%%%------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% @author Evgeniy Khramtsov %%% @copyright (C) 2013, Evgeniy Khramtsov %%% @doc %%% %%% @end %%% Created : 2 Jun 2013 by Evgeniy Khramtsov %%%------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(ejabberd_SUITE). -compile(export_all). -include_lib("common_test/include/ct.hrl"). -include("xml.hrl"). -include("ns.hrl"). -include("ejabberd.hrl"). -include("xmpp_codec.hrl"). -define(STREAM_HEADER, <<"">>). -define(STREAM_TRAILER, <<"">>). -define(PUBSUB(Node), <<(?NS_PUBSUB)/binary, "#", Node>>). suite() -> [{timetrap,{seconds,30}}]. init_per_suite(Config) -> DataDir = proplists:get_value(data_dir, Config), PrivDir = proplists:get_value(priv_dir, Config), ConfigPath = filename:join([DataDir, "ejabberd.cfg"]), LogPath = filename:join([PrivDir, "ejabberd.log"]), SASLPath = filename:join([PrivDir, "sasl.log"]), MnesiaDir = filename:join([PrivDir, "mnesia"]), CertFile = filename:join([DataDir, "cert.pem"]), {ok, CWD} = file:get_cwd(), {ok, _} = file:copy(CertFile, filename:join([CWD, "cert.pem"])), application:set_env(ejabberd, config, ConfigPath), application:set_env(ejabberd, log_path, LogPath), application:set_env(sasl, sasl_error_logger, {file, SASLPath}), application:set_env(mnesia, dir, MnesiaDir), ok = application:start(ejabberd), [{server, <<"localhost">>}, {port, 5222}, {certfile, CertFile}, {password, <<"password">>} |Config]. end_per_suite(_Config) -> ok. init_per_group(GroupName, Config) -> User = list_to_binary(atom_to_list(GroupName)), set_opt(user, User, Config). end_per_group(_GroupName, _Config) -> ok. init_per_testcase(TestCase, OrigConfig) -> Resource = list_to_binary(atom_to_list(TestCase)), Config = set_opt(resource, Resource, OrigConfig), case TestCase of test_connect -> Config; test_auth -> connect(Config); test_starttls -> connect(Config); test_zlib -> connect(Config); test_register -> connect(Config); auth_md5 -> connect(Config); auth_plain -> connect(Config); test_bind -> auth(connect(Config)); test_open_session -> bind(auth(connect(Config))); stop_ejabberd -> Config1 = set_opt(user, <<"stop_ejabberd">>, Config), open_session(bind(auth(register(connect(Config1))))); _ -> open_session(bind(auth(connect(Config)))) end. end_per_testcase(_TestCase, _Config) -> ok. groups() -> [{single_user, [sequence], [test_connect, test_starttls, test_zlib, test_register, auth_plain, auth_md5, test_auth, test_bind, test_open_session, roster_get, presence_broadcast, ping, version, time, stats, disco, last, private, privacy, blocking, vcard, pubsub, test_unregister]}]. all() -> [{group, single_user}, stop_ejabberd]. stop_ejabberd(Config) -> ok = application:stop(ejabberd), #stream_error{reason = 'system-shutdown'} = recv(), {xmlstreamend, <<"stream:stream">>} = recv(), Config. test_connect(Config) -> disconnect(connect(Config)). connect(Config) -> {ok, Sock} = ejabberd_socket:connect( binary_to_list(?config(server, Config)), ?config(port, Config), [binary, {packet, 0}, {active, false}]), init_stream(set_opt(socket, Sock, Config)). init_stream(Config) -> ok = send_text(Config, io_lib:format(?STREAM_HEADER, [?config(server, Config)])), {xmlstreamstart, <<"stream:stream">>, Attrs} = recv(), <<"jabber:client">> = xml:get_attr_s(<<"xmlns">>, Attrs), <<"1.0">> = xml:get_attr_s(<<"version">>, Attrs), #stream_features{sub_els = Fs} = recv(), Mechs = lists:flatmap( fun(#sasl_mechanisms{list = Ms}) -> Ms; (_) -> [] end, Fs), lists:foldl( fun(#feature_register{}, Acc) -> set_opt(register, true, Acc); (#starttls{}, Acc) -> set_opt(starttls, true, Acc); (#compression{methods = Ms}, Acc) -> set_opt(compression, Ms, Acc); (_, Acc) -> Acc end, set_opt(mechs, Mechs, Config), Fs). disconnect(Config) -> Socket = ?config(socket, Config), ok = ejabberd_socket:send(Socket, ?STREAM_TRAILER), {xmlstreamend, <<"stream:stream">>} = recv(), ejabberd_socket:close(Socket), Config. test_starttls(Config) -> case ?config(starttls, Config) of true -> disconnect(starttls(Config)); _ -> {skipped, 'starttls_not_available'} end. starttls(Config) -> _ = send(Config, #starttls{}), #starttls_proceed{} = recv(), TLSSocket = ejabberd_socket:starttls( ?config(socket, Config), [{certfile, ?config(certfile, Config)}, connect]), init_stream(set_opt(socket, TLSSocket, Config)). test_zlib(Config) -> case ?config(compression, Config) of [_|_] = Ms -> case lists:member(<<"zlib">>, Ms) of true -> disconnect(zlib(Config)); false -> {skipped, 'zlib_not_available'} end; _ -> {skipped, 'compression_not_available'} end. zlib(Config) -> _ = send(Config, #compress{methods = [<<"zlib">>]}), #compressed{} = recv(), ZlibSocket = ejabberd_socket:compress(?config(socket, Config)), init_stream(set_opt(socket, ZlibSocket, Config)). test_register(Config) -> case ?config(register, Config) of true -> disconnect(register(Config)); _ -> {skipped, 'registration_not_available'} end. register(Config) -> I1 = send(Config, #iq{type = get, to = server_jid(Config), sub_els = [#register{}]}), #iq{type = result, id = I1, sub_els = [#register{username = none, password = none}]} = recv(), I2 = send(Config, #iq{type = set, sub_els = [#register{username = ?config(user, Config), password = ?config(password, Config)}]}), #iq{type = result, id = I2, sub_els = []} = recv(), Config. test_unregister(Config) -> case ?config(register, Config) of true -> try_unregister(Config); _ -> {skipped, 'registration_not_available'} end. try_unregister(Config) -> true = is_feature_advertised(Config, ?NS_REGISTER), I = send(Config, #iq{type = set, sub_els = [#register{remove = true}]}), #iq{type = result, id = I, sub_els = []} = recv(), #stream_error{reason = conflict} = recv(), Config. test_auth(Config) -> disconnect(auth(Config)). auth(Config) -> Mechs = ?config(mechs, Config), HaveMD5 = lists:member(<<"DIGEST-MD5">>, Mechs), HavePLAIN = lists:member(<<"PLAIN">>, Mechs), if HavePLAIN -> auth_SASL(<<"PLAIN">>, Config); HaveMD5 -> auth_SASL(<<"DIGEST-MD5">>, Config); true -> ct:fail(no_sasl_mechanisms_available) end. test_bind(Config) -> disconnect(bind(Config)). bind(Config) -> ID = send(Config, #iq{type = set, sub_els = [#bind{resource = ?config(resource, Config)}]}), #iq{type = result, id = ID, sub_els = [#bind{}]} = recv(), Config. test_open_session(Config) -> disconnect(open_session(Config)). open_session(Config) -> ID = send(Config, #iq{type = set, sub_els = [#session{}]}), #iq{type = result, id = ID, sub_els = []} = recv(), Config. roster_get(Config) -> ID = send(Config, #iq{type = get, sub_els = [#roster{}]}), #iq{type = result, id = ID, sub_els = [#roster{item = []}]} = recv(), disconnect(Config). presence_broadcast(Config) -> send(Config, #presence{}), JID = my_jid(Config), %% We receive the welcome message first #message{type = normal} = recv(), %% Then we receive back our presence #presence{from = JID, to = JID} = recv(), disconnect(Config). ping(Config) -> true = is_feature_advertised(Config, ?NS_PING), ID = send(Config, #iq{type = get, sub_els = [#ping{}], to = server_jid(Config)}), #iq{type = result, id = ID, sub_els = []} = recv(), disconnect(Config). version(Config) -> true = is_feature_advertised(Config, ?NS_VERSION), ID = send(Config, #iq{type = get, sub_els = [#version{}], to = server_jid(Config)}), #iq{type = result, id = ID, sub_els = [#version{}]} = recv(), disconnect(Config). time(Config) -> true = is_feature_advertised(Config, ?NS_TIME), ID = send(Config, #iq{type = get, sub_els = [#time{}], to = server_jid(Config)}), #iq{type = result, id = ID, sub_els = [#time{}]} = recv(), disconnect(Config). disco(Config) -> true = is_feature_advertised(Config, ?NS_DISCO_INFO), true = is_feature_advertised(Config, ?NS_DISCO_ITEMS), I1 = send(Config, #iq{type = get, sub_els = [#disco_items{}], to = server_jid(Config)}), #iq{type = result, id = I1, sub_els = [#disco_items{items = Items}]} = recv(), lists:foreach( fun(#disco_item{jid = JID, node = Node}) -> I = send(Config, #iq{type = get, to = JID, sub_els = [#disco_info{node = Node}]}), #iq{type = result, id = I, sub_els = _} = recv() end, Items), disconnect(Config). private(Config) -> I1 = send(Config, #iq{type = get, sub_els = [#private{}], to = server_jid(Config)}), #iq{type = error, id = I1} = recv(), Conference = #bookmark_conference{name = <<"Some name">>, autojoin = true, jid = jlib:make_jid( <<"some">>, <<"some.conference.org">>, <<>>)}, Storage = #bookmark_storage{conference = [Conference]}, I2 = send(Config, #iq{type = set, sub_els = [#private{sub_els = [Storage]}]}), #iq{type = result, id = I2, sub_els = []} = recv(), I3 = send(Config, #iq{type = get, sub_els = [#private{sub_els = [#bookmark_storage{}]}]}), #iq{type = result, id = I3, sub_els = [#private{sub_els = [Storage]}]} = recv(), disconnect(Config). last(Config) -> true = is_feature_advertised(Config, ?NS_LAST), ID = send(Config, #iq{type = get, sub_els = [#last{}], to = server_jid(Config)}), #iq{type = result, id = ID, sub_els = [#last{}]} = recv(), disconnect(Config). privacy(Config) -> true = is_feature_advertised(Config, ?NS_PRIVACY), I1 = send(Config, #iq{type = get, sub_els = [#privacy{}]}), #iq{type = result, id = I1, sub_els = [#privacy{}]} = recv(), JID = <<"tybalt@example.com">>, I2 = send(Config, #iq{type = set, sub_els = [#privacy{ lists = [#privacy_list{ name = <<"public">>, items = [#privacy_item{ type = jid, order = 3, action = deny, stanza = 'presence-in', value = JID}]}]}]}), #iq{type = result, id = I2, sub_els = []} = recv(), _Push1 = #iq{type = set, id = PushI1, sub_els = [#privacy{ lists = [#privacy_list{ name = <<"public">>}]}]} = recv(), %% BUG: ejabberd replies on this result %% TODO: this should be fixed in ejabberd %% _ = send(Config, Push1#iq{type = result, sub_els = []}), I3 = send(Config, #iq{type = set, sub_els = [#privacy{active = <<"public">>}]}), #iq{type = result, id = I3, sub_els = []} = recv(), I4 = send(Config, #iq{type = set, sub_els = [#privacy{default = <<"public">>}]}), #iq{type = result, id = I4, sub_els = []} = recv(), I5 = send(Config, #iq{type = get, sub_els = [#privacy{}]}), #iq{type = result, id = I5, sub_els = [#privacy{default = <<"public">>, active = <<"public">>, lists = [#privacy_list{name = <<"public">>}]}]} = recv(), I6 = send(Config, #iq{type = set, sub_els = [#privacy{default = none}]}), #iq{type = result, id = I6, sub_els = []} = recv(), I7 = send(Config, #iq{type = set, sub_els = [#privacy{active = none}]}), #iq{type = result, id = I7, sub_els = []} = recv(), I8 = send(Config, #iq{type = set, sub_els = [#privacy{ lists = [#privacy_list{ name = <<"public">>}]}]}), #iq{type = result, id = I8, sub_els = []} = recv(), %% BUG: We should receive this: %% _Push2 = #iq{type = set, id = PushI2, sub_els = []} = recv(), %% TODO: this should be fixed in ejabberd _Push2 = #iq{type = set, id = PushI2, sub_els = [#privacy{ lists = [#privacy_list{ name = <<"public">>}]}]} = recv(), disconnect(Config). blocking(Config) -> true = is_feature_advertised(Config, ?NS_BLOCKING), JID = jlib:make_jid(<<"romeo">>, <<"montague.net">>, <<>>), I1 = send(Config, #iq{type = get, sub_els = [#block_list{}]}), #iq{type = result, id = I1, sub_els = [#block_list{}]} = recv(), I2 = send(Config, #iq{type = set, sub_els = [#block{items = [JID]}]}), #iq{type = result, id = I2, sub_els = []} = recv(), #iq{type = set, id = _, sub_els = [#privacy{lists = [#privacy_list{}]}]} = recv(), #iq{type = set, id = _, sub_els = [#block{items = [JID]}]} = recv(), I3 = send(Config, #iq{type = set, sub_els = [#unblock{items = [JID]}]}), #iq{type = result, id = I3, sub_els = []} = recv(), #iq{type = set, id = _, sub_els = [#privacy{lists = [#privacy_list{}]}]} = recv(), #iq{type = set, id = _, sub_els = [#unblock{items = [JID]}]} = recv(), disconnect(Config). vcard(Config) -> true = is_feature_advertised(Config, ?NS_VCARD), VCard = #vcard{fn = <<"Peter Saint-Andre">>, n = #vcard_name{family = <<"Saint-Andre">>, given = <<"Peter">>}, nickname = <<"stpeter">>, bday = <<"1966-08-06">>, adr = [#vcard_adr{work = true, extadd = <<"Suite 600">>, street = <<"1899 Wynkoop Street">>, locality = <<"Denver">>, region = <<"CO">>, pcode = <<"80202">>, ctry = <<"USA">>}, #vcard_adr{home = true, locality = <<"Denver">>, region = <<"CO">>, pcode = <<"80209">>, ctry = <<"USA">>}], tel = [#vcard_tel{work = true,voice = true, number = <<"303-308-3282">>}, #vcard_tel{home = true,voice = true, number = <<"303-555-1212">>}], email = [#vcard_email{internet = true,pref = true, userid = <<"stpeter@jabber.org">>}], jabberid = <<"stpeter@jabber.org">>, title = <<"Executive Director">>,role = <<"Patron Saint">>, org = #vcard_org{name = <<"XMPP Standards Foundation">>}, url = <<"http://www.xmpp.org/xsf/people/stpeter.shtml">>, desc = <<"More information about me is located on my " "personal website: http://www.saint-andre.com/">>}, I1 = send(Config, #iq{type = set, sub_els = [VCard]}), #iq{type = result, id = I1, sub_els = []} = recv(), I2 = send(Config, #iq{type = get, sub_els = [#vcard{}]}), %% TODO: check if VCard == VCard1. #iq{type = result, id = I2, sub_els = [_VCard1]} = recv(), disconnect(Config). stats(Config) -> ServerJID = server_jid(Config), ID = send(Config, #iq{type = get, sub_els = [#stats{}], to = server_jid(Config)}), #iq{type = result, id = ID, sub_els = [#stats{stat = Stats}]} = recv(), lists:foreach( fun(#stat{name = Name} = Stat) -> I = send(Config, #iq{type = get, sub_els = [#stats{stat = [Stat]}], to = server_jid(Config)}), #iq{type = result, id = I, sub_els = [_|_]} = recv() end, Stats), disconnect(Config). pubsub(Config) -> true = is_feature_advertised(Config, ?NS_PUBSUB), %% Publish element within node "presence" ItemID = randoms:get_string(), Node = <<"presence">>, Item = #pubsub_item{id = ItemID, sub_els = [#presence{}]}, I1 = send(Config, #iq{type = set, to = pubsub_jid(Config), sub_els = [#pubsub{publish = {Node, [Item]}}]}), #iq{type = result, id = I1, sub_els = [#pubsub{publish = {<<"presence">>, [#pubsub_item{id = ItemID}]}}]} = recv(), %% Subscribe to node "presence" I2 = send(Config, #iq{type = set, to = pubsub_jid(Config), sub_els = [#pubsub{subscribe = {Node, my_jid(Config)}}]}), #message{sub_els = [#pubsub_event{}, #delay{}]} = recv(), #iq{type = result, id = I2} = recv(), %% Get subscriptions true = is_feature_advertised(Config, ?PUBSUB("retrieve-subscriptions")), I3 = send(Config, #iq{type = get, to = pubsub_jid(Config), sub_els = [#pubsub{subscriptions = {none, []}}]}), #iq{type = result, id = I3, sub_els = [#pubsub{subscriptions = {none, [#pubsub_subscription{node = Node}]}}]} = recv(), %% Get affiliations true = is_feature_advertised(Config, ?PUBSUB("retrieve-affiliations")), I4 = send(Config, #iq{type = get, to = pubsub_jid(Config), sub_els = [#pubsub{affiliations = []}]}), #iq{type = result, id = I4, sub_els = [#pubsub{ affiliations = [#pubsub_affiliation{node = Node, type = owner}]}]} = recv(), disconnect(Config). auth_md5(Config) -> Mechs = ?config(mechs, Config), case lists:member(<<"DIGEST-MD5">>, Mechs) of true -> disconnect(auth_SASL(<<"DIGEST-MD5">>, Config)); false -> disconnect(Config), {skipped, 'DIGEST-MD5_not_available'} end. auth_plain(Config) -> Mechs = ?config(mechs, Config), case lists:member(<<"PLAIN">>, Mechs) of true -> disconnect(auth_SASL(<<"PLAIN">>, Config)); false -> disconnect(Config), {skipped, 'PLAIN_not_available'} end. auth_SASL(Mech, Config) -> {Response, SASL} = sasl_new(Mech, ?config(user, Config), ?config(server, Config), ?config(password, Config)), send(Config, #sasl_auth{mechanism = Mech, text = Response}), wait_auth_SASL_result(set_opt(sasl, SASL, Config)). wait_auth_SASL_result(Config) -> case recv() of #sasl_success{} -> ejabberd_socket:reset_stream(?config(socket, Config)), send_text(Config, io_lib:format(?STREAM_HEADER, [?config(server, Config)])), {xmlstreamstart, <<"stream:stream">>, Attrs} = recv(), <<"jabber:client">> = xml:get_attr_s(<<"xmlns">>, Attrs), <<"1.0">> = xml:get_attr_s(<<"version">>, Attrs), #stream_features{} = recv(), Config; #sasl_challenge{text = ClientIn} -> {Response, SASL} = (?config(sasl, Config))(ClientIn), send(Config, #sasl_response{text = Response}), wait_auth_SASL_result(set_opt(sasl, SASL, Config)); #sasl_failure{} -> ct:fail(sasl_auth_failed) end. %%%=================================================================== %%% Aux functions %%%=================================================================== re_register(Config) -> User = ?config(user, Config), Server = ?config(server, Config), Pass = ?config(password, Config), {atomic, ok} = ejabberd_auth:try_register(User, Server, Pass), ok. recv() -> receive {'$gen_event', {xmlstreamelement, El}} -> ct:pal("recv: ~p", [El]), xmpp_codec:decode(fix_ns(El)); {'$gen_event', Event} -> Event end. fix_ns(#xmlel{name = Tag, attrs = Attrs} = El) when Tag == <<"stream:features">>; Tag == <<"stream:error">> -> NewAttrs = [{<<"xmlns">>, <<"http://etherx.jabber.org/streams">>} |lists:keydelete(<<"xmlns">>, 1, Attrs)], El#xmlel{attrs = NewAttrs}; fix_ns(#xmlel{name = Tag, attrs = Attrs} = El) when Tag == <<"message">>; Tag == <<"iq">>; Tag == <<"presence">> -> NewAttrs = [{<<"xmlns">>, <<"jabber:client">>} |lists:keydelete(<<"xmlns">>, 1, Attrs)], El#xmlel{attrs = NewAttrs}; fix_ns(El) -> El. send_text(Config, Text) -> ejabberd_socket:send(?config(socket, Config), Text). send(State, Pkt) -> {NewID, NewPkt} = case Pkt of #message{id = I} -> ID = id(I), {ID, Pkt#message{id = ID}}; #presence{id = I} -> ID = id(I), {ID, Pkt#presence{id = ID}}; #iq{id = I} -> ID = id(I), {ID, Pkt#iq{id = ID}}; _ -> {undefined, Pkt} end, El = xmpp_codec:encode(NewPkt), ct:pal("sent: ~p", [El]), ok = send_text(State, xml:element_to_binary(El)), NewID. sasl_new(<<"PLAIN">>, User, Server, Password) -> {<>, fun (_) -> {error, <<"Invalid SASL challenge">>} end}; sasl_new(<<"DIGEST-MD5">>, User, Server, Password) -> {<<"">>, fun (ServerIn) -> case cyrsasl_digest:parse(ServerIn) of bad -> {error, <<"Invalid SASL challenge">>}; KeyVals -> Nonce = xml:get_attr_s(<<"nonce">>, KeyVals), CNonce = id(), DigestURI = <<"xmpp/", Server/binary>>, Realm = Server, NC = <<"00000001">>, QOP = <<"auth">>, AuthzId = <<"">>, MyResponse = response(User, Password, Nonce, AuthzId, Realm, CNonce, DigestURI, NC, QOP, <<"AUTHENTICATE">>), ServerResponse = response(User, Password, Nonce, AuthzId, Realm, CNonce, DigestURI, NC, QOP, <<"">>), Resp = <<"username=\"", User/binary, "\",realm=\"", Realm/binary, "\",nonce=\"", Nonce/binary, "\",cnonce=\"", CNonce/binary, "\",nc=", NC/binary, ",qop=", QOP/binary, ",digest-uri=\"", DigestURI/binary, "\",response=\"", MyResponse/binary, "\"">>, {Resp, fun (ServerIn2) -> case cyrsasl_digest:parse(ServerIn2) of bad -> {error, <<"Invalid SASL challenge">>}; KeyVals2 -> RspAuth = xml:get_attr_s(<<"rspauth">>, KeyVals2), if RspAuth == ServerResponse -> {<<"">>, fun (_) -> {error, <<"Invalid SASL challenge">>} end}; true -> {error, <<"Invalid SASL challenge">>} end end end} end end}. hex(S) -> sha:to_hexlist(S). response(User, Passwd, Nonce, AuthzId, Realm, CNonce, DigestURI, NC, QOP, A2Prefix) -> A1 = case AuthzId of <<"">> -> <<((crypto:md5(<>)))/binary, ":", Nonce/binary, ":", CNonce/binary>>; _ -> <<((crypto:md5(<>)))/binary, ":", Nonce/binary, ":", CNonce/binary, ":", AuthzId/binary>> end, A2 = case QOP of <<"auth">> -> <>; _ -> <> end, T = <<(hex((crypto:md5(A1))))/binary, ":", Nonce/binary, ":", NC/binary, ":", CNonce/binary, ":", QOP/binary, ":", (hex((crypto:md5(A2))))/binary>>, hex((crypto:md5(T))). my_jid(Config) -> jlib:make_jid(?config(user, Config), ?config(server, Config), ?config(resource, Config)). server_jid(Config) -> jlib:make_jid(<<>>, ?config(server, Config), <<>>). pubsub_jid(Config) -> Server = ?config(server, Config), jlib:make_jid(<<>>, <<"pubsub.", Server/binary>>, <<>>). id() -> id(undefined). id(undefined) -> randoms:get_string(); id(ID) -> ID. is_feature_advertised(Config, Feature) -> ID = send(Config, #iq{type = get, sub_els = [#disco_info{}], to = server_jid(Config)}), #iq{type = result, id = ID, sub_els = [#disco_info{feature = Features}]} = recv(), lists:member(Feature, Features). bookmark_conference() -> #bookmark_conference{name = <<"Some name">>, autojoin = true, jid = jlib:make_jid( <<"some">>, <<"some.conference.org">>, <<>>)}. set_opt(Opt, Val, Config) -> [{Opt, Val}|lists:keydelete(Opt, 1, Config)].