%%%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% File : mod_multicast.erl %%% Author : Badlop %%% Purpose : Extended Stanza Addressing (XEP-0033) support %%% Created : 29 May 2007 by Badlop %%% %%% %%% ejabberd, Copyright (C) 2002-2010 ProcessOne %%% %%% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or %%% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as %%% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the %%% License, or (at your option) any later version. %%% %%% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, %%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of %%% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU %%% General Public License for more details. %%% %%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License %%% along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software %%% Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA %%% 02111-1307 USA %%% %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%%================================== %%%% Headers -module(mod_multicast). -author('badlop@process-one.net'). -behaviour(gen_server). -behaviour(gen_mod). %% API -export([start_link/2, start/2, stop/1]). %% gen_server callbacks -export([init/1, handle_info/2, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, terminate/2, code_change/3 ]). -export([ purge_loop/1 ]). -include_lib("exmpp/include/exmpp.hrl"). -include("ejabberd.hrl"). -include("jlib.hrl"). %% Copied from mod_muc_room.erl -define(ERR(Packet,Type, Lang, ErrText), exmpp_stanza:error(Packet#xmlel.ns, Type, {Lang, translate:translate(Lang, ErrText)})). -record(state, {lserver, lservice, access, service_limits}). -record(multicastc, {rserver, response, ts}). %% ts: timestamp (in seconds) when the cache item was last updated -record(dest, {jid_string, jid_jid, type, full_xml}). %% jid_string = string() %% jid_jid = jid() %% full_xml = xml() -record(group, {server, dests, multicast, others, addresses}). %% server = string() %% dests = [string()] %% multicast = {cached, local_server} | {cached, string()} | {cached, not_supported} | {obsolete, not_supported} | {obsolete, string()} | not_cached %% after being updated, possible values are: local | multicast_not_supported | {multicast_supported, string(), limits()} %% others = [xml()] %% packet = xml() -record(waiter, {awaiting, group, renewal=false, sender, packet, aattrs, addresses}). %% awaiting = {[Remote_service], Local_service, Type_awaiting} %% Remote_service = Local_service = string() %% Type_awaiting = info | items %% group = #group %% renewal = true | false %% sender = From %% packet = xml() %% aattrs = [xml()] -record(limits, {message, presence}). %% message = presence = integer() | infinite -record(service_limits, {local, remote}). %% local = remote = limits() %% All the elements are of type value() -define(VERSION_MULTICAST, ?VERSION). -define(PROCNAME, ejabberd_mod_multicast). -define(PURGE_PROCNAME, ejabberd_mod_multicast_purgeloop). %% Time in seconds -define(MAXTIME_CACHE_POSITIVE, 86400). -define(MAXTIME_CACHE_NEGATIVE, 86400). %% Time in miliseconds -define(CACHE_PURGE_TIMER, 86400000). % Purge the cache every 24 hours -define(DISCO_QUERY_TIMEOUT, 10000). % After 10 seconds of delay the server is declared dead -define(DEFAULT_LIMIT_LOCAL_MESSAGE, 100). -define(DEFAULT_LIMIT_LOCAL_PRESENCE, 100). -define(DEFAULT_LIMIT_REMOTE_MESSAGE, 20). -define(DEFAULT_LIMIT_REMOTE_PRESENCE,20). %%%==================================================================== %%%% API %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Function: start_link() -> {ok,Pid} | ignore | {error,Error} %% Description: Starts the server %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- start_link(LServerS, Opts) -> Proc = gen_mod:get_module_proc(LServerS, ?PROCNAME), gen_server:start_link({local, Proc}, ?MODULE, [LServerS, Opts], []). start(LServerS, Opts) -> Proc = gen_mod:get_module_proc(LServerS, ?PROCNAME), ChildSpec = { Proc, {?MODULE, start_link, [LServerS, Opts]}, temporary, 1000, worker, [?MODULE]}, supervisor:start_child(ejabberd_sup, ChildSpec). stop(LServerS) -> Proc = gen_mod:get_module_proc(LServerS, ?PROCNAME), gen_server:call(Proc, stop), supervisor:terminate_child(ejabberd_sup, Proc), supervisor:delete_child(ejabberd_sup, Proc). %%%==================================================================== %%%% gen_server callbacks %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Function: init(Args) -> {ok, State} | %% {ok, State, Timeout} | %% ignore | %% {stop, Reason} %% Description: Initiates the server %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- init([LServerS, Opts]) -> LServiceS = gen_mod:get_opt(host, Opts, "multicast." ++ LServerS), Access = gen_mod:get_opt(access, Opts, all), SLimits = build_service_limit_record(gen_mod:get_opt(limits, Opts, [])), create_cache(), try_start_loop(), create_pool(), ejabberd_router_multicast:register_route(LServerS), ejabberd_router:register_route(LServiceS), {ok, #state{lservice = LServiceS, lserver = LServerS, access = Access, service_limits = SLimits}}. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Function: %% handle_call(Request, From, State) -> {reply, Reply, State} | %% {reply, Reply, State, Timeout} | %% {noreply, State} | %% {noreply, State, Timeout} | %% {stop, Reason, Reply, State} | %% {stop, Reason, State} %% Description: Handling call messages %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- handle_call(stop, _From, State) -> try_stop_loop(), {stop, normal, ok, State}. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Function: handle_cast(Msg, State) -> {noreply, State} | %% {noreply, State, Timeout} | %% {stop, Reason, State} %% Description: Handling cast messages %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- handle_cast(_Msg, State) -> {noreply, State}. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Function: handle_info(Info, State) -> {noreply, State} | %% {noreply, State, Timeout} | %% {stop, Reason, State} %% Description: Handling all non call/cast messages %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- handle_info({route, From, To, #xmlel{name=iq} = Packet}, State) -> IQ = exmpp_iq:xmlel_to_iq(Packet), case catch process_iq(From, IQ, State) of Result when is_record(Result, iq) -> ejabberd_router:route(To, From, exmpp_iq:iq_to_xmlel(Result)); {'EXIT', Reason} -> ?ERROR_MSG("Error when processing IQ stanza: ~p", [Reason]), Err = exmpp_stanza:reply_with_error(Packet, 'internal-server-error'), ejabberd_router:route(To, From, Err); reply -> LServiceS = jts(To), case exmpp_xml:get_attribute_as_list(Packet, <<"type">>, "error") of "result" -> process_iqreply_result(From, LServiceS, Packet, State); "error" -> process_iqreply_error(From, LServiceS, Packet) end end, {noreply, State}; %% XEP33 allows only 'message' and 'presence' stanza type handle_info({route, From, To, #xmlel{name = Stanza_type} = Packet}, #state{lservice = LServiceS, lserver = LServerS, access = Access, service_limits = SLimits} = State) when (Stanza_type == message) or (Stanza_type == presence) -> %%io:format("Multicast packet: ~nFrom: ~p~nTo: ~p~nPacket: ~p~n", [From, To, Packet]), route_untrusted(LServiceS, LServerS, Access, SLimits, From, To, Packet), {noreply, State}; %% Handle multicast packets sent by trusted local services handle_info({route_trusted, From, Destinations, Packet}, #state{lservice = LServiceS, lserver = LServerS} = State) -> %%io:format("Multicast packet2: ~nFrom: ~p~nDestinations: ~p~nPacket: ~p~n", [From, Destinations, Packet]), route_trusted(LServiceS, LServerS, From, Destinations, Packet), {noreply, State}; handle_info({get_host, Pid}, State) -> Pid ! {my_host, State#state.lservice}, {noreply, State}; handle_info(_Info, State) -> {noreply, State}. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Function: terminate(Reason, State) -> void() %% Description: This function is called by a gen_server when it is about to %% terminate. It should be the opposite of Module:init/1 and do any necessary %% cleaning up. When it returns, the gen_server terminates with Reason. %% The return value is ignored. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- terminate(_Reason, State) -> ejabberd_router_multicast:unregister_route(State#state.lserver), ejabberd_router:unregister_route(State#state.lservice), ok. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Func: code_change(OldVsn, State, Extra) -> {ok, NewState} %% Description: Convert process state when code is changed %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) -> {ok, State}. %%==================================================================== %% Internal functions %%==================================================================== %%%================================== %%%% IQ Request Processing %% disco#info request process_iq(From, #iq{type = get, ns = ?NS_DISCO_INFO, lang = Lang} = IQ, State) -> Response = #xmlel{ns = ?NS_DISCO_INFO, name = 'query', children = iq_disco_info(From, Lang, State)}, exmpp_iq:result(IQ, Response); %% disco#items request process_iq(_, #iq{type = get, ns = ?NS_DISCO_ITEMS} = IQ, _) -> Response = #xmlel{ns = ?NS_DISCO_ITEMS, name = 'query'}, exmpp_iq:result(IQ, Response); %% vCard request process_iq(_, #iq{type = get, ns = ?NS_VCARD, lang = Lang} = IQ, _) -> Response = #xmlel{ns = ?NS_VCARD, name = 'vCard', children = iq_vcard(Lang)}, exmpp_iq:result(IQ, Response); %% version request process_iq(_, #iq{type = get, ns = ?NS_SOFT_VERSION} = IQ, _) -> Response = #xmlel{ns = ?NS_SOFT_VERSION, name = 'query', children = iq_version()}, exmpp_iq:result(IQ, Response); %% Unknown "set" or "get" request process_iq(_, #iq{type=Type} = IQ, _) when Type==get; Type==set -> exmpp_iq:error(IQ, 'service-unavailable'); %% IQ "result" or "error". process_iq(_, #iq{type=Type}, _) when Type==result; Type==error -> reply; %% Other IQ process_iq(_, _IQ, _) -> unknown_iq. -define(FEATURE(Feat), #xmlel{name = feature, attrs = [#xmlattr{name = <<"var">>, value = Feat}]}). iq_disco_info(From, Lang, State) -> [#xmlel{ns = ?NS_DISCO_INFO, name = 'identity', attrs = [?XMLATTR(<<"category">>, <<"service">>), ?XMLATTR(<<"type">>, <<"multicast">>), ?XMLATTR(<<"name">>, translate:translate(Lang, "Multicast"))]}, ?FEATURE(?NS_DISCO_INFO_b), ?FEATURE(?NS_DISCO_ITEMS_b), ?FEATURE(?NS_VCARD_b), ?FEATURE(?NS_ADDRESS_b)] ++ iq_disco_info_extras(From, State). iq_vcard(Lang) -> [#xmlel{ns = ?NS_VCARD, name = 'FN', children = [#xmlcdata{cdata = <<"ejabberd/mod_multicast">>}]}, #xmlel{ns = ?NS_VCARD, name = 'URL', children = [#xmlcdata{cdata = list_to_binary(?EJABBERD_URI)}]}, #xmlel{ns = ?NS_VCARD, name ='DESC', children = [#xmlcdata{cdata = list_to_binary( translate:translate(Lang, "ejabberd Multicast service") ++ "\nCopyright (c) 2003-2010 ProcessOne")}]} ]. iq_version() -> [#xmlel{ns = ?NS_VCARD, name = 'name', children = [#xmlcdata{cdata = <<"mod_multicast">>}]}, #xmlel{ns = ?NS_VCARD, name = 'version', children = [#xmlcdata{cdata = list_to_binary(?VERSION_MULTICAST)}]} ]. %%%================================== %%%% Route %% Destinations = [string()] route_trusted(LServiceS, LServerS, FromJID, Destinations, Packet) -> %% Strip 'addresses' from packet Packet_stripped = Packet, AAttrs = [], %{"xmlns", ?NS_ADDRESS}], Delivereds = [], Dests2 = lists:map( fun(D) -> DS = jts(D), XML = #xmlel{name = address, ns = ?NS_ADDRESS, attrs = [#xmlattr{name = <<"type">>, value = <<"bcc">>}, #xmlattr{name = <<"jid">>, value = list_to_binary(DS)}] }, #dest{jid_string = DS, jid_jid = D, type = "bcc", full_xml = XML} end, Destinations), %% Group Not_delivered by server Groups = group_dests(Dests2), route_common(LServerS, LServiceS, FromJID, Groups, Delivereds, Packet_stripped, AAttrs). route_untrusted(LServiceS, LServerS, Access, SLimits, From, To, Packet) -> try route_untrusted2(LServiceS, LServerS, Access, SLimits, From, Packet) catch throw:adenied -> route_error(To, From, Packet, forbidden, "Access denied by service policy"); throw:eadsele -> route_error(To, From, Packet, 'bad-request', "No addresses element found"); throw:eadeles -> route_error(To, From, Packet, 'bad-request', "No address elements found"); throw:ewxmlns -> route_error(To, From, Packet, 'bad-request', "Wrong xmlns"); throw:etoorec -> route_error(To, From, Packet, 'not-acceptable', "Too many receiver fields were specified"); throw:edrelay -> route_error(To, From, Packet, forbidden, "Packet relay is denied by service policy"); EType:EReason -> ?ERROR_MSG("Multicast unknown error: Type: ~p, Reason: ~p~nStacktace: ~p", [EType, EReason, erlang:get_stacktrace()]), route_error(To, From, Packet, 'internal-server-error', "Unknown problem") end. route_untrusted2(LServiceS, LServerS, Access, SLimits, FromJID, Packet) -> ok = check_access(LServerS, Access, FromJID), %% Strip 'addresses' from packet {ok, Packet_stripped, AAttrs, Addresses} = strip_addresses_element(Packet), %% Split Addresses in To_deliver and Delivered {To_deliver, Delivereds} = split_addresses_todeliver(Addresses), %% Convert XML to record Dests = convert_dest_record(To_deliver), %% Split the destinations by JID {Dests2, Not_jids} = split_dests_jid(Dests), report_not_jid(FromJID, Packet, Not_jids), %% Check limit ok = check_limit_dests(SLimits, FromJID, Packet, Dests2), %% Group Not_delivered by server Groups = group_dests(Dests2), %% Check relay for each Group ok = check_relay(exmpp_jid:domain_as_list(FromJID), LServerS, Groups), route_common(LServerS, LServiceS, FromJID, Groups, Delivereds, Packet_stripped, AAttrs). route_common(LServerS, LServiceS, FromJID, Groups, Delivereds, Packet_stripped, AAttrs) -> %% Gather multicast service for each Group Groups2 = look_cached_servers(LServerS, Groups), %% Create Delivered XML element for each Group Groups3 = build_others_xml(Groups2), %% Add preliminary packet for each group Groups4 = add_addresses(Delivereds, Groups3), %% Decide action for each Group AGroups = decide_action_groups(Groups4), act_groups(FromJID, Packet_stripped, AAttrs, LServiceS, AGroups). act_groups(FromJID, Packet_stripped, AAttrs, LServiceS, AGroups) -> [perform(FromJID, Packet_stripped, AAttrs, LServiceS, AGroup) || AGroup <- AGroups]. perform(From, Packet, AAttrs, _, {route_single, Group}) -> [route_packet(From, ToUser, Packet, AAttrs, Group#group.addresses) || ToUser <- Group#group.dests]; perform(From, Packet, AAttrs, _, {{route_multicast, JID, RLimits}, Group}) -> route_packet_multicast(From, JID, Packet, AAttrs, Group#group.dests, Group#group.addresses, RLimits); perform(From, Packet, AAttrs, LServiceS, {{ask, Old_service, renewal}, Group}) -> send_query_info(Old_service, LServiceS), add_waiter(#waiter{awaiting = {[Old_service], LServiceS, info}, group = Group, renewal = true, sender = From, packet = Packet, aattrs = AAttrs, addresses = Group#group.addresses }); perform(From, Packet, AAttrs, LServiceS, {{ask, Server, not_renewal}, Group}) -> send_query_info(Server, LServiceS), add_waiter(#waiter{awaiting = {[Server], LServiceS, info}, group = Group, renewal = false, sender = From, packet = Packet, aattrs = AAttrs, addresses = Group#group.addresses }). %%%================================== %%%% Check access permission check_access(LServerS, Access, From) -> case acl:match_rule(LServerS, Access, From) of allow -> ok; _ -> throw(adenied) end. %%%================================== %%%% Strip 'addresses' XML element strip_addresses_element(Packet) -> case exmpp_xml:get_element(Packet, addresses) of undefined -> throw(eadsele); AddrEl -> case exmpp_xml:get_ns_as_atom(AddrEl) of ?NS_ADDRESS -> Packet_stripped = exmpp_xml:remove_elements(Packet, addresses), {ok, Packet_stripped, AddrEl#xmlel.attrs, exmpp_xml:get_child_elements(AddrEl)}; _ -> throw(ewxmlns) end end. %%%================================== %%%% Split Addresses %% @spec (Addresses) -> {To_deliver, Delivereds} %% @doc Split the addresses list into two lists: the ones to deliver, and the ones already delivered. split_addresses_todeliver(Addresses) -> lists:partition( fun(XML) -> case XML of #xmlel{name = address} = Packet -> case exmpp_xml:get_attribute_as_binary(Packet, <<"delivered">>, no_delivered) of <<"true">> -> false; _ -> Type = exmpp_xml:get_attribute_as_binary(Packet, <<"type">>, no_type), case Type of <<"to">> -> true; <<"cc">> -> true; <<"bcc">> -> true; _ -> false end end; _ -> false end end, Addresses). %%%================================== %%%% Check does not exceed limit of destinations check_limit_dests(SLimits, FromJID, Packet, Addresses) -> SenderT = sender_type(FromJID), Limits = get_slimit_group(SenderT, SLimits), Type_of_stanza = Packet#xmlel.name, {_Type, Limit_number} = get_limit_number(Type_of_stanza, Limits), case length(Addresses) > Limit_number of false -> ok; true -> throw(etoorec) end. %%%================================== %%%% Convert Destination XML to record convert_dest_record(XMLs) -> lists:map( fun(XML) -> case exmpp_xml:get_attribute_as_list(XML, <<"jid">>, "") of [] -> #dest{jid_string = none, full_xml = XML}; JIDS -> Type = exmpp_xml:get_attribute_as_list(XML, <<"type">>, ""), JIDJ = stj(JIDS), #dest{jid_string = JIDS, jid_jid = JIDJ, type = Type, full_xml = XML} end end, XMLs). %%%================================== %%%% Split destinations by existence of JID and send error messages for other dests split_dests_jid(Dests) -> lists:partition( fun(Dest) -> case Dest#dest.jid_string of none -> false; _ -> true end end, Dests). %% Sends an error message for each unknown address %% Currently only 'jid' addresses are acceptable on ejabberd report_not_jid(From, Packet, Dests) -> Dests2 = [exmpp_xml:document_to_list(Dest#dest.full_xml) || Dest <- Dests], [route_error(From, From, Packet, 'jid-malformed', "This service can not process the address: " ++ D) || D <- Dests2]. %%%================================== %%%% Group destinations by their servers group_dests(Dests) -> D = lists:foldl( fun(Dest, Dict) -> ServerS = exmpp_jid:domain_as_list(Dest#dest.jid_jid), dict:append(ServerS, Dest, Dict) end, dict:new(), Dests), Keys = dict:fetch_keys(D), [ #group{server = Key, dests = dict:fetch(Key, D)} || Key <- Keys ]. %%%================================== %%%% Look for cached responses look_cached_servers(LServerS, Groups) -> [look_cached(LServerS, Group) || Group <- Groups]. look_cached(LServerS, G) -> Maxtime_positive = ?MAXTIME_CACHE_POSITIVE, Maxtime_negative = ?MAXTIME_CACHE_NEGATIVE, Cached_response = search_server_on_cache(G#group.server, LServerS, {Maxtime_positive, Maxtime_negative}), G#group{multicast = Cached_response}. %%%================================== %%%% Build delivered XML element build_others_xml(Groups) -> [Group#group{others = build_other_xml(Group#group.dests)} || Group <- Groups]. %% Add delivered=true %% and remove addresses which type == bcc build_other_xml(Dests) -> lists:foldl( fun(Dest, R) -> XML = Dest#dest.full_xml, case Dest#dest.type of "to" -> [add_delivered(XML) | R]; "cc" -> [add_delivered(XML) | R]; "bcc" -> R; _ -> [XML | R] end end, [], Dests). add_delivered(Stanza) -> exmpp_xml:set_attribute(Stanza, <<"delivered">>, <<"true">>). %%%================================== %%%% Add preliminary packets add_addresses(Delivereds, Groups) -> Ps = [Group#group.others || Group <- Groups], add_addresses2(Delivereds, Groups, [], [], Ps). add_addresses2(_, [], Res, _, []) -> Res; add_addresses2(Delivereds, [Group | Groups], Res, Pa, [Pi | Pz]) -> Addresses = lists:append([Delivereds, Pi] ++ Pa ++ Pz), Group2 = Group#group{addresses = Addresses}, add_addresses2(Delivereds, Groups, [Group2 | Res], [Pi | Pa], Pz). %%%================================== %%%% Decide action groups decide_action_groups(Groups) -> [{decide_action_group(Group), Group} || Group <- Groups]. decide_action_group(Group) -> Server = Group#group.server, case Group#group.multicast of {cached, local_server} -> %% Send a copy of the packet to each local user on Dests route_single; {cached, not_supported} -> %% Send a copy of the packet to each remote user on Dests route_single; {cached, {multicast_supported, JID, RLimits}} -> %% XEP33 is supported by the server, thanks to this service {route_multicast, JID, RLimits}; {obsolete, {multicast_supported, Old_service, _RLimits}} -> {ask, Old_service, renewal}; {obsolete, not_supported} -> {ask, Server, not_renewal}; not_cached -> {ask, Server, not_renewal} end. %%%================================== %%%% Route packet %% Build and send packet to this group of destinations %% From = jid() %% ToS = string() route_packet(From, ToDest, Packet, AAttrs, Addresses) -> Dests = case ToDest#dest.type of "bcc" -> []; _ -> [] end, route_packet2(From, ToDest#dest.jid_string, Dests, Packet, AAttrs, Addresses). route_packet_multicast(From, ToS, Packet, AAttrs, Dests, Addresses, Limits) -> Type_of_stanza = Packet#xmlel.name, {_Type, Limit_number} = get_limit_number(Type_of_stanza, Limits), Fragmented_dests = fragment_dests(Dests, Limit_number), [route_packet2(From, ToS, DFragment, Packet, AAttrs, Addresses) || DFragment <- Fragmented_dests]. route_packet2(From, ToS, Dests, Packet, AAttrs, Addresses) -> Packet2 = case append_dests(Dests, Addresses) of [] -> Packet; ACs -> Children = [#xmlel{name = addresses, ns = ?NS_ADDRESS, attrs = AAttrs, children = ACs}], exmpp_xml:append_children(Packet, Children) end, ToJID = stj(ToS), ejabberd_router:route(From, ToJID, Packet2). append_dests([], Addresses) -> Addresses; append_dests([Dest | Dests], Addresses) -> append_dests(Dests, [Dest#dest.full_xml | Addresses]). %%%================================== %%%% Check relay check_relay(RS, LS, Gs) -> case check_relay_required(RS, LS, Gs) of false -> ok; true -> throw(edrelay) end. %% If the sender is external, and at least one destination is external, %% then this package requires relaying check_relay_required(RServer, LServerS, Groups) -> case string:str(RServer, LServerS) > 0 of true -> false; false -> check_relay_required(LServerS, Groups) end. check_relay_required(LServerS, Groups) -> lists:any( fun(Group) -> Group#group.server /= LServerS end, Groups). %%%================================== %%%% Check protocol support: Send request %% Ask the server if it supports XEP33 send_query_info(RServerS, LServiceS) -> %% Don't ask a service which JID is "echo.*", case string:str(RServerS, "echo.") of 1 -> false; _ -> send_query(RServerS, LServiceS, ?NS_DISCO_INFO) end. send_query_items(RServerS, LServiceS) -> send_query(RServerS, LServiceS, ?NS_DISCO_ITEMS). send_query(RServerS, LServiceS, XMLNS) -> Request = #xmlel{ns = XMLNS, name = 'query'}, Packet = exmpp_stanza:set_recipient( exmpp_iq:get(?NS_JABBER_CLIENT, Request), RServerS), ejabberd_router:route(stj(LServiceS), stj(RServerS), Packet). %%%================================== %%%% Check protocol support: Receive response: Error process_iqreply_error(From, LServiceS, _Packet) -> %% We don't need to change the TO attribute in the outgoing XMPP packet, %% since ejabberd will do it %% We do not change the FROM attribute in the outgoing XMPP packet, %% this way the user will know what server reported the error FromS = jts(From), case search_waiter(FromS, LServiceS, info) of {found_waiter, Waiter} -> received_awaiter(FromS, Waiter, LServiceS); _ -> ok end. %%%================================== %%%% Check protocol support: Receive response: Disco process_iqreply_result(From, LServiceS, Packet, State) -> QueryEl = exmpp_xml:get_element(Packet, 'query'), Els2 = exmpp_xml:get_child_elements(QueryEl), case exmpp_xml:get_ns_as_atom(QueryEl) of ?NS_DISCO_INFO -> process_discoinfo_result(From, LServiceS, Els2, State); ?NS_DISCO_ITEMS -> process_discoitems_result(From, LServiceS, Els2) end. %%%================================== %%%% Check protocol support: Receive response: Disco Info process_discoinfo_result(From, LServiceS, Els, _State) -> FromS = jts(From), case search_waiter(FromS, LServiceS, info) of {found_waiter, Waiter} -> process_discoinfo_result2(From, FromS, LServiceS, Els, Waiter); _ -> ok end. process_discoinfo_result2(From, FromS, LServiceS, Els, Waiter) -> %% Check the response, to see if it includes the XEP33 feature. If support == Multicast_support = lists:any( fun(XML) -> case XML of #xmlel{name = feature, attrs = Attrs} -> ?NS_ADDRESS_b == exmpp_xml:get_attribute_from_list_as_binary(Attrs, <<"var">>, ""); _ -> false end end, Els), Group = Waiter#waiter.group, RServer = Group#group.server, case Multicast_support of true -> %% Inspect the XML of the disco#info response to get the limits of the remote service SenderT = sender_type(From), RLimits = get_limits_xml(Els, SenderT), %% Store this response on cache add_response(RServer, {multicast_supported, FromS, RLimits}), %% Send XEP33 packet to JID FromM = Waiter#waiter.sender, DestsM = Group#group.dests, PacketM = Waiter#waiter.packet, AAttrsM = Waiter#waiter.aattrs, AddressesM = Waiter#waiter.addresses, RServiceM = FromS, route_packet_multicast(FromM, RServiceM, PacketM, AAttrsM, DestsM, AddressesM, RLimits), %% Remove from Pool delo_waiter(Waiter); false -> %% So we now know that JID does not support XEP33 case FromS of RServer -> %% We asked the server, now let's see if any component supports it: %% Send disco#items query to JID send_query_items(FromS, LServiceS), %% Store on Pool delo_waiter(Waiter), add_waiter(Waiter#waiter{ awaiting = {[FromS], LServiceS, items}, renewal = false }); %% We asked a component, and it does not support XEP33 _ -> received_awaiter(FromS, Waiter, LServiceS) end end. get_limits_xml(Els, SenderT) -> %% Get limits reported by the remote service LimitOpts = get_limits_els(Els), %% Build the final list of limits %% For the ones not reported, put default numbers build_remote_limit_record(LimitOpts, SenderT). %% Look for disco#info extras which may report limits get_limits_els(Els) -> lists:foldl( fun(XML, R) -> case XML of #xmlel{name = x, attrs = Attrs, children = SubEls} -> %%TODO: do ask for "xmlns" works here?. Seems it should ask for namespace? case (?NS_DATA_FORMS_b == exmpp_xml:get_attribute_from_list_as_binary(Attrs, <<"xmlns">>, "")) and (<<"result">> == exmpp_xml:get_attribute_from_list_as_binary(Attrs, <<"type">>, "")) of true -> get_limits_fields(SubEls) ++ R; false -> R end; _ -> R end end, [], Els ). get_limits_fields(Fields) -> {Head, Tail} = lists:partition( fun(Field) -> case Field of #xmlel{name = field, attrs = Attrs} -> (<<"FORM_TYPE">> == exmpp_xml:get_attribute_from_list_as_binary(Attrs, <<"var">>, "")) and (<<"hidden">> == exmpp_xml:get_attribute_from_list_as_binary(Attrs, <<"type">>, "")); _ -> false end end, Fields ), case Head of [] -> []; _ -> get_limits_values(Tail) end. get_limits_values(Values) -> lists:foldl( fun(Value, R) -> case Value of #xmlel{name = field, attrs = Attrs, children = SubEls} -> %% TODO: Only one subel is expected here, but there may be several #xmlel{children = SubElsV} = exmpp_xml:get_element(SubEls, value), Number = exmpp_xml:get_cdata_from_list_as_list(SubElsV), Name = exmpp_xml:get_attribute_from_list_as_list(Attrs, <<"var">>, ""), [{list_to_atom(Name), list_to_integer(Number)} | R]; _ -> R end end, [], Values ). %%%================================== %%%% Check protocol support: Receive response: Disco Items process_discoitems_result(From, LServiceS, Els) -> %% Convert list of xmlel into list of strings List = lists:foldl( fun(XML, Res) -> %% For each one, if it's "item", look for jid case XML of #xmlel{name = item, attrs = Attrs} -> Res ++ [exmpp_xml:get_attribute_from_list_as_list(Attrs, <<"jid">>, "")]; _ -> Res end end, [], Els), %% Send disco#info queries to each item [send_query_info(Item, LServiceS) || Item <- List], %% Search who was awaiting a disco#items response from this JID FromS = jts(From), {found_waiter, Waiter} = search_waiter(FromS, LServiceS, items), case List of [] -> %% The server doesn't support XEP33, and it has no items received_awaiter(FromS, Waiter, LServiceS); _ -> delo_waiter(Waiter), add_waiter(Waiter#waiter{ awaiting = {List, LServiceS, info}, renewal = false }) end. %%%================================== %%%% Check protocol support: Receive response: Received awaiter received_awaiter(JID, Waiter, LServiceS) -> {JIDs, LServiceS, _WaiterType} = Waiter#waiter.awaiting, delo_waiter(Waiter), Group = Waiter#waiter.group, RServer = Group#group.server, %% Remove this awaiter from the list of awaiting JIDs. case lists:delete(JID, JIDs) of [] -> %% We couldn't find any service in this server that supports XEP33 case Waiter#waiter.renewal of false -> %% Store on cache the response add_response(RServer, not_supported), %% Send a copy of the packet to each remote user on Dests From = Waiter#waiter.sender, Packet = Waiter#waiter.packet, AAttrs = Waiter#waiter.aattrs, Addresses = Waiter#waiter.addresses, [route_packet(From, ToUser, Packet, AAttrs, Addresses) || ToUser <- Group#group.dests]; true -> %% We asked this component because the cache %% said it would support XEP33, but it doesn't! send_query_info(RServer, LServiceS), add_waiter(Waiter#waiter{ awaiting = {[RServer], LServiceS, info}, renewal = false }) end; JIDs2 -> %% Maybe other component on the server supports XEP33 add_waiter(Waiter#waiter{ awaiting = {JIDs2, LServiceS, info}, renewal = false }) end. %%%================================== %%%% Cache create_cache() -> mnesia:create_table(multicastc, [{ram_copies, [node()]}, {attributes, record_info(fields, multicastc)}]). %% Add this response to the cache. %% If a previous response still exists, it's overwritten add_response(RServer, Response) -> Secs = calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds(calendar:now_to_datetime(now())), mnesia:dirty_write(#multicastc{rserver = RServer, response = Response, ts = Secs}). %% Search on the cache if there is a response for the server %% If there is a response but is obsolete, %% don't bother removing since it will later be overwritten anyway search_server_on_cache(RServer, LServerS, _Maxmins) when RServer == LServerS -> {cached, local_server}; search_server_on_cache(RServer, _LServerS, Maxmins) -> case look_server(RServer) of not_cached -> not_cached; {cached, Response, Ts} -> Now = calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds(calendar:now_to_datetime(now())), case is_obsolete(Response, Ts, Now, Maxmins) of false -> {cached, Response}; true -> {obsolete, Response} end end. look_server(RServer) -> case mnesia:dirty_read(multicastc, RServer) of [] -> not_cached; [M] -> {cached, M#multicastc.response, M#multicastc.ts} end. is_obsolete(Response, Ts, Now, {Max_pos, Max_neg}) -> Max = case Response of multicast_not_supported -> Max_neg; _ -> Max_pos end, (Now - Ts) > Max. %%%================================== %%%% Purge cache purge() -> Maxmins_positive = ?MAXTIME_CACHE_POSITIVE, Maxmins_negative = ?MAXTIME_CACHE_NEGATIVE, Now = calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds(calendar:now_to_datetime(now())), purge(Now, {Maxmins_positive, Maxmins_negative}). purge(Now, Maxmins) -> F = fun() -> mnesia:foldl( fun(R, _) -> #multicastc{response = Response, ts = Ts} = R, %% If this record is obsolete, delete it case is_obsolete(Response, Ts, Now, Maxmins) of true -> mnesia:delete_object(R); false -> ok end end, none, multicastc) end, mnesia:transaction(F). %%%================================== %%%% Purge cache loop try_start_loop() -> case lists:member(?PURGE_PROCNAME, registered()) of true -> ok; false -> start_loop() end, ?PURGE_PROCNAME ! new_module. start_loop() -> register(?PURGE_PROCNAME, spawn(?MODULE, purge_loop, [0])), ?PURGE_PROCNAME ! purge_now. try_stop_loop() -> ?PURGE_PROCNAME ! try_stop. %% NM = number of modules are running on this node purge_loop(NM) -> receive purge_now -> purge(), timer:send_after(?CACHE_PURGE_TIMER, ?PURGE_PROCNAME, purge_now), purge_loop(NM); new_module -> purge_loop(NM + 1); try_stop when NM > 1 -> purge_loop(NM - 1); try_stop -> purge_loop_finished end. %%%================================== %%%% Pool create_pool() -> catch ets:new(multicastp, [duplicate_bag, public, named_table, {keypos, 2}]). %% If a Waiter with the same key exists, it overwrites it add_waiter(Waiter) -> true = ets:insert(multicastp, Waiter). delo_waiter(Waiter) -> true = ets:delete_object(multicastp, Waiter). %% Search on the Pool who is waiting for this result %% If there are several matches, pick the first one only search_waiter(JID, LServiceS, Type) -> Rs = ets:foldl( fun(W, Res) -> {JIDs, LServiceS1, Type1} = W#waiter.awaiting, case lists:member(JID, JIDs) and (LServiceS == LServiceS1) and (Type1 == Type) of true -> Res ++ [W]; false -> Res end end, [], multicastp ), case Rs of [R | _] -> {found_waiter, R}; [] -> waiter_not_found end. %%%================================== %%%% Limits: utils %% Type definitions for data structures related with XEP33 limits %% limit() = {Name, Value} %% Name = atom() %% Value = {Type, Number} %% Type = default | custom %% Number = integer() | infinite list_of_limits(local) -> [{message, ?DEFAULT_LIMIT_LOCAL_MESSAGE}, {presence, ?DEFAULT_LIMIT_LOCAL_PRESENCE}]; list_of_limits(remote) -> [{message, ?DEFAULT_LIMIT_REMOTE_MESSAGE}, {presence, ?DEFAULT_LIMIT_REMOTE_PRESENCE}]. build_service_limit_record(LimitOpts) -> LimitOptsL = get_from_limitopts(LimitOpts, local), LimitOptsR = get_from_limitopts(LimitOpts, remote), {service_limits, build_limit_record(LimitOptsL, local), build_limit_record(LimitOptsR, remote) }. get_from_limitopts(LimitOpts, SenderT) -> [{StanzaT, Number} || {SenderT2, StanzaT, Number} <- LimitOpts, SenderT =:= SenderT2]. %% Build a record of type #limits{} %% In fact, it builds a list and then converts to tuple %% It is important to put the elements in the list in %% the same order than the elements in record #limits build_remote_limit_record(LimitOpts, SenderT) -> build_limit_record(LimitOpts, SenderT). build_limit_record(LimitOpts, SenderT) -> Limits = [ get_limit_value(Name, Default, LimitOpts) || {Name, Default} <- list_of_limits(SenderT)], list_to_tuple([limits | Limits]). get_limit_value(Name, Default, LimitOpts) -> case lists:keysearch(Name, 1, LimitOpts) of {value, {Name, Number}} -> {custom, Number}; false -> {default, Default} end. get_limit_number(message, Limits) -> Limits#limits.message; get_limit_number(presence, Limits) -> Limits#limits.presence. get_slimit_group(local, SLimits) -> SLimits#service_limits.local; get_slimit_group(remote, SLimits) -> SLimits#service_limits.remote. fragment_dests(Dests, Limit_number) -> {R, _} = lists:foldl( fun(Dest, {Res, Count}) -> case Count of Limit_number -> Head2 = [Dest], {[Head2 | Res], 0}; _ -> [Head | Tail] = Res, Head2 = [Dest | Head], {[Head2 | Tail], Count+1} end end, {[[]], 0}, Dests), R. %%%================================== %%%% Limits: XEP-0128 Service Discovery Extensions %% Some parts of code are borrowed from mod_muc_room.erl -define(RFIELDT(Type, Var, Val), #xmlel{name = 'field', attrs = [?XMLATTR(<<"type">>, Type), ?XMLATTR(<<"var">>, Var)], children = [#xmlel{name = 'value', children = [#xmlcdata{cdata = Val}]}]}). -define(RFIELDV(Var, Val), #xmlel{name = 'field', attrs = [?XMLATTR(<<"var">>, Var)], children = [#xmlel{name = 'value', children = [#xmlcdata{cdata = Val}]}]}). iq_disco_info_extras(From, State) -> SenderT = sender_type(From), Service_limits = State#state.service_limits, case iq_disco_info_extras2(SenderT, Service_limits) of [] -> []; List_limits_xmpp -> Children = [?RFIELDT("hidden", "FORM_TYPE", ?NS_ADDRESS)] ++ List_limits_xmpp, [#xmlel{name = x, ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, attrs = [#xmlattr{name = <<"type">>, value = <<"result">>}], children = Children}] end. sender_type(From) -> Local_hosts = ?MYHOSTS, case lists:member(exmpp_jid:domain_as_list(From), Local_hosts) of true -> local; false -> remote end. iq_disco_info_extras2(SenderT, SLimits) -> %% And report only the limits that are interesting for this sender Limits = get_slimit_group(SenderT, SLimits), Stanza_types = [message, presence], lists:foldl( fun(Type_of_stanza, R) -> %% Report only custom limits case get_limit_number(Type_of_stanza, Limits) of {custom, Number} -> [?RFIELDV(to_string(Type_of_stanza), list_to_binary(to_string(Number))) | R]; {default, _} -> R end end, [], Stanza_types). to_string(A) -> hd(io_lib:format("~p",[A])). %%%================================== %%%% Error report route_error(From, To, Packet, ErrType, ErrText) -> Lang = exmpp_stanza:get_lang(Packet), Err = exmpp_stanza:reply_with_error( Packet, ?ERR(Packet, ErrType, Lang, ErrText) ), ejabberd_router:route(From, To, Err). stj(String) -> exmpp_jid:parse(String). jts(String) -> exmpp_jid:prep_to_list(String). %%%================================== %%% vim: set foldmethod=marker foldmarker=%%%%,%%%=: