%%%------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Author : Evgeny Khramtsov %%% Created : 17 May 2018 by Evgeny Khramtsov %%% %%% %%% ejabberd, Copyright (C) 2002-2018 ProcessOne %%% %%% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or %%% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as %%% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the %%% License, or (at your option) any later version. %%% %%% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, %%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of %%% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU %%% General Public License for more details. %%% %%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along %%% with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., %%% 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. %%% %%%------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(upload_tests). %% API -compile(export_all). -import(suite, [disconnect/1, is_feature_advertised/3, upload_jid/1, my_jid/1, wait_for_slave/1, wait_for_master/1, send_recv/2, put_event/2, get_event/1]). -include("suite.hrl"). -define(CONTENT_TYPE, "image/png"). %%%=================================================================== %%% API %%%=================================================================== %%%=================================================================== %%% Single user tests %%%=================================================================== single_cases() -> {upload_single, [sequence], [single_test(feature_enabled), single_test(get_max_size), single_test(slot_request), single_test(put_get_request), single_test(max_size_exceed)]}. feature_enabled(Config) -> lists:foreach( fun(NS) -> true = is_feature_advertised(Config, NS, upload_jid(Config)) end, namespaces()), disconnect(Config). get_max_size(Config) -> Xs = get_disco_info_xdata(Config), lists:foreach( fun(NS) -> get_max_size(Config, Xs, NS) end, namespaces()), disconnect(Config). get_max_size(_, _, ?NS_HTTP_UPLOAD_OLD) -> %% This old spec didn't specify 'max-file-size' attribute ok; get_max_size(Config, Xs, NS) -> Xs = get_disco_info_xdata(Config), get_size(NS, Config, Xs). slot_request(Config) -> lists:foreach( fun(NS) -> slot_request(Config, NS) end, namespaces()), disconnect(Config). put_get_request(Config) -> lists:foreach( fun(NS) -> {GetURL, PutURL, _Filename, Size} = slot_request(Config, NS), Data = randoms:bytes(Size), put_request(Config, PutURL, Data), get_request(Config, GetURL, Data) end, namespaces()), disconnect(Config). max_size_exceed(Config) -> lists:foreach( fun(NS) -> max_size_exceed(Config, NS) end, namespaces()), disconnect(Config). %%%=================================================================== %%% Internal functions %%%=================================================================== single_test(T) -> list_to_atom("upload_" ++ atom_to_list(T)). get_disco_info_xdata(Config) -> To = upload_jid(Config), #iq{type = result, sub_els = [#disco_info{xdata = Xs}]} = send_recv(Config, #iq{type = get, sub_els = [#disco_info{}], to = To}), Xs. get_size(NS, Config, [X|Xs]) -> case xmpp_util:get_xdata_values(<<"FORM_TYPE">>, X) of [NS] -> [Size] = xmpp_util:get_xdata_values(<<"max-file-size">>, X), true = erlang:binary_to_integer(Size) > 0, Size; _ -> get_size(NS, Config, Xs) end; get_size(NS, _Config, []) -> ct:fail({disco_info_xdata_failed, NS}). slot_request(Config, NS) -> To = upload_jid(Config), Filename = filename(), Size = randoms:uniform(1, 1024), case NS of ?NS_HTTP_UPLOAD_0 -> #iq{type = result, sub_els = [#upload_slot_0{get = GetURL, put = PutURL, xmlns = NS}]} = send_recv(Config, #iq{type = get, to = To, sub_els = [#upload_request_0{ filename = Filename, size = Size, 'content-type' = <>, xmlns = NS}]}), {GetURL, PutURL, Filename, Size}; _ -> #iq{type = result, sub_els = [#upload_slot{get = GetURL, put = PutURL, xmlns = NS}]} = send_recv(Config, #iq{type = get, to = To, sub_els = [#upload_request{ filename = Filename, size = Size, 'content-type' = <>, xmlns = NS}]}), {GetURL, PutURL, Filename, Size} end. put_request(Config, URL0, Data) -> ct:comment("Putting ~B bytes to ~s", [size(Data), URL0]), URL = binary_to_list(URL0), {ok, {{"HTTP/1.1", 201, _}, _, _}} = httpc:request(put, {URL, [], ?CONTENT_TYPE, Data}, [], []). get_request(Config, URL0, Data) -> ct:comment("Getting ~B bytes from ~s", [size(Data), URL0]), URL = binary_to_list(URL0), {ok, {{"HTTP/1.1", 200, _}, _, Body}} = httpc:request(get, {URL, []}, [], [{body_format, binary}]), ct:comment("Checking returned body"), Body = Data. max_size_exceed(Config, NS) -> To = upload_jid(Config), Filename = filename(), Size = 1000000000, IQErr = case NS of ?NS_HTTP_UPLOAD_0 -> #iq{type = error} = send_recv(Config, #iq{type = get, to = To, sub_els = [#upload_request_0{ filename = Filename, size = Size, 'content-type' = <>, xmlns = NS}]}); _ -> #iq{type = error} = send_recv(Config, #iq{type = get, to = To, sub_els = [#upload_request{ filename = Filename, size = Size, 'content-type' = <>, xmlns = NS}]}) end, check_size_error(IQErr). check_size_error(IQErr) -> Err = xmpp:get_error(IQErr), #stanza_error{reason = 'not-acceptable'} = Err. namespaces() -> [?NS_HTTP_UPLOAD_0, ?NS_HTTP_UPLOAD, ?NS_HTTP_UPLOAD_OLD]. filename() -> <<(randoms:get_string())/binary, ".png">>.