65c5f61ea453aa4bdfe950d20a5f11", [:rebar3], [], "hexpm", "9cef98265fb287374e7b64bf4022c4df5ec66196ca31cf4bed73c67c45bf824e"},
"p1_oauth2": {:hex, :p1_oauth2, "0.6.14", "1c5f82535574de87e2059695ac4b91f8f9aebacbc1c80287dae6f02552d47aea", [:rebar3], [], "hexpm", "1fd3ac474e43722d9d5a87c6df8d36f698ed87af7bb81cbbb66361451d99ae8f"},
"p1_pgsql": {:hex, :p1_pgsql, "1.1.25", "f59b7faa457fadf0c2713ac335202f41ca1b06b7c4926925b3cb0bc6f0578601", [:rebar3], [{:xmpp, "1.8.1", [hex: :xmpp, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}], "hexpm", "b654c1e07d3e775b626b407e7696cacfd88d17be83e7168b9d89c3832d913de7"},

View File

@ -24,54 +24,71 @@
{deps, [{if_not_rebar3,
{if_version_below, "24",
{base64url, "~> 1.0", {git, "https://github.com/dvv/base64url", {tag, "1.0.1"}}}
{base64url, ".*", {git, "https://github.com/dvv/base64url", {tag, "1.0.1"}}}
{cache_tab, "~> 1.0.30", {git, "https://github.com/processone/cache_tab", {tag, "1.0.30"}}},
{eimp, "~> 1.0.22", {git, "https://github.com/processone/eimp", {tag, "1.0.22"}}},
{cache_tab, ".*", {git, "https://github.com/processone/cache_tab", {tag, "1.0.30"}}},
{eimp, ".*", {git, "https://github.com/processone/eimp", {tag, "1.0.22"}}},
{if_var_true, pam,
{epam, "~> 1.0.14", {git, "https://github.com/processone/epam", {tag, "1.0.14"}}}},
{epam, ".*", {git, "https://github.com/processone/epam", {tag, "1.0.14"}}}},
{if_var_true, redis,
{eredis, "~> 1.2.0", {git, "https://github.com/wooga/eredis", {tag, "v1.2.0"}}}},
{eredis, ".*", {git, "https://github.com/wooga/eredis", {tag, "v1.2.0"}}}},
{if_var_true, sip,
{esip, "~> 1.0.52", {git, "https://github.com/processone/esip", {tag, "1.0.52"}}}},
{esip, ".*", {git, "https://github.com/processone/esip", {tag, "1.0.52"}}}},
{if_var_true, zlib,
{ezlib, "~> 1.0.12", {git, "https://github.com/processone/ezlib", {tag, "1.0.12"}}}},
{fast_tls, "~> 1.1.19", {git, "https://github.com/processone/fast_tls", {tag, "1.1.19"}}},
{fast_xml, "~> 1.1.51", {git, "https://github.com/processone/fast_xml", {tag, "1.1.51"}}},
{fast_yaml, "~> 1.0.36", {git, "https://github.com/processone/fast_yaml", {tag, "1.0.36"}}},
{idna, "~> 6.0", {git, "https://github.com/benoitc/erlang-idna", {tag, "6.0.0"}}},
{ezlib, ".*", {git, "https://github.com/processone/ezlib", {tag, "1.0.12"}}}},
{fast_tls, ".*", {git, "https://github.com/processone/fast_tls", {tag, "1.1.19"}}},
{fast_xml, ".*", {git, "https://github.com/processone/fast_xml", {tag, "1.1.51"}}},
{fast_yaml, ".*", {git, "https://github.com/processone/fast_yaml", {tag, "1.0.36"}}},
{idna, ".*", {git, "https://github.com/benoitc/erlang-idna", {tag, "6.0.0"}}},
{if_version_above, "19",
{jiffy, "~> 1.1.1", {git, "https://github.com/davisp/jiffy", {tag, "1.1.1"}}},
{jiffy, "1.1.0", {git, "https://github.com/davisp/jiffy", {tag, "1.1.0"}}} % for R19 and below
{jiffy, ".*", {git, "https://github.com/davisp/jiffy", {tag, "1.1.1"}}},
{jiffy, ".*", {git, "https://github.com/davisp/jiffy", {tag, "1.1.0"}}} % for R19 and below
{if_version_above, "23",
{jose, "~> 1.11.10", {git, "https://github.com/potatosalad/erlang-jose", {tag, "1.11.10"}}},
{jose, "1.11.1", {git, "https://github.com/potatosalad/erlang-jose", {tag, "1.11.1"}}}
{if_version_above, "20",
{jose, ".*", {git, "https://github.com/potatosalad/erlang-jose", {tag, "1.11.5"}}},
{jose, ".*", {git, "https://github.com/potatosalad/erlang-jose", {tag, "1.11.1"}}}
{if_version_below, "22",
{lager, "~> 3.9.1", {git, "https://github.com/erlang-lager/lager", {tag, "3.9.1"}}}
{lager, ".*", {git, "https://github.com/erlang-lager/lager", {tag, "3.9.1"}}}
%% Lua, rebar, OTP 20: 1.0 git tag
{if_var_true, lua,
{if_version_below, "21",
{luerl, "1.0.0", {git, "https://github.com/rvirding/luerl", {tag, "1.0"}}},
{luerl, "~> 1.2.0", {git, "https://github.com/rvirding/luerl", {tag, "1.2"}}}
{if_version_below, "21",
{luerl, ".*", {git, "https://github.com/rvirding/luerl", {tag, "1.0"}}}
%% Lua, rebar3, OTP 20: 1.0.0 hex package
{if_var_true, lua,
{if_version_below, "21",
{luerl, ".*", {git, "https://github.com/rvirding/luerl", {tag, "1.0.0"}}}
%% Lua, any rebar, OTP 21-26: 1.1.1 git tag / 1.1.1 hex package
{if_var_true, lua,
{if_version_above, "20", {if_version_below, "27",
{luerl, ".*", {git, "https://github.com/rvirding/luerl", {tag, "1.1.1"}}}
%% Lua, any rebar, OTP 27: temporary otp27 branch from fork
{if_var_true, lua,
{if_version_above, "26",
{luerl, ".*", {git, "https://github.com/processone/luerl", {branch, "otp27"}}}
{mqtree, "~> 1.0.16", {git, "https://github.com/processone/mqtree", {tag, "1.0.16"}}},
{p1_acme, ".*", {git, "https://github.com/processone/p1_acme", {branch, "master"}}},
{mqtree, ".*", {git, "https://github.com/processone/mqtree", {tag, "1.0.16"}}},
{p1_acme, ".*", {git, "https://github.com/processone/p1_acme", {tag, "1.0.22"}}},
{if_var_true, mysql,
{p1_mysql, ".*", {git, "https://github.com/processone/p1_mysql", {tag, "1.0.23"}}}},
{p1_oauth2, "~> 0.6.14", {git, "https://github.com/processone/p1_oauth2", {tag, "0.6.14"}}},
{p1_oauth2, ".*", {git, "https://github.com/processone/p1_oauth2", {tag, "0.6.14"}}},
{if_var_true, pgsql,
{p1_pgsql, "~> 1.1.15", {git, "https://github.com/processone/p1_pgsql", {tag, "1.1.25"}}}},
{p1_utils, "~> 1.0.25", {git, "https://github.com/processone/p1_utils", {tag, "1.0.25"}}},
{pkix, "~> 1.0.9", {git, "https://github.com/processone/pkix", {tag, "1.0.9"}}},
{p1_pgsql, ".*", {git, "https://github.com/processone/p1_pgsql", {tag, "1.1.25"}}}},
{p1_utils, ".*", {git, "https://github.com/processone/p1_utils", {tag, "1.0.25"}}},
{pkix, ".*", {git, "https://github.com/processone/pkix", {tag, "1.0.9"}}},
{if_var_true, sqlite,
{sqlite3, "~> 1.1.14", {git, "https://github.com/processone/erlang-sqlite3", {tag, "1.1.14"}}}},
{stringprep, "~> 1.0.29", {git, "https://github.com/processone/stringprep", {tag, "1.0.29"}}},
{sqlite3, ".*", {git, "https://github.com/processone/erlang-sqlite3", {tag, "1.1.14"}}}},
{stringprep, ".*", {git, "https://github.com/processone/stringprep", {tag, "1.0.29"}}},
{if_var_true, stun,
{stun, "~> 1.2.12", {git, "https://github.com/processone/stun", {tag, "1.2.12"}}}},
{xmpp, "~> 1.8.1", {git, "https://github.com/processone/xmpp", {tag, "1.8.1"}}},
{yconf, "~> 1.0.15", {git, "https://github.com/processone/yconf", {tag, "1.0.15"}}}
{stun, ".*", {git, "https://github.com/processone/stun", {tag, "1.2.12"}}}},
{xmpp, ".*", {git, "https://github.com/processone/xmpp", {tag, "1.8.1"}}},
{yconf, ".*", {git, "https://github.com/processone/yconf", {tag, "1.0.15"}}}
{gitonly_deps, [ejabberd_po]}.

View File

@ -219,35 +219,20 @@ AppendList2 = fun(Append) ->
% Convert our rich deps syntax to rebar2 format:
% https://github.com/rebar/rebar/wiki/Dependency-management
Rebar2DepsFilter =
fun(DepsList, GitOnlyDeps) ->
lists:map(fun({DepName, _HexVersion, Source}) ->
{DepName, ".*", Source}
end, DepsList)
% Convert our rich deps syntax to rebar3 version definition format:
% https://rebar3.org/docs/configuration/dependencies/#dependency-version-handling
% https://hexdocs.pm/elixir/Version.html
Rebar3DepsFilter =
fun(DepsList, GitOnlyDeps) ->
lists:map(fun({DepName, HexVersion, {git, _, {tag, GitVersion}} = Source}) ->
case {lists:member(DepName, GitOnlyDeps), HexVersion == ".*"} of
{true, _} ->
{DepName, ".*", Source};
{false, true} ->
{DepName, GitVersion};
{false, false} ->
{DepName, HexVersion}
lists:map(fun({DepName, _, {git, _, {tag, Version}}} = Dep) ->
case lists:member(DepName, GitOnlyDeps) of
true ->
_ ->
{DepName, Version}
({DepName, _HexVersion, Source}) ->
{DepName, ".*", Source}
(Dep) ->
end, DepsList)
DepAlts = fun("esip") -> ["esip", "p1_sip"];
("xmpp") -> ["xmpp", "p1_xmpp"];
("fast_xml") -> ["fast_xml", "p1_xml"];
@ -438,8 +423,6 @@ Rules = [
ProcessRelx, [], []},
{[deps], [floating_deps], true,
ProcessFloatingDeps, [], []},
{[deps], [gitonly_deps], (not IsRebar3),
Rebar2DepsFilter, [], []},
{[deps], [gitonly_deps], IsRebar3,
Rebar3DepsFilter, [], []},
{[deps], SystemDeps /= false,

View File

@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
{<<"base64url">>, <<"F8C7F2DA04CA9A5D0F5F50258F055E1D699F0E8BF4CFDB30B750865368403CF6">>},
{<<"cache_tab">>, <<"6D35EECFB65FBE5FC85988503A27338D32DE01243F3FC8EA3EE7161AF08725A4">>},
{<<"eimp">>, <<"FA9B376EF0B50E8455DB15C7C11DEA4522C6902E04412288AAB436D26335F6EB">>},
{<<"epam">>, <<"AA0B85D27F4EF3A756AE995179DF952A0721237E83C6B79D644347B75016681A">>},
{<<"eredis">>, <<"0B8E9CFC2C00FA1374CD107EA63B49BE08D933DF2CF175E6A89B73DD9C380DE4">>},
{<<"esip">>, <<"A2840287C493A4280E6FBA57A257706843B025C315875E38B03FD07190E22DBA">>},
{<<"ezlib">>, <<"FFE906BA10D03AAEE7977E1E0E81D9FFC3BB8B47FB9CD8E2E453507A2E56221F">>},
{<<"fast_tls">>, <<"F52731A4B35259FA06CF23E2A0732920AD9EFCE7C3D68377F129A474998747BB">>},
{<<"fast_xml">>, <<"A7F8C6942591632309099386D5C339C89997AC2BBDD1216F6C196DEE6D7828A9">>},
{<<"fast_yaml">>, <<"65413A34A570FD4E205A460BA602E4EE7A682F35C22D2E1C839025DBF515105C">>},
{<<"idna">>, <<"8A63070E9F7D0C62EB9D9FCB360A7DE382448200FBBD1B106CC96D3D8099DF8D">>},
{<<"jiffy">>, <<"ACA10F47AA91697BF24AB9582C74E00E8E95474C7EF9F76D4F1A338D0F5DE21B">>},
{<<"jose">>, <<"A903F5227417BD2A08C8A00A0CBCC458118BE84480955E8D251297A425723F83">>},
{<<"luerl">>, <<"60F05F4240F0E7C148DDB79B67B8FF972734AAD237AA74C83D0748B8214C8EF0">>},
{<<"mqtree">>, <<"F8F8B4971E4CA94313BA9BCAAA1AA1077DAABA5E3FD3468FFB491420A4CC3593">>},
{<<"p1_mysql">>, <<"9B4E98F1F01E2CC4A759F611F0F015365E65C5F61EA453AA4BDFE950D20A5F11">>},
{<<"p1_oauth2">>, <<"1C5F82535574DE87E2059695AC4B91F8F9AEBACBC1C80287DAE6F02552D47AEA">>},
{<<"p1_pgsql">>, <<"F59B7FAA457FADF0C2713AC335202F41CA1B06B7C4926925B3CB0BC6F0578601">>},
{<<"p1_utils">>, <<"2D39B5015A567BBD2CC7033EEB93A7C60D8C84EFE1EF69A3473FAA07FA268187">>},
{<<"pkix">>, <<"EB20B2715D71A23B4FE7E754DAE9281A964B51113D0BBA8ADF9DA72BF9D65AC2">>},
{<<"sqlite3">>, <<"F9EA0CFF8540865FDFDB7E24EEF34DC46677364B1C070896E99B5BF08C8A7FD7">>},
{<<"stringprep">>, <<"02F23E8C3A219A3DFE40A22E908BECE3A2F68AF0FF599EA8A7B714ECB21E62EE">>},
{<<"stun">>, <<"A65DF67A8AAAECB6A94D687977B2E9F161820819910CB97BBE26A3525356525B">>},
{<<"unicode_util_compat">>, <<"BC84380C9AB48177092F43AC89E4DFA2C6D62B40B8BD132B1059ECC7232F9A78">>},
{<<"xmpp">>, <<"134A350DBC6E2E99512FB38669191C1D1C134B3B6836F4C6740801882AFA650A">>},
{<<"yconf">>, <<"E22998B3D7728270BDD06162A9515BD142B14FAE8927CBDBD3EF639C32AA6F7A">>}]},
{<<"base64url">>, <<"F9B3ADD4731A02A9B0410398B475B33E7566A695365237A6BDEE1BB447719F5C">>},
{<<"cache_tab">>, <<"6D8A5E00D8F84C42627706A6DBEDB02E34D58495F3ED61935C8475CA0531CDA0">>},
{<<"eimp">>, <<"B3B9FFB1D9A5F4A2BA88AC418A819164932D9A9D3A2FC3D32CA338CE855C4392">>},
{<<"epam">>, <<"2F3449E72885A72A6C2A843F561ADD0FC2F70D7A21F61456930A547473D4D989">>},
{<<"eredis">>, <<"D9B5ABEF2C2C8ABA8F32AA018203E0B3DC8B1157773B254AB1D4C2002317F1E1">>},
{<<"esip">>, <<"6F00165395900500AA262CE0297162D93931C78C1464D89FD0EDC6E3D6BC011F">>},
{<<"ezlib">>, <<"30E94355FB42260AAB6E12582CB0C56BF233515E655C8AEAF48760E7561E4EBB">>},
{<<"fast_tls">>, <<"DB34322C8782D4C5139CCB80709D8EC8C38089B44262EDD0C2F660AC495BD389">>},
{<<"fast_xml">>, <<"7FCE41B7D1A4BA438A2D7A088DABE74A3CA0739F1AF2ABCB77E62DAF43E0409A">>},
{<<"fast_yaml">>, <<"1ABE8F758FC2A86B08EDFF80BBC687CFD41EBC1412CFEC0EF4A0ACFCD032052F">>},
{<<"idna">>, <<"92376EB7894412ED19AC475E4A86F7B413C1B9FBB5BD16DCCD57934157944CEA">>},
{<<"jiffy">>, <<"62E1F0581C3C19C33A725C781DFA88410D8BFF1BBAFC3885A2552286B4785C4C">>},
{<<"jose">>, <<"0D6CD36FF8BA174DB29148FC112B5842186B68A90CE9FC2B3EC3AFE76593E614">>},
{<<"luerl">>, <<"9CAFD4F6094FF0F5A9D278FD81D60D3E026C820BDFB6CACD4B1BD909F21B525D">>},
{<<"mqtree">>, <<"C87D1C95575DB65AF29B795C9DAA3BED43F5C1BF84072A74469659BCF53594EB">>},
{<<"p1_mysql">>, <<"9CEF98265FB287374E7B64BF4022C4DF5EC66196CA31CF4BED73C67C45BF824E">>},
{<<"p1_oauth2">>, <<"1FD3AC474E43722D9D5A87C6DF8D36F698ED87AF7BB81CBBB66361451D99AE8F">>},
{<<"p1_pgsql">>, <<"B654C1E07D3E775B626B407E7696CACFD88D17BE83E7168B9D89C3832D913DE7">>},
{<<"p1_utils">>, <<"9219214428F2C6E5D3187FF8EB9A8783695C2427420BE9A259840E07ADA32847">>},
{<<"pkix">>, <<"DAAB2C09CDD4EDA05C9B45A5C00E994A1A5F27634929E1377E2E59B707103E3A">>},
{<<"sqlite3">>, <<"85054B6CA297343C159ED6794A473FF2C8EEABD854B6FE02F711C0BFD373CE86">>},
{<<"stringprep">>, <<"928EBA304C3006EB1512110EBD7B87DB163B00859A09375A1E4466152C6C462A">>},
{<<"stun">>, <<"A2055032B6D338D0454142004BCB12FAFB0C64AB1F273F1D0C6923EBBC8EDE40">>},
{<<"unicode_util_compat">>, <<"25EEE6D67DF61960CF6A794239566599B09E17E668D3700247BC498638152521">>},
{<<"xmpp">>, <<"32D4A308A6613E4E4155FA4E82ECCDC8833096D0FA8D99C8D428C800611E59D3">>},
{<<"yconf">>, <<"7FF2AB24D3C9833842716B9AAAA01A8F96641A7695CBB701B03445C4DEF01117">>}]}

View File

@ -49,8 +49,7 @@
% Accounts
set_password/3, check_password_hash/4, delete_old_users/1,
delete_old_users_vhost/2, check_password/3,
ban_account/3, ban_account_v2/3, get_ban_details/2, unban_account/2,
delete_old_users_vhost/2, ban_account/3, check_password/3,
% vCard
set_nickname/3, get_vcard/3,
@ -86,7 +85,6 @@
@ -238,10 +236,8 @@ get_commands_spec() ->
"New password for user"],
result = {res, rescode},
result_example = ok},
#ejabberd_commands{name = ban_account, tags = [accounts],
desc = "Ban an account: kick sessions and set random password",
longdesc = "This simply sets a random password.",
module = ?MODULE, function = ban_account,
args = [{user, binary}, {host, binary}, {reason, binary}],
args_example = [<<"attacker">>, <<"myserver.com">>, <<"Spaming other users">>],
@ -249,53 +245,6 @@ get_commands_spec() ->
"Reason for banning user"],
result = {res, rescode},
result_example = ok},
#ejabberd_commands{name = ban_account, tags = [accounts],
desc = "Ban an account",
longdesc = "This command kicks the account sessions, "
"sets a random password, and stores ban details in the "
"account private storage. "
"This command requires mod_private to be enabled. "
"Check also _`get_ban_details`_ API "
"and `_unban_account`_ API.",
module = ?MODULE, function = ban_account_v2,
version = 2,
note = "improved in 24.xx",
args = [{user, binary}, {host, binary}, {reason, binary}],
args_example = [<<"attacker">>, <<"myserver.com">>, <<"Spaming other users">>],
args_desc = ["User name to ban", "Server name",
"Reason for banning user"],
result = {res, rescode},
result_example = ok},
#ejabberd_commands{name = get_ban_details, tags = [accounts],
desc = "Get ban details about an account",
longdesc = "Check _`ban_account`_ API.",
module = ?MODULE, function = get_ban_details,
version = 2,
note = "added in 24.xx",
args = [{user, binary}, {host, binary}],
args_example = [<<"attacker">>, <<"myserver.com">>],
args_desc = ["User name to unban", "Server name"],
result = {ban_details, {list,
{detail, {tuple, [{name, string},
{value, string}
result_example = [{"reason", "Spamming other users"},
{"bandate", "2024-04-22T09:16:47.975312Z"},
{"lastdate", "2024-04-22T08:39:12Z"},
{"lastreason", "Connection reset by peer"}]},
#ejabberd_commands{name = unban_account, tags = [accounts],
desc = "Revert the ban from an account: set back the old password",
longdesc = "Check _`ban_account`_ API.",
module = ?MODULE, function = unban_account,
version = 2,
note = "added in 24.xx",
args = [{user, binary}, {host, binary}],
args_example = [<<"gooduser">>, <<"myserver.com">>],
args_desc = ["User name to unban", "Server name"],
result = {res, rescode},
result_example = ok},
#ejabberd_commands{name = num_resources, tags = [session],
desc = "Get the number of resources of a user",
module = ?MODULE, function = num_resources,
@ -956,7 +905,7 @@ set_password(User, Host, Password) ->
check_password(User, Host, Password) ->
ejabberd_auth:check_password(User, <<>>, Host, Password).
%% Copied some code from ejabberd_commands.erln
%% Copied some code from ejabberd_commands.erl
check_password_hash(User, Host, PasswordHash, HashMethod) ->
AccountPass = ejabberd_auth:get_password_s(User, Host),
Methods = lists:map(fun(A) -> atom_to_binary(A, latin1) end,
@ -1029,7 +978,7 @@ delete_or_not(LUser, LServer, TimeStamp_oldest) ->
%% Ban account v0
%% Ban account
ban_account(User, Host, ReasonText) ->
Reason = prepare_reason(ReasonText),
@ -1065,119 +1014,6 @@ prepare_reason([Reason]) ->
prepare_reason(Reason) when is_binary(Reason) ->
%% Ban account v2
ban_account_v2(User, Host, ReasonText) ->
case is_banned(User, Host) of
true ->
false ->
ban_account_v2_b(User, Host, ReasonText)
ban_account_v2_b(User, Host, ReasonText) ->
Reason = prepare_reason(ReasonText),
Pass = ejabberd_auth:get_password_s(User, Host),
Last = get_last(User, Host),
BanDate = xmpp_util:encode_timestamp(erlang:timestamp()),
BanPrivateXml = build_ban_xmlel(Reason, Pass, Last, BanDate),
ok = private_set2(User, Host, BanPrivateXml),
ok = set_random_password_v2(User, Host),
kick_sessions(User, Host, Reason),
set_random_password_v2(User, Server) ->
NewPass = p1_rand:get_string(),
ok = ejabberd_auth:set_password(User, Server, NewPass).
build_ban_xmlel(Reason, Pass, {LastDate, LastReason}, BanDate) ->
PassEls = build_pass_els(Pass),
#xmlel{name = <<"banned">>,
attrs = [{<<"xmlns">>, <<"ejabberd:banned">>}],
children = [#xmlel{name = <<"reason">>, attrs = [], children = [{xmlcdata, Reason}]},
#xmlel{name = <<"password">>, attrs = [], children = PassEls},
#xmlel{name = <<"lastdate">>, attrs = [], children = [{xmlcdata, LastDate}]},
#xmlel{name = <<"lastreason">>, attrs = [], children = [{xmlcdata, LastReason}]},
#xmlel{name = <<"bandate">>, attrs = [], children = [{xmlcdata, BanDate}]}
build_pass_els(Pass) when is_binary(Pass) ->
[{xmlcdata, Pass}];
build_pass_els(#scram{storedkey = StoredKey,
serverkey = ServerKey,
salt = Salt,
hash = Hash,
iterationcount = IterationCount}) ->
[#xmlel{name = <<"storedkey">>, attrs = [], children = [{xmlcdata, StoredKey}]},
#xmlel{name = <<"serverkey">>, attrs = [], children = [{xmlcdata, ServerKey}]},
#xmlel{name = <<"salt">>, attrs = [], children = [{xmlcdata, Salt}]},
#xmlel{name = <<"hash">>, attrs = [], children = [{xmlcdata, misc:atom_to_binary(Hash)}]},
#xmlel{name = <<"iterationcount">>, attrs = [], children = [{xmlcdata, integer_to_binary(IterationCount)}]}
%% Get ban details
get_ban_details(User, Host) ->
[El] = private_get2(User, Host, <<"banned">>, <<"ejabberd:banned">>),
Reason = fxml:get_subtag_cdata(El, <<"reason">>),
LastDate = fxml:get_subtag_cdata(El, <<"lastdate">>),
LastReason = fxml:get_subtag_cdata(El, <<"lastreason">>),
BanDate = fxml:get_subtag_cdata(El, <<"bandate">>),
[{"reason", Reason},
{"bandate", BanDate},
{"lastdate", LastDate},
{"lastreason", LastReason}
is_banned(User, Host) ->
case lists:keyfind("bandate", 1, get_ban_details(User, Host)) of
{_, BanDate} when BanDate /= <<>> ->
_ ->
%% Unban account
unban_account(User, Host) ->
case is_banned(User, Host) of
false ->
true ->
unban_account2(User, Host)
unban_account2(User, Host) ->
OldPass = get_oldpass(User, Host),
ok = ejabberd_auth:set_password(User, Host, OldPass),
UnBanPrivateXml = build_unban_xmlel(),
private_set2(User, Host, UnBanPrivateXml).
get_oldpass(User, Host) ->
[El] = private_get2(User, Host, <<"banned">>, <<"ejabberd:banned">>),
Pass = fxml:get_subtag(El, <<"password">>),
get_pass(#xmlel{children = [{xmlcdata, Pass}]}) ->
get_pass(#xmlel{children = ScramEls} = Pass) when is_list(ScramEls) ->
StoredKey = fxml:get_subtag_cdata(Pass, <<"storedkey">>),
ServerKey = fxml:get_subtag_cdata(Pass, <<"serverkey">>),
Salt = fxml:get_subtag_cdata(Pass, <<"salt">>),
Hash = fxml:get_subtag_cdata(Pass, <<"hash">>),
IterationCount = fxml:get_subtag_cdata(Pass, <<"iterationcount">>),
#scram{storedkey = StoredKey,
serverkey = ServerKey,
salt = Salt,
hash = binary_to_existing_atom(Hash, latin1),
iterationcount = binary_to_integer(IterationCount)}.
build_unban_xmlel() ->
#xmlel{name = <<"banned">>, attrs = [{<<"xmlns">>, <<"ejabberd:banned">>}]}.
%%% Sessions
@ -1679,13 +1515,10 @@ set_last(User, Server, Timestamp, Status) ->
%% <aa xmlns='bb'>Cluth</aa>
private_get(Username, Host, Element, Ns) ->
Els = private_get2(Username, Host, Element, Ns),
binary_to_list(fxml:element_to_binary(xmpp:encode(#private{sub_els = Els}))).
private_get2(Username, Host, Element, Ns) ->
ElementXml = #xmlel{name = Element, attrs = [{<<"xmlns">>, Ns}]},
mod_private:get_data(jid:nodeprep(Username), jid:nameprep(Host),
[{Ns, ElementXml}]).
Els = mod_private:get_data(jid:nodeprep(Username), jid:nameprep(Host),
[{Ns, ElementXml}]),
binary_to_list(fxml:element_to_binary(xmpp:encode(#private{sub_els = Els}))).
private_set(Username, Host, ElementString) ->
case fxml_stream:parse_element(ElementString) of

View File

@ -98,9 +98,9 @@ get_commands_spec() ->
policy = admin,
module = ?MODULE, function = muc_online_rooms,
args_desc = ["MUC service, or `global` for all"],
args_example = ["conference.example.com"],
args_example = ["muc.example.com"],
result_desc = "List of rooms",
result_example = ["room1@conference.example.com", "room2@conference.example.com"],
result_example = ["room1@muc.example.com", "room2@muc.example.com"],
args = [{service, binary}],
args_rename = [{host, service}],
result = {rooms, {list, {room, string}}}},
@ -110,11 +110,11 @@ get_commands_spec() ->
policy = admin,
module = ?MODULE, function = muc_online_rooms_by_regex,
args_desc = ["MUC service, or `global` for all",
"Regex pattern for room name"],
args_example = ["conference.example.com", "^prefix"],
"Regex pattern for room name"],
args_example = ["muc.example.com", "^prefix"],
result_desc = "List of rooms with summary",
result_example = [{"room1@conference.example.com", "true", 10},
{"room2@conference.example.com", "false", 10}],
result_example = [{"room1@muc.example.com", "true", 10},
{"room2@muc.example.com", "false", 10}],
args = [{service, binary}, {regex, binary}],
args_rename = [{host, service}],
result = {rooms, {list, {room, {tuple,
@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ get_commands_spec() ->
desc = "Register a nick to a User JID in a MUC service",
module = ?MODULE, function = muc_register_nick,
args_desc = ["Nick", "User JID", "Service"],
args_example = [<<"Tim">>, <<"tim@example.org">>, <<"conference.example.org">>],
args_example = [<<"Tim">>, <<"tim@example.org">>, <<"muc.example.org">>],
args = [{nick, binary}, {jid, binary}, {service, binary}],
args_rename = [{host, service}],
result = {res, rescode}},
@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ get_commands_spec() ->
desc = "Unregister the nick registered by that account in the MUC service",
module = ?MODULE, function = muc_unregister_nick,
args_desc = ["User JID", "MUC service"],
args_example = [<<"tim@example.org">>, <<"conference.example.org">>],
args_example = [<<"tim@example.org">>, <<"muc.example.org">>],
args = [{jid, binary}, {service, binary}],
args_rename = [{host, service}],
result = {res, rescode}},
@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ get_commands_spec() ->
desc = "Create a MUC room name@service in host",
module = ?MODULE, function = create_room,
args_desc = ["Room name", "MUC service", "Server host"],
args_example = ["room1", "conference.example.com", "example.com"],
args_example = ["room1", "muc.example.com", "example.com"],
args = [{name, binary}, {service, binary},
{host, binary}],
result = {res, rescode}},
@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ get_commands_spec() ->
desc = "Destroy a MUC room",
module = ?MODULE, function = destroy_room,
args_desc = ["Room name", "MUC service"],
args_example = ["room1", "conference.example.com"],
args_example = ["room1", "muc.example.com"],
args = [{name, binary}, {service, binary}],
result = {res, rescode}},
#ejabberd_commands{name = create_rooms_file, tags = [muc],
@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ get_commands_spec() ->
"The syntax of `subscribers` is: `JID:Nick:Node:Node2:Node3,JID:Nick:Node`.",
module = ?MODULE, function = create_room_with_opts,
args_desc = ["Room name", "MUC service", "Server host", "List of options"],
args_example = ["room1", "conference.example.com", "localhost",
args_example = ["room1", "muc.example.com", "localhost",
{"affiliations", "owner:bob@example.com,member:peter@example.com"},
{"subscribers", "bob@example.com:Bob:messages:subject,anne@example.com:Anne:messages"}]],
@ -197,9 +197,9 @@ get_commands_spec() ->
" The MUC service argument can be `global` to get all hosts.",
module = ?MODULE, function = rooms_unused_list,
args_desc = ["MUC service, or `global` for all", "Number of days"],
args_example = ["conference.example.com", 31],
args_example = ["muc.example.com", 31],
result_desc = "List of unused rooms",
result_example = ["room1@conference.example.com", "room2@conference.example.com"],
result_example = ["room1@muc.example.com", "room2@muc.example.com"],
args = [{service, binary}, {days, integer}],
args_rename = [{host, service}],
result = {rooms, {list, {room, string}}}},
@ -210,9 +210,9 @@ get_commands_spec() ->
" The MUC service argument can be `global` to get all hosts.",
module = ?MODULE, function = rooms_unused_destroy,
args_desc = ["MUC service, or `global` for all", "Number of days"],
args_example = ["conference.example.com", 31],
args_example = ["muc.example.com", 31],
result_desc = "List of unused rooms that has been destroyed",
result_example = ["room1@conference.example.com", "room2@conference.example.com"],
result_example = ["room1@muc.example.com", "room2@muc.example.com"],
args = [{service, binary}, {days, integer}],
args_rename = [{host, service}],
result = {rooms, {list, {room, string}}}},
@ -222,9 +222,9 @@ get_commands_spec() ->
longdesc = "The MUC service argument can be `global` to get all hosts.",
module = ?MODULE, function = rooms_empty_list,
args_desc = ["MUC service, or `global` for all"],
args_example = ["conference.example.com"],
args_example = ["muc.example.com"],
result_desc = "List of empty rooms",
result_example = ["room1@conference.example.com", "room2@conference.example.com"],
result_example = ["room1@muc.example.com", "room2@muc.example.com"],
args = [{service, binary}],
args_rename = [{host, service}],
result = {rooms, {list, {room, string}}}},
@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ get_commands_spec() ->
longdesc = "The MUC service argument can be `global` to get all hosts.",
module = ?MODULE, function = rooms_empty_destroy,
args_desc = ["MUC service, or `global` for all"],
args_example = ["conference.example.com"],
args_example = ["muc.example.com"],
result_desc = "List of empty rooms that have been destroyed",
result_example = ["room1@conference.example.com", "room2@conference.example.com"],
result_example = ["room1@muc.example.com", "room2@muc.example.com"],
args = [{service, binary}],
args_rename = [{host, service}],
result = {rooms, {list, {room, string}}}},
@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ get_commands_spec() ->
module = ?MODULE, function = get_user_rooms,
args_desc = ["Username", "Server host"],
args_example = ["tom", "example.com"],
result_example = ["room1@conference.example.com", "room2@conference.example.com"],
result_example = ["room1@muc.example.com", "room2@muc.example.com"],
args = [{user, binary}, {host, binary}],
result = {rooms, {list, {room, string}}}},
#ejabberd_commands{name = get_user_subscriptions, tags = [muc, muc_sub],
@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ get_commands_spec() ->
module = ?MODULE, function = get_user_subscriptions,
args_desc = ["Username", "Server host"],
args_example = ["tom", "example.com"],
result_example = [{"room1@conference.example.com", "Tommy", ["mucsub:config"]}],
result_example = [{"room1@muc.example.com", "Tommy", ["mucsub:config"]}],
args = [{user, binary}, {host, binary}],
result = {rooms,
@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ get_commands_spec() ->
desc = "Get the list of occupants of a MUC room",
module = ?MODULE, function = get_room_occupants,
args_desc = ["Room name", "MUC service"],
args_example = ["room1", "conference.example.com"],
args_example = ["room1", "muc.example.com"],
result_desc = "The list of occupants with JID, nick and affiliation",
result_example = [{"user1@example.com/psi", "User 1", "owner"}],
args = [{name, binary}, {service, binary}],
@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ get_commands_spec() ->
desc = "Get the number of occupants of a MUC room",
module = ?MODULE, function = get_room_occupants_number,
args_desc = ["Room name", "MUC service"],
args_example = ["room1", "conference.example.com"],
args_example = ["room1", "muc.example.com"],
result_desc = "Number of room occupants",
result_example = 7,
args = [{name, binary}, {service, binary}],
@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ get_commands_spec() ->
module = ?MODULE, function = send_direct_invitation,
args_desc = ["Room name", "MUC service", "Password, or `none`",
"Reason text, or `none`", "Users JIDs separated with `:` characters"],
args_example = [<<"room1">>, <<"conference.example.com">>,
args_example = [<<"room1">>, <<"muc.example.com">>,
<<>>, <<"Check this out!">>,
args = [{name, binary}, {service, binary}, {password, binary},
@ -319,7 +319,7 @@ get_commands_spec() ->
note = "updated in 24.02",
args_desc = ["Room name", "MUC service", "Password, or `none`",
"Reason text, or `none`", "List of users JIDs"],
args_example = [<<"room1">>, <<"conference.example.com">>,
args_example = [<<"room1">>, <<"muc.example.com">>,
<<>>, <<"Check this out!">>,
["user2@localhost", "user3@example.com"]],
args = [{name, binary}, {service, binary}, {password, binary},
@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ get_commands_spec() ->
desc = "Change an option in a MUC room",
module = ?MODULE, function = change_room_option,
args_desc = ["Room name", "MUC service", "Option name", "Value to assign"],
args_example = ["room1", "conference.example.com", "members_only", "true"],
args_example = ["room1", "muc.example.com", "members_only", "true"],
args = [{name, binary}, {service, binary},
{option, binary}, {value, binary}],
result = {res, rescode}},
@ -338,7 +338,7 @@ get_commands_spec() ->
desc = "Get options from a MUC room",
module = ?MODULE, function = get_room_options,
args_desc = ["Room name", "MUC service"],
args_example = ["room1", "conference.example.com"],
args_example = ["room1", "muc.example.com"],
result_desc = "List of room options tuples with name and value",
result_example = [{"members_only", "true"}],
args = [{name, binary}, {service, binary}],
@ -434,7 +434,7 @@ get_commands_spec() ->
desc = "List subscribers of a MUC conference",
module = ?MODULE, function = get_subscribers,
args_desc = ["Room name", "MUC service"],
args_example = ["room1", "conference.example.com"],
args_example = ["room1", "muc.example.com"],
result_desc = "The list of users that are subscribed to that room",
result_example = ["user2@example.com", "user3@example.com"],
args = [{name, binary}, {service, binary}],
@ -443,7 +443,7 @@ get_commands_spec() ->
desc = "Change an affiliation in a MUC room",
module = ?MODULE, function = set_room_affiliation,
args_desc = ["Room name", "MUC service", "User JID", "Affiliation to set"],
args_example = ["room1", "conference.example.com", "user2@example.com", "member"],
args_example = ["room1", "muc.example.com", "user2@example.com", "member"],
args = [{name, binary}, {service, binary},
{jid, binary}, {affiliation, binary}],
result = {res, rescode}},
@ -451,7 +451,7 @@ get_commands_spec() ->
desc = "Get the list of affiliations of a MUC room",
module = ?MODULE, function = get_room_affiliations,
args_desc = ["Room name", "MUC service"],
args_example = ["room1", "conference.example.com"],
args_example = ["room1", "muc.example.com"],
result_desc = "The list of affiliations with username, domain, affiliation and reason",
result_example = [{"user1", "example.com", member, "member"}],
args = [{name, binary}, {service, binary}],
@ -467,7 +467,7 @@ get_commands_spec() ->
desc = "Get affiliation of a user in MUC room",
module = ?MODULE, function = get_room_affiliation,
args_desc = ["Room name", "MUC service", "User JID"],
args_example = ["room1", "conference.example.com", "user1@example.com"],
args_example = ["room1", "muc.example.com", "user1@example.com"],
result_desc = "Affiliation of the user",
result_example = member,
args = [{name, binary}, {service, binary}, {jid, binary}],
@ -477,7 +477,7 @@ get_commands_spec() ->
note = "added in 23.04",
module = ?MODULE, function = get_room_history,
args_desc = ["Room name", "MUC service"],
args_example = ["room1", "conference.example.com"],
args_example = ["room1", "muc.example.com"],
args = [{name, binary}, {service, binary}],
result = {history, {list,
{entry, {tuple,