%%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% File : nodetree_tree.erl %%% Author : Christophe Romain %%% Purpose : Standard node tree plugin %%% Created : 1 Dec 2007 by Christophe Romain %%% %%% %%% ejabberd, Copyright (C) 2002-2024 ProcessOne %%% %%% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or %%% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as %%% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the %%% License, or (at your option) any later version. %%% %%% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, %%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of %%% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU %%% General Public License for more details. %%% %%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along %%% with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., %%% 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. %%% %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% @doc The module {@module} is the default PubSub node tree plugin. %%%

It is used as a default for all unknown PubSub node type. It can serve %%% as a developer basis and reference to build its own custom pubsub node tree %%% types.


PubSub node tree plugins are using the {@link gen_nodetree} behaviour.


The API isn't stabilized yet. The pubsub plugin %%% development is still a work in progress. However, the system is already %%% usable and useful as is. Please, send us comments, feedback and %%% improvements.

-module(nodetree_tree). -behaviour(gen_pubsub_nodetree). -author('christophe.romain@process-one.net'). -include_lib("stdlib/include/qlc.hrl"). -include_lib("stdlib/include/ms_transform.hrl"). -include("pubsub.hrl"). -include_lib("xmpp/include/xmpp.hrl"). -include("translate.hrl"). -export([init/3, terminate/2, options/0, set_node/1, get_node/3, get_node/2, get_node/1, get_nodes/2, get_nodes/1, get_all_nodes/1, get_parentnodes/3, get_parentnodes_tree/3, get_subnodes/3, get_subnodes_tree/3, create_node/6, delete_node/2]). init(_Host, _ServerHost, _Options) -> ejabberd_mnesia:create(?MODULE, pubsub_node, [{disc_copies, [node()]}, {attributes, record_info(fields, pubsub_node)}, {index, [id]}]), %% mnesia:transform_table(pubsub_state, ignore, StatesFields) ok. terminate(_Host, _ServerHost) -> ok. options() -> [{virtual_tree, false}]. set_node(Node) when is_record(Node, pubsub_node) -> mnesia:write(Node). get_node(Host, Node, _From) -> get_node(Host, Node). get_node(Host, Node) -> case mnesia:read({pubsub_node, {Host, Node}}) of [#pubsub_node{} = Record] -> fixup_node(Record); _ -> {error, xmpp:err_item_not_found(?T("Node not found"), ejabberd_option:language())} end. get_node(Nidx) -> case mnesia:index_read(pubsub_node, Nidx, #pubsub_node.id) of [#pubsub_node{} = Record] -> fixup_node(Record); _ -> {error, xmpp:err_item_not_found(?T("Node not found"), ejabberd_option:language())} end. get_nodes(Host) -> get_nodes(Host, infinity). get_nodes(Host, infinity) -> Nodes = mnesia:match_object(#pubsub_node{nodeid = {Host, '_'}, _ = '_'}), [fixup_node(N) || N <- Nodes]; get_nodes(Host, Limit) -> case mnesia:select( pubsub_node, ets:fun2ms( fun(#pubsub_node{nodeid = {H, _}} = Node) when H == Host -> Node end), Limit, read) of '$end_of_table' -> []; {Nodes, _} -> [fixup_node(N) || N <- Nodes] end. get_all_nodes({_U, _S, _R} = Owner) -> Host = jid:tolower(jid:remove_resource(Owner)), Nodes = mnesia:match_object(#pubsub_node{nodeid = {Host, '_'}, _ = '_'}), [fixup_node(N) || N <- Nodes]; get_all_nodes(Host) -> Nodes = mnesia:match_object(#pubsub_node{nodeid = {Host, '_'}, _ = '_'}) ++ mnesia:match_object(#pubsub_node{nodeid = {{'_', Host, '_'}, '_'}, _ = '_'}), [fixup_node(N) || N <- Nodes]. get_parentnodes(Host, Node, _From) -> case catch mnesia:read({pubsub_node, {Host, Node}}) of [Record] when is_record(Record, pubsub_node) -> Record#pubsub_node.parents; _ -> [] end. get_parentnodes_tree(Host, Node, _From) -> get_parentnodes_tree(Host, Node, 0, []). get_parentnodes_tree(Host, Node, Level, Acc) -> case catch mnesia:read({pubsub_node, {Host, Node}}) of [#pubsub_node{} = Record0] -> Record = fixup_node(Record0), Tree = [{Level, [Record]}|Acc], case Record#pubsub_node.parents of [Parent] -> get_parentnodes_tree(Host, Parent, Level+1, Tree); _ -> Tree end; _ -> Acc end. get_subnodes(Host, <<>>, infinity) -> Nodes = mnesia:match_object(#pubsub_node{nodeid = {Host, '_'}, parents = [], _ = '_'}), [fixup_node(N) || N <- Nodes]; get_subnodes(Host, <<>>, Limit) -> case mnesia:select( pubsub_node, ets:fun2ms( fun(#pubsub_node{nodeid = {H, _}, parents = []} = Node) when H == Host -> Node end), Limit, read) of '$end_of_table' -> []; {Nodes, _} -> [fixup_node(N) || N <- Nodes] end; get_subnodes(Host, Node, infinity) -> Q = qlc:q([fixup_node(N) || #pubsub_node{nodeid = {NHost, _}, parents = Parents} = N <- mnesia:table(pubsub_node), Host == NHost, lists:member(Node, Parents)]), qlc:e(Q); get_subnodes(Host, Node, Limit) -> case mnesia:select( pubsub_node, ets:fun2ms( fun(#pubsub_node{nodeid = {H, _}, parents = Ps} = N) when H == Host andalso Ps /= [] -> N end), Limit, read) of '$end_of_table' -> []; {Nodes, _} -> lists:filtermap( fun(#pubsub_node{parents = Parents} = N2) -> case lists:member(Node, Parents) of true -> {true, fixup_node(N2)}; _ -> false end end, Nodes) end. get_subnodes_tree(Host, Node, _From) -> get_subnodes_tree(Host, Node). get_subnodes_tree(Host, Node) -> case get_node(Host, Node) of {error, _} -> []; Rec -> BasePlugin = misc:binary_to_atom(<<"node_", (Rec#pubsub_node.type)/binary>>), {result, BasePath} = BasePlugin:node_to_path(Node), mnesia:foldl(fun (#pubsub_node{nodeid = {H, N}} = R, Acc) -> Plugin = misc:binary_to_atom(<<"node_", (R#pubsub_node.type)/binary>>), {result, Path} = Plugin:node_to_path(N), case lists:prefix(BasePath, Path) and (H == Host) of true -> [R | Acc]; false -> Acc end end, [], pubsub_node) end. create_node(Host, Node, Type, Owner, Options, Parents) -> BJID = jid:tolower(jid:remove_resource(Owner)), case mnesia:read({pubsub_node, {Host, Node}}) of [] -> ParentExists = case Host of {_U, _S, _R} -> %% This is special case for PEP handling %% PEP does not uses hierarchy true; _ -> case Parents of [] -> true; [Parent | _] -> case catch mnesia:read({pubsub_node, {Host, Parent}}) of [#pubsub_node{owners = [{<<>>, Host, <<>>}]}] -> true; [#pubsub_node{owners = Owners}] -> lists:member(BJID, Owners); _ -> false end; _ -> false end end, case ParentExists of true -> Nidx = pubsub_index:new(node), mnesia:write(#pubsub_node{nodeid = {Host, Node}, id = Nidx, parents = Parents, type = Type, owners = [BJID], options = Options}), {ok, Nidx}; false -> {error, xmpp:err_forbidden()} end; _ -> {error, xmpp:err_conflict(?T("Node already exists"), ejabberd_option:language())} end. delete_node(Host, Node) -> Removed = get_subnodes_tree(Host, Node), lists:foreach(fun (#pubsub_node{nodeid = {_, SubNode}, id = SubNidx}) -> pubsub_index:free(node, SubNidx), mnesia:delete({pubsub_node, {Host, SubNode}}) end, Removed), Removed. fixup_node(#pubsub_node{options = Options} = Node) -> Res = lists:splitwith( fun({max_items, infinity}) -> false; (_) -> true end, Options), Options2 = case Res of {Before, [_ | After]} -> Before ++ [{max_items, max} | After]; {Rest, []} -> Rest end, Node#pubsub_node{options = Options2}.