%%%------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% File : mod_mam_sql.erl %%% Author : Evgeny Khramtsov %%% Created : 15 Apr 2016 by Evgeny Khramtsov %%% %%% %%% ejabberd, Copyright (C) 2002-2017 ProcessOne %%% %%% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or %%% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as %%% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the %%% License, or (at your option) any later version. %%% %%% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, %%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of %%% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU %%% General Public License for more details. %%% %%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along %%% with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., %%% 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. %%% %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(mod_mam_sql). -compile([{parse_transform, ejabberd_sql_pt}]). -behaviour(mod_mam). %% API -export([init/2, remove_user/2, remove_room/3, delete_old_messages/3, extended_fields/0, store/7, write_prefs/4, get_prefs/2, select/6]). -include_lib("stdlib/include/ms_transform.hrl"). -include("xmpp.hrl"). -include("mod_mam.hrl"). -include("logger.hrl"). -include("ejabberd_sql_pt.hrl"). %%%=================================================================== %%% API %%%=================================================================== init(_Host, _Opts) -> ok. remove_user(LUser, LServer) -> ejabberd_sql:sql_query( LServer, ?SQL("delete from archive where username=%(LUser)s")), ejabberd_sql:sql_query( LServer, ?SQL("delete from archive_prefs where username=%(LUser)s")). remove_room(LServer, LName, LHost) -> LUser = jid:encode({LName, LHost, <<>>}), remove_user(LUser, LServer). delete_old_messages(ServerHost, TimeStamp, Type) -> TypeClause = if Type == all -> <<"">>; true -> [<<" and kind='">>, misc:atom_to_binary(Type), <<"'">>] end, TS = integer_to_binary(now_to_usec(TimeStamp)), ejabberd_sql:sql_query( ServerHost, [<<"delete from archive where timestamp<">>, TS, TypeClause, <<";">>]), ok. extended_fields() -> [{withtext, <<"">>}]. store(Pkt, LServer, {LUser, LHost}, Type, Peer, Nick, _Dir) -> TSinteger = p1_time_compat:system_time(micro_seconds), ID = integer_to_binary(TSinteger), SUser = case Type of chat -> LUser; groupchat -> jid:encode({LUser, LHost, <<>>}) end, BarePeer = jid:encode( jid:tolower( jid:remove_resource(Peer))), LPeer = jid:encode( jid:tolower(Peer)), XML = fxml:element_to_binary(Pkt), Body = fxml:get_subtag_cdata(Pkt, <<"body">>), SType = misc:atom_to_binary(Type), case ejabberd_sql:sql_query( LServer, ?SQL("insert into archive (username, timestamp," " peer, bare_peer, xml, txt, kind, nick) values (" "%(SUser)s, " "%(TSinteger)d, " "%(LPeer)s, " "%(BarePeer)s, " "%(XML)s, " "%(Body)s, " "%(SType)s, " "%(Nick)s)")) of {updated, _} -> {ok, ID}; Err -> Err end. write_prefs(LUser, _LServer, #archive_prefs{default = Default, never = Never, always = Always}, ServerHost) -> SDefault = erlang:atom_to_binary(Default, utf8), SAlways = misc:term_to_expr(Always), SNever = misc:term_to_expr(Never), case ?SQL_UPSERT( ServerHost, "archive_prefs", ["!username=%(LUser)s", "def=%(SDefault)s", "always=%(SAlways)s", "never=%(SNever)s"]) of {updated, _} -> ok; Err -> Err end. get_prefs(LUser, LServer) -> case ejabberd_sql:sql_query( LServer, ?SQL("select @(def)s, @(always)s, @(never)s from archive_prefs" " where username=%(LUser)s")) of {selected, [{SDefault, SAlways, SNever}]} -> Default = erlang:binary_to_existing_atom(SDefault, utf8), Always = ejabberd_sql:decode_term(SAlways), Never = ejabberd_sql:decode_term(SNever), {ok, #archive_prefs{us = {LUser, LServer}, default = Default, always = Always, never = Never}}; _ -> error end. select(LServer, JidRequestor, #jid{luser = LUser} = JidArchive, MAMQuery, RSM, MsgType) -> User = case MsgType of chat -> LUser; {groupchat, _Role, _MUCState} -> jid:encode(JidArchive) end, {Query, CountQuery} = make_sql_query(User, LServer, MAMQuery, RSM), % TODO from XEP-0313 v0.2: "To conserve resources, a server MAY place a % reasonable limit on how many stanzas may be pushed to a client in one % request. If a query returns a number of stanzas greater than this limit % and the client did not specify a limit using RSM then the server should % return a policy-violation error to the client." We currently don't do this % for v0.2 requests, but we do limit #rsm_in.max for v0.3 and newer. case {ejabberd_sql:sql_query(LServer, Query), ejabberd_sql:sql_query(LServer, CountQuery)} of {{selected, _, Res}, {selected, _, [[Count]]}} -> {Max, Direction, _} = get_max_direction_id(RSM), {Res1, IsComplete} = if Max >= 0 andalso Max /= undefined andalso length(Res) > Max -> if Direction == before -> {lists:nthtail(1, Res), false}; true -> {lists:sublist(Res, Max), false} end; true -> {Res, true} end, {lists:flatmap( fun([TS, XML, PeerBin, Kind, Nick]) -> case make_archive_el( TS, XML, PeerBin, Kind, Nick, MsgType, JidRequestor, JidArchive) of {ok, El} -> [{TS, binary_to_integer(TS), El}]; {error, _} -> [] end end, Res1), IsComplete, binary_to_integer(Count)}; _ -> {[], false, 0} end. %%%=================================================================== %%% Internal functions %%%=================================================================== now_to_usec({MSec, Sec, USec}) -> (MSec*1000000 + Sec)*1000000 + USec. usec_to_now(Int) -> Secs = Int div 1000000, USec = Int rem 1000000, MSec = Secs div 1000000, Sec = Secs rem 1000000, {MSec, Sec, USec}. make_sql_query(User, LServer, MAMQuery, RSM) -> Start = proplists:get_value(start, MAMQuery), End = proplists:get_value('end', MAMQuery), With = proplists:get_value(with, MAMQuery), WithText = proplists:get_value(withtext, MAMQuery), {Max, Direction, ID} = get_max_direction_id(RSM), ODBCType = ejabberd_config:get_option( {sql_type, LServer}, ejabberd_sql:opt_type(sql_type)), Escape = case ODBCType of mssql -> fun ejabberd_sql:standard_escape/1; sqlite -> fun ejabberd_sql:standard_escape/1; _ -> fun ejabberd_sql:escape/1 end, LimitClause = if is_integer(Max), Max >= 0, ODBCType /= mssql -> [<<" limit ">>, integer_to_binary(Max+1)]; true -> [] end, TopClause = if is_integer(Max), Max >= 0, ODBCType == mssql -> [<<" TOP ">>, integer_to_binary(Max+1)]; true -> [] end, WithTextClause = if is_binary(WithText), WithText /= <<>> -> [<<" and match (txt) against ('">>, Escape(WithText), <<"')">>]; true -> [] end, WithClause = case catch jid:tolower(With) of {_, _, <<>>} -> [<<" and bare_peer='">>, Escape(jid:encode(With)), <<"'">>]; {_, _, _} -> [<<" and peer='">>, Escape(jid:encode(With)), <<"'">>]; _ -> [] end, PageClause = case catch binary_to_integer(ID) of I when is_integer(I), I >= 0 -> case Direction of before -> [<<" AND timestamp < ">>, ID]; 'after' -> [<<" AND timestamp > ">>, ID]; _ -> [] end; _ -> [] end, StartClause = case Start of {_, _, _} -> [<<" and timestamp >= ">>, integer_to_binary(now_to_usec(Start))]; _ -> [] end, EndClause = case End of {_, _, _} -> [<<" and timestamp <= ">>, integer_to_binary(now_to_usec(End))]; _ -> [] end, SUser = Escape(User), Query = [<<"SELECT ">>, TopClause, <<" timestamp, xml, peer, kind, nick" " FROM archive WHERE username='">>, SUser, <<"'">>, WithClause, WithTextClause, StartClause, EndClause, PageClause], QueryPage = case Direction of before -> % ID can be empty because of % XEP-0059: Result Set Management % 2.5 Requesting the Last Page in a Result Set [<<"SELECT timestamp, xml, peer, kind, nick FROM (">>, Query, <<" ORDER BY timestamp DESC ">>, LimitClause, <<") AS t ORDER BY timestamp ASC;">>]; _ -> [Query, <<" ORDER BY timestamp ASC ">>, LimitClause, <<";">>] end, {QueryPage, [<<"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM archive WHERE username='">>, SUser, <<"'">>, WithClause, WithTextClause, StartClause, EndClause, <<";">>]}. -spec get_max_direction_id(rsm_set() | undefined) -> {integer() | undefined, before | 'after' | undefined, binary()}. get_max_direction_id(RSM) -> case RSM of #rsm_set{max = Max, before = Before} when is_binary(Before) -> {Max, before, Before}; #rsm_set{max = Max, 'after' = After} when is_binary(After) -> {Max, 'after', After}; #rsm_set{max = Max} -> {Max, undefined, <<>>}; _ -> {undefined, undefined, <<>>} end. -spec make_archive_el(binary(), binary(), binary(), binary(), binary(), _, jid(), jid()) -> {ok, xmpp_element()} | {error, invalid_jid | invalid_timestamp | invalid_xml}. make_archive_el(TS, XML, Peer, Kind, Nick, MsgType, JidRequestor, JidArchive) -> case fxml_stream:parse_element(XML) of #xmlel{} = El -> try binary_to_integer(TS) of TSInt -> try jid:decode(Peer) of PeerJID -> Now = usec_to_now(TSInt), PeerLJID = jid:tolower(PeerJID), T = case Kind of <<"">> -> chat; null -> chat; _ -> misc:binary_to_atom(Kind) end, mod_mam:msg_to_el( #archive_msg{timestamp = Now, id = TS, packet = El, type = T, nick = Nick, peer = PeerLJID}, MsgType, JidRequestor, JidArchive) catch _:{bad_jid, _} -> ?ERROR_MSG("Malformed 'peer' field with value " "'~s' detected for user ~s in table " "'archive': invalid JID", [Peer, jid:encode(JidArchive)]), {error, invalid_jid} end catch _:_ -> ?ERROR_MSG("Malformed 'timestamp' field with value '~s' " "detected for user ~s in table 'archive': " "not an integer", [TS, jid:encode(JidArchive)]), {error, invalid_timestamp} end; {error, {_, Reason}} -> ?ERROR_MSG("Malformed 'xml' field with value '~s' detected " "for user ~s in table 'archive': ~s", [XML, jid:encode(JidArchive), Reason]), {error, invalid_xml} end.