%%%------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Author : Evgeny Khramtsov %%% Created : 7 Nov 2016 by Evgeny Khramtsov %%% %%% %%% ejabberd, Copyright (C) 2002-2017 ProcessOne %%% %%% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or %%% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as %%% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the %%% License, or (at your option) any later version. %%% %%% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, %%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of %%% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU %%% General Public License for more details. %%% %%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along %%% with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., %%% 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. %%% %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(offline_tests). %% API -compile(export_all). -import(suite, [send/2, disconnect/1, my_jid/1, send_recv/2, recv_message/1, get_features/1, recv/1, get_event/1, server_jid/1, wait_for_master/1, wait_for_slave/1]). -include("suite.hrl"). %%%=================================================================== %%% API %%%=================================================================== single_cases() -> {offline_single, [sequence], [single_test(feature_enabled), single_test(check_identity), single_test(send_non_existent), single_test(view_non_existent), single_test(remove_non_existent), single_test(view_non_integer), single_test(remove_non_integer), single_test(malformed_iq), single_test(wrong_user), single_test(unsupported_iq)]}. feature_enabled(Config) -> Features = get_features(Config), ct:comment("Checking if offline features are set"), true = lists:member(?NS_FEATURE_MSGOFFLINE, Features), true = lists:member(?NS_FLEX_OFFLINE, Features), disconnect(Config). check_identity(Config) -> #iq{type = result, sub_els = [#disco_info{ node = ?NS_FLEX_OFFLINE, identities = Ids}]} = send_recv(Config, #iq{type = get, sub_els = [#disco_info{ node = ?NS_FLEX_OFFLINE}]}), true = lists:any( fun(#identity{category = <<"automation">>, type = <<"message-list">>}) -> true; (_) -> false end, Ids), disconnect(Config). send_non_existent(Config) -> Server = ?config(server, Config), To = jid:make(<<"non-existent">>, Server), #message{type = error} = Err = send_recv(Config, #message{to = To}), #stanza_error{reason = 'service-unavailable'} = xmpp:get_error(Err), disconnect(Config). view_non_existent(Config) -> #stanza_error{reason = 'item-not-found'} = view(Config, [randoms:get_string()], false), disconnect(Config). remove_non_existent(Config) -> ok = remove(Config, [randoms:get_string()]), disconnect(Config). view_non_integer(Config) -> #stanza_error{reason = 'item-not-found'} = view(Config, [<<"foo">>], false), disconnect(Config). remove_non_integer(Config) -> #stanza_error{reason = 'item-not-found'} = remove(Config, [<<"foo">>]), disconnect(Config). malformed_iq(Config) -> Item = #offline_item{node = randoms:get_string()}, Range = [{Type, SubEl} || Type <- [set, get], SubEl <- [#offline{items = [], _ = false}, #offline{items = [Item], _ = true}]] ++ [{set, #offline{items = [], fetch = true, purge = false}}, {set, #offline{items = [Item], fetch = true, purge = false}}, {get, #offline{items = [], fetch = false, purge = true}}, {get, #offline{items = [Item], fetch = false, purge = true}}], lists:foreach( fun({Type, SubEl}) -> #iq{type = error} = Err = send_recv(Config, #iq{type = Type, sub_els = [SubEl]}), #stanza_error{reason = 'bad-request'} = xmpp:get_error(Err) end, Range), disconnect(Config). wrong_user(Config) -> Server = ?config(server, Config), To = jid:make(<<"foo">>, Server), Item = #offline_item{node = randoms:get_string()}, Range = [{Type, Items, Purge, Fetch} || Type <- [set, get], Items <- [[], [Item]], Purge <- [false, true], Fetch <- [false, true]], lists:foreach( fun({Type, Items, Purge, Fetch}) -> #iq{type = error} = Err = send_recv(Config, #iq{type = Type, to = To, sub_els = [#offline{items = Items, purge = Purge, fetch = Fetch}]}), #stanza_error{reason = 'forbidden'} = xmpp:get_error(Err) end, Range), disconnect(Config). unsupported_iq(Config) -> Item = #offline_item{node = randoms:get_string()}, lists:foreach( fun(Type) -> #iq{type = error} = Err = send_recv(Config, #iq{type = Type, sub_els = [Item]}), #stanza_error{reason = 'service-unavailable'} = xmpp:get_error(Err) end, [set, get]), disconnect(Config). %%%=================================================================== %%% Master-slave tests %%%=================================================================== master_slave_cases() -> {offline_master_slave, [sequence], [master_slave_test(flex), master_slave_test(send_all)]}. flex_master(Config) -> send_messages(Config, 5), disconnect(Config). flex_slave(Config) -> wait_for_master(Config), peer_down = get_event(Config), 5 = get_number(Config), Nodes = get_nodes(Config), %% Since headers are received we can send initial presence without a risk %% of getting offline messages flood #presence{} = send_recv(Config, #presence{}), ct:comment("Checking fetch"), Nodes = fetch(Config, lists:seq(1, 5)), ct:comment("Fetching 2nd and 4th message"), [2, 4] = view(Config, [lists:nth(2, Nodes), lists:nth(4, Nodes)]), ct:comment("Deleting 2nd and 4th message"), ok = remove(Config, [lists:nth(2, Nodes), lists:nth(4, Nodes)]), ct:comment("Checking if messages were deleted"), [1, 3, 5] = view(Config, [lists:nth(1, Nodes), lists:nth(3, Nodes), lists:nth(5, Nodes)]), ct:comment("Purging everything left"), ok = purge(Config), ct:comment("Checking if there are no offline messages"), 0 = get_number(Config), clean(disconnect(Config)). send_all_master(Config) -> wait_for_slave(Config), Peer = ?config(peer, Config), BarePeer = jid:remove_resource(Peer), {Deliver, Errors} = message_iterator(Config), N = lists:foldl( fun(#message{type = error} = Msg, Acc) -> send(Config, Msg#message{to = BarePeer}), Acc; (Msg, Acc) -> I = send(Config, Msg#message{to = BarePeer}), case xmpp:get_subtag(Msg, #xevent{}) of #xevent{offline = true, id = undefined} -> ct:comment("Receiving event-reply for:~n~s", [xmpp:pp(Msg)]), #message{} = Reply = recv_message(Config), #xevent{id = I} = xmpp:get_subtag(Reply, #xevent{}); _ -> ok end, Acc + 1 end, 0, Deliver), lists:foreach( fun(Msg) -> #message{type = error} = Err = send_recv(Config, Msg#message{to = BarePeer}), #stanza_error{reason = 'service-unavailable'} = xmpp:get_error(Err) end, Errors), ok = wait_for_complete(Config, N), disconnect(Config). send_all_slave(Config) -> ServerJID = server_jid(Config), Peer = ?config(peer, Config), wait_for_master(Config), peer_down = get_event(Config), #presence{} = send_recv(Config, #presence{}), {Deliver, _Errors} = message_iterator(Config), lists:foreach( fun(#message{type = error}) -> ok; (#message{type = Type, body = Body, subject = Subject} = Msg) -> ct:comment("Receiving message:~n~s", [xmpp:pp(Msg)]), #message{from = Peer, type = Type, body = Body, subject = Subject} = RecvMsg = recv_message(Config), ct:comment("Checking if delay tag is correctly set"), #delay{from = ServerJID} = xmpp:get_subtag(RecvMsg, #delay{}) end, Deliver), disconnect(Config). %%%=================================================================== %%% Internal functions %%%=================================================================== single_test(T) -> list_to_atom("offline_" ++ atom_to_list(T)). master_slave_test(T) -> {list_to_atom("offline_" ++ atom_to_list(T)), [parallel], [list_to_atom("offline_" ++ atom_to_list(T) ++ "_master"), list_to_atom("offline_" ++ atom_to_list(T) ++ "_slave")]}. clean(Config) -> {U, S, _} = jid:tolower(my_jid(Config)), mod_offline:remove_user(U, S), Config. send_messages(Config, Num) -> send_messages(Config, Num, normal, []). send_messages(Config, Num, Type, SubEls) -> wait_for_slave(Config), Peer = ?config(peer, Config), BarePeer = jid:remove_resource(Peer), lists:foreach( fun(I) -> Body = integer_to_binary(I), send(Config, #message{to = BarePeer, type = Type, body = [#text{data = Body}], subject = [#text{data = <<"subject">>}], sub_els = SubEls}) end, lists:seq(1, Num)), ct:comment("Waiting for all messages to be delivered to offline spool"), ok = wait_for_complete(Config, Num). recv_messages(Config, Num) -> wait_for_master(Config), peer_down = get_event(Config), Peer = ?config(peer, Config), #presence{} = send_recv(Config, #presence{}), lists:foreach( fun(I) -> Text = integer_to_binary(I), #message{sub_els = SubEls, from = Peer, body = [#text{data = Text}], subject = [#text{data = <<"subject">>}]} = recv_message(Config), true = lists:keymember(delay, 1, SubEls) end, lists:seq(1, Num)), clean(disconnect(Config)). get_number(Config) -> ct:comment("Getting offline message number"), #iq{type = result, sub_els = [#disco_info{ node = ?NS_FLEX_OFFLINE, xdata = [X]}]} = send_recv(Config, #iq{type = get, sub_els = [#disco_info{ node = ?NS_FLEX_OFFLINE}]}), Form = flex_offline:decode(X#xdata.fields), proplists:get_value(number_of_messages, Form). get_nodes(Config) -> MyJID = my_jid(Config), MyBareJID = jid:remove_resource(MyJID), Peer = ?config(peer, Config), Peer_s = jid:to_string(Peer), ct:comment("Getting headers"), #iq{type = result, sub_els = [#disco_items{ node = ?NS_FLEX_OFFLINE, items = DiscoItems}]} = send_recv(Config, #iq{type = get, sub_els = [#disco_items{ node = ?NS_FLEX_OFFLINE}]}), ct:comment("Checking if headers are correct"), lists:sort( lists:map( fun(#disco_item{jid = J, name = P, node = N}) when (J == MyBareJID) and (P == Peer_s) -> N end, DiscoItems)). fetch(Config, Range) -> ID = send(Config, #iq{type = get, sub_els = [#offline{fetch = true}]}), Nodes = lists:map( fun(I) -> Text = integer_to_binary(I), #message{body = Body, sub_els = SubEls} = recv(Config), [#text{data = Text}] = Body, #offline{items = [#offline_item{node = Node}]} = lists:keyfind(offline, 1, SubEls), #delay{} = lists:keyfind(delay, 1, SubEls), Node end, Range), #iq{id = ID, type = result, sub_els = []} = recv(Config), Nodes. view(Config, Nodes) -> view(Config, Nodes, true). view(Config, Nodes, NeedReceive) -> Items = lists:map( fun(Node) -> #offline_item{action = view, node = Node} end, Nodes), I = send(Config, #iq{type = get, sub_els = [#offline{items = Items}]}), Range = if NeedReceive -> lists:map( fun(Node) -> #message{body = [#text{data = Text}], sub_els = SubEls} = recv(Config), #offline{items = [#offline_item{node = Node}]} = lists:keyfind(offline, 1, SubEls), binary_to_integer(Text) end, Nodes); true -> [] end, case recv(Config) of #iq{id = I, type = result, sub_els = []} -> Range; #iq{id = I, type = error} = Err -> xmpp:get_error(Err) end. remove(Config, Nodes) -> Items = lists:map( fun(Node) -> #offline_item{action = remove, node = Node} end, Nodes), case send_recv(Config, #iq{type = set, sub_els = [#offline{items = Items}]}) of #iq{type = result, sub_els = []} -> ok; #iq{type = error} = Err -> xmpp:get_error(Err) end. purge(Config) -> case send_recv(Config, #iq{type = set, sub_els = [#offline{purge = true}]}) of #iq{type = result, sub_els = []} -> ok; #iq{type = error} = Err -> xmpp:get_error(Err) end. wait_for_complete(_Config, 0) -> ok; wait_for_complete(Config, N) -> {U, S, _} = jid:tolower(?config(peer, Config)), lists:foldl( fun(_Time, ok) -> ok; (Time, Acc) -> timer:sleep(Time), case mod_offline:count_offline_messages(U, S) of N -> ok; _ -> Acc end end, error, [0, 100, 200, 2000, 5000, 10000]). message_iterator(Config) -> ServerJID = server_jid(Config), ChatStates = [[#chatstate{type = composing}]], Offline = [[#offline{}]], Hints = [[#hint{type = T}] || T <- [store, 'no-store']], XEvent = [[#xevent{id = ID, offline = OfflineFlag}] || ID <- [undefined, randoms:get_string()], OfflineFlag <- [false, true]], Delay = [[#delay{stamp = p1_time_compat:timestamp(), from = ServerJID}]], AllEls = [Els1 ++ Els2 || Els1 <- [[]] ++ ChatStates ++ Delay ++ Hints ++ Offline, Els2 <- [[]] ++ XEvent], All = [#message{type = Type, body = Body, subject = Subject, sub_els = Els} || %%Type <- [chat], Type <- [error, chat, normal, groupchat, headline], Body <- [[], xmpp:mk_text(<<"body">>)], Subject <- [[], xmpp:mk_text(<<"subject">>)], Els <- AllEls], lists:partition( fun(#message{type = error}) -> true; (#message{sub_els = [#offline{}|_]}) -> false; (#message{sub_els = [_, #xevent{id = I}]}) when I /= undefined -> false; (#message{sub_els = [#xevent{id = I}]}) when I /= undefined -> false; (#message{sub_els = [#hint{type = store}|_]}) -> true; (#message{sub_els = [#hint{type = 'no-store'}|_]}) -> false; (#message{body = [], subject = []}) -> false; (#message{type = Type}) -> (Type == chat) or (Type == normal); (_) -> false end, All).