%%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% File : ejabberd_hooks.erl %%% Author : Alexey Shchepin %%% Purpose : Manage hooks %%% Created : 8 Aug 2004 by Alexey Shchepin %%% %%% %%% ejabberd, Copyright (C) 2002-2023 ProcessOne %%% %%% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or %%% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as %%% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the %%% License, or (at your option) any later version. %%% %%% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, %%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of %%% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU %%% General Public License for more details. %%% %%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along %%% with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., %%% 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. %%% %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(ejabberd_hooks). -author('alexey@process-one.net'). -behaviour(gen_server). %% External exports -export([start_link/0, add/3, add/4, add/5, delete/3, delete/4, delete/5, run/2, run/3, run_fold/3, run_fold/4]). %% gen_server callbacks -export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, code_change/3, handle_info/2, terminate/2]). -export( [ get_tracing_options/3, trace_off/3, trace_on/5,human_readable_time_string/1 ] ). -include("logger.hrl"). -include("ejabberd_stacktrace.hrl"). -record(state, {}). -type hook() :: {Seq :: integer(), Module :: atom(), Function :: atom() | fun()}. -define(TRACE_HOOK_KEY, '$trace_hook'). -define(TIMING_KEY, '$trace_hook_timer'). %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% API %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- start_link() -> gen_server:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, [], []). -spec add(atom(), fun(), integer()) -> ok. %% @doc See add/4. add(Hook, Function, Seq) when is_function(Function) -> add(Hook, global, undefined, Function, Seq). -spec add(atom(), HostOrModule :: binary() | atom(), fun() | atom() , integer()) -> ok. add(Hook, Host, Function, Seq) when is_function(Function) -> add(Hook, Host, undefined, Function, Seq); %% @doc Add a module and function to this hook. %% The integer sequence is used to sort the calls: low number is called before high number. add(Hook, Module, Function, Seq) -> add(Hook, global, Module, Function, Seq). -spec add(atom(), binary() | global, atom(), atom() | fun(), integer()) -> ok. add(Hook, Host, Module, Function, Seq) -> gen_server:call(?MODULE, {add, Hook, Host, Module, Function, Seq}). -spec delete(atom(), fun(), integer()) -> ok. %% @doc See del/4. delete(Hook, Function, Seq) when is_function(Function) -> delete(Hook, global, undefined, Function, Seq). -spec delete(atom(), binary() | atom(), atom() | fun(), integer()) -> ok. delete(Hook, Host, Function, Seq) when is_function(Function) -> delete(Hook, Host, undefined, Function, Seq); %% @doc Delete a module and function from this hook. %% It is important to indicate exactly the same information than when the call was added. delete(Hook, Module, Function, Seq) -> delete(Hook, global, Module, Function, Seq). -spec delete(atom(), binary() | global, atom(), atom() | fun(), integer()) -> ok. delete(Hook, Host, Module, Function, Seq) -> gen_server:call(?MODULE, {delete, Hook, Host, Module, Function, Seq}). -spec run(atom(), list()) -> ok. %% @doc Run the calls of this hook in order, don't care about function results. %% If a call returns stop, no more calls are performed. run(Hook, Args) -> run(Hook, global, Args). -spec run(atom(), binary() | global, list()) -> ok. run(Hook, Host, Args) -> try ets:lookup(hooks, {Hook, Host}) of [{_, Ls}] -> case erlang:get(?TRACE_HOOK_KEY) of undefined -> run1(Ls, Hook, Args); TracingHooksOpts -> case do_get_tracing_options(Hook, Host, TracingHooksOpts) of undefined -> run1(Ls, Hook, Args); TracingOpts -> foreach_start_hook_tracing(TracingOpts, Hook, Host, Args), run2(Ls, Hook, Args, Host, TracingOpts) end end; [] -> ok catch _:badarg -> ok end. -spec run_fold(atom(), T, list()) -> T. %% @doc Run the calls of this hook in order. %% The arguments passed to the function are: [Val | Args]. %% The result of a call is used as Val for the next call. %% If a call returns 'stop', no more calls are performed. %% If a call returns {stop, NewVal}, no more calls are performed and NewVal is returned. run_fold(Hook, Val, Args) -> run_fold(Hook, global, Val, Args). -spec run_fold(atom(), binary() | global, T, list()) -> T. run_fold(Hook, Host, Val, Args) -> try ets:lookup(hooks, {Hook, Host}) of [{_, Ls}] -> case erlang:get(?TRACE_HOOK_KEY) of undefined -> run_fold1(Ls, Hook, Val, Args); TracingHooksOpts -> case do_get_tracing_options(Hook, Host, TracingHooksOpts) of undefined -> run_fold1(Ls, Hook, Val, Args); TracingOpts -> fold_start_hook_tracing(TracingOpts, Hook, Host, [Val | Args]), run_fold2(Ls, Hook, Val, Args, Host, TracingOpts) end end; [] -> Val catch _:badarg -> Val end. get_tracing_options(Hook, Host, Pid) when Pid == erlang:self() -> do_get_tracing_options(Hook, Host, erlang:get(?TRACE_HOOK_KEY)); get_tracing_options(Hook, Host, Pid) when erlang:is_pid(Pid) -> case erlang:process_info(Pid, dictionary) of {_, DictPropList} -> case lists:keyfind(?TRACE_HOOK_KEY, 1, DictPropList) of {_, TracingHooksOpts} -> do_get_tracing_options(Hook, Host, TracingHooksOpts); _ -> undefined end; _ -> undefined end. trace_on(Hook, Host, Pid, #{}=Opts, Timeout) when Pid == erlang:self() -> do_trace_on(Hook, Host, Opts, Timeout); trace_on(Hook, Host, Proc, #{}=Opts, Timeout) -> try sys:replace_state( Proc, fun(State) -> do_trace_on(Hook, Host, Opts, Timeout), State end, 15000 ) of _ -> % process state ok catch _:Reason -> {error, Reason} end. trace_off(Hook, Host, Pid) when Pid == erlang:self() -> do_trace_off(Hook, Host); trace_off(Hook, Host, Proc) -> try sys:replace_state( Proc, fun(State) -> do_trace_off(Hook, Host), State end, 15000 ) of _ -> % process state ok catch _:Reason -> {error, Reason} end. %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Callback functions from gen_server %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- init([]) -> _ = ets:new(hooks, [named_table, {read_concurrency, true}]), {ok, #state{}}. handle_call({add, Hook, Host, Module, Function, Seq}, _From, State) -> HookFormat = {Seq, Module, Function}, Reply = handle_add(Hook, Host, HookFormat), {reply, Reply, State}; handle_call({delete, Hook, Host, Module, Function, Seq}, _From, State) -> HookFormat = {Seq, Module, Function}, Reply = handle_delete(Hook, Host, HookFormat), {reply, Reply, State}; handle_call(Request, From, State) -> ?WARNING_MSG("Unexpected call from ~p: ~p", [From, Request]), {noreply, State}. -spec handle_add(atom(), atom(), hook()) -> ok. handle_add(Hook, Host, El) -> case ets:lookup(hooks, {Hook, Host}) of [{_, Ls}] -> case lists:member(El, Ls) of true -> ok; false -> NewLs = lists:merge(Ls, [El]), ets:insert(hooks, {{Hook, Host}, NewLs}), ok end; [] -> NewLs = [El], ets:insert(hooks, {{Hook, Host}, NewLs}), ok end. -spec handle_delete(atom(), atom(), hook()) -> ok. handle_delete(Hook, Host, El) -> case ets:lookup(hooks, {Hook, Host}) of [{_, Ls}] -> NewLs = lists:delete(El, Ls), ets:insert(hooks, {{Hook, Host}, NewLs}), ok; [] -> ok end. handle_cast(Msg, State) -> ?WARNING_MSG("Unexpected cast: ~p", [Msg]), {noreply, State}. handle_info(Info, State) -> ?WARNING_MSG("Unexpected info: ~p", [Info]), {noreply, State}. terminate(_Reason, _State) -> ok. code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) -> {ok, State}. %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Internal functions %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- -spec run1([hook()], atom(), list()) -> ok. run1([], _Hook, _Args) -> ok; run1([{_Seq, Module, Function} | Ls], Hook, Args) -> Res = safe_apply(Hook, Module, Function, Args), case Res of 'EXIT' -> run1(Ls, Hook, Args); stop -> ok; _ -> run1(Ls, Hook, Args) end. -spec run_fold1([hook()], atom(), T, list()) -> T. run_fold1([], _Hook, Val, _Args) -> Val; run_fold1([{_Seq, Module, Function} | Ls], Hook, Val, Args) -> Res = safe_apply(Hook, Module, Function, [Val | Args]), case Res of 'EXIT' -> run_fold1(Ls, Hook, Val, Args); stop -> Val; {stop, NewVal} -> NewVal; NewVal -> run_fold1(Ls, Hook, NewVal, Args) end. -spec safe_apply(atom(), atom(), atom() | fun(), list()) -> any(). safe_apply(Hook, Module, Function, Args) -> ?DEBUG("Running hook ~p: ~p:~p/~B", [Hook, Module, Function, length(Args)]), try if is_function(Function) -> apply(Function, Args); true -> apply(Module, Function, Args) end catch ?EX_RULE(E, R, St) when E /= exit; R /= normal -> Stack = ?EX_STACK(St), ?ERROR_MSG("Hook ~p crashed when running ~p:~p/~p:~n" ++ string:join( ["** ~ts"| ["** Arg " ++ integer_to_list(I) ++ " = ~p" || I <- lists:seq(1, length(Args))]], "~n"), [Hook, Module, Function, length(Args), misc:format_exception(2, E, R, Stack)|Args]), 'EXIT' end. %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Internal tracing functions %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- do_trace_on(Hook, Host, Opts, Timeout) when erlang:is_list(Host) -> do_trace_on(Hook, erlang:list_to_binary(Host), Opts, Timeout); do_trace_on(Hook, Host, Opts, undefined) -> case erlang:get(?TRACE_HOOK_KEY) of _ when Hook == all andalso Host == <<"*">> -> % Trace everything: erlang:put(?TRACE_HOOK_KEY, #{all => #{<<"*">> => Opts}}); #{all := #{<<"*">> := _}} -> % Already tracing everything % Update Opts: erlang:put(?TRACE_HOOK_KEY, #{all => #{<<"*">> => Opts}}); #{all := HostOpts} when Hook == all -> % Already Tracing everything for some hosts % Add/Update Host and Opts: erlang:put(?TRACE_HOOK_KEY, #{all => HostOpts#{Host => Opts}}); #{all := _} -> % Already tracing everything and Hook is not all ok; #{} when Hook == all -> % Remove other hooks by just adding all: erlang:put(?TRACE_HOOK_KEY, #{all => #{Host => Opts}}); #{}=TraceHooksOpts when Host == <<"*">> -> % Want to trace a hook for all hosts erlang:put(?TRACE_HOOK_KEY, TraceHooksOpts#{Hook => #{Host => Opts}}); #{}=TraceHooksOpts -> case maps:get(Hook, TraceHooksOpts, #{}) of #{<<"*">> := _} -> % Already tracing this hook for all hosts ok; HostOpts -> erlang:put(?TRACE_HOOK_KEY, TraceHooksOpts#{Hook => HostOpts#{Host => Opts}}) end; undefined -> erlang:put(?TRACE_HOOK_KEY, #{Hook => #{Host => Opts}}) end, ok; do_trace_on(Hook, Host, Opts, TimeoutSeconds) -> % Trace myself `Timeout` time Timeout = timer:seconds(TimeoutSeconds), ParentPid = erlang:self(), try erlang:spawn( fun() -> MonitorRef = erlang:monitor(process, ParentPid), receive {_, MonitorRef, _, _, _} -> ok after Timeout -> trace_off(Hook, Host, ParentPid) end, erlang:exit(normal) end ) of _ -> do_trace_on(Hook, Host, Opts, undefined) % ok catch _:Reason -> % system_limit {error, Reason} end. do_trace_off(Hook, Host) when erlang:is_list(Host) -> do_trace_off(Hook, erlang:list_to_binary(Host)); do_trace_off(Hook, Host) -> case erlang:get(?TRACE_HOOK_KEY) of _ when Hook == all andalso Host == <<"*">> -> % Remove all tracing: erlang:erase(?TRACE_HOOK_KEY); #{all := HostOpts} when Hook == all -> % Already tracing all hooks % Remove Host: HostOpts2 = maps:remove(Host, HostOpts), if HostOpts2 == #{} -> % Remove all tracing: erlang:erase(?TRACE_HOOK_KEY); true -> erlang:put(?TRACE_HOOK_KEY, #{all => HostOpts2}) end; #{}=TraceHooksOpts when Host == <<"*">> -> % Remove tracing of this hook for all hosts: TraceHooksOpts2 = maps:remove(Hook, TraceHooksOpts), if TraceHooksOpts2 == #{} -> % Remove all tracing: erlang:erase(?TRACE_HOOK_KEY); true -> erlang:put(?TRACE_HOOK_KEY, TraceHooksOpts2) end; #{}=TraceHooksOpts -> case maps:get(Hook, TraceHooksOpts, undefined) of #{}=HostOpts -> NewHostOpts = maps:remove(Host, HostOpts), if NewHostOpts == #{} -> % Remove hook: erlang:put(?TRACE_HOOK_KEY, maps:remove(Hook, TraceHooksOpts)); true -> erlang:put(?TRACE_HOOK_KEY, TraceHooksOpts#{Hook => NewHostOpts}) end; _ -> ok end; undefined -> ok end, ok. do_get_tracing_options(Hook, Host, MaybeMap) -> case MaybeMap of undefined -> undefined; #{all := #{<<"*">> := Opts}} -> % Tracing everything Opts; #{all := HostOpts} -> % Tracing all hooks for some hosts maps:get(Host, HostOpts, undefined); #{}=TraceHooksOpts -> HostOpts = maps:get(Hook, TraceHooksOpts, #{}), case maps:get(Host, HostOpts, undefined) of undefined -> maps:get(<<"*">>, HostOpts, undefined); Opts -> Opts end end. run2([], Hook, Args, Host, Opts) -> foreach_stop_hook_tracing(Opts, Hook, Host, Args, undefined), ok; run2([{Seq, Module, Function} | Ls], Hook, Args, Host, TracingOpts) -> foreach_start_callback_tracing(TracingOpts, Hook, Host, Module, Function, Args, Seq), Res = safe_apply(Hook, Module, Function, Args), foreach_stop_callback_tracing(TracingOpts, Hook, Host, Module, Function, Args, Seq, Res), case Res of 'EXIT' -> run2(Ls, Hook, Args, Host, TracingOpts); stop -> foreach_stop_hook_tracing(TracingOpts, Hook, Host, Args, {Module, Function, Seq, Ls}), ok; _ -> run2(Ls, Hook, Args, Host, TracingOpts) end. run_fold2([], Hook, Val, Args, Host, Opts) -> fold_stop_hook_tracing(Opts, Hook, Host, [Val | Args], undefined), Val; run_fold2([{Seq, Module, Function} | Ls], Hook, Val, Args, Host, TracingOpts) -> fold_start_callback_tracing(TracingOpts, Hook, Host, Module, Function, [Val | Args], Seq), Res = safe_apply(Hook, Module, Function, [Val | Args]), fold_stop_callback_tracing(TracingOpts, Hook, Host, Module, Function, [Val | Args], Seq, Res), case Res of 'EXIT' -> run_fold2(Ls, Hook, Val, Args, Host, TracingOpts); stop -> fold_stop_hook_tracing(TracingOpts, Hook, Host, [Val | Args], {Module, Function, Seq, {old, Val}, Ls}), Val; {stop, NewVal} -> fold_stop_hook_tracing(TracingOpts, Hook, Host, [Val | Args], {Module, Function, Seq, {new, NewVal}, Ls}), NewVal; NewVal -> run_fold2(Ls, Hook, NewVal, Args, Host, TracingOpts) end. foreach_start_hook_tracing(TracingOpts, Hook, Host, Args) -> run_event_handlers(TracingOpts, Hook, Host, start_hook, [Args], foreach). foreach_stop_hook_tracing(TracingOpts, Hook, Host, Args, BreakCallback) -> run_event_handlers(TracingOpts, Hook, Host, stop_hook, [Args, BreakCallback], foreach). foreach_start_callback_tracing(TracingOpts, Hook, Host, Mod, Func, Args, Seq) -> run_event_handlers(TracingOpts, Hook, Host, start_callback, [Mod, Func, Args, Seq], foreach). foreach_stop_callback_tracing(TracingOpts, Hook, Host, Mod, Func, Args, Seq, Res) -> run_event_handlers(TracingOpts, Hook, Host, stop_callback, [Mod, Func, Args, Seq, Res], foreach). fold_start_hook_tracing(TracingOpts, Hook, Host, Args) -> run_event_handlers(TracingOpts, Hook, Host, start_hook, [Args], fold). fold_stop_hook_tracing(TracingOpts, Hook, Host, Args, BreakCallback) -> run_event_handlers(TracingOpts, Hook, Host, stop_hook, [Args, BreakCallback], fold). fold_start_callback_tracing(TracingOpts, Hook, Host, Mod, Func, Args, Seq) -> run_event_handlers(TracingOpts, Hook, Host, start_callback, [Mod, Func, Args, Seq], fold). fold_stop_callback_tracing(TracingOpts, Hook, Host, Mod, Func, Args, Seq, Res) -> run_event_handlers(TracingOpts, Hook, Host, stop_callback, [Mod, Func, Args, Seq, Res], fold). run_event_handlers(TracingOpts, Hook, Host, Event, EventArgs, RunType) -> EventHandlerList = maps:get(event_handler_list, TracingOpts, default_tracing_event_handler_list()), EventHandlerOpts = maps:get(event_handler_options, TracingOpts, #{}), if erlang:is_list(EventHandlerList) -> lists:foreach( fun(EventHandler) -> try if erlang:is_function(EventHandler) -> erlang:apply( EventHandler, [Event, EventArgs, RunType, Hook, Host, EventHandlerOpts, TracingOpts] ); true -> EventHandler:handle_hook_tracing_event( Event, EventArgs, RunType, Hook, Host, EventHandlerOpts, TracingOpts ) end of _ -> ok catch ?EX_RULE(E, R, St) -> Stack = ?EX_STACK(St), ?ERROR_MSG( "(~0p|~ts|~0p) Tracing event '~0p' handler exception(~0p): ~0p: ~0p", [Hook, Host, erlang:self(), EventHandler, E, R, Stack] ), ok end end, EventHandlerList ); % ok true -> ?ERROR_MSG("(~0p|~ts|~0p) Bad event handler list: ~0p", [Hook, Host, erlang:self(), EventHandlerList]), ok end. default_tracing_event_handler_list() -> [fun tracing_timing_event_handler/7]. tracing_timing_event_handler(start_hook, EventArgs, RunType, Hook, Host, _, TracingOpts) -> HookStart = erlang:system_time(nanosecond), % Generate new event: run_event_handlers(TracingOpts, Hook, Host, start_hook_timing, EventArgs ++ [HookStart], RunType); tracing_timing_event_handler(stop_hook, EventArgs, RunType, Hook, Host, _, TracingOpts) -> HookStop = erlang:system_time(nanosecond), TimingMap = #{} = erlang:get(?TIMING_KEY), {HookStart, CallbackList} = maps:get({Hook, Host}, TimingMap), {CallbackListTiming, CallbackListTotal} = lists:foldl( fun({_, _, _, CallbackStart, CallbackStop}=CallbackTimingInfo, {CallbackListTimingX, Total}) -> {CallbackListTimingX ++ [CallbackTimingInfo], Total + (CallbackStop - CallbackStart)} end, {[], 0}, CallbackList ), % Generate new event: run_event_handlers( TracingOpts, Hook, Host, stop_hook_timing, EventArgs ++ [HookStart, HookStop, CallbackListTiming, CallbackListTotal], RunType ); tracing_timing_event_handler(start_callback, EventArgs, RunType, Hook, Host, _, TracingOpts) -> CallbackStart = erlang:system_time(nanosecond), % Generate new event: run_event_handlers(TracingOpts, Hook, Host, start_callback_timing, EventArgs ++ [CallbackStart], RunType); tracing_timing_event_handler(stop_callback, EventArgs, RunType, Hook, Host, _, TracingOpts) -> CallbackStop = erlang:system_time(nanosecond), TimingMap = #{} = erlang:get(?TIMING_KEY), {_, [{_, _, _, CallbackStart} | _]} = maps:get({Hook, Host}, TimingMap), run_event_handlers( TracingOpts, Hook, Host, stop_callback_timing, EventArgs ++ [CallbackStart, CallbackStop], RunType ), ok; tracing_timing_event_handler(start_hook_timing, [_, HookStart], RunType, Hook, Host, EventHandlerOpts, _) -> tracing_output(EventHandlerOpts, "(~0p|~ts|~0p|~0p) Timing started\n", [Hook, Host, erlang:self(), RunType]), case erlang:get(?TIMING_KEY) of #{}=TimingMap -> erlang:put(?TIMING_KEY, TimingMap#{{Hook, Host} => {HookStart, []}}); _ -> erlang:put(?TIMING_KEY, #{{Hook, Host} => {HookStart, []}}) end, ok; tracing_timing_event_handler( stop_hook_timing, [_, _, HookStart, HookStop, CallbackListTiming, CallbackListTotal], RunType, Hook, Host, EventHandlerOpts, _ ) -> if erlang:length(CallbackListTiming) < 2 -> % We don't need sorted timing result ok; true -> CallbackListTimingText = lists:foldl( fun({Mod, Func, Arity, Diff}, CallbackListTimingText) -> CallbackListTimingText ++ "\n\t" ++ mfa_string({Mod, Func, Arity}) ++ " -> " ++ human_readable_time_string(Diff) end, "", lists:keysort( 4, [ {Mod, Func, Arity, CallbackStop - CallbackStart} || {Mod, Func, Arity, CallbackStart, CallbackStop} <- CallbackListTiming ] ) ), tracing_output( EventHandlerOpts, "(~0p|~ts|~0p|~0p) All callbacks took ~ts to run. Sorted running time:" ++ CallbackListTimingText ++ "\n", [Hook, Host, erlang:self(), RunType, human_readable_time_string(CallbackListTotal)] ), tracing_output( EventHandlerOpts, "(~0p|~ts|~0p|~0p) Time calculations for all callbacks took ~ts\n", [ Hook, Host, erlang:self(), RunType, human_readable_time_string((HookStop - HookStart) - CallbackListTotal) ] ) end, tracing_output(EventHandlerOpts, "(~0p|~ts|~0p|~0p) Timing stopped\n", [Hook, Host, erlang:self(), RunType]), TimingMap = #{} = erlang:get(?TIMING_KEY), NewTimingMap = maps:remove({Hook, Host}, TimingMap), if NewTimingMap == #{} -> erlang:erase(?TIMING_KEY); true -> erlang:put(?TIMING_KEY, NewTimingMap) end, ok; tracing_timing_event_handler(start_callback_timing, [Mod, Func, Args, _, CallbackStart], _, Hook, Host, _, _) -> TimingMap = #{} = erlang:get(?TIMING_KEY), {HookStart, Callbacks} = maps:get({Hook, Host}, TimingMap), erlang:put( ?TIMING_KEY, TimingMap#{ {Hook, Host} => {HookStart, [{Mod, Func, erlang:length(Args), CallbackStart} | Callbacks]} } ), ok; tracing_timing_event_handler( stop_callback_timing, [Mod, Func, _, _, _, CallbackStart, CallbackStop], RunType, Hook, Host, EventHandlerOpts, _ ) -> TimingMap = #{} = erlang:get(?TIMING_KEY), {HookStart, [{Mod, Func, Arity, CallbackStart} | Callbacks]} = maps:get({Hook, Host}, TimingMap), maps:get(output_for_each_callback, maps:get(timing, EventHandlerOpts, #{}), false) andalso tracing_output( EventHandlerOpts, "(~0p|~ts|~0p|~0p) " ++ mfa_string({Mod, Func, Arity}) ++ " took " ++ human_readable_time_string(CallbackStop - CallbackStart) ++ "\n", [Hook, Host, erlang:self(), RunType] ), erlang:put( ?TIMING_KEY, TimingMap#{ {Hook, Host} => {HookStart, [{Mod, Func, Arity, CallbackStart, CallbackStop} | Callbacks]} } ), ok; tracing_timing_event_handler(_, _, _, _, _, _, _) -> ok. tracing_output(#{output_function := OutputF}, Text, Args) -> try OutputF(Text, Args) of _ -> ok catch ?EX_RULE(E, R, St) -> Stack = ?EX_STACK(St), ?ERROR_MSG("Tracing output function exception(~0p): ~0p: ~0p", [E, R, Stack]), ok end; tracing_output(#{output_log_level := Output}, Text, Args) -> if Output == debug -> ?DEBUG(Text, Args); true -> % info ?INFO_MSG(Text, Args) end, ok; tracing_output(Opts, Text, Args) -> tracing_output(Opts#{output_log_level => info}, Text, Args). mfa_string({_, Fun, _}) when erlang:is_function(Fun) -> io_lib:format("~0p", [Fun]); mfa_string({Mod, Func, Arity}) -> erlang:atom_to_list(Mod) ++ ":" ++ erlang:atom_to_list(Func) ++ "/" ++ erlang:integer_to_list(Arity). human_readable_time_string(TimeNS) -> {Time, Unit, Decimals} = if TimeNS >= 1000000000 -> {TimeNS / 1000000000, "", 10}; TimeNS >= 1000000 -> {TimeNS / 1000000, "m", 7}; TimeNS >= 1000 -> {TimeNS / 1000, "μ", 4}; true -> {TimeNS / 1, "n", 0} end, erlang:float_to_list(Time, [{decimals, Decimals}, compact]) ++ Unit ++ "s".