{last, #elem{name = <<"query">>, xmlns = <<"jabber:iq:last">>, result = {last, '$seconds', '$text'}, attrs = [#attr{name = <<"seconds">>, default = undefined, enc = {enc_int, []}, dec = {dec_int, [0, infinity]}}], cdata = #cdata{label = '$text'}}}. {version_name, #elem{name = <<"name">>, xmlns = <<"jabber:iq:version">>, result = '$cdata', cdata = #cdata{label = '$cdata', required = true}}}. {version_ver, #elem{name = <<"version">>, xmlns = <<"jabber:iq:version">>, result = '$cdata', cdata = #cdata{label = '$cdata', required = true}}}. {version_os, #elem{name = <<"os">>, xmlns = <<"jabber:iq:version">>, result = '$cdata', cdata = #cdata{label = '$cdata', required = true}}}. {version, #elem{name = <<"query">>, xmlns = <<"jabber:iq:version">>, result = {version, '$name', '$ver', '$os'}, refs = [#ref{name = version_name, label = '$name', min = 0, max = 1}, #ref{name = version_ver, label = '$ver', min = 0, max = 1}, #ref{name = version_os, label = '$os', min = 0, max = 1}]}}. {roster_group, #elem{name = <<"group">>, xmlns = <<"jabber:iq:roster">>, result = '$cdata', cdata = #cdata{required = true, label = '$cdata'}}}. {roster_item, #elem{name = <<"item">>, xmlns = <<"jabber:iq:roster">>, result = {roster_item, '$jid', '$name', '$groups', '$subscription', '$ask'}, attrs = [#attr{name = <<"jid">>, required = true, dec = {dec_jid, []}, enc = {enc_jid, []}}, #attr{name = <<"name">>}, #attr{name = <<"subscription">>, default = none, enc = {enc_enum, []}, dec = {dec_enum, [[none,to,from,both,remove]]}}, #attr{name = <<"ask">>, default = undefined, enc = {enc_enum, []}, dec = {dec_enum, [[subscribe]]}}], refs = [#ref{name = roster_group, label = '$groups'}]}}. {roster, #elem{name = <<"query">>, xmlns = <<"jabber:iq:roster">>, result = {roster, '$items', '$ver'}, attrs = [#attr{name = <<"ver">>}], refs = [#ref{name = roster_item, label = '$items'}]}}. {privacy_message, #elem{name = <<"message">>, xmlns = <<"jabber:iq:privacy">>, result = message}}. {privacy_iq, #elem{name = <<"iq">>, xmlns = <<"jabber:iq:privacy">>, result = iq}}. {privacy_presence_in, #elem{name = <<"presence-in">>, xmlns = <<"jabber:iq:privacy">>, result = 'presence-in'}}. {privacy_presence_out, #elem{name = <<"presence-out">>, xmlns = <<"jabber:iq:privacy">>, result = 'presence-out'}}. {privacy_item, #elem{name = <<"item">>, xmlns = <<"jabber:iq:privacy">>, result = {privacy_item, '$order', '$action', '$type', '$value', '$kinds'}, attrs = [#attr{name = <<"action">>, required = true, dec = {dec_enum, [[allow, deny]]}, enc = {enc_enum, []}}, #attr{name = <<"order">>, required = true, dec = {dec_int, [0, infinity]}, enc = {enc_int, []}}, #attr{name = <<"type">>, dec = {dec_enum, [[group, jid, subscription]]}, enc = {enc_enum, []}}, #attr{name = <<"value">>}], refs = [#ref{name = privacy_message, label = '$kinds'}, #ref{name = privacy_iq, label = '$kinds'}, #ref{name = privacy_presence_in, label = '$kinds'}, #ref{name = privacy_presence_out, label = '$kinds'}]}}. {privacy_list, #elem{name = <<"list">>, xmlns = <<"jabber:iq:privacy">>, result = {privacy_list, '$name', '$items'}, attrs = [#attr{name = <<"name">>, required = true}], refs = [#ref{name = privacy_item, label = '$items'}]}}. {privacy_default_list, #elem{name = <<"default">>, xmlns = <<"jabber:iq:privacy">>, result = '$name', attrs = [#attr{name = <<"name">>, default = none}]}}. {privacy_active_list, #elem{name = <<"active">>, xmlns = <<"jabber:iq:privacy">>, result = '$name', attrs = [#attr{name = <<"name">>, default = none}]}}. {privacy, #elem{name = <<"query">>, xmlns = <<"jabber:iq:privacy">>, result = {privacy, '$lists', '$default', '$active'}, refs = [#ref{name = privacy_list, label = '$lists'}, #ref{name = privacy_default_list, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$default'}, #ref{name = privacy_active_list, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$active'}]}}. {block_item, #elem{name = <<"item">>, xmlns = <<"urn:xmpp:blocking">>, result = '$jid', attrs = [#attr{name = <<"jid">>, required = true, dec = {dec_jid, []}, enc = {enc_jid, []}}]}}. {block, #elem{name = <<"block">>, xmlns = <<"urn:xmpp:blocking">>, result = {block, '$items'}, refs = [#ref{name = block_item, label = '$items'}]}}. {unblock, #elem{name = <<"unblock">>, xmlns = <<"urn:xmpp:blocking">>, result = {unblock, '$items'}, refs = [#ref{name = block_item, label = '$items'}]}}. {block_list, #elem{name = <<"blocklist">>, xmlns = <<"urn:xmpp:blocking">>, result = {block_list}}}. {disco_identity, #elem{name = <<"identity">>, xmlns = <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info">>, result = {identity, '$category', '$type', '$lang', '$name'}, attrs = [#attr{name = <<"category">>, required = true}, #attr{name = <<"type">>, required = true}, #attr{name = <<"xml:lang">>, label = '$lang'}, #attr{name = <<"name">>}]}}. {disco_feature, #elem{name = <<"feature">>, xmlns = <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info">>, result = '$var', attrs = [#attr{name = <<"var">>, required = true}]}}. {disco_info, #elem{name = <<"query">>, xmlns = <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info">>, result = {disco_info, '$node', '$identity', '$feature', '$xdata'}, attrs = [#attr{name = <<"node">>}], refs = [#ref{name = disco_identity, label = '$identity'}, #ref{name = disco_feature, label = '$feature'}, #ref{name = xdata, label = '$xdata'}]}}. {disco_item, #elem{name = <<"item">>, xmlns = <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#items">>, result = {disco_item, '$jid', '$name', '$node'}, attrs = [#attr{name = <<"jid">>, dec = {dec_jid, []}, enc = {enc_jid, []}, required = true}, #attr{name = <<"name">>}, #attr{name = <<"node">>}]}}. {disco_items, #elem{name = <<"query">>, xmlns = <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#items">>, result = {disco_items, '$node', '$items'}, attrs = [#attr{name = <<"node">>}], refs = [#ref{name = disco_item, label = '$items'}]}}. {private, #elem{name = <<"query">>, xmlns = <<"jabber:iq:private">>, result = {private, '$_els'}}}. {conference_nick, #elem{name = <<"nick">>, xmlns = <<"storage:bookmarks">>, result = '$cdata'}}. {conference_password, #elem{name = <<"password">>, xmlns = <<"storage:bookmarks">>, result = '$cdata'}}. {bookmark_conference, #elem{name = <<"conference">>, xmlns = <<"storage:bookmarks">>, result = {bookmark_conference, '$name', '$jid', '$autojoin', '$nick', '$password'}, attrs = [#attr{name = <<"name">>, required = true}, #attr{name = <<"jid">>, required = true, dec = {dec_jid, []}, enc = {enc_jid, []}}, #attr{name = <<"autojoin">>, default = false, dec = {dec_bool, []}, enc = {enc_bool, []}}], refs = [#ref{name = conference_nick, label = '$nick', min = 0, max = 1}, #ref{name = conference_password, label = '$password', min = 0, max = 1}]}}. {bookmark_url, #elem{name = <<"url">>, xmlns = <<"storage:bookmarks">>, result = {bookmark_url, '$name', '$url'}, attrs = [#attr{name = <<"name">>, required = true}, #attr{name = <<"url">>, required = true}]}}. {bookmarks_storage, #elem{name = <<"storage">>, xmlns = <<"storage:bookmarks">>, result = {bookmark_storage, '$conference', '$url'}, refs = [#ref{name = bookmark_conference, label = '$conference'}, #ref{name = bookmark_url, label = '$url'}]}}. {stat_error, #elem{name = <<"error">>, xmlns = <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/stats">>, result = {'$code', '$cdata'}, attrs = [#attr{name = <<"code">>, required = true, enc = {enc_int, []}, dec = {dec_int, []}}]}}. {stat, #elem{name = <<"stat">>, xmlns = <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/stats">>, result = {stat, '$name', '$units', '$value', '$error'}, attrs = [#attr{name = <<"name">>, required = true}, #attr{name = <<"units">>}, #attr{name = <<"value">>}], refs = [#ref{name = stat_error, label = '$error'}]}}. {stats, #elem{name = <<"query">>, xmlns = <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/stats">>, result = {stats, '$stat'}, refs = [#ref{name = stat, label = '$stat'}]}}. {iq, #elem{name = <<"iq">>, xmlns = <<"jabber:client">>, result = {iq, '$id', '$type', '$lang', '$from', '$to', '$error', '$_els'}, attrs = [#attr{name = <<"id">>, required = true}, #attr{name = <<"type">>, required = true, enc = {enc_enum, []}, dec = {dec_enum, [[get, set, result, error]]}}, #attr{name = <<"from">>, dec = {dec_jid, []}, enc = {enc_jid, []}}, #attr{name = <<"to">>, dec = {dec_jid, []}, enc = {enc_jid, []}}, #attr{name = <<"xml:lang">>, label = '$lang'}], refs = [#ref{name = error, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$error'}]}}. {message_subject, #elem{name = <<"subject">>, xmlns = <<"jabber:client">>, result = {text, '$lang', '$data'}, cdata = #cdata{label = '$data'}, attrs = [#attr{name = <<"xml:lang">>, label = '$lang'}]}}. {message_body, #elem{name = <<"body">>, xmlns = <<"jabber:client">>, result = {text, '$lang', '$data'}, cdata = #cdata{label = '$data'}, attrs = [#attr{name = <<"xml:lang">>, label = '$lang'}]}}. {message_thread, #elem{name = <<"thread">>, xmlns = <<"jabber:client">>, result = '$cdata'}}. {message, #elem{name = <<"message">>, xmlns = <<"jabber:client">>, result = {message, '$id', '$type', '$lang', '$from', '$to', '$subject', '$body', '$thread', '$error', '$_els'}, attrs = [#attr{name = <<"id">>}, #attr{name = <<"type">>, default = normal, enc = {enc_enum, []}, dec = {dec_enum, [[chat, normal, groupchat, headline, error]]}}, #attr{name = <<"from">>, dec = {dec_jid, []}, enc = {enc_jid, []}}, #attr{name = <<"to">>, dec = {dec_jid, []}, enc = {enc_jid, []}}, #attr{name = <<"xml:lang">>, label = '$lang'}], refs = [#ref{name = error, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$error'}, #ref{name = message_subject, label = '$subject'}, #ref{name = message_thread, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$thread'}, #ref{name = message_body, label = '$body'}]}}. {presence_show, #elem{name = <<"show">>, xmlns = <<"jabber:client">>, result = '$cdata', cdata = #cdata{enc = {enc_enum, []}, dec = {dec_enum, [[away, chat, dnd, xa]]}}}}. {presence_status, #elem{name = <<"status">>, xmlns = <<"jabber:client">>, result = {text, '$lang', '$data'}, cdata = #cdata{label = '$data'}, attrs = [#attr{name = <<"xml:lang">>, label = '$lang'}]}}. {presence_priority, #elem{name = <<"priority">>, xmlns = <<"jabber:client">>, result = '$cdata', cdata = #cdata{enc = {enc_int, []}, dec = {dec_int, []}}}}. {presence, #elem{name = <<"presence">>, xmlns = <<"jabber:client">>, result = {presence, '$id', '$type', '$lang', '$from', '$to', '$show', '$status', '$priority', '$error', '$_els'}, attrs = [#attr{name = <<"id">>}, #attr{name = <<"type">>, enc = {enc_enum, []}, dec = {dec_enum, [[unavailable, subscribe, subscribed, unsubscribe, unsubscribed, probe, error]]}}, #attr{name = <<"from">>, dec = {dec_jid, []}, enc = {enc_jid, []}}, #attr{name = <<"to">>, dec = {dec_jid, []}, enc = {enc_jid, []}}, #attr{name = <<"xml:lang">>, label = '$lang'}], refs = [#ref{name = error, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$error'}, #ref{name = presence_show, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$show'}, #ref{name = presence_status, label = '$status'}, #ref{name = presence_priority, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$priority'}]}}. {error_bad_request, #elem{name = <<"bad-request">>, xmlns = <<"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas">>, result = 'bad-request'}}. {error_conflict, #elem{name = <<"conflict">>, xmlns = <<"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas">>, result = 'conflict'}}. {error_feature_not_implemented, #elem{name = <<"feature-not-implemented">>, xmlns = <<"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas">>, result = 'feature-not-implemented'}}. {error_forbidden, #elem{name = <<"forbidden">>, xmlns = <<"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas">>, result = 'forbidden'}}. {error_gone, #elem{name = <<"gone">>, xmlns = <<"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas">>, cdata = #cdata{label = '$uri'}, result = {'gone', '$uri'}}}. {error_internal_server_error, #elem{name = <<"internal-server-error">>, xmlns = <<"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas">>, result = 'internal-server-error'}}. {error_item_not_found, #elem{name = <<"item-not-found">>, xmlns = <<"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas">>, result = 'item-not-found'}}. {error_jid_malformed, #elem{name = <<"jid-malformed">>, xmlns = <<"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas">>, result = 'jid-malformed'}}. {error_not_acceptable, #elem{name = <<"not-acceptable">>, xmlns = <<"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas">>, result = 'not-acceptable'}}. {error_not_allowed, #elem{name = <<"not-allowed">>, xmlns = <<"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas">>, result = 'not-allowed'}}. {error_not_authorized, #elem{name = <<"not-authorized">>, xmlns = <<"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas">>, result = 'not-authorized'}}. {error_policy_violation, #elem{name = <<"policy-violation">>, xmlns = <<"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas">>, result = 'policy-violation'}}. {error_recipient_unavailable, #elem{name = <<"recipient-unavailable">>, xmlns = <<"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas">>, result = 'recipient-unavailable'}}. {error_redirect, #elem{name = <<"redirect">>, xmlns = <<"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas">>, cdata = #cdata{label = '$uri'}, result = {'redirect', '$uri'}}}. {error_registration_required, #elem{name = <<"registration-required">>, xmlns = <<"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas">>, result = 'registration-required'}}. {error_remote_server_not_found, #elem{name = <<"remote-server-not-found">>, xmlns = <<"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas">>, result = 'remote-server-not-found'}}. {error_remote_server_timeout, #elem{name = <<"remote-server-timeout">>, xmlns = <<"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas">>, result = 'remote-server-timeout'}}. {error_resource_constraint, #elem{name = <<"resource-constraint">>, xmlns = <<"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas">>, result = 'resource-constraint'}}. {error_service_unavailable, #elem{name = <<"service-unavailable">>, xmlns = <<"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas">>, result = 'service-unavailable'}}. {error_subscription_required, #elem{name = <<"subscription-required">>, xmlns = <<"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas">>, result = 'subscription-required'}}. {error_undefined_condition, #elem{name = <<"undefined-condition">>, xmlns = <<"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas">>, result = 'undefined-condition'}}. {error_unexpected_request, #elem{name = <<"unexpected-request">>, xmlns = <<"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas">>, result = 'unexpected-request'}}. {error_text, #elem{name = <<"text">>, result = {text, '$lang', '$data'}, cdata = #cdata{label = '$data'}, xmlns = <<"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas">>, attrs = [#attr{name = <<"xml:lang">>, label = '$lang'}]}}. {error, #elem{name = <<"error">>, xmlns = <<"jabber:client">>, result = {error, '$type', '$by', '$reason', '$text'}, attrs = [#attr{name = <<"type">>, label = '$type', required = true, dec = {dec_enum, [[auth, cancel, continue, modify, wait]]}, enc = {enc_enum, []}}, #attr{name = <<"by">>}], refs = [#ref{name = error_text, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$text'}, #ref{name = error_bad_request, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$reason'}, #ref{name = error_conflict, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$reason'}, #ref{name = error_feature_not_implemented, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$reason'}, #ref{name = error_forbidden, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$reason'}, #ref{name = error_gone, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$reason'}, #ref{name = error_internal_server_error, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$reason'}, #ref{name = error_item_not_found, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$reason'}, #ref{name = error_jid_malformed, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$reason'}, #ref{name = error_not_acceptable, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$reason'}, #ref{name = error_not_allowed, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$reason'}, #ref{name = error_not_authorized, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$reason'}, #ref{name = error_policy_violation, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$reason'}, #ref{name = error_recipient_unavailable, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$reason'}, #ref{name = error_redirect, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$reason'}, #ref{name = error_registration_required, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$reason'}, #ref{name = error_remote_server_not_found, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$reason'}, #ref{name = error_remote_server_timeout, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$reason'}, #ref{name = error_resource_constraint, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$reason'}, #ref{name = error_service_unavailable, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$reason'}, #ref{name = error_subscription_required, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$reason'}, #ref{name = error_undefined_condition, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$reason'}, #ref{name = error_unexpected_request, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$reason'}]}}. {bind_jid, #elem{name = <<"jid">>, xmlns = <<"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-bind">>, result = '$cdata', cdata = #cdata{dec = {dec_jid, []}, enc = {enc_jid, []}}}}. {bind_resource, #elem{name = <<"resource">>, xmlns = <<"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-bind">>, result = '$cdata', cdata = #cdata{dec = {resourceprep, []}, enc = {resourceprep, []}}}}. {bind, #elem{name = <<"bind">>, xmlns = <<"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-bind">>, result = {bind, '$jid', '$resource'}, refs = [#ref{name = bind_jid, label = '$jid', min = 0, max = 1}, #ref{name = bind_resource, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$resource'}]}}. {sasl_auth, #elem{name = <<"auth">>, xmlns = <<"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl">>, cdata = #cdata{label = '$text', dec = {base64, decode, []}, enc = {base64, encode, []}}, result = {sasl_auth, '$mechanism', '$text'}, attrs = [#attr{name = <<"mechanism">>, required = true}]}}. {sasl_abort, #elem{name = <<"abort">>, xmlns = <<"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl">>, result = {sasl_abort}}}. {sasl_challenge, #elem{name = <<"challenge">>, xmlns = <<"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl">>, cdata = #cdata{label = '$text', dec = {base64, decode, []}, enc = {base64, encode, []}}, result = {sasl_challenge, '$text'}}}. {sasl_response, #elem{name = <<"response">>, xmlns = <<"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl">>, cdata = #cdata{label = '$text', dec = {base64, decode, []}, enc = {base64, encode, []}}, result = {sasl_response, '$text'}}}. {sasl_success, #elem{name = <<"success">>, xmlns = <<"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl">>, cdata = #cdata{label = '$text', dec = {base64, decode, []}, enc = {base64, encode, []}}, result = {sasl_success, '$text'}}}. {sasl_failure_text, #elem{name = <<"text">>, xmlns = <<"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl">>, result = {text, '$lang', '$data'}, cdata = #cdata{label = '$data'}, attrs = [#attr{name = <<"xml:lang">>, label = '$lang'}]}}. {sasl_failure_aborted, #elem{name = <<"aborted">>, result = 'aborted', xmlns = <<"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl">>}}. {sasl_failure_account_disabled, #elem{name = <<"account-disabled">>, result = 'account-disabled', xmlns = <<"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl">>}}. {sasl_failure_credentials_expired, #elem{name = <<"credentials-expired">>, result = 'credentials-expired', xmlns = <<"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl">>}}. {sasl_failure_encryption_required, #elem{name = <<"encryption-required">>, result = 'encryption-required', xmlns = <<"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl">>}}. {sasl_failure_incorrect_encoding, #elem{name = <<"incorrect-encoding">>, result = 'incorrect-encoding', xmlns = <<"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl">>}}. {sasl_failure_invalid_authzid, #elem{name = <<"invalid-authzid">>, result = 'invalid-authzid', xmlns = <<"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl">>}}. {sasl_failure_invalid_mechanism, #elem{name = <<"invalid-mechanism">>, result = 'invalid-mechanism', xmlns = <<"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl">>}}. {sasl_failure_malformed_request, #elem{name = <<"malformed-request">>, result = 'malformed-request', xmlns = <<"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl">>}}. {sasl_failure_mechanism_too_weak, #elem{name = <<"mechanism-too-weak">>, result = 'mechanism-too-weak', xmlns = <<"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl">>}}. {sasl_failure_not_authorized, #elem{name = <<"not-authorized">>, result = 'not-authorized', xmlns = <<"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl">>}}. {sasl_failure_temporary_auth_failure, #elem{name = <<"temporary-auth-failure">>, result = 'temporary-auth-failure', xmlns = <<"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl">>}}. {sasl_failure, #elem{name = <<"failure">>, xmlns = <<"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl">>, result = {sasl_failure, '$reason', '$text'}, refs = [#ref{name = sasl_failure_text, label = '$text'}, #ref{name = sasl_failure_aborted, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$reason'}, #ref{name = sasl_failure_account_disabled, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$reason'}, #ref{name = sasl_failure_credentials_expired, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$reason'}, #ref{name = sasl_failure_encryption_required, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$reason'}, #ref{name = sasl_failure_incorrect_encoding, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$reason'}, #ref{name = sasl_failure_invalid_authzid, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$reason'}, #ref{name = sasl_failure_invalid_mechanism, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$reason'}, #ref{name = sasl_failure_malformed_request, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$reason'}, #ref{name = sasl_failure_mechanism_too_weak, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$reason'}, #ref{name = sasl_failure_not_authorized, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$reason'}, #ref{name = sasl_failure_temporary_auth_failure, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$reason'}]}}. {sasl_mechanism, #elem{name = <<"mechanism">>, xmlns = <<"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl">>, result = '$cdata'}}. {sasl_mechanisms, #elem{name = <<"mechanisms">>, xmlns = <<"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl">>, result = {sasl_mechanisms, '$list'}, refs = [#ref{name = sasl_mechanism, label = '$list'}]}}. {starttls_required, #elem{name = <<"required">>, xmlns = <<"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-tls">>, result = true}}. {starttls, #elem{name = <<"starttls">>, xmlns = <<"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-tls">>, result = {starttls, '$required'}, refs = [#ref{name = starttls_required, label = '$required', min = 0, max = 1, default = false}]}}. {starttls_proceed, #elem{name = <<"proceed">>, xmlns = <<"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-tls">>, result = {starttls_proceed}}}. {starttls_failure, #elem{name = <<"failure">>, xmlns = <<"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-tls">>, result = {starttls_failure}}}. {compress_failure_setup_failed, #elem{name = <<"setup-failed">>, xmlns = <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/compress">>, result = 'setup-failed'}}. {compress_failure_processing_failed, #elem{name = <<"processing-failed">>, xmlns = <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/compress">>, result = 'processing-failed'}}. {compress_failure_unsupported_method, #elem{name = <<"unsupported-method">>, xmlns = <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/compress">>, result = 'unsupported-method'}}. {compress_failure, #elem{name = <<"failure">>, xmlns = <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/compress">>, result = {compress_failure, '$reason'}, refs = [#ref{name = compress_failure_setup_failed, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$reason'}, #ref{name = compress_failure_processing_failed, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$reason'}, #ref{name = compress_failure_unsupported_method, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$reason'}]}}. {compress_method, #elem{name = <<"method">>, xmlns = <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/compress">>, result = '$cdata'}}. {compress, #elem{name = <<"compress">>, xmlns = <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/compress">>, result = {compress, '$methods'}, refs = [#ref{name = compress_method, label = '$methods'}]}}. {compressed, #elem{name = <<"compressed">>, xmlns = <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/compress">>, result = {compressed}}}. {compression_method, #elem{name = <<"method">>, xmlns = <<"http://jabber.org/features/compress">>, result = '$cdata'}}. {compression, #elem{name = <<"compression">>, xmlns = <<"http://jabber.org/features/compress">>, result = {compression, '$methods'}, refs = [#ref{name = compression_method, label = '$methods'}]}}. {stream_features, #elem{name = <<"stream:features">>, xmlns = <<"http://etherx.jabber.org/streams">>, result = {stream_features, '$_els'}}}. {p1_push, #elem{name = <<"push">>, result = {p1_push}, xmlns = <<"p1:push">>}}. {p1_rebind, #elem{name = <<"rebind">>, result = {p1_rebind}, xmlns = <<"p1:rebind">>}}. {p1_ack, #elem{name = <<"ack">>, result = {p1_ack}, xmlns = <<"p1:ack">>}}. {caps, #elem{name = <<"c">>, xmlns = <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/caps">>, result = {caps, '$hash', '$node', '$ver'}, attrs = [#attr{name = <<"hash">>}, #attr{name = <<"node">>}, #attr{name = <<"ver">>, enc = {base64, encode, []}, dec = {base64, decode, []}}]}}. {feature_register, #elem{name = <<"register">>, xmlns = <<"http://jabber.org/features/iq-register">>, result = {feature_register}}}. {register_registered, #elem{name = <<"registered">>, xmlns = <<"jabber:iq:register">>, result = true}}. {register_remove, #elem{name = <<"remove">>, xmlns = <<"jabber:iq:register">>, result = true}}. {register_instructions, #elem{name = <<"instructions">>, xmlns = <<"jabber:iq:register">>, result = '$cdata'}}. {register_username, #elem{name = <<"username">>, xmlns = <<"jabber:iq:register">>, cdata = #cdata{default = none}, result = '$cdata'}}. {register_nick, #elem{name = <<"nick">>, xmlns = <<"jabber:iq:register">>, cdata = #cdata{default = none}, result = '$cdata'}}. {register_password, #elem{name = <<"password">>, xmlns = <<"jabber:iq:register">>, cdata = #cdata{default = none}, result = '$cdata'}}. {register_name, #elem{name = <<"name">>, xmlns = <<"jabber:iq:register">>, cdata = #cdata{default = none}, result = '$cdata'}}. {register_first, #elem{name = <<"first">>, xmlns = <<"jabber:iq:register">>, cdata = #cdata{default = none}, result = '$cdata'}}. {register_last, #elem{name = <<"last">>, xmlns = <<"jabber:iq:register">>, cdata = #cdata{default = none}, result = '$cdata'}}. {register_email, #elem{name = <<"email">>, xmlns = <<"jabber:iq:register">>, cdata = #cdata{default = none}, result = '$cdata'}}. {register_address, #elem{name = <<"address">>, xmlns = <<"jabber:iq:register">>, cdata = #cdata{default = none}, result = '$cdata'}}. {register_city, #elem{name = <<"city">>, xmlns = <<"jabber:iq:register">>, cdata = #cdata{default = none}, result = '$cdata'}}. {register_state, #elem{name = <<"state">>, xmlns = <<"jabber:iq:register">>, cdata = #cdata{default = none}, result = '$cdata'}}. {register_zip, #elem{name = <<"zip">>, xmlns = <<"jabber:iq:register">>, cdata = #cdata{default = none}, result = '$cdata'}}. {register_phone, #elem{name = <<"phone">>, xmlns = <<"jabber:iq:register">>, cdata = #cdata{default = none}, result = '$cdata'}}. {register_url, #elem{name = <<"url">>, xmlns = <<"jabber:iq:register">>, cdata = #cdata{default = none}, result = '$cdata'}}. {register_date, #elem{name = <<"date">>, xmlns = <<"jabber:iq:register">>, cdata = #cdata{default = none}, result = '$cdata'}}. {register_misc, #elem{name = <<"misc">>, xmlns = <<"jabber:iq:register">>, cdata = #cdata{default = none}, result = '$cdata'}}. {register_text, #elem{name = <<"text">>, xmlns = <<"jabber:iq:register">>, cdata = #cdata{default = none}, result = '$cdata'}}. {register_key, #elem{name = <<"key">>, xmlns = <<"jabber:iq:register">>, cdata = #cdata{default = none}, result = '$cdata'}}. {register, #elem{name = <<"query">>, xmlns = <<"jabber:iq:register">>, result = {register, '$registered', '$remove', '$instructions', '$username', '$nick', '$password', '$name', '$first', '$last', '$email', '$address', '$city', '$state', '$zip', '$phone', '$url', '$date', '$misc', '$text', '$key'}, refs = [#ref{name = register_registered, min = 0, max = 1, default = false, label = '$registered'}, #ref{name = register_remove, min = 0, max = 1, default = false, label = '$remove'}, #ref{name = register_instructions, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$instructions'}, #ref{name = register_username, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$username'}, #ref{name = register_nick, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$nick'}, #ref{name = register_password, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$password'}, #ref{name = register_name, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$name'}, #ref{name = register_first, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$first'}, #ref{name = register_last, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$last'}, #ref{name = register_email, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$email'}, #ref{name = register_address, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$address'}, #ref{name = register_city, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$city'}, #ref{name = register_state, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$state'}, #ref{name = register_zip, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$zip'}, #ref{name = register_phone, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$phone'}, #ref{name = register_url, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$url'}, #ref{name = register_date, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$date'}, #ref{name = register_misc, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$misc'}, #ref{name = register_text, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$text'}, #ref{name = register_key, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$key'}]}}. {session, #elem{name = <<"session">>, xmlns = <<"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-session">>, result = {session}}}. {ping, #elem{name = <<"ping">>, xmlns = <<"urn:xmpp:ping">>, result = {ping}}}. {time_utc, #elem{name = <<"utc">>, xmlns = <<"urn:xmpp:time">>, result = '$cdata', cdata = #cdata{dec = {dec_utc, []}, enc = {enc_utc, []}}}}. {time_tzo, #elem{name = <<"tzo">>, xmlns = <<"urn:xmpp:time">>, result = '$cdata', cdata = #cdata{dec = {dec_tzo, []}, enc = {enc_tzo, []}}}}. {time, #elem{name = <<"time">>, xmlns = <<"urn:xmpp:time">>, result = {time, '$tzo', '$utc'}, refs = [#ref{name = time_tzo, label = '$tzo', min = 0, max = 1}, #ref{name = time_utc, label = '$utc', min = 0, max = 1}]}}. {stream_error_text, #elem{name = <<"text">>, result = {text, '$lang', '$data'}, cdata = #cdata{label = '$data'}, xmlns = <<"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-streams">>, attrs = [#attr{name = <<"xml:lang">>, label = '$lang'}]}}. {stream_error_bad_format, #elem{name = <<"bad-format">>, result = 'bad-format', xmlns = <<"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-streams">>}}. {stream_error_bad_namespace_prefix, #elem{name = <<"bad-namespace-prefix">>, result = 'bad-namespace-prefix', xmlns = <<"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-streams">>}}. {stream_error_conflict, #elem{name = <<"conflict">>, result = 'conflict', xmlns = <<"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-streams">>}}. {stream_error_connection_timeout, #elem{name = <<"connection-timeout">>, result = 'connection-timeout', xmlns = <<"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-streams">>}}. {stream_error_host_gone, #elem{name = <<"host-gone">>, result = 'host-gone', xmlns = <<"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-streams">>}}. {stream_error_host_unknown, #elem{name = <<"host-unknown">>, result = 'host-unknown', xmlns = <<"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-streams">>}}. {stream_error_improper_addressing, #elem{name = <<"improper-addressing">>, result = 'improper-addressing', xmlns = <<"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-streams">>}}. {stream_error_internal_server_error, #elem{name = <<"internal-server-error">>, result = 'internal-server-error', xmlns = <<"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-streams">>}}. {stream_error_invalid_from, #elem{name = <<"invalid-from">>, result = 'invalid-from', xmlns = <<"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-streams">>}}. {stream_error_invalid_id, #elem{name = <<"invalid-id">>, result = 'invalid-id', xmlns = <<"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-streams">>}}. {stream_error_invalid_namespace, #elem{name = <<"invalid-namespace">>, result = 'invalid-namespace', xmlns = <<"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-streams">>}}. {stream_error_invalid_xml, #elem{name = <<"invalid-xml">>, result = 'invalid-xml', xmlns = <<"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-streams">>}}. {stream_error_not_authorized, #elem{name = <<"not-authorized">>, result = 'not-authorized', xmlns = <<"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-streams">>}}. {stream_error_not_well_formed, #elem{name = <<"not-well-formed">>, result = 'not-well-formed', xmlns = <<"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-streams">>}}. {stream_error_policy_violation, #elem{name = <<"policy-violation">>, result = 'policy-violation', xmlns = <<"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-streams">>}}. {stream_error_remote_connection_failed, #elem{name = <<"remote-connection-failed">>, result = 'remote-connection-failed', xmlns = <<"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-streams">>}}. {stream_error_reset, #elem{name = <<"reset">>, result = 'reset', xmlns = <<"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-streams">>}}. {stream_error_resource_constraint, #elem{name = <<"resource-constraint">>, result = 'resource-constraint', xmlns = <<"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-streams">>}}. {stream_error_restricted_xml, #elem{name = <<"restricted-xml">>, result = 'restricted-xml', xmlns = <<"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-streams">>}}. {stream_error_see_other_host, #elem{name = <<"see-other-host">>, cdata = #cdata{required = true, label = '$host'}, result = {'see-other-host', '$host'}, xmlns = <<"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-streams">>}}. {stream_error_system_shutdown, #elem{name = <<"system-shutdown">>, result = 'system-shutdown', xmlns = <<"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-streams">>}}. {stream_error_undefined_condition, #elem{name = <<"undefined-condition">>, result = 'undefined-condition', xmlns = <<"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-streams">>}}. {stream_error_unsupported_encoding, #elem{name = <<"unsupported-encoding">>, result = 'unsupported-encoding', xmlns = <<"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-streams">>}}. {stream_error_unsupported_stanza_type, #elem{name = <<"unsupported-stanza-type">>, result = 'unsupported-stanza-type', xmlns = <<"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-streams">>}}. {stream_error_unsupported_version, #elem{name = <<"unsupported-version">>, result = 'unsupported-version', xmlns = <<"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-streams">>}}. {stream_error, #elem{name = <<"stream:error">>, xmlns = <<"http://etherx.jabber.org/streams">>, result = {stream_error, '$reason', '$text'}, refs = [#ref{name = stream_error_text, label = '$text', min = 0, max = 1}, #ref{name = stream_error_bad_format, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$reason'}, #ref{name = stream_error_bad_namespace_prefix, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$reason'}, #ref{name = stream_error_conflict, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$reason'}, #ref{name = stream_error_connection_timeout, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$reason'}, #ref{name = stream_error_host_gone, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$reason'}, #ref{name = stream_error_host_unknown, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$reason'}, #ref{name = stream_error_improper_addressing, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$reason'}, #ref{name = stream_error_internal_server_error, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$reason'}, #ref{name = stream_error_invalid_from, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$reason'}, #ref{name = stream_error_invalid_id, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$reason'}, #ref{name = stream_error_invalid_namespace, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$reason'}, #ref{name = stream_error_invalid_xml, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$reason'}, #ref{name = stream_error_not_authorized, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$reason'}, #ref{name = stream_error_not_well_formed, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$reason'}, #ref{name = stream_error_policy_violation, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$reason'}, #ref{name = stream_error_remote_connection_failed, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$reason'}, #ref{name = stream_error_reset, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$reason'}, #ref{name = stream_error_resource_constraint, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$reason'}, #ref{name = stream_error_restricted_xml, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$reason'}, #ref{name = stream_error_see_other_host, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$reason'}, #ref{name = stream_error_system_shutdown, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$reason'}, #ref{name = stream_error_undefined_condition, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$reason'}, #ref{name = stream_error_unsupported_encoding, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$reason'}, #ref{name = stream_error_unsupported_stanza_type, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$reason'}, #ref{name = stream_error_unsupported_version, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$reason'} ]}}. {vcard_HOME, #elem{name = <<"HOME">>, xmlns = <<"vcard-temp">>, result = true}}. {vcard_WORK, #elem{name = <<"WORK">>, xmlns = <<"vcard-temp">>, result = true}}. {vcard_VOICE, #elem{name = <<"VOICE">>, xmlns = <<"vcard-temp">>, result = true}}. {vcard_FAX, #elem{name = <<"FAX">>, xmlns = <<"vcard-temp">>, result = true}}. {vcard_PAGER, #elem{name = <<"PAGER">>, xmlns = <<"vcard-temp">>, result = true}}. {vcard_MSG, #elem{name = <<"MSG">>, xmlns = <<"vcard-temp">>, result = true}}. {vcard_CELL, #elem{name = <<"CELL">>, xmlns = <<"vcard-temp">>, result = true}}. {vcard_VIDEO, #elem{name = <<"VIDEO">>, xmlns = <<"vcard-temp">>, result = true}}. {vcard_BBS, #elem{name = <<"BBS">>, xmlns = <<"vcard-temp">>, result = true}}. {vcard_MODEM, #elem{name = <<"MODEM">>, xmlns = <<"vcard-temp">>, result = true}}. {vcard_ISDN, #elem{name = <<"ISDN">>, xmlns = <<"vcard-temp">>, result = true}}. {vcard_PCS, #elem{name = <<"PCS">>, xmlns = <<"vcard-temp">>, result = true}}. {vcard_POSTAL, #elem{name = <<"POSTAL">>, xmlns = <<"vcard-temp">>, result = true}}. {vcard_PARCEL, #elem{name = <<"PARCEL">>, xmlns = <<"vcard-temp">>, result = true}}. {vcard_DOM, #elem{name = <<"DOM">>, xmlns = <<"vcard-temp">>, result = true}}. {vcard_INTL, #elem{name = <<"INTL">>, xmlns = <<"vcard-temp">>, result = true}}. {vcard_PREF, #elem{name = <<"PREF">>, xmlns = <<"vcard-temp">>, result = true}}. {vcard_INTERNET, #elem{name = <<"INTERNET">>, xmlns = <<"vcard-temp">>, result = true}}. {vcard_X400, #elem{name = <<"X400">>, xmlns = <<"vcard-temp">>, result = true}}. {vcard_FAMILY, #elem{name = <<"FAMILY">>, xmlns = <<"vcard-temp">>, result = '$cdata'}}. {vcard_GIVEN, #elem{name = <<"GIVEN">>, xmlns = <<"vcard-temp">>, result = '$cdata'}}. {vcard_MIDDLE, #elem{name = <<"MIDDLE">>, xmlns = <<"vcard-temp">>, result = '$cdata'}}. {vcard_PREFIX, #elem{name = <<"PREFIX">>, xmlns = <<"vcard-temp">>, result = '$cdata'}}. {vcard_SUFFIX, #elem{name = <<"SUFFIX">>, xmlns = <<"vcard-temp">>, result = '$cdata'}}. {vcard_POBOX, #elem{name = <<"POBOX">>, xmlns = <<"vcard-temp">>, result = '$cdata'}}. {vcard_EXTADD, #elem{name = <<"EXTADD">>, xmlns = <<"vcard-temp">>, result = '$cdata'}}. {vcard_STREET, #elem{name = <<"STREET">>, xmlns = <<"vcard-temp">>, result = '$cdata'}}. {vcard_LOCALITY, #elem{name = <<"LOCALITY">>, xmlns = <<"vcard-temp">>, result = '$cdata'}}. {vcard_REGION, #elem{name = <<"REGION">>, xmlns = <<"vcard-temp">>, result = '$cdata'}}. {vcard_PCODE, #elem{name = <<"PCODE">>, xmlns = <<"vcard-temp">>, result = '$cdata'}}. {vcard_CTRY, #elem{name = <<"CTRY">>, xmlns = <<"vcard-temp">>, result = '$cdata'}}. {vcard_LINE, #elem{name = <<"LINE">>, xmlns = <<"vcard-temp">>, result = '$cdata'}}. {vcard_NUMBER, #elem{name = <<"NUMBER">>, xmlns = <<"vcard-temp">>, result = '$cdata'}}. {vcard_USERID, #elem{name = <<"USERID">>, xmlns = <<"vcard-temp">>, result = '$cdata'}}. {vcard_LAT, #elem{name = <<"LAT">>, xmlns = <<"vcard-temp">>, result = '$cdata'}}. {vcard_LON, #elem{name = <<"LON">>, xmlns = <<"vcard-temp">>, result = '$cdata'}}. {vcard_ORGNAME, #elem{name = <<"ORGNAME">>, xmlns = <<"vcard-temp">>, result = '$cdata'}}. {vcard_ORGUNIT, #elem{name = <<"ORGUNIT">>, xmlns = <<"vcard-temp">>, result = '$cdata'}}. {vcard_PHONETIC, #elem{name = <<"PHONETIC">>, xmlns = <<"vcard-temp">>, result = '$cdata'}}. {vcard_CRED, #elem{name = <<"CRED">>, xmlns = <<"vcard-temp">>, result = '$cdata'}}. {vcard_VERSION, #elem{name = <<"VERSION">>, xmlns = <<"vcard-temp">>, result = '$cdata'}}. {vcard_FN, #elem{name = <<"FN">>, xmlns = <<"vcard-temp">>, result = '$cdata'}}. {vcard_NICKNAME, #elem{name = <<"NICKNAME">>, xmlns = <<"vcard-temp">>, result = '$cdata'}}. {vcard_BDAY, #elem{name = <<"BDAY">>, xmlns = <<"vcard-temp">>, result = '$cdata'}}. {vcard_JABBERID, #elem{name = <<"JABBERID">>, xmlns = <<"vcard-temp">>, result = '$cdata'}}. {vcard_MAILER, #elem{name = <<"MAILER">>, xmlns = <<"vcard-temp">>, result = '$cdata'}}. {vcard_TZ, #elem{name = <<"TZ">>, xmlns = <<"vcard-temp">>, result = '$cdata'}}. {vcard_TITLE, #elem{name = <<"TITLE">>, xmlns = <<"vcard-temp">>, result = '$cdata'}}. {vcard_ROLE, #elem{name = <<"ROLE">>, xmlns = <<"vcard-temp">>, result = '$cdata'}}. {vcard_KEYWORD, #elem{name = <<"KEYWORD">>, xmlns = <<"vcard-temp">>, result = '$cdata'}}. {vcard_NOTE, #elem{name = <<"NOTE">>, xmlns = <<"vcard-temp">>, result = '$cdata'}}. {vcard_PRODID, #elem{name = <<"PRODID">>, xmlns = <<"vcard-temp">>, result = '$cdata'}}. {vcard_REV, #elem{name = <<"REV">>, xmlns = <<"vcard-temp">>, result = '$cdata'}}. {vcard_SORT_STRING, #elem{name = <<"SORT-STRING">>, xmlns = <<"vcard-temp">>, result = '$cdata'}}. {vcard_UID, #elem{name = <<"UID">>, xmlns = <<"vcard-temp">>, result = '$cdata'}}. {vcard_URL, #elem{name = <<"URL">>, xmlns = <<"vcard-temp">>, result = '$cdata'}}. {vcard_DESC, #elem{name = <<"DESC">>, xmlns = <<"vcard-temp">>, result = '$cdata'}}. {vcard_TYPE, #elem{name = <<"TYPE">>, xmlns = <<"vcard-temp">>, result = '$cdata'}}. {vcard_EXTVAL, #elem{name = <<"EXTVAL">>, xmlns = <<"vcard-temp">>, result = '$cdata'}}. {vcard_PUBLIC, #elem{name = <<"PUBLIC">>, xmlns = <<"vcard-temp">>, result = public}}. {vcard_PRIVATE, #elem{name = <<"PRIVATE">>, xmlns = <<"vcard-temp">>, result = private}}. {vcard_CONFIDENTIAL, #elem{name = <<"CONFIDENTIAL">>, xmlns = <<"vcard-temp">>, result = confidential}}. {vcard_N, #elem{name = <<"N">>, xmlns = <<"vcard-temp">>, result = {vcard_name, '$family', '$given', '$middle', '$prefix', '$suffix'}, refs = [#ref{name = vcard_FAMILY, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$family'}, #ref{name = vcard_GIVEN, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$given'}, #ref{name = vcard_MIDDLE, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$middle'}, #ref{name = vcard_PREFIX, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$prefix'}, #ref{name = vcard_SUFFIX, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$suffix'}]}}. {vcard_ADR, #elem{name = <<"ADR">>, xmlns = <<"vcard-temp">>, result = {vcard_adr, '$home', '$work', '$postal', '$parcel', '$dom', '$intl', '$pref', '$pobox', '$extadd', '$street', '$locality', '$region', '$pcode', '$ctry'}, refs = [#ref{name = vcard_HOME, default = false, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$home'}, #ref{name = vcard_WORK, default = false, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$work'}, #ref{name = vcard_POSTAL, default = false, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$postal'}, #ref{name = vcard_PARCEL, default = false, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$parcel'}, #ref{name = vcard_DOM, default = false, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$dom'}, #ref{name = vcard_INTL, default = false, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$intl'}, #ref{name = vcard_PREF, default = false, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$pref'}, #ref{name = vcard_POBOX, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$pobox'}, #ref{name = vcard_EXTADD, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$extadd'}, #ref{name = vcard_STREET, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$street'}, #ref{name = vcard_LOCALITY, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$locality'}, #ref{name = vcard_REGION, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$region'}, #ref{name = vcard_PCODE, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$pcode'}, #ref{name = vcard_CTRY, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$ctry'}]}}. {vcard_LABEL, #elem{name = <<"LABEL">>, xmlns = <<"vcard-temp">>, result = {vcard_label, '$home', '$work', '$postal', '$parcel', '$dom', '$intl', '$pref', '$line'}, refs = [#ref{name = vcard_HOME, default = false, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$home'}, #ref{name = vcard_WORK, default = false, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$work'}, #ref{name = vcard_POSTAL, default = false, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$postal'}, #ref{name = vcard_PARCEL, default = false, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$parcel'}, #ref{name = vcard_DOM, default = false, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$dom'}, #ref{name = vcard_INTL, default = false, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$intl'}, #ref{name = vcard_PREF, default = false, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$pref'}, #ref{name = vcard_LINE, label = '$line'}]}}. {vcard_TEL, #elem{name = <<"TEL">>, xmlns = <<"vcard-temp">>, result = {vcard_tel, '$home', '$work', '$voice', '$fax', '$pager', '$msg', '$cell', '$video', '$bbs', '$modem', '$isdn', '$pcs', '$pref', '$number'}, refs = [#ref{name = vcard_HOME, default = false, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$home'}, #ref{name = vcard_WORK, default = false, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$work'}, #ref{name = vcard_VOICE, default = false, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$voice'}, #ref{name = vcard_FAX, default = false, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$fax'}, #ref{name = vcard_PAGER, default = false, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$pager'}, #ref{name = vcard_MSG, default = false, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$msg'}, #ref{name = vcard_CELL, default = false, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$cell'}, #ref{name = vcard_VIDEO, default = false, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$video'}, #ref{name = vcard_BBS, default = false, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$bbs'}, #ref{name = vcard_MODEM, default = false, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$modem'}, #ref{name = vcard_ISDN, default = false, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$isdn'}, #ref{name = vcard_PCS, default = false, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$pcs'}, #ref{name = vcard_PREF, default = false, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$pref'}, #ref{name = vcard_NUMBER, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$number'}]}}. {vcard_EMAIL, #elem{name = <<"EMAIL">>, xmlns = <<"vcard-temp">>, result = {vcard_email, '$home', '$work', '$internet', '$pref', '$x400', '$userid'}, refs = [#ref{name = vcard_HOME, default = false, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$home'}, #ref{name = vcard_WORK, default = false, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$work'}, #ref{name = vcard_INTERNET, default = false, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$internet'}, #ref{name = vcard_PREF, default = false, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$pref'}, #ref{name = vcard_X400, default = false, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$x400'}, #ref{name = vcard_USERID, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$userid'}]}}. {vcard_GEO, #elem{name = <<"GEO">>, xmlns = <<"vcard-temp">>, result = {vcard_geo, '$lat', '$lon'}, refs = [#ref{name = vcard_LAT, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$lat'}, #ref{name = vcard_LON, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$lon'}]}}. {vcard_BINVAL, #elem{name = <<"BINVAL">>, xmlns = <<"vcard-temp">>, cdata = #cdata{dec = {base64, decode, []}, enc = {base64, encode, []}}, result = '$cdata'}}. {vcard_LOGO, #elem{name = <<"LOGO">>, xmlns = <<"vcard-temp">>, result = {vcard_logo, '$type', '$binval', '$extval'}, refs = [#ref{name = vcard_TYPE, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$type'}, #ref{name = vcard_BINVAL, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$binval'}, #ref{name = vcard_EXTVAL, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$extval'}]}}. {vcard_PHOTO, #elem{name = <<"PHOTO">>, xmlns = <<"vcard-temp">>, result = {vcard_photo, '$type', '$binval', '$extval'}, refs = [#ref{name = vcard_TYPE, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$type'}, #ref{name = vcard_BINVAL, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$binval'}, #ref{name = vcard_EXTVAL, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$extval'}]}}. {vcard_ORG, #elem{name = <<"ORG">>, xmlns = <<"vcard-temp">>, result = {vcard_org, '$name', '$units'}, refs = [#ref{name = vcard_ORGNAME, label = '$name', min = 0, max = 1}, #ref{name = vcard_ORGUNIT, label = '$units'}]}}. {vcard_SOUND, #elem{name = <<"SOUND">>, xmlns = <<"vcard-temp">>, result = {vcard_sound, '$phonetic', '$binval', '$extval'}, refs = [#ref{name = vcard_BINVAL, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$binval'}, #ref{name = vcard_EXTVAL, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$extval'}, #ref{name = vcard_PHONETIC, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$phonetic'}]}}. {vcard_KEY, #elem{name = <<"KEY">>, xmlns = <<"vcard-temp">>, result = {vcard_key, '$type', '$cred'}, refs = [#ref{name = vcard_TYPE, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$type'}, #ref{name = vcard_CRED, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$cred'}]}}. {vcard_CATEGORIES, #elem{name = <<"CATEGORIES">>, xmlns = <<"vcard-temp">>, result = '$keywords', refs = [#ref{name = vcard_KEYWORD, label = '$keywords'}]}}. {vcard_CLASS, #elem{name = <<"CLASS">>, xmlns = <<"vcard-temp">>, result = '$class', refs = [#ref{name = vcard_PUBLIC, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$class'}, #ref{name = vcard_PRIVATE, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$class'}, #ref{name = vcard_CONFIDENTIAL, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$class'}]}}. %% {vcard_AGENT, %% #elem{name = <<"AGENT">>, %% xmlns = <<"vcard-temp">>, %% result = {vcard_agent, '$vcard', '$extval'}, %% refs = [#ref{name = vcard, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$vcard'}, %% #ref{name = vcard_EXTVAL, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$extval'}]}}. {vcard, #elem{name = <<"vCard">>, xmlns = <<"vcard-temp">>, result = {vcard, '$version', '$fn', '$n', '$nickname', '$photo', '$bday', '$adr', '$label', '$tel', '$email', '$jabberid', '$mailer', '$tz', '$geo', '$title', '$role', '$logo', '$org', '$categories', '$note', '$prodid', %% '$agent', '$rev', '$sort_string', '$sound', '$uid', '$url', '$class', '$key', '$desc'}, refs = [#ref{name = vcard_N, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$n'}, #ref{name = vcard_ADR, label = '$adr'}, #ref{name = vcard_LABEL, label = '$label'}, #ref{name = vcard_TEL, label = '$tel'}, #ref{name = vcard_EMAIL, label = '$email'}, #ref{name = vcard_GEO, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$geo'}, #ref{name = vcard_LOGO, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$logo'}, #ref{name = vcard_PHOTO, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$photo'}, #ref{name = vcard_ORG, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$org'}, #ref{name = vcard_SOUND, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$sound'}, #ref{name = vcard_KEY, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$key'}, #ref{name = vcard_VERSION, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$version'}, #ref{name = vcard_FN, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$fn'}, #ref{name = vcard_NICKNAME, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$nickname'}, #ref{name = vcard_BDAY, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$bday'}, #ref{name = vcard_JABBERID, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$jabberid'}, #ref{name = vcard_MAILER, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$mailer'}, #ref{name = vcard_TZ, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$tz'}, #ref{name = vcard_TITLE, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$title'}, #ref{name = vcard_ROLE, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$role'}, #ref{name = vcard_NOTE, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$note'}, #ref{name = vcard_PRODID, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$prodid'}, #ref{name = vcard_REV, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$rev'}, %%#ref{name = vcard_AGENT, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$agent'}, #ref{name = vcard_SORT_STRING, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$sort_string'}, #ref{name = vcard_UID, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$uid'}, #ref{name = vcard_URL, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$url'}, #ref{name = vcard_DESC, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$desc'}, #ref{name = vcard_CATEGORIES, default = [], min = 0, max = 1, label = '$categories'}, #ref{name = vcard_CLASS, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$class'}]}}. {xdata_field_required, #elem{name = <<"required">>, xmlns = <<"jabber:x:data">>, result = true}}. {xdata_field_desc, #elem{name = <<"desc">>, xmlns = <<"jabber:x:data">>, result = '$cdata'}}. {xdata_field_value, #elem{name = <<"value">>, xmlns = <<"jabber:x:data">>, result = '$cdata'}}. {xdata_field_option, #elem{name = <<"option">>, xmlns = <<"jabber:x:data">>, result = '$value', refs = [#ref{name = xdata_field_value, label = '$value', min = 1, max = 1}]}}. {xdata_field, #elem{name = <<"field">>, xmlns = <<"jabber:x:data">>, result = {xdata_field, '$label', '$type', '$var', '$required', '$desc', '$values', '$options'}, attrs = [#attr{name = <<"label">>}, #attr{name = <<"type">>, enc = {enc_enum, []}, dec = {dec_enum, [['boolean', 'fixed', 'hidden', 'jid-multi', 'jid-single', 'list-multi', 'list-single', 'text-multi', 'text-private', 'text-single']]}}, #attr{name = <<"var">>}], refs = [#ref{name = xdata_field_required, label = '$required', default = false, min = 0, max = 1}, #ref{name = xdata_field_desc, label = '$desc', min = 0, max = 1}, #ref{name = xdata_field_value, label = '$values'}, #ref{name = xdata_field_option, label = '$options'}]}}. {xdata_instructions, #elem{name = <<"instructions">>, xmlns = <<"jabber:x:data">>, result = '$cdata'}}. {xdata_title, #elem{name = <<"title">>, xmlns = <<"jabber:x:data">>, result = '$cdata'}}. {xdata_reported, #elem{name = <<"reported">>, xmlns = <<"jabber:x:data">>, result = '$fields', refs = [#ref{name = xdata_field, label = '$fields'}]}}. {xdata_item, #elem{name = <<"item">>, xmlns = <<"jabber:x:data">>, result = '$fields', refs = [#ref{name = xdata_field, label = '$fields'}]}}. {xdata, #elem{name = <<"x">>, xmlns = <<"jabber:x:data">>, result = {xdata, '$type', '$instructions', '$title', '$reported', '$items', '$fields'}, attrs = [#attr{name = <<"type">>, required = true, dec = {dec_enum, [[cancel, form, result, submit]]}, enc = {enc_enum, []}}], refs = [#ref{name = xdata_instructions, label = '$instructions'}, #ref{name = xdata_title, label = '$title', min = 0, max = 1}, #ref{name = xdata_reported, label = '$reported', min = 0, max = 1}, #ref{name = xdata_item, label = '$items'}, #ref{name = xdata_field, label = '$fields'}]}}. {pubsub_subscription, #elem{name = <<"subscription">>, xmlns = <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub">>, result = {pubsub_subscription, '$jid', '$node', '$subid', '$type'}, attrs = [#attr{name = <<"jid">>, required = true, dec = {dec_jid, []}, enc = {enc_jid, []}}, #attr{name = <<"node">>}, #attr{name = <<"subid">>}, #attr{name = <<"subscription">>, label = '$type', dec = {dec_enum, [[none, pending, subscribed, unconfigured]]}, enc = {enc_enum, []}}]}}. {pubsub_affiliation, #elem{name = <<"affiliation">>, xmlns = <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub">>, result = {pubsub_affiliation, '$node', '$type'}, attrs = [#attr{name = <<"node">>, required = true}, #attr{name = <<"affiliation">>, label = '$type', required = true, dec = {dec_enum, [[member, none, outcast, owner, publisher, 'publish-only']]}, enc = {enc_enum, []}}]}}. {pubsub_item, #elem{name = <<"item">>, xmlns = <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub">>, result = {pubsub_item, '$id', '$_els'}, attrs = [#attr{name = <<"id">>}]}}. {pubsub_items, #elem{name = <<"items">>, xmlns = <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub">>, result = {pubsub_items, '$node', '$max_items', '$subid', '$items'}, attrs = [#attr{name = <<"max_items">>, dec = {dec_int, [0, infinity]}, enc = {enc_int, []}}, #attr{name = <<"node">>, required = true}, #attr{name = <<"subid">>}], refs = [#ref{name = pubsub_item, label = '$items'}]}}. {pubsub_event_retract, #elem{name = <<"retract">>, xmlns = <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#event">>, result = '$id', attrs = [#attr{name = <<"id">>, required = true}]}}. {pubsub_event_item, #elem{name = <<"item">>, xmlns = <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#event">>, result = {pubsub_event_item, '$id', '$node', '$publisher'}, attrs = [#attr{name = <<"id">>}, #attr{name = <<"node">>}, #attr{name = <<"publisher">>}]}}. {pubsub_event_items, #elem{name = <<"items">>, xmlns = <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#event">>, result = {pubsub_event_items, '$node', '$retract', '$items'}, attrs = [#attr{name = <<"node">>, required = true}], refs = [#ref{name = pubsub_event_retract, label = '$retract'}, #ref{name = pubsub_event_item, label = '$items'}]}}. {pubsub_event, #elem{name = <<"event">>, xmlns = <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#event">>, result = {pubsub_event, '$items'}, refs = [#ref{name = pubsub_event_items, label = '$items'}]}}. {pubsub_subscriptions, #elem{name = <<"subscriptions">>, xmlns = <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub">>, result = {'$node', '$subscriptions'}, attrs = [#attr{name = <<"node">>, default = none}], refs = [#ref{name = pubsub_subscription, label = '$subscriptions'}]}}. {pubsub_affiliations, #elem{name = <<"affiliations">>, xmlns = <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub">>, result = '$affiliations', refs = [#ref{name = pubsub_affiliation, label = '$affiliations'}]}}. {pubsub_subscribe, #elem{name = <<"subscribe">>, xmlns = <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub">>, result = {pubsub_subscribe, '$node', '$jid'}, attrs = [#attr{name = <<"node">>}, #attr{name = <<"jid">>, required = true, dec = {dec_jid, []}, enc = {enc_jid, []}}]}}. {pubsub_unsubscribe, #elem{name = <<"unsubscribe">>, xmlns = <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub">>, result = {pubsub_unsubscribe, '$node', '$jid', '$subid'}, attrs = [#attr{name = <<"node">>}, #attr{name = <<"subid">>}, #attr{name = <<"jid">>, required = true, dec = {dec_jid, []}, enc = {enc_jid, []}}]}}. {pubsub_publish, #elem{name = <<"publish">>, xmlns = <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub">>, result = {pubsub_publish, '$node', '$items'}, attrs = [#attr{name = <<"node">>, required = true}], refs = [#ref{name = pubsub_item, label = '$items'}]}}. {pubsub_options, #elem{name = <<"options">>, xmlns = <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub">>, result = {pubsub_options, '$node', '$jid', '$subid', '$xdata'}, attrs = [#attr{name = <<"node">>}, #attr{name = <<"subid">>}, #attr{name = <<"jid">>, required = true, dec = {dec_jid, []}, enc = {enc_jid, []}}], refs = [#ref{name = xdata, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$xdata'}]}}. {pubsub_retract, #elem{name = <<"retract">>, xmlns = <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub">>, result = {pubsub_retract, '$node', '$notify', '$items'}, attrs = [#attr{name = <<"node">>, required = true}, #attr{name = <<"notify">>, default = false, dec = {dec_bool, []}, enc = {enc_bool, []}}], refs = [#ref{name = pubsub_item, label = '$items'}]}}. {pubsub, #elem{name = <<"pubsub">>, xmlns = <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub">>, result = {pubsub, '$subscriptions', '$affiliations', '$publish', '$subscribe', '$unsubscribe', '$options', '$items', '$retract'}, refs = [#ref{name = pubsub_subscriptions, label = '$subscriptions', min = 0, max = 1}, #ref{name = pubsub_affiliations, label = '$affiliations', min = 0, max = 1}, #ref{name = pubsub_subscribe, label = '$subscribe', min = 0, max = 1}, #ref{name = pubsub_unsubscribe, label = '$unsubscribe', min = 0, max = 1}, #ref{name = pubsub_options, label = '$options', min = 0, max = 1}, #ref{name = pubsub_items, label = '$items', min = 0, max = 1}, #ref{name = pubsub_retract, label = '$retract', min = 0, max = 1}, #ref{name = pubsub_publish, label = '$publish', min = 0, max = 1}]}}. {shim_header, #elem{name = <<"header">>, xmlns = <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/shim">>, result = {'$name', '$cdata'}, attrs = [#attr{name = <<"name">>, required = true}]}}. {shim_headers, #elem{name = <<"headers">>, xmlns = <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/shim">>, result = {shim, '$headers'}, refs = [#ref{name = shim_header, label = '$headers'}]}}. {delay, #elem{name = <<"delay">>, xmlns = <<"urn:xmpp:delay">>, result = {delay, '$stamp', '$from'}, attrs = [#attr{name = <<"stamp">>, required = true, dec = {dec_utc, []}, enc = {enc_utc, []}}, #attr{name = <<"from">>, dec = {dec_jid, []}, enc = {enc_jid, []}}]}}. {legacy_delay, #elem{name = <<"x">>, xmlns = <<"jabber:x:delay">>, result = {legacy_delay, '$stamp', '$from'}, attrs = [#attr{name = <<"stamp">>, required = true}, #attr{name = <<"from">>, dec = {dec_jid, []}, enc = {enc_jid, []}}]}}. {bytestreams_streamhost, #elem{name = <<"streamhost">>, xmlns = <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/bytestreams">>, result = {streamhost, '$jid', '$host', '$port'}, attrs = [#attr{name = <<"jid">>, required = true, dec = {dec_jid, []}, enc = {enc_jid, []}}, #attr{name = <<"host">>, required = true}, #attr{name = <<"port">>, default = 1080, dec = {dec_int, [0, 65535]}, enc = {enc_int, []}}]}}. {bytestreams_streamhost_used, #elem{name = <<"streamhost-used">>, xmlns = <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/bytestreams">>, result = '$jid', attrs = [#attr{name = <<"jid">>, required = true, dec = {dec_jid, []}, enc = {enc_jid, []}}]}}. {bytestreams_activate, #elem{name = <<"activate">>, xmlns = <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/bytestreams">>, cdata = #cdata{enc = {enc_jid, []}, dec = {dec_jid, []}}, result = '$cdata'}}. {bytestreams, #elem{name = <<"query">>, xmlns = <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/bytestreams">>, result = {bytestreams, '$hosts', '$used', '$activate', '$dstaddr', '$mode', '$sid'}, attrs = [#attr{name = <<"dstaddr">>}, #attr{name = <<"sid">>}, #attr{name = <<"mode">>, default = tcp, dec = {dec_enum, [[tcp, udp]]}, enc = {enc_enum, []}}], refs = [#ref{name = bytestreams_streamhost, label = '$hosts'}, #ref{name = bytestreams_streamhost_used, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$used'}, #ref{name = bytestreams_activate, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$activate'}]}}. {muc_history, #elem{name = <<"history">>, xmlns = <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc">>, result = {muc_history, '$maxchars', '$maxstanzas', '$seconds', '$since'}, attrs = [#attr{name = <<"maxchars">>, dec = {dec_int, [0, infinity]}, enc = {enc_int, []}}, #attr{name = <<"maxstanzas">>, dec = {dec_int, [0, infinity]}, enc = {enc_int, []}}, #attr{name = <<"seconds">>, dec = {dec_int, [0, infinity]}, enc = {enc_int, []}}, #attr{name = <<"since">>, dec = {dec_utc, []}, enc = {enc_utc, []}}]}}. {muc_user_reason, #elem{name = <<"reason">>, xmlns = <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user">>, result = '$cdata'}}. {muc_user_decline, #elem{name = <<"decline">>, xmlns = <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user">>, result = {muc_decline, '$reason', '$from', '$to'}, attrs = [#attr{name = <<"to">>, dec = {dec_jid, []}, enc = {enc_jid, []}}, #attr{name = <<"from">>, dec = {dec_jid, []}, enc = {enc_jid, []}}], refs = [#ref{name = muc_user_reason, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$reason'}]}}. {muc_user_destroy, #elem{name = <<"destroy">>, xmlns = <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user">>, result = {muc_user_destroy, '$reason', '$jid'}, attrs = [#attr{name = <<"jid">>, dec = {dec_jid, []}, enc = {enc_jid, []}}], refs = [#ref{name = muc_user_reason, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$reason'}]}}. {muc_user_invite, #elem{name = <<"invite">>, xmlns = <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user">>, result = {muc_invite, '$reason', '$from', '$to'}, attrs = [#attr{name = <<"to">>, dec = {dec_jid, []}, enc = {enc_jid, []}}, #attr{name = <<"from">>, dec = {dec_jid, []}, enc = {enc_jid, []}}], refs = [#ref{name = muc_user_reason, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$reason'}]}}. {muc_user_actor, #elem{name = <<"actor">>, xmlns = <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user">>, result = {muc_actor, '$jid', '$nick'}, attrs = [#attr{name = <<"jid">>, dec = {dec_jid, []}, enc = {enc_jid, []}}, #attr{name = <<"nick">>}]}}. {muc_user_continue, #elem{name = <<"continue">>, xmlns = <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user">>, result = '$thread', attrs = [#attr{name = <<"thread">>}]}}. {muc_user_status, #elem{name = <<"status">>, xmlns = <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user">>, result = '$code', attrs = [#attr{name = <<"code">>, dec = {dec_int, [100, 999]}, enc = {enc_int, []}}]}}. {muc_user_item, #elem{name = <<"item">>, xmlns = <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user">>, result = {muc_item, '$actor', '$continue', '$reason', '$affiliation', '$role', '$jid', '$nick'}, refs = [#ref{name = muc_user_actor, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$actor'}, #ref{name = muc_user_continue, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$continue'}, #ref{name = muc_user_reason, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$reason'}], attrs = [#attr{name = <<"affiliation">>, dec = {dec_enum, [[admin, member, none, outcast, owner]]}, enc = {enc_enum, []}}, #attr{name = <<"role">>, dec = {dec_enum, [[moderator, none, participant, visitor]]}, enc = {enc_enum, []}}, #attr{name = <<"jid">>, dec = {dec_jid, []}, enc = {enc_jid, []}}, #attr{name = <<"nick">>}]}}. {muc_user, #elem{name = <<"x">>, xmlns = <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user">>, result = {muc_user, '$decline', '$destroy', '$invites', '$items', '$status_codes', '$password'}, attrs = [#attr{name = <<"password">>}], refs = [#ref{name = muc_user_decline, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$decline'}, #ref{name = muc_user_destroy, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$destroy'}, #ref{name = muc_user_invite, label = '$invites'}, #ref{name = muc_user_item, label = '$items'}, #ref{name = muc_user_status, label = '$status_codes'}]}}. {muc_owner_password, #elem{name = <<"password">>, xmlns = <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#owner">>, result = '$cdata'}}. {muc_owner_reason, #elem{name = <<"reason">>, xmlns = <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#owner">>, result = '$cdata'}}. {muc_owner_destroy, #elem{name = <<"destroy">>, xmlns = <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#owner">>, result = {muc_owner_destroy, '$jid', '$reason', '$password'}, attrs = [#attr{name = <<"jid">>, dec = {dec_jid, []}, enc = {enc_jid, []}}], refs = [#ref{name = muc_owner_password, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$password'}, #ref{name = muc_owner_reason, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$reason'}]}}. {muc_owner, #elem{name = <<"query">>, xmlns = <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#owner">>, result = {muc_owner, '$destroy', '$config'}, refs = [#ref{name = muc_owner_destroy, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$destroy'}, #ref{name = xdata, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$config'}]}}. {muc, #elem{name = <<"x">>, xmlns = <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc">>, result = {muc, '$history', '$password'}, attrs = [#attr{name = <<"password">>}], refs = [#ref{name = muc_history, min = 0, max = 1, label = '$history'}]}}. dec_tzo(Val) -> [H1, M1] = str:tokens(Val, <<":">>), H = erlang:binary_to_integer(H1), M = erlang:binary_to_integer(M1), if H >= -12, H =< 12, M >= 0, M < 60 -> {H, M} end. enc_tzo({H, M}) -> Sign = if H >= 0 -> <<>>; true -> <<"-">> end, list_to_binary([Sign, io_lib:format("~2..0w:~2..0w", [H, M])]). dec_utc(Val) -> {_, _, _} = jlib:datetime_string_to_timestamp(Val). enc_utc(Val) -> jlib:now_to_utc_string(Val). dec_jid(Val) -> case jlib:string_to_jid(Val) of error -> erlang:error(badarg); J -> J end. enc_jid(J) -> jlib:jid_to_string(J). resourceprep(R) -> case jlib:resourceprep(R) of error -> erlang:error(badarg); R1 -> R1 end. dec_bool(<<"false">>) -> false; dec_bool(<<"true">>) -> true. enc_bool(false) -> <<"false">>; enc_bool(true) -> <<"true">>. %% Local Variables: %% mode: erlang %% End: %% vim: set filetype=erlang tabstop=8: