%%%------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Author : Evgeny Khramtsov %%% Created : 14 Nov 2016 by Evgeny Khramtsov %%% %%% %%% ejabberd, Copyright (C) 2002-2023 ProcessOne %%% %%% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or %%% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as %%% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the %%% License, or (at your option) any later version. %%% %%% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, %%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of %%% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU %%% General Public License for more details. %%% %%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along %%% with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., %%% 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. %%% %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(mam_tests). %% API -compile(export_all). -import(suite, [get_features/1, disconnect/1, my_jid/1, send_recv/2, wait_for_slave/1, server_jid/1, send/2, get_features/2, wait_for_master/1, recv_message/1, recv_iq/1, muc_room_jid/1, muc_jid/1, is_feature_advertised/3, get_event/1, put_event/2]). -include("suite.hrl"). -define(VERSIONS, [?NS_MAM_TMP, ?NS_MAM_0, ?NS_MAM_1, ?NS_MAM_2]). %%%=================================================================== %%% API %%%=================================================================== %%%=================================================================== %%% Single user tests %%%=================================================================== single_cases() -> {mam_single, [sequence], [single_test(feature_enabled), single_test(get_set_prefs), single_test(get_form), single_test(fake_by)]}. feature_enabled(Config) -> BareMyJID = jid:remove_resource(my_jid(Config)), RequiredFeatures = sets:from_list(?VERSIONS), ServerFeatures = sets:from_list(get_features(Config)), UserFeatures = sets:from_list(get_features(Config, BareMyJID)), MUCFeatures = get_features(Config, muc_jid(Config)), ct:comment("Checking if all MAM server features are enabled"), true = sets:is_subset(RequiredFeatures, ServerFeatures), ct:comment("Checking if all MAM user features are enabled"), true = sets:is_subset(RequiredFeatures, UserFeatures), ct:comment("Checking if all MAM conference service features are enabled"), true = lists:member(?NS_MAM_1, MUCFeatures), true = lists:member(?NS_MAM_2, MUCFeatures), clean(disconnect(Config)). fake_by(Config) -> BareServerJID = server_jid(Config), FullServerJID = jid:replace_resource(BareServerJID, p1_rand:get_string()), FullMyJID = my_jid(Config), BareMyJID = jid:remove_resource(FullMyJID), Fakes = lists:flatmap( fun(JID) -> [#mam_archived{id = p1_rand:get_string(), by = JID}, #stanza_id{id = p1_rand:get_string(), by = JID}] end, [BareServerJID, FullServerJID, BareMyJID, FullMyJID]), Body = xmpp:mk_text(<<"body">>), ForeignJID = jid:make(p1_rand:get_string()), Archived = #mam_archived{id = p1_rand:get_string(), by = ForeignJID}, StanzaID = #stanza_id{id = p1_rand:get_string(), by = ForeignJID}, #message{body = Body, sub_els = SubEls} = send_recv(Config, #message{to = FullMyJID, body = Body, sub_els = [Archived, StanzaID|Fakes]}), ct:comment("Checking if only foreign tags present"), [ForeignJID, ForeignJID] = lists:flatmap( fun(#mam_archived{by = By}) -> [By]; (#stanza_id{by = By}) -> [By]; (_) -> [] end, SubEls), clean(disconnect(Config)). get_set_prefs(Config) -> Range = [{JID, #mam_prefs{xmlns = NS, default = Default, always = Always, never = Never}} || JID <- [undefined, server_jid(Config)], NS <- ?VERSIONS, Default <- [always, never, roster], Always <- [[], [jid:decode(<<"foo@bar.baz">>)]], Never <- [[], [jid:decode(<<"baz@bar.foo">>)]]], lists:foreach( fun({To, Prefs}) -> NS = Prefs#mam_prefs.xmlns, #iq{type = result, sub_els = [Prefs]} = send_recv(Config, #iq{type = set, to = To, sub_els = [Prefs]}), #iq{type = result, sub_els = [Prefs]} = send_recv(Config, #iq{type = get, to = To, sub_els = [#mam_prefs{xmlns = NS}]}) end, Range), clean(disconnect(Config)). get_form(Config) -> ServerJID = server_jid(Config), Range = [{JID, NS} || JID <- [undefined, ServerJID], NS <- ?VERSIONS -- [?NS_MAM_TMP]], lists:foreach( fun({To, NS}) -> #iq{type = result, sub_els = [#mam_query{xmlns = NS, xdata = #xdata{} = X}]} = send_recv(Config, #iq{type = get, to = To, sub_els = [#mam_query{xmlns = NS}]}), [NS] = xmpp_util:get_xdata_values(<<"FORM_TYPE">>, X), true = xmpp_util:has_xdata_var(<<"with">>, X), true = xmpp_util:has_xdata_var(<<"start">>, X), true = xmpp_util:has_xdata_var(<<"end">>, X) end, Range), clean(disconnect(Config)). %%%=================================================================== %%% Master-slave tests %%%=================================================================== master_slave_cases() -> {mam_master_slave, [sequence], [master_slave_test(archived_and_stanza_id), master_slave_test(query_all), master_slave_test(query_with), master_slave_test(query_rsm_max), master_slave_test(query_rsm_after), master_slave_test(query_rsm_before), master_slave_test(muc), master_slave_test(mucsub), master_slave_test(mucsub_from_muc), master_slave_test(mucsub_from_muc_non_persistent)]}. archived_and_stanza_id_master(Config) -> #presence{} = send_recv(Config, #presence{}), wait_for_slave(Config), send_messages(Config, lists:seq(1, 5)), clean(disconnect(Config)). archived_and_stanza_id_slave(Config) -> ok = set_default(Config, always), #presence{} = send_recv(Config, #presence{}), wait_for_master(Config), recv_messages(Config, lists:seq(1, 5)), clean(disconnect(Config)). query_all_master(Config) -> Peer = ?config(peer, Config), MyJID = my_jid(Config), ok = set_default(Config, always), #presence{} = send_recv(Config, #presence{}), wait_for_slave(Config), send_messages(Config, lists:seq(1, 5)), query_all(Config, MyJID, Peer), clean(disconnect(Config)). query_all_slave(Config) -> Peer = ?config(peer, Config), MyJID = my_jid(Config), ok = set_default(Config, always), #presence{} = send_recv(Config, #presence{}), wait_for_master(Config), recv_messages(Config, lists:seq(1, 5)), query_all(Config, Peer, MyJID), clean(disconnect(Config)). query_with_master(Config) -> Peer = ?config(peer, Config), MyJID = my_jid(Config), ok = set_default(Config, always), #presence{} = send_recv(Config, #presence{}), wait_for_slave(Config), send_messages(Config, lists:seq(1, 5)), query_with(Config, MyJID, Peer), clean(disconnect(Config)). query_with_slave(Config) -> Peer = ?config(peer, Config), MyJID = my_jid(Config), ok = set_default(Config, always), #presence{} = send_recv(Config, #presence{}), wait_for_master(Config), recv_messages(Config, lists:seq(1, 5)), query_with(Config, Peer, MyJID), clean(disconnect(Config)). query_rsm_max_master(Config) -> Peer = ?config(peer, Config), MyJID = my_jid(Config), ok = set_default(Config, always), #presence{} = send_recv(Config, #presence{}), wait_for_slave(Config), send_messages(Config, lists:seq(1, 5)), query_rsm_max(Config, MyJID, Peer), clean(disconnect(Config)). query_rsm_max_slave(Config) -> Peer = ?config(peer, Config), MyJID = my_jid(Config), ok = set_default(Config, always), #presence{} = send_recv(Config, #presence{}), wait_for_master(Config), recv_messages(Config, lists:seq(1, 5)), query_rsm_max(Config, Peer, MyJID), clean(disconnect(Config)). query_rsm_after_master(Config) -> Peer = ?config(peer, Config), MyJID = my_jid(Config), ok = set_default(Config, always), #presence{} = send_recv(Config, #presence{}), wait_for_slave(Config), send_messages(Config, lists:seq(1, 5)), query_rsm_after(Config, MyJID, Peer), clean(disconnect(Config)). query_rsm_after_slave(Config) -> Peer = ?config(peer, Config), MyJID = my_jid(Config), ok = set_default(Config, always), #presence{} = send_recv(Config, #presence{}), wait_for_master(Config), recv_messages(Config, lists:seq(1, 5)), query_rsm_after(Config, Peer, MyJID), clean(disconnect(Config)). query_rsm_before_master(Config) -> Peer = ?config(peer, Config), MyJID = my_jid(Config), ok = set_default(Config, always), #presence{} = send_recv(Config, #presence{}), wait_for_slave(Config), send_messages(Config, lists:seq(1, 5)), query_rsm_before(Config, MyJID, Peer), clean(disconnect(Config)). query_rsm_before_slave(Config) -> Peer = ?config(peer, Config), MyJID = my_jid(Config), ok = set_default(Config, always), #presence{} = send_recv(Config, #presence{}), wait_for_master(Config), recv_messages(Config, lists:seq(1, 5)), query_rsm_before(Config, Peer, MyJID), clean(disconnect(Config)). muc_master(Config) -> Room = muc_room_jid(Config), %% Joining ok = muc_tests:join_new(Config), %% MAM feature should not be advertised at this point, %% because MAM is not enabled so far false = is_feature_advertised(Config, ?NS_MAM_1, Room), false = is_feature_advertised(Config, ?NS_MAM_2, Room), %% Fill in some history send_messages_to_room(Config, lists:seq(1, 21)), %% We now should be able to retrieve those via MAM, even though %% MAM is disabled. However, only last 20 messages should be received. recv_messages_from_room(Config, lists:seq(2, 21)), %% Now enable MAM for the conference %% Retrieve config first CfgOpts = muc_tests:get_config(Config), %% Find the MAM field in the config true = proplists:is_defined(mam, CfgOpts), %% Enable MAM [104] = muc_tests:set_config(Config, [{mam, true}]), %% Check if MAM has been enabled true = is_feature_advertised(Config, ?NS_MAM_1, Room), true = is_feature_advertised(Config, ?NS_MAM_2, Room), %% We now sending some messages again send_messages_to_room(Config, lists:seq(1, 5)), %% And retrieve them via MAM again. recv_messages_from_room(Config, lists:seq(1, 5)), put_event(Config, disconnect), muc_tests:leave(Config), clean(disconnect(Config)). muc_slave(Config) -> disconnect = get_event(Config), clean(disconnect(Config)). mucsub_master(Config) -> Room = muc_room_jid(Config), Peer = ?config(peer, Config), wait_for_slave(Config), ct:comment("Joining muc room"), ok = muc_tests:join_new(Config), ct:comment("Enabling mam in room"), CfgOpts = muc_tests:get_config(Config), %% Find the MAM field in the config ?match(true, proplists:is_defined(mam, CfgOpts)), ?match(true, proplists:is_defined(allow_subscription, CfgOpts)), %% Enable MAM [104] = muc_tests:set_config(Config, [{mam, true}, {allow_subscription, true}]), ct:comment("Subscribing peer to room"), ?send_recv(#iq{to = Room, type = set, sub_els = [ #muc_subscribe{jid = Peer, nick = <<"peer">>, events = [?NS_MUCSUB_NODES_MESSAGES]} ]}, #iq{type = result}), ct:comment("Sending messages to room"), send_messages_to_room(Config, lists:seq(1, 5)), ct:comment("Retrieving messages from room mam storage"), recv_messages_from_room(Config, lists:seq(1, 5)), ct:comment("Cleaning up"), put_event(Config, ready), ready = get_event(Config), muc_tests:leave(Config), clean(disconnect(Config)). mucsub_slave(Config) -> Room = muc_room_jid(Config), MyJID = my_jid(Config), MyJIDBare = jid:remove_resource(MyJID), ok = set_default(Config, always), send_recv(Config, #presence{}), wait_for_master(Config), ct:comment("Receiving mucsub events"), lists:foreach( fun(N) -> Body = xmpp:mk_text(integer_to_binary(N)), Msg = ?match(#message{from = Room, type = normal} = Msg, recv_message(Config), Msg), PS = ?match(#ps_event{items = #ps_items{node = ?NS_MUCSUB_NODES_MESSAGES, items = [ #ps_item{} = PS ]}}, xmpp:get_subtag(Msg, #ps_event{}), PS), ?match(#message{type = groupchat, body = Body}, xmpp:get_subtag(PS, #message{})) end, lists:seq(1, 5)), ct:comment("Retrieving personal mam archive"), QID = p1_rand:get_string(), I = send(Config, #iq{type = set, sub_els = [#mam_query{xmlns = ?NS_MAM_2, id = QID}]}), lists:foreach( fun(N) -> Body = xmpp:mk_text(integer_to_binary(N)), Forw = ?match(#message{ to = MyJID, from = MyJIDBare, sub_els = [#mam_result{ xmlns = ?NS_MAM_2, queryid = QID, sub_els = [#forwarded{ delay = #delay{}} = Forw]}]}, recv_message(Config), Forw), IMsg = ?match(#message{ to = MyJIDBare, from = Room} = IMsg, xmpp:get_subtag(Forw, #message{}), IMsg), PS = ?match(#ps_event{items = #ps_items{node = ?NS_MUCSUB_NODES_MESSAGES, items = [ #ps_item{} = PS ]}}, xmpp:get_subtag(IMsg, #ps_event{}), PS), ?match(#message{type = groupchat, body = Body}, xmpp:get_subtag(PS, #message{})) end, lists:seq(1, 5)), RSM = ?match(#iq{from = MyJIDBare, id = I, type = result, sub_els = [#mam_fin{xmlns = ?NS_MAM_2, rsm = RSM, complete = true}]}, recv_iq(Config), RSM), match_rsm_count(RSM, 5), % Wait for master exit ready = get_event(Config), % Unsubscribe yourself ?send_recv(#iq{to = Room, type = set, sub_els = [ #muc_unsubscribe{} ]}, #iq{type = result}), put_event(Config, ready), clean(disconnect(Config)). mucsub_from_muc_master(Config) -> mucsub_master(Config). mucsub_from_muc_slave(Config) -> Server = ?config(server, Config), gen_mod:update_module(Server, mod_mam, #{user_mucsub_from_muc_archive => true}), Config2 = mucsub_slave(Config), gen_mod:update_module(Server, mod_mam, #{user_mucsub_from_muc_archive => false}), Config2. mucsub_from_muc_non_persistent_master(Config) -> Config1 = lists:keystore(persistent_room, 1, Config, {persistent_room, false}), Config2 = mucsub_from_muc_master(Config1), lists:keydelete(persistent_room, 1, Config2). mucsub_from_muc_non_persistent_slave(Config) -> Config1 = lists:keystore(persistent_room, 1, Config, {persistent_room, false}), Config2 = mucsub_from_muc_slave(Config1), lists:keydelete(persistent_room, 1, Config2). %%%=================================================================== %%% Internal functions %%%=================================================================== single_test(T) -> list_to_atom("mam_" ++ atom_to_list(T)). master_slave_test(T) -> {list_to_atom("mam_" ++ atom_to_list(T)), [parallel], [list_to_atom("mam_" ++ atom_to_list(T) ++ "_master"), list_to_atom("mam_" ++ atom_to_list(T) ++ "_slave")]}. clean(Config) -> {U, S, _} = jid:tolower(my_jid(Config)), mod_mam:remove_user(U, S), Config. set_default(Config, Default) -> lists:foreach( fun(NS) -> ct:comment("Setting default preferences of '~s' to '~s'", [NS, Default]), #iq{type = result, sub_els = [#mam_prefs{xmlns = NS, default = Default}]} = send_recv(Config, #iq{type = set, sub_els = [#mam_prefs{xmlns = NS, default = Default}]}) end, ?VERSIONS). send_messages(Config, Range) -> Peer = ?config(peer, Config), lists:foreach( fun(N) -> Body = xmpp:mk_text(integer_to_binary(N)), send(Config, #message{to = Peer, body = Body}) end, Range). recv_messages(Config, Range) -> Peer = ?config(peer, Config), lists:foreach( fun(N) -> Body = xmpp:mk_text(integer_to_binary(N)), #message{from = Peer, body = Body} = Msg = recv_message(Config), #mam_archived{by = BareMyJID} = xmpp:get_subtag(Msg, #mam_archived{}), #stanza_id{by = BareMyJID} = xmpp:get_subtag(Msg, #stanza_id{}) end, Range). recv_archived_messages(Config, From, To, QID, Range) -> MyJID = my_jid(Config), lists:foreach( fun(N) -> ct:comment("Retrieving ~pth message in range ~p", [N, Range]), Body = xmpp:mk_text(integer_to_binary(N)), #message{to = MyJID, sub_els = [#mam_result{ queryid = QID, sub_els = [#forwarded{ delay = #delay{}, sub_els = [El]}]}]} = recv_message(Config), #message{from = From, to = To, body = Body} = xmpp:decode(El) end, Range). maybe_recv_iq_result(Config, ?NS_MAM_0, I) -> #iq{type = result, id = I} = recv_iq(Config); maybe_recv_iq_result(_, _, _) -> ok. query_iq_type(?NS_MAM_TMP) -> get; query_iq_type(_) -> set. send_query(Config, #mam_query{xmlns = NS} = Query) -> Type = query_iq_type(NS), I = send(Config, #iq{type = Type, sub_els = [Query]}), maybe_recv_iq_result(Config, NS, I), I. recv_fin(Config, I, QueryID, NS, IsComplete) when NS == ?NS_MAM_1; NS == ?NS_MAM_2 -> ct:comment("Receiving fin iq for namespace '~s'", [NS]), #iq{type = result, id = I, sub_els = [#mam_fin{xmlns = NS, complete = Complete, rsm = RSM}]} = recv_iq(Config), ct:comment("Checking if complete is ~s", [IsComplete]), ?match(IsComplete, Complete), RSM; recv_fin(Config, I, QueryID, ?NS_MAM_TMP = NS, _IsComplete) -> ct:comment("Receiving fin iq for namespace '~s'", [NS]), #iq{type = result, id = I, sub_els = [#mam_query{xmlns = NS, rsm = RSM, id = QueryID}]} = recv_iq(Config), RSM; recv_fin(Config, _, QueryID, ?NS_MAM_0 = NS, IsComplete) -> ct:comment("Receiving fin message for namespace '~s'", [NS]), #message{} = FinMsg = recv_message(Config), #mam_fin{xmlns = NS, id = QueryID, complete = Complete, rsm = RSM} = xmpp:get_subtag(FinMsg, #mam_fin{xmlns = NS}), ct:comment("Checking if complete is ~s", [IsComplete]), ?match(IsComplete, Complete), RSM. send_messages_to_room(Config, Range) -> MyNick = ?config(master_nick, Config), Room = muc_room_jid(Config), MyNickJID = jid:replace_resource(Room, MyNick), lists:foreach( fun(N) -> Body = xmpp:mk_text(integer_to_binary(N)), #message{from = MyNickJID, type = groupchat, body = Body} = send_recv(Config, #message{to = Room, body = Body, type = groupchat}) end, Range). recv_messages_from_room(Config, Range) -> MyNick = ?config(master_nick, Config), Room = muc_room_jid(Config), MyNickJID = jid:replace_resource(Room, MyNick), MyJID = my_jid(Config), QID = p1_rand:get_string(), I = send(Config, #iq{type = set, to = Room, sub_els = [#mam_query{xmlns = ?NS_MAM_2, id = QID}]}), lists:foreach( fun(N) -> Body = xmpp:mk_text(integer_to_binary(N)), #message{ to = MyJID, from = Room, sub_els = [#mam_result{ xmlns = ?NS_MAM_2, queryid = QID, sub_els = [#forwarded{ delay = #delay{}, sub_els = [El]}]}]} = recv_message(Config), #message{from = MyNickJID, type = groupchat, body = Body} = xmpp:decode(El) end, Range), #iq{from = Room, id = I, type = result, sub_els = [#mam_fin{xmlns = ?NS_MAM_2, rsm = RSM, complete = true}]} = recv_iq(Config), match_rsm_count(RSM, length(Range)). query_all(Config, From, To) -> lists:foreach( fun(NS) -> query_all(Config, From, To, NS) end, ?VERSIONS). query_all(Config, From, To, NS) -> QID = p1_rand:get_string(), Range = lists:seq(1, 5), ID = send_query(Config, #mam_query{xmlns = NS, id = QID}), recv_archived_messages(Config, From, To, QID, Range), RSM = recv_fin(Config, ID, QID, NS, _Complete = true), match_rsm_count(RSM, 5). query_with(Config, From, To) -> lists:foreach( fun(NS) -> query_with(Config, From, To, NS) end, ?VERSIONS). query_with(Config, From, To, NS) -> Peer = ?config(peer, Config), BarePeer = jid:remove_resource(Peer), QID = p1_rand:get_string(), Range = lists:seq(1, 5), lists:foreach( fun(JID) -> ct:comment("Sending query with jid ~s", [jid:encode(JID)]), Query = if NS == ?NS_MAM_TMP -> #mam_query{xmlns = NS, with = JID, id = QID}; true -> Fs = mam_query:encode([{with, JID}]), #mam_query{xmlns = NS, id = QID, xdata = #xdata{type = submit, fields = Fs}} end, ID = send_query(Config, Query), recv_archived_messages(Config, From, To, QID, Range), RSM = recv_fin(Config, ID, QID, NS, true), match_rsm_count(RSM, 5) end, [Peer, BarePeer]). query_rsm_max(Config, From, To) -> lists:foreach( fun(NS) -> query_rsm_max(Config, From, To, NS) end, ?VERSIONS). query_rsm_max(Config, From, To, NS) -> lists:foreach( fun(Max) -> QID = p1_rand:get_string(), Range = lists:sublist(lists:seq(1, Max), 5), Query = #mam_query{xmlns = NS, id = QID, rsm = #rsm_set{max = Max}}, ID = send_query(Config, Query), recv_archived_messages(Config, From, To, QID, Range), IsComplete = Max >= 5, RSM = recv_fin(Config, ID, QID, NS, IsComplete), match_rsm_count(RSM, 5) end, lists:seq(0, 6)). query_rsm_after(Config, From, To) -> lists:foreach( fun(NS) -> query_rsm_after(Config, From, To, NS) end, ?VERSIONS). query_rsm_after(Config, From, To, NS) -> lists:foldl( fun(Range, #rsm_first{data = After}) -> ct:comment("Retrieving ~p messages after '~s'", [length(Range), After]), QID = p1_rand:get_string(), Query = #mam_query{xmlns = NS, id = QID, rsm = #rsm_set{'after' = After}}, ID = send_query(Config, Query), recv_archived_messages(Config, From, To, QID, Range), RSM = #rsm_set{first = First} = recv_fin(Config, ID, QID, NS, true), match_rsm_count(RSM, 5), First end, #rsm_first{data = undefined}, [lists:seq(N, 5) || N <- lists:seq(1, 6)]). query_rsm_before(Config, From, To) -> lists:foreach( fun(NS) -> query_rsm_before(Config, From, To, NS) end, ?VERSIONS). query_rsm_before(Config, From, To, NS) -> lists:foldl( fun(Range, Before) -> ct:comment("Retrieving ~p messages before '~s'", [length(Range), Before]), QID = p1_rand:get_string(), Query = #mam_query{xmlns = NS, id = QID, rsm = #rsm_set{before = Before}}, ID = send_query(Config, Query), recv_archived_messages(Config, From, To, QID, Range), RSM = #rsm_set{last = Last} = recv_fin(Config, ID, QID, NS, true), match_rsm_count(RSM, 5), Last end, <<"">>, lists:reverse([lists:seq(1, N) || N <- lists:seq(0, 5)])). match_rsm_count(#rsm_set{count = undefined}, _) -> %% The backend doesn't support counting ok; match_rsm_count(#rsm_set{count = Count1}, Count2) -> ct:comment("Checking if RSM 'count' is ~p", [Count2]), ?match(Count2, Count1).