%%%------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Author : Evgeny Khramtsov %%% Created : 13 Sep 2017 by Evgeny Khramtsov %%% %%% %%% ejabberd, Copyright (C) 2002-2024 ProcessOne %%% %%% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or %%% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as %%% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the %%% License, or (at your option) any later version. %%% %%% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, %%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of %%% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU %%% General Public License for more details. %%% %%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along %%% with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., %%% 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. %%% %%%------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(mod_avatar). -behaviour(gen_mod). -protocol({xep, 398, '0.2.0', '18.03', "complete", ""}). %% gen_mod API -export([start/2, stop/1, reload/3, depends/2, mod_opt_type/1, mod_options/1]). -export([mod_doc/0]). %% Hooks -export([pubsub_publish_item/6, vcard_iq_convert/1, vcard_iq_publish/1, get_sm_features/5]). -include_lib("xmpp/include/xmpp.hrl"). -include("logger.hrl"). -include("pubsub.hrl"). -include("translate.hrl"). -type avatar_id_meta() :: #{avatar_meta => {binary(), avatar_meta()}}. -opaque convert_rule() :: {default | eimp:img_type(), eimp:img_type()}. -export_type([convert_rule/0]). %%%=================================================================== %%% API %%%=================================================================== start(_Host, _Opts) -> {ok, [{hook, pubsub_publish_item, pubsub_publish_item, 50}, {hook, vcard_iq_set, vcard_iq_convert, 30}, {hook, vcard_iq_set, vcard_iq_publish, 100}, {hook, disco_sm_features, get_sm_features, 50}]}. stop(_Host) -> ok. reload(_Host, _NewOpts, _OldOpts) -> ok. depends(_Host, _Opts) -> [{mod_vcard, hard}, {mod_vcard_xupdate, hard}, {mod_pubsub, hard}]. %%%=================================================================== %%% Hooks %%%=================================================================== -spec pubsub_publish_item(binary(), binary(), jid(), jid(), binary(), [xmlel()]) -> ok. pubsub_publish_item(LServer, ?NS_AVATAR_METADATA, #jid{luser = LUser, lserver = LServer} = From, #jid{luser = LUser, lserver = LServer} = Host, ItemId, [Payload|_]) -> try xmpp:decode(Payload) of #avatar_meta{info = []} -> delete_vcard_avatar(From); #avatar_meta{info = Info} -> Rules = mod_avatar_opt:convert(LServer), case get_meta_info(Info, Rules) of #avatar_info{type = MimeType, id = ID, url = <<"">>} = I -> case get_avatar_data(Host, ID) of {ok, Data} -> Meta = #avatar_meta{info = [I]}, Photo = #vcard_photo{type = MimeType, binval = Data}, set_vcard_avatar(From, Photo, #{avatar_meta => {ID, Meta}}); {error, _} -> ok end; #avatar_info{type = MimeType, url = URL} -> Photo = #vcard_photo{type = MimeType, extval = URL}, set_vcard_avatar(From, Photo, #{}) end; _ -> ?WARNING_MSG("Invalid avatar metadata of ~ts@~ts published " "with item id ~ts", [LUser, LServer, ItemId]) catch _:{xmpp_codec, Why} -> ?WARNING_MSG("Failed to decode avatar metadata of ~ts@~ts: ~ts", [LUser, LServer, xmpp:format_error(Why)]) end; pubsub_publish_item(_, _, _, _, _, _) -> ok. -spec vcard_iq_convert(iq()) -> iq() | {stop, stanza_error()}. vcard_iq_convert(#iq{from = From, lang = Lang, sub_els = [VCard]} = IQ) -> #jid{luser = LUser, lserver = LServer} = From, case convert_avatar(LUser, LServer, VCard) of {ok, MimeType, Data} -> VCard1 = VCard#vcard_temp{ photo = #vcard_photo{type = MimeType, binval = Data}}, IQ#iq{sub_els = [VCard1]}; pass -> IQ; {error, Reason} -> stop_with_error(Lang, Reason) end; vcard_iq_convert(Acc) -> Acc. -spec vcard_iq_publish(iq()) -> iq() | {stop, stanza_error()}. vcard_iq_publish(#iq{sub_els = [#vcard_temp{photo = undefined}]} = IQ) -> publish_avatar(IQ, #avatar_meta{}, <<>>, <<>>, <<>>); vcard_iq_publish(#iq{sub_els = [#vcard_temp{ photo = #vcard_photo{ type = MimeType, binval = Data}}]} = IQ) when is_binary(Data), Data /= <<>> -> SHA1 = str:sha(Data), M = get_avatar_meta(IQ), case M of {ok, SHA1, _} -> IQ; {ok, _ItemID, #avatar_meta{info = Info} = Meta} -> case lists:keyfind(SHA1, #avatar_info.id, Info) of #avatar_info{} -> IQ; false -> Info1 = lists:filter( fun(#avatar_info{url = URL}) -> URL /= <<"">> end, Info), Meta1 = Meta#avatar_meta{info = Info1}, publish_avatar(IQ, Meta1, MimeType, Data, SHA1) end; {error, _} -> publish_avatar(IQ, #avatar_meta{}, MimeType, Data, SHA1) end; vcard_iq_publish(Acc) -> Acc. -spec get_sm_features({error, stanza_error()} | empty | {result, [binary()]}, jid(), jid(), binary(), binary()) -> {error, stanza_error()} | empty | {result, [binary()]}. get_sm_features({error, _Error} = Acc, _From, _To, _Node, _Lang) -> Acc; get_sm_features(Acc, _From, _To, <<"">>, _Lang) -> {result, [?NS_PEP_VCARD_CONVERSION_0 | case Acc of {result, Features} -> Features; empty -> [] end]}; get_sm_features(Acc, _From, _To, _Node, _Lang) -> Acc. %%%=================================================================== %%% Internal functions %%%=================================================================== -spec get_meta_info([avatar_info()], [convert_rule()]) -> avatar_info(). get_meta_info(Info, Rules) -> case lists:foldl( fun(_, #avatar_info{} = Acc) -> Acc; (#avatar_info{url = URL}, Acc) when URL /= <<"">> -> Acc; (#avatar_info{} = I, _) when Rules == [] -> I; (#avatar_info{type = MimeType} = I, Acc) -> T = decode_mime_type(MimeType), case lists:keymember(T, 2, Rules) of true -> I; false -> case convert_to_type(T, Rules) of undefined -> Acc; _ -> [I|Acc] end end end, [], Info) of #avatar_info{} = I -> I; [] -> hd(Info); Is -> hd(lists:reverse(Is)) end. -spec get_avatar_data(jid(), binary()) -> {ok, binary()} | {error, notfound | invalid_data | internal_error}. get_avatar_data(JID, ItemID) -> {LUser, LServer, _} = LBJID = jid:remove_resource(jid:tolower(JID)), case mod_pubsub:get_item(LBJID, ?NS_AVATAR_DATA, ItemID) of #pubsub_item{payload = [Payload|_]} -> try xmpp:decode(Payload) of #avatar_data{data = Data} -> {ok, Data}; _ -> ?WARNING_MSG("Invalid avatar data detected " "for ~ts@~ts with item id ~ts", [LUser, LServer, ItemID]), {error, invalid_data} catch _:{xmpp_codec, Why} -> ?WARNING_MSG("Failed to decode avatar data for " "~ts@~ts with item id ~ts: ~ts", [LUser, LServer, ItemID, xmpp:format_error(Why)]), {error, invalid_data} end; #pubsub_item{payload = []} -> ?WARNING_MSG("Empty avatar data detected " "for ~ts@~ts with item id ~ts", [LUser, LServer, ItemID]), {error, invalid_data}; {error, #stanza_error{reason = 'item-not-found'}} -> {error, notfound}; {error, Reason} -> ?WARNING_MSG("Failed to get item for ~ts@~ts at node ~ts " "with item id ~ts: ~p", [LUser, LServer, ?NS_AVATAR_METADATA, ItemID, Reason]), {error, internal_error} end. -spec get_avatar_meta(iq()) -> {ok, binary(), avatar_meta()} | {error, notfound | invalid_metadata | internal_error}. get_avatar_meta(#iq{meta = #{avatar_meta := {ItemID, Meta}}}) -> {ok, ItemID, Meta}; get_avatar_meta(#iq{from = JID}) -> {LUser, LServer, _} = LBJID = jid:remove_resource(jid:tolower(JID)), case mod_pubsub:get_items(LBJID, ?NS_AVATAR_METADATA) of [#pubsub_item{itemid = {ItemID, _}, payload = [Payload|_]}|_] -> try xmpp:decode(Payload) of #avatar_meta{} = Meta -> {ok, ItemID, Meta}; _ -> ?WARNING_MSG("Invalid metadata payload detected " "for ~ts@~ts with item id ~ts", [LUser, LServer, ItemID]), {error, invalid_metadata} catch _:{xmpp_codec, Why} -> ?WARNING_MSG("Failed to decode metadata for " "~ts@~ts with item id ~ts: ~ts", [LUser, LServer, ItemID, xmpp:format_error(Why)]), {error, invalid_metadata} end; {error, #stanza_error{reason = 'item-not-found'}} -> {error, notfound}; {error, Reason} -> ?WARNING_MSG("Failed to get items for ~ts@~ts at node ~ts: ~p", [LUser, LServer, ?NS_AVATAR_METADATA, Reason]), {error, internal_error} end. -spec publish_avatar(iq(), avatar_meta(), binary(), binary(), binary()) -> iq() | {stop, stanza_error()}. publish_avatar(#iq{from = JID} = IQ, Meta, <<>>, <<>>, <<>>) -> {_, LServer, _} = LBJID = jid:remove_resource(jid:tolower(JID)), case mod_pubsub:publish_item( LBJID, LServer, ?NS_AVATAR_METADATA, JID, <<>>, [xmpp:encode(Meta)]) of {result, _} -> IQ; {error, StanzaErr} -> {stop, StanzaErr} end; publish_avatar(#iq{from = JID} = IQ, Meta, MimeType, Data, ItemID) -> #avatar_meta{info = Info} = Meta, {_, LServer, _} = LBJID = jid:remove_resource(jid:tolower(JID)), Payload = xmpp:encode(#avatar_data{data = Data}), case mod_pubsub:publish_item( LBJID, LServer, ?NS_AVATAR_DATA, JID, ItemID, [Payload]) of {result, _} -> {W, H} = case eimp:identify(Data) of {ok, ImgInfo} -> {proplists:get_value(width, ImgInfo), proplists:get_value(height, ImgInfo)}; _ -> {undefined, undefined} end, I = #avatar_info{id = ItemID, width = W, height = H, type = MimeType, bytes = size(Data)}, Meta1 = Meta#avatar_meta{info = [I|Info]}, case mod_pubsub:publish_item( LBJID, LServer, ?NS_AVATAR_METADATA, JID, ItemID, [xmpp:encode(Meta1)]) of {result, _} -> IQ; {error, StanzaErr} -> ?ERROR_MSG("Failed to publish avatar metadata for ~ts: ~p", [jid:encode(JID), StanzaErr]), {stop, StanzaErr} end; {error, #stanza_error{reason = 'not-acceptable'} = StanzaErr} -> ?WARNING_MSG("Failed to publish avatar data for ~ts: ~p", [jid:encode(JID), StanzaErr]), {stop, StanzaErr}; {error, StanzaErr} -> ?ERROR_MSG("Failed to publish avatar data for ~ts: ~p", [jid:encode(JID), StanzaErr]), {stop, StanzaErr} end. -spec convert_avatar(binary(), binary(), vcard_temp()) -> {ok, binary(), binary()} | {error, eimp:error_reason() | base64_error} | pass. convert_avatar(LUser, LServer, VCard) -> case mod_avatar_opt:convert(LServer) of [] -> pass; Rules -> case VCard#vcard_temp.photo of #vcard_photo{binval = Data} when is_binary(Data) -> convert_avatar(LUser, LServer, Data, Rules); _ -> pass end end. -spec convert_avatar(binary(), binary(), binary(), [convert_rule()]) -> {ok, binary(), binary()} | {error, eimp:error_reason()} | pass. convert_avatar(LUser, LServer, Data, Rules) -> Type = get_type(Data), NewType = convert_to_type(Type, Rules), if NewType == undefined -> pass; true -> ?DEBUG("Converting avatar of ~ts@~ts: ~ts -> ~ts", [LUser, LServer, Type, NewType]), RateLimit = mod_avatar_opt:rate_limit(LServer), Opts = [{limit_by, {LUser, LServer}}, {rate_limit, RateLimit}], case eimp:convert(Data, NewType, Opts) of {ok, NewData} -> {ok, encode_mime_type(NewType), NewData}; {error, Reason} = Err -> ?ERROR_MSG("Failed to convert avatar of " "~ts@~ts (~ts -> ~ts): ~ts", [LUser, LServer, Type, NewType, eimp:format_error(Reason)]), Err end end. -spec set_vcard_avatar(jid(), vcard_photo() | undefined, avatar_id_meta()) -> ok. set_vcard_avatar(JID, VCardPhoto, Meta) -> case get_vcard(JID) of {ok, #vcard_temp{photo = VCardPhoto}} -> ok; {ok, VCard} -> VCard1 = VCard#vcard_temp{photo = VCardPhoto}, IQ = #iq{from = JID, to = JID, id = p1_rand:get_string(), type = set, sub_els = [VCard1], meta = Meta}, LServer = JID#jid.lserver, ejabberd_hooks:run_fold(vcard_iq_set, LServer, IQ, []), ok; {error, _} -> ok end. -spec delete_vcard_avatar(jid()) -> ok. delete_vcard_avatar(JID) -> set_vcard_avatar(JID, undefined, #{}). -spec get_vcard(jid()) -> {ok, vcard_temp()} | {error, invalid_vcard}. get_vcard(#jid{luser = LUser, lserver = LServer}) -> VCardEl = case mod_vcard:get_vcard(LUser, LServer) of [El] -> El; _ -> #vcard_temp{} end, try xmpp:decode(VCardEl, ?NS_VCARD, []) of #vcard_temp{} = VCard -> {ok, VCard}; _ -> ?ERROR_MSG("Invalid vCard of ~ts@~ts in the database", [LUser, LServer]), {error, invalid_vcard} catch _:{xmpp_codec, Why} -> ?ERROR_MSG("Failed to decode vCard of ~ts@~ts: ~ts", [LUser, LServer, xmpp:format_error(Why)]), {error, invalid_vcard} end. -spec stop_with_error(binary(), eimp:error_reason()) -> {stop, stanza_error()}. stop_with_error(Lang, Reason) -> Txt = eimp:format_error(Reason), {stop, xmpp:err_internal_server_error(Txt, Lang)}. -spec get_type(binary()) -> eimp:img_type() | unknown. get_type(Data) -> eimp:get_type(Data). -spec convert_to_type(eimp:img_type() | unknown, [convert_rule()]) -> eimp:img_type() | undefined. convert_to_type(unknown, _Rules) -> undefined; convert_to_type(Type, Rules) -> case proplists:get_value(Type, Rules) of undefined -> proplists:get_value(default, Rules); Type -> undefined; T -> T end. -spec decode_mime_type(binary()) -> eimp:img_type() | unknown. decode_mime_type(MimeType) -> case str:to_lower(MimeType) of <<"image/jpeg">> -> jpeg; <<"image/png">> -> png; <<"image/webp">> -> webp; <<"image/gif">> -> gif; _ -> unknown end. -spec encode_mime_type(eimp:img_type()) -> binary(). encode_mime_type(Type) -> <<"image/", (atom_to_binary(Type, latin1))/binary>>. mod_opt_type(convert) -> case eimp:supported_formats() of [] -> fun(_) -> econf:fail(eimp_error) end; Formats -> econf:options( maps:from_list( [{Type, econf:enum(Formats)} || Type <- [default|Formats]])) end; mod_opt_type(rate_limit) -> econf:pos_int(). -spec mod_options(binary()) -> [{convert, [?MODULE:convert_rule()]} | {atom(), any()}]. mod_options(_) -> [{rate_limit, 10}, {convert, []}]. mod_doc() -> #{desc => [?T("The purpose of the module is to cope with legacy and modern " "XMPP clients posting avatars. The process is described in " "https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0398.html" "[XEP-0398: User Avatar to vCard-Based Avatars Conversion]."), "", ?T("Also, the module supports conversion between avatar " "image formats on the fly."), "", ?T("The module depends on _`mod_vcard`_, _`mod_vcard_xupdate`_ and " "_`mod_pubsub`_.")], opts => [{convert, #{value => "{From: To}", desc => ?T("Defines image conversion rules: the format in 'From' " "will be converted to format in 'To'. The value of 'From' " "can also be 'default', which is match-all rule. NOTE: " "the list of supported formats is detected at compile time " "depending on the image libraries installed in the system."), example => ["convert:", " webp: jpg", " default: png"]}}, {rate_limit, #{value => ?T("Number"), desc => ?T("Limit any given JID by the number of avatars it is able " "to convert per minute. This is to protect the server from " "image conversion DoS. The default value is '10'.")}}]}.