%%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% File : mod_vcard_xupdate.erl %%% Author : Igor Goryachev %%% Purpose : Add avatar hash in presence on behalf of client (XEP-0153) %%% Created : 9 Mar 2007 by Igor Goryachev %%% %%% %%% ejabberd, Copyright (C) 2002-2023 ProcessOne %%% %%% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or %%% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as %%% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the %%% License, or (at your option) any later version. %%% %%% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, %%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of %%% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU %%% General Public License for more details. %%% %%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along %%% with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., %%% 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. %%% %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(mod_vcard_xupdate). -behaviour(gen_mod). %% gen_mod callbacks -export([start/2, stop/1, reload/3]). -export([update_presence/1, vcard_set/1, remove_user/2, mod_doc/0, user_send_packet/1, mod_opt_type/1, mod_options/1, depends/2]). %% API -export([compute_hash/1]). -include("logger.hrl"). -include_lib("xmpp/include/xmpp.hrl"). -include("translate.hrl"). -define(VCARD_XUPDATE_CACHE, vcard_xupdate_cache). %%==================================================================== %% gen_mod callbacks %%==================================================================== start(Host, Opts) -> init_cache(Host, Opts), {ok, [{hook, c2s_self_presence, update_presence, 100}, {hook, user_send_packet, user_send_packet, 50}, {hook, vcard_iq_set, vcard_set, 90}, {hook, remove_user, remove_user, 50}]}. stop(_Host) -> ok. reload(Host, NewOpts, _OldOpts) -> init_cache(Host, NewOpts). depends(_Host, _Opts) -> [{mod_vcard, hard}]. %%==================================================================== %% Hooks %%==================================================================== -spec update_presence({presence(), ejabberd_c2s:state()}) -> {presence(), ejabberd_c2s:state()}. update_presence({#presence{type = available} = Pres, #{jid := #jid{luser = LUser, lserver = LServer}} = State}) -> case xmpp:get_subtag(Pres, #vcard_xupdate{}) of #vcard_xupdate{hash = <<>>} -> %% XEP-0398 forbids overwriting vcard:x:update %% tags with empty element {Pres, State}; _ -> Pres1 = case get_xupdate(LUser, LServer) of undefined -> xmpp:remove_subtag(Pres, #vcard_xupdate{}); XUpdate -> xmpp:set_subtag(Pres, XUpdate) end, {Pres1, State} end; update_presence(Acc) -> Acc. -spec user_send_packet({presence(), ejabberd_c2s:state()}) -> {presence(), ejabberd_c2s:state()}. user_send_packet({#presence{type = available, to = #jid{luser = U, lserver = S, lresource = <<"">>}}, #{jid := #jid{luser = U, lserver = S}}} = Acc) -> %% This is processed by update_presence/2 explicitly, we don't %% want to call this multiple times for performance reasons Acc; user_send_packet(Acc) -> update_presence(Acc). -spec vcard_set(iq()) -> iq(). vcard_set(#iq{from = #jid{luser = LUser, lserver = LServer}} = IQ) -> ets_cache:delete(?VCARD_XUPDATE_CACHE, {LUser, LServer}, ejabberd_cluster:get_nodes()), ejabberd_sm:force_update_presence({LUser, LServer}), IQ; vcard_set(Acc) -> Acc. -spec remove_user(binary(), binary()) -> ok. remove_user(User, Server) -> LUser = jid:nodeprep(User), LServer = jid:nameprep(Server), ets_cache:delete(?VCARD_XUPDATE_CACHE, {LUser, LServer}, ejabberd_cluster:get_nodes()). %%==================================================================== %% Storage %%==================================================================== -spec get_xupdate(binary(), binary()) -> vcard_xupdate() | undefined. get_xupdate(LUser, LServer) -> Result = case use_cache(LServer) of true -> ets_cache:lookup( ?VCARD_XUPDATE_CACHE, {LUser, LServer}, fun() -> db_get_xupdate(LUser, LServer) end); false -> db_get_xupdate(LUser, LServer) end, case Result of {ok, external} -> undefined; {ok, Hash} -> #vcard_xupdate{hash = Hash}; error -> #vcard_xupdate{} end. -spec db_get_xupdate(binary(), binary()) -> {ok, binary() | external} | error. db_get_xupdate(LUser, LServer) -> case mod_vcard:get_vcard(LUser, LServer) of [VCard] -> {ok, compute_hash(VCard)}; _ -> error end. -spec init_cache(binary(), gen_mod:opts()) -> ok. init_cache(Host, Opts) -> case use_cache(Host) of true -> CacheOpts = cache_opts(Opts), ets_cache:new(?VCARD_XUPDATE_CACHE, CacheOpts); false -> ets_cache:delete(?VCARD_XUPDATE_CACHE) end. -spec cache_opts(gen_mod:opts()) -> [proplists:property()]. cache_opts(Opts) -> MaxSize = mod_vcard_xupdate_opt:cache_size(Opts), CacheMissed = mod_vcard_xupdate_opt:cache_missed(Opts), LifeTime = mod_vcard_xupdate_opt:cache_life_time(Opts), [{max_size, MaxSize}, {cache_missed, CacheMissed}, {life_time, LifeTime}]. -spec use_cache(binary()) -> boolean(). use_cache(Host) -> mod_vcard_xupdate_opt:use_cache(Host). -spec compute_hash(xmlel()) -> binary() | external. compute_hash(VCard) -> case fxml:get_subtag(VCard, <<"PHOTO">>) of false -> <<>>; Photo -> try xmpp:decode(Photo, ?NS_VCARD, []) of #vcard_photo{binval = <<_, _/binary>> = BinVal} -> str:sha(BinVal); #vcard_photo{extval = <<_, _/binary>>} -> external; _ -> <<>> catch _:{xmpp_codec, _} -> <<>> end end. %%==================================================================== %% Options %%==================================================================== mod_opt_type(use_cache) -> econf:bool(); mod_opt_type(cache_size) -> econf:pos_int(infinity); mod_opt_type(cache_missed) -> econf:bool(); mod_opt_type(cache_life_time) -> econf:timeout(second, infinity). mod_options(Host) -> [{use_cache, ejabberd_option:use_cache(Host)}, {cache_size, ejabberd_option:cache_size(Host)}, {cache_missed, ejabberd_option:cache_missed(Host)}, {cache_life_time, ejabberd_option:cache_life_time(Host)}]. mod_doc() -> #{desc => [?T("The user's client can store an avatar in the " "user vCard. The vCard-Based Avatars protocol " "(https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0153.html[XEP-0153]) " "provides a method for clients to inform the contacts " "what is the avatar hash value. However, simple or small " "clients may not implement that protocol."), "", ?T("If this module is enabled, all the outgoing client presence " "stanzas get automatically the avatar hash on behalf of the " "client. So, the contacts receive the presence stanzas with " "the 'Update Data' described in " "https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0153.html[XEP-0153] as if the " "client would had inserted it itself. If the client had already " "included such element in the presence stanza, it is replaced " "with the element generated by ejabberd."), "", ?T("By enabling this module, each vCard modification produces " "a hash recalculation, and each presence sent by a client " "produces hash retrieval and a presence stanza rewrite. " "For this reason, enabling this module will introduce a " "computational overhead in servers with clients that change " "frequently their presence. However, the overhead is significantly " "reduced by the use of caching, so you probably don't want " "to set 'use_cache' to 'false'."), "", ?T("The module depends on _`mod_vcard`_."), "", ?T("NOTE: Nowadays https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0153.html" "[XEP-0153] is used mostly as \"read-only\", i.e. modern " "clients don't publish their avatars inside vCards. Thus " "in the majority of cases the module is only used along " "with _`mod_avatar`_ for providing backward compatibility.")], opts => [{use_cache, #{value => "true | false", desc => ?T("Same as top-level _`use_cache`_ option, but applied to this module only.")}}, {cache_size, #{value => "pos_integer() | infinity", desc => ?T("Same as top-level _`cache_size`_ option, but applied to this module only.")}}, {cache_missed, #{value => "true | false", desc => ?T("Same as top-level _`cache_missed`_ option, but applied to this module only.")}}, {cache_life_time, #{value => "timeout()", desc => ?T("Same as top-level _`cache_life_time`_ option, but applied to this module only.")}}]}.