%%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% File : mod_muc_room.erl %%% Author : Alexey Shchepin %%% Purpose : MUC room stuff %%% Created : 19 Mar 2003 by Alexey Shchepin %%% %%% %%% ejabberd, Copyright (C) 2002-2008 Process-one %%% %%% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or %%% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as %%% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the %%% License, or (at your option) any later version. %%% %%% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, %%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of %%% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU %%% General Public License for more details. %%% %%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License %%% along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software %%% Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA %%% 02111-1307 USA %%% %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(mod_muc_room). -author('alexey@process-one.net'). -behaviour(gen_fsm). %% External exports -export([start_link/9, start_link/7, start/9, start/7, route/4]). %% gen_fsm callbacks -export([init/1, normal_state/2, handle_event/3, handle_sync_event/4, handle_info/3, terminate/3, code_change/4]). -include("ejabberd.hrl"). -include("jlib.hrl"). -define(MAX_USERS_DEFAULT, 200). -define(MAX_USERS_DEFAULT_LIST, [5, 10, 20, 30, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000]). -define(SETS, gb_sets). -define(DICT, dict). -record(lqueue, {queue, len, max}). -record(config, {title = "", description = "", allow_change_subj = true, allow_query_users = true, allow_private_messages = true, allow_visitor_presence = true, allow_visitor_nickchange = true, public = true, public_list = true, persistent = false, moderated = true, members_by_default = true, members_only = false, allow_user_invites = false, password_protected = false, password = "", anonymous = true, max_users = ?MAX_USERS_DEFAULT, logging = false }). -record(user, {jid, nick, role, last_presence}). -record(activity, {message_time = 0, presence_time = 0, message_shaper, presence_shaper, message, presence}). -record(state, {room, host, server_host, access, jid, config = #config{}, users = ?DICT:new(), affiliations = ?DICT:new(), history = lqueue_new(20), subject = "", subject_author = "", just_created = false, activity = ?DICT:new(), room_shaper, room_queue = queue:new()}). -record(muc_online_users, {us, room, host}). %-define(DBGFSM, true). -ifdef(DBGFSM). -define(FSMOPTS, [{debug, [trace]}]). -else. -define(FSMOPTS, []). -endif. %% Module start with or without supervisor: -ifdef(NO_TRANSIENT_SUPERVISORS). -define(SUPERVISOR_START, gen_fsm:start(?MODULE, [Host, ServerHost, Access, Room, HistorySize, RoomShaper, Creator, Nick, DefRoomOpts], ?FSMOPTS)). -else. -define(SUPERVISOR_START, Supervisor = gen_mod:get_module_proc(ServerHost, ejabberd_mod_muc_sup), supervisor:start_child( Supervisor, [Host, ServerHost, Access, Room, HistorySize, RoomShaper, Creator, Nick, DefRoomOpts])). -endif. %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% API %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- start(Host, ServerHost, Access, Room, HistorySize, RoomShaper, Creator, Nick, DefRoomOpts) -> ?SUPERVISOR_START. start(Host, ServerHost, Access, Room, HistorySize, RoomShaper, Opts) -> Supervisor = gen_mod:get_module_proc(ServerHost, ejabberd_mod_muc_sup), supervisor:start_child( Supervisor, [Host, ServerHost, Access, Room, HistorySize, RoomShaper, Opts]). start_link(Host, ServerHost, Access, Room, HistorySize, RoomShaper, Creator, Nick, DefRoomOpts) -> gen_fsm:start_link(?MODULE, [Host, ServerHost, Access, Room, HistorySize, RoomShaper, Creator, Nick, DefRoomOpts], ?FSMOPTS). start_link(Host, ServerHost, Access, Room, HistorySize, RoomShaper, Opts) -> gen_fsm:start_link(?MODULE, [Host, ServerHost, Access, Room, HistorySize, RoomShaper, Opts], ?FSMOPTS). %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Callback functions from gen_fsm %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Func: init/1 %% Returns: {ok, StateName, StateData} | %% {ok, StateName, StateData, Timeout} | %% ignore | %% {stop, StopReason} %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- init([Host, ServerHost, Access, Room, HistorySize, RoomShaper, Creator, _Nick, DefRoomOpts]) -> process_flag(trap_exit, true), Shaper = shaper:new(RoomShaper), State = set_affiliation(Creator, owner, #state{host = Host, server_host = ServerHost, access = Access, room = Room, history = lqueue_new(HistorySize), jid = jlib:make_jid(Room, Host, ""), just_created = true, room_shaper = Shaper}), State1 = set_opts(DefRoomOpts, State), ?INFO_MSG("Created MUC room ~s@~s by ~s", [Room, Host, jlib:jid_to_string(Creator)]), {ok, normal_state, State1}; init([Host, ServerHost, Access, Room, HistorySize, RoomShaper, Opts]) -> process_flag(trap_exit, true), Shaper = shaper:new(RoomShaper), State = set_opts(Opts, #state{host = Host, server_host = ServerHost, access = Access, room = Room, history = lqueue_new(HistorySize), jid = jlib:make_jid(Room, Host, ""), room_shaper = Shaper}), {ok, normal_state, State}. %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Func: StateName/2 %% Returns: {next_state, NextStateName, NextStateData} | %% {next_state, NextStateName, NextStateData, Timeout} | %% {stop, Reason, NewStateData} %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- normal_state({route, From, "", {xmlelement, "message", Attrs, Els} = Packet}, StateData) -> Lang = xml:get_attr_s("xml:lang", Attrs), case is_user_online(From, StateData) orelse is_user_allowed_message_nonparticipant(From, StateData) of true -> case xml:get_attr_s("type", Attrs) of "groupchat" -> Activity = get_user_activity(From, StateData), Now = now_to_usec(now()), MinMessageInterval = trunc(gen_mod:get_module_opt( StateData#state.server_host, mod_muc, min_message_interval, 0) * 1000000), Size = lists:flatlength(xml:element_to_string(Packet)), {MessageShaper, MessageShaperInterval} = shaper:update(Activity#activity.message_shaper, Size), if Activity#activity.message /= undefined -> ErrText = "Traffic rate limit is exceeded", Err = jlib:make_error_reply( Packet, ?ERRT_RESOURCE_CONSTRAINT(Lang, ErrText)), ejabberd_router:route( StateData#state.jid, From, Err), {next_state, normal_state, StateData}; Now >= Activity#activity.message_time + MinMessageInterval, MessageShaperInterval == 0 -> {RoomShaper, RoomShaperInterval} = shaper:update(StateData#state.room_shaper, Size), RoomQueueEmpty = queue:is_empty( StateData#state.room_queue), if RoomShaperInterval == 0, RoomQueueEmpty -> NewActivity = Activity#activity{ message_time = Now, message_shaper = MessageShaper}, StateData1 = StateData#state{ activity = ?DICT:store( jlib:jid_tolower(From), NewActivity, StateData#state.activity), room_shaper = RoomShaper}, process_groupchat_message(From, Packet, StateData1); true -> StateData1 = if RoomQueueEmpty -> erlang:send_after( RoomShaperInterval, self(), process_room_queue), StateData#state{ room_shaper = RoomShaper}; true -> StateData end, NewActivity = Activity#activity{ message_time = Now, message_shaper = MessageShaper, message = Packet}, RoomQueue = queue:in( {message, From}, StateData#state.room_queue), StateData2 = StateData1#state{ activity = ?DICT:store( jlib:jid_tolower(From), NewActivity, StateData#state.activity), room_queue = RoomQueue}, {next_state, normal_state, StateData2} end; true -> MessageInterval = (Activity#activity.message_time + MinMessageInterval - Now) div 1000, Interval = lists:max([MessageInterval, MessageShaperInterval]), erlang:send_after( Interval, self(), {process_user_message, From}), NewActivity = Activity#activity{ message = Packet, message_shaper = MessageShaper}, StateData1 = StateData#state{ activity = ?DICT:store( jlib:jid_tolower(From), NewActivity, StateData#state.activity)}, {next_state, normal_state, StateData1} end; "error" -> case is_user_online(From, StateData) of true -> ErrorText = "This participant is kicked from the room because " "he sent an error message", NewState = expulse_participant(Packet, From, StateData, translate:translate(Lang, ErrorText)), {next_state, normal_state, NewState}; _ -> {next_state, normal_state, StateData} end; "chat" -> ErrText = "It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference", Err = jlib:make_error_reply( Packet, ?ERRT_NOT_ACCEPTABLE(Lang, ErrText)), ejabberd_router:route( StateData#state.jid, From, Err), {next_state, normal_state, StateData}; Type when (Type == "") or (Type == "normal") -> case catch check_invitation(From, Els, Lang, StateData) of {error, Error} -> Err = jlib:make_error_reply( Packet, Error), ejabberd_router:route( StateData#state.jid, From, Err), {next_state, normal_state, StateData}; IJID -> Config = StateData#state.config, case Config#config.members_only of true -> case get_affiliation(IJID, StateData) of none -> NSD = set_affiliation( IJID, member, StateData), case (NSD#state.config)#config.persistent of true -> mod_muc:store_room( NSD#state.host, NSD#state.room, make_opts(NSD)); _ -> ok end, {next_state, normal_state, NSD}; _ -> {next_state, normal_state, StateData} end; false -> {next_state, normal_state, StateData} end end; _ -> ErrText = "Improper message type", Err = jlib:make_error_reply( Packet, ?ERRT_NOT_ACCEPTABLE(Lang, ErrText)), ejabberd_router:route( StateData#state.jid, From, Err), {next_state, normal_state, StateData} end; _ -> case xml:get_attr_s("type", Attrs) of "error" -> ok; _ -> handle_roommessage_from_nonparticipant(Packet, Lang, StateData, From) end, {next_state, normal_state, StateData} end; normal_state({route, From, "", {xmlelement, "iq", _Attrs, _Els} = Packet}, StateData) -> case jlib:iq_query_info(Packet) of #iq{type = Type, xmlns = XMLNS, lang = Lang, sub_el = SubEl} = IQ when (XMLNS == ?NS_MUC_ADMIN) or (XMLNS == ?NS_MUC_OWNER) or (XMLNS == ?NS_DISCO_INFO) or (XMLNS == ?NS_DISCO_ITEMS) -> Res1 = case XMLNS of ?NS_MUC_ADMIN -> process_iq_admin(From, Type, Lang, SubEl, StateData); ?NS_MUC_OWNER -> process_iq_owner(From, Type, Lang, SubEl, StateData); ?NS_DISCO_INFO -> process_iq_disco_info(From, Type, Lang, StateData); ?NS_DISCO_ITEMS -> process_iq_disco_items(From, Type, Lang, StateData) end, {IQRes, NewStateData} = case Res1 of {result, Res, SD} -> {IQ#iq{type = result, sub_el = [{xmlelement, "query", [{"xmlns", XMLNS}], Res }]}, SD}; {error, Error} -> {IQ#iq{type = error, sub_el = [SubEl, Error]}, StateData} end, ejabberd_router:route(StateData#state.jid, From, jlib:iq_to_xml(IQRes)), case NewStateData of stop -> {stop, normal, StateData}; _ -> {next_state, normal_state, NewStateData} end; reply -> {next_state, normal_state, StateData}; _ -> Err = jlib:make_error_reply( Packet, ?ERR_FEATURE_NOT_IMPLEMENTED), ejabberd_router:route(StateData#state.jid, From, Err), {next_state, normal_state, StateData} end; normal_state({route, From, Nick, {xmlelement, "presence", _Attrs, _Els} = Packet}, StateData) -> Activity = get_user_activity(From, StateData), Now = now_to_usec(now()), MinPresenceInterval = trunc(gen_mod:get_module_opt( StateData#state.server_host, mod_muc, min_presence_interval, 0) * 1000000), if (Now >= Activity#activity.presence_time + MinPresenceInterval) and (Activity#activity.presence == undefined) -> NewActivity = Activity#activity{presence_time = Now}, StateData1 = StateData#state{ activity = ?DICT:store( jlib:jid_tolower(From), NewActivity, StateData#state.activity)}, process_presence(From, Nick, Packet, StateData1); true -> if Activity#activity.presence == undefined -> Interval = (Activity#activity.presence_time + MinPresenceInterval - Now) div 1000, erlang:send_after( Interval, self(), {process_user_presence, From}); true -> ok end, NewActivity = Activity#activity{presence = {Nick, Packet}}, StateData1 = StateData#state{ activity = ?DICT:store( jlib:jid_tolower(From), NewActivity, StateData#state.activity)}, {next_state, normal_state, StateData1} end; normal_state({route, From, ToNick, {xmlelement, "message", Attrs, _} = Packet}, StateData) -> Type = xml:get_attr_s("type", Attrs), Lang = xml:get_attr_s("xml:lang", Attrs), case decide_fate_message(Type, Packet, From, StateData) of {expulse_sender, Reason} -> ?DEBUG(Reason, []), ErrorText = "This participant is kicked from the room because " "he sent an error message to another participant", NewState = expulse_participant(Packet, From, StateData, translate:translate(Lang, ErrorText)), {next_state, normal_state, NewState}; forget_message -> {next_state, normal_state, StateData}; continue_delivery -> case {(StateData#state.config)#config.allow_private_messages, is_user_online(From, StateData)} of {true, true} -> case Type of "groupchat" -> ErrText = "It is not allowed to send private " "messages of type \"groupchat\"", Err = jlib:make_error_reply( Packet, ?ERRT_BAD_REQUEST(Lang, ErrText)), ejabberd_router:route( jlib:jid_replace_resource( StateData#state.jid, ToNick), From, Err); _ -> case find_jid_by_nick(ToNick, StateData) of false -> ErrText = "Recipient is not in the conference room", Err = jlib:make_error_reply( Packet, ?ERRT_ITEM_NOT_FOUND(Lang, ErrText)), ejabberd_router:route( jlib:jid_replace_resource( StateData#state.jid, ToNick), From, Err); ToJID -> {ok, #user{nick = FromNick}} = ?DICT:find(jlib:jid_tolower(From), StateData#state.users), ejabberd_router:route( jlib:jid_replace_resource( StateData#state.jid, FromNick), ToJID, Packet) end end; {true, false} -> ErrText = "Only occupants are allowed to send messages to the conference", Err = jlib:make_error_reply( Packet, ?ERRT_NOT_ACCEPTABLE(Lang, ErrText)), ejabberd_router:route( jlib:jid_replace_resource( StateData#state.jid, ToNick), From, Err); {false, _} -> ErrText = "It is not allowed to send private messages", Err = jlib:make_error_reply( Packet, ?ERRT_FORBIDDEN(Lang, ErrText)), ejabberd_router:route( jlib:jid_replace_resource( StateData#state.jid, ToNick), From, Err) end, {next_state, normal_state, StateData} end; normal_state({route, From, ToNick, {xmlelement, "iq", Attrs, _Els} = Packet}, StateData) -> Lang = xml:get_attr_s("xml:lang", Attrs), case {(StateData#state.config)#config.allow_query_users, is_user_online(From, StateData)} of {true, true} -> case find_jid_by_nick(ToNick, StateData) of false -> case jlib:iq_query_info(Packet) of reply -> ok; _ -> ErrText = "Recipient is not in the conference room", Err = jlib:make_error_reply( Packet, ?ERRT_ITEM_NOT_FOUND(Lang, ErrText)), ejabberd_router:route( jlib:jid_replace_resource( StateData#state.jid, ToNick), From, Err) end; ToJID -> {ok, #user{nick = FromNick}} = ?DICT:find(jlib:jid_tolower(From), StateData#state.users), ejabberd_router:route( jlib:jid_replace_resource(StateData#state.jid, FromNick), ToJID, Packet) end; {_, false} -> case jlib:iq_query_info(Packet) of reply -> ok; _ -> ErrText = "Only occupants are allowed to send queries to the conference", Err = jlib:make_error_reply( Packet, ?ERRT_NOT_ACCEPTABLE(Lang, ErrText)), ejabberd_router:route( jlib:jid_replace_resource(StateData#state.jid, ToNick), From, Err) end; _ -> case jlib:iq_query_info(Packet) of reply -> ok; _ -> ErrText = "Queries to the conference members are not allowed in this room", Err = jlib:make_error_reply( Packet, ?ERRT_NOT_ALLOWED(Lang, ErrText)), ejabberd_router:route( jlib:jid_replace_resource(StateData#state.jid, ToNick), From, Err) end end, {next_state, normal_state, StateData}; normal_state(_Event, StateData) -> {next_state, normal_state, StateData}. %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Func: handle_event/3 %% Returns: {next_state, NextStateName, NextStateData} | %% {next_state, NextStateName, NextStateData, Timeout} | %% {stop, Reason, NewStateData} %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- handle_event({service_message, Msg}, _StateName, StateData) -> MessagePkt = {xmlelement, "message", [{"type", "groupchat"}], [{xmlelement, "body", [], [{xmlcdata, Msg}]}]}, lists:foreach( fun({_LJID, Info}) -> ejabberd_router:route( StateData#state.jid, Info#user.jid, MessagePkt) end, ?DICT:to_list(StateData#state.users)), NSD = add_message_to_history("", MessagePkt, StateData), {next_state, normal_state, NSD}; handle_event({destroy, Reason}, _StateName, StateData) -> {result, [], stop} = destroy_room( {xmlelement, "destroy", [{"xmlns", ?NS_MUC_OWNER}], case Reason of none -> []; _Else -> [{xmlelement, "reason", [], [{xmlcdata, Reason}]}] end}, StateData), ?INFO_MSG("Destroyed MUC room ~s with reason: ~p", [jlib:jid_to_string(StateData#state.jid), Reason]), {stop, normal, StateData}; handle_event(destroy, StateName, StateData) -> ?INFO_MSG("Destroyed MUC room ~s", [jlib:jid_to_string(StateData#state.jid)]), handle_event({destroy, none}, StateName, StateData); handle_event({set_affiliations, Affiliations}, StateName, StateData) -> {next_state, StateName, StateData#state{affiliations = Affiliations}}; handle_event(_Event, StateName, StateData) -> {next_state, StateName, StateData}. %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Func: handle_sync_event/4 %% Returns: {next_state, NextStateName, NextStateData} | %% {next_state, NextStateName, NextStateData, Timeout} | %% {reply, Reply, NextStateName, NextStateData} | %% {reply, Reply, NextStateName, NextStateData, Timeout} | %% {stop, Reason, NewStateData} | %% {stop, Reason, Reply, NewStateData} %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- handle_sync_event({get_disco_item, JID, Lang}, _From, StateName, StateData) -> FAffiliation = get_affiliation(JID, StateData), FRole = get_role(JID, StateData), Tail = case ((StateData#state.config)#config.public_list == true) orelse (FRole /= none) orelse (FAffiliation == admin) orelse (FAffiliation == owner) of true -> Desc = case (StateData#state.config)#config.public of true -> ""; _ -> translate:translate(Lang, "private, ") end, Len = ?DICT:fold(fun(_, _, Acc) -> Acc + 1 end, 0, StateData#state.users), " (" ++ Desc ++ integer_to_list(Len) ++ ")"; _ -> " (n/a)" end, Reply = case ((StateData#state.config)#config.public == true) orelse (FRole /= none) orelse (FAffiliation == admin) orelse (FAffiliation == owner) of true -> {item, get_title(StateData) ++ Tail}; _ -> false end, {reply, Reply, StateName, StateData}; handle_sync_event(get_config, _From, StateName, StateData) -> {reply, {ok, StateData#state.config}, StateName, StateData}; handle_sync_event(get_state, _From, StateName, StateData) -> {reply, {ok, StateData}, StateName, StateData}; handle_sync_event({change_config, Config}, _From, StateName, StateData) -> {result, [], NSD} = change_config(Config, StateData), {reply, {ok, NSD#state.config}, StateName, NSD}; handle_sync_event({change_state, NewStateData}, _From, StateName, _StateData) -> {reply, {ok, NewStateData}, StateName, NewStateData}; handle_sync_event(_Event, _From, StateName, StateData) -> Reply = ok, {reply, Reply, StateName, StateData}. code_change(_OldVsn, StateName, StateData, _Extra) -> {ok, StateName, StateData}. %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Func: handle_info/3 %% Returns: {next_state, NextStateName, NextStateData} | %% {next_state, NextStateName, NextStateData, Timeout} | %% {stop, Reason, NewStateData} %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- handle_info({process_user_presence, From}, normal_state = _StateName, StateData) -> RoomQueueEmpty = queue:is_empty(StateData#state.room_queue), RoomQueue = queue:in({presence, From}, StateData#state.room_queue), StateData1 = StateData#state{room_queue = RoomQueue}, if RoomQueueEmpty -> StateData2 = prepare_room_queue(StateData1), {next_state, normal_state, StateData2}; true -> {next_state, normal_state, StateData1} end; handle_info({process_user_message, From}, normal_state = _StateName, StateData) -> RoomQueueEmpty = queue:is_empty(StateData#state.room_queue), RoomQueue = queue:in({message, From}, StateData#state.room_queue), StateData1 = StateData#state{room_queue = RoomQueue}, if RoomQueueEmpty -> StateData2 = prepare_room_queue(StateData1), {next_state, normal_state, StateData2}; true -> {next_state, normal_state, StateData1} end; handle_info(process_room_queue, normal_state = StateName, StateData) -> case queue:out(StateData#state.room_queue) of {{value, {message, From}}, RoomQueue} -> Activity = get_user_activity(From, StateData), Packet = Activity#activity.message, NewActivity = Activity#activity{message = undefined}, StateData1 = StateData#state{ activity = ?DICT:store( jlib:jid_tolower(From), NewActivity, StateData#state.activity), room_queue = RoomQueue}, StateData2 = prepare_room_queue(StateData1), process_groupchat_message(From, Packet, StateData2); {{value, {presence, From}}, RoomQueue} -> Activity = get_user_activity(From, StateData), {Nick, Packet} = Activity#activity.presence, NewActivity = Activity#activity{presence = undefined}, StateData1 = StateData#state{ activity = ?DICT:store( jlib:jid_tolower(From), NewActivity, StateData#state.activity), room_queue = RoomQueue}, StateData2 = prepare_room_queue(StateData1), process_presence(From, Nick, Packet, StateData2); {empty, _} -> {next_state, StateName, StateData} end; handle_info(_Info, StateName, StateData) -> {next_state, StateName, StateData}. %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Func: terminate/3 %% Purpose: Shutdown the fsm %% Returns: any %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- terminate(_Reason, _StateName, StateData) -> ?DICT:fold( fun(J, _, _) -> tab_remove_online_user(J, StateData) end, [], StateData#state.users), mod_muc:room_destroyed(StateData#state.host, StateData#state.room, self(), StateData#state.server_host), ok. %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Internal functions %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- route(Pid, From, ToNick, Packet) -> gen_fsm:send_event(Pid, {route, From, ToNick, Packet}). process_groupchat_message(From, {xmlelement, "message", Attrs, _Els} = Packet, StateData) -> Lang = xml:get_attr_s("xml:lang", Attrs), case is_user_online(From, StateData) orelse is_user_allowed_message_nonparticipant(From, StateData) of true -> {FromNick, Role} = get_participant_data(From, StateData), if (Role == moderator) or (Role == participant) or ((StateData#state.config)#config.moderated == false) -> {NewStateData1, IsAllowed} = case check_subject(Packet) of false -> {StateData, true}; Subject -> case can_change_subject(Role, StateData) of true -> NSD = StateData#state{ subject = Subject, subject_author = FromNick}, case (NSD#state.config)#config.persistent of true -> mod_muc:store_room( NSD#state.host, NSD#state.room, make_opts(NSD)); _ -> ok end, {NSD, true}; _ -> {StateData, false} end end, case IsAllowed of true -> lists:foreach( fun({_LJID, Info}) -> ejabberd_router:route( jlib:jid_replace_resource( StateData#state.jid, FromNick), Info#user.jid, Packet) end, ?DICT:to_list(StateData#state.users)), NewStateData2 = add_message_to_history(FromNick, Packet, NewStateData1), {next_state, normal_state, NewStateData2}; _ -> Err = case (StateData#state.config)#config.allow_change_subj of true -> ?ERRT_FORBIDDEN( Lang, "Only moderators and participants " "are allowed to change subject in this room"); _ -> ?ERRT_FORBIDDEN( Lang, "Only moderators " "are allowed to change subject in this room") end, ejabberd_router:route( StateData#state.jid, From, jlib:make_error_reply(Packet, Err)), {next_state, normal_state, StateData} end; true -> ErrText = "Visitors are not allowed to send messages to all occupants", Err = jlib:make_error_reply( Packet, ?ERRT_FORBIDDEN(Lang, ErrText)), ejabberd_router:route( StateData#state.jid, From, Err), {next_state, normal_state, StateData} end; false -> ErrText = "Only occupants are allowed to send messages to the conference", Err = jlib:make_error_reply( Packet, ?ERRT_NOT_ACCEPTABLE(Lang, ErrText)), ejabberd_router:route(StateData#state.jid, From, Err), {next_state, normal_state, StateData} end. %% @doc Check if this non participant can send message to room. %% %% XEP-0045 v1.23: %% 7.9 Sending a Message to All Occupants %% an implementation MAY allow users with certain privileges %% (e.g., a room owner, room admin, or service-level admin) %% to send messages to the room even if those users are not occupants. %% %% Check the mod_muc option access_message_nonparticipant and wether this JID %% is allowed or denied is_user_allowed_message_nonparticipant(JID, StateData) -> case get_service_affiliation(JID, StateData) of owner -> true; _ -> false end. %% @doc Get information of this participant, or default values. %% If the JID is not a participant, return values for a service message. get_participant_data(From, StateData) -> case ?DICT:find(jlib:jid_tolower(From), StateData#state.users) of {ok, #user{nick = FromNick, role = Role}} -> {FromNick, Role}; error -> {"", moderator} end. process_presence(From, Nick, {xmlelement, "presence", Attrs, _Els} = Packet, StateData) -> Type = xml:get_attr_s("type", Attrs), Lang = xml:get_attr_s("xml:lang", Attrs), StateData1 = case Type of "unavailable" -> case is_user_online(From, StateData) of true -> NewState = add_user_presence_un(From, Packet, StateData), send_new_presence(From, NewState), Reason = case xml:get_subtag(Packet, "status") of false -> ""; Status_el -> xml:get_tag_cdata(Status_el) end, remove_online_user(From, NewState, Reason); _ -> StateData end; "error" -> case is_user_online(From, StateData) of true -> ErrorText = "This participant is kicked from the room because " "he sent an error presence", expulse_participant(Packet, From, StateData, translate:translate(Lang, ErrorText)); _ -> StateData end; "" -> case is_user_online(From, StateData) of true -> case is_nick_change(From, Nick, StateData) of true -> case {is_nick_exists(Nick, StateData), mod_muc:can_use_nick( StateData#state.host, From, Nick), {(StateData#state.config)#config.allow_visitor_nickchange, is_visitor(From, StateData)}} of {_, _, {false, true}} -> ErrText = "Visitors are not allowed to change their nicknames in this room", Err = jlib:make_error_reply( Packet, ?ERRT_NOT_ALLOWED(Lang, ErrText)), ejabberd_router:route( % TODO: s/Nick/""/ jlib:jid_replace_resource( StateData#state.jid, Nick), From, Err), StateData; {true, _, _} -> Lang = xml:get_attr_s("xml:lang", Attrs), ErrText = "Nickname is already in use by another occupant", Err = jlib:make_error_reply( Packet, ?ERRT_CONFLICT(Lang, ErrText)), ejabberd_router:route( jlib:jid_replace_resource( StateData#state.jid, Nick), % TODO: s/Nick/""/ From, Err), StateData; {_, false, _} -> ErrText = "Nickname is registered by another person", Err = jlib:make_error_reply( Packet, ?ERRT_CONFLICT(Lang, ErrText)), ejabberd_router:route( % TODO: s/Nick/""/ jlib:jid_replace_resource( StateData#state.jid, Nick), From, Err), StateData; _ -> change_nick(From, Nick, StateData) end; _NotNickChange -> Stanza = case {(StateData#state.config)#config.allow_visitor_presence, is_visitor(From, StateData)} of {false, true} -> strip_status(Packet); _Allowed -> Packet end, NewState = add_user_presence(From, Stanza, StateData), send_new_presence(From, NewState), NewState end; _ -> add_new_user(From, Nick, Packet, StateData) end; _ -> StateData end, case (not (StateData1#state.config)#config.persistent) andalso (?DICT:to_list(StateData1#state.users) == []) of true -> ?INFO_MSG("Destroyed MUC room ~s because it's temporary and empty", [jlib:jid_to_string(StateData#state.jid)]), {stop, normal, StateData1}; _ -> {next_state, normal_state, StateData1} end. is_user_online(JID, StateData) -> LJID = jlib:jid_tolower(JID), ?DICT:is_key(LJID, StateData#state.users). role_to_list(Role) -> case Role of moderator -> "moderator"; participant -> "participant"; visitor -> "visitor"; none -> "none" end. affiliation_to_list(Affiliation) -> case Affiliation of owner -> "owner"; admin -> "admin"; member -> "member"; outcast -> "outcast"; none -> "none" end. list_to_role(Role) -> case Role of "moderator" -> moderator; "participant" -> participant; "visitor" -> visitor; "none" -> none end. list_to_affiliation(Affiliation) -> case Affiliation of "owner" -> owner; "admin" -> admin; "member" -> member; "outcast" -> outcast; "none" -> none end. %% Decide the fate of the message and its sender %% Returns: continue_delivery | forget_message | {expulse_sender, Reason} decide_fate_message("error", Packet, From, StateData) -> %% Make a preliminary decision PD = case check_error_kick(Packet) of %% If this is an error stanza and its condition matches a criteria true -> Reason = io_lib:format("This participant is considered a ghost and is expulsed: ~s", [jlib:jid_to_string(From)]), {expulse_sender, Reason}; false -> continue_delivery end, case PD of {expulse_sender, R} -> case is_user_online(From, StateData) of true -> {expulse_sender, R}; false -> forget_message end; Other -> Other end; decide_fate_message(_, _, _, _) -> continue_delivery. %% Check if the elements of this error stanza indicate %% that the sender is a dead participant. %% If so, return true to kick the participant. check_error_kick(Packet) -> case get_error_condition(Packet) of "gone" -> true; "internal-server-error" -> true; "item-not-found" -> true; "jid-malformed" -> true; "recipient-unavailable" -> true; "redirect" -> true; "remote-server-not-found" -> true; "remote-server-timeout" -> true; "service-unavailable" -> true; _ -> false end. get_error_condition(Packet) -> case catch get_error_condition2(Packet) of {condition, ErrorCondition} -> ErrorCondition; {'EXIT', _} -> "badformed error stanza" end. get_error_condition2(Packet) -> {xmlelement, _, _, EEls} = xml:get_subtag(Packet, "error"), [Condition] = [Name || {xmlelement, Name, [{"xmlns", ?NS_STANZAS}], []} <- EEls], {condition, Condition}. expulse_participant(Packet, From, StateData, Reason1) -> ErrorCondition = get_error_condition(Packet), Reason2 = io_lib:format(Reason1 ++ ": " ++ "~s", [ErrorCondition]), NewState = add_user_presence_un( From, {xmlelement, "presence", [{"type", "unavailable"}], [{xmlelement, "status", [], [{xmlcdata, Reason2}] }]}, StateData), send_new_presence(From, NewState), remove_online_user(From, NewState). set_affiliation(JID, Affiliation, StateData) -> LJID = jlib:jid_remove_resource(jlib:jid_tolower(JID)), Affiliations = case Affiliation of none -> ?DICT:erase(LJID, StateData#state.affiliations); _ -> ?DICT:store(LJID, Affiliation, StateData#state.affiliations) end, StateData#state{affiliations = Affiliations}. set_affiliation_and_reason(JID, Affiliation, Reason, StateData) -> LJID = jlib:jid_remove_resource(jlib:jid_tolower(JID)), Affiliations = case Affiliation of none -> ?DICT:erase(LJID, StateData#state.affiliations); _ -> ?DICT:store(LJID, {Affiliation, Reason}, StateData#state.affiliations) end, StateData#state{affiliations = Affiliations}. get_affiliation(JID, StateData) -> {_AccessRoute, _AccessCreate, AccessAdmin, _AccessPersistent} = StateData#state.access, Res = case acl:match_rule(StateData#state.server_host, AccessAdmin, JID) of allow -> owner; _ -> LJID = jlib:jid_tolower(JID), case ?DICT:find(LJID, StateData#state.affiliations) of {ok, Affiliation} -> Affiliation; _ -> LJID1 = jlib:jid_remove_resource(LJID), case ?DICT:find(LJID1, StateData#state.affiliations) of {ok, Affiliation} -> Affiliation; _ -> LJID2 = setelement(1, LJID, ""), case ?DICT:find(LJID2, StateData#state.affiliations) of {ok, Affiliation} -> Affiliation; _ -> LJID3 = jlib:jid_remove_resource(LJID2), case ?DICT:find(LJID3, StateData#state.affiliations) of {ok, Affiliation} -> Affiliation; _ -> none end end end end end, case Res of {A, _Reason} -> A; _ -> Res end. get_service_affiliation(JID, StateData) -> {_AccessRoute, _AccessCreate, AccessAdmin, _AccessPersistent} = StateData#state.access, case acl:match_rule(StateData#state.server_host, AccessAdmin, JID) of allow -> owner; _ -> none end. set_role(JID, Role, StateData) -> LJID = jlib:jid_tolower(JID), LJIDs = case LJID of {U, S, ""} -> ?DICT:fold( fun(J, _, Js) -> case J of {U, S, _} -> [J | Js]; _ -> Js end end, [], StateData#state.users); _ -> case ?DICT:is_key(LJID, StateData#state.users) of true -> [LJID]; _ -> [] end end, Users = case Role of none -> lists:foldl(fun(J, Us) -> ?DICT:erase(J, Us) end, StateData#state.users, LJIDs); _ -> lists:foldl(fun(J, Us) -> {ok, User} = ?DICT:find(J, Us), ?DICT:store(J, User#user{role = Role}, Us) end, StateData#state.users, LJIDs) end, StateData#state{users = Users}. get_role(JID, StateData) -> LJID = jlib:jid_tolower(JID), case ?DICT:find(LJID, StateData#state.users) of {ok, #user{role = Role}} -> Role; _ -> none end. get_default_role(Affiliation, StateData) -> case Affiliation of owner -> moderator; admin -> moderator; member -> participant; outcast -> none; none -> case (StateData#state.config)#config.members_only of true -> none; _ -> case (StateData#state.config)#config.members_by_default of true -> participant; _ -> visitor end end end. is_visitor(Jid, StateData) -> case get_affiliation(Jid, StateData) of none -> case get_default_role(none, StateData) of visitor -> true; _ -> false end; visitor -> true; _ -> false end. get_max_users(StateData) -> MaxUsers = (StateData#state.config)#config.max_users, ServiceMaxUsers = get_service_max_users(StateData), if MaxUsers =< ServiceMaxUsers -> MaxUsers; true -> ServiceMaxUsers end. get_service_max_users(StateData) -> gen_mod:get_module_opt(StateData#state.server_host, mod_muc, max_users, ?MAX_USERS_DEFAULT). get_max_users_admin_threshold(StateData) -> gen_mod:get_module_opt(StateData#state.server_host, mod_muc, max_users_admin_threshold, 5). get_user_activity(JID, StateData) -> case ?DICT:find(jlib:jid_tolower(JID), StateData#state.activity) of {ok, A} -> A; error -> MessageShaper = shaper:new(gen_mod:get_module_opt( StateData#state.server_host, mod_muc, user_message_shaper, none)), PresenceShaper = shaper:new(gen_mod:get_module_opt( StateData#state.server_host, mod_muc, user_presence_shaper, none)), #activity{message_shaper = MessageShaper, presence_shaper = PresenceShaper} end. prepare_room_queue(StateData) -> case queue:out(StateData#state.room_queue) of {{value, {message, From}}, _RoomQueue} -> Activity = get_user_activity(From, StateData), Packet = Activity#activity.message, Size = lists:flatlength(xml:element_to_string(Packet)), {RoomShaper, RoomShaperInterval} = shaper:update(StateData#state.room_shaper, Size), erlang:send_after( RoomShaperInterval, self(), process_room_queue), StateData#state{ room_shaper = RoomShaper}; {{value, {presence, From}}, _RoomQueue} -> Activity = get_user_activity(From, StateData), {_Nick, Packet} = Activity#activity.presence, Size = lists:flatlength(xml:element_to_string(Packet)), {RoomShaper, RoomShaperInterval} = shaper:update(StateData#state.room_shaper, Size), erlang:send_after( RoomShaperInterval, self(), process_room_queue), StateData#state{ room_shaper = RoomShaper}; {empty, _} -> StateData end. add_online_user(JID, Nick, Role, StateData) -> LJID = jlib:jid_tolower(JID), Users = ?DICT:store(LJID, #user{jid = JID, nick = Nick, role = Role}, StateData#state.users), add_to_log(join, Nick, StateData), tab_add_online_user(JID, StateData), StateData#state{users = Users}. remove_online_user(JID, StateData) -> remove_online_user(JID, StateData, ""). remove_online_user(JID, StateData, Reason) -> LJID = jlib:jid_tolower(JID), {ok, #user{nick = Nick}} = ?DICT:find(LJID, StateData#state.users), add_to_log(leave, {Nick, Reason}, StateData), tab_remove_online_user(JID, StateData), Users = ?DICT:erase(LJID, StateData#state.users), StateData#state{users = Users}. filter_presence({xmlelement, "presence", Attrs, Els}) -> FEls = lists:filter( fun(El) -> case El of {xmlcdata, _} -> false; {xmlelement, _Name1, Attrs1, _Els1} -> XMLNS = xml:get_attr_s("xmlns", Attrs1), case XMLNS of ?NS_MUC ++ _ -> false; _ -> true end end end, Els), {xmlelement, "presence", Attrs, FEls}. strip_status({xmlelement, "presence", Attrs, Els}) -> FEls = lists:filter( fun({xmlelement, "status", _Attrs1, _Els1}) -> false; (_) -> true end, Els), {xmlelement, "presence", Attrs, FEls}. add_user_presence(JID, Presence, StateData) -> LJID = jlib:jid_tolower(JID), FPresence = filter_presence(Presence), Users = ?DICT:update( LJID, fun(#user{} = User) -> User#user{last_presence = FPresence} end, StateData#state.users), StateData#state{users = Users}. add_user_presence_un(JID, Presence, StateData) -> LJID = jlib:jid_tolower(JID), FPresence = filter_presence(Presence), Users = ?DICT:update( LJID, fun(#user{} = User) -> User#user{last_presence = FPresence, role = none} end, StateData#state.users), StateData#state{users = Users}. is_nick_exists(Nick, StateData) -> ?DICT:fold(fun(_, #user{nick = N}, B) -> B orelse (N == Nick) end, false, StateData#state.users). find_jid_by_nick(Nick, StateData) -> ?DICT:fold(fun(_, #user{jid = JID, nick = N}, R) -> case Nick of N -> JID; _ -> R end end, false, StateData#state.users). is_nick_change(JID, Nick, StateData) -> LJID = jlib:jid_tolower(JID), case Nick of "" -> false; _ -> {ok, #user{nick = OldNick}} = ?DICT:find(LJID, StateData#state.users), Nick /= OldNick end. add_new_user(From, Nick, {xmlelement, _, Attrs, Els} = Packet, StateData) -> Lang = xml:get_attr_s("xml:lang", Attrs), MaxUsers = get_max_users(StateData), MaxAdminUsers = MaxUsers + get_max_users_admin_threshold(StateData), NUsers = dict:fold(fun(_, _, Acc) -> Acc + 1 end, 0, StateData#state.users), Affiliation = get_affiliation(From, StateData), ServiceAffiliation = get_service_affiliation(From, StateData), NConferences = tab_count_user(From), MaxConferences = gen_mod:get_module_opt( StateData#state.server_host, mod_muc, max_user_conferences, 10), case {(ServiceAffiliation == owner orelse MaxUsers == none orelse ((Affiliation == admin orelse Affiliation == owner) andalso NUsers < MaxAdminUsers) orelse NUsers < MaxUsers) andalso NConferences < MaxConferences, is_nick_exists(Nick, StateData), mod_muc:can_use_nick(StateData#state.host, From, Nick), get_default_role(Affiliation, StateData)} of {false, _, _, _} -> % max user reached and user is not admin or owner Err = jlib:make_error_reply( Packet, ?ERR_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE), ejabberd_router:route( % TODO: s/Nick/""/ jlib:jid_replace_resource(StateData#state.jid, Nick), From, Err), StateData; {_, _, _, none} -> Err = jlib:make_error_reply( Packet, case Affiliation of outcast -> ErrText = "You have been banned from this room", ?ERRT_FORBIDDEN(Lang, ErrText); _ -> ErrText = "Membership required to enter this room", ?ERRT_REGISTRATION_REQUIRED(Lang, ErrText) end), ejabberd_router:route( % TODO: s/Nick/""/ jlib:jid_replace_resource(StateData#state.jid, Nick), From, Err), StateData; {_, true, _, _} -> ErrText = "Nickname is already in use by another occupant", Err = jlib:make_error_reply(Packet, ?ERRT_CONFLICT(Lang, ErrText)), ejabberd_router:route( % TODO: s/Nick/""/ jlib:jid_replace_resource(StateData#state.jid, Nick), From, Err), StateData; {_, _, false, _} -> ErrText = "Nickname is registered by another person", Err = jlib:make_error_reply(Packet, ?ERRT_CONFLICT(Lang, ErrText)), ejabberd_router:route( % TODO: s/Nick/""/ jlib:jid_replace_resource(StateData#state.jid, Nick), From, Err), StateData; {_, _, _, Role} -> case check_password(Affiliation, Els, StateData) of true -> NewState = add_user_presence( From, Packet, add_online_user(From, Nick, Role, StateData)), if not (NewState#state.config)#config.anonymous -> WPacket = {xmlelement, "message", [{"type", "groupchat"}], [{xmlelement, "body", [], [{xmlcdata, translate:translate( Lang, "This room is not anonymous")}]}, {xmlelement, "x", [{"xmlns", ?NS_MUC_USER}], [{xmlelement, "status", [{"code", "100"}], []}]}]}, ejabberd_router:route( StateData#state.jid, From, WPacket); true -> ok end, send_existing_presences(From, NewState), send_new_presence(From, NewState), Shift = count_stanza_shift(Nick, Els, NewState), case send_history(From, Shift, NewState) of true -> ok; _ -> send_subject(From, Lang, StateData) end, case NewState#state.just_created of true -> NewState#state{just_created = false}; false -> NewState end; nopass -> ErrText = "Password required to enter this room", Err = jlib:make_error_reply( Packet, ?ERRT_NOT_AUTHORIZED(Lang, ErrText)), ejabberd_router:route( % TODO: s/Nick/""/ jlib:jid_replace_resource( StateData#state.jid, Nick), From, Err), StateData; _ -> ErrText = "Incorrect password", Err = jlib:make_error_reply( Packet, ?ERRT_NOT_AUTHORIZED(Lang, ErrText)), ejabberd_router:route( % TODO: s/Nick/""/ jlib:jid_replace_resource( StateData#state.jid, Nick), From, Err), StateData end end. check_password(owner, _Els, _StateData) -> true; check_password(_Affiliation, Els, StateData) -> case (StateData#state.config)#config.password_protected of false -> true; true -> Pass = extract_password(Els), case Pass of false -> nopass; _ -> case (StateData#state.config)#config.password of Pass -> true; _ -> false end end end. extract_password([]) -> false; extract_password([{xmlelement, _Name, Attrs, _SubEls} = El | Els]) -> case xml:get_attr_s("xmlns", Attrs) of ?NS_MUC -> case xml:get_subtag(El, "password") of false -> false; SubEl -> xml:get_tag_cdata(SubEl) end; _ -> extract_password(Els) end; extract_password([_ | Els]) -> extract_password(Els). count_stanza_shift(Nick, Els, StateData) -> HL = lqueue_to_list(StateData#state.history), Since = extract_history(Els, "since"), Shift0 = case Since of false -> 0; _ -> Sin = calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds(Since), count_seconds_shift(Sin, HL) end, Seconds = extract_history(Els, "seconds"), Shift1 = case Seconds of false -> 0; _ -> Sec = calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds( calendar:now_to_universal_time(now())) - Seconds, count_seconds_shift(Sec, HL) end, MaxStanzas = extract_history(Els, "maxstanzas"), Shift2 = case MaxStanzas of false -> 0; _ -> count_maxstanzas_shift(MaxStanzas, HL) end, MaxChars = extract_history(Els, "maxchars"), Shift3 = case MaxChars of false -> 0; _ -> count_maxchars_shift(Nick, MaxChars, HL) end, lists:max([Shift0, Shift1, Shift2, Shift3]). count_seconds_shift(Seconds, HistoryList) -> lists:sum( lists:map( fun({_Nick, _Packet, _HaveSubject, TimeStamp, _Size}) -> T = calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds(TimeStamp), if T < Seconds -> 1; true -> 0 end end, HistoryList)). count_maxstanzas_shift(MaxStanzas, HistoryList) -> S = length(HistoryList) - MaxStanzas, if S =< 0 -> 0; true -> S end. count_maxchars_shift(Nick, MaxSize, HistoryList) -> NLen = string:len(Nick) + 1, Sizes = lists:map( fun({_Nick, _Packet, _HaveSubject, _TimeStamp, Size}) -> Size + NLen end, HistoryList), calc_shift(MaxSize, Sizes). calc_shift(MaxSize, Sizes) -> Total = lists:sum(Sizes), calc_shift(MaxSize, Total, 0, Sizes). calc_shift(_MaxSize, _Size, Shift, []) -> Shift; calc_shift(MaxSize, Size, Shift, [S | TSizes]) -> if MaxSize >= Size -> Shift; true -> calc_shift(MaxSize, Size - S, Shift + 1, TSizes) end. extract_history([], _Type) -> false; extract_history([{xmlelement, _Name, Attrs, _SubEls} = El | Els], Type) -> case xml:get_attr_s("xmlns", Attrs) of ?NS_MUC -> AttrVal = xml:get_path_s(El, [{elem, "history"}, {attr, Type}]), case Type of "since" -> case jlib:datetime_string_to_timestamp(AttrVal) of undefined -> false; TS -> calendar:now_to_universal_time(TS) end; _ -> case catch list_to_integer(AttrVal) of IntVal when is_integer(IntVal) and (IntVal >= 0) -> IntVal; _ -> false end end; _ -> extract_history(Els, Type) end; extract_history([_ | Els], Type) -> extract_history(Els, Type). send_update_presence(JID, StateData) -> LJID = jlib:jid_tolower(JID), LJIDs = case LJID of {U, S, ""} -> ?DICT:fold( fun(J, _, Js) -> case J of {U, S, _} -> [J | Js]; _ -> Js end end, [], StateData#state.users); _ -> case ?DICT:is_key(LJID, StateData#state.users) of true -> [LJID]; _ -> [] end end, lists:foreach(fun(J) -> send_new_presence(J, StateData) end, LJIDs). send_new_presence(NJID, StateData) -> {ok, #user{jid = RealJID, nick = Nick, role = Role, last_presence = Presence}} = ?DICT:find(jlib:jid_tolower(NJID), StateData#state.users), Affiliation = get_affiliation(NJID, StateData), SAffiliation = affiliation_to_list(Affiliation), SRole = role_to_list(Role), lists:foreach( fun({_LJID, Info}) -> ItemAttrs = case (Info#user.role == moderator) orelse ((StateData#state.config)#config.anonymous == false) of true -> [{"jid", jlib:jid_to_string(RealJID)}, {"affiliation", SAffiliation}, {"role", SRole}]; _ -> [{"affiliation", SAffiliation}, {"role", SRole}] end, Status = case StateData#state.just_created of true -> [{xmlelement, "status", [{"code", "201"}], []}]; false -> [] end, Packet = append_subtags( Presence, [{xmlelement, "x", [{"xmlns", ?NS_MUC_USER}], [{xmlelement, "item", ItemAttrs, []} | Status]}]), ejabberd_router:route( jlib:jid_replace_resource(StateData#state.jid, Nick), Info#user.jid, Packet) end, ?DICT:to_list(StateData#state.users)). send_existing_presences(ToJID, StateData) -> LToJID = jlib:jid_tolower(ToJID), {ok, #user{jid = RealToJID, role = Role}} = ?DICT:find(LToJID, StateData#state.users), lists:foreach( fun({LJID, #user{jid = FromJID, nick = FromNick, role = FromRole, last_presence = Presence }}) -> case RealToJID of FromJID -> ok; _ -> FromAffiliation = get_affiliation(LJID, StateData), ItemAttrs = case (Role == moderator) orelse ((StateData#state.config)#config.anonymous == false) of true -> [{"jid", jlib:jid_to_string(FromJID)}, {"affiliation", affiliation_to_list(FromAffiliation)}, {"role", role_to_list(FromRole)}]; _ -> [{"affiliation", affiliation_to_list(FromAffiliation)}, {"role", role_to_list(FromRole)}] end, Packet = append_subtags( Presence, [{xmlelement, "x", [{"xmlns", ?NS_MUC_USER}], [{xmlelement, "item", ItemAttrs, []}]}]), ejabberd_router:route( jlib:jid_replace_resource( StateData#state.jid, FromNick), RealToJID, Packet) end end, ?DICT:to_list(StateData#state.users)). append_subtags({xmlelement, Name, Attrs, SubTags1}, SubTags2) -> {xmlelement, Name, Attrs, SubTags1 ++ SubTags2}. now_to_usec({MSec, Sec, USec}) -> (MSec*1000000 + Sec)*1000000 + USec. change_nick(JID, Nick, StateData) -> LJID = jlib:jid_tolower(JID), {ok, #user{nick = OldNick}} = ?DICT:find(LJID, StateData#state.users), Users = ?DICT:update( LJID, fun(#user{} = User) -> User#user{nick = Nick} end, StateData#state.users), NewStateData = StateData#state{users = Users}, send_nick_changing(JID, OldNick, NewStateData), add_to_log(nickchange, {OldNick, Nick}, StateData), NewStateData. send_nick_changing(JID, OldNick, StateData) -> {ok, #user{jid = RealJID, nick = Nick, role = Role, last_presence = Presence}} = ?DICT:find(jlib:jid_tolower(JID), StateData#state.users), Affiliation = get_affiliation(JID, StateData), SAffiliation = affiliation_to_list(Affiliation), SRole = role_to_list(Role), lists:foreach( fun({_LJID, Info}) -> ItemAttrs1 = case (Info#user.role == moderator) orelse ((StateData#state.config)#config.anonymous == false) of true -> [{"jid", jlib:jid_to_string(RealJID)}, {"affiliation", SAffiliation}, {"role", SRole}, {"nick", Nick}]; _ -> [{"affiliation", SAffiliation}, {"role", SRole}, {"nick", Nick}] end, ItemAttrs2 = case (Info#user.role == moderator) orelse ((StateData#state.config)#config.anonymous == false) of true -> [{"jid", jlib:jid_to_string(RealJID)}, {"affiliation", SAffiliation}, {"role", SRole}]; _ -> [{"affiliation", SAffiliation}, {"role", SRole}] end, Packet1 = {xmlelement, "presence", [{"type", "unavailable"}], [{xmlelement, "x", [{"xmlns", ?NS_MUC_USER}], [{xmlelement, "item", ItemAttrs1, []}, {xmlelement, "status", [{"code", "303"}], []}]}]}, Packet2 = append_subtags( Presence, [{xmlelement, "x", [{"xmlns", ?NS_MUC_USER}], [{xmlelement, "item", ItemAttrs2, []}]}]), ejabberd_router:route( jlib:jid_replace_resource(StateData#state.jid, OldNick), Info#user.jid, Packet1), ejabberd_router:route( jlib:jid_replace_resource(StateData#state.jid, Nick), Info#user.jid, Packet2) end, ?DICT:to_list(StateData#state.users)). lqueue_new(Max) -> #lqueue{queue = queue:new(), len = 0, max = Max}. %% If the message queue limit is set to 0, do not store messages. lqueue_in(_Item, LQ = #lqueue{max = 0}) -> LQ; %% Otherwise, rotate messages in the queue store. lqueue_in(Item, #lqueue{queue = Q1, len = Len, max = Max}) -> Q2 = queue:in(Item, Q1), if Len >= Max -> Q3 = lqueue_cut(Q2, Len - Max + 1), #lqueue{queue = Q3, len = Max, max = Max}; true -> #lqueue{queue = Q2, len = Len + 1, max = Max} end. lqueue_cut(Q, 0) -> Q; lqueue_cut(Q, N) -> {_, Q1} = queue:out(Q), lqueue_cut(Q1, N - 1). lqueue_to_list(#lqueue{queue = Q1}) -> queue:to_list(Q1). add_message_to_history(FromNick, Packet, StateData) -> HaveSubject = case xml:get_subtag(Packet, "subject") of false -> false; _ -> true end, TimeStamp = calendar:now_to_universal_time(now()), TSPacket = append_subtags(Packet, [jlib:timestamp_to_xml(TimeStamp)]), SPacket = jlib:replace_from_to( jlib:jid_replace_resource(StateData#state.jid, FromNick), StateData#state.jid, TSPacket), Size = lists:flatlength(xml:element_to_string(SPacket)), Q1 = lqueue_in({FromNick, TSPacket, HaveSubject, TimeStamp, Size}, StateData#state.history), add_to_log(text, {FromNick, Packet}, StateData), StateData#state{history = Q1}. send_history(JID, Shift, StateData) -> lists:foldl( fun({Nick, Packet, HaveSubject, _TimeStamp, _Size}, B) -> ejabberd_router:route( jlib:jid_replace_resource(StateData#state.jid, Nick), JID, Packet), B or HaveSubject end, false, lists:nthtail(Shift, lqueue_to_list(StateData#state.history))). send_subject(JID, Lang, StateData) -> case StateData#state.subject_author of "" -> ok; Nick -> Subject = StateData#state.subject, Packet = {xmlelement, "message", [{"type", "groupchat"}], [{xmlelement, "subject", [], [{xmlcdata, Subject}]}, {xmlelement, "body", [], [{xmlcdata, Nick ++ translate:translate(Lang, " has set the subject to: ") ++ Subject}]}]}, ejabberd_router:route( StateData#state.jid, JID, Packet) end. check_subject(Packet) -> case xml:get_subtag(Packet, "subject") of false -> false; SubjEl -> xml:get_tag_cdata(SubjEl) end. can_change_subject(Role, StateData) -> case (StateData#state.config)#config.allow_change_subj of true -> (Role == moderator) orelse (Role == participant); _ -> Role == moderator end. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Admin stuff process_iq_admin(From, set, Lang, SubEl, StateData) -> {xmlelement, _, _, Items} = SubEl, process_admin_items_set(From, Items, Lang, StateData); process_iq_admin(From, get, Lang, SubEl, StateData) -> case xml:get_subtag(SubEl, "item") of false -> {error, ?ERR_BAD_REQUEST}; Item -> FAffiliation = get_affiliation(From, StateData), FRole = get_role(From, StateData), case xml:get_tag_attr("role", Item) of false -> case xml:get_tag_attr("affiliation", Item) of false -> {error, ?ERR_BAD_REQUEST}; {value, StrAffiliation} -> case catch list_to_affiliation(StrAffiliation) of {'EXIT', _} -> {error, ?ERR_BAD_REQUEST}; SAffiliation -> if (FAffiliation == owner) or (FAffiliation == admin) -> Items = items_with_affiliation( SAffiliation, StateData), {result, Items, StateData}; true -> ErrText = "Administrator privileges required", {error, ?ERRT_FORBIDDEN(Lang, ErrText)} end end end; {value, StrRole} -> case catch list_to_role(StrRole) of {'EXIT', _} -> {error, ?ERR_BAD_REQUEST}; SRole -> if FRole == moderator -> Items = items_with_role(SRole, StateData), {result, Items, StateData}; true -> ErrText = "Moderator privileges required", {error, ?ERRT_FORBIDDEN(Lang, ErrText)} end end end end. items_with_role(SRole, StateData) -> lists:map( fun({_, U}) -> user_to_item(U, StateData) end, search_role(SRole, StateData)). items_with_affiliation(SAffiliation, StateData) -> lists:map( fun({JID, {Affiliation, Reason}}) -> {xmlelement, "item", [{"affiliation", affiliation_to_list(Affiliation)}, {"jid", jlib:jid_to_string(JID)}], [{xmlelement, "reason", [], [{xmlcdata, Reason}]}]}; ({JID, Affiliation}) -> {xmlelement, "item", [{"affiliation", affiliation_to_list(Affiliation)}, {"jid", jlib:jid_to_string(JID)}], []} end, search_affiliation(SAffiliation, StateData)). user_to_item(#user{role = Role, nick = Nick, jid = JID }, StateData) -> Affiliation = get_affiliation(JID, StateData), {xmlelement, "item", [{"role", role_to_list(Role)}, {"affiliation", affiliation_to_list(Affiliation)}, {"nick", Nick}, {"jid", jlib:jid_to_string(JID)}], []}. search_role(Role, StateData) -> lists:filter( fun({_, #user{role = R}}) -> Role == R end, ?DICT:to_list(StateData#state.users)). search_affiliation(Affiliation, StateData) -> lists:filter( fun({_, A}) -> case A of {A1, _Reason} -> Affiliation == A1; _ -> Affiliation == A end end, ?DICT:to_list(StateData#state.affiliations)). process_admin_items_set(UJID, Items, Lang, StateData) -> UAffiliation = get_affiliation(UJID, StateData), URole = get_role(UJID, StateData), case find_changed_items(UJID, UAffiliation, URole, Items, Lang, StateData, []) of {result, Res} -> ?INFO_MSG("Processing MUC admin query from ~s in room ~s:~n ~p", [jlib:jid_to_string(UJID), jlib:jid_to_string(StateData#state.jid), Res]), NSD = lists:foldl( fun(E, SD) -> case catch ( case E of {JID, affiliation, owner, _} when (JID#jid.luser == "") -> %% If the provided JID does not have username, %% forget the affiliation completely SD; {JID, role, none, Reason} -> catch send_kickban_presence( JID, Reason, "307", SD), set_role(JID, none, SD); {JID, affiliation, none, Reason} -> case (SD#state.config)#config.members_only of true -> catch send_kickban_presence( JID, Reason, "321", SD), SD1 = set_affiliation(JID, none, SD), set_role(JID, none, SD1); _ -> SD1 = set_affiliation(JID, none, SD), send_update_presence(JID, SD1), SD1 end; {JID, affiliation, outcast, Reason} -> catch send_kickban_presence( JID, Reason, "301", SD), set_affiliation_and_reason( JID, outcast, Reason, set_role(JID, none, SD)); {JID, affiliation, A, _Reason} when (A == admin) or (A == owner) -> SD1 = set_affiliation(JID, A, SD), SD2 = set_role(JID, moderator, SD1), send_update_presence(JID, SD2), SD2; {JID, affiliation, member, _Reason} -> SD1 = set_affiliation( JID, member, SD), SD2 = set_role(JID, participant, SD1), send_update_presence(JID, SD2), SD2; {JID, role, R, _Reason} -> SD1 = set_role(JID, R, SD), catch send_new_presence(JID, SD1), SD1; {JID, affiliation, A, _Reason} -> SD1 = set_affiliation(JID, A, SD), send_update_presence(JID, SD1), SD1 end ) of {'EXIT', ErrReason} -> ?ERROR_MSG("MUC ITEMS SET ERR: ~p~n", [ErrReason]), SD; NSD -> NSD end end, StateData, Res), case (NSD#state.config)#config.persistent of true -> mod_muc:store_room(NSD#state.host, NSD#state.room, make_opts(NSD)); _ -> ok end, {result, [], NSD}; Err -> Err end. find_changed_items(_UJID, _UAffiliation, _URole, [], _Lang, _StateData, Res) -> {result, Res}; find_changed_items(UJID, UAffiliation, URole, [{xmlcdata, _} | Items], Lang, StateData, Res) -> find_changed_items(UJID, UAffiliation, URole, Items, Lang, StateData, Res); find_changed_items(UJID, UAffiliation, URole, [{xmlelement, "item", Attrs, _Els} = Item | Items], Lang, StateData, Res) -> TJID = case xml:get_attr("jid", Attrs) of {value, S} -> case jlib:string_to_jid(S) of error -> ErrText = io_lib:format( translate:translate( Lang, "JID ~s is invalid"), [S]), {error, ?ERRT_NOT_ACCEPTABLE(Lang, ErrText)}; J -> {value, J} end; _ -> case xml:get_attr("nick", Attrs) of {value, N} -> case find_jid_by_nick(N, StateData) of false -> ErrText = io_lib:format( translate:translate( Lang, "Nickname ~s does not exist in the room"), [N]), {error, ?ERRT_NOT_ACCEPTABLE(Lang, ErrText)}; J -> {value, J} end; _ -> {error, ?ERR_BAD_REQUEST} end end, case TJID of {value, JID} -> TAffiliation = get_affiliation(JID, StateData), TRole = get_role(JID, StateData), case xml:get_attr("role", Attrs) of false -> case xml:get_attr("affiliation", Attrs) of false -> {error, ?ERR_BAD_REQUEST}; {value, StrAffiliation} -> case catch list_to_affiliation(StrAffiliation) of {'EXIT', _} -> ErrText1 = io_lib:format( translate:translate( Lang, "Invalid affiliation: ~s"), [StrAffiliation]), {error, ?ERRT_NOT_ACCEPTABLE(Lang, ErrText1)}; SAffiliation -> ServiceAf = get_service_affiliation(JID, StateData), CanChangeRA = case can_change_ra( UAffiliation, URole, TAffiliation, TRole, affiliation, SAffiliation, ServiceAf) of nothing -> nothing; true -> true; check_owner -> case search_affiliation( owner, StateData) of [{OJID, _}] -> jlib:jid_remove_resource(OJID) /= jlib:jid_tolower(jlib:jid_remove_resource(UJID)); _ -> true end; _ -> false end, case CanChangeRA of nothing -> find_changed_items( UJID, UAffiliation, URole, Items, Lang, StateData, Res); true -> find_changed_items( UJID, UAffiliation, URole, Items, Lang, StateData, [{jlib:jid_remove_resource(JID), affiliation, SAffiliation, xml:get_path_s( Item, [{elem, "reason"}, cdata])} | Res]); false -> {error, ?ERR_NOT_ALLOWED} end end end; {value, StrRole} -> case catch list_to_role(StrRole) of {'EXIT', _} -> ErrText1 = io_lib:format( translate:translate( Lang, "Invalid role: ~s"), [StrRole]), {error, ?ERRT_BAD_REQUEST(Lang, ErrText1)}; SRole -> ServiceAf = get_service_affiliation(JID, StateData), CanChangeRA = case can_change_ra( UAffiliation, URole, TAffiliation, TRole, role, SRole, ServiceAf) of nothing -> nothing; true -> true; check_owner -> case search_affiliation( owner, StateData) of [{OJID, _}] -> jlib:jid_remove_resource(OJID) /= jlib:jid_tolower(jlib:jid_remove_resource(UJID)); _ -> true end; _ -> false end, case CanChangeRA of nothing -> find_changed_items( UJID, UAffiliation, URole, Items, Lang, StateData, Res); true -> find_changed_items( UJID, UAffiliation, URole, Items, Lang, StateData, [{JID, role, SRole, xml:get_path_s( Item, [{elem, "reason"}, cdata])} | Res]); _ -> {error, ?ERR_NOT_ALLOWED} end end end; Err -> Err end; find_changed_items(_UJID, _UAffiliation, _URole, _Items, _Lang, _StateData, _Res) -> {error, ?ERR_BAD_REQUEST}. can_change_ra(_FAffiliation, _FRole, owner, _TRole, affiliation, owner, owner) -> %% A room owner tries to add as persistent owner a %% participant that is already owner because he is MUC admin true; can_change_ra(_FAffiliation, _FRole, TAffiliation, _TRole, affiliation, Value, _ServiceAf) when (TAffiliation == Value) -> nothing; can_change_ra(_FAffiliation, _FRole, _TAffiliation, TRole, role, Value, _ServiceAf) when (TRole == Value) -> nothing; can_change_ra(FAffiliation, _FRole, outcast, _TRole, affiliation, none, _ServiceAf) when (FAffiliation == owner) or (FAffiliation == admin) -> true; can_change_ra(FAffiliation, _FRole, outcast, _TRole, affiliation, member, _ServiceAf) when (FAffiliation == owner) or (FAffiliation == admin) -> true; can_change_ra(owner, _FRole, outcast, _TRole, affiliation, admin, _ServiceAf) -> true; can_change_ra(owner, _FRole, outcast, _TRole, affiliation, owner, _ServiceAf) -> true; can_change_ra(FAffiliation, _FRole, none, _TRole, affiliation, outcast, _ServiceAf) when (FAffiliation == owner) or (FAffiliation == admin) -> true; can_change_ra(FAffiliation, _FRole, none, _TRole, affiliation, member, _ServiceAf) when (FAffiliation == owner) or (FAffiliation == admin) -> true; can_change_ra(owner, _FRole, none, _TRole, affiliation, admin, _ServiceAf) -> true; can_change_ra(owner, _FRole, none, _TRole, affiliation, owner, _ServiceAf) -> true; can_change_ra(FAffiliation, _FRole, member, _TRole, affiliation, outcast, _ServiceAf) when (FAffiliation == owner) or (FAffiliation == admin) -> true; can_change_ra(FAffiliation, _FRole, member, _TRole, affiliation, none, _ServiceAf) when (FAffiliation == owner) or (FAffiliation == admin) -> true; can_change_ra(owner, _FRole, member, _TRole, affiliation, admin, _ServiceAf) -> true; can_change_ra(owner, _FRole, member, _TRole, affiliation, owner, _ServiceAf) -> true; can_change_ra(owner, _FRole, admin, _TRole, affiliation, _Affiliation, _ServiceAf) -> true; can_change_ra(owner, _FRole, owner, _TRole, affiliation, _Affiliation, _ServiceAf) -> check_owner; can_change_ra(_FAffiliation, _FRole, _TAffiliation, _TRole, affiliation, _Value, _ServiceAf) -> false; can_change_ra(_FAffiliation, moderator, _TAffiliation, visitor, role, none, _ServiceAf) -> true; can_change_ra(_FAffiliation, moderator, _TAffiliation, visitor, role, participant, _ServiceAf) -> true; can_change_ra(FAffiliation, _FRole, _TAffiliation, visitor, role, moderator, _ServiceAf) when (FAffiliation == owner) or (FAffiliation == admin) -> true; can_change_ra(_FAffiliation, moderator, _TAffiliation, participant, role, none, _ServiceAf) -> true; can_change_ra(_FAffiliation, moderator, _TAffiliation, participant, role, visitor, _ServiceAf) -> true; can_change_ra(FAffiliation, _FRole, _TAffiliation, participant, role, moderator, _ServiceAf) when (FAffiliation == owner) or (FAffiliation == admin) -> true; can_change_ra(_FAffiliation, _FRole, owner, moderator, role, visitor, _ServiceAf) -> false; can_change_ra(owner, _FRole, _TAffiliation, moderator, role, visitor, _ServiceAf) -> true; can_change_ra(_FAffiliation, _FRole, admin, moderator, role, visitor, _ServiceAf) -> false; can_change_ra(admin, _FRole, _TAffiliation, moderator, role, visitor, _ServiceAf) -> true; can_change_ra(_FAffiliation, _FRole, owner, moderator, role, participant, _ServiceAf) -> false; can_change_ra(owner, _FRole, _TAffiliation, moderator, role, participant, _ServiceAf) -> true; can_change_ra(_FAffiliation, _FRole, admin, moderator, role, participant, _ServiceAf) -> false; can_change_ra(admin, _FRole, _TAffiliation, moderator, role, participant, _ServiceAf) -> true; can_change_ra(_FAffiliation, _FRole, _TAffiliation, _TRole, role, _Value, _ServiceAf) -> false. send_kickban_presence(JID, Reason, Code, StateData) -> LJID = jlib:jid_tolower(JID), LJIDs = case LJID of {U, S, ""} -> ?DICT:fold( fun(J, _, Js) -> case J of {U, S, _} -> [J | Js]; _ -> Js end end, [], StateData#state.users); _ -> case ?DICT:is_key(LJID, StateData#state.users) of true -> [LJID]; _ -> [] end end, lists:foreach(fun(J) -> {ok, #user{nick = Nick}} = ?DICT:find(J, StateData#state.users), add_to_log(kickban, {Nick, Reason, Code}, StateData), tab_remove_online_user(J, StateData), send_kickban_presence1(J, Reason, Code, StateData) end, LJIDs). send_kickban_presence1(UJID, Reason, Code, StateData) -> {ok, #user{jid = _RealJID, nick = Nick}} = ?DICT:find(jlib:jid_tolower(UJID), StateData#state.users), Affiliation = get_affiliation(UJID, StateData), SAffiliation = affiliation_to_list(Affiliation), lists:foreach( fun({_LJID, Info}) -> ItemAttrs = [{"affiliation", SAffiliation}, {"role", "none"}], ItemEls = case Reason of "" -> []; _ -> [{xmlelement, "reason", [], [{xmlcdata, Reason}]}] end, Packet = {xmlelement, "presence", [{"type", "unavailable"}], [{xmlelement, "x", [{"xmlns", ?NS_MUC_USER}], [{xmlelement, "item", ItemAttrs, ItemEls}, {xmlelement, "status", [{"code", Code}], []}]}]}, ejabberd_router:route( jlib:jid_replace_resource(StateData#state.jid, Nick), Info#user.jid, Packet) end, ?DICT:to_list(StateData#state.users)). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Owner stuff process_iq_owner(From, set, Lang, SubEl, StateData) -> FAffiliation = get_affiliation(From, StateData), case FAffiliation of owner -> {xmlelement, _Name, _Attrs, Els} = SubEl, case xml:remove_cdata(Els) of [{xmlelement, "x", _Attrs1, _Els1} = XEl] -> case {xml:get_tag_attr_s("xmlns", XEl), xml:get_tag_attr_s("type", XEl)} of {?NS_XDATA, "cancel"} -> {result, [], StateData}; {?NS_XDATA, "submit"} -> case {check_allowed_log_change(XEl, StateData, From), check_allowed_persistent_change(XEl, StateData, From)} of {allow, allow} -> set_config(XEl, StateData); _ -> {error, ?ERR_BAD_REQUEST} end; _ -> {error, ?ERR_BAD_REQUEST} end; [{xmlelement, "destroy", _Attrs1, _Els1} = SubEl1] -> ?INFO_MSG("Destroyed MUC room ~s by the owner ~s", [jlib:jid_to_string(StateData#state.jid), jlib:jid_to_string(From)]), destroy_room(SubEl1, StateData); Items -> process_admin_items_set(From, Items, Lang, StateData) end; _ -> ErrText = "Owner privileges required", {error, ?ERRT_FORBIDDEN(Lang, ErrText)} end; process_iq_owner(From, get, Lang, SubEl, StateData) -> FAffiliation = get_affiliation(From, StateData), case FAffiliation of owner -> {xmlelement, _Name, _Attrs, Els} = SubEl, case xml:remove_cdata(Els) of [] -> get_config(Lang, StateData, From); [Item] -> case xml:get_tag_attr("affiliation", Item) of false -> {error, ?ERR_BAD_REQUEST}; {value, StrAffiliation} -> case catch list_to_affiliation(StrAffiliation) of {'EXIT', _} -> ErrText = io_lib:format( translate:translate( Lang, "Invalid affiliation: ~s"), [StrAffiliation]), {error, ?ERRT_NOT_ACCEPTABLE(Lang, ErrText)}; SAffiliation -> Items = items_with_affiliation( SAffiliation, StateData), {result, Items, StateData} end end; _ -> {error, ?ERR_FEATURE_NOT_IMPLEMENTED} end; _ -> ErrText = "Owner privileges required", {error, ?ERRT_FORBIDDEN(Lang, ErrText)} end. check_allowed_log_change(XEl, StateData, From) -> case lists:keymember("muc#roomconfig_enablelogging", 1, jlib:parse_xdata_submit(XEl)) of false -> allow; true -> mod_muc_log:check_access_log( StateData#state.server_host, From) end. check_allowed_persistent_change(XEl, StateData, From) -> case lists:keymember("muc#roomconfig_persistentroom", 1, jlib:parse_xdata_submit(XEl)) of false -> allow; true -> {_AccessRoute, _AccessCreate, _AccessAdmin, AccessPersistent} = StateData#state.access, acl:match_rule(StateData#state.server_host, AccessPersistent, From) end. -define(XFIELD(Type, Label, Var, Val), {xmlelement, "field", [{"type", Type}, {"label", translate:translate(Lang, Label)}, {"var", Var}], [{xmlelement, "value", [], [{xmlcdata, Val}]}]}). -define(BOOLXFIELD(Label, Var, Val), ?XFIELD("boolean", Label, Var, case Val of true -> "1"; _ -> "0" end)). -define(STRINGXFIELD(Label, Var, Val), ?XFIELD("text-single", Label, Var, Val)). -define(PRIVATEXFIELD(Label, Var, Val), ?XFIELD("text-private", Label, Var, Val)). get_config(Lang, StateData, From) -> {_AccessRoute, _AccessCreate, _AccessAdmin, AccessPersistent} = StateData#state.access, ServiceMaxUsers = get_service_max_users(StateData), Config = StateData#state.config, Res = [{xmlelement, "title", [], [{xmlcdata, translate:translate(Lang, "Configuration for ") ++ jlib:jid_to_string(StateData#state.jid)}]}, {xmlelement, "field", [{"type", "hidden"}, {"var", "FORM_TYPE"}], [{xmlelement, "value", [], [{xmlcdata, "http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roomconfig"}]}]}, ?STRINGXFIELD("Room title", "muc#roomconfig_roomname", Config#config.title), ?STRINGXFIELD("Room description", "muc#roomconfig_roomdesc", Config#config.description) ] ++ case acl:match_rule(StateData#state.server_host, AccessPersistent, From) of allow -> [?BOOLXFIELD( "Make room persistent", "muc#roomconfig_persistentroom", Config#config.persistent)]; _ -> [] end ++ [ ?BOOLXFIELD("Make room public searchable", "muc#roomconfig_publicroom", Config#config.public), ?BOOLXFIELD("Make participants list public", "public_list", Config#config.public_list), ?BOOLXFIELD("Make room password protected", "muc#roomconfig_passwordprotectedroom", Config#config.password_protected), ?PRIVATEXFIELD("Password", "muc#roomconfig_roomsecret", case Config#config.password_protected of true -> Config#config.password; false -> "" end), {xmlelement, "field", [{"type", "list-single"}, {"label", translate:translate(Lang, "Maximum Number of Occupants")}, {"var", "muc#roomconfig_maxusers"}], [{xmlelement, "value", [], [{xmlcdata, case get_max_users(StateData) of N when is_integer(N) -> erlang:integer_to_list(N); _ -> "none" end }]}] ++ if is_integer(ServiceMaxUsers) -> []; true -> [{xmlelement, "option", [{"label", translate:translate(Lang, "No limit")}], [{xmlelement, "value", [], [{xmlcdata, "none"}]}]}] end ++ [{xmlelement, "option", [{"label", erlang:integer_to_list(N)}], [{xmlelement, "value", [], [{xmlcdata, erlang:integer_to_list(N)}]}]} || N <- ?MAX_USERS_DEFAULT_LIST, N =< ServiceMaxUsers] }, {xmlelement, "field", [{"type", "list-single"}, {"label", translate:translate(Lang, "Present real JIDs to")}, {"var", "muc#roomconfig_whois"}], [{xmlelement, "value", [], [{xmlcdata, if Config#config.anonymous -> "moderators"; true -> "anyone" end}]}, {xmlelement, "option", [{"label", translate:translate(Lang, "moderators only")}], [{xmlelement, "value", [], [{xmlcdata, "moderators"}]}]}, {xmlelement, "option", [{"label", translate:translate(Lang, "anyone")}], [{xmlelement, "value", [], [{xmlcdata, "anyone"}]}]}]}, ?BOOLXFIELD("Make room members-only", "muc#roomconfig_membersonly", Config#config.members_only), ?BOOLXFIELD("Make room moderated", "muc#roomconfig_moderatedroom", Config#config.moderated), ?BOOLXFIELD("Default users as participants", "members_by_default", Config#config.members_by_default), ?BOOLXFIELD("Allow users to change subject", "muc#roomconfig_changesubject", Config#config.allow_change_subj), ?BOOLXFIELD("Allow users to send private messages", "allow_private_messages", Config#config.allow_private_messages), ?BOOLXFIELD("Allow users to query other users", "allow_query_users", Config#config.allow_query_users), ?BOOLXFIELD("Allow users to send invites", "muc#roomconfig_allowinvites", Config#config.allow_user_invites), ?BOOLXFIELD("Allow visitors to send presence messages to the room", "muc#roomconfig_allowvisitorpresence", Config#config.allow_visitor_presence), ?BOOLXFIELD("Allow visitors to change nickname", "muc#roomconfig_allowvisitornickchange", Config#config.allow_visitor_nickchange) ] ++ case mod_muc_log:check_access_log( StateData#state.server_host, From) of allow -> [?BOOLXFIELD( "Enable logging", "muc#roomconfig_enablelogging", Config#config.logging)]; _ -> [] end, {result, [{xmlelement, "instructions", [], [{xmlcdata, translate:translate( Lang, "You need an x:data capable client to configure room")}]}, {xmlelement, "x", [{"xmlns", ?NS_XDATA}, {"type", "form"}], Res}], StateData}. set_config(XEl, StateData) -> XData = jlib:parse_xdata_submit(XEl), case XData of invalid -> {error, ?ERR_BAD_REQUEST}; _ -> case set_xoption(XData, StateData#state.config) of #config{} = Config -> Res = change_config(Config, StateData), {result, _, NSD} = Res, add_to_log(roomconfig_change, [], NSD), Res; Err -> Err end end. -define(SET_BOOL_XOPT(Opt, Val), case Val of "0" -> set_xoption(Opts, Config#config{Opt = false}); "false" -> set_xoption(Opts, Config#config{Opt = false}); "1" -> set_xoption(Opts, Config#config{Opt = true}); "true" -> set_xoption(Opts, Config#config{Opt = true}); _ -> {error, ?ERR_BAD_REQUEST} end). -define(SET_NAT_XOPT(Opt, Val), case catch list_to_integer(Val) of I when is_integer(I), I > 0 -> set_xoption(Opts, Config#config{Opt = I}); _ -> {error, ?ERR_BAD_REQUEST} end). -define(SET_STRING_XOPT(Opt, Val), set_xoption(Opts, Config#config{Opt = Val})). set_xoption([], Config) -> Config; set_xoption([{"muc#roomconfig_roomname", [Val]} | Opts], Config) -> ?SET_STRING_XOPT(title, Val); set_xoption([{"muc#roomconfig_roomdesc", [Val]} | Opts], Config) -> ?SET_STRING_XOPT(description, Val); set_xoption([{"muc#roomconfig_changesubject", [Val]} | Opts], Config) -> ?SET_BOOL_XOPT(allow_change_subj, Val); set_xoption([{"allow_query_users", [Val]} | Opts], Config) -> ?SET_BOOL_XOPT(allow_query_users, Val); set_xoption([{"allow_private_messages", [Val]} | Opts], Config) -> ?SET_BOOL_XOPT(allow_private_messages, Val); set_xoption([{"muc#roomconfig_allowvisitorpresence", [Val]} | Opts], Config) -> ?SET_BOOL_XOPT(allow_visitor_presence, Val); set_xoption([{"muc#roomconfig_allowvisitornickchange", [Val]} | Opts], Config) -> ?SET_BOOL_XOPT(allow_visitor_nickchange, Val); set_xoption([{"muc#roomconfig_publicroom", [Val]} | Opts], Config) -> ?SET_BOOL_XOPT(public, Val); set_xoption([{"public_list", [Val]} | Opts], Config) -> ?SET_BOOL_XOPT(public_list, Val); set_xoption([{"muc#roomconfig_persistentroom", [Val]} | Opts], Config) -> ?SET_BOOL_XOPT(persistent, Val); set_xoption([{"muc#roomconfig_moderatedroom", [Val]} | Opts], Config) -> ?SET_BOOL_XOPT(moderated, Val); set_xoption([{"members_by_default", [Val]} | Opts], Config) -> ?SET_BOOL_XOPT(members_by_default, Val); set_xoption([{"muc#roomconfig_membersonly", [Val]} | Opts], Config) -> ?SET_BOOL_XOPT(members_only, Val); set_xoption([{"muc#roomconfig_allowinvites", [Val]} | Opts], Config) -> ?SET_BOOL_XOPT(allow_user_invites, Val); set_xoption([{"muc#roomconfig_passwordprotectedroom", [Val]} | Opts], Config) -> ?SET_BOOL_XOPT(password_protected, Val); set_xoption([{"muc#roomconfig_roomsecret", [Val]} | Opts], Config) -> ?SET_STRING_XOPT(password, Val); set_xoption([{"anonymous", [Val]} | Opts], Config) -> ?SET_BOOL_XOPT(anonymous, Val); set_xoption([{"muc#roomconfig_whois", [Val]} | Opts], Config) -> case Val of "moderators" -> ?SET_BOOL_XOPT(anonymous, "1"); "anyone" -> ?SET_BOOL_XOPT(anonymous, "0"); _ -> {error, ?ERR_BAD_REQUEST} end; set_xoption([{"muc#roomconfig_maxusers", [Val]} | Opts], Config) -> case Val of "none" -> ?SET_STRING_XOPT(max_users, none); _ -> ?SET_NAT_XOPT(max_users, Val) end; set_xoption([{"muc#roomconfig_enablelogging", [Val]} | Opts], Config) -> ?SET_BOOL_XOPT(logging, Val); set_xoption([{"FORM_TYPE", _} | Opts], Config) -> %% Ignore our FORM_TYPE set_xoption(Opts, Config); set_xoption([_ | _Opts], _Config) -> {error, ?ERR_BAD_REQUEST}. change_config(Config, StateData) -> NSD = StateData#state{config = Config}, case {(StateData#state.config)#config.persistent, Config#config.persistent} of {_, true} -> mod_muc:store_room(NSD#state.host, NSD#state.room, make_opts(NSD)); {true, false} -> mod_muc:forget_room(NSD#state.host, NSD#state.room); {false, false} -> ok end, case {(StateData#state.config)#config.members_only, Config#config.members_only} of {false, true} -> NSD1 = remove_nonmembers(NSD), {result, [], NSD1}; _ -> {result, [], NSD} end. remove_nonmembers(StateData) -> lists:foldl( fun({_LJID, #user{jid = JID}}, SD) -> Affiliation = get_affiliation(JID, SD), case Affiliation of none -> catch send_kickban_presence( JID, "", "322", SD), set_role(JID, none, SD); _ -> SD end end, StateData, ?DICT:to_list(StateData#state.users)). -define(CASE_CONFIG_OPT(Opt), Opt -> StateData#state{ config = (StateData#state.config)#config{Opt = Val}}). set_opts([], StateData) -> StateData; set_opts([{Opt, Val} | Opts], StateData) -> NSD = case Opt of title -> StateData#state{config = (StateData#state.config)#config{title = Val}}; description -> StateData#state{config = (StateData#state.config)#config{description = Val}}; allow_change_subj -> StateData#state{config = (StateData#state.config)#config{allow_change_subj = Val}}; allow_query_users -> StateData#state{config = (StateData#state.config)#config{allow_query_users = Val}}; allow_private_messages -> StateData#state{config = (StateData#state.config)#config{allow_private_messages = Val}}; allow_visitor_nickchange -> StateData#state{config = (StateData#state.config)#config{allow_visitor_nickchange = Val}}; allow_visitor_presence -> StateData#state{config = (StateData#state.config)#config{allow_visitor_presence = Val}}; public -> StateData#state{config = (StateData#state.config)#config{public = Val}}; public_list -> StateData#state{config = (StateData#state.config)#config{public_list = Val}}; persistent -> StateData#state{config = (StateData#state.config)#config{persistent = Val}}; moderated -> StateData#state{config = (StateData#state.config)#config{moderated = Val}}; members_by_default -> StateData#state{config = (StateData#state.config)#config{members_by_default = Val}}; members_only -> StateData#state{config = (StateData#state.config)#config{members_only = Val}}; allow_user_invites -> StateData#state{config = (StateData#state.config)#config{allow_user_invites = Val}}; password_protected -> StateData#state{config = (StateData#state.config)#config{password_protected = Val}}; password -> StateData#state{config = (StateData#state.config)#config{password = Val}}; anonymous -> StateData#state{config = (StateData#state.config)#config{anonymous = Val}}; logging -> StateData#state{config = (StateData#state.config)#config{logging = Val}}; max_users -> ServiceMaxUsers = get_service_max_users(StateData), MaxUsers = if Val =< ServiceMaxUsers -> Val; true -> ServiceMaxUsers end, StateData#state{ config = (StateData#state.config)#config{ max_users = MaxUsers}}; affiliations -> StateData#state{affiliations = ?DICT:from_list(Val)}; subject -> StateData#state{subject = Val}; subject_author -> StateData#state{subject_author = Val}; _ -> StateData end, set_opts(Opts, NSD). -define(MAKE_CONFIG_OPT(Opt), {Opt, Config#config.Opt}). make_opts(StateData) -> Config = StateData#state.config, [ ?MAKE_CONFIG_OPT(title), ?MAKE_CONFIG_OPT(description), ?MAKE_CONFIG_OPT(allow_change_subj), ?MAKE_CONFIG_OPT(allow_query_users), ?MAKE_CONFIG_OPT(allow_private_messages), ?MAKE_CONFIG_OPT(allow_visitor_presence), ?MAKE_CONFIG_OPT(allow_visitor_nickchange), ?MAKE_CONFIG_OPT(public), ?MAKE_CONFIG_OPT(public_list), ?MAKE_CONFIG_OPT(persistent), ?MAKE_CONFIG_OPT(moderated), ?MAKE_CONFIG_OPT(members_by_default), ?MAKE_CONFIG_OPT(members_only), ?MAKE_CONFIG_OPT(allow_user_invites), ?MAKE_CONFIG_OPT(password_protected), ?MAKE_CONFIG_OPT(password), ?MAKE_CONFIG_OPT(anonymous), ?MAKE_CONFIG_OPT(logging), ?MAKE_CONFIG_OPT(max_users), {affiliations, ?DICT:to_list(StateData#state.affiliations)}, {subject, StateData#state.subject}, {subject_author, StateData#state.subject_author} ]. destroy_room(DEl, StateData) -> lists:foreach( fun({_LJID, Info}) -> Nick = Info#user.nick, ItemAttrs = [{"affiliation", "none"}, {"role", "none"}], Packet = {xmlelement, "presence", [{"type", "unavailable"}], [{xmlelement, "x", [{"xmlns", ?NS_MUC_USER}], [{xmlelement, "item", ItemAttrs, []}, DEl]}]}, ejabberd_router:route( jlib:jid_replace_resource(StateData#state.jid, Nick), Info#user.jid, Packet) end, ?DICT:to_list(StateData#state.users)), case (StateData#state.config)#config.persistent of true -> mod_muc:forget_room(StateData#state.host, StateData#state.room); false -> ok end, {result, [], stop}. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Disco -define(FEATURE(Var), {xmlelement, "feature", [{"var", Var}], []}). -define(CONFIG_OPT_TO_FEATURE(Opt, Fiftrue, Fiffalse), case Opt of true -> ?FEATURE(Fiftrue); false -> ?FEATURE(Fiffalse) end). process_iq_disco_info(_From, set, _Lang, _StateData) -> {error, ?ERR_NOT_ALLOWED}; process_iq_disco_info(_From, get, Lang, StateData) -> Config = StateData#state.config, {result, [{xmlelement, "identity", [{"category", "conference"}, {"type", "text"}, {"name", get_title(StateData)}], []}, {xmlelement, "feature", [{"var", ?NS_MUC}], []}, ?CONFIG_OPT_TO_FEATURE(Config#config.public, "muc_public", "muc_hidden"), ?CONFIG_OPT_TO_FEATURE(Config#config.persistent, "muc_persistent", "muc_temporary"), ?CONFIG_OPT_TO_FEATURE(Config#config.members_only, "muc_membersonly", "muc_open"), ?CONFIG_OPT_TO_FEATURE(Config#config.anonymous, "muc_semianonymous", "muc_nonanonymous"), ?CONFIG_OPT_TO_FEATURE(Config#config.moderated, "muc_moderated", "muc_unmoderated"), ?CONFIG_OPT_TO_FEATURE(Config#config.password_protected, "muc_passwordprotected", "muc_unsecured") ] ++ iq_disco_info_extras(Lang, StateData), StateData}. -define(RFIELDT(Type, Var, Val), {xmlelement, "field", [{"type", Type}, {"var", Var}], [{xmlelement, "value", [], [{xmlcdata, Val}]}]}). -define(RFIELD(Label, Var, Val), {xmlelement, "field", [{"label", translate:translate(Lang, Label)}, {"var", Var}], [{xmlelement, "value", [], [{xmlcdata, Val}]}]}). iq_disco_info_extras(Lang, StateData) -> Len = length(?DICT:to_list(StateData#state.users)), RoomDescription = (StateData#state.config)#config.description, [{xmlelement, "x", [{"xmlns", ?NS_XDATA}, {"type", "result"}], [?RFIELDT("hidden", "FORM_TYPE", "http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roominfo"), ?RFIELD("Room description", "muc#roominfo_description", RoomDescription), ?RFIELD("Number of occupants", "muc#roominfo_occupants", integer_to_list(Len)) ]}]. process_iq_disco_items(_From, set, _Lang, _StateData) -> {error, ?ERR_NOT_ALLOWED}; process_iq_disco_items(From, get, _Lang, StateData) -> FAffiliation = get_affiliation(From, StateData), FRole = get_role(From, StateData), case ((StateData#state.config)#config.public_list == true) orelse (FRole /= none) orelse (FAffiliation == admin) orelse (FAffiliation == owner) of true -> UList = lists:map( fun({_LJID, Info}) -> Nick = Info#user.nick, {xmlelement, "item", [{"jid", jlib:jid_to_string( {StateData#state.room, StateData#state.host, Nick})}, {"name", Nick}], []} end, ?DICT:to_list(StateData#state.users)), {result, UList, StateData}; _ -> {error, ?ERR_FORBIDDEN} end. get_title(StateData) -> case (StateData#state.config)#config.title of "" -> StateData#state.room; Name -> Name end. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Invitation support check_invitation(From, Els, Lang, StateData) -> FAffiliation = get_affiliation(From, StateData), CanInvite = (StateData#state.config)#config.allow_user_invites orelse (FAffiliation == admin) orelse (FAffiliation == owner), InviteEl = case xml:remove_cdata(Els) of [{xmlelement, "x", _Attrs1, Els1} = XEl] -> case xml:get_tag_attr_s("xmlns", XEl) of ?NS_MUC_USER -> ok; _ -> throw({error, ?ERR_BAD_REQUEST}) end, case xml:remove_cdata(Els1) of [{xmlelement, "invite", _Attrs2, _Els2} = InviteEl1] -> InviteEl1; _ -> throw({error, ?ERR_BAD_REQUEST}) end; _ -> throw({error, ?ERR_BAD_REQUEST}) end, JID = case jlib:string_to_jid( xml:get_tag_attr_s("to", InviteEl)) of error -> throw({error, ?ERR_JID_MALFORMED}); JID1 -> JID1 end, case CanInvite of false -> throw({error, ?ERR_NOT_ALLOWED}); true -> Reason = xml:get_path_s( InviteEl, [{elem, "reason"}, cdata]), ContinueEl = case xml:get_path_s( InviteEl, [{elem, "continue"}]) of [] -> []; Continue1 -> [Continue1] end, IEl = [{xmlelement, "invite", [{"from", jlib:jid_to_string(From)}], [{xmlelement, "reason", [], [{xmlcdata, Reason}]}] ++ ContinueEl}], PasswdEl = case (StateData#state.config)#config.password_protected of true -> [{xmlelement, "password", [], [{xmlcdata, (StateData#state.config)#config.password}]}]; _ -> [] end, Body = {xmlelement, "body", [], [{xmlcdata, lists:flatten( io_lib:format( translate:translate( Lang, "~s invites you to the room ~s"), [jlib:jid_to_string(From), jlib:jid_to_string({StateData#state.room, StateData#state.host, ""}) ])) ++ case (StateData#state.config)#config.password_protected of true -> ", " ++ translate:translate(Lang, "the password is") ++ " '" ++ (StateData#state.config)#config.password ++ "'"; _ -> "" end ++ case Reason of "" -> ""; _ -> " (" ++ Reason ++ ") " end }]}, Msg = {xmlelement, "message", [{"type", "normal"}], [{xmlelement, "x", [{"xmlns", ?NS_MUC_USER}], IEl ++ PasswdEl}, {xmlelement, "x", [{"xmlns", ?NS_XCONFERENCE}, {"jid", jlib:jid_to_string( {StateData#state.room, StateData#state.host, ""})}], [{xmlcdata, Reason}]}, Body]}, ejabberd_router:route(StateData#state.jid, JID, Msg), JID end. %% Handle a message sent to the room by a non-participant. %% If it is a decline, send to the inviter. %% Otherwise, an error message is sent to the sender. handle_roommessage_from_nonparticipant(Packet, Lang, StateData, From) -> case catch check_decline_invitation(Packet) of {true, Decline_data} -> send_decline_invitation(Decline_data, StateData#state.jid, From); _ -> send_error_only_occupants(Packet, Lang, StateData#state.jid, From) end. %% Check in the packet is a decline. %% If so, also returns the splitted packet. %% This function must be catched, %% because it crashes when the packet is not a decline message. check_decline_invitation(Packet) -> {xmlelement, "message", _, _} = Packet, XEl = xml:get_subtag(Packet, "x"), ?NS_MUC_USER = xml:get_tag_attr_s("xmlns", XEl), DEl = xml:get_subtag(XEl, "decline"), ToString = xml:get_tag_attr_s("to", DEl), ToJID = jlib:string_to_jid(ToString), {true, {Packet, XEl, DEl, ToJID}}. %% Send the decline to the inviter user. %% The original stanza must be slightly modified. send_decline_invitation({Packet, XEl, DEl, ToJID}, RoomJID, FromJID) -> FromString = jlib:jid_to_string(FromJID), {xmlelement, "decline", DAttrs, DEls} = DEl, DAttrs2 = lists:keydelete("to", 1, DAttrs), DAttrs3 = [{"from", FromString} | DAttrs2], DEl2 = {xmlelement, "decline", DAttrs3, DEls}, XEl2 = replace_subelement(XEl, DEl2), Packet2 = replace_subelement(Packet, XEl2), ejabberd_router:route(RoomJID, ToJID, Packet2). %% Given an element and a new subelement, %% replace the instance of the subelement in element with the new subelement. replace_subelement({xmlelement, Name, Attrs, SubEls}, NewSubEl) -> {_, NameNewSubEl, _, _} = NewSubEl, SubEls2 = lists:keyreplace(NameNewSubEl, 2, SubEls, NewSubEl), {xmlelement, Name, Attrs, SubEls2}. send_error_only_occupants(Packet, Lang, RoomJID, From) -> ErrText = "Only occupants are allowed to send messages to the conference", Err = jlib:make_error_reply(Packet, ?ERRT_NOT_ACCEPTABLE(Lang, ErrText)), ejabberd_router:route(RoomJID, From, Err). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Logging add_to_log(Type, Data, StateData) -> case (StateData#state.config)#config.logging of true -> mod_muc_log:add_to_log( StateData#state.server_host, Type, Data, StateData#state.jid, make_opts(StateData)); false -> ok end. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Users number checking tab_add_online_user(JID, StateData) -> {LUser, LServer, _} = jlib:jid_tolower(JID), US = {LUser, LServer}, Room = StateData#state.room, Host = StateData#state.host, catch ets:insert( muc_online_users, #muc_online_users{us = US, room = Room, host = Host}). tab_remove_online_user(JID, StateData) -> {LUser, LServer, _} = jlib:jid_tolower(JID), US = {LUser, LServer}, Room = StateData#state.room, Host = StateData#state.host, catch ets:delete_object( muc_online_users, #muc_online_users{us = US, room = Room, host = Host}). tab_count_user(JID) -> {LUser, LServer, _} = jlib:jid_tolower(JID), US = {LUser, LServer}, case catch ets:select( muc_online_users, [{#muc_online_users{us = US, _ = '_'}, [], [[]]}]) of Res when is_list(Res) -> length(Res); _ -> 0 end.