#!/usr/bin/env escript %% -*- erlang -*- -record(state, {run_hooks = #{}, run_fold_hooks = #{}, hooked_funs = {#{}, #{}}, iq_handlers = {#{}, #{}}, exports = #{}, module :: module(), file :: filename:filename()}). main(Paths) -> State = fold_beams( fun(File0, Tree, X, Acc0) -> BareName = filename:rootname(filename:basename(File0)), Mod = list_to_atom(BareName), File = BareName ++ ".erl", Exports = maps:put(Mod, X, Acc0#state.exports), Acc1 = Acc0#state{file = File, module = Mod, exports = Exports}, erl_syntax_lib:fold( fun(Form, Acc) -> case erl_syntax:type(Form) of application -> case erl_syntax_lib:analyze_application(Form) of {ejabberd_hooks, {run, N}} when N == 2; N == 3 -> collect_run_hook(Form, Acc); {ejabberd_hooks, {run_fold, N}} when N == 3; N == 4 -> collect_run_fold_hook(Form, Acc); {ejabberd_hooks, {add, N}} when N == 4; N == 5 -> collect_run_fun(Form, add, Acc); {ejabberd_hooks, {delete, N}} when N == 4; N == 5 -> collect_run_fun(Form, delete, Acc); {gen_iq_handler, {add_iq_handler, 5}} -> collect_iq_handler(Form, add, Acc); {gen_iq_handler, {remove_iq_handler, 3}} -> collect_iq_handler(Form, delete, Acc); _ -> Acc end; _ -> Acc end end, Acc1, Tree) end, #state{}, Paths), check_hooks_arity(State#state.run_hooks), check_hooks_arity(State#state.run_fold_hooks), check_iq_handlers_export(State#state.iq_handlers, State#state.exports), analyze_iq_handlers(State#state.iq_handlers), analyze_hooks(State#state.hooked_funs), RunDeps = build_deps(State#state.run_hooks, State#state.hooked_funs), RunFoldDeps = build_deps(State#state.run_fold_hooks, State#state.hooked_funs), emit_module(RunDeps, RunFoldDeps, hooks_type_test). collect_run_hook(Form, State) -> [Hook|Tail] = erl_syntax:application_arguments(Form), case atom_value(Hook, State) of undefined -> State; HookName -> Args = case Tail of [_Host, Args0] -> Args0; [Args0] -> Args0 end, Arity = erl_syntax:list_length(Args), Hooks = maps:put({HookName, Arity}, {State#state.file, erl_syntax:get_pos(Hook)}, State#state.run_hooks), State#state{run_hooks = Hooks} end. collect_run_fold_hook(Form, State) -> [Hook|Tail] = erl_syntax:application_arguments(Form), case atom_value(Hook, State) of undefined -> State; HookName -> Args = case Tail of [_Host, _Val, Args0] -> Args0; [_Val, Args0] -> Args0 end, Arity = erl_syntax:list_length(Args) + 1, Hooks = maps:put({HookName, Arity}, {State#state.file, erl_syntax:get_pos(Form)}, State#state.run_fold_hooks), State#state{run_fold_hooks = Hooks} end. collect_run_fun(Form, Action, State) -> [Hook|Tail] = erl_syntax:application_arguments(Form), case atom_value(Hook, State) of undefined -> State; HookName -> {Module, Fun, Seq} = case Tail of [_Host, M, F, S] -> {M, F, S}; [M, F, S] -> {M, F, S} end, ModName = module_name(Module, State), FunName = atom_value(Fun, State), SeqInt = integer_value(Seq, State), if ModName /= undefined, FunName /= undefined, SeqInt /= undefined -> Pos = case Action of add -> 1; delete -> 2 end, Funs = maps_append( HookName, {ModName, FunName, SeqInt, {State#state.file, erl_syntax:get_pos(Form)}}, element(Pos, State#state.hooked_funs)), Hooked = setelement(Pos, State#state.hooked_funs, Funs), State#state{hooked_funs = Hooked}; true -> State end end. collect_iq_handler(Form, add, #state{iq_handlers = {Add, Del}} = State) -> [Component, _Host, Namespace, Module, Function] = erl_syntax:application_arguments(Form), Mod = module_name(Module, State), Fun = atom_value(Function, State), Comp = atom_value(Component, State), NS = binary_value(Namespace, State), if Mod /= undefined, Fun /= undefined, Comp /= undefined, NS /= undefined -> Handlers = maps_append( {Comp, NS}, {Mod, Fun, {State#state.file, erl_syntax:get_pos(Form)}}, Add), State#state{iq_handlers = {Handlers, Del}}; true -> State end; collect_iq_handler(Form, delete, #state{iq_handlers = {Add, Del}} = State) -> [Component, _Host, Namespace] = erl_syntax:application_arguments(Form), Comp = atom_value(Component, State), NS = binary_value(Namespace, State), if Comp /= undefined, NS /= undefined -> Handlers = maps_append( {Comp, NS}, {State#state.file, erl_syntax:get_pos(Form)}, Del), State#state{iq_handlers = {Add, Handlers}}; true -> State end. check_hooks_arity(Hooks) -> maps:fold( fun({Hook, Arity}, _, M) -> case maps:is_key(Hook, M) of true -> err("Error: hook ~s is called with different " "number of arguments~n", [Hook]); false -> maps:put(Hook, Arity, M) end end, #{}, Hooks). check_iq_handlers_export({HookedFuns, _}, Exports) -> maps:map( fun(_, Funs) -> lists:foreach( fun({Mod, Fun, {File, FileNo}}) -> case is_exported(Mod, Fun, 1, Exports) of true -> ok; false -> err("~s:~p: Error: " "iq handler is registered on unexported function: " "~s:~s/1~n", [File, FileNo, Mod, Fun]) end end, Funs) end, HookedFuns). analyze_iq_handlers({Add, Del}) -> maps:map( fun(Handler, Funs) -> lists:foreach( fun({_, _, {File, FileNo}}) -> case maps:is_key(Handler, Del) of true -> ok; false -> err("~s:~p: Error: " "iq handler is added but not removed~n", [File, FileNo]) end end, Funs) end, Add), maps:map( fun(Handler, Meta) -> lists:foreach( fun({File, FileNo}) -> case maps:is_key(Handler, Add) of true -> ok; false -> err("~s:~p: Error: " "iq handler is removed but not added~n", [File, FileNo]) end end, Meta) end, Del). analyze_hooks({Add, Del}) -> Del1 = maps:fold( fun(Hook, Funs, D) -> lists:foldl( fun({Mod, Fun, Seq, {File, FileNo}}, D1) -> maps:put({Hook, Mod, Fun, Seq}, {File, FileNo}, D1) end, D, Funs) end, #{}, Del), Add1 = maps:fold( fun(Hook, Funs, D) -> lists:foldl( fun({Mod, Fun, Seq, {File, FileNo}}, D1) -> maps:put({Hook, Mod, Fun, Seq}, {File, FileNo}, D1) end, D, Funs) end, #{}, Add), lists:foreach( fun({{Hook, Mod, Fun, _} = Key, {File, FileNo}}) -> case maps:is_key(Key, Del1) of true -> ok; false -> err("~s:~p: Error: " "hook ~s->~s->~s is added but was never deleted~n", [File, FileNo, Hook, Mod, Fun]) end end, maps:to_list(Add1)), lists:foreach( fun({{Hook, Mod, Fun, _} = Key, {File, FileNo}}) -> case maps:is_key(Key, Add1) of true -> ok; false -> err("~s:~p: Error: " "hook ~s->~s->~s is deleted but was never added~n", [File, FileNo, Hook, Mod, Fun]) end end, maps:to_list(Del1)). build_deps(Hooks, {HookedFuns, _}) -> maps:fold( fun({Hook, Arity}, Meta, Deps) -> case maps:find(Hook, HookedFuns) of {ok, Funs} -> ExportedFuns = lists:map( fun({M, F, Seq, FunMeta}) -> {{M, F, Arity}, Seq, FunMeta} end, Funs), maps_append_list({Hook, Arity, Meta}, ExportedFuns, Deps); error -> maps_append_list({Hook, Arity, Meta}, [], Deps) end end, #{}, Hooks). module_name(Form, State) -> try Name = erl_syntax:macro_name(Form), 'MODULE' = erl_syntax:variable_name(Name), State#state.module catch _:_ -> atom_value(Form, State) end. atom_value(Form, State) -> case erl_syntax:type(Form) of atom -> erl_syntax:atom_value(Form); _ -> warn_type(Form, State, "not an atom"), undefined end. integer_value(Form, State) -> case erl_syntax:type(Form) of integer -> erl_syntax:integer_value(Form); _ -> warn_type(Form, State, "not an integer"), undefined end. binary_value(Form, State) -> try erl_syntax:concrete(Form) of Binary when is_binary(Binary) -> Binary; _ -> warn_type(Form, State, "not a binary"), undefined catch _:_ -> warn_type(Form, State, "not a binary"), undefined end. is_exported(Mod, Fun, Arity, Exports) -> try maps:get(Mod, Exports) of L -> lists:member({Fun, Arity}, L) catch _:{badkey, _} -> false end. warn_type({var, _, 'Type'}, #state{module = mod_delegation}, "not an atom") -> ok; warn_type({var, _, 'NS'}, #state{module = mod_delegation}, "not a binary") -> ok; warn_type(Form, State, Warning) -> log("~s:~p: Warning: " ++ Warning ++ ": ~s~n", [State#state.file, erl_syntax:get_pos(Form), erl_prettypr:format(Form)]). emit_module(RunDeps, RunFoldDeps, Module) -> File = filename:join(["src", Module]) ++ ".erl", try {ok, Fd} = file:open(File, [write]), write(Fd, "%% Generated automatically~n" "%% DO NOT EDIT: run `make hooks` instead~n~n", []), write(Fd, "-module(~s).~n", [Module]), write(Fd, "-compile(nowarn_unused_vars).~n", []), write(Fd, "-dialyzer(no_return).~n~n", []), emit_export(Fd, RunDeps, "run hooks"), emit_export(Fd, RunFoldDeps, "run_fold hooks"), emit_run_hooks(Fd, RunDeps), emit_run_fold_hooks(Fd, RunFoldDeps), file:close(Fd), log("Module written to ~s~n", [File]) catch _:{badmatch, {error, Reason}} -> err("Error: writing to ~s failed: ~s", [File, file:format_error(Reason)]) end. emit_run_hooks(Fd, Deps) -> DepsList = lists:sort(maps:to_list(Deps)), lists:foreach( fun({{Hook, Arity, {File, LineNo}}, Funs}) -> write(Fd, "%% called at ~s:~p~n", [File, LineNo]), Args = string:join( [[N] || N <- lists:sublist(lists:seq($A, $Z), Arity)], ", "), write(Fd, "~s(~s) ->~n ", [Hook, Args]), Calls = [io_lib:format("_ = ~s:~s(~s)", [Mod, Fun, Args]) || {{Mod, Fun, _}, _Seq, _} <- lists:keysort(2, Funs)], write(Fd, "~s.~n~n", [string:join(Calls ++ ["ok"], ",\n ")]) end, DepsList). emit_run_fold_hooks(Fd, Deps) -> DepsList = lists:sort(maps:to_list(Deps)), lists:foreach( fun({{Hook, Arity, {File, LineNo}}, []}) -> write(Fd, "%% called at ~s:~p~n", [File, LineNo]), Args = ["Acc"|lists:duplicate(Arity - 1, "_")], write(Fd, "~s(~s) -> Acc.~n~n", [Hook, string:join(Args, ", ")]); ({{Hook, Arity, {File, LineNo}}, Funs}) -> write(Fd, "%% called at ~s:~p~n", [File, LineNo]), Args = [[N] || N <- lists:sublist(lists:seq($A, $Z), Arity - 1)], write(Fd, "~s(~s) ->~n ", [Hook, string:join(["Acc0"|Args], ", ")]), {Calls, _} = lists:mapfoldl( fun({{Mod, Fun, _}, _Seq, _}, N) -> Args1 = ["Acc" ++ integer_to_list(N)|Args], {io_lib:format("Acc~p = ~s:~s(~s)", [N+1, Mod, Fun, string:join(Args1, ", ")]), N + 1} end, 0, lists:keysort(2, Funs)), write(Fd, "~s,~n", [string:join(Calls, ",\n ")]), write(Fd, " Acc~p.~n~n", [length(Funs)]) end, DepsList). emit_export(Fd, Deps, Comment) -> DepsList = lists:sort(maps:to_list(Deps)), Exports = lists:map( fun({{Hook, Arity, _}, _}) -> io_lib:format("~s/~p", [Hook, Arity]) end, DepsList), write(Fd, "%% ~s~n-export([~s]).~n~n", [Comment, string:join(Exports, ",\n ")]). fold_beams(Fun, State, Paths) -> Paths1 = fold_paths(Paths), Total = length(Paths1), {_, State1} = lists:foldl( fun(File, {I, Acc}) -> io:format("Progress: ~B% (~B/~B)\r", [round(I*100/Total), I, Total]), case is_elixir_beam(File) of true -> {I+1, Acc}; false -> {AbsCode, Exports} = get_code_from_beam(File), Acc2 = lists:foldl( fun(Form, Acc1) -> Fun(File, Form, Exports, Acc1) end, Acc, AbsCode), {I+1, Acc2} end end, {0, State}, Paths1), State1. fold_paths(Paths) -> lists:flatmap( fun(Path) -> case filelib:is_dir(Path) of true -> lists:reverse( filelib:fold_files( Path, ".+\.beam\$", false, fun(File, Acc) -> [File|Acc] end, [])); false -> [Path] end end, Paths). is_elixir_beam(File) -> case filename:basename(File) of "Elixir" ++ _ -> true; _ -> false end. get_code_from_beam(File) -> case beam_lib:chunks(File, [abstract_code, exports]) of {ok, {_, [{abstract_code, {raw_abstract_v1, Forms}}, {exports, X}]}} -> {Forms, X}; _ -> err("No abstract code found in ~s~n", [File]) end. log(Format, Args) -> io:format(standard_io, Format, Args). err(Format, Args) -> io:format(standard_error, Format, Args), halt(1). write(Fd, Format, Args) -> file:write(Fd, io_lib:format(Format, Args)). maps_append(K, V, M) -> maps_append_list(K, [V], M). maps_append_list(K, L1, M) -> L2 = maps:get(K, M, []), maps:put(K, L2 ++ L1, M).