defmodule Ejabberd.MixProject do use Mix.Project def project do [app: :ejabberd, source_url: "", version: version(), description: description(), elixir: elixir_required_version(), elixirc_paths: ["lib"], compile_path: ".", compilers: [:asn1, :yecc] ++ Mix.compilers(), erlc_options: erlc_options(), erlc_paths: ["asn1", "src"], # Elixir tests are starting the part of ejabberd they need aliases: [test: "test --no-start"], start_permanent: Mix.env() == :prod, language: :erlang, dialyzer: dialyzer(), releases: releases(), package: package(), docs: docs(), deps: deps()] end def version do case config(:vsn) do :false -> "0.0.0" # ./configure wasn't run: vars.config not created ~c"0.0" -> "0.0.0" # the full git repository wasn't downloaded ~c"latest.0" -> "0.0.0" # running 'docker-ejabberd/ecs/ latest' [_, _, ?., _, _] = x -> head = String.replace(:erlang.list_to_binary(x), ~r/\.0+([0-9])/, ".\\1") "#{head}.0" vsn -> String.replace(:erlang.list_to_binary(vsn), ~r/\.0+([0-9])/, ".\\1") end end def description do """ Robust, Ubiquitous and Massively Scalable Messaging Platform (XMPP, MQTT, SIP Server) """ end def application do [mod: {:ejabberd_app, []}, applications: [:idna, :inets, :kernel, :sasl, :ssl, :stdlib, :mix, :fast_tls, :fast_xml, :fast_yaml, :jose, :p1_utils, :stringprep, :syntax_tools, :yconf] ++ cond_apps(), included_applications: [:mnesia, :os_mon, :cache_tab, :eimp, :mqtree, :p1_acme, :p1_oauth2, :pkix, :xmpp] ++ cond_included_apps()] end defp dialyzer do [ plt_add_apps: [ :mnesia, :odbc, :os_mon, :stdlib, :eredis, :luerl, :cache_tab, :eimp, :epam, :esip, :ezlib, :mqtree, :p1_acme, :p1_mysql, :p1_oauth2, :p1_pgsql, :pkix, :sqlite3, :stun, :xmpp], ] end defp if_version_above(ver, okResult) do if :erlang.system_info(:otp_release) > ver do okResult else [] end end defp if_version_below(ver, okResult) do if :erlang.system_info(:otp_release) < ver do okResult else [] end end defp if_type_exported(module, typeDef, okResult) do try do {:ok, concrete} = :dialyzer_utils.get_core_from_beam(:code.which(module)) {:ok, types} = :dialyzer_utils.get_record_and_type_info(concrete) if Map.has_key?(types, typeDef) do okResult else [] end rescue _ -> [] end end defp erlc_options do # Use our own includes + includes from all dependencies includes = ["include", deps_include()] result = [{:d, :ELIXIR_ENABLED}] ++ cond_options() ++, fn (path) -> {:i, path} end) ++ if_version_above(~c"20", [{:d, :DEPRECATED_GET_STACKTRACE}]) ++ if_version_above(~c"20", [{:d, :HAVE_URI_STRING}]) ++ if_version_above(~c"20", [{:d, :HAVE_ERL_ERROR}]) ++ if_version_below(~c"21", [{:d, :USE_OLD_HTTP_URI}]) ++ if_version_below(~c"22", [{:d, :LAGER}]) ++ if_version_below(~c"21", [{:d, :NO_CUSTOMIZE_HOSTNAME_CHECK}]) ++ if_version_below(~c"23", [{:d, :USE_OLD_CRYPTO_HMAC}]) ++ if_version_below(~c"23", [{:d, :USE_OLD_PG2}]) ++ if_version_below(~c"24", [{:d, :COMPILER_REPORTS_ONLY_LINES}]) ++ if_version_below(~c"24", [{:d, :SYSTOOLS_APP_DEF_WITHOUT_OPTIONAL}]) ++ if_version_below(~c"24", [{:d, :OTP_BELOW_24}]) ++ if_version_below(~c"25", [{:d, :OTP_BELOW_25}]) ++ if_version_below(~c"27", [{:d, :OTP_BELOW_27}]) ++ if_type_exported(:odbc, {:opaque, :connection_reference, 0}, [{:d, :ODBC_HAS_TYPES}]) defines = for {:d, value} <- result, do: {:d, value} result ++ [{:d, :ALL_DEFS, defines}] end defp cond_options do for {:true, option} <- [{config(:sip), {:d, :SIP}}, {config(:stun), {:d, :STUN}}, {config(:debug), :debug_info}, {not config(:debug), {:debug_info, false}}, {config(:roster_gateway_workaround), {:d, :ROSTER_GATEWAY_WORKAROUND}}, {config(:new_sql_schema), {:d, :NEW_SQL_SCHEMA}} ], do: option end defp deps do [{:cache_tab, "~> 1.0"}, {:dialyxir, "~> 1.2", only: [:test], runtime: false}, {:eimp, "~> 1.0"}, {:ex_doc, "~> 0.31", only: [:dev, :edoc], runtime: false}, {:fast_tls, ">= 1.1.18"}, {:fast_xml, ">= 1.1.51"}, {:fast_yaml, "~> 1.0"}, {:idna, "~> 6.0"}, {:mqtree, "~> 1.0"}, {:p1_acme, git: "", branch: "master"}, {:p1_oauth2, "~> 0.6"}, {:p1_utils, "~> 1.0"}, {:pkix, git: ""}, {:stringprep, ">= 1.0.26"}, {:xmpp, git: "", override: true}, {:yconf, "~> 1.0"}] ++ cond_deps() end defp deps_include() do if Mix.Project.umbrella?() do "../../deps" else case Mix.Project.deps_paths()[:ejabberd] do nil -> "deps" _ -> ".." end end end defp cond_deps do for {:true, dep} <- [{config(:pam), {:epam, "~> 1.0"}}, {Mix.env() == :translations, {:ejabberd_po, git: ""}}, {Mix.env() == :dev, {:exsync, "~> 0.2"}}, {config(:redis), {:eredis, "~> 1.2.0"}}, {config(:sip), {:esip, "~> 1.0"}}, {config(:zlib), {:ezlib, "~> 1.0"}}, {if_version_above(~c"23", true), {:jose, "~> 1.11.10"}}, {if_version_below(~c"24", true), {:jose, "1.11.1"}}, {if_version_below(~c"27", true), {:jiffy, "~> 1.1.1"}}, {if_version_below(~c"22", true), {:lager, "~> 3.9.1"}}, {config(:lua), {:luerl, "~> 1.2.0"}}, {config(:mysql), {:p1_mysql, git: "" }}, {config(:pgsql), {:p1_pgsql, git: ""}}, {config(:sqlite), {:sqlite3, "~> 1.1"}}, {config(:stun), {:stun, "~> 1.0"}}], do: dep end defp cond_apps do for {:true, app} <- [{config(:stun), :stun}, {Map.has_key?(System.get_env(), "RELIVE"), :exsync}, {if_version_below(~c"27", true), :jiffy}, {config(:tools), :observer}], do: app end defp cond_included_apps do for {:true, app} <- [{config(:pam), :epam}, {config(:lua), :luerl}, {config(:redis), :eredis}, {Mix.env() == :edoc, :ex_doc}, {Mix.env() == :test, :dialyxir}, {if_version_below(~c"22", true), :lager}, {config(:mysql), :p1_mysql}, {config(:sip), :esip}, {config(:odbc), :odbc}, {config(:pgsql), :p1_pgsql}, {config(:sqlite), :sqlite3}], do: app end defp package do [# These are the default files included in the package files: ["include", "lib", "priv", "sql", "src", "COPYING", "", "mix.exs", "rebar.config", "rebar.config.script", "vars.config"], maintainers: ["ProcessOne"], licenses: ["GPL-2.0-or-later"], links: %{"" => "", "ejabberd Docs" => "", "GitHub" => "", "ProcessOne" => ""}] end defp vars do filepath = case Application.fetch_env(:ejabberd, :vars_config_path) do :error -> "vars.config" {:ok, path} -> path end config2 = case :file.consult(filepath) do {:ok,config} -> config _ -> [stun: true, zlib: true] end case Mix.env() do :dev -> List.keystore(config2, :tools, 0, {:tools, true}) _ -> config2 end end defp config(key) do case vars()[key] do nil -> false value -> value end end defp elixir_required_version do case {Map.get(System.get_env(), "RELIVE", "false"), MapSet.member?(, "release")} do {"true", _} -> case Version.match?(System.version(), "~> 1.11") do false -> IO.puts("ERROR: To use 'make relive', Elixir 1.11.0 or higher is required.") _ -> :ok end "~> 1.11" {_, true} -> case Version.match?(System.version(), "~> 1.10") do false -> IO.puts("ERROR: To build releases, Elixir 1.10.0 or higher is required.") _ -> :ok end case Version.match?(System.version(), "< 1.11.4") and :erlang.system_info(:otp_release) > ~c"23" do true -> IO.puts("ERROR: To build releases with Elixir lower than 1.11.4, Erlang/OTP lower than 24 is required.") _ -> :ok end "~> 1.10" _ -> "~> 1.4" end end defp releases do maybe_tar = case Mix.env() do :prod -> [:tar] _ -> [] end [ ejabberd: [ include_executables_for: [:unix], # applications: [runtime_tools: :permanent] steps: [©_extra_files/1, :assemble | maybe_tar] ] ] end defp copy_extra_files(release) do assigns = [ version: version(), rootdir: config(:rootdir), installuser: config(:installuser), libdir: config(:libdir), sysconfdir: config(:sysconfdir), localstatedir: config(:localstatedir), config_dir: config(:config_dir), logs_dir: config(:logs_dir), spool_dir: config(:spool_dir), vsn: version(), iexpath: config(:iexpath), erl: config(:erl), epmd: config(:epmd), bindir: Path.join([config(:release_dir), "releases", version()]), release_dir: config(:release_dir), erts_dir: config(:erts_dir), erts_vsn: "erts-#{release.erts_version}" ] ro = "rel/overlays" File.rm_rf(ro) # Elixir lower than 1.12.0 don't have execute = fn(command) -> case function_exported?(System, :shell, 1) do true ->, into: false -> :os.cmd(to_charlist(command)) end end # Mix/Elixir lower than 1.11.0 use config/releases.exs instead of runtime.exs case Version.match?(System.version(), "~> 1.11") do true -> :ok false -> execute.("cp config/runtime.exs config/releases.exs") end execute.("sed -e 's|{{\\(\[_a-z\]*\\)}}|<%= @\\1 %>|g' ejabberdctl.template > ejabberdctl.example1") Mix.Generator.copy_template("ejabberdctl.example1", "ejabberdctl.example2", assigns) execute.("sed -e 's|{{\\(\[_a-z\]*\\)}}|<%= @\\1 %>|g' ejabberdctl.example2> ejabberdctl.example2a") Mix.Generator.copy_template("ejabberdctl.example2a", "ejabberdctl.example2b", assigns) execute.("sed -e 's|{{\\(\[_a-z\]*\\)}}|<%= @\\1 %>|g' ejabberdctl.example2b > ejabberdctl.example4") execute.("sed -e 's|^ERLANG_OPTS=\"|ERLANG_OPTS=\"-boot ../releases/#{release.version}/start_clean -boot_var RELEASE_LIB ../lib |' ejabberdctl.example4 > ejabberdctl.example5") execute.("sed -e 's|^INSTALLUSER=|ERL_OPTIONS=\"-setcookie \\$\\(cat \"\\${SCRIPT_DIR%/*}/releases/COOKIE\")\"\\nINSTALLUSER=|g' ejabberdctl.example5 > ejabberdctl.example6") Mix.Generator.copy_template("ejabberdctl.example6", "#{ro}/bin/ejabberdctl", assigns) File.chmod("#{ro}/bin/ejabberdctl", 0o755) File.rm("ejabberdctl.example1") File.rm("ejabberdctl.example2") File.rm("ejabberdctl.example2a") File.rm("ejabberdctl.example2b") File.rm("ejabberdctl.example3") File.rm("ejabberdctl.example4") File.rm("ejabberdctl.example5") File.rm("ejabberdctl.example6") suffix = case Mix.env() do :dev -> Mix.Generator.copy_file("test/ejabberd_SUITE_data/ca.pem", "#{ro}/conf/ca.pem") Mix.Generator.copy_file("test/ejabberd_SUITE_data/cert.pem", "#{ro}/conf/cert.pem") ".example" _ -> "" end Mix.Generator.copy_file("ejabberd.yml.example", "#{ro}/conf/ejabberd.yml#{suffix}") Mix.Generator.copy_file("ejabberdctl.cfg.example", "#{ro}/conf/ejabberdctl.cfg#{suffix}") Mix.Generator.copy_file("inetrc", "#{ro}/conf/inetrc") Enum.each(!("sql"), fn x -> Mix.Generator.copy_file("sql/#{x}", "#{ro}/lib/ejabberd-#{release.version}/priv/sql/#{x}") end) File.cp_r!("include", "#{ro}/lib/ejabberd-#{release.version}/include") for {name, details} <- Map.to_list(release.applications) do {_, is_otp_app} = List.keyfind(details, :otp_app?, 0) {_, vsn} = List.keyfind(details, :vsn, 0) {_, path} = List.keyfind(details, :path, 0) source_dir = case is_otp_app do :true -> "#{path}/include" :false -> "deps/#{name}/include" end target_dir = "#{ro}/lib/#{name}-#{vsn}/include" File.exists?(source_dir) && File.mkdir_p(target_dir) && File.cp_r!(source_dir, target_dir) end case Mix.env() do :dev -> execute.("REL_DIR_TEMP=$PWD/rel/overlays/ rel/ mix") _ -> :ok end release end defp docs do [ main: "readme", logo: "_build/edoc/logo.png", source_ref: "master", extra_section: "", # No need for Pages section name, it's the only one api_reference: false, # API section has just Elixir, hide it filter_modules: "aaaaa", # Module section has just Elixir modules, hide them extras: [ "": [title: "Readme"], "": [title: "Compile and Install"], "": [title: "Container Image"], "": [title: "Contributing"], "": [title: "Contributors"], "": [title: "Code of Conduct"], "": [title: "ChangeLog"], "COPYING": [title: "Copying License"], "_build/edoc/": [title: "⟹ ejabberd Docs"] ], groups_for_extras: [ "": Path.wildcard("*.md") ++ ["COPYING"], "For more documentation": "_build/edoc/" ] ] end end defmodule Mix.Tasks.Compile.Asn1 do use Mix.Task alias Mix.Compilers.Erlang @recursive true @manifest ".compile.asn1" def run(args) do {opts, _, _} = OptionParser.parse(args, switches: [force: :boolean]) project = Mix.Project.config() source_paths = project[:asn1_paths] || ["asn1"] dest_paths = project[:asn1_target] || ["src"] mappings =, dest_paths) options = project[:asn1_options] || [] force = case opts[:force] do :true -> [force: true] _ -> [force: false] end Erlang.compile(manifest(), mappings, :asn1, :erl, force, fn input, output -> options = options ++ [:noobj, outdir: Erlang.to_erl_file(Path.dirname(output))] case :asn1ct.compile(Erlang.to_erl_file(input), options) do :ok -> {:ok, :done} error -> error end end) end def manifests, do: [manifest()] defp manifest, do: Path.join(Mix.Project.manifest_path(), @manifest) def clean, do: Erlang.clean(manifest()) end