#!/usr/bin/env escript %% -*- erlang -*- %%! -pa ebin main(Dirs) -> Txts = lists:foldl( fun(Dir, Acc) -> EbinDir = filename:join(Dir, "ebin"), SrcDir = filename:join(Dir, "src"), filelib:fold_files( EbinDir, ".+\.beam\$", false, fun(BeamFile, Res) -> Mod = mod(BeamFile), ErlFile = filename:join(SrcDir, Mod ++ ".erl"), case get_forms(BeamFile, ErlFile) of {ok, BeamForms, ErlForms} -> process_forms(BeamForms, Mod, application) ++ process_forms(ErlForms, Mod, macro) ++ Res; _Err -> Res end end, Acc) end, [], Dirs), Dict = lists:foldl( fun({B, Meta}, Acc) -> dict:update( binary_to_list(B), fun(OldMeta) -> lists:usort([Meta|OldMeta]) end, [Meta], Acc) end, dict:new(), Txts), generate_pot(Dict). process_forms(Forms, Mod, Type) -> Tree = erl_syntax:form_list(Forms), erl_syntax_lib:fold_subtrees( fun(Form, Acc) -> case erl_syntax:type(Form) of function -> case map(Form, Mod, Type) of [] -> Acc; Vars -> Vars ++ Acc end; _ -> Acc end end, [], Tree). map(Tree, Mod, Type) -> Vars = erl_syntax_lib:fold( fun(Form, Acc) -> case erl_syntax:type(Form) of Type when Type == application -> analyze_app(Form, Mod) ++ Acc; Type when Type == macro -> analyze_macro(Form, Mod) ++ Acc; _ -> Acc end end, [], Tree), Bins = lists:flatmap( fun({Var, Pos}) when is_atom(Var) -> Res = erl_syntax_lib:fold( fun(Form, Acc) -> case process_match_expr( Form, Var, Mod) of {ok, Binary, NewPos} -> [{Binary, NewPos}|Acc]; error -> Acc end end, [], Tree), case Res of [] -> log("~s:~p: unresolved variable: ~s~n", [Mod, Pos, Var]); _ -> ok end, Res; ({Var, Pos}) when is_binary(Var) -> [{Var, Pos}] end, lists:usort(Vars)), [{B, {Mod, Pos}} || {B, Pos} <- Bins, B /= <<"">>]. process_match_expr(Form, Var, Mod) -> case erl_syntax:type(Form) of match_expr -> Pattern = erl_syntax:match_expr_pattern(Form), Body = erl_syntax:match_expr_body(Form), {V, Expr} = case {erl_syntax:type(Pattern), erl_syntax:type(Body)} of {variable, _} -> {erl_syntax:variable_name(Pattern), Body}; {_, variable} -> {erl_syntax:variable_name(Body), Pattern}; _ -> {'', none} end, Text = maybe_extract_tuple(Expr), if V == Var -> Pos = erl_syntax:get_pos(Text), try {ok, erl_syntax:concrete(Text), Pos} catch _:_ -> case catch erl_syntax_lib:analyze_application(Text) of {_M, {Fn, 1}} when Fn == format_error; Fn == io_format_error -> error; _ -> log("~s:~p: not a binary: ~s~n", [Mod, Pos, erl_prettypr:format(Text)]), {ok, <<>>, Pos} end end; true -> error end; _ -> error end. maybe_extract_tuple(none) -> none; maybe_extract_tuple(Form) -> try tuple = erl_syntax:type(Form), [Text, _] = erl_syntax:tuple_elements(Form), Text catch _:{badmatch, _} -> Form end. analyze_app(Form, Mod) -> try {M, {F, A}} = erl_syntax_lib:analyze_application(Form), Args = erl_syntax:application_arguments(Form), Txt = case {M, atom_to_list(F), A, Args} of {xmpp, "err_" ++ _, 2, [T|_]} -> T; {xmpp, "serr_" ++ _, 2, [T|_]} -> T; {xmpp, "mk_text", 2, [T|_]} -> T; {xmpp_tr, "tr", 2, [_,T|_]} -> T; {translate, "translate", 2, [_,T|_]} -> T end, Pos = erl_syntax:get_pos(Txt), case erl_syntax:type(Txt) of binary -> try [{erl_syntax:concrete(Txt), Pos}] catch _:_ -> Pos = erl_syntax:get_pos(Txt), log("~s:~p: not a binary: ~s~n", [Mod, Pos, erl_prettypr:format(Txt)]), [] end; variable -> [{erl_syntax:variable_name(Txt), Pos}]; application -> Vars = sets:to_list(erl_syntax_lib:variables(Txt)), case Vars of [Var] -> [{Var, Pos}]; [_|_] -> log("Too many variables: ~p~n", [Vars]), []; [] -> [] end; _ -> [] end catch _:{badmatch, _} -> []; _:{case_clause, _} -> [] end. analyze_macro(Form, Mod) -> try Name = erl_syntax:macro_name(Form), variable = erl_syntax:type(Name), 'T' = erl_syntax:variable_name(Name), [Txt] = erl_syntax:macro_arguments(Form), string = erl_syntax:type(Txt), Pos = erl_syntax:get_pos(Txt), try [{list_to_binary(erl_syntax:string_value(Txt)), Pos}] catch _:_ -> log("~s:~p: not a binary: ~s~n", [Mod, Pos, erl_prettypr:format(Txt)]), [] end catch _:{badmatch, _} -> [] end. generate_pot(Dict) -> io:format("~s~n~n", [pot_header()]), lists:foreach( fun({Msg, Location}) -> S1 = format_location(Location), S2 = format_msg(Msg), io:format("~smsgstr \"\"~n~n", [S1 ++ S2]) end, lists:keysort(1, dict:to_list(Dict))). format_location([A, B, C|T]) -> format_location_list([A,B,C]) ++ format_location(T); format_location([A, B|T]) -> format_location_list([A,B]) ++ format_location(T); format_location([A|T]) -> format_location_list([A]) ++ format_location(T); format_location([]) -> "". format_location_list(L) -> "#: " ++ string:join( lists:map( fun({File, Pos}) -> io_lib:format("~s.erl:~B", [File, Pos]) end, L), " ") ++ io_lib:nl(). format_msg(Bin) -> io_lib:format("msgid \"~s\"~n", [escape(Bin)]). escape(Bin) -> lists:map( fun($") -> "\\\""; (C) -> C end, binary_to_list(iolist_to_binary(Bin))). pot_header() -> string:join( ["msgid \"\"", "msgstr \"\"", "\"Project-Id-Version: 15.11.127\\n\"", "\"X-Language: Language Name\\n\"", "\"Last-Translator: Translator name and contact method\\n\"", "\"MIME-Version: 1.0\\n\"", "\"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\n\"", "\"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\\n\""], io_lib:nl()). mod(Path) -> filename:rootname(filename:basename(Path)). log(Format, Args) -> io:format(standard_error, Format, Args). get_forms(BeamFile, ErlFile) -> try {ok, BeamForms} = get_beam_forms(BeamFile), {ok, ErlForms} = get_erl_forms(ErlFile), {ok, BeamForms, ErlForms} catch _:{badmatch, error} -> error end. get_beam_forms(File) -> case beam_lib:chunks(File, [abstract_code]) of {ok, {_, List}} -> case lists:keyfind(abstract_code, 1, List) of {abstract_code, {raw_abstract_v1, Abstr}} -> {ok, Abstr}; _Err -> log("failed to get abstract code from ~s~n", [File]), error end; Err -> log("failed to read chunks from ~s: ~p~n", [File, Err]), error end. get_erl_forms(Path) -> case file:open(Path, [read]) of {ok, Fd} -> parse(Path, Fd, 1, []); {error, Why} -> log("failed to read ~s: ~s~n", [Path, file:format_error(Why)]), error end. parse(Path, Fd, Line, Acc) -> {ok, Pos} = file:position(Fd, cur), case epp_dodger:parse_form(Fd, Line) of {ok, Form, NewLine} -> {ok, NewPos} = file:position(Fd, cur), {ok, RawForm} = file:pread(Fd, Pos, NewPos - Pos), file:position(Fd, {bof, NewPos}), AnnForm = erl_syntax:set_ann(Form, RawForm), parse(Path, Fd, NewLine, [AnnForm|Acc]); {eof, _} -> {ok, NewPos} = file:position(Fd, cur), if NewPos > Pos -> {ok, RawForm} = file:pread(Fd, Pos, NewPos - Pos), Form = erl_syntax:text(""), AnnForm = erl_syntax:set_ann(Form, RawForm), {ok, lists:reverse([AnnForm|Acc])}; true -> {ok, lists:reverse(Acc)} end; Err -> log("failed to parse ~s: ~p~n", [Path, Err]), error end.