-module(acme_challenge). -export ([ key_authorization/2, solve_challenge/3 ]). %% Challenge Types %% ================ %% 1. http-01: https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-acme-acme-05#section-7.2 %% 2. dns-01: https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-acme-acme-05#section-7.3 %% 3. tls-sni-01: https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-acme-acme-05#section-7.4 %% 4. (?) oob-01: https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-acme-acme-05#section-7.5 -include("ejabberd.hrl"). -include("logger.hrl"). -include("xmpp.hrl"). -include("ejabberd_acme.hrl"). -spec key_authorization(string(), jose_jwk:key()) -> bitstring(). key_authorization(Token, Key) -> Thumbprint = jose_jwk:thumbprint(Key), %% ?INFO_MSG("Thumbprint: ~p~n", [Thumbprint]), KeyAuthorization = erlang:iolist_to_binary([Token, <<".">>, Thumbprint]), KeyAuthorization. -spec parse_challenge({proplist()}) -> {ok, acme_challenge()} | {error, _}. parse_challenge(Challenge0) -> try {Challenge} = Challenge0, {<<"type">>,Type} = proplists:lookup(<<"type">>, Challenge), {<<"status">>,Status} = proplists:lookup(<<"status">>, Challenge), {<<"uri">>,Uri} = proplists:lookup(<<"uri">>, Challenge), {<<"token">>,Token} = proplists:lookup(<<"token">>, Challenge), Res = #challenge{ type = Type, status = list_to_atom(bitstring_to_list(Status)), uri = bitstring_to_list(Uri), token = Token }, {ok, Res} catch _:Error -> {error, Error} end. -spec solve_challenge(bitstring(), [{proplist()}], _) -> {ok, url(), bitstring()} | {error, _}. solve_challenge(ChallengeType, Challenges, Options) -> ParsedChallenges = [parse_challenge(Chall) || Chall <- Challenges], case lists:any(fun is_error/1, ParsedChallenges) of true -> ?ERROR_MSG("Error parsing challenges: ~p~n", [Challenges]), {error, parse_challenge}; false -> case [C || {ok, C} <- ParsedChallenges, is_challenge_type(ChallengeType, C)] of [Challenge] -> solve_challenge1(Challenge, Options); _ -> ?ERROR_MSG("Challenge ~p not found in challenges: ~p~n", [ChallengeType, Challenges]), {error, not_found} end end. -spec solve_challenge1(acme_challenge(), _) -> {ok, url(), bitstring()} | {error, _}. solve_challenge1(Chal = #challenge{type = <<"http-01">>, token=Tkn}, {Key, HttpDir}) -> KeyAuthz = key_authorization(Tkn, Key), FileLocation = HttpDir ++ "/.well-known/acme-challenge/" ++ bitstring_to_list(Tkn), case file:write_file(FileLocation, KeyAuthz) of ok -> {ok, Chal#challenge.uri, KeyAuthz}; {error, _} = Err -> ?ERROR_MSG("Error writing to file: ~s with reason: ~p~n", [FileLocation, Err]), Err end; %% TODO: Fill stub solve_challenge1(Challenge, _Key) -> ?INFO_MSG("Challenge: ~p~n", [Challenge]). %% Useful functions is_challenge_type(DesiredType, #challenge{type = Type}) when DesiredType =:= Type -> true; is_challenge_type(_DesiredType, #challenge{type = _Type}) -> false. is_error({error, _}) -> true; is_error(_) -> false.