-module(gen_storage_odbc). -author('stephan@spaceboyz.net'). -behaviour(gen_storage). -export([table_info/1, prepare_tabdef/2, create_table/1, delete_table/1, add_table_copy/3, add_table_index/2, read/3, select/3, count_records/2, write/3, delete/3, delete_object/3, dirty_read/2, dirty_select/2, dirty_count_records/2, dirty_write/2, dirty_delete/2, dirty_delete_object/2, delete_where/2, dirty_delete_where/2, async_dirty/2, sync_dirty/2, transaction/2]). %% TODO: append 's' to table names in SQL? -record(tabdef, {name :: atom(), % Table name record_name :: atom(), % Record name table_type :: 'set' | 'bag', % atom() = set | bag attributes :: [string()], % Columns columns :: string(), % "\"col1\", \"col2\" ,..." column_names :: [{string(), [string()]}], % [{string(), [string()]}] (already quoted) types :: [{string(), atom()}], host :: string() }). -record(odbc_cont, {tabdef, sql, offset = 0, limit}). -include("ejabberd.hrl"). % for ?DEBUG macro -include_lib("exmpp/include/exmpp.hrl"). % for #jid{} and #xmlel{} table_info(#tabdef{record_name = RecordName, table_type = TableType, attributes = Attributes, types = Types, host = Host}) -> [{record_name, RecordName}, {table_type, TableType}, {attributes, lists:map(fun erlang:list_to_atom/1, Attributes)}, {types, [{list_to_atom(A), T} || {A, T} <- Types]}, {odbc_host, Host}]. %%% Def preparation %%% prepare_tabdef(Name, TabOpts) -> {value, {_, Host}} = lists:keysearch(odbc_host, 1, TabOpts), RecordName = case lists:keysearch(record_name, 1, TabOpts) of {value, {_, RecordName1}} -> RecordName1; false -> Name end, TableType = case lists:keysearch(type, 1, TabOpts) of {value, {_, TableType1}} -> TableType1; false -> set end, Types = case lists:keysearch(types, 1, TabOpts) of {value, {_, Types1}} -> [{atom_to_list(A), T} || {A, T} <- Types1]; false -> [] end, {value, {_, Attributes1}} = lists:keysearch(attributes, 1, TabOpts), Attributes = lists:map(fun atom_to_list/1, Attributes1), ColumnQuote = case ejabberd_odbc:db_type(Host) of mysql -> "`"; _ -> "\"" end, ColumnNames = lists:map( fun(Attribute) -> case lists:keysearch(Attribute, 1, Types) of {value, {_, Type}} when is_tuple(Type) -> Tokens = string:tokens(Attribute, "_"), if length(Tokens) == size(Type) -> TokensQuoted = [ColumnQuote ++ Token ++ ColumnQuote || Token <- Tokens], {Attribute, TokensQuoted}; true -> {Attribute, fold_decrementing( fun(N, A) -> [ColumnQuote ++ Attribute ++ integer_to_list(N) ++ ColumnQuote | A] end, [], size(Type))} end; _ -> {Attribute, [ColumnQuote ++ Attribute ++ ColumnQuote]} end end, Attributes), AttributesFull = lists:foldr( fun(Attribute, A) -> T = tabdef_column_names(#tabdef{column_names = ColumnNames}, Attribute), T ++ A end, [], Attributes), Columns = string:join(AttributesFull, ", "), #tabdef{name = Name, record_name = RecordName, table_type = TableType, attributes = Attributes, columns = Columns, column_names = ColumnNames, types = Types, host = Host}. create_table(#tabdef{name = Tab, host = Host, table_type = TableType, attributes = Attributes = [KeyName | _], types = Types} = TabDef) -> {A, K} = lists:foldr( fun(Attribute, {Q, K}) -> IsKey = TableType =:= bag orelse Attribute =:= KeyName, %% The "packet" column in the table offline_msg, %% must be "text" in order to be large enough to %% contain a full stanza, not limited to a small VARCHAR(): NoTextKeys = IsKey andalso ejabberd_odbc:db_type(Host) =:= mysql andalso Attribute /= "packet", KN = tabdef_column_names(TabDef, Attribute), case lists:keysearch(Attribute, 1, Types) of {value, {_, Tuple}} when is_tuple(Tuple) -> {0, [], T} = lists:foldr( fun(TT, {N, [Name | Names], T}) -> A = Name ++ " " ++ type_to_sql_type(TT, NoTextKeys) ++ case T of "" -> ""; _ -> ", " ++ T end, {N - 1, Names, A} end, {size(Tuple), lists:reverse(KN), ""}, tuple_to_list(Tuple)); {value, {_, T1}} -> [Column] = KN, T = [Column, $ , type_to_sql_type(T1, NoTextKeys)]; false -> [Column] = KN, T = [Column, $ , type_to_sql_type(text, NoTextKeys)] end, K2 = if IsKey -> KN ++ K; true -> K end, Q2 = case Q of "" -> T; _ -> [T, ", ", Q] end, {Q2, K2} end, {"", []}, Attributes), TabS = atom_to_list(Tab), PKey = case TableType of %% This 105 limits the size of fields in the primary key. %% That prevents MySQL from complaining when setting the %% last_activity key (text, text) with this error: %% #42000Specified key was too long; max key length is 1000bytes" %% Similarly for rosteritem and other tables, maybe also PgSQL. set -> [", PRIMARY KEY (", string:join(K, "(105), "), "(105))"]; bag -> [] end, case odbc_command(Host, ["CREATE TABLE ", TabS, " (", A, PKey, ")"]) of ok -> case TableType of bag -> KeyColumns = tabdef_column_names(TabDef, KeyName), Q = ["CREATE INDEX ", TabS, "_bag ON ", TabS, " (", string:join(KeyColumns, "(75), "), "(75))"], case odbc_command(Host, Q) of ok -> {atomic, ok}; {error, Reason} -> {aborted, Reason} end; _ -> {atomic, ok} end; {error, Reason} -> {aborted, Reason} end. type_to_sql_type(Type, false = _NoTextKeys) -> type_to_sql_type(Type); type_to_sql_type(Type, true = _NoTextKeys) -> case type_to_sql_type(Type) of "TEXT" -> "VARCHAR(255)"; "text" -> "VARCHAR(255)"; R -> R end. type_to_sql_type(pid) -> "TEXT"; type_to_sql_type(xmlel) -> "TEXT"; type_to_sql_type(jid) -> "TEXT"; type_to_sql_type(ljid) -> "TEXT"; type_to_sql_type(atom) -> "TEXT"; type_to_sql_type(binary) -> "TEXT"; type_to_sql_type(A) when is_atom(A) -> atom_to_list(A). delete_table(#tabdef{name = Tab, host = Host}) -> case odbc_command(Host, ["DROP TABLE ", atom_to_list(Tab)]) of ok -> {atomic, ok}; {error, Reason} -> {aborted, Reason} end. add_table_copy(_, _, _) -> ignored. add_table_index(#tabdef{name = Tab, host = Host} = TabDef, Attribute) -> TabS = atom_to_list(Tab), AttributeS = atom_to_list(Attribute), A = tabdef_column_names(TabDef, AttributeS), Q = ["CREATE INDEX ", TabS, $_, AttributeS, " ON ", TabS, " (", string:join(A, "(75), "), "(75))"], case odbc_command(Host, Q) of ok -> {atomic, ok}; {error, Reason} -> {aborted, Reason} end. dirty_read(#tabdef{host = Host} = TabDef, Key) -> Q = prepare_select_query(TabDef, Key), rows_to_result(TabDef, odbc_query(Host, Q)). read(TabDef, Key, _LockKind) -> Q = prepare_select_query(TabDef, Key), rows_to_result(TabDef, odbc_query_t(Q)). prepare_select_query(#tabdef{name = Tab, columns = Columns} = TabDef, Key) -> ["SELECT ", Columns, " FROM ", atom_to_list(Tab), " WHERE ", prepare_where_rule(TabDef, Key)]. prepare_where_rule(#tabdef{attributes = [KeyAttr | _]} = TabDef, Key) -> prepare_where_rule(TabDef, KeyAttr, Key). prepare_where_rule(#tabdef{name = Tab} = TabDef, Attribute, Value) -> Columns = tabdef_column_names(TabDef, Attribute), TabS = atom_to_list(Tab), if is_tuple(Value) andalso length(Columns) > 1 -> string:join( lists:zipwith( fun(C, V) -> [TabS, $., C, " = ", format(V)] end, Columns, tuple_to_list(Value)), " AND "); true -> [Column] = Columns, [TabS, $., Column, " = ", format(Value)] end. select(#odbc_cont{tabdef = TabDef, sql = SQL, limit = Limit, offset = Offset} = Cont) -> Q = [SQL, " LIMIT ", integer_to_list(Limit), " OFFSET ", integer_to_list(Offset)], Results = rows_to_result(TabDef, odbc_query_t(Q)), if length(Results) == 0 -> '$end_of_table'; true -> {Results, Cont#odbc_cont{offset = Offset + length(Results)}} end. select(TabDef, MatchRules, N) -> Q = prepare_select_rules_query(TabDef, MatchRules), case N of undefined -> rows_to_result(TabDef, odbc_query_t(Q)); _ when is_integer(N) -> #tabdef{attributes = [KeyAttr | _]} = TabDef, KeyColumns = tabdef_column_names(TabDef, KeyAttr), %% Use ordering! Q2 = [Q, " ORDER BY ", string:join(KeyColumns, ",")], %% TODO: correct for bag tables Cont = #odbc_cont{tabdef = TabDef, sql = Q2, limit = N}, select(Cont) end. dirty_select(#tabdef{host = Host} = TabDef, MatchRules) -> Q = prepare_select_rules_query(TabDef, MatchRules), rows_to_result(TabDef, odbc_query(Host, Q)). prepare_select_rules_query(#tabdef{name = Tab, columns = Columns} = TabDef, MatchRules) -> WherePart = prepare_where_match_rules(TabDef, MatchRules), ["SELECT ", Columns, " FROM ", atom_to_list(Tab), WherePart]. prepare_where_match_rules(TabDef, MatchRules) -> W1 = [prepare_match_rule(TabDef, Rule) || Rule <- MatchRules], W2 = remove_omits(W1), case W2 of [] -> ""; _ -> [" WHERE ", string:join(W2, " AND ")] end. %% TODO: {not, R} prepare_match_rule(TabDef, T) when element(1, T) =:= 'and'; element(1, T) =:= 'andalso'; element(1, T) =:= 'or'; element(1, T) =:= 'orelse' -> [Op | Rules] = tuple_to_list(T), W1 = lists:map( fun(Rule) -> prepare_match_rule(TabDef, Rule) end, Rules), if Op =:= 'and' orelse Op =:= 'andalso' -> W2 = remove_omits(W1), string:join(W2, " AND "); Op =:= 'or' orelse Op =:= 'orelse' -> AlwaysTrue = lists:member(omit, W1), if AlwaysTrue -> omit; true -> string:join(W1, " OR ") end end; prepare_match_rule(#tabdef{name = Tab} = TabDef, {Op, Attribute, Value}) -> case tabdef_column_names(TabDef, Attribute) of [Column] -> prepare_match_op(Tab, Op, Column, Value); Columns -> W1 = lists:zipwith( fun(C, V) -> prepare_match_op(Tab, Op, C, V) end, Columns, tuple_to_list(Value)), W2 = remove_omits(W1), string:join(W2, " AND ") end. prepare_match_op(_Tab, _Op, _Column, '_') -> omit; prepare_match_op(Tab, Op, Column, Value) when Op =:= '=='; Op =:= '=:=' -> prepare_match_op(Tab, '=', Column, Value); prepare_match_op(Tab, '=<', Column, Value) -> prepare_match_op(Tab, '<=', Column, Value); prepare_match_op(Tab, '=/=', Column, Value) -> prepare_match_op(Tab, '!=', Column, Value); prepare_match_op(Tab, like, Column, Value) -> io_lib:format("~s.~s LIKE ~s", [Tab, Column, format(make_pattern(Value))]); prepare_match_op(Tab, Op, Column, Value) -> io_lib:format("~s.~s ~s ~s", [Tab, Column, Op, format(Value)]). make_pattern(S) -> make_pattern(S, []). make_pattern([], R) -> lists:reverse(R); make_pattern(['_' | S], R) -> make_pattern(S, [$% | R]); make_pattern([C | S], R) -> make_pattern(S, [C | R]). remove_omits(L) -> lists:filter(fun(E) -> E =/= omit end, L). rows_to_result(#tabdef{record_name = RecordName, attributes = Attributes, types = Types}, Rows) -> %% TODO: this can be cached per-table in the tabdef TypesList = lists:map( fun(Attribute) -> case lists:keysearch(Attribute, 1, Types) of {value, {_, T}} -> T; false -> text end end, Attributes), lists:map( fun(RowTuple) -> {_, Row} = row_to_result(tuple_to_list(RowTuple), TypesList, []), list_to_tuple([RecordName | Row]) end, Rows). row_to_result(Row, [], Result) -> {Row, lists:reverse(Result)}; row_to_result([Field | Row], [Type | Types], Result) -> case Type of int -> Row2 = Row, R = list_to_integer(Field); bigint -> Row2 = Row, R = list_to_integer(Field); text -> Row2 = Row, R = Field; binary -> Row2 = Row, R = list_to_binary(Field); pid -> Row2 = Row, R = list_to_pid(Field); xmlel -> Row2 = Row, [R] = exmpp_xml:parse_document(Field, [names_as_atom]); jid -> Row2 = Row, R = exmpp_jid:parse(Field); ljid -> Row2 = Row, R = jlib:short_prepd_jid(exmpp_jid:parse(Field)); atom -> Row2 = Row, R = list_to_atom(Field); _ when is_tuple(Type) -> {Row2, R1} = row_to_result([Field | Row], tuple_to_list(Type), []), R = list_to_tuple(R1) end, row_to_result(Row2, Types, [R | Result]). dirty_count_records(#tabdef{host = Host, attributes = [KeyAttr | _], name = Tab} = TabDef, MatchRules) -> WherePart = prepare_where_match_rules(TabDef, MatchRules), [Column | _] = tabdef_column_names(TabDef, KeyAttr), Q = ["SELECT count(", Column, ") FROM ", atom_to_list(Tab), WherePart], [{Count}] = odbc_query(Host, Q), list_to_integer(Count). count_records(#tabdef{attributes = [KeyAttr | _], name = Tab} = TabDef, MatchRules) -> WherePart = prepare_where_match_rules(TabDef, MatchRules), [Column | _] = tabdef_column_names(TabDef, KeyAttr), Q = ["SELECT count(", Column, ") FROM ", atom_to_list(Tab), WherePart], [{Count}] = odbc_query_t(Q), list_to_integer(Count). dirty_write(#tabdef{table_type = TableType} = TabDef, Rec) -> case TableType of bag -> F = fun() -> delete_object(TabDef, Rec), insert(TabDef, Rec) end; set -> Key = element(2, Rec), F = fun() -> delete(TabDef, Key), insert(TabDef, Rec) end end, case transaction(TabDef, F) of {atomic, ok} -> ok; {aborted, Reason} -> exit(Reason) end. write(#tabdef{table_type = TableType} = TabDef, Rec, _LockKind) -> case TableType of bag -> delete_object(TabDef, Rec); set -> Key = element(2, Rec), delete(TabDef, Key) end, insert(TabDef, Rec). dirty_delete(#tabdef{host = Host} = TabDef, Key) -> Q = prepare_delete_command(TabDef, Key), case odbc_command(Host, Q) of ok -> ok; {error, Reason} -> exit(Reason) end. delete(TabDef, Key, _LockKind) -> delete(TabDef, Key). delete(TabDef, Key) -> Q = prepare_delete_command(TabDef, Key), case odbc_command_t(Q) of ok -> ok; {error, Reason} -> exit(Reason) end. prepare_delete_command(#tabdef{name = Tab} = TabDef, Key) -> ["DELETE FROM ", atom_to_list(Tab), " WHERE ", prepare_where_rule(TabDef, Key)]. %% TODO: branch to delete if table_type == set (less overhead) dirty_delete_object(#tabdef{host = Host} = TabDef, Rec) -> Q = prepare_delete_object_command(TabDef, Rec), case odbc_command(Host, Q) of ok -> ok; {error, Reason} -> exit(Reason) end. delete_object(TabDef, Rec, _LockKind) -> delete_object(TabDef, Rec). delete_object(TabDef, Rec) -> Q = prepare_delete_object_command(TabDef, Rec), case odbc_command_t(Q) of ok -> ok; {error, Reason} -> exit(Reason) end. prepare_delete_object_command(#tabdef{name = Tab, attributes = Attributes} = TabDef, Rec) -> [_ | Values] = tuple_to_list(Rec), W = lists:zipwith( fun(Attribute, Value) -> prepare_where_rule(TabDef, Attribute, Value) end, Attributes, Values), io_lib:format("DELETE FROM ~s WHERE ~s", [Tab, string:join(W, " AND ")]). delete_where(#tabdef{name = Tab} = TabDef, MatchRules) -> WherePart = prepare_where_match_rules(TabDef, MatchRules), Q = io_lib:format("DELETE FROM ~s ~s", [Tab, WherePart]), case odbc_command_t(Q) of ok -> ok; {error, Reason} -> exit(Reason) end. dirty_delete_where(#tabdef{host = Host,name = Tab} = TabDef, MatchRules) -> WherePart = prepare_where_match_rules(TabDef, MatchRules), Q = io_lib:format("DELETE FROM ~s ~s", [Tab, WherePart]), case odbc_command(Host, Q) of ok -> ok; {error, Reason} -> exit(Reason) end. insert(TabDef, Rec) -> [_ | Values] = tuple_to_list(Rec), Q = prepare_insert_command(TabDef, Values), case odbc_command_t(Q) of ok -> ok; {error, Reason} -> exit(Reason) end. prepare_insert_command(#tabdef{name = Tab, columns = Columns, attributes = Attributes, types = Types}, Values) -> {V, []} = lists:foldl( fun(Attribute, {V, [Value | Values1]}) -> case lists:keysearch(Attribute, 1, Types) of {value, {_, Type}} when is_tuple(Type) -> ?DEBUG("Type for ~p: ~p = ~p~n",[Attribute, Type, Value]), ValueL = tuple_to_list(Value), if length(ValueL) == size(Type) -> ok; true -> exit(tuple_malformed) end, F = lists:reverse( lists:map( fun format/1, ValueL)), {F ++ V, Values1}; _ -> {[format(Value) | V], Values1} end end, {[], Values}, Attributes), ["INSERT INTO ", atom_to_list(Tab), " (", Columns, ") VALUES (", string:join(lists:reverse(V), ","), $)]. transaction(#tabdef{host = Host}, Fun) -> %% ejabberd_odbc already returns mnesia-style tuples ejabberd_odbc:sql_transaction(Host, Fun). %% Mnesia has async_dirty, maybe ODBC has something similar: %% "Call the Fun in a context which is not protected by a transaction." async_dirty(Tab, Fun) -> transaction(Tab, Fun). %% Mnesia has sync_dirty, maybe ODBC has something similar: %% "Call the Fun in a context which is not protected by a transaction." %% "The difference [with async_dirty] is that the operations are performed %% synchronously. The caller waits for the updates to be performed on all %% active replicas before the Fun returns." sync_dirty(Tab, Fun) -> transaction(Tab, Fun). tabdef_column_names(TabDef, Attribute) when is_atom(Attribute) -> tabdef_column_names(TabDef, atom_to_list(Attribute)); tabdef_column_names(#tabdef{column_names = ColumnNames}, Attribute) -> {value, {_, AttributeColumnNames}} = lists:keysearch(Attribute, 1, ColumnNames), AttributeColumnNames. format(I) when is_integer(I) -> %% escaping not needed integer_to_list(I); format(A) when is_atom(A) -> %% escaping usually not needed, watch atom() usage "'" ++ atom_to_list(A) ++ "'"; format(P) when is_pid(P) -> %% escaping not needed "'" ++ pid_to_list(P) ++ "'"; format({jid, _, _, _, _} = JID) -> format(exmpp_jid:to_list(JID)); format({N, D, R}) when (R==undefined) or (not is_atom(R)) -> format(exmpp_jid:to_list(N, D, R)); format(Xmlel) when is_record(Xmlel, xmlel) -> format(exmpp_xml:document_to_list(Xmlel)); format(B) when is_binary(B) -> format(binary_to_list(B)); format(S) when is_list(S) -> "'" ++ lists:flatten(lists:map(fun odbc_queries:escape/1, S)) ++ "'". odbc_command(Host, Q) -> case ejabberd_odbc:sql_query(Host, Q) of {error, Reason} -> {error, Reason}; {updated, _} -> ok end. odbc_command_t(Q) -> case ejabberd_odbc:sql_query_t(Q) of {error, Reason} -> {error, Reason}; {updated, _} -> ok end. odbc_query(Host, Q) -> case ejabberd_odbc:sql_query(Host, Q) of {selected, _Cols, Res} -> Res; {error, Reason} -> exit(Reason) end. odbc_query_t(Q) -> case ejabberd_odbc:sql_query_t(Q) of {selected, _Cols, Res} -> Res; {error, Reason} -> exit(Reason) end. fold_decrementing(_, Arg, N) when N =< 0 -> Arg; fold_decrementing(Fun, Arg, N) -> Arg2 = Fun(N, Arg), fold_decrementing(Fun, Arg2, N - 1).