-module (ejabberd_acme). -export([%% Ejabberdctl Commands get_certificates/2, list_certificates/1, %% Command Options Validity is_valid_account_opt/1, is_valid_verbose_opt/1, %% Misc generate_key/0, %% Debugging Scenarios scenario/3, scenario0/2, new_user_scenario/2 %% Not yet implemented %% key_roll_over/5 %% delete_authz/3 ]). -include("ejabberd.hrl"). -include("logger.hrl"). -include("xmpp.hrl"). -include("ejabberd_acme.hrl"). -include_lib("public_key/include/public_key.hrl"). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% %% Command Functions %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% %% Check Validity of command options %% -spec is_valid_account_opt(string()) -> boolean(). is_valid_account_opt("old-account") -> true; is_valid_account_opt("new-account") -> true; is_valid_account_opt(_) -> false. -spec is_valid_verbose_opt(string()) -> boolean(). is_valid_verbose_opt("plain") -> true; is_valid_verbose_opt("verbose") -> true; is_valid_verbose_opt(_) -> false. %% %% List Certificates %% list_certificates(Verbose) -> try list_certificates0(Verbose) catch throw:Throw -> Throw; E:R -> ?ERROR_MSG("Unknown ~p:~p, ~p", [E, R, erlang:get_stacktrace()]), {error, get_certificates} end. list_certificates0(Verbose) -> {ok, Certs} = read_certificates_persistent(), case Verbose of "plain" -> [format_certificate(DataCert) || {_Key, DataCert} <- Certs]; "verbose" -> Certs end. %% TODO: Make this cleaner and more robust format_certificate(DataCert) -> #data_cert{ domain = DomainName, pem = PemCert, path = Path } = DataCert, PemList = public_key:pem_decode(PemCert), PemEntryCert = lists:keyfind('Certificate', 1, PemList), Certificate = public_key:pem_entry_decode(PemEntryCert), %% Find the commonName _CommonName = get_commonName(Certificate), %% Find the notAfter date NotAfter = get_notAfter(Certificate), format_certificate1(DomainName, NotAfter, Path). format_certificate1(DomainName, NotAfter, Path) -> Result = lists:flatten(io_lib:format( " Domain: ~s~n" " Valid until: ~s UTC~n" " Path: ~s", [DomainName, NotAfter, Path])), Result. get_commonName(#'Certificate'{tbsCertificate = TbsCertificate}) -> #'TBSCertificate'{ subject = {rdnSequence, SubjectList} } = TbsCertificate, %% TODO: Not the best way to find the commonName ShallowSubjectList = [Attribute || [Attribute] <- SubjectList], {_, _, CommonName} = lists:keyfind(attribute_oid(commonName), 2, ShallowSubjectList), %% TODO: Remove the length-encoding from the commonName before returning it CommonName. get_notAfter(#'Certificate'{tbsCertificate = TbsCertificate}) -> #'TBSCertificate'{ validity = Validity } = TbsCertificate, %% TODO: Find a library function to decode utc time #'Validity'{notAfter = {utcTime, UtcTime}} = Validity, [Y1,Y2,MO1,MO2,D1,D2,H1,H2,MI1,MI2,S1,S2,$Z] = UtcTime, YEAR = case list_to_integer([Y1,Y2]) >= 50 of true -> "19" ++ [Y1,Y2]; _ -> "20" ++ [Y1,Y2] end, NotAfter = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~s-~s-~s ~s:~s:~s", [YEAR, [MO1,MO2], [D1,D2], [H1,H2], [MI1,MI2], [S1,S2]])), NotAfter. %% %% Get Certificate %% %% Needs a hell lot of cleaning -spec get_certificates(url(), account_opt()) -> [{'ok', bitstring(), 'saved'} | {'error', bitstring(), _}] | {'error', _}. get_certificates(CAUrl, NewAccountOpt) -> try ?INFO_MSG("Persistent: ~p~n", [file:read_file_info(persistent_file())]), get_certificates0(CAUrl, NewAccountOpt) catch throw:Throw -> Throw; E:R -> ?ERROR_MSG("Unknown ~p:~p, ~p", [E, R, erlang:get_stacktrace()]), {error, get_certificates} end. -spec get_certificates0(url(), account_opt()) -> [{'ok', bitstring(), 'saved'} | {'error', bitstring(), _}] | no_return(). get_certificates0(CAUrl, "old-account") -> %% Get the current account {ok, _AccId, PrivateKey} = ensure_account_exists(), get_certificates1(CAUrl, PrivateKey); get_certificates0(CAUrl, "new-account") -> %% Create a new account and save it to disk {ok, _Id, PrivateKey} = create_save_new_account(CAUrl), get_certificates1(CAUrl, PrivateKey). -spec get_certificates1(url(), jose_jwk:key()) -> [{'ok', bitstring(), 'saved'} | {'error', bitstring(), _}] | no_return(). get_certificates1(CAUrl, PrivateKey) -> %% Read Config {ok, Hosts} = get_config_hosts(), %% Get a certificate for each host PemCertKeys = [get_certificate(CAUrl, Host, PrivateKey) || Host <- Hosts], %% Save Certificates SavedCerts = [save_certificate(Cert) || Cert <- PemCertKeys], %% Format the result to send back to ejabberdctl %% Result SavedCerts. -spec get_certificate(url(), bitstring(), jose_jwk:key()) -> {'ok', bitstring(), pem_certificate()} | {'error', bitstring(), _}. get_certificate(CAUrl, DomainName, PrivateKey) -> ?INFO_MSG("Getting a Certificate for domain: ~p~n", [DomainName]), try {ok, _Authz} = create_new_authorization(CAUrl, DomainName, PrivateKey), create_new_certificate(CAUrl, DomainName, PrivateKey) catch throw:Throw -> Throw; E:R -> ?ERROR_MSG("Unknown ~p:~p, ~p", [E, R, erlang:get_stacktrace()]), {error, DomainName, get_certificate} end. -spec create_save_new_account(url()) -> {'ok', string(), jose_jwk:key()} | no_return(). create_save_new_account(CAUrl) -> %% Get contact from configuration file {ok, Contact} = get_config_contact(), %% Generate a Key PrivateKey = generate_key(), %% Create a new account {ok, Id} = create_new_account(CAUrl, Contact, PrivateKey), %% Write Persistent Data ok = write_account_persistent({Id, PrivateKey}), {ok, Id, PrivateKey}. %% TODO: %% Find a way to ask the user if he accepts the TOS -spec create_new_account(url(), bitstring(), jose_jwk:key()) -> {'ok', string()} | no_return(). create_new_account(CAUrl, Contact, PrivateKey) -> try {ok, Dirs, Nonce0} = ejabberd_acme_comm:directory(CAUrl), Req0 = [{ <<"contact">>, [Contact]}], {ok, {TOS, Account}, Nonce1} = ejabberd_acme_comm:new_account(Dirs, PrivateKey, Req0, Nonce0), {<<"id">>, AccIdInt} = lists:keyfind(<<"id">>, 1, Account), AccId = integer_to_list(AccIdInt), Req1 = [{ <<"agreement">>, list_to_bitstring(TOS)}], {ok, _Account2, _Nonce2} = ejabberd_acme_comm:update_account({CAUrl, AccId}, PrivateKey, Req1, Nonce1), {ok, AccId} catch E:R -> ?ERROR_MSG("Error: ~p creating an account for contact", [{E,R}, Contact]), throw({error,create_new_account}) end. -spec create_new_authorization(url(), bitstring(), jose_jwk:key()) -> {'ok', proplist()} | no_return(). create_new_authorization(CAUrl, DomainName, PrivateKey) -> try {ok, Dirs, Nonce0} = ejabberd_acme_comm:directory(CAUrl), Req0 = [{<<"identifier">>, {[{<<"type">>, <<"dns">>}, {<<"value">>, DomainName}]}}, {<<"existing">>, <<"accept">>}], {ok, {AuthzUrl, Authz}, Nonce1} = ejabberd_acme_comm:new_authz(Dirs, PrivateKey, Req0, Nonce0), {ok, AuthzId} = location_to_id(AuthzUrl), Challenges = get_challenges(Authz), {ok, ChallengeUrl, KeyAuthz} = acme_challenge:solve_challenge(<<"http-01">>, Challenges, PrivateKey), {ok, ChallengeId} = location_to_id(ChallengeUrl), Req3 = [{<<"type">>, <<"http-01">>},{<<"keyAuthorization">>, KeyAuthz}], {ok, _SolvedChallenge, _Nonce2} = ejabberd_acme_comm:complete_challenge( {CAUrl, AuthzId, ChallengeId}, PrivateKey, Req3, Nonce1), {ok, AuthzValid, _Nonce} = ejabberd_acme_comm:get_authz_until_valid({CAUrl, AuthzId}), {ok, AuthzValid} catch E:R -> ?ERROR_MSG("Error: ~p getting an authorization for domain: ~p~n", [{E,R}, DomainName]), throw({error, DomainName, authorization}) end. create_new_certificate(CAUrl, DomainName, PrivateKey) -> try {ok, Dirs, Nonce0} = ejabberd_acme_comm:directory(CAUrl), CSRSubject = [{commonName, bitstring_to_list(DomainName)}], {CSR, CSRKey} = make_csr(CSRSubject), {NotBefore, NotAfter} = not_before_not_after(), Req = [{<<"csr">>, CSR}, {<<"notBefore">>, NotBefore}, {<<"NotAfter">>, NotAfter} ], {ok, {_CertUrl, Certificate}, _Nonce1} = ejabberd_acme_comm:new_cert(Dirs, PrivateKey, Req, Nonce0), DecodedCert = public_key:pkix_decode_cert(list_to_binary(Certificate), plain), PemEntryCert = public_key:pem_entry_encode('Certificate', DecodedCert), {_, CSRKeyKey} = jose_jwk:to_key(CSRKey), PemEntryKey = public_key:pem_entry_encode('ECPrivateKey', CSRKeyKey), PemCertKey = public_key:pem_encode([PemEntryKey, PemEntryCert]), {ok, DomainName, PemCertKey} catch E:R -> ?ERROR_MSG("Error: ~p getting an authorization for domain: ~p~n", [{E,R}, DomainName]), throw({error, DomainName, certificate}) end. ensure_account_exists() -> case read_account_persistent() of none -> ?ERROR_MSG("No existing account", []), throw({error, no_old_account}); {ok, AccId, PrivateKey} -> {ok, AccId, PrivateKey} end. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% %% Certificate Request Functions %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% For now we accept only generating a key of %% specific type for signing the csr %% TODO: Make this function handle more signing keys %% 1. Derive oid from Key %% 2. Derive the whole algo objects from Key %% TODO: Encode Strings using length using a library function -spec make_csr(proplist()) -> {binary(), jose_jwk:key()}. make_csr(Attributes) -> Key = generate_key(), {_, KeyKey} = jose_jwk:to_key(Key), KeyPub = jose_jwk:to_public(Key), try SubPKInfoAlgo = subject_pk_info_algo(KeyPub), {ok, RawBinPubKey} = raw_binary_public_key(KeyPub), SubPKInfo = subject_pk_info(SubPKInfoAlgo, RawBinPubKey), {ok, Subject} = attributes_from_list(Attributes), CRI = certificate_request_info(SubPKInfo, Subject), {ok, EncodedCRI} = der_encode( 'CertificationRequestInfo', CRI), SignedCRI = public_key:sign(EncodedCRI, 'sha256', KeyKey), SignatureAlgo = signature_algo(Key, 'sha256'), CSR = certification_request(CRI, SignatureAlgo, SignedCRI), {ok, DerCSR} = der_encode( 'CertificationRequest', CSR), Result = base64url:encode(DerCSR), {Result, Key} catch _:{badmatch, {error, bad_public_key}} -> {error, bad_public_key}; _:{badmatch, {error, bad_attributes}} -> {error, bad_public_key}; _:{badmatch, {error, der_encode}} -> {error, der_encode} end. subject_pk_info_algo(_KeyPub) -> #'SubjectPublicKeyInfoAlgorithm'{ algorithm = ?'id-ecPublicKey', parameters = {asn1_OPENTYPE,<<6,8,42,134,72,206,61,3,1,7>>} }. subject_pk_info(Algo, RawBinPubKey) -> #'SubjectPublicKeyInfo-PKCS-10'{ algorithm = Algo, subjectPublicKey = RawBinPubKey }. certificate_request_info(SubPKInfo, Subject) -> #'CertificationRequestInfo'{ version = 0, subject = Subject, subjectPKInfo = SubPKInfo, attributes = [] }. signature_algo(_Key, _Hash) -> #'CertificationRequest_signatureAlgorithm'{ algorithm = ?'ecdsa-with-SHA256', parameters = asn1_NOVALUE }. certification_request(CRI, SignatureAlgo, SignedCRI) -> #'CertificationRequest'{ certificationRequestInfo = CRI, signatureAlgorithm = SignatureAlgo, signature = SignedCRI }. raw_binary_public_key(KeyPub) -> try {_, RawPubKey} = jose_jwk:to_key(KeyPub), {{_, RawBinPubKey}, _} = RawPubKey, {ok, RawBinPubKey} catch _:_ -> ?ERROR_MSG("Bad public key: ~p~n", [KeyPub]), {error, bad_public_key} end. der_encode(Type, Term) -> try {ok, public_key:der_encode(Type, Term)} catch _:_ -> ?ERROR_MSG("Cannot DER encode: ~p, with asn1type: ~p", [Term, Type]), {error, der_encode} end. %% TODO: I haven't found a function that does that, but there must exist one length_bitstring(Bitstring) -> Size = byte_size(Bitstring), case Size =< 127 of true -> <<12:8, Size:8, Bitstring/binary>>; false -> LenOctets = binary:encode_unsigned(Size), FirstOctet = byte_size(LenOctets), <<12:8, 1:1, FirstOctet:7, Size:(FirstOctet * 8), Bitstring/binary>> end. %% %% Attributes Parser %% attributes_from_list(Attrs) -> ParsedAttrs = [attribute_parser_fun(Attr) || Attr <- Attrs], case lists:any(fun is_error/1, ParsedAttrs) of true -> {error, bad_attributes}; false -> {ok, {rdnSequence, [[PAttr] || PAttr <- ParsedAttrs]}} end. attribute_parser_fun({AttrName, AttrVal}) -> try #'AttributeTypeAndValue'{ type = attribute_oid(AttrName), value = length_bitstring(list_to_bitstring(AttrVal)) } catch _:_ -> ?ERROR_MSG("Bad attribute: ~p~n", [{AttrName, AttrVal}]), {error, bad_attributes} end. -spec attribute_oid(atom()) -> tuple() | no_return(). attribute_oid(commonName) -> ?'id-at-commonName'; attribute_oid(countryName) -> ?'id-at-countryName'; attribute_oid(stateOrProvinceName) -> ?'id-at-stateOrProvinceName'; attribute_oid(localityName) -> ?'id-at-localityName'; attribute_oid(organizationName) -> ?'id-at-organizationName'; attribute_oid(_) -> error(bad_attributes). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% %% Useful funs %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -spec location_to_id(url()) -> {ok, string()} | {error, not_found}. location_to_id(Url0) -> Url = string:strip(Url0, right, $/), case string:rchr(Url, $/) of 0 -> ?ERROR_MSG("Couldn't find id in url: ~p~n", [Url]), {error, not_found}; Ind -> {ok, string:sub_string(Url, Ind+1)} end. -spec get_challenges(proplist()) -> [{proplist()}]. get_challenges(Body) -> {<<"challenges">>, Challenges} = proplists:lookup(<<"challenges">>, Body), Challenges. not_before_not_after() -> %% TODO: Make notBefore and notAfter like they do it in other clients {MegS, Sec, MicS} = erlang:timestamp(), NotBefore = xmpp_util:encode_timestamp({MegS-1, Sec, MicS}), NotAfter = xmpp_util:encode_timestamp({MegS+1, Sec, MicS}), {NotBefore, NotAfter}. is_error({error, _}) -> true; is_error(_) -> false. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% %% Handle the persistent data structure %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% data_empty() -> []. %% %% Account %% data_get_account(Data) -> case lists:keyfind(account, 1, Data) of {account, #data_acc{id = AccId, key = PrivateKey}} -> {ok, AccId, PrivateKey}; false -> none end. data_set_account(Data, {AccId, PrivateKey}) -> NewAcc = {account, #data_acc{id = AccId, key = PrivateKey}}, lists:keystore(account, 1, Data, NewAcc). %% %% Certificates %% data_get_certificates(Data) -> case lists:keyfind(certs, 1, Data) of {certs, Certs} -> {ok, Certs}; false -> {ok, []} end. data_set_certificates(Data, NewCerts) -> lists:keystore(certs, 1, Data, {certs, NewCerts}). %% ATM we preserve one certificate for each domain data_add_certificate(Data, DataCert = #data_cert{domain=Domain}) -> {ok, Certs} = data_get_certificates(Data), NewCerts = lists:keystore(Domain, 1, Certs, {Domain, DataCert}), data_set_certificates(Data, NewCerts). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% %% Handle Config and Persistence Files %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% persistent_file() -> MnesiaDir = mnesia:system_info(directory), filename:join(MnesiaDir, "acme.DAT"). %% The persistent file should be rread and written only by its owner persistent_file_mode() -> 8#400 + 8#200. read_persistent() -> case file:read_file(persistent_file()) of {ok, Binary} -> {ok, binary_to_term(Binary)}; {error, enoent} -> create_persistent(), {ok, data_empty()}; {error, Reason} -> ?ERROR_MSG("Error: ~p reading acme data file", [Reason]), throw({error, Reason}) end. write_persistent(Data) -> Binary = term_to_binary(Data), case file:write_file(persistent_file(), Binary) of ok -> ok; {error, Reason} -> ?ERROR_MSG("Error: ~p writing acme data file", [Reason]), throw({error, Reason}) end. create_persistent() -> Binary = term_to_binary(data_empty()), case file:write_file(persistent_file(), Binary) of ok -> case file:change_mode(persistent_file(), persistent_file_mode()) of ok -> ok; {error, Reason} -> ?ERROR_MSG("Error: ~p changing acme data file mode", [Reason]), throw({error, Reason}) end; {error, Reason} -> ?ERROR_MSG("Error: ~p creating acme data file", [Reason]), throw({error, Reason}) end. write_account_persistent({AccId, PrivateKey}) -> {ok, Data} = read_persistent(), NewData = data_set_account(Data, {AccId, PrivateKey}), ok = write_persistent(NewData). read_account_persistent() -> {ok, Data} = read_persistent(), data_get_account(Data). read_certificates_persistent() -> {ok, Data} = read_persistent(), data_get_certificates(Data). add_certificate_persistent(DataCert) -> {ok, Data} = read_persistent(), NewData = data_add_certificate(Data, DataCert), ok = write_persistent(NewData). save_certificate({error, _, _} = Error) -> Error; save_certificate({ok, DomainName, Cert}) -> try {ok, CertDir} = get_config_cert_dir(), DomainString = bitstring_to_list(DomainName), CertificateFile = filename:join([CertDir, DomainString ++ "_cert.pem"]), %% TODO: At some point do the following using a Transaction so %% that there is no certificate saved if it cannot be added in %% certificate persistent storage write_cert(CertificateFile, Cert, DomainName), DataCert = #data_cert{ domain = DomainName, pem = Cert, path = CertificateFile }, add_certificate_persistent(DataCert), {ok, DomainName, saved} catch throw:Throw -> Throw; E:R -> ?ERROR_MSG("Unknown ~p:~p, ~p", [E, R, erlang:get_stacktrace()]), {error, DomainName, saving} end. write_cert(CertificateFile, Cert, DomainName) -> case file:write_file(CertificateFile, Cert) of ok -> {ok, DomainName, saved}; {error, Reason} -> ?ERROR_MSG("Error: ~p saving certificate at file: ~p", [Reason, CertificateFile]), throw({error, DomainName, saving}) end. get_config_acme() -> case ejabberd_config:get_option(acme, undefined) of undefined -> ?ERROR_MSG("No acme configuration has been specified", []), throw({error, configuration}); Acme -> {ok, Acme} end. get_config_contact() -> {ok, Acme} = get_config_acme(), case lists:keyfind(contact, 1, Acme) of {contact, Contact} -> {ok, Contact}; false -> ?ERROR_MSG("No contact has been specified", []), throw({error, configuration_contact}) end. get_config_hosts() -> case ejabberd_config:get_option(hosts, undefined) of undefined -> ?ERROR_MSG("No hosts have been specified", []), throw({error, configuration_hosts}); Hosts -> {ok, Hosts} end. get_config_cert_dir() -> case ejabberd_config:get_option(cert_dir, undefined) of undefined -> ?ERROR_MSG("No cert_dir configuration has been specified", []), throw({error, configuration}); CertDir -> {ok, CertDir} end. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% %% Transaction Fun %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% transaction([{Fun, Rollback} | Rest]) -> try {ok, Result} = Fun(), [Result | transaction(Rest)] catch Type:Reason -> Rollback(), erlang:raise(Type, Reason, erlang:get_stacktrace()) end; transaction([Fun | Rest]) -> % not every action require cleanup on error transaction([{Fun, fun () -> ok end} | Rest]); transaction([]) -> []. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% %% Debugging Funcs -- They are only used for the development phase %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% A typical acme workflow scenario(CAUrl, AccId, PrivateKey) -> {ok, Dirs, Nonce0} = ejabberd_acme_comm:directory(CAUrl), {ok, {_TOS, Account}, Nonce1} = ejabberd_acme_comm:get_account({CAUrl, AccId}, PrivateKey, Nonce0), ?INFO_MSG("Account: ~p~n", [Account]), Req = [{<<"identifier">>, {[{<<"type">>, <<"dns">>}, {<<"value">>, <<"my-acme-test-ejabberd.com">>}]}}, {<<"existing">>, <<"accept">>} ], {ok, Authz, Nonce2} = ejabberd_acme_comm:new_authz(Dirs, PrivateKey, Req, Nonce1), {Account, Authz, PrivateKey}. new_user_scenario(CAUrl, HttpDir) -> PrivateKey = generate_key(), {ok, Dirs, Nonce0} = ejabberd_acme_comm:directory(CAUrl), %% ?INFO_MSG("Directories: ~p", [Dirs]), Req0 = [{ <<"contact">>, [<<"mailto:cert-example-admin@example2.com">>]}], {ok, {TOS, Account}, Nonce1} = ejabberd_acme_comm:new_account(Dirs, PrivateKey, Req0, Nonce0), {_, AccIdInt} = proplists:lookup(<<"id">>, Account), AccId = integer_to_list(AccIdInt), {ok, {_TOS, Account1}, Nonce2} = ejabberd_acme_comm:get_account({CAUrl, AccId}, PrivateKey, Nonce1), %% ?INFO_MSG("Old account: ~p~n", [Account1]), Req1 = [{ <<"agreement">>, list_to_bitstring(TOS)}], {ok, Account2, Nonce3} = ejabberd_acme_comm:update_account({CAUrl, AccId}, PrivateKey, Req1, Nonce2), %% NewKey = generate_key(), %% KeyChangeUrl = CAUrl ++ "/acme/key-change/", %% {ok, Account3, Nonce4} = key_roll_over(KeyChangeUrl, AccURL, PrivateKey, NewKey, Nonce3), %% ?INFO_MSG("Changed key: ~p~n", [Account3]), %% {ok, {_TOS, Account4}, Nonce5} = get_account(AccURL, NewKey, Nonce4), %% ?INFO_MSG("New account:~p~n", [Account4]), %% {Account4, PrivateKey}. AccIdBin = list_to_bitstring(integer_to_list(AccIdInt)), DomainName = << <<"my-acme-test-ejabberd">>/binary, AccIdBin/binary, <<".com">>/binary >>, Req2 = [{<<"identifier">>, {[{<<"type">>, <<"dns">>}, {<<"value">>, DomainName}]}}, {<<"existing">>, <<"accept">>} ], {ok, {AuthzUrl, Authz}, Nonce4} = ejabberd_acme_comm:new_authz(Dirs, PrivateKey, Req2, Nonce3), {ok, AuthzId} = location_to_id(AuthzUrl), {ok, Authz2, Nonce5} = ejabberd_acme_comm:get_authz({CAUrl, AuthzId}), ?INFO_MSG("AuthzUrl: ~p~n", [AuthzUrl]), Challenges = get_challenges(Authz2), ?INFO_MSG("Challenges: ~p~n", [Challenges]), {ok, ChallengeUrl, KeyAuthz} = acme_challenge:solve_challenge(<<"http-01">>, Challenges, {PrivateKey, HttpDir}), ?INFO_MSG("File for http-01 challenge written correctly", []), {ok, ChallengeId} = location_to_id(ChallengeUrl), Req3 = [ {<<"type">>, <<"http-01">>} , {<<"keyAuthorization">>, KeyAuthz} ], {ok, SolvedChallenge, Nonce6} = ejabberd_acme_comm:complete_challenge( {CAUrl, AuthzId, ChallengeId}, PrivateKey, Req3, Nonce5), %% ?INFO_MSG("SolvedChallenge: ~p~n", [SolvedChallenge]), %% timer:sleep(2000), {ok, Authz3, Nonce7} = ejabberd_acme_comm:get_authz_until_valid({CAUrl, AuthzId}), #{"new-cert" := NewCert} = Dirs, CSRSubject = [{commonName, bitstring_to_list(DomainName)}], {CSR, CSRKey} = make_csr(CSRSubject), {MegS, Sec, MicS} = erlang:timestamp(), NotBefore = xmpp_util:encode_timestamp({MegS-1, Sec, MicS}), NotAfter = xmpp_util:encode_timestamp({MegS+1, Sec, MicS}), Req4 = [{<<"csr">>, CSR}, {<<"notBefore">>, NotBefore}, {<<"NotAfter">>, NotAfter} ], {ok, {CertUrl, Certificate}, Nonce8} = ejabberd_acme_comm:new_cert(Dirs, PrivateKey, Req4, Nonce7), ?INFO_MSG("CertUrl: ~p~n", [CertUrl]), {ok, CertId} = location_to_id(CertUrl), {ok, Certificate2, Nonce9} = ejabberd_acme_comm:get_cert({CAUrl, CertId}), DecodedCert = public_key:pkix_decode_cert(list_to_binary(Certificate2), plain), %% ?INFO_MSG("DecodedCert: ~p~n", [DecodedCert]), PemEntryCert = public_key:pem_entry_encode('Certificate', DecodedCert), %% ?INFO_MSG("PemEntryCert: ~p~n", [PemEntryCert]), {_, CSRKeyKey} = jose_jwk:to_key(CSRKey), PemEntryKey = public_key:pem_entry_encode('ECPrivateKey', CSRKeyKey), %% ?INFO_MSG("PemKey: ~p~n", [jose_jwk:to_pem(CSRKey)]), %% ?INFO_MSG("PemEntryKey: ~p~n", [PemEntryKey]), PemCert = public_key:pem_encode([PemEntryKey, PemEntryCert]), %% ?INFO_MSG("PemCert: ~p~n", [PemCert]), ok = file:write_file(HttpDir ++ "/my_server.pem", PemCert), Base64Cert = base64url:encode(Certificate2), Req5 = [{<<"certificate">>, Base64Cert}], {ok, [], Nonce10} = ejabberd_acme_comm:revoke_cert(Dirs, PrivateKey, Req5, Nonce9), {ok, Certificate3, Nonce11} = ejabberd_acme_comm:get_cert({CAUrl, CertId}), {Account2, Authz3, CSR, Certificate, PrivateKey}. generate_key() -> jose_jwk:generate_key({ec, secp256r1}). scenario3() -> CSRSubject = [{commonName, "my-acme-test-ejabberd.com"}, {organizationName, "Example Corp"}], {CSR, CSRKey} = make_csr(CSRSubject). %% It doesn't seem to work, The user can get a new authorization even though the account has been deleted delete_account_scenario(CAUrl) -> PrivateKey = generate_key(), DirURL = CAUrl ++ "/directory", {ok, Dirs, Nonce0} = ejabberd_acme_comm:directory(DirURL), %% ?INFO_MSG("Directories: ~p", [Dirs]), Req0 = [{ <<"contact">>, [<<"mailto:cert-example-admin@example2.com">>]}], {ok, {TOS, Account}, Nonce1} = ejabberd_acme_comm:new_account(Dirs, PrivateKey, Req0, Nonce0), {_, AccIdInt} = proplists:lookup(<<"id">>, Account), AccId = integer_to_list(AccIdInt), {ok, {_TOS, Account1}, Nonce2} = ejabberd_acme_comm:get_account({CAUrl, AccId}, PrivateKey, Nonce1), %% ?INFO_MSG("Old account: ~p~n", [Account1]), Req1 = [{ <<"agreement">>, list_to_bitstring(TOS)}], {ok, Account2, Nonce3} = ejabberd_acme_comm:update_account({CAUrl, AccId}, PrivateKey, Req1, Nonce2), %% Delete account {ok, Account3, Nonce4} = ejabberd_acme_comm:delete_account({CAUrl, AccId}, PrivateKey, Nonce3), timer:sleep(3000), {ok, {_TOS, Account4}, Nonce5} = ejabberd_acme_comm:get_account({CAUrl, AccId}, PrivateKey, Nonce4), ?INFO_MSG("New account: ~p~n", [Account4]), AccIdBin = list_to_bitstring(integer_to_list(AccIdInt)), DomainName = << <<"my-acme-test-ejabberd">>/binary, AccIdBin/binary, <<".com">>/binary >>, Req2 = [{<<"identifier">>, {[{<<"type">>, <<"dns">>}, {<<"value">>, DomainName}]}}, {<<"existing">>, <<"accept">>} ], {ok, {AuthzUrl, Authz}, Nonce6} = ejabberd_acme_comm:new_authz(Dirs, PrivateKey, Req2, Nonce5), {ok, Account1, Account3, Authz}. %% Just a test scenario0(KeyFile, HttpDir) -> PrivateKey = jose_jwk:from_file(KeyFile), %% scenario("http://localhost:4000", "2", PrivateKey). %% delete_account_scenario("http://localhost:4000"). new_user_scenario("http://localhost:4000", HttpDir). %% scenario3().