%% % File : ejabberd_websocket_codec.erl % Author : Paweł Chmielowski % Purpose : Coder/Encoder of websocket frames % Created : 9 sty 2023 by Paweł Chmielowski % % % ejabberd, Copyright (C) 2002-2023 ProcessOne % % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or % modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as % published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the % License, or (at your option) any later version. % % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU % General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along % with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., % 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. % % -module(ejabberd_websocket_codec). -author("pawel@process-one.net"). %% API -export([new_server/0, new_client/0, decode/2, encode/3]). -record(codec_state, { our_mask = none :: none | binary(), partial = none :: none | {non_neg_integer(), binary()}, opcode = 0 :: non_neg_integer(), is_fin = false :: boolean(), mask = none :: none | binary(), mask_offset = 0 :: non_neg_integer(), required = -1 :: integer(), data = <<>> :: binary() }). -opaque codec_state() :: #codec_state{}. -export_type([codec_state/0]). -spec new_server() -> codec_state(). new_server() -> #codec_state{}. new_client() -> #codec_state{our_mask = p1_rand:bytes(4)}. -spec decode(codec_state(), binary()) -> {ok, codec_state(), [binary()]} | {error, atom(), [binary()]}. decode(#codec_state{required = -1, data = PrevData, partial = Partial} = S, Data) -> Data2 = <>, case parse_header(Data2) of none -> {ok, S#codec_state{data = Data2}, []}; {_, _, Opcode, _, _} when (Opcode > 2 andalso Opcode < 8) orelse (Opcode > 10) -> {error, unknown_opcode, []}; {_, 0, Opcode, _, _} when Opcode > 7 -> {error, partial_control_frame, []}; {_, _, Opcode, _, _} when Opcode > 0 andalso Opcode < 8 andalso Partial /= none -> {error, partial_frame_non_finished, []}; {Len, Final, Opcode, Mask, Payload} -> decode(S#codec_state{opcode = Opcode, is_fin = Final == 1, mask = Mask, mask_offset = 0, required = Len, data = <<>>}, Payload) end; decode(#codec_state{required = Req, data = PrevData, mask = Mask, mask_offset = Offset} = S, Data) when byte_size(PrevData) + byte_size(Data) < Req -> {Unmasked, NewOffset} = apply_mask(Offset, Mask, Data, PrevData), {ok, S#codec_state{data = Unmasked, mask_offset = NewOffset}, []}; decode(#codec_state{required = Req, data = PrevData, mask = Mask, mask_offset = Offset, is_fin = IsFin, opcode = Opcode, partial = Partial} = S, Data) -> Left = Req - byte_size(PrevData), <> = Data, {Unmasked, _} = apply_mask(Offset, Mask, CurrentPayload, PrevData), {NS, Packets} = case {IsFin, Partial} of {false, none} -> {S#codec_state{partial = {Opcode, Unmasked}, data = <<>>, required = -1}, []}; {false, {PartOp, PartData}} -> {S#codec_state{partial = {PartOp, <>}, data = <<>>, required = -1}, []}; {true, none} -> {S#codec_state{data = <<>>, required = -1}, [{Opcode, Unmasked}]}; {true, {PartOp, PartData}} -> {S#codec_state{partial = none, data = <<>>, required = -1}, [{PartOp, <>}]} end, case NextPacketData of <<>> -> {ok, NS, Packets}; _ -> case decode(NS, NextPacketData) of {T1, T2, Packets2} -> {T1, T2, Packets ++ Packets2} end end. -spec encode(codec_state(), non_neg_integer(), binary()) -> binary(). encode(#codec_state{our_mask = none}, Opcode, Data) -> case byte_size(Data) of S1 when S1 < 126 -> <<1:1, 0:3, Opcode:4, 0:1, S1:7, Data/binary>>; S2 when S2 < 65536 -> <<1:1, 0:3, Opcode:4, 0:1, 126:7, S2:16, Data/binary>>; S3 -> <<1:1, 0:3, Opcode:4, 0:1, 127:7, S3:64, Data/binary>> end; encode(#codec_state{our_mask = Mask}, Opcode, Data) -> {MaskedData, _} = apply_mask(0, Mask, Data, <<>>), case byte_size(Data) of S1 when S1 < 126 -> <<1:1, 0:3, Opcode:4, 1:1, S1:7, Mask/binary, MaskedData/binary>>; S2 when S2 < 65536 -> <<1:1, 0:3, Opcode:4, 1:1, 126:7, S2:16, Mask/binary, MaskedData/binary>>; S3 -> <<1:1, 0:3, Opcode:4, 1:1, 127:7, S3:64, Mask/binary, MaskedData/binary>> end. -spec parse_header(binary()) -> none | {integer(), integer(), integer(), none | binary(), binary()}. parse_header(<>) when Len < 126 -> {Len, Final, Opcode, none, Data}; parse_header(<>) -> {Len, Final, Opcode, none, Data}; parse_header(<>) -> {Len, Final, Opcode, none, Data}; parse_header(<>) when Len < 126 -> {Len, Final, Opcode, Mask, Data}; parse_header(<>) -> {Len, Final, Opcode, Mask, Data}; parse_header(<>) -> {Len, Final, Opcode, Mask, Data}; parse_header(_) -> none. -spec apply_mask(integer(), none | binary(), binary(), binary()) -> {binary(), non_neg_integer()}. apply_mask(_, none, Data, _) -> {Data, 0}; apply_mask(Offset, _, <<>>, Acc) -> {Acc, Offset}; apply_mask(0, <> = Mask, <>, Acc) -> apply_mask(0, Mask, Rest, <>); apply_mask(0, <> = Mask, <>, Acc) -> apply_mask(1, Mask, Rest, <>); apply_mask(1, <<_:8, M:8, _/binary>> = Mask, <>, Acc) -> apply_mask(2, Mask, Rest, <>); apply_mask(2, <<_:16, M:8, _/binary>> = Mask, <>, Acc) -> apply_mask(3, Mask, Rest, <>); apply_mask(3, <<_:24, M:8>> = Mask, <>, Acc) -> apply_mask(0, Mask, Rest, <>).