%%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% File : mnesia_mnesia.erl %%% Author : Christophe Romain %%% Purpose : Handle configurable mnesia schema %%% Created : 17 Nov 2016 by Christophe Romain %%% %%% %%% ejabberd, Copyright (C) 2002-2019 ProcessOne %%% %%% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or %%% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as %%% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the %%% License, or (at your option) any later version. %%% %%% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, %%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of %%% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU %%% General Public License for more details. %%% %%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along %%% with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., %%% 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. %%% %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% This module should be used everywhere ejabberd creates a mnesia table %%% to make the schema customizable without code change %%% Just apply this change in ejabberd modules %%% s/ejabberd_mnesia:create(?MODULE, /ejabberd_mnesia:create(?MODULE, / -module(ejabberd_mnesia). -author('christophe.romain@process-one.net'). -behaviour(gen_server). -export([start/0, create/3, update/2, transform/2, transform/3, dump_schema/0]). %% gen_server callbacks -export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2, terminate/2, code_change/3]). -define(STORAGE_TYPES, [disc_copies, disc_only_copies, ram_copies]). -define(NEED_RESET, [local_content, type]). -include("logger.hrl"). -include("ejabberd_stacktrace.hrl"). -record(state, {tables = #{} :: tables(), schema = [] :: [{atom(), custom_schema()}]}). -type tables() :: #{atom() => {[{atom(), term()}], term()}}. -type custom_schema() :: [{ram_copies | disc_copies | disc_only_copies, [node()]} | {local_content, boolean()} | {type, set | ordered_set | bag} | {attributes, [atom()]} | {index, [atom()]}]. start() -> gen_server:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, [], []). -spec create(module(), atom(), list()) -> any(). create(Module, Name, TabDef) -> gen_server:call(?MODULE, {create, Module, Name, TabDef}, %% Huge timeout is need to have enough %% time to transform huge tables timer:minutes(30)). init([]) -> ejabberd_config:env_binary_to_list(mnesia, dir), MyNode = node(), DbNodes = mnesia:system_info(db_nodes), case lists:member(MyNode, DbNodes) of true -> case mnesia:system_info(extra_db_nodes) of [] -> mnesia:create_schema([node()]); _ -> ok end, ejabberd:start_app(mnesia, permanent), ?DEBUG("Waiting for Mnesia tables synchronization...", []), mnesia:wait_for_tables(mnesia:system_info(local_tables), infinity), Schema = read_schema_file(), {ok, #state{schema = Schema}}; false -> ?CRITICAL_MSG("Node name mismatch: I'm [~s], " "the database is owned by ~p", [MyNode, DbNodes]), ?CRITICAL_MSG("Either set ERLANG_NODE in ejabberdctl.cfg " "or change node name in Mnesia", []), {stop, node_name_mismatch} end. handle_call({create, Module, Name, TabDef}, _From, State) -> case maps:get(Name, State#state.tables, undefined) of {TabDef, Result} -> {reply, Result, State}; _ -> Result = do_create(Module, Name, TabDef, State#state.schema), Tables = maps:put(Name, {TabDef, Result}, State#state.tables), {reply, Result, State#state{tables = Tables}} end; handle_call(Request, From, State) -> ?WARNING_MSG("Unexpected call from ~p: ~p", [From, Request]), {noreply, State}. handle_cast(Msg, State) -> ?WARNING_MSG("Unexpected cast: ~p", [Msg]), {noreply, State}. handle_info(Info, State) -> ?WARNING_MSG("Unexpected info: ~p", [Info]), {noreply, State}. terminate(_Reason, _State) -> ok. code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) -> {ok, State}. do_create(Module, Name, TabDef, TabDefs) -> code:ensure_loaded(Module), Schema = schema(Name, TabDef, TabDefs), {attributes, Attrs} = lists:keyfind(attributes, 1, Schema), case catch mnesia:table_info(Name, attributes) of {'EXIT', _} -> create(Name, TabDef); Attrs -> case need_reset(Name, Schema) of true -> reset(Name, Schema); false -> case update(Name, Attrs, Schema) of {atomic, ok} -> transform(Module, Name, Attrs, Attrs); Err -> Err end end; OldAttrs -> transform(Module, Name, OldAttrs, Attrs) end. reset(Name, TabDef) -> ?INFO_MSG("Deleting Mnesia table '~s'", [Name]), mnesia_op(delete_table, [Name]), create(Name, TabDef). update(Name, TabDef) -> {attributes, Attrs} = lists:keyfind(attributes, 1, TabDef), update(Name, Attrs, TabDef). update(Name, Attrs, TabDef) -> case change_table_copy_type(Name, TabDef) of {atomic, ok} -> CurrIndexes = [lists:nth(N-1, Attrs) || N <- mnesia:table_info(Name, index)], NewIndexes = proplists:get_value(index, TabDef, []), case delete_indexes(Name, CurrIndexes -- NewIndexes) of {atomic, ok} -> add_indexes(Name, NewIndexes -- CurrIndexes); Err -> Err end; Err -> Err end. change_table_copy_type(Name, TabDef) -> CurrType = mnesia:table_info(Name, storage_type), NewType = case lists:filter(fun is_storage_type_option/1, TabDef) of [{Type, _}|_] -> Type; [] -> CurrType end, if NewType /= CurrType -> ?INFO_MSG("Changing Mnesia table '~s' from ~s to ~s", [Name, CurrType, NewType]), mnesia_op(change_table_copy_type, [Name, node(), NewType]); true -> {atomic, ok} end. delete_indexes(Name, [Index|Indexes]) -> ?INFO_MSG("Deleting index '~s' from Mnesia table '~s'", [Index, Name]), case mnesia_op(del_table_index, [Name, Index]) of {atomic, ok} -> delete_indexes(Name, Indexes); Err -> Err end; delete_indexes(_Name, []) -> {atomic, ok}. add_indexes(Name, [Index|Indexes]) -> ?INFO_MSG("Adding index '~s' to Mnesia table '~s'", [Index, Name]), case mnesia_op(add_table_index, [Name, Index]) of {atomic, ok} -> add_indexes(Name, Indexes); Err -> Err end; add_indexes(_Name, []) -> {atomic, ok}. % % utilities % schema(Name, Default, Schema) -> case lists:keyfind(Name, 1, Schema) of {_, Custom} -> TabDefs = merge(Custom, Default), ?DEBUG("Using custom schema for table '~s': ~p", [Name, TabDefs]), TabDefs; false -> Default end. -spec read_schema_file() -> [{atom(), custom_schema()}]. read_schema_file() -> File = schema_path(), case fast_yaml:decode_from_file(File, [plain_as_atom]) of {ok, Y} -> case econf:validate(validator(), lists:flatten(Y)) of {ok, []} -> ?WARNING_MSG("Mnesia schema file ~s is empty", [File]), []; {ok, Config} -> lists:map( fun({Tab, Opts}) -> {Tab, lists:map( fun({storage_type, T}) -> {T, [node()]}; (Other) -> Other end, Opts)} end, Config); {error, Reason, Ctx} -> ?ERROR_MSG("Failed to read Mnesia schema from ~s: ~s", [File, econf:format_error(Reason, Ctx)]), [] end; {error, enoent} -> ?DEBUG("No custom Mnesia schema file found at ~s", [File]), []; {error, Reason} -> ?ERROR_MSG("Failed to read Mnesia schema file ~s: ~s", [File, fast_yaml:format_error(Reason)]) end. -spec validator() -> econf:validator(). validator() -> econf:map( econf:atom(), econf:options( #{storage_type => econf:enum([ram_copies, disc_copies, disc_only_copies]), local_content => econf:bool(), type => econf:enum([set, ordered_set, bag]), attributes => econf:list(econf:atom()), index => econf:list(econf:atom())}, [{return, orddict}, unique]), [unique]). create(Name, TabDef) -> Type = lists:foldl( fun({ram_copies, _}, _) -> " ram "; ({disc_copies, _}, _) -> " disc "; ({disc_only_copies, _}, _) -> " disc_only "; (_, Acc) -> Acc end, " ", TabDef), ?INFO_MSG("Creating Mnesia~stable '~s'", [Type, Name]), case mnesia_op(create_table, [Name, TabDef]) of {atomic, ok} -> add_table_copy(Name); Err -> Err end. %% The table MUST exist, otherwise the function would fail add_table_copy(Name) -> Type = mnesia:table_info(Name, storage_type), Nodes = mnesia:table_info(Name, Type), case lists:member(node(), Nodes) of true -> {atomic, ok}; false -> mnesia_op(add_table_copy, [Name, node(), Type]) end. merge(Custom, Default) -> NewDefault = case lists:any(fun is_storage_type_option/1, Custom) of true -> lists:filter( fun(O) -> not is_storage_type_option(O) end, Default); false -> Default end, lists:ukeymerge(1, Custom, lists:ukeysort(1, NewDefault)). need_reset(Table, TabDef) -> ValuesF = [mnesia:table_info(Table, Key) || Key <- ?NEED_RESET], ValuesT = [proplists:get_value(Key, TabDef) || Key <- ?NEED_RESET], lists:foldl( fun({Val, Val}, Acc) -> Acc; ({_, undefined}, Acc) -> Acc; ({_, _}, _) -> true end, false, lists:zip(ValuesF, ValuesT)). transform(Module, Name) -> try mnesia:table_info(Name, attributes) of Attrs -> transform(Module, Name, Attrs, Attrs) catch _:{aborted, _} = Err -> Err end. transform(Module, Name, NewAttrs) -> try mnesia:table_info(Name, attributes) of OldAttrs -> transform(Module, Name, OldAttrs, NewAttrs) catch _:{aborted, _} = Err -> Err end. transform(Module, Name, Attrs, Attrs) -> case need_transform(Module, Name) of true -> ?INFO_MSG("Transforming table '~s', this may take a while", [Name]), transform_table(Module, Name); false -> {atomic, ok} end; transform(Module, Name, OldAttrs, NewAttrs) -> Fun = case erlang:function_exported(Module, transform, 1) of true -> transform_fun(Module, Name); false -> fun(Old) -> do_transform(OldAttrs, NewAttrs, Old) end end, mnesia_op(transform_table, [Name, Fun, NewAttrs]). -spec need_transform(module(), atom()) -> boolean(). need_transform(Module, Name) -> case erlang:function_exported(Module, need_transform, 1) of true -> do_need_transform(Module, Name, mnesia:dirty_first(Name)); false -> false end. do_need_transform(_Module, _Name, '$end_of_table') -> false; do_need_transform(Module, Name, Key) -> Objs = mnesia:dirty_read(Name, Key), case lists:foldl( fun(_, true) -> true; (Obj, _) -> Module:need_transform(Obj) end, undefined, Objs) of true -> true; false -> false; _ -> do_need_transform(Module, Name, mnesia:dirty_next(Name, Key)) end. do_transform(OldAttrs, Attrs, Old) -> [Name|OldValues] = tuple_to_list(Old), Before = lists:zip(OldAttrs, OldValues), After = lists:foldl( fun(Attr, Acc) -> case lists:keyfind(Attr, 1, Before) of false -> [{Attr, undefined}|Acc]; Value -> [Value|Acc] end end, [], lists:reverse(Attrs)), {Attrs, NewRecord} = lists:unzip(After), list_to_tuple([Name|NewRecord]). transform_fun(Module, Name) -> fun(Obj) -> try Module:transform(Obj) catch ?EX_RULE(Class, Reason, St) -> StackTrace = ?EX_STACK(St), ?ERROR_MSG("Failed to transform Mnesia table ~s:~n" "** Record: ~p~n" "** ~s", [Name, Obj, misc:format_exception(2, Class, Reason, StackTrace)]), erlang:raise(Class, Reason, StackTrace) end end. transform_table(Module, Name) -> Type = mnesia:table_info(Name, type), Attrs = mnesia:table_info(Name, attributes), TmpTab = list_to_atom(atom_to_list(Name) ++ "_backup"), StorageType = if Type == ordered_set -> disc_copies; true -> disc_only_copies end, mnesia:create_table(TmpTab, [{StorageType, [node()]}, {type, Type}, {local_content, true}, {record_name, Name}, {attributes, Attrs}]), mnesia:clear_table(TmpTab), Fun = transform_fun(Module, Name), Res = mnesia_op( transaction, [fun() -> do_transform_table(Name, Fun, TmpTab, mnesia:first(Name)) end]), mnesia:delete_table(TmpTab), Res. do_transform_table(Name, _Fun, TmpTab, '$end_of_table') -> mnesia:foldl( fun(Obj, _) -> mnesia:write(Name, Obj, write) end, ok, TmpTab); do_transform_table(Name, Fun, TmpTab, Key) -> Next = mnesia:next(Name, Key), Objs = mnesia:read(Name, Key), lists:foreach( fun(Obj) -> mnesia:write(TmpTab, Fun(Obj), write), mnesia:delete_object(Obj) end, Objs), do_transform_table(Name, Fun, TmpTab, Next). mnesia_op(Fun, Args) -> case apply(mnesia, Fun, Args) of {atomic, ok} -> {atomic, ok}; Other -> ?ERROR_MSG("Failure on mnesia ~s ~p: ~p", [Fun, Args, Other]), Other end. schema_path() -> Dir = case os:getenv("EJABBERD_MNESIA_SCHEMA") of false -> mnesia:system_info(directory); Path -> Path end, filename:join(Dir, "ejabberd.schema"). is_storage_type_option({O, _}) -> O == ram_copies orelse O == disc_copies orelse O == disc_only_copies. dump_schema() -> File = schema_path(), Schema = lists:flatmap( fun(schema) -> []; (Tab) -> [{Tab, [{storage_type, mnesia:table_info(Tab, storage_type)}, {local_content, mnesia:table_info(Tab, local_content)}]}] end, mnesia:system_info(tables)), case file:write_file(File, [fast_yaml:encode(Schema), io_lib:nl()]) of ok -> io:format("Mnesia schema is written to ~s~n", [File]); {error, Reason} -> io:format("Failed to write Mnesia schema to ~s: ~s", [File, file:format_error(Reason)]) end.