%%%------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% @author Evgeny Khramtsov %%% @copyright (C) 2014, Evgeny Khramtsov %%% @doc %%% %%% @end %%% Created : 21 Apr 2014 by Evgeny Khramtsov %%%------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(mod_sip). -behaviour(gen_mod). -behaviour(esip). %% API -export([start/2, stop/1, prepare_request/1, make_response/2, add_via/3, at_my_host/1]). %% esip_callbacks -export([data_in/2, data_out/2, message_in/2, message_out/2, request/2, request/3, response/2, locate/1]). -include("ejabberd.hrl"). -include("logger.hrl"). -include("esip.hrl"). %%%=================================================================== %%% API %%%=================================================================== start(_Host, _Opts) -> ejabberd:start_app(esip), esip:set_config_value(max_server_transactions, 10000), esip:set_config_value(max_client_transactions, 10000), esip:set_config_value(software, <<"ejabberd ", (?VERSION)/binary>>), esip:set_config_value(module, ?MODULE), Spec = {mod_sip_registrar, {mod_sip_registrar, start_link, []}, transient, 2000, worker, [mod_sip_registrar]}, TmpSupSpec = {mod_sip_proxy_sup, {ejabberd_tmp_sup, start_link, [mod_sip_proxy_sup, mod_sip_proxy]}, permanent, infinity, supervisor, [ejabberd_tmp_sup]}, supervisor:start_child(ejabberd_sup, Spec), supervisor:start_child(ejabberd_sup, TmpSupSpec), ok. stop(_Host) -> ok. data_in(Data, #sip_socket{type = Transport, addr = {MyIP, MyPort}, peer = {PeerIP, PeerPort}}) -> ?DEBUG( "SIP [~p/in] ~s:~p -> ~s:~p:~n~s", [Transport, inet_parse:ntoa(PeerIP), PeerPort, inet_parse:ntoa(MyIP), MyPort, Data]). data_out(Data, #sip_socket{type = Transport, addr = {MyIP, MyPort}, peer = {PeerIP, PeerPort}}) -> ?DEBUG( "SIP [~p/out] ~s:~p -> ~s:~p:~n~s", [Transport, inet_parse:ntoa(MyIP), MyPort, inet_parse:ntoa(PeerIP), PeerPort, Data]). message_in(#sip{type = request, method = M} = Req, SIPSock) when M /= <<"ACK">>, M /= <<"CANCEL">> -> case action(Req, SIPSock) of {relay, _LServer} -> ok; Action -> request(Req, SIPSock, undefined, Action) end; message_in(_, _) -> ok. message_out(_, _) -> ok. response(Resp, SIPSock) -> case action(Resp, SIPSock) of {relay, LServer} -> case esip:split_hdrs('via', Resp#sip.hdrs) of {[_], _} -> ok; {[_MyVia|Vias], TailHdrs} -> %% TODO: check if MyVia is really my Via NewResp = Resp#sip{hdrs = [{'via', Vias}|TailHdrs]}, case esip:connect(NewResp, add_certfile(LServer, [])) of {ok, SIPSockOut} -> esip:send(SIPSockOut, NewResp); {error, _} -> ok end end; _ -> ok end. request(_Req, _SIPSock) -> error. request(Req, SIPSock, TrID) -> request(Req, SIPSock, TrID, action(Req, SIPSock)). request(Req, SIPSock, TrID, Action) -> case Action of to_me -> process(Req, SIPSock); register -> mod_sip_registrar:request(Req, SIPSock); loop -> make_response(Req, #sip{status = 483, type = response}); {unsupported, Require} -> make_response(Req, #sip{status = 420, type = response, hdrs = [{'unsupported', Require}]}); {relay, LServer} -> case mod_sip_proxy:start(LServer, add_certfile(LServer, [])) of {ok, Pid} -> mod_sip_proxy:route(Req, SIPSock, TrID, Pid), {mod_sip_proxy, route, [Pid]}; Err -> ?INFO_MSG("failed to proxy request ~p: ~p", [Req, Err]), Err end; {proxy_auth, Host} -> make_response( Req, #sip{status = 407, type = response, hdrs = [{'proxy-authenticate', make_auth_hdr(Host)}]}); {auth, Host} -> make_response( Req, #sip{status = 401, type = response, hdrs = [{'www-authenticate', make_auth_hdr(Host)}]}); deny -> make_response(Req, #sip{status = 403, type = response}); not_found -> make_response(Req, #sip{status = 480, type = response}) end. locate(_SIPMsg) -> ok. %%%=================================================================== %%% Internal functions %%%=================================================================== action(#sip{type = response, hdrs = Hdrs}, _SIPSock) -> {_, ToURI, _} = esip:get_hdr('to', Hdrs), {_, FromURI, _} = esip:get_hdr('from', Hdrs), case at_my_host(FromURI) of true -> case at_my_host(ToURI) of true -> case ToURI#uri.user of <<"">> -> to_me; _ -> {relay, jlib:nameprep(ToURI#uri.host)} end; false -> {relay, jlib:nameprep(FromURI#uri.host)} end; false -> case at_my_host(ToURI) of true -> case ToURI#uri.user of <<"">> -> to_me; _ -> {relay, jlib:nameprep(ToURI#uri.host)} end; false -> pass end end; action(#sip{method = <<"REGISTER">>, type = request, hdrs = Hdrs, uri = #uri{user = <<"">>} = URI} = Req, SIPSock) -> case at_my_host(URI) of true -> case esip:get_hdrs('require', Hdrs) of [_|_] = Require -> {unsupported, Require}; _ -> {_, ToURI, _} = esip:get_hdr('to', Hdrs), case at_my_host(ToURI) of true -> case check_auth(Req, 'authorization', SIPSock) of true -> register; false -> {auth, ToURI#uri.host} end; false -> deny end end; false -> deny end; action(#sip{method = Method, hdrs = Hdrs, type = request} = Req, SIPSock) -> case esip:get_hdr('max-forwards', Hdrs) of 0 when Method == <<"OPTIONS">> -> to_me; 0 -> loop; _ -> case esip:get_hdrs('proxy-require', Hdrs) of [_|_] = Require -> {unsupported, Require}; _ -> {_, ToURI, _} = esip:get_hdr('to', Hdrs), {_, FromURI, _} = esip:get_hdr('from', Hdrs), case at_my_host(FromURI) of true -> case check_auth(Req, 'proxy-authorization', SIPSock) of true -> case at_my_host(ToURI) of true -> case ToURI#uri.user of <<"">> -> to_me; _ -> LServer = jlib:nameprep(ToURI#uri.host), {relay, LServer} end; false -> LServer = jlib:nameprep(FromURI#uri.host), {relay, LServer} end; false -> {proxy_auth, FromURI#uri.host} end; false -> case at_my_host(ToURI) of true -> case ToURI#uri.user of <<"">> -> to_me; _ -> LServer = jlib:nameprep(ToURI#uri.host), {relay, LServer} end; false -> deny end end end end. check_auth(#sip{method = <<"CANCEL">>}, _, _SIPSock) -> true; check_auth(#sip{method = Method, hdrs = Hdrs, body = Body}, AuthHdr, _SIPSock) -> Issuer = case AuthHdr of 'authorization' -> to; 'proxy-authorization' -> from end, {_, #uri{user = User, host = Host}, _} = esip:get_hdr(Issuer, Hdrs), LUser = jlib:nodeprep(User), LServer = jlib:nameprep(Host), case lists:filter( fun({_, Params}) -> Username = esip:get_param(<<"username">>, Params), Realm = esip:get_param(<<"realm">>, Params), (LUser == esip:unquote(Username)) and (LServer == esip:unquote(Realm)) end, esip:get_hdrs(AuthHdr, Hdrs)) of [Auth|_] -> case ejabberd_auth:get_password_s(LUser, LServer) of <<"">> -> false; Password -> esip:check_auth(Auth, Method, Body, Password) end; [] -> false end. allow() -> [<<"OPTIONS">>, <<"REGISTER">>]. process(#sip{method = <<"OPTIONS">>} = Req, _) -> make_response(Req, #sip{type = response, status = 200, hdrs = [{'allow', allow()}]}); process(#sip{method = <<"REGISTER">>} = Req, _) -> make_response(Req, #sip{type = response, status = 400}); process(Req, _) -> make_response(Req, #sip{type = response, status = 405, hdrs = [{'allow', allow()}]}). prepare_request(#sip{hdrs = Hdrs1} = Req) -> MF = esip:get_hdr('max-forwards', Hdrs1), Hdrs2 = esip:set_hdr('max-forwards', MF-1, Hdrs1), Hdrs3 = lists:filter( fun({'proxy-authorization', {_, Params}}) -> Realm = esip:unquote(esip:get_param(<<"realm">>, Params)), not is_my_host(jlib:nameprep(Realm)); (_) -> true end, Hdrs2), Req#sip{hdrs = Hdrs3}. make_auth_hdr(LServer) -> Realm = jlib:nameprep(LServer), {<<"Digest">>, [{<<"realm">>, esip:quote(Realm)}, {<<"qop">>, esip:quote(<<"auth">>)}, {<<"nonce">>, esip:quote(esip:make_hexstr(20))}]}. make_response(Req, Resp) -> esip:make_response(Req, Resp, esip:make_tag()). at_my_host(#uri{host = Host}) -> is_my_host(jlib:nameprep(Host)). is_my_host(LServer) -> gen_mod:is_loaded(LServer, ?MODULE). add_certfile(LServer, Opts) -> case ejabberd_config:get_option({domain_certfile, LServer}, fun iolist_to_binary/1) of CertFile when is_binary(CertFile), CertFile /= <<"">> -> [{certfile, CertFile}|Opts]; _ -> Opts end. add_via(#sip_socket{type = Transport}, LServer, #sip{hdrs = Hdrs} = Req) -> ConfiguredVias = get_configured_vias(LServer), {ViaHost, ViaPort} = proplists:get_value( Transport, ConfiguredVias, {LServer, undefined}), ViaTransport = case Transport of tls -> <<"TLS">>; tcp -> <<"TCP">>; udp -> <<"UDP">> end, Via = #via{transport = ViaTransport, host = ViaHost, port = ViaPort, params = [{<<"branch">>, esip:make_branch()}, {<<"rport">>, <<"">>}]}, Req#sip{hdrs = [{'via', [Via]}|Hdrs]}. get_configured_vias(LServer) -> gen_mod:get_module_opt( LServer, ?MODULE, via, fun(L) -> lists:map( fun(Opts) -> Type = proplists:get_value(type, Opts), Host = proplists:get_value(host, Opts), Port = proplists:get_value(port, Opts), true = (Type == tcp) or (Type == tls) or (Type == udp), true = is_binary(Host) and (Host /= <<"">>), true = (is_integer(Port) and (Port > 0) and (Port < 65536)) or (Port == undefined), {Type, {Host, Port}} end, L) end, []).