-include_lib("common_test/include/ct.hrl"). -include_lib("fast_xml/include/fxml.hrl"). -include("ns.hrl"). -include("ejabberd.hrl"). -include("mod_proxy65.hrl"). -include("xmpp_codec.hrl"). -define(STREAM_TRAILER, <<"">>). -define(PUBSUB(Node), <<(?NS_PUBSUB)/binary, "#", Node>>). -define(EJABBERD_CT_URI, <<"http://www.process-one.net/en/ejabberd_ct/">>). -define(recv1(P1), P1 = (fun() -> V = recv(Config), case V of P1 -> V; _ -> suite:match_failure([V], [??P1]) end end)()). -define(recv2(P1, P2), (fun() -> case {R1 = recv(Config), R2 = recv(Config)} of {P1, P2} -> {R1, R2}; {P2, P1} -> {R2, R1}; {P1, V1} -> suite:match_failure([V1], [P2]); {P2, V2} -> suite:match_failure([V2], [P1]); {V3, P1} -> suite:match_failure([V3], [P2]); {V4, P2} -> suite:match_failure([V4], [P1]); {V5, V6} -> suite:match_failure([V5, V6], [P1, P2]) end end)()). -define(recv3(P1, P2, P3), (fun() -> case R3 = recv(Config) of P1 -> insert(R3, 1, ?recv2(P2, P3)); P2 -> insert(R3, 2, ?recv2(P1, P3)); P3 -> insert(R3, 3, ?recv2(P1, P2)); V -> suite:match_failure([V], [P1, P2, P3]) end end)()). -define(recv4(P1, P2, P3, P4), (fun() -> case R4 = recv(Config) of P1 -> insert(R4, 1, ?recv3(P2, P3, P4)); P2 -> insert(R4, 2, ?recv3(P1, P3, P4)); P3 -> insert(R4, 3, ?recv3(P1, P2, P4)); P4 -> insert(R4, 4, ?recv3(P1, P2, P3)); V -> suite:match_failure([V], [P1, P2, P3, P4]) end end)()). -define(recv5(P1, P2, P3, P4, P5), (fun() -> case R5 = recv(Config) of P1 -> insert(R5, 1, ?recv4(P2, P3, P4, P5)); P2 -> insert(R5, 2, ?recv4(P1, P3, P4, P5)); P3 -> insert(R5, 3, ?recv4(P1, P2, P4, P5)); P4 -> insert(R5, 4, ?recv4(P1, P2, P3, P5)); P5 -> insert(R5, 5, ?recv4(P1, P2, P3, P4)); V -> suite:match_failure([V], [P1, P2, P3, P4, P5]) end end)()). -define(COMMON_VHOST, <<"localhost">>). -define(MNESIA_VHOST, <<"mnesia.localhost">>). -define(REDIS_VHOST, <<"redis.localhost">>). -define(MYSQL_VHOST, <<"mysql.localhost">>). -define(PGSQL_VHOST, <<"pgsql.localhost">>). -define(SQLITE_VHOST, <<"sqlite.localhost">>). -define(LDAP_VHOST, <<"ldap.localhost">>). -define(EXTAUTH_VHOST, <<"extauth.localhost">>). -define(RIAK_VHOST, <<"riak.localhost">>). -define(S2S_VHOST, <<"s2s.localhost">>). insert(Val, N, Tuple) -> L = tuple_to_list(Tuple), {H, T} = lists:split(N-1, L), list_to_tuple(H ++ [Val|T]).