defmodule Ejabberd.Mixfile do use Mix.Project def project do [app: :ejabberd, version: "16.01.0", description: description, elixir: "~> 1.1", elixirc_paths: ["lib"], compile_path: ".", compilers: [:asn1] ++ Mix.compilers, erlc_options: erlc_options, erlc_paths: ["asn1", "src"], package: package, deps: deps] end defp description do """ Robust, ubiquitous and massively scalable Jabber / XMPP Instant Messaging platform. """ end def application do [mod: {:ejabberd_app, []}, applications: [:ssl], included_applications: [:lager, :mnesia, :p1_utils, :cache_tab, :p1_tls, :p1_stringprep, :p1_xml, :p1_stun, :p1_yaml, :p1_zlib, :p1_iconv, :esip, :jiffy, :oauth2, :xmlrpc, :eredis, :p1_mysql, :p1_pgsql, :sqlite3]] end defp erlc_options do # Use our own includes + includes from all dependencies includes = ["include"] ++ Path.wildcard(Path.join("..", "/*/include")) [:debug_info] ++, fn(path) -> {:i, path} end) end defp deps do [{:lager, git: "", tag: "3.0.2"}, {:p1_utils, git: "", tag: "1.0.3", override: true}, {:cache_tab, git: "", tag: "1.0.2"}, {:p1_tls, git: "", tag: "1.0.0"}, {:p1_stringprep, git: "", tag: "1.0.1"}, {:p1_xml, git: "", tag: "1.1.2"}, {:p1_stun, git: "", tag: "0.9.1"}, {:esip, git: "", tag: "1.0.1"}, {:p1_yaml, git: "", tag: "1.0.1"}, {:jiffy, git: "", tag: "0.14.5"}, {:oauth2, git: "", ref: "8d129fbf8866930b4ffa6dd84e65bd2b32b9acb8"}, {:xmlrpc, git: "", tag: "1.15"}, {:p1_mysql, git: "", tag: "1.0.0"}, {:p1_pgsql, git: "", tag: "1.0.0"}, {:sqlite3, git: "", ref: "cbc3505f7a131254265d3ef56191b2581b8cc172"}, {:p1_zlib, git: "", tag: "1.0.0"}, {:p1_iconv, git: "", tag: "0.9.0"}, {:eredis, git: "", tag: "v1.0.8"}, {:exrm, "0.19.9"}] end defp package do [# These are the default files included in the package files: ["lib", "src", "priv", "mix.exs", "include", "", "COPYING"], maintainers: ["ProcessOne"], licenses: ["GPLv2"], links: %{"Site" => "", "Documentation" => "", "Source" => ""}] end end defmodule Mix.Tasks.Compile.Asn1 do use Mix.Task alias Mix.Compilers.Erlang @recursive true @manifest ".compile.asn1" def run(args) do {opts, _, _} = OptionParser.parse(args, switches: [force: :boolean]) project = Mix.Project.config source_paths = project[:asn1_paths] || ["asn1"] dest_paths = project[:asn1_target] || ["src"] mappings =, dest_paths) options = project[:asn1_options] || [] Erlang.compile(manifest(), mappings, :asn1, :erl, opts[:force], fn input, output -> options = options ++ [:noobj, outdir: Erlang.to_erl_file(Path.dirname(output))] case :asn1ct.compile(Erlang.to_erl_file(input), options) do :ok -> {:ok, :done} error -> error end end) end def manifests, do: [manifest] defp manifest, do: Path.join(Mix.Project.manifest_path, @manifest) def clean, do: Erlang.clean(manifest()) end